How I got beyond schizophrenia symptoms

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TheMorningMist99: above and beyond schizophrenia

TheMorningMist99: above and beyond schizophrenia

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By request, this video details what it takes to GET BEYOND the symptoms of schizophrenia, namely, hallucinations (auditory and visual) as well as thought broadcasting. This is a more detailed video that combines some elements from previous videos on the subject. Again, I achieved this without the use of medications, and today I'm 100%recovered. Schizophrenia is a mental illness, and what the mind creates the mind is able to destroy. That is my firm belief.

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@vova12342 9 ай бұрын
hey man i suffer from schizophrenia , crazy amazing that you got beyond that hell , what helped you the most to go beyond the symptoms ?
@themorningmist99 9 ай бұрын
Hey 👋 it's unfortunate stuff that you also got hit with schizophrenia, but it's certainly not the end of living a productive and enjoyable life.. or it doesn't have to be. Great question: The most important thing I found that helped me was a change in attitude towards the diagnosis or experience. I used to be miserable and angry. I gave in to despair. But, then it came to me that living is suffering. I used to cry, "Why me?" But when understanding came to me that to live is to suffer, it also occurred to me that life was never meant to be fair. It was then that the revelation of suffering became clear. Suffering wasn't my problem, but my attitude towards my suffering was. So, instead of "why me?" The correct response was to my suffering was, "Why not me?" Why shouldn't I suffer with schizophrenia? It's how I respond to it that determines who I am on the inside. Will I allow it to crush me? To empty me until I become and live as an empty shell and shadow? Will I surrender everything and complain about all that I've lost? Or will I rise up in defiance and dare to stand and live in the face of all that stood against me? Am I willing to arm myself with faith, hope, and courage, and pursue after all that was taken from me? Will I make my home in defeat or victory? Who am I? Who do I want to be? Am I really ready to find out the answer? I graciously accepted the challenge before me. I no longer despised it. It became my mountain to climb: my giants to slay. I was no longer aimlessly wandering and struggling in vain. I found a purpose and a destination to aim for: 100% recovery. My attitude made the biggest difference in my struggle against schizophrenia. Because of this, my understanding of schizophrenia opened up along the way. I was given more than I had asked for. I only asked for recovery, but I was given the understanding of how this monster operates within the mind, and because of this understanding, I was able to subdue it and keep it subdued.
@vova12342 9 ай бұрын
awesome man happy for you thanks.@@themorningmist99
@patrickboudreau3846 Жыл бұрын
Loosing grip of reality is a cruel illness. I mean we are basically what is in our heads and i know how it feels to loose touch. You are mentally very strong and i hope uou keep on this path of clarity.
@themorningmist99 Жыл бұрын
I'm appreciate you thinking I'm strong, but I wasn't always this resilient. I came from the depths of weakness. I was afraid of animals such as birds and cats, and even little children. I was the definition of weak. I just became so tired of being weak and afraid, and so I gave myself no other option but to become strong. The results of my determination is what you see and hear.
@sabrinaszabo9355 11 ай бұрын
Reality blows, I want to have a new vision for humanity and I am not schizophrenic, I am just awake!
@sabrinaszabo9355 11 ай бұрын
How does anybody claimed to have a firm grasp on what reality is. From childhood, we are told what it is, how much are we not seeing? Some people have a glimpse into truth. It’s just a deviation from the norm which sucks anyway, the norm sucks social hierarchy suck society sucks the way it is and people act from primal fear, if anything this man is a genius
@surigz Жыл бұрын
Thanks for also touching on how dumb one feels when you read and can't remember what you just read being lost in conversations. I used to listen to old videos of me and my family chatting and I couldn't believe how coherent and articulate I used to be sometimes even funny. I'm glad you're shining a light on the fact that it will take some fight. Seven years in and I feel like I've lived two different lifetimes this one being so bizarre and scary Keep posting one day there'll be a community saying the same things you're saying on here to any unfortunate souls that find themselves in the pits of schizophrenia.
@nuntet7170 2 жыл бұрын
This is so helpful for so many situations even outside of schizophrenia. Great advice. So much to consider.
@informitas0117 3 жыл бұрын
I'm schizophrenic as well. Great video, especially the "thought broadcasting" I call it "thought harvesting" would like to talk more about it but can't. Medication is also a sore subject, I think they are poison. The doctors know. I wish you the best.
@themorningmist99 3 жыл бұрын
"Thought harvesting?" Interesting. I would actually like to hear more on your thoughts on the subject. If you ever feel comfortable enough, feel free to email me and we can talk there. Thanks! For leaving a comment.
@informitas0117 3 жыл бұрын
@@themorningmist99 i think they put devices in walls, basically everywhere. They are tuned to so called "schizophrenics" but I'm sure they get other thoughts as well, maybe psychics. I don't know what you see in the walls or ceilings but i see the world as it really is, beyond the grest illusion. The voices are from the real reality as well. Sometimes they are wrong due to bad signals and crumbling symmetry. Its these "pure" or "true" thoughts they want to harvest to peek at the real reality. See Kether at the top of the tree of life. Its hard for us to see all the way from Malkuth (this world) to Kether but for them it's impossible. They are desperate for even a glimps of truth. That's why they stalk us or institutionalize us. Calibrate the devices to our thoughts. Medication is also part of it but not all doctors are in on it and don't prescribe the poison pills but I haven't been able to find a way to know who is a real doctor.
@themorningmist99 3 жыл бұрын
@@informitas0117 hmmm. Interesting. I never heard this understanding before. But one thing I do know, is that the heart/mind is deceptive. It can create so many illusions, and have us believing that lies are truth, and truth are lies. But what is truth and reality? And do I know to identify them when I see or experience them? I used to live in a world where witches and demons haunted me, and I was in complete darkness, and all alone. This was reality, according to my mind. No doctor could tell me otherwise. No medication or therapy could move me from it. I didn't question it, but religiously believed in it. This "reality" lasted for as long as my mind kept believing and accepting it. But, what if I had questioned it? What if I had tested it from the start? Would it have held up to the same standards of reality that my mind had accepted it to be? If yes, then I wouldn't be here as I am right now. The "spell" over my mind wouldn't have been broken, the mist wouldn't have lifted and I would still be believing that even you were a witch, and out to get me. So reality isn't so simply because my mind says so. Reality and Truth transcends my belief. But what are they? And how do we prove it? We can't prove it if we don't question our own beliefs of what we presently accept as truth. Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say here. Hopefully you've listened to my story as well.
@yosefzee7605 3 жыл бұрын
this one remarkable and extremely brave person right here.
@themorningmist99 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks For requesting this! I was able to be bit more comprehensive in this video with the details. Still wished I added some other elements, but the overall idea is here. Maybe I'll add/expand on those another time. Hopefully this is helpful to all who are seeking.
@surigz Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad to hear someone mentioning the darkness and hell on earth as well as the fact that it feels like my head was literally opened and left that way. There a lot of insecurities that come with the hallucinations. The anxiety and fear and the fact that the body goes into auto pilot kind of shock where the heart beats so uncontrollably fast and the body temperature raises I feel like I'm struggling to be in my body. Not to mention the fact that it feels like you've just been a part of some demonic initiation and situations. I've gotten out of the isolation slowly and the darkness has stopped being so overwhelming after calling so desperately on God, one day I just woke up and I didn't want to die and also discovered Jerry Marzinskys channel. So I really tried to anchor myself spiritually. Since then I kept begging God to help me and then I came across your channel. Your content is very helpful. I learnt to say Holy Spirit take over to all the thoughts that I can't control or overcome as well as the memories of the hallucinations.
@themorningmist99 Жыл бұрын
It is like an outer body experience, isn't it? Or partially anyhow. Accept peace, love, wellness, and all the good things that you desire. Don't fear, don't hate it, just let it all go and accept what you desire, hold to those and walk in their direction. What you feel is sort of an illusion, so don't allow that to disturb you. Focus on who you want to be and you'll become that person. You believe in God, so trust in him and let all the other things fall. Just accept it's finished and give thanks. Don't beg God. He says, "ask and you shall receive." Asking is enough. You only need to accept now. That's it. Learning to accept and let go is the challenge you face. It's easier to hold on to the things that hold us. But faith is to trust and let go. See your recovered self and walk towards that person. Each step is a becoming. Keep that in mind. Be that person. The rest will fall away. Just be patient and give thanks. Hopefully this helps a little. Also, Thank you for your kind words 🙏 😊
@lazarmitrovic180 2 жыл бұрын
Bro how do you manage cognitive symptoms. Mine are so bad that i cant function in society. It is so hard just to hold simple conversation. By the way keep filming, your fight means a lot to us who ate new in this hell.
@themorningmist99 2 жыл бұрын
Hey man. Honestly, it's tough. But it's still mindset though. You've to push against yourself, or the part of you that wants to lean into the negatives. So you've to set your target beyond them and continue pushing toward that target, and eventually you break through. Understand that they aren't YOU. YOU are the one who wants to be free from them. But you think they're you and so you listen to them and surrender to them. That's the trap. In my situation, I stopped caring what people thought about me. I saw something greater in front of me, and that was a battle to regain myself. I couldn't think, I couldn't hold conversations (just as you experience), I didn't feel motivated to do anything beyond watching anime, lol. I spent many hrs in my bed just watching stuff. I literally had no reason to live or to do anything. Without a purpose we become lost and wander around aimlessly. So my purpose became to take back myself. That was it. It was born our of sheer stubbornness, and a determination to not feel bullied. But that goal of taking back myself, was broken down into smaller steps. So for example, when I couldn't think I would just act my thoughts out. So, I'd move and do things without thinking about what I was doing because I couldn't. But I also never stressed the fact that I couldn't think. I just kept my composure, held my confidence that it'd break, and I was thankful that I did, NOT that it will, but that it had already happened. So I just kept acting until I could actually hear my own thoughts again. When I couldn't read due to repetitive intrusive thoughts, and the voices (I would read the same sentence like 10 times and still had no idea what i read) but then I'd just put the book down, go do something else, and then come back to it. I'd repeat this process many times. And I couldn't read in my head. They would take words and turn them into nonsense. So starting out, I had to read out loud. It was cruel what they did to me. I can't even talk about some of it. But The key thing is I stopped stressing it. This is a battle, and I kept punching until the wall broke, or it would've broke me. What did I have behind me? Nothing but despair. I had to move forward no matter what. If had to spend the rest of my life punching away at it, I would've done it. That became my resolve. Depression isn't fun. That was behind me should I had stopped. And the pit gets deeper from there, and the darkness only gets darker and thicker. Like I've said, there are rules to this. Your belief, your persistence, determination, courage, hope, etc, are your foundation and your keys to access the pathway beyond. But most of us will allow the negatives to overcome us because they're strong, and we don't know that we're far stronger. But you won't know this until you believe and are convinced of it. Because if you believe it then you'll do something about it. We won't just quit because we fail a few times, we'll get back up as many times as it takes for us to win. This mindset cannot lose to any part of schizophrenia. This is why it keeps you in doubt and uncertainty, fear and anxiety. These are the locks to its chains...remember the keys? Flip over the lock, the key is on the opposite sides. It's that close to us yet we barely can see it. The darkness blinds. I missed it for years, but when my mental attitude changed, from hopeless to hopeful, all the keys were revealed and I unlocked the chains by leaning to that which I desired no matter how much it seemed to reject me. Eventually those same things embraced me, and I was able to think again, feel again, be motivated again. So they fall off the more you stand up to them, and not shrink. It might be difficult to believe this is possible by changing the mindset, but it's true. It's more than that, but that's a pivotal step. I made a video "recognizing yourself apart from schizophrenia" and in that i talk about how we've to identify ourselves opposite of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Once you can recognize that small quiet voice within, that barely speaks, but it tells you who you are when it does, and cries to be free from schizophrenia. That's you. Don't confuse that with the one that sounds like its you, and says don't do this thing that you want and need to do, because "I've no motivation, no hope, I'm dumb, I'll never be this or that, I'll be alone for ever, I've no future, how am i gonna be perceived, they'll laugh at me etc." Silence that guy by getting up and doing it anyhow. Starting a conversation no matter how foolish you sound or look, and if you fail! Do it again, and fail again and again and again, until you break through it. That's how I did it, lol. Because you've left yourself somewhere, and you've got to go back and find him. No one can give you you, you must find him by retracing your steps. So whatever your insecurities are, or that you've "gained" (reasonable stuff i mean, lol) that's the doorway you must walk through. Faith, hope, courage, persistence, determination, etc. These aren't easy to hold, but you'll need them and they'll guide you to that mind you seek. That's a long note. But hopefully it helped a little. I'll make a video on this sometime. Thanks for the support man. I'll definitely post something soon. Thanks again Now, cognitive deficits from meditations are another beast. You can get beyond them as well, but that might take a bit more work. I stopped mediations after I while, but I was still progressing even while on it. Got my driver's license and was working part time. That's how I started out, until I dropped it. So it largely depends the fight you have in you, and if you'll accept defeat. Where you accept it you'll never take one step beyond it, until you're again ready to take up them fight.
@lazarmitrovic180 2 жыл бұрын
@@themorningmist99 Omg thank you for this. You dont know how much it means to me
@themorningmist99 2 жыл бұрын
@@lazarmitrovic180 Glad I could help :)
@joanmyron 2 жыл бұрын
You are very brave! Thank you for explaining all of this to the world.
@themorningmist99 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! Appreciate you stopping by.
@rosettesassoon2536 11 ай бұрын
Your videos are so helpful. I am wondering if I may speak to you in private whether it be via email or overt the phone??? I love your videos. Thank you
@themorningmist99 11 ай бұрын
Hi! I'm glad my videos and experience are proving to be helpful to you. You can contact me via email at
@MrKante0004 9 ай бұрын
Hello Paul! I've been taking a few days to watch your videos and I have started to put the things you mention into practice. i want to thank you, because your advice has be especially helpful to me. Previously i have gotton rid of most of the intrusive thoughts to the point where i haven't even noticed them throughout the day, over the course of a few months, by ignoring them. I also deal with thought broadcasting which is a tougher fight because even the littlest movement from others in my vicinity feels like comformation of the delusions. What i got from this video is that i should bring my attention away from the thought broadcasting and instead focus on where i want to be? This sounds like solid/great advice as i have tackled many things by ignoring them, but how would i go about embodying mental health or bringing my attention towards where i want to be? Also, what do you think about therapy? In therapy i would be focusing my attention towards the delusions by talking about them.. would this make my efforts all for nothing?
@themorningmist99 9 ай бұрын
Hi! I'm glad you found my videos helpful. you've been making some progress. Now, thought broadcasting seems like a different beast, but it's the same beast only wearing a different mask. Here's the thing, before turning away from it, look at it and disarm it. For example, you see or hear someone sending you a message to disturb you. Look at what you hear or see. Question it within your mind: "Is he/she really doing that to mess with me? Let's say the answer is yes! What do they hope to accomplish? What feelings are rising within me? I feel anxious, embarrassed, fear, anger, etc. OK, so this is to pull negative emotions and thoughts from me. Now, what am I going to give? Do I give what they want or what I want to be? Moreover, I don't even know if it's really them or hallucinations and delusions. In either case, it doesn't matter. I'm going to give the opposite of what I feel. It won't lead me to become what it wants. I'll become who I want." Once you examine with thoughts like that, then you ignore the negatives by stepping through them with your positives. So, ignoring doesn't mean to not see it, per se, but to see it and then continue forward anyway. You don't get caught up in the negative, but you recognize it and offer the situation something greater than what's naturally being pulled from within you. Eventually, the negatives fade as you learn to truly ignore it to where you won't even look at it anymore. After this, it'll fade to where it no longer exists. But first, you must confront it and take away its sting. Whatever it is that makes you tremble from having others knowing your thoughts and past experiences and actions, you've to make peace with that. You've to make peace with being naked in front of the whole world. Once you make peace with all your dark places by bringing them into the light, what more can they do? It no longer matters what you hear. You can overcome evil with good because you're no longer allowing shame and guilt or fear to rule you. Accept it all and then casy them aside and step forward in confidence. As for therapy and communicating with the hallucinations? It all depends on how much value you place in what you hear. The more value placed in them, the more it'll influence you. If you maintain your separation and use more of an investigative mind, then you should be fine. Just remember to be skeptical of everything it reveals. Truth blended with lies is how they get you. It might be an interesting experience. It wouldn't be something I'd personally engage in, but that doesn't mean someone else wouldn't find some benefit. Let me know how it goes if you do decide to go that way. Good luck 👍
@MrKante0004 9 ай бұрын
@themorningmist99 Thank you for such a thoughtful response! I'm currently in therapy and have been for a few years, but I noticed that I don't need it much anymore because therapy was just a way to provide resources on how to cope. So basically, I'm doing all the work with what they suggest. I'm thinking of ending my sessions because I now have an adequate amount of tools, including your suggestions. All I need to do now is to put them into action.
@Kamillionaire.94 Ай бұрын
​@@MrKante0004therapy is about helping you find a path through the darkness you are stuck in, I dont think its right if its giving you resources to cope it shouldnt be that way. You might want to watch Dr.Lionel Corbet he talks about Carl jungs approach towards psychosis and schizophrenia
@kzl7711 3 жыл бұрын
Please do an interview with your mom. There is allot of us desperate trying to help our kids. She’s a brave woman. What did she do to help you?
@themorningmist99 3 жыл бұрын
I've been meaning to do that for a while now, but kept putting it off unfortunately. I'll aim to make that my next video. Thanks for bringing that back to me. What she did to help me was what you're all doing for your loved ones; she fought to get me help the best she could. She went through a lot during that whole process. Being a solid support for me was definitely helpful. I'll have her detail her experience in my next video.
@patriciatoney240 3 жыл бұрын
Oh yes please in Alabama fighting the fight with my son he will be 18 soon. In the beginning he was very verbal about his mental health issues. Now he goes on as if nothing is wrong and now is not very verbal about anything. Keep fighting I am glad you are aware of what you are going through reaching for the same for my son.
@og.baller8037 3 жыл бұрын
@@patriciatoney240 how’s he doing now
@TraceyMarshall-i2m 11 ай бұрын
How do you have such insight? I’m not sure my son has insight into his illness
@themorningmist99 11 ай бұрын
It took me about 6 years or so just to get insight. I had to learn to ask the right questions. I was fortunate for that understanding to come when it did. My story could've ended without me ever seeing the light of hope. I'd say to encourage your son whenever you've the opportunity. Love him and lead him by showing him an example to follow. Hope, faith, courage, patience, and persistence are all necessary qualities that need developing by persevering through this darkness. Our natural instructs drive us in their opposite direction. If he can come to understand the truth within the darkness, then he'll be able to expand himself within it and rise above and beyond. If he can't gain the understanding within himself, then perhaps he'll gain it by watching your response to life and its stressors. Then he'll understand this is about learning, growing, and rising. It doesn't have to end in defeat. It can create a champion. That's the truth hidden within the darkness. That's what I had to discover. It's how I recovered beyond medical expectations. Don't lose hope. Even if he loses it, you carry it for him.
@N3K3ISHA 2 жыл бұрын
you did a good job i love you ancill pall
@themorningmist99 2 жыл бұрын
Lol. Thanks! Who's this, Zamar or Amira? Well, I love both of you just the same.
@germainedenon311 2 ай бұрын
How long before u got to this state?
@themorningmist99 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, it didn't take too long when compared to how I suffered. It’s hard for me to tell because you just get so caught up in living that you stop paying attention to time and all the nonsense that's happening within. It's so seamless, and you just keep going because you're no longer looking back. Your eyes/mind is forward. It's just life. You get caught up. You get better as you tackle the challenges and claim that territory within. You slay one giant at a time until you're the last man standing. The time it takes depends on you. That's the best way I can put it. It'll vary per individual because the capacity for each individual is different. Hope that helps
@bluefrogmarch Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@Yasharahla2 Ай бұрын
I can’t stop thinking they are real
@Yasharahla2 Ай бұрын
Yeah when I’m anxious the voices come along
@themorningmist99 Ай бұрын
Start thinking it doesn't matter if they are real, you're still alive, and life itself still demands of you if you are to survive. So, what does it matter if voices are real or not? Life still calls, therefore think about life and how to live the best life. Get captured by living and being your best. The voices can come and go, but they don't matter. Life matters. Your response to life is far greater than any voice or other symptom of this condition. Give your best response to the demands of life. That's the test here. Be patient. Have faith. Have courage. Breathe through the anxiety. It'll steal your breath, so make sure to find it in those moments where you're more at risk. You can learn a lot from this experience with anxiety and the worsening of the voices or other symptoms. There's knowledge and understanding to be found there. Don't miss the instruction. This battle is yours to win. Pay attention.
@baciliorochajr_schizophrenia 11 ай бұрын
I have schizophrenia 😢.
@themorningmist99 11 ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that. But it's also important to know you're not without hope.
@NudePostingConspiracyTheories 3 жыл бұрын
I’ll have to listen to this share a few times, there’s so much in there. Thank you.
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