Русская версия 00:00:01 старт 00:00:42 Приветствую 00:01:40 Самостоятельное введение 00:02:32 Сакэ 00:08:49 🌿 Первый тур 🌿 00:09:27 Сладкое саке с небольшим содержанием алкоголя 00:10:56 Короне-семпай побежден 00:11:10 Старший Ноэль с эхом 00:12:09 Установка того, что проголосовавшего не видно 00:12:53 Я чувствую, что шагаю тяжело 00:13:15 Мико-семпай подозрительный 00:12:32 Мико-семпай, который становится младенцем 00:14:50 Рами подозрительный 00:16:33 Капитан, увидевший момент удара 00:17:43 Изгнание старшего Окаю 00:18:52 Окаю старшая, которая хочет в туалет 00:21:28 🌿 Второй тур 🌿 00:22:47 Дождливый день в плакате 00:22:46 Серьезный недостаток 00:23:53 Поражение Короне-семпай 00:24:47 Обнаружена Короне-семпай 00:26:09 Проголосовал по ошибке 00:26:42 Причины голосования за Робоко-семпая 00:28:40 Мико-семпай признается 00:29:21 Победить Мико-семпая 00:29:35 Кислородная победа! !! 00:29:57 Совсем не замечено 00:31:42 Потому что Рождество, я съем курицу 00:32:08 Вы едите закуски что ли? 00:33:33 🌿 3 тур 🌿 00:34:20 Лами и Широн не знают карту 00:34:26 Победить Ноэля-семпая 00:36:04 Победить Мико-семпая 00:36:09 Мико-семпай обнаружен 00:38:00 я не знаю что делать 00:38:38 Победить Короне-семпай 00:38:47 Я съем курицу, оставь это в покое 00:39:47 Победить Робоко-семпая и победить 00:40:32 Старший Ноэль и капитан идут в туалет 00:40:47 хочу обсудить 00:41:14 Это онлайн-пьянка 00:42:13 🌿 4-я гонка 🌿 00:43:33 Я боюсь Робоко-семпая 00:44:10 Старший Ноэль обнаружен 00:44:32 Я слушал рассказ, но не понял, поэтому съел курицу. 00:46:55 Обнаружен капитан Марин 00:47:17 Вы слышали голос Рами? 00:49:32 Рождество почти закончилось 00:49:44 Споем рождественскую песню! 00:49:55 Звук нарушен 00:50:20 🌿 5-я игра 🌿 00:52:15 Откройте для себя Короне-семпай 00:53:34 Ох ... 00:55:23 Тройная скорость игрока 00:56:24 🌿 6 тур 🌿 00:56:39 Мои ноги слишком быстрые 00:57:40 Широн побежден 00:57:51 Теория разгула из-за несоответствия стандарту 00:58:08 Широн обнаружен 01:01:08 Короне-семпай подозрительный 01:02:45 Обнаружен капитан Марин 01:04:32 Мико-семпай все еще жив! ?? 01:05:38 Я думаю, старший Ноэль подозрительный 01:06:31 Время туалета 01:10:06 🌿 7 тур 🌿 01:11:08 Окаю-семпай умеет 01:11:40 Широн открыт 01:16:44 Короне-семпай убит 01:16:40 Я видел сцену, где я победил своего старшего 01:20:03 Мико-семпай боится 01:21:52 Боюсь, что Окаю-семпай устроит засаду перед кнопкой 01:24:02 Стандартная скорость кажется медленной 01:25:27 🌿 8 гонка 🌿 01:27:13 Я нашла старшего 01:29:16 Было бы здорово, если бы Робоко-семпай был человеческим волком 01:29:34 Побежденный дождливым днем Робоко-старший 01:31:24 Мико-семпай идет 01:31:35 Широн обнаружен 01:32:51 Кто-то голосует за Робоко-семпая 01:34:47 Лами получил 2 голоса 01:35:27 Я засыпаю, если не сделаю вывод 01:35:21 Ноэль подозрительный 01:36:39 Старшего Ноэля изгнали 01:37:51 Мико-семпай не заметили 01:38:22 Как-то каша пушистая старшая 01:39:55 🌿 9 тур 🌿 01:42:23 Обнаружил Мико-семпай 01:43:58 Похоже, экран старшего Окаю не отражается 01:45:40 Победил Робоко-старший 01:46:08 Обнаружил старший Ноэль 01:49:00 Я уже засыпаю 01:48:16 На кнопку никто не нажимает 01:49:57 Я забыл сделать задание 01:50:35 Победил и проиграл 01:52:45 Лами - старшая мама Луны 01:54:36 Перекличка 01:55:07 Выход, потому что старший Ноэль упал 01:55:58 🌿 10 гонка 🌿 01:57:21 Обнаружен Марин-семпай 01:58:30 Эхо захватывает Ноэль-семпай 02:00:18 Я боюсь Робоко-семпая 02:02:40 Робоко-семпай и Окаю-семпай были разделены, поэтому я перезвонил им. 02:05:51 Нажми на кнопку, возможно, она была сбита 02:08:39 Ой ... 02:09:36 Время туалета 02:09:52 Количество выпитого спиртного 02:10:21 Много младенцев 02:11:48 🌿 11 гонка 🌿 02:13:21 Короне-семпай нажимает кнопку 02:14:21 Доказательств нет, но Мико изгнан 02:15:51 Ээ ... 02:17:27 🌿 12 гонка 🌿 02:17:59 Победить Мико-семпая 02:18:20 Шанс съесть курицу 02:18:30 Мико-семпай обнаружен 02:19:40 Старших почему-то высылают 02:21:26 Победить Робоко-семпая 02:21:48 6 человек разгромили в кратчайшие сроки 02:23:06 Стандартная скорость кажется медленной 02:24:11 🌿 13 гонка 🌿 02:24:46 Обрежьте комментарий, чтобы не видеть комментарий 02:25:40 Мико-семпай снова побежден 02:27:56 Я боюсь Марин-семпая, поэтому собираюсь нажать кнопку. 02:31:57 Подтверждение людей, не выполнивших задачу 02:33:26 Коронэ-семпай побежден 02:34:45 Капитан Марин слишком напуган 02:36:56 Удалите задачу безопасно! !! 02:38:24 🌿 14 гонка 🌿 02:38:27 Я больше не хочу, чтобы ты обыграл его первым ходом 02:38:51 Обнаружен Окаю-семпай 02:39:41 Мико-семпай слишком подозрительна 02:41:49 Капитан Марин потерпел поражение 02:43:30 Уже накосячили 02:46:44 Посмотрите на сцену 02:49:38 Всеми любимая скорость передвижения увеличена втрое. 02:50:15 🌿 15 гонка 🌿 02:51:24 Откройте для себя Робоко-семпай 02:52:11 Старший Ноэль отправился в туалет вовремя 02:54:34 Обнаружен Ноэль-семпай 02:58:50 Кнопка была нажата в тот момент, когда Широн потерпел поражение. 03:00:33 Цумами ~ 03:03:30 Я отключил звук с доставкой Рами 03:06:18 Есть еще постеры? 03:08:18 К сожалению проиграл 03:09:23 Я выиграл задание 03:10:25 Впечатления 03:15:42 Приветствую 03:16:10 ED Извините за опоздание 🙇♂️
@kuroyabu93974 жыл бұрын
wow.Your love is realy true.
@ポキ男-w9r4 жыл бұрын
English version 00:00:01 start 00:00:42 Greetings 00:01:40 Self-introduction 00:02:32 Drinking sake 00:08:49 🌿 First round 🌿 00:09:27 Amazake with less alcohol 00:10:56 Korone-senpai is defeated 00:11:10 Senior Noel with an echo 00:12:09 Setting that the voter cannot see 00:12:53 I feel like I have a heavy footstep 00:13:15 Miko-senpai is suspicious 00:12:32 Miko-senpai who becomes a baby 00:14:50 Ramie is suspicious 00:16:33 Captain who saw the moment of impact 00:17:43 Exile senior porridge 00:18:52 Rice porridge senior who wants to go to the bathroom 00:21:28 🌿 Second round 🌿 00:22:47 Rainy day impostor 00:22:46 Serious drawback 00:23:53 Defeat with Korone-senpai 00:24:47 Korone-senpai is discovered 00:26:09 I voted by mistake 00:26:42 Reasons for voting for Roboco-san 00:28:40 Miko-senpai confessing 00:29:21 Defeat Miko-senpai 00:29:35 Oxygen victory! !! 00:29:57 Not noticed at all 00:31:42 Because it's Christmas, I'll eat chicken 00:32:08 Are you eating snacks or something? 00:33:33 🌿 3rd round 🌿 00:34:20 Ramie and Shiron don't know the map 00:34:26 Defeat Noel-senpai 00:36:04 Defeat Miko-senpai 00:36:09 Miko-senpai is discovered 00:38:00 I don't know what to do 00:38:38 Defeat Korone-senpai 00:38:47 I'll eat chicken so leave it alone 00:39:47 Defeat Roboco-san and win 00:40:32 Senior Noel and the captain go to the bathroom 00:40:47 I want to discuss 00:41:14 This is an online drinking party 00:42:13 🌿 4th race 🌿 00:43:33 Roboco-san is scared 00:44:10 Senior Noel is discovered 00:44:32 I heard the story, but I didn't understand so I ate chicken. 00:46:55 Captain Marin is discovered 00:47:17 Did you hear Ramie's voice? 00:49:32 Christmas is almost over 00:49:44 Let's sing a Christmas song! 00:49:55 The sound is broken 00:50:20 🌿 5th game 🌿 00:52:15 Discover Korone-senpai 00:53:34 Oh ... 00:55:23 Triple player speed 00:56:24 🌿 6th round 🌿 00:56:39 My legs are too fast 00:57:40 Shiron is defeated 00:57:51 The theory that it was rampaging because the standard did not meet 00:58:08 Shiron is discovered 01:01:08 Korone-senpai is suspicious 01:02:45 Captain Marin is discovered 01:04:32 Miko-senpai is still alive! ?? 01:05:38 I think Senior Noel is suspicious 01:06:31 Toilet time 01:10:06 🌿 7th round 🌿 01:11:08 Being killed by senior porridge 01:11:40 Shiron is discovered 01:16:44 Korone-senpai was killed 01:16:40 I saw the scene where I defeated my senior 01:20:03 Miko-senpai is afraid 01:21:52 I'm scared of porridge seniors ambushing in front of the button 01:24:02 Standard speed feels slow 01:25:27 🌿 8th race 🌿 01:27:13 I found Korone-senpai 01:29:16 It would be great if Roboco-san was a human wolf 01:29:34 Defeated by Roboco-san 01:31:24 Miko-senpai is coming 01:31:35 Shiron is discovered 01:32:51 Someone votes for Roboko-senpai 01:34:47 Lamy got 2 votes 01:35:27 If you don't reason, you'll fall asleep 01:35:21 Noel is suspicious 01:36:39 Senior Noel is banished 01:37:51 Miko-senpai's existence was not noticed 01:38:22 Somehow fluffy porridge senior 01:39:55 🌿 9th round 🌿 01:42:23 Discovered by Miko-senpai 01:43:58 It seems that the screen of senior porridge is not reflected 01:45:40 Defeated by Roboco-san 01:46:08 Discovered by senior Noel 01:49:00 I'm getting sleepy already 01:48:16 No one presses the button 01:49:57 I forgot to do the task 01:50:35 Defeated and lost 01:52:45 Ramie is Luna's senior mom 01:54:36 Roll call 01:55:07 Exit because senior Noel has fallen 01:55:58 🌿 10th race 🌿 01:57:21 Discovered Marin-senpai 01:58:30 Echo is applied to senior Noel 02:00:18 Roboco-san is scared 02:02:40 Roboco-san and Okayu-senpai were separated, so I called them back. 02:05:51 Press the button because it may have been knocked down 02:08:39 Oh ... 02:09:36 Toilet time 02:09:52 Amount of alcohol drank 02:10:21 Many babies 02:11:48 🌿 11th race 🌿 02:13:21 Korone-senpai pushes a button 02:14:21 There is no evidence, but Miko is banished. 02:15:51 Eh ... 02:17:27 🌿 12th race 🌿 02:17:59 Defeat Miko-senpai 02:18:20 Chance to eat chicken 02:18:30 Miko-senpai is discovered 02:19:40 For some reason, seniors are banished 02:21:26 Defeat Roboco-san 02:21:48 Defeated 6 people in no time 02:23:06 Standard speed feels slow 02:24:11 🌿 13th race 🌿 02:24:46 Cut a comment to not see the comment 02:25:40 Miko-senpai is defeated again 02:27:56 I'm scared of Marin-senpai, so I'm about to press the button. 02:31:57 Confirmation of people who have not completed the task 02:33:26 Korone-senpai has been defeated 02:34:45 Captain Marin is too scared 02:36:56 Clear the task safely! !! 02:38:24 🌿 14th race 🌿 02:38:27 I don't want you to beat it in the first move anymore 02:38:51 Discovered porridge senior 02:39:41 Miko-senpai is too suspicious 02:41:49 Captain Marin has been defeated 02:43:30 Already messed up 02:46:44 Witness the scene 02:49:38 Everyone's favorite movement speed is tripled 02:50:15 🌿 15th race 🌿 02:51:24 Discover Roboco-san 02:52:11 Senior Noel went to the bathroom at a great timing 02:54:34 Discovered Noel-senpai 02:58:50 The button was pressed at the timing when Shiron was defeated 03:00:33 Tsumami ~ 03:03:30 I muted it with Ramie's delivery 03:06:18 Is there an impostor syndrome anymore? 03:08:18 Unfortunately I lost 03:09:23 I won the task 03:10:25 Impressions 03:15:42 Greetings 03:16:10 ED Sorry for being so late 🙇♂️
@ryokihama4 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much
@Drakenelson114 жыл бұрын
Timestamp for the Among Us Hololive Christmas Drunk Party Special 00:09:25 1st round 00:22:06 2nd round 00:34:06 3rd round 00:57:00 4th round 01:10:39 5th round 01:26:00 6th round 01:40:00 7th round 01:56:26 8th round (Miko being bullied) 02:12:14 9th round 02:18:00 10th round 02:27:00 11th round 02:39:00 12th round (Miko being blamed again, rip) 02:51:00 13th round
@kavirus4 жыл бұрын
3rd Botan and Lamy, not Okayu
@Drakenelson114 жыл бұрын
@@kavirus thank you for information
@MethodePyro4 жыл бұрын
3:12:47 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sleepy Shishiron is so cuuute
@Renji7674 жыл бұрын
Спасибо вам всем за стрим) Отлично сыграли! Сонный лев = очень милый Лев ありがとう!
@チョビ-z2z4 жыл бұрын
27:10 みこちに対するししろんの声がママの時の声色で草
@yskk45346 ай бұрын
@simpbotaneventhoughidontkn49944 жыл бұрын
45:47 when Botan eating her mouth’s movement was really smooth, she indeed has a top-of-the-line 2d model.
@kulonstep694 жыл бұрын
You know , its remind me of some fish
@averagemumeienjoyer54984 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of Suisei eating pizza
@fadhilsyarif53744 жыл бұрын
Along with reine, same 2d movement animator I guess
@Kreceir4 жыл бұрын
Botan killing Korone and then decided to camp at the top of the map so that she could eat was the funniest thing for me. Also sleepy Botan is very cute.
@rtx21694 жыл бұрын
@xelasneko4 жыл бұрын
@@rtx2169 38:35
@hakaossrb71234 жыл бұрын
Last Game: The Anime Season 17 (Drunk OVA)
@PK_Scratch4 жыл бұрын
39:45 congrats on the couple's victory.
@EreshIsWaifu4 жыл бұрын
3:12:45 omg she's so *CUTEEEEEEEEE*
@nicodcruzgamescollection12174 жыл бұрын
Love the moment when Botan baited Lamy to kill Noel to confirm her as imp xD Lamy was cornered and in PANIK lol
@ryokihama4 жыл бұрын
@dragoonssrbguilty47194 жыл бұрын
@@ryokihama 2:46:34
@SkyofFreedom4 жыл бұрын
So much fun! Poor Elite being bullied the whole stream 49:59 Merry Christmas 10/10
@UncleBan4 жыл бұрын
good job shishiron even in sleepy state she still strong thanks for the stream
@daon_p3 жыл бұрын
@luxelinfernal48754 жыл бұрын
Poor kawai lion, she was the only sober in the collab cause she can't drink alcohol but that's no obstacle for her to having a great time with the rest.
@dragoonssrbguilty47194 жыл бұрын
It was such a good idea to make an among us game while drunk and sleepy, the last rounds were too much fun 😂 Also that last round lol kinda reminds me of the FubukiBotan game of last time. And that moment when Botan was like "let's see if she killed Noel... Yep, okay, let's eject Lamy" 😂
@rinri-kuneruchi3524 жыл бұрын
This DRUNK AMONG US was funny as f😂as always Botaan was too op😂 n for some reason Miko keep on getting accused by everyone😂 P. S/ as expected, I still luv Botaaan-tan's laugh
@vvevvlord124 жыл бұрын
2:27:15 koro san?
@NevosLP4 жыл бұрын
Sleepy lion stream. Love how Botan and Lamy were imposters together twice in a row.
@J5Aolurus4 жыл бұрын
39:08 Omg Botan eating it's so cute 💙♌ 57:42 She saw that revenge at miles away LOL 2:39:47 This has to be the best moment of the stream, It's so funny but sad how she was begging not to be killed again, and Botan vote her just for laughs LMAO Evil Lion ♌
@NephiTheSpaceWarrior4 жыл бұрын
I never knew I wanted to see husband and wife being Impostors together. And they did.
@evgenmops40704 жыл бұрын
Спасибо за кооператив по Among Us товарищи Ботан,Короне,Окаю,Ноэль, капитан Марин,Лами,Мико, Робоко! Было очень весело! С рождеством! Хороших подарков под ёлкой! I'm writing through the translator: Thanks for the co-op on Among Us comrades Botan, Corone, Okayu, Noel, Captain Marine, Lamy, Miko, Roboco! It was a lot of fun! Merry Christmas! Good presents under the tree! 翻訳者を介して書いています: Among Usの同志Botan,Corone,Okayu,Noel,Captain Marine,Lamy,Miko,Robocoの協力に感謝します! めちゃくちゃ楽しかったです!(笑 メリークリスマス!ツリーの下には良いプレゼントを!
@asa00464 жыл бұрын
dang, that was very long Collab stream, Botan battery keep decreasing when the time hit 1AM, she deserved a good-good night morning. Edites: yes, I watch this archive
@Pixeluchiha4 жыл бұрын
I love watching all of the girls playing together in good fun. My brother got a computer so I can finally watch them all on one device, instead of 8 different devices. It is much easier on computer, but slghtly harder to distinguish the sounds. Anyway, I love watching Hololive, and I look forward to everything everyone does there.
@35PHaaton4 жыл бұрын
Does all your stream sync up or no? Mine is way out of sync when I watch collab streams.
@Pixeluchiha4 жыл бұрын
@@35PHaaton They are out of sync, but I can still follow decently well.
@35PHaaton4 жыл бұрын
@@Pixeluchiha I guess it's on KZbin's end. I thought I was the only one lol