So interesting, yet studying other cosmologies when ours still remains a mystery is a stretch. A point always glossed over but so important, is the action of the COHERENTLY rotating Dark Matter halos literally accreting spiral galaxies. Simple accretion disk, like all the ubiquitous accretion disks in the universe accept in this case the gravitational well is provided by the coherently spinning DM cloud or halo, accreting the hydrogen & helium to a disk, spurring star formation, a pressure that continues in spiral galaxies until they are disrupted by merger events. Accretion disks- pure & simple!
@CosmologyTalks10 күн бұрын
The rotation of the halos is certainly taken into account in the hydrodynamical simulations Daniele mentions in the talk, and which his model is able to fit. So, to the extent that coherent rotation of the halos is a relevant effect it should be already taken into account in the modelling. There is no evidence that the entire observable universe has any net rotation.
@astronomy-channel10 күн бұрын
@@CosmologyTalks Agreed! The universe, in my model, is in a non rotating but expanding shell configuration. But spiral galaxies are ACCRETION disks in coherently spinning DM halos. The DM halos continue to "pressure" the baryonic matter to the disk, spurring new star formation, on going into the future, until its disrupted by a merger event. Thats why spiral galaxies are so active!