18:31:53 From Val Fraser : Creativity and Criticality. Two wings of a bird that allow children to soar. 18:33:07 From Ben Rich : Every campaign group I talk to tells me that the core curriculum should be much smaller and then suggest something else we should add. What is core for the 21st century? English, maths, communications, computer literacy and citizenship 18:33:32 From Nick Corston : Reacted to "Very much agree with..." with ❤ 18:33:38 From Nick Corston : Reacted to "Creativity and Criti..." with 👏 18:33:46 From Don Boyd : Reacted to "Very much agree with…" with ❤ 18:37:41 From Nick Corston : 'We learn by doing' 18:39:49 From Val Fraser : The emphasis on knowledge should be replaced with understanding. 18:40:11 From Steve Hubbard : Need to hear about TRUST. Who do we trust and WHY? 18:40:28 From Mike Tuffrey : In practical terms, how do we move from where we are now to the sort of vision the three of you have set out? Parents are cautious, and the media narrative is strong as Fiona says. 18:41:17 From Annemarie Borg : There is knowledge and there is information… To learn well students need to make the information understood, internalised and then explored further in their own skilled way… 18:41:25 From Fleur Rossdale : Reacting to Johnny Rich and Fiona, rather than memorise facts, teach students to think creatively to learn how to interpret and apply knowledge they discover online. Seeds of knowledge should inspire them to become more knowledgable by finding things out for themselves. 18:41:59 From Annemarie Borg : Reacted to "Reacting to Johnny R..." with 👍 18:42:23 From Don Boyd : Reacted to "Reacting to Johnny R…" with 👍 18:42:44 From Nick Corston : Reacted to "Reacting to Johnny R..." with 👍 18:42:46 From Val Fraser : It’s not that knowledge doesn’t matter. It’s that it doesn’t go far enough. 18:42:50 From Nick Corston : Reacted to "There is knowledge a..." with ❤ 18:42:51 From Dennis Sherwood : Ofsted isn’t the only regulator in town. There’s Ofqual too, And Ofqual does more damage. Everyone has talked about the tyranny of grades. That’s bad. Even worse is that 1 grade in every 4 is wrong - that’s 1.5 million wrong grades in England this year, about 1 for every student in the land. And even worse than that is the fact that, since 2016, Ofqual rules have prevented these wrong grades from being discovered and corrected. To me, the year-on-year delivery of wrong grades by Ofqual is the no 1 priory to fix - which is easy to do. Now. One other thing… the thread that links Ofsted and Ofqual is Amanda Spielman… 18:42:58 From Nick Corston : Reacted to "The emphasis on know..." with 👍 18:43:13 From Nick Corston : Reacted to "Ofsted isn’t the onl..." with 😂 18:43:15 From Nick Corston : Removed a 😂 reaction from "Ofsted isn’t the onl..." 18:43:17 From Nick Corston : Reacted to "Ofsted isn’t the onl..." with 👍 18:43:57 From Dennis Sherwood : …oops - that’s ‘priority’ not ‘priory’! 18:44:43 From Annemarie Borg : Unless you internalised information and explore for yourself, you will not remember it… This is how I teach my students music and performance… 🙂 They make the music they learn their own… 18:45:12 From peter fischer Brown : the renaissance posited the need for three things: Sapienza (knowledge),, maestria (skills, mastering craft) and innovazione (innovation, creativity). Not bad as a start 18:45:21 From Johnny Rich : Reacted to "Unless you internali..." with 👍 18:45:26 From Annemarie Borg : Reacted to "the renaissance posi..." with 👍 18:45:32 From Fiona Millar : This is right of course from Dennis. Ofqual along with the idea that only a fixed proportion of children should be allowed to achieve a certain grade is absurd. Quite apart from anything else, it makes it impossible to demonstrate real improvement 18:45:36 From Dennis Sherwood : Reacted to "This is right of cou..." with 👍 18:45:41 From Dennis Sherwood : Removed a 👍 reaction from "This is right of cou..." 18:45:45 From Dennis Sherwood : Reacted to "This is right of cou..." with 👍 18:45:54 From Don Boyd : Reacted to "This is right of cou…" with 👍 18:46:10 From Ben Rich : Reacted to "This is right of cou..." with 👍 18:46:20 From Val Fraser : Reacted to "This is right of cou…" with 👍 18:46:21 From Dennis Sherwood : Removed a 👍 reaction from "This is right of cou..." 18:46:25 From Dennis Sherwood : Reacted to "This is right of cou..." with 👍 18:48:15 From Ben Rich : Quality of teaching is everything. 18:48:23 From Dennis Sherwood : Reacted to "Quality of teaching ..." with 👍 18:49:21 From Nick Corston : I'm going to hang around for half an hour. If anyone wants to join me in a Virtual Radix bar for a natter here's the Zoom link: bit.ly/radixbar 18:50:09 From Nick Corston : Very few teachers went into the job for the money! 18:50:28 From Steve Hubbard : Does PISA really only measure the parents attitude to education? 18:50:36 From Annemarie Borg : I believe Teaching is about communication skills, nurturing and facilitating… empathy with the students, ability to listen and summarise and feed back… And the willingness to learn as well 18:50:39 From Val Fraser : Retention of teachers is a huge issue. Very expensive too. 18:51:27 From Fleur Rossdale : Starting in primary education, children’s skills would do well by leaning from observing nature, protecting it and recognising a value system that involves caring for nature and each other. I write books to sew seeds of ideas that can grow organically in the minds of children to inspire symbiotic living. I demonstrate that without mistakes and struggles, there is less growth. 18:51:45 From Annemarie Borg : Reacted to "Starting in primary ..." with 👍 18:51:53 From Nick Corston : Replying to "Starting in primary ..." Check out the Ministry of Eco Education 18:51:57 From Nick Corston : Reacted to "Starting in primary ..." with 👍 18:52:02 From Don Boyd : Reacted to "Starting in primary …" with 👍 18:52:12 From Annemarie Borg : Reacted to "Check out the Minist..." with 👍 18:52:37 From Ben Rich : Replying to "I'm going to hang ar..." Do join Nick and I will too... 18:52:43 From Val Fraser : Replying to "I'm going to hang ar…" I can’t hang around after 7pm but another time I’d love to discuss more. 18:53:20 From Annemarie Borg : Reacted to "I'm going to hang ar..." with 👍 18:53:22 From Nick Corston : Reacted to "Do join Nick and I w..." with ❤ 18:56:02 From Nick Corston : Reacted to "I believe Teaching i..." with 👏 18:56:16 From Nick Corston : Replying to "Does PISA really onl..." No 18:56:55 From Fleur Rossdale : Reacted to "Check out the Minist..." with 👍 18:59:08 From Fleur Rossdale : Learning about Climate Change from scientists and experts, knowing the correct source of information and gaining a qulification. 18:59:53 From Val Fraser : I agree. Change the whole model. Training, curriculum, pedagogy, funding for schools, strict subject based boundaries defining ‘knowledge’. Sorry have to go now. 19:00:11 From Fleur Rossdale : Climate Chang as a subject is about finding purpose and adventure through the love of nature. 19:00:26 From Dennis Sherwood : Thank you! 19:00:28 From Nick Corston : See you in the bar here: bit.ly/radixbar 19:00:29 From Adam Rahman : Thank you, a wonderful and insightful discussion, lots to think about 19:00:35 From Nick Corston : Reacted to "Climate Chang as a s..." with ❤ 19:00:45 From Johnny Rich : Reacted to "Thank you!" with 👋 19:01:01 From peter fischer Brown : excellent discussion thank you 19:01:07 From Deneal Smith : Many thanks for this webinar - really thought provoking. Will share the manifesto with my SLT... 19:01:36 From Sophie Cheadle : bit.ly/radixbar 19:01:57 From Johnny Rich : Sadly, I can’t join the bar, but I wish I could. Many thanks to Joe, Fiona, and Nick. 19:02:12 From Sophie Cheadle : Feel free to donate: www.radixbigtent.org.uk/join-and-support/ 19:02:19 From Johnny Rich : I look forward to continuing the conversations.
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Chat history: 18:03:22 From Johnny Rich : Good evening everyone 18:06:06 From Anni Johnson : Please do tweet about the event - and do tag us @radix_uk 18:09:18 From Ben Rich : Please do feel free to comment here throughout 18:09:56 From Ben Rich : Questions, proposals and disagreements all welcome! 18:11:41 From Val Fraser : I’m a former OFSTED Inspector, Teacher Educator in HE and currently an Adviser for home educating families for an LA. Schools, especially secondary schools are haemorrhaging pupils. 8x increase in 20 years in my LA. 18:13:18 From Ben Rich : @Val Fraser Haemorrhaging pupils to home education or dropping out all together? And is your LA an outlier or typical 18:14:12 From Nick Corston : Replying to "I’m a former OFSTED ..." See Polly Toynbees piece in The Guardian last week on this: www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/28/too-many-pupils-miss-lessons-ofsted-michael-gove-effect 18:18:39 From Johnny Rich : For the first time teacher recruitment is under 50% of targets and, for Physics, it’s not only never been as high as 50%, it’s now less than 20%. 18:21:29 From peter fischer Brown : Why is Iceland leading the European Tables for PISA? 18:22:47 From Val Fraser : We have created a business model of education and sadly in that model, children become either profit and loss on a ledger sheet. 18:23:52 From peter fischer Brown : radixuk.org/opinion/education-is-at-the-root-of-the-uks-social-immobility-and-inequality/ 18:26:30 From Ben Rich : Replying to "Why is Iceland leadi..." Good question - thoughts? 18:29:36 From Annemarie Borg : Very much agree with NickCorston, my project , the Antara Project concentrates on…: CREATIVITY and EDUCATION To teach any subject must include allowing one who learns to be creative, imaginative…to think… creativity > self esteem > inner strength > focus > courage > commitment > empowers us to tackle change and leads to a happier state of being