This was crystal clear. I have read other Church of Christ sources trying to understand the role of the Holy Spirit in our salvation and this was the most understandable. Thank you for creating and posting it.
@sharejesus.11572 жыл бұрын
Truly those who belong to GOD are illuminated by the word of GOD. GOD Bless the Church of Christ at South Bumby.
@kac04043 жыл бұрын
So, in the case of Acts 2:38, to what does the gift of the Holy Spirit refer? We believe that it refers to the fact that God gives His Holy Spirit to those who repent and are baptized. But what has this to do with repenting and being baptized? Everything! In 2 Corinthians 3:6 Paul explains that "the written code kills, but the Spirit gives life." In God's scheme of redemption the Holy Spirit is the life giving principle or power. In John 3:3-5 Jesus explained to Nicodemus that unless one is born anew of water and the spirit one can neither see nor enter the kingdom of God. Some would separate the water and spirit here into two actions, referring the water to physical birth and the spirit to spiritual birth! This is simply not grammatically possible, nor is it necessary. Water refers to baptism and the spirit refers to the work of the Holy Spirit in the new birth and baptism (the early Christians, in their writings, are unanimous in this ”position”). The Holy Spirit is the life giving power of the new birth which takes place in the process of believing, repenting, and being baptized.
@sdthyng5 жыл бұрын
This is the summation of what I have been working towards in my study of the word for some time now. I think we need to really reassess the importance of the word we have delivered unto us by the Holy Spirit of Truth it was a Living Word when it was in the mind of God and continued to be when it was given to the apostles and was still a Living Word when it was written down for us today. I believe just as the Father maintains the planets in their places in the universe the Holy Spirit Keeps The Word Alive. The Father gave of himself when he sent his Son and the Son gave himself on the cross and the Holy Spirit gave of himself in delivering to us that which is perfect God's word
@sdthyng5 жыл бұрын
@foxeshaveholes those who would separate God from his word cannot help but teach false Doctrine
@sdthyng5 жыл бұрын
Trying to reply to Foxhaveholes: without God's Word we would have absolutely no understanding of God at all we would not be able to have a relationship we would not know what kind of relationship to have we would not know anything about the gospel or how to obey it and then live in obedience to it we would know nothing of hell nothing of heaven nothing of love. As Jesus Himself said the words that I speak are not my own but they were given to me by my Father to speak.. the words that I speak are life eternal they guide us to that relationship with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit - which He intends to be as close and intimate as the relationship between a husband and wife!
@fayepinkerton15504 жыл бұрын
Acts 2:38 Did God remove the Holy Spirit after He had given Him as a gift at baptism.He is the Holy Spirit of Promise who God says seals us as His own. Christ is the Word Rev19:13 andthe Holy Spirit inspired th writing of th Word. We are not to quench Him but read the Word and know the Spirit makes intercession for us before th Father as we pray th great work Christians can do.l listened to this teaching for 40 yrs by those in CofC.Please stop making judgements.Faith comes bfr wrks.Listening to u .if l was seeking th Lord and heard you teaching l wd want to look elsewhere as u so arrogantly put down ppl . U quote th Word but I hear NO LOVE. MY LIFE IS GUIDED BY THE SPIRIT. I AM IN TH LORDS KINGDOM I ATTEND TH COFC BUT YOUR EXPOTULATING IS NOT GODS WORD OF LOVE THAT I OBEY