The food safety regulations are designed to cost small producers enough to drive them out of business due to economies of scale. A producer that has 10 dairy cows can’t afford the same operations requirements as an operation with 100,000 even though the same regs are applied to large and small operations alike. We he real issue isn’t so much the food “safety” but the lack of nutrients in food produced in the large quantities to achieve those economies of scale and to continually increase profits by reducing costs. The product suffers and is far less than what it once was. The very first example of this was when I found out as a kid that peanut butter had the peanut oil removed and seed oils added in order to sell the peanut oil for a higher margin than leaving it in the peanut butter. I’ve been a label reader ever since and try to source as close to farm as possible. That is the only way I ensure a decent level of control over the food products that I consume.