How overstimulation is ruining your art (productivity tips for artist)

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Sara Artminer

Sara Artminer

Ай бұрын

in this video I talk about multitasking and it's effect on our art, productivity and creativity, how it's making us less effective and why we have to avoid it at all cost, multitasking is not really the best answer when it comes to being creative and come up with interesting ideas for our artwork, it might feel like productivity but all it's doing is making us even slower, I will be reading an article about multitasking and it's relation to productivity.
art is always something that needs a lot of focus and attention, by multitasking we are only making the ideation process even harder for ourselves, it's really important to take of our brain to maximize our creativity. and being creative doesn't come by overstimulation, our art will only improve if we focus deeply and hone the practice creating ideas not just stuffing our brain with unnecessary information.
it's just an article that I came across and filled me with surprises, I thought I'd share it maybe it's helpful for you guys as well.
thanks for watching! and drop any suggestions you have in the comments! :)
⭐[the article in question has been written by Jeff Haden, from]
#producitivity #characterart #digitalart #ipadproart #creativity #characterdesigner #characterdesign #procreateart #procreate #procreatetrick #procreateipadpro #procreatetips #procreatetutorials #procreatedreams #procreatedesign #art #saraartminer

Пікірлер: 159
@snowpoint720 29 күн бұрын
People can draw without listening to a 6 hour 'review' of a game they never played?
@Umardoesart Күн бұрын
Me fr
@jasminv8653 Ай бұрын
I find it hard to imagine any credible study done by ethical researches to say something 'makes you as dumb as a stoner'.
@maxperegrine7055 Ай бұрын
Not enough people here are talking about how bogus this so called study sounds
@botarakutabi1199 Ай бұрын
More comments like this please!!!
@meanncat3050 Ай бұрын
Honestly I don't like stoners but being high doesn't make someone dumb...the article was unnecessarily cruel in the very beginning. I've read about how multi-tasking is bad, but what I read did NOT call people dumb, it just mentions how the output you do loses quality and you are prone to more mistakes than if you just focused on the one thing.
@SourSourSour Ай бұрын
Did a quick look into where that quote comes from, I think it comes from a book published in 2009, "Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long" by David Rock. The book itself seems to just be a compilation of actual researchers findings w/ his own repetitive anecdotes thrown in. Feels less like researchers are saying this and more David Rock making some inane claim surrounded by legit science.
@juliasutton8634 Ай бұрын
I've noticed a lot of mean-spirited articles that reference actual studies that state findings in a professional format. I think its just tabloid & click bait culture unrelated to the study (but I haven't looked into this study really so idk)
@igordinizrocha1669 Ай бұрын
Just to make it clear, multitasking doesn't make you dumb or stupid nor does it "break" your brain. I understand that the article is touching on a subject that may be difficult for the general public (working memory - if you want to know more about it) but to say that you are losing brain cells, aka becoming studip, just by multitasking is completely wrong and misleading. We have limited brain resources that we use when performing any task (working memory), it's like the RAM from computers, depending on the task at hand we will load our RAM in different proportions. If we are trying to do multiple tasks our brain can be overloaded therefore hindering our ability to perform said tasks to the best of our capabilities. That's why if we compare doing a task and focusing solely on it versus doing multiple tasks at once the solo task will have a better performance. Also, when practicing a skill that you're currently learning or aren't proficient at multitasking has a high impact on performance. In the process of learning a new skill or topic, or performing a task you aren't proficient we need to load our RAM (working memory) with more information than when performing a task we are already proficient then if we do multiple tasks at once our brain will not have available the space necessary to perform all the tasks at the best of its capabilities. On the other hand, tasks that we are proficient in take less space and can be done simultaneously with another task without hindering our capabilities. In conclusion, multitasking doesn't make you stupid or dumb it simply hinders your ability to perform the tasks to the best of your capabilities. Edit: I would also like to point out that multitasking is not a problem as it can be beneficial to some people having stimuli when performing highly demanding tasks. However, even for those people, the tasks would not be all highly demanding but a mix of low-level stimuli that can help "shut off" some parts of the brain to improve concentration. Listening to music while studying or drawing or whatever tasks you are trying to focus on can help as long as it is not fighting for your attention. I use music for concentration sometimes but only instrumental music if it has lyrics I cannot concentrate as well - but that's my experience it can be different for each person. To illustrate what I was trying to say above if you're drawing - and you trying to perform the best you can, if you are just mindlessly drawing just to draw that doesn't apply - and at the same time you are listening to a podcast several processes are going on in your mind triggered by the podcast: you need to process the words being said, retrieve the references, you will create pictures in your mind of what is being said, you need to keep track of the subject and context, among other things. While drawing you need to think about the composition, the shapes, the structure, perspective, anatomy, and proportion, you have to retrieve your mental gallery of what you trying to draw and so on. So imagine trying to focus on so many things at the same time it's not viable so your brain will switch between each set of processes during the time you're working. Sometimes you focus more on the podcast and forget you're drawing, other times you will block out the podcast and lose what is being said.
@thepeculiarmaple Ай бұрын
It can, yeah. But also, some people with ADHD crave background stimuli. Such as myself.
@MigWith Ай бұрын
I opened the video, saw "do not multitask" and I will no longer watch the video, as multitasking makes me actually do what I have to do. my brain is not normal, not neurotypical. If I do more than one thing At a time I can perform better, as IM NOT GETTING EXTREMELY BORED AND BLOCKING MY FUCKING CAPABILITY TO PROCESS AND APPLY INFORMATION. (I have been diagnosed with ADHD). I have to be doing something so My engine gets running, right now as I am writing this comment, I have to walk around or I won't write anything at all.
@igordinizrocha1669 Ай бұрын
​@@MigWith I saw a research that corroborate this. Some people perform better when they do tasks that activate different parts of the brain. Like you said, you need some stimulation to concentrate but I don't think you can perform multiple tasks that are highly demanding. I recon is the same mechanism but kind of inverted? - I'm stipulating here - but if you don't have some low level stimuli keep some parts of your brain "busy" they will use more space in your working memory, or RAM, when not stimulated. That can have some to with focus and awareness also. I cannot concentrate if there is any noise in the environment, so I often need music to help me concentrate, maybe if I had noise cancelling headphones would be better, but music does the trick, not any kind of music though. So, the problem is not really multitasking but multitasking with highly demanding tasks.
@concept.byfran Ай бұрын
Well said, I fully agree. I always forbid myself watching a show while drawing as I felt it was distracting me. But sinceI got better at coloring and shading I can focus on the show and not let it ruin my art. When I have to think I pause it and think about it (the colors example)
@luluzu4393 16 күн бұрын
how about ppl with ADHD that need more estimulation. I can't choose when to hyperfocus
@pinkdragon4830 Ай бұрын
The problem is that if I don’t listen to anything and just do something in silence, I just get the most morbid and depressing thoughts out of no where and I sorta have “flashbacks” to the most traumatic moments of my life, no matter how much I try to focus. It’s really bad, any time I’m in silence with no stimuli, for example when trying to sleep or draw without a video playing, I start to cry because of it in like 10 minutes.
@goldfishcrackers7845 Ай бұрын
I get you 🫂 for me, sometimes i have to turn on a chatty video or music when i shower in the morning because in the absence of external influence of how to feel positively, i go down a spiral of depressive and overthinking pattern. So i relate to you on this one ❤️‍🩹
@KayoSay Ай бұрын
These traumas aren't bottomless pits, there is an end to them. But the part of you that is stuck in it's hurt past, the one that emerges when it's quiet, probably won't go anywhere without your help either. Maybe you don't have the time or space needed to decompress, and that's alright, but if you do, I hope you'll give yourself some room to express and heal, to reclaim the gift that comes with silence.
@hvbg Ай бұрын
That's just intrusive thoughts for you, they're horrible, but there's ways to manage them, even in silence
@thepeculiarmaple Ай бұрын
@@hvbg You're incorrect. They aren't intrusive thoughts if they are flashbacks. Flashbacks can't be managed. Only experienced and processed in a SAFE environment and time frame, then let go of if able. Intrusive thoughts are the thoughts you think about that are not based in reality, but more so fears about potential reality. Like thethings that drive OCD compulsions. Not everyone benefits from sitting with their thoughts. I have a disorder that makes that impossible. Sitting in silence isnt always safe...
@hvbg Ай бұрын
@@thepeculiarmaple I know, but the og person also said they deal with horrible thoughts that appear seemingly 'out of nowhere', which is kind of how intrusive thoughts work (speaking as someone with intrusive thoughts). Also, I never said everyone benefits from sitting with their thoughts in silence, I just said that intrusive thoughts can be dealt with even when in silence Edit: for further clarification, the person said they deal BOTH with what appears to be intrusive thoughts AND flashbacks, it's just that I addressed the thoughts too so people here wouldn't be ONLY addressing the flashbacks, since again, the person deals with both
@celsofx Ай бұрын
The eternal struggle of an artistic mind... I have been struggling with this a lot, specially after having kids .... it pains me to admit that today I failed, and I am here, "working" while watching a video about how I shouldn't work and watch videos. thanks for the reminder, closing the browser now
@malichai3643 Ай бұрын
Goodness I relate to this struggle so much.. I’m currently in my going into my last year of high school, and for the past few years I’ve been multitasking between taking care of my siblings and getting work done for classes. I total my love for art was affected. I honestly think that I would have given up on this passion since I prioritize others over myself, but this year I have been working to build myself (and my artistic skills) up again ❤
@MCB_2 Ай бұрын
Multitasking makes me way more productive and it helps for new ideas
@laureenabayomi4984 Ай бұрын
This makes soooo much sense. I’ve been feeling unproductive lately and I just realized it might be because I’m trying to improve so many aspects of my art at the same time instead of one after the other! And I listen to ASMR while painting and drawing, I find that when I listen to podcasts I take long pauses from my drawing to focus on what’s being said so😅
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
Absolutely! I can relate to that! 🥲
@juliasutton8634 Ай бұрын
asmr is a great idea! sometimes I get so irritated trying to pick music or a podcast that I don't even end up drawing, I'm gonna try asmr next time!!
@laureenabayomi4984 Ай бұрын
Yeah, I understand the struggle. I’m glad you found my comment helpful :)
@TheMelodiechan Ай бұрын
Ironically I struggled to be able to listen while the little head in the lower right moved so erratically. But the info of the video was nice, thanks!
@jasminv8653 Ай бұрын
Yeah the movement was very distracting...
@malizanu Ай бұрын
I don't know if we should take this article seriously BUT we as artists must explore different workflows. Knowing which circumstances boost my productivity made a huge difference in my work but it took me years because no one I followed talked about this
@frogfroge9270 Ай бұрын
Great work but don't burn yourself out.
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
Haha, Thanks!
@sonnigeshaus Ай бұрын
The main thought about being focused on one thing is good but overall this article is really unethical???
@SourSourSour Ай бұрын
Tried finding the source to the Stoner comment, seems to just be an anecdote from a book where the author cites actual research and then tosses anecdotes to tie the book together. So I don't think it's an actual quote from researchers, just some guy's opinion wrapped in actual science.
@iLoveBigKnockers Ай бұрын
Sounds like somebody's a wuss
@peachwaft Ай бұрын
sind you’re heavily referencing an article, you should probably link it/ credit them
@kaminaminami Ай бұрын
depends heavily from person to person... My Brain will find another source of stimulation and spend more resources seeking out sensory input than it will spend on prioritizing the task at hand, so for me, having a video in the background helps my brain focus on the art and not jump from one sound or flashing light to another. The video needs to be calm and ideally monotone with no crazy inflections or sound effects though, so i stick to video essays and stay away from shows and other forms of "entertainment". For some people it's important to have no secondary sensory input and thats important to acknowledge in todays day and age, since we all get bombarded with stimuli on social media to the point of sensory overload. But if you have ADHD or a general "dopamine seeking" brain structure, finding ways to fill the void with content and stimulation you find to be relaxing or non distracting is much more productive and beneficial than letting your brain run amok and essentially relocate any available resources it has on finding the most intense source of dopamine it can. It's also important to acknowledge that a soundscape with other people, the hustle and bustle of a city, construction noise or just noisy neighbors can be far more detrimental to your ability to focus on your art than a calm and soothing commentary video on a topic you are semi interested in would be. Unpredictable and often unpleasant sounds are sure to disrupt not only your focus but your overall state of calm and relaxation. It's irrelevant if if the thing you find most soothing is rain hitting a window or someone with a calm voice speaking, both are (to an extent) "predictable" and consistent sounds that don't surprise your brain and make it fire a bunch of signals due to being a tiny little jumpscare (best way i can describe it). I do see the value in a sort of "dopamine detox" if you have been blasting your senses with all forms of sensory input and feel like you are loosing it whenever it's quiet for more than a few seconds. But ultimately finding the right balance of "focus" and "distraction" is the key to reaching your full potential and productivity.
@TeaIngyer Ай бұрын
I don't think you should put stock in that study, as any study that uses IQ as a measure of intellect is coming from a biased framework. IQ has been repeatedly shown to be a biased measure, and to chart very poorly to reality. I'd also look into how it was originally created as there's a disturbing history to it.
@nyxnox9948 Ай бұрын
thank you for pointing this out, I was just sitting here thinking the phrasing of the study by itself even sounded unprofessional
@jasminv8653 Ай бұрын
The language used, stupidity, 'stoners', etc. was also highly unorofessional. If those are actual quotes, it's in no way a study based on solid research ethics.
@halfmoon2018 Ай бұрын
@@jasminv8653 I know right ???? like what even is this "study" ?
@pablocaceres7378 Ай бұрын
If you come from a first world country, IQ was designed for you, in the sens that it measure intellect based on your way of thinking
@user-vf3wb8fo7g Ай бұрын
so what would you use as a measure of intellect? The point is not them using IQ as a measure but the massage: multitasking don't make you smarter, you just suck at many things at a time
@SporekArt Ай бұрын
I remember that when I was at school I found myself the most focused while I was doodling mindlessly, I just drew whathever I wanted. But to some teachers It meant I didn't listen to them, so one day one teacher threw all my sketchbooks to the trash, even though I was listening and I was silent, not talking like the others. Obviously I took these sketchbooks from the trash after the lesson and never drew on this teacher's lectures again, but my focus decreased and I stopped to remember things. I also find myself more focused when I listen to one or multiple tracks I already know looped, especially if these tracks are without any texts, like some soundtrack for example. But I find myself finding new things and going too far with my "research" too, forgetting what I wanted to do at the first place >.
@azubliss Ай бұрын
I know that for me I often concentrate with instrumentals, or asmr videos during art. Cuz if I listen to a song, or songs I start making book in my head ;w; But that is interesting. I think I can compare myself to Napoleon, a cupboard in my head. If I'm focused on one thing, I will remain in that "thing", and maybe something else will turn up the next week or so. As for the unproductivity, I recall when I was younger that it would be called "art-block". I've grown to detest that word and think it's not that I don't have any ideas, I'm just researching, finding new approaches to art whether it;d be through painting, playing with clay, or using something other than pens and pencils (like crayons or markers etc.)
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience with us! ☺️
@azubliss Ай бұрын
@@Saraartminer And thank you for your videos!
@maxperegrine7055 Ай бұрын
"Some studies show"
@botarakutabi1199 Ай бұрын
Yeah, never trust an article that say, "studies show," "scientists/researchers say", without naming the actual people or papers involved.
@juliasutton8634 Ай бұрын
this article was mean-spirited, too "as dumb as a stoner" doesn't really mean anything. Like dumb how? memory? info processing? reaction time? Plus just calling stoners dumb. unprofessional af
@juliasutton8634 Ай бұрын
I struggle with getting easily over/under stimulated and not noticing, I've spent like ten years trying to multitask while doing art and it's a tough pill to swallow when you realize you have to change big habits. Thanks for sharing, I needed to hear this
@UltimatePerfection Ай бұрын
Link to the article please.
@quemepartaunrayoiyo Ай бұрын
THE AUTOMATED TASKS PART IS ALSO WRITTEN IN ATOMIC HABITS! Im so happy you are trying to not improve your art but your way to improve it, it does the actual change imo and I hope you see better things soon( or as soon as one can improve at art I mean)
@H1dront390 Ай бұрын
Having to be in a quite place is good. It hurts sometimes that there is nothing to hear. But it is also mentioned in the book of animators survival kit. that the master CANNOT THINK OF TWO THINGS AT ONCE. But yeah. its is true that being in a quite place greatly boosts the quality and focus put into your work.
@sleepy.timaeus.arts. 25 күн бұрын
ive definitely been feeling like i need to multitask less. i kind of just let me adhd take the reigns nowadays, so it takes me forever to do things because i dont lock in and focus on what needs to be focused on first. i just try to do everything at once, and im turn that makes it really hard for me to pay attention when i actually want to cause my brain is waiting for me to add more stimuli… time to pull it back fr 😭
@kashe7285 Ай бұрын
although it is widely known that multitasking isn't great when it comes to retaining information or focus, this study seems really unreliable. "dumb as a stoner" is a crazy thing to say in a "reliable source."
@v-buckschan111 Ай бұрын
Also, search up Parkison's law It's a theory, which works, proposing that by giving yourself a time restraint, you will achieve more. And that less time may result in more brain efficiency. Obviously that doesn't mean you should read a while book in 5 minutes, but a more realistic goal like 30 minutes to sketch compositions for a scene
@user-vf3wb8fo7g Ай бұрын
unless you lack self discipline and just ignore your own deadlines. Happens to me all the time. I'm only good with deadlines for work because I get paid for it.
@AdamDoesComics Ай бұрын
Good Video! I'll keep the tips in mind! Edit: Also one of the best animators of all time said that "animation is concentration." and suggested that you should never listen to music and remove distractions when working
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
That's so true! It's impossible to do a great job when you're listening to something while at the same time thinking of all the subtle movement and changes. Thank you for mentioning it! I appreciate it!
@user-vf3wb8fo7g Ай бұрын
I've noticed that the type of music I listen to affects my animation (3D)
@HannahSample-fq2ex Ай бұрын
Love this video! I think it’s so true and it your little character talking made me laugh 🤣 this also ties in with the intention span things I’ve heard you talk abt. Intention span is lower when you multitask and get overstimulated. Love ur extent knowledge on napoleon XD thanks for another great vid!!
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
Thank you for watching!!
@t0m.__.511 Ай бұрын
I’m happy because the algorithm is threatening you better! Yesterday I found your channel and it’s great, keep uploading a lot of videos ❤️
@GreyWolf11022 Ай бұрын
It´s like " just don´t have ADHD" lmao. I will try it anyway :)
@whatdoyoumeanara2420 Ай бұрын
@myshrinkingviolet2 Ай бұрын
One problem I have while drawing in the initial stages is that I have a lot of other distracting noise, like my AC running or dishwasher going, that I at least prefer a no-lyrics, really chill music playlist going on in the background. Usually, it's video game soundtracks.
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
Yeah, I don't think that would be a problem, it's far better than the clangy noise of those machines
@charvolute Ай бұрын
i think we should give ourselves all a pat on the back and remember no brain or artist is the same. remember that art is not just a product, but a feeling. its a way to get out some of that buzzing energy, express that discomfort, or experience a moment of anything, all being created by you. all of it!!! our consciousness is but a mysterious interpretation of reality! from studies i've seen myself, multitasking has pros and cons. it's dependent on environment and experience, the lifestyle that you live/has been imposed on you, the survival instincts being triggered in one's environment, etc. we're all unique products of seemingly endless variables, some in our control, some not. mostly not, but, we are in our minds/bodies. what we do and make with it, is whatever Feels. just is. not like, just Do It. actually, don't. ruminating has made me literally go in circles on a painting. there is an important time and place for reflection, and it can be seen in art. our headspace is easily reflected onto creation. it just needs to be balanced to be full of growth, which is stunted by stress. progress is seen in different ways for everyone, but theres only so many memorized shapes and patterns that can make your art full of you :-} 🎉
@alexacrdro Ай бұрын
This sounds like.. a horrible study. No credible source would ever go so far as to say something like 'makes you as dumb as a stoner' for something as mundane as multitasking. Not to mention that using NAPOLEON (the guy from the 1700s who ended freedom of the press, constrained freedom of association, and emboldened corrupt nobility) as a supporting example of productivity is a ridiculous choice. This all still excludes neuro-divergent folks who don't have the luxury of choosing where to focus or quiet their mind in the same capacity
@Vanillaqyoo Ай бұрын
Love the video! This is very true!
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
Glad you think so!
@castowhere Ай бұрын
this video came at the perfect time for me lmao i needed to hear this so bad
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
Glad it was helpful, thanks for watching!
@Avboyyy Ай бұрын
@DesoloSubHumus 3 күн бұрын
See, for me, a podcast or music with lyrics have words and that opens a drawer that demands attention, while a great deal of ambient music lacks words, which holds that same drawer shut. It's less opening a drawer that demands attention, it's more closing it but tricking the contents into 'feeling' open, partitioning it off from the actual task at hand. (Aka, one method I use to mask my ADHD)
@raffydoe Ай бұрын
can you link the journal article?
@adroitws1367 Ай бұрын
a good strat, might try it!
@peanut4820 Ай бұрын
This sounds like such a dodgy article
Can you share the article mentioned in the start? Btw great video! This is something i can relate to a lot. Thankss
@lucienarcos-palma3834 Ай бұрын
Link i would love to read it ?
@Judi-Graff Ай бұрын
I enjoy your humor.😊
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
Hehe, Glad to hear that! 😄
@florian847 Ай бұрын
You deserve a kiss for that video❤❤❤
@SosaKahn Ай бұрын
this was really helpful!
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
Happy to help! Thanks for watching!
@enraikow6109 Ай бұрын
i just realized this myself, recently. when i'm doing chores, i listen to music or youtube, etc and i'd be doing the same thing when doing math homework at the start, but when i meet a number that my brain find hard to jump over, i shut off every distraction. after that number, i put it back on.
@pickledshoe Ай бұрын
Thanks Thats why one of my sketches looks like crap I was listening to a pod cast
@enraikow6109 Ай бұрын
i love this one meme of a drawing of a girl sitting and red arrows pointing at her looking at her phone beside her open and empty drawing app. then, in huge texts: "She is NOT drawing." single most hilarious thing since Robin Williams.
@sventipede Ай бұрын
can you link the article?
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
in the description.
@FinnArt 23 күн бұрын
@@Saraartminer There's no link. It's just that you wrote down where it came from and by who. An actual link would be better.
@concept.byfran Ай бұрын
Watching this felt like I was multitasking. Great video but you might want to tone it down on the animations for the character.
@cyber_rogue Ай бұрын
So I wasn't the dumb one! All my friends say they draw while watching anime/movies, playing games or listening to music and they looked at me like I'm r-worded because I can't. When I'm drawing, I'm drawing. When I'm watching a movie, I'm watching a movie. I can't multitask at all because then I'm unable to focus on anything. Well now that's a relief lol
@astrix_moon8334 Ай бұрын
This omg, I find it hard to multitask as I realised I should have just shut down all my other works then focus on one thing in my mind it cleared my head for a while tbh
@botarakutabi1199 Ай бұрын
Either way is valid. But keep in mind how dubious this article sounded. Real ethical professionals wouldn't rely on biased pseudoscience like IQ, they wouldn't use the term stupid, and they certainly wouldn't use an unquantifiable standard like "stoners".
@andysartz Ай бұрын
I liked this video so much I actually shared in on LinkedIn today (and tagged you, of course!). Thank you for sharing your insights! =)
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
I'm glad you find it helpful!
@chelsear4681 Ай бұрын
Explains why I need to turn off the car music to see when driving thru a new area lol
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
Hahahaaa, that might be it
@AlejandroBellizzitheperson Ай бұрын
Would you be able to post a link to the article that inspired the video? Thank you.
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
In the description
@luellai1966 5 сағат бұрын
So to improve my art I’ll have to be alone? With my thoughts? Hard pass
@CaEkJu Ай бұрын
Could you link the article. My friend properly needs to read it, but he wouldn't watch it if I sent him an art video.
@botarakutabi1199 Ай бұрын
Just know the article doesn't sound legit, the "researchers" didn't sound like ethical professionals. Never trust articles that rely on authorities and papers they never name.
@CaEkJu Ай бұрын
@@botarakutabi1199 ohh iknow, the article is a 100% fake. But there is some truth to it.
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
You can find the source in the description!
@CaEkJu Ай бұрын
@@Saraartminer ok thanks.
@george_MF_washington Ай бұрын
This article sounds terrible. I rather follow industry pros advice
@mrhalfsaid1389 Ай бұрын
Instructions unclear, watching vid while arting
@v-buckschan111 Ай бұрын
@kenl.6340 Ай бұрын
Today, I learned how proper arting can make me the Emperor of the French
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
Might happen, Who knows
@springwater3723 Ай бұрын
Not Me listening to this video in the initial stages of my drawing 😂😂
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
😂 that's perfect!
@hamodyhack6065 Ай бұрын
Girl.. I really need that advice
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
glad this could help! :)
@Blixtwixy 15 күн бұрын
bad news for those of us who don't live near silence.
@miguelcarvalho9077 9 күн бұрын
watching this as i draw
@CoconutDiaries Ай бұрын
of course
@nature4675 Ай бұрын
Thank you
@Saraartminer Ай бұрын
You're welcome!
@lawnmowercat Ай бұрын
"Never half-ass two things." - Ron Swanson 👍
@cynical_chai8922 Ай бұрын
can you put your sources in the desc.
@tarinvernon7007 Ай бұрын
What a nice video thank you. I want to explore one other thing that keeps bothering me when it comes to work and multitasking. Imagen you have been hard at work all day. You finally decide to take a break so you go outside. Your brain still thinking about the task or it not thinks about all the other chores you need to do. Suddendly you are getting yelled at for bumping into someone because you didnt pay attention. You apologize but your mind is still racing about a work problem you are trying to solve. You go into the caffee and need to pick something right away. The bartender is annoyed because she knows all the signs you are supposed to read in the 30 seconds you get to the counter while others are pushing you into the door. She gets mad at you "read the fing sign! are you stupid?! cant you read? why is it taking you so long to choose omg its right there". Your brain is currently focusing on many things at once. You might even order something randomly just to move the line. As the article said you are stupid. Your brain is so focused on all these other things that arent relevant right now that you become the biggest problem of the streets. Our brains currently have so many choices and so much work to do that we are visualy becoming dumb. But its not that we dont want to read all the sign or be present. Many of us are overwhelmed. For me I also have anxiety but I am trying to learn to be present even if its impossible sometimes. I try to shush my brain while taking a break but I understand why these things happen. I feel bad for the bartenders that got angry with me because I took too long being overwhelmed from the loud crowd, sounds and advertising. I always try to make a plan before I go into a caffee but sometimes it doesnt go as planned. I am always trying to improve as a human being.
@alexisazrael2876 8 күн бұрын
Put the link! 😊
@valasafantastic1055 Ай бұрын
This isn’t credible. IQ is nonsense and no credible scientific study would use the terms ‘stupid’, ‘dumb’, ‘break your brain’ or ‘dumb as a stoner’. This is not harmful. Rather many people (as individuals vary) have limited working memory and multitasking can lower the speed and quality. When I’m doing a mindless task I’m not going to avoid listening to media. My life is 100% better if I multitask while cleaning (such as listening to KZbin videos. It’s most detrimental when learning an entirely new task however. Some people (like me) also get anxious or tiered/fall asleep in silence as well… so for me reduced distraction (such as a show I’ve even multiple times or music) helps me work much more effectively than silence. Please don’t just trust random articles you find online. Especially ones that say things like ‘dumb as a stoner’ and expect you to take them seriously…
@sleepy.timaeus.arts. 25 күн бұрын
yeah, all that negative talk really threw me off cause youre supposed to present your information in a more objective fashion, without belittling the reader (or anyone else). i still wanna lower the amount of multitasking i do since it’s a bit of s detriment to me, but i wish there was a better written article
@rinshima6536 Ай бұрын
Just get to the point.
@beaverson Ай бұрын
Jokes on them, I'm already a stoner! XD
@Nibiru_-_Gen_Z_Warlock Ай бұрын
7:56 yeah and im over here drawing ("drawing") on a samsung fold 4
@skittay Ай бұрын
feels really rude to make an entire video about an article and give no credit besides... "whoever wrote this article." the least you could do was mention the writer's name (Jeff Haden) and link the article in the description. aren't artists big on giving credit to the original creator.
@wilwilson8146 Ай бұрын
Ok, calm down Jeff..
@trippettfamily4686 Ай бұрын
She put the name of the writter near the bottom in the description, but it could've just been in the video
@nekorina9011 11 күн бұрын
while some of these tips do sound useful, I don't trust that this study was done ethically when it mentions the loss of IQ points (IQ is very outdated as a system and does not determine your intelligence), it uses words like "stupid" and phrases like makes you "dumb as a stoner". Not only is that type of language derogatory, it's also plain wrong. Stoners are not "dumb". Hell, some of my smartest friends who i go to for advice are stoners LMAO. And their advice has never done me wrong. It seems like these researchers have a bias that they need to get checked out if they want to make an effective article.
@dulamannafarraige 27 күн бұрын
*laughs in ADHD*
@weirdo_xd1574 5 күн бұрын
Mfs out there not knowing people with ADHD exist
@jasminv8653 Ай бұрын
I find it hard to imagine any credible study done by ethical researches to say something 'makes you as dumb as a stoner'.
@Marlena499 Ай бұрын
me smoking pot and listening to KZbin in the background while I animate 😭
@TheKaurK 3 күн бұрын
It’s not a study that says that- they quoted a researcher who said that, probably made a joke in a conversation/interview for this article. You also don’t know if it’s a junior researcher (pHD student) without media training around how they maybe quoted. By itself, it’s not enough of a reason to doubt the credibility of their study.
@DesoloSubHumus 3 күн бұрын
Tbf, even though OP says she read the study, the truth is she read an article written about the study, and if the person writing the article doesn't actually get the science or the nuance required to understand the results of the study (even if they *think* they get it), the article is going to be...not terribly accurate or credible It's like when I came across an article about how Gen Z, and specifically the men in that generation, were on the verge of growing horns on the back of their heads. That was written as a misunderstanding of the article it sourced, which, in turn, was a misunderstanding of the original article that didn't mention men or Gen Z. The study was over a slight thickening of the skull where certain neck muscles attach and how in societies where either looking down affects posture commonly or where things are balanced on the head when carried is the norm, the trait (the slight thickening) seems to be more prevalent, which is how evolution works - beneficial traits are valued and the chances that they are passed on increase. The group most mentioned in the study were early humans - not Gen Z at all. So we went from legit study of early humans to Gen Z is growing horns in the span of 2 articles. There's a reason I prefer to dig into studies and not articles about studies.
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