I generally before adding plugins will make a ruff ballanced mix. That in it´s self is worth more than any amount of plugs that you could add and plus, It´ll already sound better (depending on what your aiming for). And if you decide to add plugins, THINK 3D, do your editing, place movement in your songs with effects (effects as front to back relationships) AND ADD AUTOMATION ! But as you would know, this will take some time if you want your song to become special. BUT.... to do this all, and as you also know: PEOPLE DON´T WANNA HEAR THIS SHIT!!! THEY WANT QUICK RESULTS!!! Sorry to say, that while making garbage tunes are easy, sculpting on the other hand is an art form. So you wanna make some garabe tunes for your little stupid girlfriends or do you wanna get laid ?! It´s no shame in taking longer than most to mix a song but as long as you know why it´s taking so long.......know and learn your audio tools and use your brain. It won´t expode....not just yet anyway.
@inswainaudio12 күн бұрын
Haha! I do the rough mix as well... I call it a "static mix"