How do you know there even is such a thing as non duality

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The Theory of Samsara

The Theory of Samsara

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There is far too much talk online about non dual awakening. I really wonder what people mean when they use this term. Here I try to explain the main differences between Hindu non dual devotion and non duality as it is taught in Tibetan Buddhism but also a little bit about just how you can come to realise this.

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@MettaM444 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! Devotion feels good, it makes sense now why people like it so much. From what you are describing of conceptual fallacy I have a question I'm not sure how to ask regarding the senses. It seems to me that this is what the mind is filled with and attempts to meditate are almost like an addition on top of or in effort to ignore their ever presence. How are we supposed to understand these, are they also a conceptual fallacy?
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Hi, you have some positive qualities that make you suitable for this kind of insight, as it is obvious to me that you have been looking rather that just accepting the statements of others. Usually when investigating the mind we don't start with outer objects (of the sense perceptions) but we start with thoughts, feelings and concepts. This is because we have much stronger clinging to outer objects as real. Also before you can investigate appearances of mind then you need pretty stable placement meditation (dhyana, concentration) because without this the mind is too unstable to make a sustained investigation. If you have stability then here is some homework. 1) you claim the mind "seems" to be filled with sense perceptions (this is a concept about how the mind is, right?) so the question is "is this a valid statement about the mind or is it mistaken?" 2) the method of investigation; sit in meditation and look at mind and tell me "is the mind full or empty/" if it is full then there is no room for anything else, so how can a new thought or sensation arise? does it replace something else? If it is empty then how are you aware of thoughts and sensations?" good luck!
@MettaM444 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning this is very helpful! Thank you :-)
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Wow I am genuinely honoured to be of help to someone, it makes all this worthwhile!.@@MettaM444
@dpsrush Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this lesson. You really know what someone like me, people who mostly learn from short youtube videos, struggles with. When I contemplate how many sides my mind has, it comes up as two. The one inside where all the chatter is coming from, and the one outside listening in. Then I noticed the notion of listening is also part of the inside chatter, so I tried to back myself outside again to observe the chatter, then again noticed this is part of the chatter too. So like a game of backing away from my own shadow, an infinite fractal, one inside another. So I sit, and my shadow sit, staring at each other, unable to figure out how to proceed from there.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Thank you for that Chris. You have some interesting insight there. It is always better to be honest than kid yourself on. But please keep your spirits up, if you are sincere and well motivated then things will 100% work them selves out in the end, because karma is infallible, and positivity leads to results. Best Wishes 🙏🙏🙏
@joesamrae 10 ай бұрын
@robertkneisel1360 Ай бұрын
Now I finished the video, wanted to try to answer without hearing your answer. Very useful, thank you. My mind is what I struggle with most. Studying from a more conceptual place has helped me, but I feel rather certain that I have hit a bit of a wall with it. Meditation has always been difficult to achieve for me. I do find peace there sometimes, but I am not always capable of separating from my thoughts well enough, particularly when they are loud due to well, suffering generally I imagine of one sort of another. Even understanding what is meant by the word "meditation" is not something I feel certain of. However, I do know what you mean about a lot of the teachers that one comes across, whether online where there is a glut of them, or even going back and reading books and the like from previous teachers. It does seem difficult to avoid the trap of feeling expanded of feeling like you have reached the mountain top, when you catch a glimpse. The desire to share overwhelms, because, it truly is beautiful in ways that are not easily described, and then the recalcification happens, the need to feel like you have earned the knowledge and it is yours to hand down to others, because a new falsity is required to keep you from realizing that you have slid back down the foothills... I think a great many westerners have had this experience. The teachers you speak of are simply the minority that persist in their folly perhaps. It is likely a blessing that even when I have felt this way, I have fallen back hard and had to resume climbing. Though of course it feels a lot like failure and tends to involve more suffering. Still, I feel like I do creep forward, even as it is sometimes 2 forward 1 back. .
@julnicklalovely Жыл бұрын
Hi Meta, I hope you continue to produce videos. I really enjoyed watching and learning from this one. I think I did anyway....take care
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Thanks @julnicklalovely I appreciate it! ♥
@DougFir22 Жыл бұрын
Great video and I love your teaching style. Very to the point and concise. Would love to have you as a teacher!
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Hi Doug thanks for the kind words. Just to clarify, is that a general statement, or an actual request?
@DougFir22 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning just a general statement for now but if you do offer teaching I would be interested to learn more.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Hi Doug, I have a private Instagram account I use to give advice. Let me know if the need arises, and then the next step is to check each other out @@DougFir22 😆🤣😆
@philgibbs561 Жыл бұрын
'The beginning of wisdom is to realize that there is a difference, between experiencing reality and perceiving through the filter of a mental image. When the mind conceives of everything as separate objects, the mind does not have direct and pure perception of reality. Perception is based on a mental image, defined by the mind, and then projected unto what the mind has turned into a separate object. Thus, the mind experiences everything through impure perception, which can never give a full experience of life. Pure perception comes only when there is no subject and object, because the subject has dared to dissolve its sense of separateness, and come into oneness with reality'.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
interesting position Phil, thanks
@freetibet1000 Жыл бұрын
Although it is often described in the teachings that our perception is impure and tainted by inferior views, like you say, we also need to look beyond that dual description of what’s going on if we are to transcend duality at all. In actuality non-duality can only mean one thing; complete abandonment of ALL conceptual clinging, even those aspects that we use as tools along the path towards liberation from erroneous views and duality. In fact, non-duality is said to be the free state that’s left in an unfabricated state after all concepts have been dissolved, including such concepts as pure & impure. In the Prajnaparamitha Sutra it is clearly stated that ultimately there’s no path, no attainment and no liberation. That is equivalent with the gold already being present underneath the house. Likewise, ultimately there’s no ignorance, defilements or suffering either. The concepts of ignorance, defilement and suffering all belong to our dualistic way of perceiving things right now. Our situation is such that despite the fact that the gold is always right there under our feet we still need some kind of method to access it, as the Lama made so clear in this video. The principle reason for our perceived separateness from the ultimate nature is due to our own clinging to erroneous views and modes of perceptions that is not in accord with the true nature of reality. The methods we must use in order to access this golden treasure is, per definition, something that is also impure and dualistic in its nature. That’s inevitable. At present we do not have access to the non-dual reality and must therefore rely skillfully on the methods of duality. The correct view is to understand the inherently empty nature of both the path, the practice, the practitioner and the result and yet engage diligently in the practices given in order to transcend and reach the ultimate view of no view. Which is said to be the ultimate state beyond any form of description or conceptualization. Enlightenment or Buddhahood. For a practitioner on the Buddhist path it is important to get familiar with the practice of holding both the temporary views of interdependence and impermanence in mind together with the a simultaneous vision of the ultimate truth of reality as well. In reality, these are not two different truths but they fuse together into a complete understanding at the time of liberation. That’s just another way of describing how duality dissolves into a state of non-duality at the time of liberation. By the way, I completely agree with the Lama on his statement about how ‘non-duality’ have become the new buzzword on the internet and KZbin. I also believe that this confusion stems from a mixup between Hindu and Buddhist views on the subject. The difference is huge! Monumental! The difference is so important that it can mean the difference between continuously being stuck in samsara if you understand it wrongly, or you are able to establish a correct understanding that will give rise to the inherent wisdom within you and thus be able to dissolve all those obstacles that stands in the way for true realization and enlightenment. To be very blunt, according to Buddhist view the Hindu path towards their non-duality is dangerous since it can lead to getting stuck in deep states of meditative absorption for eons, without escape. This is not liberation or enlightenment. It is a form of entrapment that will eventually end with a downfall into any of the six lower realms of samsara again. The sufferings experienced during such downfall is said to be the worst of all sufferings. True realization of Ultimate Reality and Enlightenment will never result in a return to samsara and the mistaken beliefs in duality again. The inherent Wisdom have been awakened within us and that can never again be clouded over. It will guarantee that clinging to whatever arises in the awareness will never occur again. Such is the quality of awakened wisdom! Meditative absorption without giving rise to Prajñā - enlightened insight cannot give rise to Primordial Wisdom and thus cannot be the cause for liberation and Buddhahood. Devotional practice towards a deity that does not include the Prajñā practice of emptiness of all concepts and composite phenomena does not have the inherent capacity to liberate the practitioner from the bondage of duality and inferior views. If we understand this we will also be able to discern the truth from the false when we encounter talks about non-duality on the internet. All talk about a ‘higher self’ or ‘the one consciousness’ etc are empty babbles without much meaning if liberation from samsara is what we want to achieve. It is for this reason it is of outmost importance to seek out a truly authentic teacher for instructions, person to person, if true insights into the nature of Primordial Wisdom and non-duality is sought after. Rather than rely on make-believe gurus on KZbin.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
well put @@freetibet1000 🙏🙏🙏
nonduality isn't a thing.
@derektrudelle4182 Жыл бұрын
Consciousness is a split in the mind, the realm of perception. When perception has been sufficently purified, God takes the final step in our return to knowledge. Forgiveness is the means of purification. Projection makes perception. What we project is guilt that arose from the idea of separation. The guilt is placed outside the self in a dualistic attempt to regain innocence, the non-dual state (this is futile, of course).
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Thanks for contributing to the discussion. There is a lot of content in your message so let's just address one point at a time. If consciousness is split in the mind that logically implies that consciousness is multi faceted but also that mind itself has part, and so my question is how many parts or facets does mind have?
@messenjah71 Жыл бұрын
The fragmented and unstable nature of consciousness has no bearing on the oneness of mind. Consciousness is the function of a mind asleep. A sleeping mind needs the instability of perception to project its shifting dreams. Mind is whole.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
OK, so consciousness is fragmented and unstable and mind is oneness. So I will address the second point here. Do you have thoughts? If so are they part of mind or something separate? If you do not have thoughts then how do you know I am messaging you? Thanks again I really appreciate people opening up the discussion. @@messenjah71
@messenjah71 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning I appreciate the conversation. Yes, I have thoughts; they are of the mind.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being honest. And so are mind and thoughts different or are they the same? @@messenjah71
@pavelcelba6976 10 ай бұрын
My mystical school is using this system of levels (which may or may not be present in certain religion/school of thought/etc...) 1) Duality (includes plurality) 2) Unity - the state of oneness and/or striving for the harmony 3) Unity in diversity - the state of oneness but diversity is again allowed without so breaking the interconnectedness of oneness 4) Non-duality The definition of non-duality is then really simple - it's what is not included by previous 3 states :-) I'd argue that in case of trying to grasp what is non-duality there are easier parts of it. One of the easiest (thou for many it will still be incredibly hard) is neti neti system along with Avadhuta gita by sage Dattatreya. However it's still mistake that even by attaining realization of this very simplest non-dualism of neti neti system, that it's everything about it. In fact it gets much harder afterwards.
@ultimatemeaning 10 ай бұрын
❤thanks for the reference i will look this up. Which stage are you on? ❤
@pavelcelba6976 10 ай бұрын
@@ultimatemeaningI'm author of new commentary to Shiva sutras of Vasugupta :-)
@dzzzzzt Жыл бұрын
This was quite interesting. I appreciate your honesty and directness. 🙏🏼 May I ask three questions? First is what tradition are you in (assuming this is from it, otherwise which tradition is this teaching from)? Second is what do you think of the Noble Eightfold Path of Theravada Buddhism as a way to arrive at the same realization? Third is is this non-dual awakening the same as "entering" nibbana as taught in Theravada Buddhism?
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Hi Simon, My education is primarily Mahayana Buddhism and especially in the Tibetan tradition, and when it comes to view that is the other empty school. But we generally study a braod range of material. The 8 fold noble path leads to the result of an Arhat, and this is what the Theravada teaches as well, as they do not aim for complete Buddhahood but only liberation from Samsara. The Tibetans place less emphasis on this and also interpret the meaning slightly differently, but everyone sees it to be most excellent. Watch my video to understand how the results are interpreted in "my" tradition.🙏🙏🙏
@Kolektifcs 8 ай бұрын
It's plausible that pantheistic positions such as Hinduism consider oneness as true non-dualism. They are not unjustified in their terminology. On the other hand, I do not see why Buddhism wants to keep the term non-dualism. Because non-dualism, per se, might mean something like oneness, one mode of existence, or substance. While Buddhism rejects every possibility. Why? Because shunyata (emptiness) of inherent existence or Aristotelian essence/substance, does not imply a non-dualism. It just implies emptiness. So, I don't see the rationale to keep using the term non-dualism in Buddhist contexts
@ultimatemeaning 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your contribution. In Buddhism "oneness' isn't considered to be Non Dual, however dual, because this notion only arises in dependence upon "multiplicity" or "difference" The true understanding of non duality that accords with the Buddhist position is Quantum uncertainty 🙏🙏🙏
@Kolektifcs 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your answer. Non-dualism is the idea that relative and ultimate truths do not refer to separate ontological realms. They are epistemological, not ontological. So what does quantum uncertainty have to do with non-dualism? That I do not know.
@ultimatemeaning 8 ай бұрын
In the Buddha Dharma Non duality isn't an idea or a notion, ideas and notions are dualistic. Non duality as defined in the Buddha Dharma is non referential compassion free of the 8 elaborations. Epistemology is also dualistic . It is called valid cognition and is based on concepts and so cannot be non dual. Thanks for sharing @@Kolektifcs 🙏🙏🙏
@jaxter6037 13 күн бұрын
I discovered this concept of non-duality today. I'm quite familiarized with the monist philosophical position and hold it myself. I can recognize after researching just a little they aren't the same things. What is the difference? The Non-Duality position claims there's more than one substance (or entity, or just 'thing') or that there's none? Or it simply states that reality is not made of two 'elements', and it leaves the field open for possible beliefs? Thanks for reading this!
@bparcej6233 Жыл бұрын
Highly informative. I struggle to grasp non dual awakening. The (mother) cosmos (contents and processes) created ‘me’ ( as a personal center of consciousness), and I bear witness to the cosmos. We exist in a mutually recursive relationship as one… as in a poetic marriage where the two become one wholeness. Sadly, our self centred conditioning gives us the illusion of separation.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Very poetic. but in what way does this oneness affect your mundane life? For example you can't see what is in front of me right? But an enlightened being can.
@bparcej6233 Жыл бұрын
There is no ‘magic’ in my life, just the extraordinary ordinary:)…I have a confident connection with Mind beyond mind…which I trust to ‘grow’ me. Thank you kindly for sharing your thoughts 💫
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Confidence is a wonderful thing as long as it isn't misplaced. Thank you for your contributions @@bparcej6233 🙏🙏🙏
@bparcej6233 Жыл бұрын
My confidence is in the Mind beyond mind, as Buddha suggests, don’t take my word…find out for yourself. Perhaps this will lead me to nondual awakening…until then I chop wood (I actually do), and draw water from a well ( electric pump :) Peace to all
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
@@bparcej6233 interesting i have never heard of the term mind beyond mind after 12 years of study. I have heard of the ultimate truth that is beyond the intellect. A Buddha isn't called a "sentient being " literally "possessed of mind. Where did you read that?
@allenwilliamson4096 Жыл бұрын
I'm curious why you say no one on KZbin has achieved a state of non duality? Did you mean it isn't possible generally or they are phonies?
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Well there might be someone on youtube but I just haven't seen them, and I have seen a few actual phonies who are knowingly trying to deceive people, but the vast majority are just subject to self deception. They have convinced themselves they have realised something they don't understand, or are using the term in a very loose way, i.e.) The Victorians used the term Enlightened but they weren't referring to the state of Buddhahood. Thanks for encouraging me to clarify.
@mahmoodabdulbaqi824 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning are you enlightened?
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
No Sir, I am not enlightened I merely understand meditation.@@mahmoodabdulbaqi824
@mahmoodabdulbaqi824 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning who or what is the I?
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
In general in the Buddhist view the "I" is a mere imputation based on whichever aggregates pertain to your manifestation... I gather Psychologists མོསཏལཡ་སྱ་ིཏ་ིས་་མེརེ་ིམཔུཏྟིོན. as far as the middle way is concerned the a self or "I" can never be a real or established phenomena, and that appears on the basis of causes and conditions that themselves are illusory, that because "I" arise from causes and conditions it can appear but also that means that it is empty of substantial existence. As regards direct investigation of reality then that conforms with this view but is not the same as this view. From the perspective of appearance, the "I " is permanent, pure, transparent and self, from the perspective of emptiness then the "I" is only imputation and has not even an atom of substantial existence. For me the "I" exists and I feed and protect it, and cherish it. Hope that helps
@DWMtukwila Жыл бұрын
I am quite new to meditation and, although I understand what you said, getting to some kind of peace and happiness that Buddhism describes seems so very distant that it is out of my grasp.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
The point to this Tibetan buddhist meditation is that it is the natural way things are without trying to change things. So you can see that stilling thought fir example is contrived and not natural. Thanks for sharing
@freetibet1000 Жыл бұрын
We often have a stereotypical image of a Buddhist practitioner being peaceful and happy. Although that is said to be the end-result of the practice we must always remember to never fabricate or suppress our mind into something that is not naturally occurring. Meditation is all bout acceptance of whatever is going on in the mind. But at the same time try not to either cling, suppress or embellish whatever is happening in the mind. All we do is to watch and observe. Almost like bystander we watch how thoughts come and go. We pay no attention to the content of the thoughts. They are all equal in their illusory nature. When we sit down for a meditation we should try not to have any expectations at all. We are only there as an observer. Never do we judge how we’re doing. We just watch. If we have our attention anchored to an object, such as our breath or a candle we bring our attention gently back to that object without any drama or misgivings every time we have sloped off into distraction. Moment by moment do we stay aware. Although it is good practice in the beginning to decide on a time-frame for our sittings due to the nature of meditation it is best not to obsess about how long our sitting should be. If our knees or back hurt too much it is better to take a brake than to end up in a mental blockage due to too much rigidity. To meditate is to become one’s own best friend. Not ones own police or worst enemy. The point is to get to know ourselves completely. To accept whatever is going on with ourselves.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
For a (mahamudra) meditator whether or not there is expectation, or acceptance, etc. , it makes no difference @@freetibet1000
@freetibet1000 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning No, it is all one thing. གཅིག་ཤེས་ཀུན་སྒྲོལ་. 🙏🙏💖
@redirishmanxlt Жыл бұрын
"There isn't a single person on youtube teaching non-duality these days, who has realized actual non-duality." How could you know that?
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Yes valid point, but I responded to this question previously. There very well may be such a person out there, but I haven't seen them. And I mean KZbinrs teaching non-duality and not anything historical that appears on KZbin. If you know someone who has realised non-duality please share a link and I will have a look. I would be very happy to know that such a person exists. Thanks for your contribution. 🙏🙏🙏
@infinitenothingness Жыл бұрын
​@@ultimatemeaningyou may be interested in several individuals that you may find on youtube: Mooji Adyashanti Eckhart Tolle Alan Watts (historical footage) Papaji (archive footage) Aaron Abke 🙏 Love and Light 🧘‍♂️
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Maybe you could clarify something for me, do Adyashanti and Eckhart Tolle claim to be enlightened or to have realised non duality? Thanks so much@@infinitenothingness 🙏🙏🙏
@Jand42 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning There are also those who speak about it both from experience and from a scientific viewpoint, combining it to a non-dual neurophenomenological view: Sam Harris, Susan Blackmore, Bruce Hood, Daniel Ingram
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tip I will definitely look them up, Saw this online, he isn't specifically talking about non duality but this is the clearest explanation I have heard so far (see 7:15)
@faja98 Жыл бұрын
I have a normal question to ask: is duality non dual? .... and, if duality is non dual, wath would'nt be non dual?... so the error of dualistic is just an ilusion of separation, the only error is always the modes of that ilusion, therefore when you reflect to the point of seeing them, you are in the path of realizing the ultimate, that is only your nature and the perfect integration of all that is... the compassion process...
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
If that is a "normal question" I dread to think what a special question is! non duality is not the domain of ordinary being like ourselves and so we can't really comment on what it is or isn't, except to say that "non duality" isn't a concept. For example to concepts of reality and illusion, separation and non separation , reflection, seeing, process, and ntegration have nothing to do with non duality. As I see it anyway. 🙏🙏🙏
@user-rb9vp1of4z Жыл бұрын
In some schools of indian philosophies like advait vedanta duality is nothing but an illusion caused by our ignorance(maya) it says that we are existence, consciousness and bliss however in ignorance we perceive ourselves as "existing" instead of "existence" itself and instead of consciousness we perceive ourselves as the conscious experiences like "I am angry" or "I am sad" you aren't it is just wave of anger and sorrow in the mind shining in you the consciousness and instead of being bliss itself we think we "want" or need to get "bliss" through pleasures we think we need something to be fulfilled however we are fulfilment itself I am kind of new in advait vedant so idk if I explained it correctly
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Hi E, As a yoga teacher I did study the vedanta a bit by I am not in any way learned. There are videos from a very learned teacher Ramesh Balsekar and in this video he explains this point you make I suggest that you check him out if you are interested in the dual/ non dual presentation of Hindu Yoga. He is very clear and easily understood. Thanks for your contribution 🙏🙏🙏
@user-rb9vp1of4z Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning Thank you so much god bless you
@faja98 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your answer... what I mean is that our mind is allways using both oposites and each one doesnt exist or have meaning without both, so duality is non dual and we must be careful in the separation we assume between them, that's the ilusion of dualization, the Samsara, that, as you know (Madhyamika...) isnt a separated reality from Nirvana ...for exemple normal and special are equal in the sense that everything is special, and also normal, non duality is ultimate reality, a very special subject, but normal in the sense that is our nature... we are the emptiness of non duality, and is only the conscious process that collapses in dualizations of suffering history and prevents our perfect realization... so in the training of non duality refletion you enter the path that leads to that realization... when you say, we ordinary beings cant comment non duality, and it's not a concept ... all that are concepts and with a dualistic separation... so you must take the refletion to the non dual point to keep the mind in the insight paths that solve the concept problematic and opens to direct realization of non duality... all good to you @@ultimatemeaning
@tomallsop6460 2 ай бұрын
And when you do ‘acquire’ the gold, after substantial effort, you understand that there is no’one’ who acquires it.
@ultimatemeaning 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing Tom. Please clarify "how is this gold acquired?"
@tomallsop6460 2 ай бұрын
@@ultimatemeaningHi there. Difficult to know where to start 🤣 There are many ways to self realisation,I think people should follow whatever draws their interest, keep what works, discard what doesn’t, and keep investigating. I would always suggest a meditation practice, twice daily, but that won’t work for everyone. I suppose the important thing is to not think too much about it, do your practice and get on with your life, whilst staying present as much as possible. Then the space between thoughts grows, and grows, and maybe, grace will grant you a gift to encourage you on your way.( or maybe you will get lucky and the gift will become permanent) 😊
@robertkneisel1360 Ай бұрын
Sure, I do like getting to try to answer questions like this. The short answer, is that knowing a thing doesn't make it true. Knowing a thing, is generally just to say that you believe it to be true, perhaps with the added caveat that some sort of evidence has been accepted by you as proof. I "know" non duality is real, because in flashes I have seen it to be true adequately for me to believe it. I could offer anecdotes of seeing this truth, but I do not expect anyone to accept these as evidence of the truth. My faith in this belief, is not set. It waxes and wanes based on the interplay between external factors and internal ones. But, I do think that anyone seeking to verify this sincerely, not to be able to prove it to the world, but to prove it to oneself, the universe does provide.
@rajwantneena Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏼
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
@oldnewbieraver Жыл бұрын
ents 133 Add a comment... @oldnewbieraver 0 seconds ago It's interesting but you have misrepresented Advaita inadvertently. Brahman is not the soul of God, atman is not the soul of the jiva. Advaita denies the existence of a God or individual soul as it both falls under the domain of Maya or illusion. There is no devotion within Advaita. In fact the main point of hundreds of years of debate between Advaita and the other dualistic schools was based on this and their characterisation of advaitins as disbelievers. The parallels between Gaudapada's Advaita and the madhyamakarika of nagarjuna which forms the basis of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy is quite acute. Historically both advaitins and Buddhists have mischaracterized each other's positions. This is an easy way of demonstrating the other party is wrong come up but it is not the best way of engaging deeply with the content of the other side's philosophical position. I'd encourage you to deeply explore Advaita as you have done within the Nyingma or other traditions that you may have been part of.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
The term "soul" I use is a translation of the Tibetan བདག་ and can be translated vaiously as "self" or "soul" or "identity" and whether you want to call the Brahman "highest Self" that is "immaterial, efficient, formal and final cause of all that exists... pervasive, infinite, eternal truth, consciousness and bliss which does not change, yet is the cause of all changes" then it makes no difference because this is exactly what is refuted in the Buddhist tradition. For example that something can be immaterial and also be a cause is refuted in great detail. Also there is no similarity between this view and the madyamaka aside from a superficial misunderstanding of what the middle way is. As far as I know "Advaita Vedānta adapted philosophical concepts from Buddhism, giving them a Vedantic basis and interpretation" and "...a popular, syncretic tradition, blending Vedānta with other traditions and producing works in vernacular" and "the importance of Advaita Vedānta was overemphasized by Western scholarship, and Advaita Vedānta came to be regarded as the paradigmatic example of Hindu spirituality, despite the numerical dominance of theistic Bhakti-oriented religiosity" and I purposefully quote the words of others because I haven't studied this tradition and can only rely on the statements of others. And from what I have read that Gaudapada's Advaita has borrowed a lot from earlier Buddhist texts that would account for some of the superficial similarities. Gaudapada's analogy that the Jiva is like the space inside a jar and the Brahman is like space is something directly refuted in Buddhist texts as is Gaudapada's notion that the unconditioned awareness that is Brahman is real. Thank you for encourage me to investigate further into this matter, but the differences between Advaita and the Buddhist tenet are still glaringly apparent to me. and the fact that this type of nonduality (presented in the Advaita ) is actually a dualistic view, for the reasons stated in my videos
@stvn0378 Жыл бұрын
here's my curiousity, if everything is non-dual, does it even matter if we are aware of it or not?
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
In a world where the only thing that is certain is subjective awareness, then what we are aware of is the most important thing. But exactly what that is, is debatable, including non duality 🙏🙏🙏
@stvn0378 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaningi appreciate the response. refreshingly sincere!
@KieronBruceDillon-bt8lb Жыл бұрын
The term" nothing exists" is a dual statement meaning two things! But it does not mean nothing exists,it means nothing also exists , therefore,everything exists including " nothing". Nothing proves I exist's including this plural last statement "exist's!
@bradmodd7856 Жыл бұрын
monality and multiplicity exist together, it is a paradox....get used to paradox
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Hi Brad, thanks for that. Could you clarify what monality is and also multiplicity please?
@bradmodd7856 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning one and many, the universe is one thing and many at the same time. Humans use binary system of logic to understand the world and we are at the limit of it, now we need to learn how to model a universe that is intrinsically paradoxical.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Hi Brad please give an example of a "monality" and a "multiplicity" thanks @@bradmodd7856
@daonlylolo Ай бұрын
So very clear and direct. Thank you! I can only agree with @MettaM444 by saying this is very helpful.
@ultimatemeaning Ай бұрын
I am glad to be of service Lorenzo my friend 🙏
@michaelkapla1113 Жыл бұрын
What do you think of Rupert Spira’s teachings?
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
I don't know much about Rupert aside from what I have seen on KZbin, my instinct is that he is well motivated and I guess that he helps a lot of people with their mundane challenges. I don't want to sound critical but as far as I see he hasn't understood the essential point of mind, but that is not surprising as those who have are rare as daytime stars. I am not sure if this is true but some people suggest that he claims to be awakened but this is obviously not the case. But again this isn't surprising as awakening (in the true sense of the word) is extremely rare. Hope I haven't upset anyone, as Rupert has many devoted students and people can get really angry if you talk about their guru. Again I mean no disrespect but I take these issues (awakening, etc.) very seriously and it doesn't help to fool oneself. Thanks for your contribution.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Thanks Alexa, sadly I am very ignorant about all these people and I only first heard of them very recently after leaving retreat. Any further information would be appreciated because everything you see online is biased in one way or another @AlexaTaniuska 🙏🙏🙏
@adrd208 Жыл бұрын
I don't know shit, I think a lot though Probably too much. Just let go and allow myself to be Zen.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Thanks Bob, do a bit of Zen for me too when you are in the zone!
@K2024-c2j 10 ай бұрын
Bhante, I have question in regards to Mahayana sutras. In your opinion, is there any discrepancy between the Chinese translation and the Tibetan translation? I only know Chinese so I would like to know. I attempted to practice in a Theravaden temple before and realised I couldn't sustain that level of practice. My conclusion was that unless I can sit for at least 3 hours and twice a day I am not good enough to be there. I was taught to observe the breath, a meditative term or the combination of the two. I feel stuck as I can't find any satisfaction in the world and I have been able to progress in my practice. I have had mental illnesses since teenage almost to a point of suicide. I was suggested meditation unexpectedly a few years back and have been trying to make progress in it. I noticed its benefit buy it seems my mental state is holding me back.
@ultimatemeaning 10 ай бұрын
Hello Kwang, so nice to hear from you. Firstly you should understand that you possess everything you need to accomplish your practice, and whatever obstacles you have you will eventually over come them. Most important is your motivation, as the Buddha taught everything begins with intention. Secondly, then it is important to build up the habit from practice at a steady pace. Many push themselves too hard at the beginning and this can lead to "spiritual burn out" and also a decline in one's physical and mental health. So starting with a good motivation then apply yourself steadily, only doing as much as your health will allow, and then in that way slowly you can gain strength and stability in practice. Thirdly, then one must understand that obstacles arise out of previously accumulated karma, and so if there are obstacles to practice then one must either experience the ripened results or purify them through practice. So by the practice of the 7 branches, one needs to prostration, make offering, and confession, rejoice in the virtue of others, and request our teachers to remain, and supplicate them to teach the dharma, concluding all practice by offering the merit to the benefit of all sentient beings. It is said that there is no world better to experience the ripening of karma but here in this human world, so have confidence that your problems are only temporary and by clearing away past negativity, you will progress from strength to strength, until enlightenment. Also remember that you have the unborn Buddha nature and so no one is better deserving of your love and respect that you yourself. You will overcome all you problems and by clearing away the negative mind stains your primordial nature will shine through. In terms of translation then many translations are very similar in Chinese and Tibetan, and much more compatible than with the Theravadan canon. The main differences are in terms of use of terminology and this is primarily because of the difference in view. But the scope of the canon is so vast it is very difficult to generalise. Hope this is helpful🙏🙏🙏
@K2024-c2j 10 ай бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning thank you for your reply and excuse me for my typos. I'll attempt to figure out what's a steady pace for me now. I saw so many who have been nuns and monks or living in a monasteries for years without even having access samadhi and their negative tendencies seemed to be amplified in monastic environments. I was doubting my ability as a result.
@ultimatemeaning 10 ай бұрын
Yes you are quite right, many small minded people are attracted to monasticism, but the reasoning is flawed. This is the mistaken view (of the 5 wrong views) of holding discipline to be supreme. Also monasticism isn't suitable for everyone, and may not be right for you in this life time. Best wishes @@K2024-c2j 🙏♥🙏♥🙏♥
@alexanderc2581 Жыл бұрын
Can you give some recommendations on legitimate books/authors?
@ultimatemeaning 2 ай бұрын
Way of the Bodhisattva, The Words of my perfect teacher, Root verses of the Middle Way, the 37 practices of a Bodhisattva, etc. ... Shantideva, Patrul Rinpoche, Nagajuna, Gyalse Togme, etc....
@jameswaterhouse-brown6646 Жыл бұрын
@krishnapartha Жыл бұрын
Can you please address Ramesh Balsekars teachings? I feel you will resonate and have some comments. Thank you so much for your honest and open and insightful sharing. ❤❤🙏🏾🔥
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Hi Karnatik, thank you for introducing me to this, I will certainly have a look 🙏🙏🙏
@krishnapartha Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning Here’s a one stop shop for the teaching summarized. He draws on Lord Buddhas teaching right away. It will surprise many how this is the same teaching as far I as I understanding. 🙏🏾
@creamrising Жыл бұрын
It may arise that circumstances and situations are all that exist.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Hmmm, interesting point 🤔
@summer12151 Жыл бұрын
How do you know 'Duality' exists ?
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Its something called recognition. It is by recognition that someone gains the first true understanding or experience of non duality, or non referential wisdom, and so that person can also recognise when others are barking up the wrong tree or just fabricating a conceptual fallacy. Thanks
@zardoz7900 Жыл бұрын
I am one with my thoughts.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
So when you think of a bird flying in the sky, do you also fly in the sky. If you think of a candle do you get burn?
@zardoz7900 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaningThanks for the response. 🙏 I am not enlightened but let me try and clarify what i meant, i know that when I think of a bird flying I am one with my thought of a bird flying. As an example I noticed, I can only be angry at one person at a time. I was implying how our minds work. I mean it doesn't make it any better, just that when there is pain, I am one with it. Its the same as a rich person can only drive one of his cars at a time or eat one meal at the time. Also perhaps relative to all this once I was watching TV and flipping through channels and i came across a Japanese TV drama with 3 men looking serious in black suits. One of them hung up the phone and said, "he will wake up at sunrise" then the other said "you don't wake up at sunrise, you wake up and the sun rises". 🙏
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
@@zardoz7900 thanks for the clarification, so are you able to focus on an object like candle and be aware of a sound at the same time?
@zardoz7900 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning if i was focused on a candle and a dog barked my focus would shift to the dog barking. I have no control over this. I can focus on a candle and a loud explosion suddenly happens, I would be aware of the loud explosion and not the candle. So I don't think i would be able to hold both things in my mind. They could be entering my subconscious because ears always listen, eyes always see but Im not always there, i could be daydreaming about my long gone teenage years or whatever resurfaces in my mind. And it always seems chaotic and random and without any order and that unfortunately is very fragmenting. I have not been meditating lately so Im running on daily habits. I just know i need to be at work at a certain time but other than that its just inertia. I need to do sitting zazen. Im not good at visualizing, for some reason I thought those types of meditations were phony. But just sitting and trying to keep an aware and open mind or focusing on breathing seems the way to go.
@ravindramurthy3486 Жыл бұрын
Dear Sir: I respectfully disagree with several of your statements in this video under the banner of nonduality. Hindu Yoga as you call it, has nothing to do with nonduality - "ADVAITA VEDANTA". (I am assuming that you are familiar with Advaita Vedanta). Advaita Vedanta has nothing to do with Hinduism, while Hinduism may have found its philosophic foundation in Advaita Vedanta. Your statements have mischaracterized/misrepresented Vedantic position regarding Nonduality. My only request to you is to be sure of FACTS before making some sweeping statements. I will be happy to examine with you, every single element of your presentation in the light of Advaita Vedanta (Non-duality) , if you are so interested.
@krzychoos6633 Жыл бұрын
So Who is Shiva than?
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Hi Krzychoo, sorry I don't know much about Saivism but the processes of Creation, Sustaining and destruction are all clearly dualistic processes. Thank you for your comment 🙏🙏🙏
@the-absolute-light Жыл бұрын
Non-duality is not a state that one attains. That in itself is a duality, and how silly would that be? A recognition may appear, but it obviously appears to no one but itself.
@lebenausderfulle2148 Жыл бұрын
Thoughts...... Concepts..... More thoughts....... Only thoughts....... toooooo many words for No- Thing😂 Thoughts can't reach it.... The TAO that can be named is not the real Tao. Be still and know I am God..... Before Abraham was, I AM! Call me by my name! I AM
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
OK "I am" pleased to meet you and thank you for your comments. 🙏🙏🙏
@lebenausderfulle2148 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning 🤗❤️
@harriehoutman5154 Жыл бұрын
Aren't you a bit over-analizing though? Simply 'being' doesn't require any formality or pointing out. Its our natural state, ground of being, just overlooked most of the time.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Logically if simply being is enough to bring realisation, then even insects and psychopaths are enlightened and don't need to change anything, or maybe I misunderstood your point. 🙏🙏🙏
@harriehoutman5154 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning well 'realising' is key of course. 🙏
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
And so the question is how does one realise, and what does one realise? @@harriehoutman5154
@joesamrae 10 ай бұрын
@KarthikVenkataraman Жыл бұрын
Are you aware of the Self Enquiry (Who Am I) as taught by Bhagwan Ramana Maharshi
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the pointer I will certainly look BRM up.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Oh yes I have seen his picture all over Nepal, I will look into this teaching.
@jupitersstring2823 Жыл бұрын
U cant be non dual without quittin the game
there's no ONE to know. knowing is a dream. keep running your mouth
@EddyDJIMini3Pro Жыл бұрын
You cant know anything except ...
@infinitenothingness Жыл бұрын
There is only ⚫️
@jonashjerpe7421 Жыл бұрын
Non-duality is not known.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
And yet so many claim to have realised non duality!
@jonashjerpe7421 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning Yes, most are deluded, but those who have indeed realized has not realized it in and through their knowing faculty, but through their being completely wide open and therefore not separate from anything else.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Please clarify what you mean by wide open, and if they are not separate from anything else, does that mean for example that they are inseparable from the sun in the sky also? If so then how come they do not burn up? Thanks@@jonashjerpe7421
@ryanadams4164 Жыл бұрын
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Then what is the basis of accepting the notion of duality, without that this discussion is stuck in a conceptual feedback loop. Thanks
@ryanadams4164 Жыл бұрын
​@@ultimatemeaning I accept duality as part of the experience of non-duality. They are each other, I suppose (which also suggests that I accept neither). Another way of putting it, for example, is nature is nothing in-particular, being particular things. I don't feel that what I say is accurate, but I don't feel it is inaccurate either. I like to simplify it by saying that it is both. I have been told this is a cop-out, but I feel it is a cop-in. Which is handy :) These are my current conditions so far. I am not sure if this answers your question.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
@@ryanadams4164 excellent answer, so now I will clarify the position of the authentic direct path, to quote the Buddha "not as regards to theories but in respect of seeihg" what you have stated are conceptual assumptions about the nature of reality, that may or may not be self contradictory , and that are the tools used in the progressive path of vast study, the direct path to realisation involves investigating phenomena directly, but this requires great diligence and mental acuity and so isnt in any way easy
@ryanadams4164 Жыл бұрын
@@ultimatemeaning I agree, everything I said is an assumption, and a contradiction, as I assume what I stated is both inaccurate, accurate and neither. I cover all bases. I find it a burden to choose one over the other. It drains me. But choosing all is a contradiction so powerful that it invigorates me. It's as if they are all rubbing together creating sparks. it works for me, so far. Forgive my trepidation to pick a side as I am yet to see one, lately. but that doesn't mean I am sure of this vision. No. I am unsure. I do not trust how I feel or what I see, for life doesn't stop to be anything, it just keeps going, and yet, I do not trust even that. I mistrust my mistrust. To go back to your investigation of phenomena directly. I may have an example, through living, as a phenomenon, many years ago I would wonder if I was a coward or a hero. But now I see that there have been enough moments of cowardice, and enough moments of courage, to realise I am neither. In other words, I am what anyone says I am while being capable of the opposite.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
How intriguing! I only wish to give people an idea about what this direct investigation involves. And that doesn't concern choosing one path over the other but merely observing what is there to be observed. But it takes a hell of a lot of diligence and perseverance as insight doesn't come easy. Of course if you have strong karmic residue (like Guru Rinpoche for example) then mere symbols can bring about recognition of the true nature. All the best Ryan!@@ryanadams4164
@A91367 Жыл бұрын
tuning fork.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Is that how you know there is such a thing as non duality?
@A91367 Жыл бұрын
You are like a tuning fork. You speak, I resonate. Your words are a short ‘path’ to a sensation or state of bliss and truth. This awakening/state of being is something I’ve experienced many times and your speaking is a way to ‘go’ there. A tuning or ‘contact’ with what is fundamental/undefined.
@A91367 Жыл бұрын
The ecstasy or freedom arising from lack of assumption.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
how wonderful @@A91367
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
Yes transcendence of alll views is bliss @@A91367
@stupideunuchs6513 Жыл бұрын
Because i'm not a lying mappo loser.
@ultimatemeaning Жыл бұрын
What's a mappo? Thanks
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