For the English-speaking fans, if anyone needs a translation of the lyrics. 若有人有需,這是非官方版的英文歌詞。翻譯有差請多多包涵! 從天空墜落的猛雷聲 Violent thunder that falls from the sky 打亂 了人生 Disrupts our lives 打碎 花樣的青春 Fractures our colourful youth 打散 了純真 Scatters our innocence 隨記憶塵封的嚎啕聲 The wails that are dustied by memory 沉澱 怨與恨~ Precipitates lament and hatred. 沉著 或許是福份 Inaction may be a blessing 沉淪 變幻的 愛的浮生 Sinking the change that is resurging love 看淡了絕望才不濃 無奈才不痛 Only by gazing over, can despair be diluted, can annoyance be painless. 敢親吻 下一陣風起和雲湧 Dare to kiss the next rush of wind and emotions 能幸福一分鐘 甚至一秒鐘 If you can be happy for a minute, even for a second 就快幸福吧 趁還能抱緊 未亡的夢 Then be fulfilled. Embrace the dread that's yet to die while you can 看淡了才不再奢求 才迎向自由 Only by gazing over, will you not desire for more, will you move towards freedom. 肯接受 只有無形的能不朽 Be willing to accept the amorphous eternity 用眼裡的空洞 去無視沉重 Use the emptiness in your eyes to overlook melancholy. 歲月不倒流 就讓淚倒流 醃漬離愁 Time does not turn back, so let your tears flow back, to wash away the sorrow