I almost cried watching this video, Ayane ちゃん🥺私は30過ぎてから英語が話せることへの憧れを抱き、34歳で半年間語学留学し、今40過ぎでも日本で学び続けてますがスピーキングスキル中々伸びないと感じていて。そんな中、Ayaneちゃんの動画に出会いました。Ayaneちゃんが話す英語はリズムや抑揚がとっても自然、かつ流暢で「すごい!また天才的な若者現れた!」と思ってました☺ そんなAyanaちゃんでも自身の英語力の伸びに悩むこともあるんだなーと思ってじ〜ん。でも今回の動画でも何がすごいかって、その今感じている複雑な感情や考えている事をシンプル且つロジカルに英語文法がぐちゃぐちゃにならずに話しているところ!本当にすごい👏私はそのレベルまで全く達してないです😁私は今は英語とプログラミングの勉強にチャレンジしてます。費やした時間とスキル習得は必ずしも比例しないけど、毎日、昨日の自分をほんの少し超えていけるよう時間を使うようにしてます。できなくて悩んでる自分に気が付いたら、その瞬間1分でも英語に触れる時間だと思って行動に移すようにしています。「完璧である必要はない」「無駄に悩まない」「軽々しく落ち込まない」「ずーっとは落ち込まない」を心に留めています。Ayanaちゃんやここにいる沢山のお友達と一緒に私も頑張っていこうと思います。応援してます!楽しくやっていこーーーー💐💐💐
I’m Japanese and studying English abroad. I came here after turning 30 years old. It’s much harder than I expected. I’m always overwhelmed by the difficulty of English. It’s difficult that put myself into English environment even abroad. I really admire you because I know that you’ve studied hard and kept up the effort. You speaks so fluently, yet still has struggles. It reminds me that language learning has no end. At the same time, watching you makes me feel hopeful that even as Japanese speaker, I might be able to speak English someday. Thank you for sharing your experiences. Let’s do our best💐
Please keep teaching me how you became fluent in English! I think expectations Japanese people have for someone who are able to speak English is unrealistically high. I just cannot believe how much you worked for English learning and your method is something I would like to follow.
💐Nice to meet you! I've been studying English alone for a long time, and to be honest, I was feeling a little discouraged. But thanks to your videos, I feel motivated to continue again!
💐💐💐 I really, really appreciate that you share your thought and feeling to us. I literally enjoy your videos, and I kind of feel same way to my English speaking skill as Japanese. It is a first time for me to make a comment on ANY KZbin video, but I could not stop myself to say that you and your videos always encourage me and you do not have to rush or work too hard. Yourself is more important, so take care and take your time to stay healthy:) I do not mean to pressure you, but I am looking forward seeing you again!
💐That you were able to show your weaknesses is your so strong point,I think. I’m an English teacher,but not perfect and special. I often have mistakes,,,,,but my students help me.I understood that I have to make efforts to be better and my students and I can be better in English together! I believe that is so nice for our the best. Anyway thank you for telling us inside of your mind 😢❤However you are is my Daisuki❤
Hi Ayane! I just found your video. You and your English are awesome. I was in Canada thankfully for 1 year til 3 months ago, then it was so hard to find the Japanese who can speak English with a beautiful pronunciation like yours. I feel like you have a great responsibility to share your experience and mind to be better yourself more and more. I really respect it. I don’t think I speak, write and listen to English perfectly but it’s okay. You just can share YOUR English and YOUR experience. If it has wrong contents that’s our responsibility whether we would believe or refer to it or not. I just would like to watch your video, inspire me and reach your English level. So don’t worry about it, thank you for sharing your feeling though🥰 p.s. I appreciate it you gave me an opportunity to listen and type English💐 I’m lack of studying English recently.. I’m looking forward to watch next video!
I’ve been watching your videos lately, all of the videos are just amazing! I can’t stop scrolling Today, I learned a word “unconditionally “which means 「無条件に」from you. Than you for making me feel that English is fun.💐
@riwasagara Жыл бұрын
@Kyou_miipan_suki Жыл бұрын
投稿ありがとうございます。応援してます!💐 I want to be like you. 拙い英語すみません。頑張ります!
@kojigwapo3038 Жыл бұрын
We all sometimes find ourselves in a situation where there is nothing we can do to make things better. What I think people who are high achievers have that others don't is the ability to stare nakedly at our inadequacies when things go harder. Arguably, you have the great ability and growth mind set to accomplish what seems to be nearly impossible to others at your age by taking full responsibilities for your progress without resorting to extrinsic reasons that held you back. That's rad.