How Nightcrawler & Mystique's Origin Has Changed in X-Men Blue - Origins #1

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Blerd Without Fear!

Blerd Without Fear!

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@bruceleroy7193 10 ай бұрын
"Azazel... You are NOT the father" (Azazel proceeds to break out in a happy dance)😂
@stevenrogers2684 9 ай бұрын
technically, he still is.
@spinningtornado4543 9 ай бұрын
@@stevenrogers2684 Yeah, that's the crazy part. Nightcrawler now has the fragment of a fragment of Azazel's DNA within him (less than the 50% ratio you have between parents and children) yet : - All of his mutant abilities came straight from him (shadow bending, night vision, weird teleportation, prehensile tail, enhanced balance, ectrodactyly, ...), including his appearance because Azazel has had blue children in the past with normal looking women. - His depowered appearance is what Azazel uses to disguise himself when he shapeshifts. - Nightcrawler's descendants exhibit more of Azazel's traits at each new generation : TJ has a retractable tail and more affinity with magic like Azazel and Cardinal, the mutant Chimera that's genetically Nightcrawler's grandchild, is just Azazel with red hair and eyes. - Nightcrawler can fall victim to Azazel's mind control like any of his normal biological children and can be used as an anchor to different planes of existence (ex Heaven) by him like his other children are. In other words, Nightcrawler is exactly like any of Azazel's children, if not more like him than them, with less of his DNA. And what adds to the absurdity of this whole situation is that Mystique "used some of Azazel's shade to make Kurt but most of his DNA is really really from her I swear" Yet she completely removed both of hers and Azazel's shapeshifting abilities from anything that could have resulted in Nightcrawler's genome while also keeping the visible mutation from birth. It's like she planned for his life to be a mess before she knew it HAD to be a mess now.
@sanitizerwilson1599 6 ай бұрын
He still the father Mystique borrow his sperm and her husband's sperm to herself (female egg) to impregned Irene.
@Fyrijou 10 ай бұрын
That’s a Retcon done too late. Yes, i know this was Claremont’s original idea (not the *original* idea of thou since they wanted Nightmare to be Kurt‘s dad) but it doesn’t change the fact it made things unnecessarily complicated now. A dumb contrived „DNA mix up“ explanation which is just stupid because they could’ve just created 2 children if they needed one to stop Azazel‘s prophecy, the weird fact that Mystique got aggressive to Destiny which she never did (especially in the time the birth takes places) and they boiled down Mystique‘s resentment towards Kurt that was tackled trough 3 decades into „Xavier did an oopsie“. Draco did *a lot* wrong, but the story of how Azazel used Mystique, conceived Kurt and ultimately abandoned him was written far better than this mess Imagine if some writers retcons all of Silver Surfer‘s Norrin Radd story, saying it was all just an illusion by Galactus, just so he can follow trough with Jack Kirby‘s original idea for him. Nice touch of trying to pay tribute, but you just ruined an entire character for nothing
@spinningtornado4543 7 ай бұрын
The Azazel prophecy Destiny came up with is in and on itself a immense plothole too : In the pile of bodies in that vision, you can see the Scarlet Witch, Jean Grey and Doctor Doom. To recap, you have the mutant/mutate who was able to depower most of mutantkind with a few words and shown to be able to scramble Nightcrawler's mutant abilities around and render them unmanageable in the past, the Phoenix Force host who can shut off anyone's brain if pleased (shown without the usage of the Phoenix Force) and can create a fire that cannot be extinguished which she used on Nightcrawler to kill him in a What-if once and finally Doctor Doom. Doctor Doom can go toe to toe with the Sorcerer Supreme, toe to toe with Mephisto in his own Hellish dimension and would not let anyone takeover the world he lives in and thinks it deserves hi as ruler. ... Azazel is a mere mutant : A power nullifying collar was all that was needed to stop him in 2014 and send him to jail. He could do nothing once that was placed on him. It is that easy. If Azazel was this big of a threat to the world and mutantkind, he would not have spent nearly 3 years on Krakoa with all the other mutants and done nothing. He has been there before the laws were even made too (yes even before Nightcrawler's "make more mutants" law). The prophecy says that Nightcrawler needed to exist to stop Azazel from doing his takeovers when it's the exact opposite. Azazel needed a certified biological child of his, with his specific teleportation abilities to do anything. Of all the children Azazel's ever had, none fit all those criteria before Nightcrawler came to be and no other fit those criteria after Nightcrawler was born either. Nightcrawler was the key component for Azazel to escape both his dimension (he cannot do takeover without escaping the jail that held him for millennia) and do his takeovers. You remove Nightcrawler and Azazel wouldn't be able to do anything. The Heaven takeover Azazel attempted in 2014 wouldn't be possible without Nightcrawler not only EXISTING but also DYING yet Destiny's prophecy of a world without Nightcrawler shows Azazel with Red Bamfs, which only came to be during the Heaven takeover, meaning they could not have existed without Nightcrawler not only existing himself but also stopping Azazel from doing a takeover a FIRST time. Mystique says Kurt needed to look this much like Azazel to pass off as one of his kids so he "assumes" he was his, keeps him close only to then have Kurt stop his takeovers. The problem here is that none of Azazel's children look like Azazel (Abyss showed up in Dark X-Men#4 and can be used as comparison if needed). Nightcrawler has been directly stated to be the exception rather than the rule on what Azazel's children look like as their appearance ranged from human looking to mutant (but nothing that could tie them to him on sight). In other words, Azazel never relied on appearance to know who his certified biological children are. He stated himself that he is able to know who and where his certified biological children are (a mutant ability similar to what the Scarlet witch relied on to know who Speed and Wiccan were to her). His children were also shown to be the only ones affected by both his mindcontrol and soul-tie and Nightcrawler also fell for both of these (the soul tie was the key for Azazel to reach Heaven in the first place). Therefore, Nightcrawler just "looking like Azazel to pass off as his kid" was pointless to reach whatever goal this contrived plan was. Really. If Nightcrawler didn't trigger Azazel's accurate progeny detection or his progeny mindcontrol or progeny soul tie, he would not have answered to his call at all or become an actor in his plans with his biological children... As a certified biological child of his without a single important difference between them. The vision also stated Nightcrawler needed to face hardship after hardship and still turn out good to stop Azazel's takeovers hence why he was abandoned and given to Margali Szardos "the old witch" (Margali's father was young when he served in WWI and WWII and didn't have children yet. Destiny has no place in calling Margali the old one here). All this when it was Margali and her family who taught Nightcrawler about kindness and love in the first place and he himself often described his time with them at the circus as "his happiness memories and time of his life". His hardships only started LATER in his life because everyone in his family tried preventing him from getting the full blunt of it. What doesn't help this prophecy is that Azazel recently died. He died in the jaws of an alternative version of Nightcrawler who was corrupted down to his VERY BEING. So to recap, the very being who managed to stop Azazel once and for all was : Evil, mindless, nothing left of the person he originally was, as close to demonic as possible and NOT FROM THIS REALITY. By all means if Mystique raised Nightcrawler from birth like she did in the AoA timeline and trained him to kill Azazel, we would have gotten the same result faster. Destiny only has this complicated (and counterproductive seeing all of the above) plan to stop Azazel when the easiest could have just been to STOP Margali Szardos from getting into contact with Azazel in the first place. Because Azazel and Margali know each other, she is the sole reason he ever half escaped his dimension at all. They aren't just acquaintances : They are close enough to trust each other and they don't trust other people easily (this throws Destiny getting into contact with both of them and convincing them to do anything out of the window) which is very much why Azazel placed Nightcrawler in her care (which this one-shot retconned). You stop Margali from getting into contact with Azazel and there would be no problem with him ever. But that's not all, Because the key motivator for Mystique and Destiny to stop Azazel really is that otherwise, he would keep them from being together... When Destiny's been dead for years before Azazel does any of his takeovers in 616 (where Nightcrawler exists, which is needed for the process, meaning without Nightcrawler it would have taken EVEN LONGER or not happened at all). In short, this vision fails because Destiny wouldn't be part of it period, the plan she came up with cannot work and actually does Azazel's job for him, was unnecessary in the end and completely contradicts so much of what we had and what went down... Which turn the entirety of it into a complete lie. Many of the things we know are also things Nightcrawler himself knows about by the way (He went Azazel's kids, he used his ability again him, ...) so there's no reason for him to trust any of the things Mystique told him especially since she has lied to him 2 times already (making this the third time) like when she said she accidentally lost him (instead of willingly throwing him to his death to save her own skin, something that Azazel himself remembers as he witnessed it unfolding) and when she hid his biological father from him. This would not be the first nor the last time she lied to get something from him and he knows it. It also doesn't help that the Sins of Sinister event had Mystique and Destiny abandon him (now for the second time) to a fate of being locked in a cage, slowly losing both sanity and self and getting forgotten about while they got to leave 5 years before things hit the fan and lived long and happy careless lives without once thinking about him, as he doesn't matter to any plan or future from the start. This retcon and the very idea of it don't work and would have never worked because the very first thing we found out about Nightcrawler's life, in the Doctor Strange/X-Men annual which introduced Margali, was that Nightcrawler was found by her next to the body of his dying mother. This was revealed through the Eye of Agamotto which only shows the truth, meaning one of Nightcrawler's biological parents was certified DEAD by the time the current event have taken place (something that was still brought up 4 years later too). Only after this were Mystique and Destiny introduced in their first X-Men story, that being Days of Future Past. Where their very actions led to the creation of a dystopian future with one of its first mutant casualties being Nightcrawler himself (that timeline also lack any of Azazel's takeovers because, again, he needs Nightcrawler for any of them to happen at all). Neither Mystique nor Destiny did anything to prevent his death, meaning he doesn't matter to them at all. Like he didn't matter when he died a first time in 616 (a death which is still canon and was the key for Azazel to try a Heaven takeover in the first place) while they did everything in their power to prevent Rogue's even if it would have doomed the entirety of mutantkind after M-Day forever. Destiny was too old (100) by the time Nightcrawler was born (he was 21 in 1980) and had been a mother plenty of times as well as a grandmother and great-grandmother for a family and children she was shown to have cared about and loved and held no greater plan. If she didn't care about them, Mystique would have never time-travelled to the past to kill her OWN SON (Graydon Creed) to prevent him from harming any of them. You had AoA where Mystique raised Nightcrawler as a single mother and where he's only ever heard about Destiny and you have a What-if issue where Mystique raised him from birth in 616 as his certified mother alongside Rogue and with the help of Destiny. A one-shot whose climax relied on the fact Mystique nearly threw him to his death as a baby to save her own skin (something that was canon until this one shot) and included Destiny letting Mystique watch as Nightcrawler slowly died to teach her a lesson as she had warned her, having foresaw it all : Destiny didn't care about Nightcrawler even in the What-if where she helped raising him.
@TheZamaron 10 ай бұрын
I prefer Azazel being the father since he’s a demon, it would mean Nightcrawler is partly one, and works as a great character dichotomy to him being religious. Also explains him being blue from Mystique, and demonic appearance and teleporting powers from Azazel. As interesting as the new reveal is, I’d have preferred the version I just mentioned, Nightcrawler finding out he’s part demon could be very good fir his character, maybe question his faith and if he’s doomed to be evil, but eventually reaffirms his beliefs and that he’ll be good.
@proxy1935 10 ай бұрын
Azazel was never a demon, he’s always been a mutant.
@OGreenWorId 10 ай бұрын
@@proxy1935 He was retconned.
@chasethecringewolf2195 10 ай бұрын
Thats why alot of people dislike him. Azazel kinda undermines Nightcrawler’s whole deal. Not to judge someone for what they look like rather then who they are. Personally it doesn’t bother me but i can tell how it would bother someone else. But you probably know this new origin was the original intended origin for Nightcrawler by Chris Claremont in the 80s. For real this would’ve been genuinely earth shattering back then. What I like though is Mystique reveals she used his genetic code for Nightcrawler so he is technically still the Father just not his genuine father. This new origin doesn’t throw him away and I think it offers new potential future drama.
@spinningtornado4543 10 ай бұрын
@@OGreenWorId And he has been back to being a mutant since 2019 so everything is back to normal.
@spinningtornado4543 10 ай бұрын
@@chasethecringewolf2195 It wasn't Claremont's original idea for Nightcrawler's parentage. His original idea was to straight up have Nightmare, a Doctor Strange villain and straight up extra-dimensional entity, be his father.
@Lord123 10 ай бұрын
Yeah and no. I was fine with his original origin.
@hgngu 10 ай бұрын
I think this is too convoluted. Why does Nightcrawler have a resemblance to Azazel as well as similar powers?
@effendikwantan1863 10 ай бұрын
Because Mystique was a gene shaper according to the memo of Doctor Nemesis.
@LunaticReason 10 ай бұрын
Spoofed/Cloned dna. A child she creates would have the dna of the person she is mimicing ie Azrael and thus have similar powers. She is the ultimate rapist in that if she ever got a girl pregnant she can deny and blame it on the dude shes copying. Anyone ask if shes the parent, proof it! dna test would be useless for a shapeshifter.
@Baraborn 10 ай бұрын
That's going to be recconned So FAST.
@shadenox8164 5 ай бұрын
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
@@shadenox8164 It's the most complicated and most hated
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
I hope so!!
@nerdlarge4691 10 ай бұрын
So Mystique reverse uno cucked Azazel with Destiny. This is some super soap opera next level “You are not the father” 💩. Not gonna lie, the Demon Daddy Nightcrawler origin seems normal in comparison. 😆
@WhatDoesEvilMean 10 ай бұрын
Such a horrible and unnecessary retcon. So now Mystique alters her literal genes? So she IS Wolverine when she becomes Wolverine; she IS Professor X when she turns into Professor X. It’s just so, so bad and such a ridiculous retcon that was done solely to achieve sociopolitical propaganda. “Oh, it was always supposed to be this way, but they wouldn’t let Claremont do it.” That’s an objective lie and never happened. I hate what’s happened to marvel comics.
@shadenox8164 5 ай бұрын
That they're doing stories that you let yourself become too brain poisoned to enjoy?
@WhatDoesEvilMean 5 ай бұрын
@@shadenox8164 Universes and characters absent rules and consistency are just…toilet paper. They’re just a mishmash of meaningless imagery. There are many, many things wrong with marvel’s storytelling over the last 6 years. Doesn’t mean every marvel comic is awful. It means that fans are going to sometimes have cause to voice their displeasure at the thing they’re paying for. Like me.
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
@@shadenox8164 It's bad writing please
@juanbisonosuero3650 10 ай бұрын
I don't think this Redcoon was that necessary
@sophiawilson8696 10 ай бұрын
@Partykiller0000 10 ай бұрын
This is too weird even for comics. I just can’t. Whatever then
@juanbisonosuero3650 10 ай бұрын
I really don't understand what this Redcoon accomplishes. Their biggest advantage is that they don't really interfere that much but their biggest advantage is also their biggest downfall in the sense that they don't really accomplish anything at most it adds destiny to Kurt's already conflicted family but I don't know. It feels unnecessary and even a little intrusive. but that's just my opinion
@chasethecringewolf2195 10 ай бұрын
What it accomplishes is what Chris Claremont originally intended for him. This was always the idea he had for Kurt back in the 80s, make Mystique and Destiny his mother. But then Azazel was introduced and it was kinda meh. To me this new one put the old origin back in AND it left Azazel in, this offers alot of new potential drama in my opinion.
@spinningtornado4543 10 ай бұрын
@@chasethecringewolf2195 Claremont's original idea wasn't Mystique and Destiny : It was to have Nightmare (Doctor Strange villain) be his father. Nightcrawler's father was finally introduced in the 1990's as the German Baron (Austrian in X-Men TAS) THEN Azazel was created (early 2000). Also in the same issue Claremont introduced Nightcrawler's adoptive mother, he revealed that he was found next to his own mother's corpse. All of this was before either Destiny or Mystique were introduced and Nightcrawler already having a dead parent was even brought up again 4 years after their introduction. So Claremont was already heading to another direction with his origins and was actively putting it into action.
@stevenrogers2684 9 ай бұрын
They'll retcon this again in a few years or so. Once this kind of thing isn't in style anymore.
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
@@chasethecringewolf2195 It accomplishes nothing. It destroys multiple characters and just proved his "intentions" were wrong
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
@@stevenrogers2684 Hopefully sooner! What are the MCU supposed to do with this?
@yuankun99 10 ай бұрын
This is the worse retcon ever. It made perfect sense Azazel to be Nightcrawler father and Mystique the mother. But now, Mystique is Nightcrawler's FATHER and Destiny his birth mother? Nonsense. total nonsense. That's why Disney/Marvel is failing.
@shadenox8164 5 ай бұрын
They aren't?
@megabear8905 10 ай бұрын
So now Destiny's the bad guy. She used her powers to systematically find the worst possible lifestyle for Kurt to live. All to fulfill a prophecy she made. Nightcrawler had better be furious with her.
@fernandocuauhshihuacarbaja3094 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, Destiny is a horrible mother. She abandoned her son, tricked her wife and manipuled them both with her own desires.
@SamoaJoedabest 10 ай бұрын
Destiny has always been a villain
@aryferreira2375 10 ай бұрын
Sorry to tell you she always does that... if mean saving all yes that the reason of Destiny
@dragoneyerx7170 10 ай бұрын
They're both terrible parents!
@renahgade1750 10 ай бұрын
He has every right to refer to Destiny as “this B#tch!” 🤬
@omenriver2399 10 ай бұрын
In 15 yrs will be that he is a 3 way baby. 😅😂😅
@professorpengu502 9 ай бұрын
He already is?
@sanitizerwilson1599 6 ай бұрын
actually is four Mystique husband is the mix too
@spinningtornado4543 4 ай бұрын
@@sanitizerwilson1599 Why mix a HUMAN in POOR HEALTH and with FERTILITY ISSUES for a baby that's supposed to be theirs ONLY?? Nightcrawler literally has everything from Azazel and nothing from either Mystique, Destiny or the Baron now.
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
@@sanitizerwilson1599 This is terrible
@16csterling1 10 ай бұрын
So this is crap. Making villains even more questionable..
@buhe1 10 ай бұрын
So does this mean that Kurt has three parents since Raven probably had Azazel's DNA in "storage" at the time when she got Destiny pregnant? Because she was shape-shifting from her perhaps baseline form genetically when she did it and there might have been side-effects. It would explain why Kurt was like Azazel. It sounds like she may be similar to a skrull, the normal kind, while I hope they don't mess with the x-gene thing because sometimes making someone too powerful would go against the character's character. Like imagine Mystique mimicking Exodus' powers and how it would ruin Mystique as a character, the phantom lady. Doing what a skrull could do like turn into a cheetah and run just as fast, a bird and fly and a fish and swim and breath underwater, even a gorilla and the brute strength would perhaps be an acceptable upgrade. I think in the 90's she used her mutant power to have wings which is also something a skrull can do.
@saturncrush 10 ай бұрын
I like this angle. Using Azazel in order to have her own child with to her partner.
@fernandocuauhshihuacarbaja3094 10 ай бұрын
Well it could be that Mystique just shapedshifted to have the same apperence as Azazel, or Destiny just new Kurt would be born with enough mutations to pass as Azazels child
@wakamoon1910 10 ай бұрын
well azazel and christian are specifically mentioned from her when she was talking about replicating traits, kurt probably has a combination of several male traits that mystique has met.
@bajansamurai 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, less so storing Azazel's stuff and more so having Azazel be a genetic template (along with Christian Wagner and possibly others) for her body to achieve 'maleness'. As such she naturally produces spermatozoa that contains the DNA pattern of Azazel and resulted in an X-gene with a lot of similarity to his, which then dictated 3 digit limbs, a prehensile tail, furriness, flexibility, adhesion and teleportation.
@Wezt334 10 ай бұрын
@@bajansamurai exactly, if it were a direct mimic of Azazels DNA then technically though Raven fathered Kurt he would still genetically be Azazel’s son (it would also mean biologically he isn’t related to Raven at all) which they were trying to prevent by tricking him into believe Kurt was his. If it’s was a direct mimic it would be like if Ben Reilly fathered a kid, yes he was the one involved in the conception but technically on a biological level Peter would be the father. The only way it works is if Raven changed her genetic structure to one that mimicKed Azazel’s physical traits, as there’s no way to guarantee an x gene when conceiving children (Raven specifically has a non mutant child with Sabretooth and more recently we have seen this with Fei Long) this would be the only way to trick Azazel into thinking he was the father without biologically being the father
@gavinsdaddy7 10 ай бұрын
Let's see... Pointy ears...check. Devil tail...check. 2 fingers and a thumb...check. Doesn't shoot webs.... Yeah....not really too fooled.
@Blackstorm99 9 ай бұрын
Man whether u like it or hate it.. I think we can all agree that this is an overly complicated backstory..
@RicoGda_boogeyman74 10 ай бұрын
🤦🏿‍♂️ I'm not goin for this sht
@RevSinkiller 10 ай бұрын
Give up on the X-Men Buy and support the Fantastic Four.
@rubeniniguez8430 10 ай бұрын
I’m not a big fan of this origin. But it be fun to see Sabretooth’s face. Not to mention Azazels wrath for being played. Hope they retcon it back, their is a lot of wasted potential now. As for what’s present let’s see where this goes.
@spinningtornado4543 10 ай бұрын
Azazel's control over Nightcrawler and his ability to use him for his plans was on par with his biological children : There was no difference to him on that aspect. And it was pretty much his blood ties to Nightcrawler that made it possible for him to both escape the Brimstone Dimension, try taking over Heaven and how it made it possible for Nightcrawler to anchor him to Earth.
@brianalleyne4127 10 ай бұрын
If it ain't broke.........
@fendisaintlaurent4257 10 ай бұрын
Man to be honest we knew Mystique was his mother no question after she killed the X-Men LMD's in Arcade's Murder World. This was back in Claremonts original run. It was no mystery at all from that point. The only question was "Who was his father". At one point Mystique teased that it was Sabertooth but that was Earth 295 the AoA Mystique stated that she went through a lot of trouble to find a father with fangs and fur... Something like that.
@sophiawilson8696 10 ай бұрын
Sabretooth is father of Creed!
@kanukki84 10 ай бұрын
@@sophiawilson8696 And Kurt's in Age of Apocalypse. Sabretooth name is Victor Creed, his human son is Graydon Creed.
@RegisEmmanuelSuire 10 ай бұрын
Mystique is MALE as clearly established on PAGE 20 of UNCANNY X-MEN 266 way back in 1990. Only true comic book lovers know of Chris Claremont's intended idea for Nightcrawler's origins (Mystique is the dad and Destiny the mother). The author has played with the idea of Mystique being the mother, only to surprise us with the fact Mystique is in fact a male character who changed gender into a woman at one point later down the road. Now the truth prevails. I've been mad at authors not acknowledging this fact for decades and trying to come up with inferior origin stories for Nightcrawler (like Azazel being the father and so on). I am happy now.
@kanukki84 10 ай бұрын
​@@RegisEmmanuelSuireOnly True fans know that Nightcrawler was suppose to be DC character. Before Claremont decided that Mystique and Destiny are his parents, his father was suppose to be the Nightmare.
@dannytarver4533 9 ай бұрын
@@RegisEmmanuelSuire it had nothing to do with the writers. The editorial staff has last say on story ideas and back then... that wasn't happening.
@ZeroCtr1 10 ай бұрын
I’m done with X-Men anime for life
@williehawkinsii4845 10 ай бұрын
There was no reason to make her the father
@GoroKazuma-xc9sk 10 ай бұрын
Draco‘s Prolouge seems like a godsent compared to this circus writing
@redmaxxs 10 ай бұрын
This is a crazy story because technically he has three dads because she said she used the DNA of herself, Azazel, the husband she was married to at the time mixed together to make him. This does change how I see there relationship. Also it still does not change my mind about Destiny I still don't like her.
@fernandocuauhshihuacarbaja3094 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, this makes her worst. She manipuled Mystique and abandoned their child and got him to have a horrible life. But knowing Kurt he will forgive Irene not just because it's his mom but because he is like that.
@isaacshaw1914 10 ай бұрын
And you wonder why comic book sales have dropped off a cliff. Marvel keeps changing character origins to the point where it's dizzying. Just do a hard reboot on the Marvel universe. What's next nightcrawler will be his own father...
@LunaticReason 10 ай бұрын
Why dont you like Destiny?
@redmaxxs 10 ай бұрын
@@LunaticReason Destiny only does stuff for herself only, she literally does stuff that benefits her. The only other person she started caring for was Mystique and no one else.
@Digitizeddragon 10 ай бұрын
​@@LunaticReasonshe's evil? Why WOULD you like her?
@malicyoung9293 10 ай бұрын
I find this retcon unconvincing. Over the years destiny has shown no maternal feelings toward nightcrawler, whom she is said to have carried to term. And now we're supposed to believe destiny is Kurt's kid? Sorry. I don't buy it.
@proxy1935 10 ай бұрын
According to this ret-con, Destiny had Xavier erase all memory she carried and gave birth. So in Destiny’s mind, he is only Mystiques son.
@malicyoung9293 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, but why would destiny do that in the first place? Si put that in to explain why destiny doesn't acknowledge that Kurt is her son, but it still fails to convince. I can appreciate the desire to callback to Claremont's original intent, but it just doesn't mesh with existing continuity at all.
@spinningtornado4543 10 ай бұрын
It doesn't help that we have an actual What-if story set in 616 where Mystique raised Nightcrawler from birth as his mother (following the Scott Lobdel reveal) alongside Rogue and with Destiny's help. That story ended with Destiny letting Nightcrawler due by not doing anything. What great show of maternal love.
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
@@proxy1935 That's bullturd
@nothx512 10 ай бұрын
So why would Mystique throw her son away then?? Why didn't she raise him?? Mystique does have limits to her abilities....depending on what era you go by... This story just make Nightcrawler history less sensible
@ZipDraw 10 ай бұрын
I dont understand why mystique being the daddy is so weird? She shape shifts. So that makes sense.
@bajansamurai 10 ай бұрын
It's weird, but good. It just confirms that her ability goes deeper than people knew. Technically (and what we mostly believed) was that she achieved the look, shape, feel, sound and patterns of things through things we can frankly explain in certain animals and materials. Shape putty to suit (even as meticulously as fingerprint patterns) then apply some chameleon color shift cells and you can look like what you want to without changing on an actual genetic and chromosomal level. Even have "the tool" but it wouldn't be more than a glorified dildo. I always suspected it was in her powerset, but I thought since "they" established Azazel was the father of Kurt, eventually they'd go with Mystique is the 'father' of Rogue, and Destiny is her mother, who gave her up for "reasons" but then adopted her later to reform the family.
@effendikwantan1863 10 ай бұрын
She was a gene shaper according to the memo of Doctor Nemesis.
@ZipDraw 10 ай бұрын
@@bajansamurai she has also been shown to shape shift clothes so... 🤷🏾‍♂️. Lol
@bajansamurai 10 ай бұрын
@@ZipDraw Funny enough, the clothes part is less surprising to me because I see it as Mystique mostly being nude to start with then covering herself with skin shaped, textured and colored like clothes (or wearing little enough to pull it off) as easily as taking other people's and animals' attributes.
@nothx512 10 ай бұрын
It's beyond stupid....Mystique should've shape shift into a pregnant woman....these writers only have tones for a specific audience ...
@brumtownmiller6130 10 ай бұрын
I think it’s cool that it shows how mystique is basically a dna, gene shifter, I think it’s dumb that azazel is not his dad. The fact he has the exact same powers and almost the exact same physical appearance is too much of a coincidence. Unless it’s implied that even tho mystique cannot copy the mutant gene she can pass it on to her children if she shapeshifts into a specific mutant? That would make her super op and of a bad guy organisation could capture her and force her to shapeshift and impregnate women, they could great their own army of omega level mutant soldiers!
@stevenrogers2684 10 ай бұрын
I'm sorry, I just can't with this "oh she's actually not a shapeshifter, she's a GENE shifter" thing. It just feels like it makes it all SO convenient... she's that skilled she can alter genetics that she wants at a glance... Just sounds like an easy way to make all this sound feasible now. So we thought she just basically was wearing a costume, but actually she can copy genetics so perfectly and has been all this time... so why could she never duplicate the powers/abilities of people she's changed into? If she can't, why the hell not? What's stopping this, yet nothing else? She's changed into animals, so she instinctually knows all their genetics? You know this thing we never said she could do before 2023... well she always could... uh huh.
@kenroywright4607 9 ай бұрын
Mystique and destiny are the worst parents Mystique is the queen of child abuse and abandonment rouge, nightcrawler, Charles junior and grayson creed
@COMPUTRX 10 ай бұрын
I think it would’ve been cool if it was a three way split because this undoes the explanation of his demonic appearance and his spiritual journey versus his appearance. I liked that part about Nightcrawler’s character.
@juanbisonosuero3650 10 ай бұрын
Me too
@sophiawilson8696 10 ай бұрын
Azazel is a Mutant!
@chasethecringewolf2195 10 ай бұрын
Apparently justification is mystique copied his genetic code and used it to procreate with destiny. So technically speaking he IS Azazel’s but he also isn’t.
@justaghostinthesea 9 ай бұрын
Does it really undo the reason he looks like a demon? Can't it just be a mutation?
@BaithNa 9 ай бұрын
Exactly, just make it that Destiny and Mystique wanted a child but Destiny was too old for childbirth so they had Azazel be the sperm donor,Destiny be the egg donor and Mystique carry the child to term. And if they still wanted to have a trans allegory, they could have also revealed that Mystique was born as a biological male but transitioned to female after her mutant gene activated. There was a real opportunity for some great progressive storytelling but they went with the laziest and most cowardly retcon they could have come up with.
@akkelly5601 10 ай бұрын
As a long time comic fan, that’s had to be one of the dumbest retcon of all time. Right up there with iceman and apocalypse. Creatively bankrupt!!
@greenguy369 10 ай бұрын
I liked this concept when I thought it was for Rogue. And I would have loved if they introduced it as her origin. I think it works much better with Rogue's history and relationships with Mystique/Destiny. Would explains why Rogue is the only other person (besides Destiny) that Mystique can ever muster a fuck to give about; because it's the baby Destiny gave her. Would explain why they raised Rogue. And it wouldn't require this convoluted mess of a rewrite. Hell, just for fun you could have even included a bit about Xavier using that secret to black mail Mystique/Destiny into allowing Rogue to stay at the school for help after she absorbed Ms. Marvel (at the time). So, much more potential. And Rogue's origin is bland/blank as hell anyway. Spice it up. Nightcrawler's was perfect. Clean and timeless. TLDR: They should have given this retcon to Rogue.
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
I agree. It makes more sense at the very least
@mrcoachdevaughn8925 9 ай бұрын
So we made a bad father and we coddle terrible mothers . Destiny had no excuse to connect with nightcrawler...crazy
@uxm4life94 10 ай бұрын
Another interesting thing about Mystique is her brain chemistry changes with her appearance- which is why she's often unhinged.
@bajansamurai 10 ай бұрын
Yup. Makes sense even more now that if she starts restructuring genes and chemicals she can mess with a little or a lot of the folds of her brain that dictate built memories.
@christopherbennett5858 9 ай бұрын
And that’s why Destiny is rather possessive of her; because, much like Irene does need her help when seeing the present and, when she was old, doing the more physical stuff, Raven needed her for mental stability and direction.
@NoRamNobiosNoService 10 ай бұрын
Who make the story more complicated? I'm not a fan of this change. No because she turned into a man and he has two moms but that this change is unnecessary and serves no purpose. We have cannon parents for Nightcrawler already a Cannon that makes sense. Kurt has the same powers as his father and the skin of his mother. Why change anything. I sure there is a story out there someone in the marvel verse where there is a character who doesn't know their parents. They can experiment with that character instead of experimenting on established lore .
@ronaldbaxter5499 10 ай бұрын
Destiny shouldn’t be the mom. She would have been too old. Destiny was ancient back in the 80s.
@Loco0089 10 ай бұрын
A few things. First, why is Nightcrawler now a spider person? And second, god that sounds so stupid, and not the fun kind of stupid either.
@dannytarver4533 10 ай бұрын
Mystique could not do this. This is a total retcon,these were the powers of Copycat. The female mutant that took over Domino's identity in X-FORCE in the 90's, that's why Cable couldn't detect her with his telepathy. They just gave her powers to Mystique. All of the other stories were written. They just changed it. She was just a changeling
@spinningtornado4543 9 ай бұрын
@coberk790 10 ай бұрын
Just thought about this. Remember being resurrected, they mentioned before that it increases their powers. With all of her deaths and resurrections… I wouldn’t put it pass to make them making her another synch/hope, just wonder what limit they will give her.
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
So basically turning her into Rogue only to undermine Rogue and outdo her? No thanks
@nebriancoleman4704 10 ай бұрын
Azazul got set up for eighteen years of child support! You are not the father😂😂😂😂😂. Recently I talked about how destiny and mistique were living together as man and woman. They never really touched on the subject though!
@16csterling1 10 ай бұрын
So the LBGTQHYZ community is back
@sarov7658 10 ай бұрын
Alphabet mafia becoming more and more hated so political parties can use them the cycle lmao
@HashimWarren 10 ай бұрын
But why does Nightcrawler and Azazeal have the same powers 🤔
@effendikwantan1863 10 ай бұрын
Read the memo of Doctor Nemesis. Mystique wasn't only a shape shifter, she was also a gene shaper.
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
@@effendikwantan1863 Ridiculous. She hated every child she produced
@theghostmaker45 10 ай бұрын
Wait i thought mystic could only miminc appreince not powers
@decidueyezealot8611 10 ай бұрын
She can't mimic powers but her mimicry is near perfect
@theghostmaker45 10 ай бұрын
@@decidueyezealot8611 is it possible to have a different power from your parent if u both mutants
@decidueyezealot8611 10 ай бұрын
@@theghostmaker45 yes, an example is Xaviers son who basically has multiple powers despite his dad being psychic. Also possible to get none like sabertooths son.
@shadenox8164 5 ай бұрын
@@theghostmaker45 It's actually more common to have different powers than the same powers, probably because that's more fun for the writers.
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
They retconned her annoyingly
@akidajasper6545 10 ай бұрын
I don’t like it his teleportation and now super odd resemblance to Azazel is an odd coincidence
@pensacolapeate4635 10 ай бұрын
Simply lame...
@sophiawilson8696 10 ай бұрын
Sir Azazel is a Mutant! They retcon him from Demon long ago m
@theonewhoisbetterthanyou3570 10 ай бұрын
Nahhhhhhhhh lmao. Bro…nevermind lmaooooo at Marvel.
@TheAngryman 4 ай бұрын
Mystique is the father? More woke BS.
@nkosig4995 10 ай бұрын
yeah im gonna just ignore this i dont see this being a thing permanently like i dont really like retcons to make xmen villains always good rather than just redeeming them through actions have mystique repair the relationship herself.
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
I hope they reverse this retcon too
@conradojavier7547 10 ай бұрын
& it turns out, Destiny is not his Mother, but a Guy named Paul.
@Wezt334 10 ай бұрын
For me while I don’t mind the change it does ruin Kurt being a Neyaphem as now’s he’s just a regular mutant. It just ruins any potential future stories involving the Neyaphem and the Cheyarafim and causes a problem in answering the question if Kurt is now no longer a Neyaphem why does Warren’s blood burn him rather than heal him?
@juanbisonosuero3650 10 ай бұрын
Is the problem with Redcoons
@sophiawilson8696 10 ай бұрын
What ? Kurt is STILL a Neyaphem! She use Azazel DNA but this retcon horse shit just like Maneto children of Pietro and Wanda I just ignore it.
@sophiawilson8696 10 ай бұрын
I wish they show more Neyaphem and Cheyarfirm Mutants. The are different species of Mutants but still all mutants.
@saturncrush 10 ай бұрын
@Wezt334 10 ай бұрын
@@sophiawilson8696 see I read the comic and it doesn’t actually state that, it can be inferred but the more troubling problem with that narrative is that if Raven changed her genetics to mimic Azazel that means while she would have been the one to father Kurt, biologically Kurt would still be Azazels son which would mean they didn’t actually trick him and worse it would mean biologically though Raven fathered him she would not be his biological parent. It would be like if Ben Reilly had a kid, Ben would’ve been the one to father the kid but biologically Peter would be the father. The only way the “ruse” works is if you argue Raven mimicked Azazels dna then made a last minute change to the dna structure to somehow be different from Azazel and yet also have traces of her original dna which seems convoluted even if we are saying the full extent of her abilities have not been defined yet. The simpler explanation is she changed her genetic structure to mimic the physical traits of Azazel, this would mean Azazel is not the father thus thwarting his plans while tricking him into thinking Kurt is his by his look which would mean Kurt is not a Neyaphem, however if the former explanation is what they choose to go with then cool but it needs work.
@Thisguy38 10 ай бұрын
I’m surprised they did Chris Claremont’s original idea for Kurt’s parents
@sophiawilson8696 10 ай бұрын
I am not this woke period screw with X men and whole Mutants agenda. Franklin Richards was always a mutant because he born with his abilites. Not the X gene, then they change it that create the X gene in himself from his abilites? WTF the Professor kick him out for it. And Juggernaut not a mutant but magic based? X men was not mutant only club m
@wakamoon1910 10 ай бұрын
nightcrawler could still technically count as azazel's son since mystique does mention she basically copied and mixed up traits from the men she's encountered, so probably also christian since she names him.
@jesusdicent2 10 ай бұрын
Azazel was just a DNA donor in this case, but yes.
@bajansamurai 10 ай бұрын
@@jesusdicent2 Not quite. She didn't store and transfer his "seed" like a turkey baster or IVF tool, she learned his (and Christian Wagner's) and possibly other males' deeper genetic coding as an extended function of her senses (which she uses to be more exact in her transformations). What she did was actually the equivalent of building a literal male reproductive system complete with XY chromosome pairs replacing her XX pairs. Those Ys partially have the genetic coding similar to Azazel (we can conclude the coding that holds the mutant gene expressions for growing a tail, teleportation, furriness, etc.), although not exact enough to express as red like Azazel (so Kurt's blue like his "father" Mystique instead). Basically, her own cells were edited to become capable of splitting back out both X and Y chromosome spermatozoa instead of just the X and X egg release that would be from a mother. It just used some "reality" that she doesn't just have male genetic sequencing inherent, so scanned and synthesized the sequencing from males she intimately knew. Mind you, she (and Dr. Nemesis) describe the intuitive process of copying genetic structures on that microscopic cellular level doesn't mean she herself is consciously remixing block by block in the sequence. For lack of better terms its like remembering the taste of something and adding ingredients to suit because you know the taste profile needs more salt, a pinch of sugar, and this specific type of herb.
@AwoIfakayode 10 ай бұрын
Doesn't his Christian doctrine oppose lesbianism?
@bajansamurai 10 ай бұрын
@@AwoIfakayode Quite a few things about that though: 1. Nightcrawler recently moved from strict catholic (which he already had a loose interpretation of considering his fornication, if we want to touch on what is opposed) to a more all encompassing pseudo-religion called the 'Spark'. 2. Even if Christians are opposed to something fundamentally, their duty is to try to help the sinner by leading them to the light not necessarily oppose the person themselves, despite how some people embrace being immediately extreme about something they oppose. 3. Many religions see parts of the interpretation of the doctrines as products of their time, and are far more accepting of lifestyles supposedly damned to the eternal flames. 4. At the end of the day, he's still a human with a very complicated "mother/father" who he's literally now learning something new about. His immediate response probably isn't prioritizing any of his beliefs beyond, "She just bared her soul to me, and uncovered something I never knew that begins to heal the rift that has always been between us." 5. Add to that, that the same-sex nature of Mystique and Destiny's relationship isn't the reveal here (he's known that about them for years), just that he's now learning that Mystique is his 'father' and Destiny his mother. So what's he to do? The biggest shock for him is literally that he never even knew he was Destiny's Child, and a close second is probably that Mystique could even make herself functionally male.
@spinningtornado4543 9 ай бұрын
@@bajansamurai The issue here is that Nightcrawler actually carries Azazel's red pigmentation judging by Cardinal, the mutant Chimera made from his DNA alongside Rachael's and Ajax's : The result of those different DNA splices is pretty much Azazel with red hair and red eyes. Azazel was also shown to have had blue children with normal looking women so it now seems more than likely that the blue pigmentation Nightcrawler has could have come from Azazel rather than Mystique as he ended up with an entire batch of red descendants when it's known Mystique doesn't have that coloring in her most natural form. It doesn't help that TJ, Nightcrawler's daughter with the Scarlet Witch, has the ability to retract her tail like Azazel. If I have to put it simply, after barely having a "lick" at Azazel's DNA, Mystique ended up putting almost every single mutant ability he has into whatever ended up making Nightcrawler and nothing from herself whatsoever (not a protection against mind control/ telepathy or even shapeshifting which could have been very useful to a child who'd more than likely be born with a visible mutation). Amongst all the things she put from Azazel, it included every single natural weakness Azazel's biological children have like being sensitive to his mind-control.
@RainChoc_ 7 ай бұрын
The only reason why this doesn’t make sense to me is because, Mystique duplicates dna’s of others. So even if she turned into a man, w/ functioning sperm it would be sperm (dna) of w/e male Mystique turned into. It wouldn’t he Mystique’s dna. It just makes more sense for the demon to be The Night Crawler’s dad & Mystique being his mother.
@bizzerdman2093 10 ай бұрын
Well now Kurt has three moms (Mystique, Destiny and Margali Zardos) just like Thor (Freya, Gaia and the Phoenix). Interesting.
@sophiawilson8696 10 ай бұрын
Very good point!
@effendikwantan1863 10 ай бұрын
Margali Zardos was his foster mother so she wasn't supposed to be counted.
@bizzerdman2093 10 ай бұрын
@@effendikwantan1863 she still raised him along with her children. He practically treated her like his mother. So yes she counts. Also, the only reason Marvel has her called his foster mother is so he could be in a relationship with her daughter (Jimaine) and not be gross.
@spinningtornado4543 10 ай бұрын
@@bizzerdman2093 Marvel killed off Margali this year so that explains a lot.
@christopherbennett5858 9 ай бұрын
@@bizzerdman2093Yeah, Kurt and Amanda are a very CW Barry and Iris situation. I say Amanda because everyone, including Amanda herself, still refer to her as Amanda outside of that insane Dr Strange story where we see that the writer was ticked that Claremont called Margali the sorceress supreme.
@brianstill9323 10 ай бұрын
This is so wrong
@RatedEJ 10 ай бұрын
this whole story just seems kind of stupid and unnecessary, like what was the point of any of this?
@isaiahronan3100 10 ай бұрын
My point exactly, why would they change this and still not a single bit of development? This is just like invincible, when monster girl knocked up an female alien ........ I have officially lost all respect for marvel comics , there is no redemption for them. I just find this whole revelation completely insipid ...... While this was Claremonts original idea, was this marvels way of saying that they completely progressive? They have truly fallen off the deep end . This is the first time in a long time, ever since they chose to retcon scarlet witch and Quicksilver not being the biological children of Magneto. I imagine a lot of people are praising this as a masterpiece because of this reveal but once you look at it , it is no more than furthering the next of retcons that completely change the outlook of the character and the way the fans view them , this is atrocious at best.
@BaithNa 9 ай бұрын
This was such a lazy and cowardly retcon. They should have just actually made Mystique a trans person that was born as a biological male but transitioned to female after her powers manifested. That or make is so that Azazel was the sperm donor, Destiny was the egg donor and Mystique carried the baby to term. What we actually got was a cheap cop out.
@rodneycarson6964 10 ай бұрын
Then, can he BAMF through time? He should get something from Destiny, also.
@bajansamurai 10 ай бұрын
It doesn't quite work that way but at this point a few other teleporters have shown the ability to casually leap to different times so... why not? Lol
@LunaticReason 10 ай бұрын
That would be cool. Destiny has a grandson who is a reality warper. Both mutations are related to the concept of time and space. As a precog she deals with the perception of time and reality. .
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
No because that's not her kid
@challengers222 3 ай бұрын
@@movingeconomies Exactly
@BigpopsMcGee 10 ай бұрын
I wish 1 CC can admit this is a stupid/ lazy readcon. So how does Nightcrawker have access to the same portals as azazel? 10 ай бұрын
The comics code Authority didn't tell Chris Claremont no because of any sort of like social taboos or anything. They told him no because it was stupid
@nothx512 10 ай бұрын
It still is stupid....just like the X-Men Days of Future Past Movie where the govt. copies Mystique DNA to replicate mutants powers for Sentinels.
@spinningtornado4543 10 ай бұрын
@@nothx512 In defence of that movie, the Sentinels needed Mystique's DNA to track down other mutants only. In a deleted scene, you actually find out that it was Rogue's DNA they used to replicate mutant powers.
@kwakuandspinopython1346 10 ай бұрын
In my opinion the recent retcon is another one of the woke messages it's made during the woke era or it's telling the story and it's kind of the worst retcon
@kwamintaylor4247 10 ай бұрын
When are we going to have a conversation of the Omega level classification?!?!? Let’s be honest, the level ranking is busted and all over the place. So many contradictions about who and who isn’t omega level
@challengers222 3 ай бұрын
That sucks. They give her powers she never had to upgrade her but they won't let Rogue gain full control of hers?
@Vail-V 10 ай бұрын
I hate when decide to completely change a character origin stories... this whole process is stupid. His looks his powers the whole thing no longer makes sense.
@joshualogan84 10 ай бұрын
So did Mystique copy Azazle's DNA and clap Destiny's cheeks so Kurt is still his son? B/c that whole Demons and Angels arc was about the bloodline of Azazle and all his kids blood needed to open a way for him to come into the realm (if I remember correctly?)
@TheCreedyouknow 10 ай бұрын
Lets be real. It's gonna change again so this is all just bs for the time an its gonna flip again to some new convoluted bs. I feel neither here nor there about this anymore
@themadhatter7690 10 ай бұрын
This is dumb. If she is a "geneshifter" then she should take other mutants powers.
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
Basically making her into Rogue 🙄
@ampocalypsew3883 10 ай бұрын
So how the fuck does nightcrawler have his teleportation powers
@Cbev1994 10 ай бұрын
This was so convoluted for no real reason
@sanitizerwilson1599 6 ай бұрын
No, it not! Nightcrawler have 4 parents that, all look in the third parent.
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
@@sanitizerwilson1599 Awful
@trollingchaos2355 9 ай бұрын
These changes in origin stories need to stop. This is why Marvel has being to downhill for years.
@fendisaintlaurent4257 10 ай бұрын
It's gotta be a lie.
@michiganmade5351 9 ай бұрын
Boy the always gotta make shit weird 😂that’s 2023 for you
@jorgeneedssleep7978 10 ай бұрын
My theory for this issue was that it was going to somehow canonize Mystique impregnating Destiny to have Rogue which was Chris Claremont’s original idea for Rogue’s parentage. So its cool to see i was half right
@bajansamurai 10 ай бұрын
Same. I know that some early Marvel writer intended for Mystique to have turned male and bear a child with Destiny at some point in their past, but the powers-that-be thought it would be too radical at the time to even reveal their same sex relationship, much less one turning to a 'fully functional' man. They thought Marvel would be burned at the stake for a story like that - but today's times are more accepting, so I figured it was a matter of time til they did this with Rogue) With the established fatherhood by Azazel, I theorized some day they would reveal Mystique bore Kurt (from Azazel as written) but that Destiny bore Rogue (from Mystique), making them truly half-siblings. (Honestly, I even wrote it into the MCU way to reveal the mutants exist but mostly in captivity. Mystique and Destiny's planning with Xavier allowing his, the X-Men's and The Brotherhood's capture in (1980 or thereabouts) frees them from the Shi'Ar in 2023 after the Blip is reversed on Chandilar - long story and I digress) All I knew was that at some point Xavier would be a culprit in this somehow.
@shawnanderson466 10 ай бұрын
​@@bajansamuraiI remember our posts from last issue of Uncanny Spiderman...Looks like u were on point👍
@bajansamurai 10 ай бұрын
@@shawnanderson466 way too many decades of reading comics and I start to breathe them. Lol
@wraithx7 10 ай бұрын
@@bajansamurai Claremont was the writer who intended for Mystique and Destiny to be Nightcrawler's biological parents.
@bajansamurai 10 ай бұрын
@@wraithx7 I went back and refreshed on that detail, and heard Ernie mention it on The Blerd Cave as well. Thanks!
@tammydj9941 10 ай бұрын
So many hoops to go through to line their chickens. Far fetched for me, a long time xfan.
@colinanderson3425 10 ай бұрын
So i definitely thought they were going to do the same thing with Rogue
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
At least that is somewhat conceivable
@mac.a.r0nny 10 ай бұрын
Basically, Mystique is the pokemon Ditto.
@verse2304 10 ай бұрын
All this twisting and turning of NIghtcrawler's and Mystique's origins push an unnecessary narrative. Spurrier could have reached the same conclusion, redeeming Mystique and recontextualizing and rehabilitating her relationship with Nightcrawler without altering either's backstory. What was the point of it? X-Men Blue #1 reads like a filler, and The Fall of X started well but is now treading water until the following year's relaunch.
@bankin3119 9 ай бұрын
Pushing “the message “ hard 😂😂😂
@anthonyhorton7839 10 ай бұрын
What a coincidence. I'm done with this.
@scottdaniels2500 10 ай бұрын
This is very political. Gender and Trans politics. STUPID. So a demon lord is a Maury and Jerry Springer show guest? Seriously???
@chaptersix2381 5 ай бұрын
I didn’t like that storyline
@ladonte1980 10 ай бұрын
@theonewhoisbetterthanyou3570 10 ай бұрын
How in the world is this origin change respect?
@bajansamurai 10 ай бұрын
​@@theonewhoisbetterthanyou3570in this case, I figure the vernacular is more about making them central to a deeper reveal that was well crafted, not necessarily that they were doing anything applaudable and cheery.
@ladonte1980 10 ай бұрын
@@jamman9569 yet...I said what I motherfucking said!
@ladonte1980 10 ай бұрын
@@theonewhoisbetterthanyou3570 the reasoning WHY changes the respect aspect. Raven wasn't just a selfish person leaving Kurt and Destiny's reason for leaving help mold Kurt into who he was supposed to be.
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
It's not respect. It's disrespect to Mystique, Destiny and Rogue
@Nexion3653 10 ай бұрын
I kinda wish they didn't do this but its whatever
@Matt-h3m 9 ай бұрын
This new origin is trash
@loficonnoisseur3995 8 ай бұрын
Pandering hardcore
@waynewatts8736 10 ай бұрын
Are you telling me she did a reverse Loki?
@edaniels240 10 ай бұрын
1994's X-Men Unlimited #4 was where Nightcrawler found out Mystique's his mom courtesy of Graydon Greed
@challengers222 3 ай бұрын
Don't like it and won't buy
@michaelilori620 10 ай бұрын
I have no stake in this but they could have gone a different route with the origin. Mystique creating Nightcrawler through parthenogenesis is logical. Mystique somehow being able to store the seed of men she slept with, later using it to impregnate herself or possibly someone else with it like some type of succubi or like a colonial matriarch like an ant. Weird but plausible for the nature of comics. But what their saying she did needs meiosis to do even if she made the parts. Meiosis is not like mitosis which in an instant it takes at least decade and puberty to create gametes like sperm and eggs. Also what is the excuse for the other kids. Idk
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
They could have not done it at all
@rodneycarson6964 10 ай бұрын
The birth image; was he a butt baby?
@HolyHadou 10 ай бұрын
Me: How did Mystique become a father? Anime: Nanomachines, Son. Rule 34 Artists: Okay, I'm on it.
@ZeeB... 10 ай бұрын
How come Kurt didn't get any of their abilities?
@bajansamurai 10 ай бұрын
Mutant genes don't ensure the exact powers are passed down. Remember some don't manifest at all, others adapt to an external environmental factor/stimulus, and some are close to, but not quite the same power as their siblings or parents (compare Magik to Colossus, for example). Now scientifically, we can explain it this way: he may have inherited Mystique's genetic code if she was an actual man, but to achieve "maleness" she was patterned after males her body was very familiar with. Just as she can see and copy to a fine detail for her external appearance, she probably had to employ other senses to truly store the data of changing to have the XY chromosomal pairing. For lack of a specific sense, touch and feel internally provided more info. So she patterned after Azazel to some degree, particularly the genetic coding that determined growth of fur, a tail, 3 digit limbs, and the teleportation mechanisms. He technically has Mystique's power to default to blue though.
@LunaticReason 10 ай бұрын
He got her blue skin and Azraels powers as she cloned it.
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
It's a nonsense retcon that's why
@AwoIfakayode 10 ай бұрын
So how does he have the ability to teleport?
@lbarigon 9 ай бұрын
He's a mutant.
@AwoIfakayode 9 ай бұрын
@lbarigon it would make sense that he got the ability from Azazel who also teleports. Neither Mystique or Destiny teleport, correct?
@lbarigon 9 ай бұрын
@@AwoIfakayode Azazel isn't a mutant so he can't pass the mutant gene of teleportation
@movingeconomies 3 ай бұрын
@@lbarigon He is a mutant.
@joseangelriverac7490 10 ай бұрын
Blerd you mean to tell me that they did a Eric Cartman to Nightcrawler?😅 And yes I know that's not longer the case but you know what I mean...😅
@uxm4life94 10 ай бұрын
Generally hate retcons- but in this case they're retconing the bad retcon and going back to original Claremont version of his parentage. Austen run most hated X-men run ever before Krakoa. Making Kurt literally a demons son was dumb and undermined his don't judge a book by its cover theme.
@JasonAndrew1973 10 ай бұрын
Austen is in my mind still the worst era. Krakoa has had some good elements and stores under Hickman.
@uxm4life94 10 ай бұрын
@@JasonAndrew1973 Austen run was just generally oversexed stupidity. Krakoa era done way more lasting damage with continuity errors and the fascist leanings of X-men allying with genocidal monsters on segregation island.
@marveldc9997 10 ай бұрын
krakoa is the most interesting x-men has ever been
@uxm4life94 10 ай бұрын
@@marveldc9997 a phrase only uttered by people who haven't actually read any X-men except or before Krakoa.
@bajansamurai 10 ай бұрын
​@@uxm4life94I've read since the original team, and would put the Krakoa era among the greatest runs. It does have some crap stories in there, and is founded on some uncharacteristic and retconned/contradictory things, but they've produced some very game changing and spotlight enhancing things for many of our favorite mutants. Let people like what they like. Also, let's not begrudge people who are newer to comics not looking at the past runs as the better runs. Let's rejoice more people are in the fold and that tastes and preferences vary (and let's be honest, there've been some crappy executions in several eras that we just remember fondly because the overall story it advanced still moved the narrative forward or gave others something to build even better stories on). And that supports people who aren't even new to comics loving or just liking what they're seeing now.
@lildinosaur8856 10 ай бұрын
This is just another reminder: *if you’re an artist and you have your own comic characters and what not make sure you LEGALLY protect them so this insanity can’t happen after you die!*
@uxm4life94 10 ай бұрын
So basically they went back to what Claremont has been telling us for 40 years? How is any real X-men fan surprised by this "revelation"
@raqsasim 10 ай бұрын
Not everyone who read the comics will have seen what Claremont has said about this, first off. Second, there are whole-assed generations of comics readers who were born after Chris left writing the monthly books.
@uxm4life94 10 ай бұрын
@@raqsasim parentage was more than heavily implied in the comics for decades. Never been easier to get classic comics in collections. Dark Phoenix Saga, Days of Future Past, God Loves Man Kills, Mutant Massacre, Inferno, Fall of Mutants etc.... it is literally impossible for anyone to call themselves an X-men fan before they've read these legendary character defining and the universally acknowledged best X-men stories. Why on earth would anyone want to miss out and not read Claremont run if they genuinely care about these characters?? It would be like a Star Wars "fan" refusing to watch Empire Strikes Back
@raqsasim 10 ай бұрын
@@uxm4life94 As someone who was a teen when I first read these, I didn't get the implications. Just like "special bond" in Excalibur, you had to read between lines, and the assumption that every reader could do that...well, that's why Chris was able to get away with it to begin with! I assure you, that awareness was NOT general knowledge when these issues came out. And no, I don't think you have to read my old faves to be an X-Man fan today. No one has to get why that phrase "special bond" has a lot of meaning for my X-Man fandom, for me to think they are also a fan of these works. Their opinions may be underinformed, but that doesn't make them invalid. People are allowed to be fans of various levels, and parts of a franchise, because gatekeeping sux.
@uxm4life94 10 ай бұрын
@@raqsasim I know what you're saying generally- and all fans have to start somewhere. I certainly didn't read any Golden Age Captain America or Sub-Mariner until many years later. But we aren't talking about just any random comic run here. Claremont/Byrne X-men is the definitive X-men run and contains by some distance the most important stories in X-men history. It's consistently been voted by multiple generations of fans as best Marvel run of all time. To truly understand these characters it is a must read- so why would somebody not want to read it if they genuinely like X-men?? I've been collecting comics for a very very long time- and I've never known so called "gatekeeping" in all those decades- never even heard the phrase uttered until a few years ago. Comic fans always love it when someone genuinely shares the interest and wants to share knowledge. What has changed in recent years is (for the 1st time ever) is an influx of disingenuous "fans" with no genuine interest in the lore. They fake comic expertise and interest as they're only around so they can engage in their pathetic "culture war". Genuine new fans have never been unwelcome in comics though.
@nothx512 10 ай бұрын
No....Was it really the Only idea that came on the table??? I'm pretty sure Mystique shape shifting into a pregnant woman had to have been mentioned....that's an obvious outcome too
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