Why did you force us to transfer to the new cloud system? Our company is using service desk like 5 years and now everything needs to be change and some of apps doesn't exist on cloud that we must need them. We are still at the old version but after 15th February 2024, we will decide to continue or give up from Jira. I am disappointed. If you want to do such as big changes, do not force the old users to do the same changes. We loved and get used to use it like that. Habbits are comfort zones that we can't give up easily.
@Atlassian Жыл бұрын
Hi Mustafa, thanks for taking the time to share your situation. We get that customizable deployments & apps have added complexity, and understand that a change such as this is never easy. While we continue to work with our Marketplace Partners to bring existing server apps to cloud, we have additional information that may help with your decisions for the future: community.atlassian.com/t5/Atlassian-Cloud-Migration/So-you-re-looking-to-migrate-to-cloud-Here-s-what-you-need-to/ba-p/1249407. There, we’ve broken down the necessary steps to assess apps in your migration strategy & included insights into what's different in cloud to make your migration easier. And if you need support planning your move, our dedicated Cloud Migration Support team is here to guide you through every step of your journey to cloud and ensure you have the information you need to be successful: www.atlassian.com/migration/help.