How Feminism Invaded Churches -

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@NorthwoodsWolf 2 ай бұрын
The pandering is off the charts in churches, as well as other organizations. Whenever a man is speaking you frequently hear him make some reference to women being smarter than men, running the show, etc. They think they’re being clever, and many of the women will “knowingly smile and nod.” It’s pathetic and terribly destructive over time.
@schlookie Ай бұрын
@NorthwoodsWolf yes, I left a church because pandering was one of the things that annoyed me. We had a pastor who was an accountant, and who owned his own fairly large accounting firm. So a fairly smart guy I'd assume. Every time he preached, he always spoke about how he was just a dumb guy, and that his wife was in charge, and that he'd be nothing without her. That attitude really annoyed me.
@SonsofIssac Жыл бұрын
I partly agree with the non-Christian next to Elliot… but essentially what Christianity has become in America is a franchise… the majority of consumers in America are women. Most pastors are nothing more than hirelings who sell out to a marketing plan to attract the majority of consumers which are women… In short, women spend money, the pastors market the “religious experience” towards the consumers… I’m a Christian and I’ll tell you first hand, attending church sucks because you literally feel like you’re getting your balls cut off every Sunday… especially with praise and worship…
@TheBuronic Жыл бұрын
Derek Prince preached a sermon back in 1971 called "witchcraft public enemy number one" the first 25 minutes explains it all. he gives statitics not just preaching...and he also gives scenarios of encounters with different people. (i already used this comment above but Derek directly addresses Feminism back then on a spirtitual plane so to speak)..
@TheBuronic Жыл бұрын
about the sunday worship..yeah I agree..I used to play drums at a church and they kept on using Bethel music.. i wond up quiting the praise team.
@andrew1717xx Жыл бұрын
My current pastor pushes towards a sermon approach that appeals to both sexes. He is very masculine, and makes direct refferences to chainsaws and also has many feminine examples around him, but he also makes refferences towards the feminine with various members of the congregation assisting.
@captnhuffy Жыл бұрын
@@andrew1717xx Wise. Who wants to bet that in the distance future this will start catching on? Women will start craving for masculine .. then and only then will it roll out. Churches are not blind
@captnhuffy Жыл бұрын
come on man! this is true "only" 99.999 of the time
@drazicmilosovic1065 Жыл бұрын
The further Christianity wanders from Scripture, the more worldly and effeminate it becomes. When you try to become all things to all people; you become meaningless to everyone. Effectively - it’s blasphemy.
@xTwinVipersx Жыл бұрын
@carlos31302 Жыл бұрын
Only if you believe in that bullshit.
@AsAugustSleeps Жыл бұрын
In my childhood church it was a running joke that the women wore the pants in all the marriages. Back then it was funny, looking back it’s just depressing and a huge problem.
@framboise595 3 ай бұрын
@AsAugustSleeps " He shall rule over you" Genesis 3:16 There is nothing funny about mocking the Word of God. It always backlashes and thank God for that.
@wperkins225 Жыл бұрын
As a Christian man I can tell you feminism has definitely made it's was to the pulpit!! Most pastors shy away from teaching true biblical marriage or teaching a woman's true biblical role to not be seen as a misogynist You have to remember women hold the purses strings nowadays and church's are donation funded.
@framboise595 3 ай бұрын
Huge corruption.
@AhemLd Жыл бұрын
Roosh was a pickup artist who had a conversion and unpublished all his pickup books. He helped lead me to Christ.
@21s Жыл бұрын
He's a fraud leading you to doom
@slackjaw4270 Жыл бұрын
@@21s Please explain how he is a fraud.
@StarboyXL9 2 ай бұрын
@@21s Yeah if he's converted to Christianity he's definitely a fraud!
@insomnolant6043 2 ай бұрын
Roosh is great; I'm so glad he bowed the knee to Christ.
@patnor7354 Ай бұрын
Bah. A man should be honest. Unpublishing his books is dishonest and spineless.
@JHOTA5220 Жыл бұрын
The “Christian” group I was brought up in when first beginning to follow Christ was female dominated. The more I grew to know the Bible, the more obvious it was that the pastor was not at all the leader, that he submitted to his wife and even his daughters, and they absolutely just free styled and followed the parts of the Bible they felt best suited their own bias. Soon as I started speaking about biblical sexual roles, I was immediately called misogynist. Happily left that group and found a more traditional Bible believing church
@tubalcain6874 Жыл бұрын
That’s exactly why I walked away from evangelical Protestantism and converted to Eastern Orthodoxy.
@Prince_Sheogorath Жыл бұрын
@@tubalcain6874 Lol, that is literally what I am doing right now. Found a good Eastern Orthodoxy Serbian/Russian church in town. Good for you!
@NorthwoodsWolf 2 ай бұрын
Name-calling. That’s cute. You’re much better off leaving that mess.
@Brick1978 Жыл бұрын
I'm black and have been a Christian for 45 years and I can tell for sure that the spirit of feminism is dominant in most black churches. This spirit of feminism is a spirit of error also that brings in false doctrine. Most of black churches members are women. The main area of error in these churches is allowing women to be in the Governmental Leadership Offices of the church; these offices are Apostle, Pastor and Teacher! Black churches are full of allowing this error to run rampant in their administration. Case in point; my former pastor is Bishop Keith Butler in Detroit. Butler has a woman who is Dean of his Bible school and has many women on his ministry staff including his daughter who is the #2 person in authority over his church. This spirit has brought with it in Butler 's church divorce, sickness and disease among other issues of false doctrine! Moreover, in many other black churches women have elevated themselves to be senior pastors that run their own church, many call themselves apostles or teachers and I know of a few that want to be called "Chief Apostle" as ridiculous as that sounds !!!
@Angrybogan Жыл бұрын
Question for you Brett: What happens in the various churches you've attended when the passages relating to the obligations of Christian women (1 Cor 7, 1 Peter 3, Eph 5, Titus 2) are preached on?
@Brick1978 Жыл бұрын
@@Angrybogan not much, I recently left Butler's church after 30 years of "faith " teaching !
@Angrybogan Жыл бұрын
@@Brick1978 Why I ask is that whenever I see those passages preached on, the women of the church grate, chafe, get angry, frantic and hysterically start looking for exceptions. This is my observation of 30 years of attendance in various denominations and different countries. Imagine if men did the same with Acts 15:29!
@Brick1978 Жыл бұрын
There's an old saying, " If you throw a rock in a pack of dogs, the one that hollers is the one that got hit "
@slackjaw4270 Жыл бұрын
Listen to Stephen Darby. 🙏
@JamesHolbrook-eh5sp 23 күн бұрын
Whenever i hear my pastor using the phrase, "toxic masculinity," or doing down men in a similar way, something dies inside me. Fortunately, its not my faith in Christ.
@5150Bud 4 күн бұрын
You need a new church.
@williamleadbetter9686 20 күн бұрын
This issue among several others is why converted to orthodox Christianity. As well the ever changing goal post of morality and doctrine.
@DivineLogos 11 ай бұрын
Richard is connecting the dots really well and you can notice he really is connected to his divine detached godly core.
@2367J Жыл бұрын
This topic could be a whole KZbin channel
@spliff32000 Жыл бұрын
The Bible clearly says that women should not speak in the church. It also says that women are not qualified to be a pastor, but we have women pastors in all these churches. That’s the problem.
@framboise595 6 ай бұрын
@spliff32000 Well , women pastors are a problem , true. However , don't you think that MALE pastors who keep buttering up women and never call them out for their rebellion is even a bigger problem ? You know , as a woman , if I had the right to speak from a pulpit, I would say not say to men and husbands the things they don't hesitate to say. Because I know how devastating it is for both sexes : for men first because their authority is challenged , and for us women because we are told to reverence our husbands . But we cannot reverence men who are constantly bashed , mocked and put down in front of us. It's just impossible . We automatically feel good and comforted in our rebellion , we are never humbled and we take over.
@patnor7354 Ай бұрын
@@framboise595 You're right. Male feminists and activists are just as big a problem. The sad truth is that the vast majority of priests today have turned away from God. Not teaching the bible, but instead whatever the culture around them spew and whatever politics they themselves believe in.
@caroliner2029 12 күн бұрын
There are no single men between the ages of 30-65 in any church in my part of Melbourne Australia. There are also no single women. I'm the only single woman that I know. It's like a post nuclear war horror movie, where I walk alone in the world looking for human connection, love and belonging, but it has been obliterated in the evangelical church.😳
@5150Bud 4 күн бұрын
I have a hard time believing that. Unless you are in some extremely tiny church somewhere way out of civilization. Respectfully speaking.
@threeriversforge1997 2 ай бұрын
As someone driven out of the church many years ago by these issues, I can say that you're touching on it, but you're not quite there. Firstly, having talked with many atheists and agnostics, and guys who have simply gone their own way, it's fair to say that the overarching femininity is a huge problem. It's remarked on by everyone I've talked with. However, while the church has embraced the Spirit of Eve, I think a larger problem is the lack of Solidarity and Fraternity amongst christians as a whole. When you look to jews or muslims, notice that they put their own people first. They might do business with outsiders, but it's always framed within the context of benefiting their tribe to some degree. That's solidarity. Niether jews nor muslims apologize for their ways. And if you challenge them, they will circle the wagons and immediately go on the offensive. They attack the attacker however they can -- including bloodshed. Compare that to christians. If you ever want to be betrayed, look for the nearest christian and they'll be glad to help you out. Consider what GK Chesterton coined way back in the day - "Telescopic Philanthropy". This is missionary work and other charities, and christians lead the charge in stepping over people in need because they've deemed them not needy enough. You own house isn't in order, but instead of helping those right outside your door, you fly off to some thirdworld country to dig a well or build a school. And you brag about it. What I don't think christians really understand is how deeply offensive that is to people outside the church. To see their countrymen raise funds to go and help foreigners in some strange land while their own towns are in turmoil, well, it's angering, to say the least. And yet, christians will brag about it all day long, puffing their chests out like they did something great for the world. In reality, they put another nail in the coffin of the faith. Nobody wants to be part of a team that doesn't put the team first. Secondly, there are far too many denominations. Sorry, but you all say you're right, but all you've done is show outsiders that you don't know what you're talking about. You cannot claim to be correct, especially when you're asking me to do things for the church, when there are a dozen different churches all saying there way is the right way. The Great Schism was the beginning of the end for christianity, I think, and Martin Luther really did a number on hastening the demise. Thirdly, and this ties in both the aforementioned, this cowardly appeal to outsiders leads to always changing things up. I remember growing up a baptist and hating it, wishing we could go to that nice catholic church with the fine stonework and carved wood. Then the nuns sided with the feminists and fought to get out of wearing their habits all the time. Again, christians bent the knee and surrendered one of their traditions. And I've seen that constant supplication to outsiders for approval ever since. Every church now has gays running around in it. Women are preachers. You literally fly a flag that celebrates pride. You've truly embraced the Spirit of Judas. Everything about christianity has been made a joke, and by the christians themselves. How is it any surprise that men don't want to be a part of that? Solidarity and Fraternity. I can absolutely see the appeal of Orthodox christianity. They, at least, have remained unchanged in a thousand years. The enemy is working to upend that tradition and culture, but right now they are still strong. There's still the problem of preaching cowardice, I'm afraid. I don't know how you fix the mess you've made. It's been centuries in the making. What I would advise is that you first look at how Christendom has fallen. Every nation in the West that was once christian is now overrun with foreigners, outsiders, non-believers, and genuine enemies of the faith. And all of those people were actively imported by the church in many cases. Look at how the jews and muslims put their own people first, with absolute conviction. Look at how they work in the shadows far more than the spotlight. Look at how unapologetic they are. Look at how they will fight, and draw blood, to defend their tribe. Look at how they reward even the lowest among them if they prove to be good soldiers. That's something you never see with christians, and it explains a lot about why they are successful but christians are not. Like I wrote earlier, if you want to be betrayed, find a christian. If you want to be backed up in the worst of fights, become a muslim. Which do you honestly think is better for the faith?
@COASTER-o2h Ай бұрын
To be a follower of Lord Jesus Christ , never mind religion/faith/denomination , islam follow a pervy demon. However , i know what you mean , i hear Africa is nice this time of year , there are between 1 & 2 million new [real traditional] Anglicans there each year [to take one denomination ]. They still know what a man and women are and thier roles in following our lord.
@g.m.5590 Жыл бұрын
Great panel, appreciate the work you do Gents 🙏
@LionKimbro 2 ай бұрын
I don't know if this is true, but I heard this recently: Women took over the church in the Victorian era when men left agriculture and went into the cities to work in the factories. Women kept going to church, and kind of took it over. The story developed that women were chaste and holy and closer to God, and men were filled with lustful and dirty impulses, which it was then the job of women to civilize. So the idea was that women were good and holy, and men were debased, -- and then women took over the church. Again, I repeat that I don't know if this is true or not. But I heard this.
@framboise595 13 күн бұрын
@LionKimbro I heard this too . Industrial era all over the West being the primary cause of all the mess , yet it started way before , in the Middle Ages where men started to put females on a pedestal : the Knight and his Lady , his Domina in latin language. Chivalry , courtous love and all that Western garbage led to feminism. The idea that women civilise men is completely strange to the Scriptures. The Scriptures, coming from the Eastern part of the world show the exact opposite. The West is really screwed .
@Gravitywalker20 Жыл бұрын
This is going to sound funny, and I get it, but I'm a tell the truth as to why I as a man stopped going to church as a Christian bachelor. I put in an honest effort, and tried several different churches only to get the same results. The reason I stopped is because either A) Fat women in the church would chase me and/or B) Old women (as in senior citizen old) would try to siphon attention from me too much. If I could find a church where the women knew to stay in their lane, then I'd go to that one. Alas, where is it???
@TheBuronic Жыл бұрын
yeah ive been chased to... most woman who chase seem to be Borderlines...with some fantasy in thier heads
@Gravitywalker20 Жыл бұрын
@@TheBuronic Good to know I'm not the only one. The delusion is real with them.
@TheBuronic Жыл бұрын
@@Gravitywalker20 yes it is...I got stocked in at one church and the woman knew i was married..she was slow and methodical till i realized she kept putting herself in my path so i would be forced to acknowledge her..left that place..
@Gravitywalker20 Жыл бұрын
@@TheBuronic The church where I was baptized in had this woman who was very obese gave me her number that I didn't ask for. After not calling her for sometime, she went and looked up MY contact info in the church directory, and called ME. I had to spend 3 hours on the phone with her listening to her life story, and after politely telling her several times that I'm not interested, was finally able to hang up. I had hoped that was it, but NOPE. She proceeded to keep chasing me during every Sunday worship. After giving her every polite sign of disinterest, I knew this chick was not going to take a hint. It got so bad that I had to stop going to church there which really sucks because I liked going there. But wait, there's more. After I stopped going there, she tried calling and sending texts to me over the next month. Eventually, she stopped calling, but kept sending texts every week. It took a good 4 or 5 months before she finally stopped. She was both desperate and delusional. This is just one story, but I think it was my worst experience.
@AsAugustSleeps Жыл бұрын
@SleepingVenus Gluttony is a sin. Being obese is not what God intended for the temple that is your body. Stop shaming men for not being attracted to sinful behavior.
@gamingguy8595 Жыл бұрын
In all three big religion books God gave men more authority over women. Bible: women have to submissive to husband, Quran: Men are maintainers of women, Torah: men are head of household.
@gamingguy8595 Жыл бұрын
@@TreyParkersBitch I’m not forcing u to be submissive.
@SouthernComfort76 Жыл бұрын
Men have to be her leader. They are led by emotion not logic. A leader can’t be an effective leader, if decisions are based on emotion. People’s lives will be at risk if one bases decisions on feelings and emotions. That’s why the woman submits to him, not the other way around. And that is why GOD put the man ahead of the woman
@framboise595 3 ай бұрын
@@SouthernComfort76 ' And that is why GOD put the man ahead of the woman" There is another reason for that : because marriage requires sex and sex is requires phallic power. Modern marriages become sexless because of their horrifying lack of phallic power. Sexless marriages are no marriages in God's eyes and become a place open to all kinds of temptations 1 Corinthians 7:5 The measculation preached from modern pulpits is clearly the work of Satan.
@happyappy19931 2 ай бұрын
Men and women have roles in the Bible and in church. Both should be filled. Both are needed. Leaving the church is not meeting that calling.
@framboise595 13 күн бұрын
@happyappy19931 They do have roles but it's more than that : they have a fundamentally different identity Man is the image and glory of God but the woman is the glory of man 1 Corinthians 11
@n.davidmiller2029 Жыл бұрын
Agreed with the speaker that the masculine side of Jesus is not just the cleansing and the rebuking. It is also the 40 days in the wilderness, the walking through the soldiers, the not having a place to lay his head, performing miracles, the agony in the garden and the ultimate sacrifice of giving his life. It's all utterly masculine that anyone who chooses to pick the rebuking but doesn't see the sacrifice is blind to what a man should be.
@TheBuronic Жыл бұрын
Derek Prince preached a sermon back in 1971 called "witchcraft public enemy number one" the first 25 minutes explains it all. he gives statitics not just preaching...and he also gives scenarios of encounters with different people.
@renzo4276 Жыл бұрын
We need a Elliot and Richard collab
@AaronMusicEvans Жыл бұрын
Nailed it!
@johnr6143 Жыл бұрын
Stay away from the Jezebelles, they'll destroy you! Trust and put God first, because He has a perfect plan for your life!
@framboise595 13 күн бұрын
@johnr6143 Not just Jezebels. Delilahs and Vasthis are running the post modern Western church.
@RoseCityMusicClub 7 күн бұрын
Men don’t reject Christianity why did you say that?
@donaldfarrell-c2j Жыл бұрын
Yeshua, the only warrior to conquer, death hell the grave sin and the devil.
@fabjon6311 Жыл бұрын
People in america talking about How feminism invaded churches. In India, lgbt+ entered theological institutions many years ago & from there directly infiltrated into Christian churches. Our priests are woke & lgbt+.
@charlesgaspar1314 Жыл бұрын
Great video!!!
@asonofAbba2 Жыл бұрын
My wife has willingly submitted herself to my leadership and followed me out of evangleicsm into chad Anglo Catholicism. The first homily we heard as chatechumens was on the necessity of wives to submit to their husband's, and that the priestly vocation was open to men only. Men were given this authority to SERVE their wives as Christ serves the church. Our bishops recently re-defined our Canon on the only legitimate marriage being between one biological man and one biological woman. Trad Cat for life!
@framboise595 6 ай бұрын
@asonofAbba2 Serve their wives ? So Christ serves his church ? Sarah called Abraham LORD. So , he was the servant and she was the ruler ?? He was no lord then. I hate the word serve used for people under authority. I never see that in the Bible. Serve the Lord with joy the OT says; Although God provided for his people and took great care of them , we never read once that the Lord "served" his people.
@deliezer Жыл бұрын
Christianity places a much stronger emphasis on care for the poor, meek, etc. than other religions. It is a lot of the reason that Christianity had done moral authority outside its community of believers, when compared with other religions. I think that this feature of Christianity is very attractive to women.
@jackbrightside Жыл бұрын
Respectfully disagree, in islam there is a mandatory alms that must be given to the poor, it is one of the 5 pillars of Islam called zakat, it is the second pillar. And Ramadan or the month of fasting is done to experience the life of the hungry, to understand the struggle and pain that the poor and hungry suffer. These are mandatory in the religion of Islam, respectfully, Christianity has no such mandatory tennants to be considered a Christian
@deliezer Жыл бұрын
@@jackbrightside Am not saying that there isn’t a notion of care for the poor, (I probably worded that wrong) in other religions. But the Christian rhetoric (“Blessed are the meek…”) seems to grant both the poor AND the weak enhanced moral status. Devout Christians sometimes take a vow of poverty, and a famous quote from Jesus is that “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to get into heaven”. This goes beyond simple caring for the poor. It venerates poverty, and venerates weakness as well. I don’t think those ideas appear in Islam, Judaism and any other religion I have heard of.
@g-mode5047 Жыл бұрын
@@jackbrightside Islam just don't eat when the sun is up but y'all gorge like ungodly heathens at night. Hardly a fast.
@jackbrightside Жыл бұрын
@@g-mode5047 I'm not Muslim, and you never chow down with gratitude? The people in your life so cook for you? You don't break bread with your family or friends often? U seem to have a sad existence. Make it better and stop casting stones in a glass house
@g-mode5047 Жыл бұрын
@@jackbrightside of course I chow down with gratitude. I just don't pretend to be fasting when I do it.
@CameronsCandorOriginal Жыл бұрын
@Globeguy1337 Жыл бұрын
See also ‘Enemies Within: The Church’
@DavidSmith-ni7ow Жыл бұрын
The flag behind him has been infringed. NOT MY FLAG! It’s of maritime law.
@daviddegrote-ms8td Ай бұрын
our flag is JESUS ALL the nations are controlled by SATAN says the bible and THE ELITE are his children revelation 2.9 and 3.9 and john 8.44
@Z_G5 Жыл бұрын
So thankful for this channel. You guys are going to be attacked and probably already are. Stay strong in the name of masculinity, mankind, families, women, children and God/Jesus.
@Z_G5 Жыл бұрын
@fap fap fap the channel defends traditional women and their roles along with the nuclear family. Embracing traditional femininity. That’s staying strong in the name of women for me.
@Willie_Wahzoo Жыл бұрын
Jesus is NOT YHWH. YHWH dwelt IN Jesus (2 Cor. 5:19) and did miracles THROUGH Jesus (Acts 2:22). There is no "incarnation." That's an unbiblical word. Stop worshipping man's traditions and start worshipping the God that Jesus worships, whom he called "the ONLY true God" (John 17:3). Jesus is NOT YHWH. Jesus prays to YHWH. YHWH is Jesus' God. Psalm 110:1 would help you if your eyes weren't blinded by your love of tradition and popularity.
@aryyahuwilliams Жыл бұрын
There was no letter in existence 2000 years ago. so the name of the Messiah could not be "je-sus".
@aryyahuwilliams Жыл бұрын
We got two natures. The Hebrew and the greco-roman. "YHWH" is if the Hebrew nature while"je-sus" is of the greco-roman nature. They can not mix. It's like water and oil. Not to mention the name "je-sus" does not have the name of the Father in it. So it violates John 5:43.
@TheBuronic Жыл бұрын
Before Abraham was " I AM" Jesus....Jesus is God. He made you.
@aryyahuwilliams Жыл бұрын
@@TheBuronic did you see my comment on what I said about "je-sus" cos it appears that you missed it. There was no letter j in existence until the 16th century so we can't think the name of the Messiah is "je-sus". The problem is if we were born into christianity, like I was for 25 years, the idea of "je-sus" not existing 2000 years ago is a foreign idea. It's hard to accept cos everything that has been told in christianity. Not to mention, the idea of "je-sus" has the minds immersed in it, repeated over and over til the idea becomes reality. If you took your English Bible, took a time machine back 2000 years ago, do you think you would be able to successfully navigate and find what the church has been teaching christians now, at a time where English did not exist, not to mention it was a different culture outside the American culture we have grown up in? Do you think you would find "je-sus" when that culture could not produce such a name as it pertains to the language. We simply can not place a name in future tense in the past. That's an example of an anachronism which is where we place something or someone in a wrong time period. That's like saying the current version of you, which doesn't have 100 dollars, but cos the future you has 100 dollars, you say you have 100 dollars. This same thing applies to the name "je-sus" which has been around since the 16th century. Now regarding Abraham, he has nothing in common with the idea of "je-sus". Ideologically and doctrinally speaking. The idea of "je-sus" is all about replacing the things Abraham believed and lived. And Abraham is associated to the 12 tribes of ancient Israel. The idea of "je-sus" is not. The ideology of "je-sus" is all about replacing everything that Abraham and the 12 tribes of ancient Israel, by the way of replacement theology. It's like water and oil. Abraham is the water while the idea of "je-sus" is the oil. They just can't simply mix cos both are of different spiritual nature's, if that makes any sense.
@5150Bud 4 күн бұрын
@@aryyahuwilliamsyou sound like your a member of some cult or sect. Anyway yes we have the record of Jesus in the gospels and letters of the apostles. Some early manuscripts go back within 25 years of Jesus ministry. That means most people that personally witnessed Christ were still alive.
@saintsamaritan Ай бұрын
3:16 "Salvation by works..." Hint, hint. I'm Catholic, and that's not what the Catholic church teaches, at least not by your short interpretation.
@elmacho7561 Жыл бұрын
*Go Traditionalist, bros¡*
@nabsnabster3488 Жыл бұрын
Islam looks like the last refuge against the deterioration of values on a large scale sadly. Tate, Hamza, joining etc Moving to hold up the last shield.
@dee-ix3iq Жыл бұрын
Hamza 😆
@patnor7354 Ай бұрын
Which values? Marrying 9 year olds like Muhammad did? Slavery and butchering unbelievers....
@Rodoadrenalina Жыл бұрын
Theres lots of books about philosofy from the 19th century that are spot on of what we need, about being a man and the relationship with the spiritual, seems like we entered a dark age since ww2 until today, a clear example is Carl Jung talking about controling the shadow and avoiding the cultural norm of becoming a man-child.
@aryyahuwilliams Жыл бұрын
Here a red pill for ya. If you keep the so called bible is it's proper context, the so called bible doesnt teach christianity. When in fact if you do your due diligence on the 12 disciples, they were descendants of the 12 tribes of Yashraal commonly called Israel. If the so called bible supports message of christianity, where in proper context can we find this. What scriptures can be used? Mind you the so called bible was originally written in ancient Hebrew so we would have to go in according to that perspective and context. The ancient Hebrew and modern English are not the same.
@josephtracey4411 Жыл бұрын
The old testament was written in Hebrew, while the New Testament was written in mainly Greek. True bible believing christianity is based on some of Jesus teachings in the four gospels, and most of the books by Paul, Peter, James, John, etc.
@aryyahuwilliams Жыл бұрын
@@josephtracey4411 my response will be a little lengthy. but I hope to provoke some thought.
@josephtracey4411 Жыл бұрын
@@aryyahuwilliams provoke away my friend...
@brainplay8060 Жыл бұрын
I don't understand why you keep saying "the so called Bible". Also, while Hebrew isn't English we have more than enough historical research to translate the two effectively. I also don't get what you're trying to allude to with the whole 12 tribes thing. Also, all of the gospels were written in Koine Greek which was the dominant language of the area. It may have the primary language of Jesus for all we know above Aramaic. Heck even Latin would have been a more common language than Hebrew thanks to the Roman influences.
@aryyahuwilliams Жыл бұрын
@@brainplay8060 cos the Bible was never called the Bible. It was called the scriptures. I say the so called bible cos people call the scriptures the Bible. Things must be in proper context when it comes to the issues and subject of truth. Regarding the 12 tribes, just wait on what I'm about to post. If we claim the Messiah, and he was a descendant of 12 tribes, the tribe of Yahudah/Judah, and that was his identity. Nowhere does it mention in scripture that he was apart of the church.
@GilmerJohn Жыл бұрын
Feminism never "invaded" religion. Women have always been important in Christianity. In the "bad old days" women provided background support for church activities. When boys and young men could no longer be persuaded to assist the priest, young women were drafted. The same thing happened in protestant churches. It was a matter of women taking over the jobs that men walked away from.
@josephtracey4411 Жыл бұрын
Right...I'm an avid student of history, and I can tell you there's no historical basis for your claims.
@GilmerJohn Жыл бұрын
@@josephtracey4411 -- Well, sport, my "claims" are based on my own personal observations.
@josephtracey4411 Жыл бұрын
@@GilmerJohn oh, you made it sound like you were referring to some time in history. If you're referring to today's church in the west, the ladies can have it, it's drowning in apostasy anyways.
@GilmerJohn Жыл бұрын
@@josephtracey4411 Some are and some aren't. A majority of church going woman (IMO) are conservative by almost any definition.
@GilmerJohn Жыл бұрын
@@josephtracey4411 -- I have to agree that the Bureaucracies of most denominations are corrupt. Many individual congregations are sound and there are many sound independent churches (most are Baptist).
@kittystanby4686 Жыл бұрын
Yeah it’s always unfortunate when Jesus’s words and actions infiltrate the church. Lol.
@framboise595 6 ай бұрын
@kittystanby4686 Which Jesus ? The real Jesus who rebukes and punishes or the hippie feel good Jesus ?
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