perfectionism is ruining your art

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Sketches of Shay

Sketches of Shay

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@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
dudes, so sorry for my camera being out of focus for half of the video. I am definitely a professional youtuber (I have no idea what I am doing) with the best professional equipment ever (my webcam and iphone). regardless, thank you for watching!
@SimonTimez 4 ай бұрын
Didnt even notice lmao
@pinkinkNZ 4 ай бұрын
@@SimonTimez same XD i was busy drawing lol
@Octoboobs 4 ай бұрын
Didn't even notice but it goes well with the subject of the video 😁
@PixelShiftss 4 ай бұрын
I didn’t even notice
@valeriechern 3 ай бұрын
On a topic of perfectionism... 😂
@candymonic 3 ай бұрын
"No one else can create the art that you create" almost made me cry. I want to remember that for the rest of my life.
@sketchesofshay 3 ай бұрын
@frosy1180 Ай бұрын
Nobody is creating what i can because they're too busy creating what I wish i could
@Trassel242 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video, perfectionism is what kept me from drawing for 4 whole years, because I was so discouraged by how my medication-induced hand tremors affected my drawings.
@cattleya2413 4 ай бұрын
if you have access to a digital drawing program you can use brushes with a stabilizer and that might help too.
@Trassel242 4 ай бұрын
@@cattleya2413 thank you! I’m learning how to use the programs Krita and Affinity Photo, and I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a stabilising tool/setting!
@mariahmier9313 4 ай бұрын
On the flip side, that could give your art a distinct style that no one else can replicate and is instantly recognizable as your own work
@osooso6027 4 ай бұрын
Hope you’re doing well now don’t let that stop you
@mak27456 3 ай бұрын
I feel you. Arthritic in both of my hands at 22 y/o. It's sucked so bad. But drawing whatever we can manage is always more worthwhile than nothing.
@rebeldown771 4 ай бұрын
I'm especially guilty of starting projects, getting distracted or encountering an obstacle, then starting a new one.... so many unfinished projects.
@Angel.Stay.Moa.Engene 4 ай бұрын
@siamsim8703 4 ай бұрын
That's what I've struggled with (and still continue to struggle with) but I found that the "pressure" of wanting to finish it makes me hate the process of doing it and by accepting that it is unifinished *for now* I will find the interest in this project some time in the future and continue to work on it. Just because it isn't finished *yet* doesn't mean you won't finish it ever and also doesn't mean it wasn't worth the joy you got from it. It kinda feels like when back as a kid your mom/dad would tell you to do something but that would make doing the popposite of what they told you to do sooo much more appealing. By creating a gigantous pressure to finish the project my inner child sais "nope, now we definitely aren't going to continiue on that". So letting the pressure go and accepting that the art and espescially me as a person is still worthy and valid is the key lesson
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
that is SUCH a good mentality!! thank you so much for sharing
@Angel.Stay.Moa.Engene 4 ай бұрын
@@siamsim8703 that's beautiful and very insightful. Thank you for sharing. I'll have to keep this in mind
@speciallyher 4 ай бұрын
"You are enough, and your art is enough. Don't stop creating because no one else can create the art that you create." - Shay
@SimonTimez 4 ай бұрын
I love how this got posted after an art contest i entered and lost in, not to say the winners didnt deserve it! They did deserve it, but i felt really discouraged as an artist because i didnt even place 3rd.
@SimonTimez 4 ай бұрын
Sometimes i feel like im not doing enough, that ill NEVER be the actual artist i want to be, especially considering that professionals chose the winners, like if im not even enough for real professionals NOW as a freshman whos almost gonna be an adult in some years, who says ill ever be something ‘important’ later If that makes sense?
@SimonTimez 4 ай бұрын
I look at something ive worked on for SO long only to decide “i hate it.” “I hate what im doing, im wasting my life.” “Who actually cares?..” “oh, you’ll never amount to anything as a person or artist.” Which just.. sucks? I havent drawn in a few weeks because of it, because im scared of messing up, sometimes it feels like im never even improving :(
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
I think you are being way to hard on yourself simon! you're only a freshman you have sooo much time to figure things out and you shouldn't pressure yourself to know everything now. I know it's difficult not to compare ourselves to each other, but it's not helpful at all to positively improve. You are an important artist NOW. You are paving the way for the rest of your art career that is unique to you and what makes you feel happy and fulfilled. We have to fail to learn, to discover how we work, and understand more abstract concepts. You should be proud of yourself for even entering a contest! Like I said in the video, starting is the hardest part, and you DID that. Looking at the positives will foster a more creative and healthy learning environment if you are looking to improve you skills. Giving yourself the space to just have fun with your art, not take every piece so seriously, and working on one thing at a time will be really helpful in this. I wish you the best, please do not give up on your art or what you want to achieve in your life. You ARE enough as you are.
@osooso6027 4 ай бұрын
@@SimonTimez you’re starting much earlier than most people I didn’t start till I was 22 and it was hard seeing people so much younger than me that were insanely good knowing it would take many years to catch up to them almost 3 years later and I still haven’t lol but something’s that unique and cool about art and the skills associated e.i. Draftsmanship, painting, color theory, etc. is that while the pace may vary it is absolutely inevitable that you improve and especially if you’re trying to
@thestockimagequeen 3 ай бұрын
@@SimonTimeznobody else can create the art you create. Your art is uniquely your own, and the world needs that. Besides, “perfect” art is boring. Being human is being messy, experimental, having little bumps and edges. Art is the most honest, authentic expression of humanity and it’s okay if it’s not perfect or up to our own high expectations. As a fellow overachiever, I understand! As long as you keep doing art and having fun, you’ll learn and improve. Keep sharing your voice through your art, and have so much fun while doing so🫶
@EnasniVee 4 ай бұрын
This video wrecked me. Perfectionism *has* stolen my creativity, and I've been struggling to heal from burnout for... years. So many unfinished or unstarted projects! ^_^; Your videos are always so helpful, reassuring, and fun to watch. I took a whole page of notes watching this one, hahaha. Thank you for sharing your art and yourself with us.
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
i totally get you. there were periods of time where I was just sketching in my sketchbook, not committing to any final project of piece and it really held me back from so many of the things I wanted to achieve due to the fear of failure. please take your time, feed your artist soul with music, stories, and anything else that inspires you and slowly dip back into creating! pretty soon you'll be back in the swing of things
@AnniekinDraws 4 ай бұрын
Are you me? 😫 I have been burnt out from art for a year or 2 now, and I am trying my hardest to bring the passion back. I want to improve but I also want to be better right now, and it's paralysing lmao
@madameversiera 3 ай бұрын
I know it's really scary to put yourself out there, since I published my own comic last year and I know how much criticism and hatred you can receive. I immediately received really harsh and bad reviews. I've felt really sad, worthless and thinking to drop out but then I thought of all the things I did learn during my work. We are blocked because we aim for the "perfectionism" so that "people will not criticise us. In other words, I think we are worried about what others think of us. Spoiler alert: people will always criticise you, whatever you do, so it's useless to aim to perfection. That's important, not what some hateful people think about you.
@ChantelleArts 4 ай бұрын
the not comparing yourself to other artists part is probably one of the hardest things to overcome ❤
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
so true! ;-;
@CryingClouds1 2 ай бұрын
That is so true I’m still trying to learn how to appreciate my art and not compare myself to artist I look up to who have been doing it longer than me but it’s so hard😭😭
@wekky420ranarr Ай бұрын
almost makes me want to paint in the woods with no internet just to not suffer by comparing myself to people much better than me
@ChantelleArts Ай бұрын
@@wekky420ranarr honestly painting in the woods sounds amazing though!
@ashkchm 4 ай бұрын
wow dude you read my mind because how did you know I’ve been basically art blocked since last like… october? its insane and probably the longest I’ve gone without finishing a piece. and it’s for this exact reason.
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
that sounds really tough, I hope this video made you feel comforted! take things slow and steady and don't force yourself to create something "good" when you start creating again. you got this!!
@Milsukix3 4 ай бұрын
I've been art blocked for 2 months from April and feel terrible about it. There's been a lot going on for me but also I don't like the last piece I made. I don't want to spend any more time re-doing it but there's something that I totally cannot swallow about that piece. This probably makes me think that the next piece is going to make me feel the same. I guess I just need to restart in small steps. Thank you for that comment.
@blobymcblobface 3 ай бұрын
The imperfections are what define the medium and make the art interesting. If I wanted to look at a photograph I could but instead I'm looking at art BECAUSE it isn't flawless.
@sketchesofshay 3 ай бұрын
understood! but even if we are not trying to achieve "photo realism," we can often fall into achieving the perfect colors, compositions, gestures etc to match what we have in our heads! especially as illustrators who do more stylized work, you can still fall into perfectionism.
@blobymcblobface 3 ай бұрын
@@sketchesofshay I appreciate what you're trying to do also, just thought some people might need to hear what I said. I use an 80% rule. If I'm 80% happy with something I sell it.
@coffinvampire 4 ай бұрын
I definitely struggle with comparison the most. When I see an artist younger or the same age as me and I deem their art "better" or more "beautiful" than mine, it just kind of deteriorates me. This video helped me a lot more to realize that it's okay! Everything is okay and I should keep going, not give up just because of a mess up or because I see someone better than me. Even though I still suffer from such, I just kind of stopped using social media 'n stuff which helped me focus on my goal; improving on art. :)
@SterlingDragonn 4 ай бұрын
I noticed that I lost my ability to create as I got older,, it’s like I slowly became more and more self critical, to the point where I was afraid to draw for years,, I would still draw, but I could never fully complete a piece. I’m currently trying to get out of this vicious cycle, as I’ve limited myself and have much to learn to make up for all the fear that has held me back. I have a little less than a year to complete my portfolio for an art school that I’m hoping to attend,, I truly do want this, more than anything. It’s been a dream of mine since I was little. I’m using my summer to work on all the things my anxiety has kept me from, and I’m really hoping to improve more (I see it already!!) so it is 100% possible, you just gotta push yourself, but also remember to be nice to yourself, and remember that even just working on something for a little bit a day is a win. As long as you’ve got a goal in mind, and you’re working towards it, you’re making progress. Don’t ever forget why you started creating in the first place. I believe in all of y’all. We’ll be just fine. You’re not alone in this. 💛
@Spektrumhase13 4 ай бұрын
I struggle a lot lately with my art style. Because I'm in this weird phase, where I improved, but also have the feeling I got worse at the same time. And then I have to say to myself that it is ok, if it's not perfect, but my head keeps pointing out all of the mistakes. That's the point where I take a break from drawing. Recently I bought a small cheap sketchbook to just do whatever I want. From sketching to writing or even just playing around with stationery and I noticed that it helps to get back the motivation to grab my bigger sketchbook and start my paintings again.
@Purpial 4 ай бұрын
I totally agree with this! I recently pivoted from illustration to 3d modeling and game art, and it's made my actual illustration work feel much worse... even if I have improved overall in other areas, it's a weird feeling.
@irvinfong5196 2 ай бұрын
You have put what I've struggled with for years into words: "perfectionism paralysis" and especially that perfectionism isn't just about meticulous actions and details. I have felt like an impostor perfectionist because of the limited definition. So thank you for this video!
@atreuspng 4 ай бұрын
This video was honestly what I really needed right now; I’m a disabled artist and most of my adult years so far have been consumed by so much mental illness and disability struggles, I’m mostly bedridden and can’t draw as much as I used to as I did as a teenager and it has been causing me dread and anxieties, I appreciate this video so much after watching it and I’m going to rewatch it whenever I start feeling down. You earn a sub from me ;W; ✨❤️
@Dragon21Studios 4 ай бұрын
i have so much trauma growing up that being a perfectionist is beaten into me. Gotta have perfect grades, be the best kid, no mistakes. *sighs* it's a huge can of worms to open in therapy soon. I am struggling with my art being okay and to show them off instead it has to be perfect or no one can see them. It's also probably why I barely post videos on my channels... being a perfectionist has messed me up severely. With all mental disabilities I have, I struggle alot in doing art and I love art but perfectionist is very hard to break it's cycle. Me failing is a no no, that has been drilled into me at such young age. I am slowly trying to break the cycle, break what was drilled into me... *sighs* ...just gotta take it one day at a time. It will get better. Anyhow, your videos are great though, keep it up ^_^
@aj.8439 Ай бұрын
I was recently laid off of said animation industry, a large studio, in fact, and have been out of work for half a year. Mentors of mine out of work for 1.5 years and they've been working at the studios since all of us were babies or not even born yet. It's been really miserable but somehow this video popped onto my feed and it really made me cry. Thanks so so much for this kind message about art! It's really tough out there and given the circumstances it's so easy to be frustrated and lost. But it's so important to remember to create out of love and not hatred, despite it all.
@ThatFlamingFroggo 4 ай бұрын
That. That art progress isn't linear. Setbacks, regression, it can happen. Doesn't mean it's forever, or that it devalues who you are. I've been working on finding worth in the process as much as the outcome. In using the mistakes to create something just a lil different than intended. Something new. Something interesting. Or even just be alright that it isn't the best thing I've ever done, but it still feels good to get it all out. And using that imperfection, can sometimes help others relate to yah more. Cause we ain't perfect, us human beans. It's good to share the mess sometimes.
@Sourinksoda 4 ай бұрын
Definitely feel the comparison gunk when having to put together a portfolio, its hard when someones portfolio advice doesn't speak to how you enjoy making art, but to what will get you work. Its a very tough thing to balance
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
defintely!! making art for money vs. making art for yourself is always difficult to balance and preserve your love of creating. always make sure to give yourself breaks and not put too much value into being financially successful with your art
@Km0ii 4 ай бұрын
i love these little sit down chats w/ sharing art! this one specifically helped me with this really big art slump/crisis ive been having for a while now and was just what i needed to hear ^^
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
so happy my timing was good! I hope this encourages you to start creating again, remember to start small and not put too much pressure to make something amazing. just focus on having fun and enjoying the process!
@BloomynMoon 4 ай бұрын
Very much need to work on my wanting to make perfect art all the time- That and also understanding that I have other jobs/responsibilities- and I can’t be growing in art as much as people who have it as a full time job!! Lovely video- had me in tears at the end 😭 new schedule makes it feel like we’re catching up every so often, it’s nice
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
thank you so much for touching on that Bloomy! I failed to mention that in the video, but everyone has different responsibilities that allow a certain amount of time to improving our skills. Not everyone has 5 hours a day to devote to making art, and that's the biggest reason why we shouldn't compare ourselves at all! so happy you liked the video, this topic means a lot to me and I'm glad it resonated with you as well. you got this, don't stop creating!
@hannahbathenry 4 ай бұрын
This can also be applied to every area of your life. I’m a writer who recently got into art as a way of escaping from my over-perfectionism in regards to my writing, but those thoughts still persist. Sometimes you just need to take a step back to breathe and admire what you’ve created :)
@inktoling_3375 Ай бұрын
i recently realized that perfectionism is LITERALLY ruining my life :( ty so much for this video, it popped out while scrolling in shorts and it really got my attention I've been going trought a harrrrd couple of moths and it consumed so much my energy to try new things and do the ones that I actually enjoyed, writting, drawing, oh god even playing videogames. I think this is my sign to start losing the fear of doing things "wrong" and making mistakes while experimenting, maybe that's the whole point of starting it in the first place, seeing what you did well and what you can improve later. but not focusing on it that's pretty much why im writting this in english even if it's not in my native tongue and Im dead scared of typing something wrong and been seen as a weird or Idk man :') anyways, i should stop yapping and start what i really wanna do c: ty again :D
@kiuche5607 3 ай бұрын
I was so confident at the fact that im not so bad of a perfectionist and then 2:52 made me realize i been delaying my project for months for that exact same reason..
@vulpeculafae 4 ай бұрын
*struggling to hit the like button because of the tears in my eyes* Thanks for such a warm, brilliant video, for saying things I know many of us needed to hear.
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
awww we are definitely in this together! a lot of what I say is honestly directed towards myself. we always need to remind ourselves that we are doing our best and that is enough, wishing you the best
@Saturn_Drawz 3 ай бұрын
This applies to writing as well. I kept writing and rewriting a story I’m working on, then it occurred to me… fuck it… and now the first three chapters are going up soon. (I just need to transfer it from paper to computer because I write better that way)
@toodles_doodles 4 ай бұрын
Really good comments. I think there are a lot of artists with perfectionism, so this is a super important topic to touch on. Even when trying to warm up I tend to try to perfect my drawings. Thanks for the tips!
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
so happy you found this video helpful!! honestly, I myself just did not want to feel alone with how my perfectionism ruins a lot of my art. I'm really feeling seen with these comments, and I am so appreciative of you guys
@ReinerBraunie 2 күн бұрын
watching this gave me comfort and on recovery after how twitter addiction and comparing myself almost destroyed me. currently im doing art study's while listening so thank you so much shay ❤
@sketchesofshay Күн бұрын
so happy that this has helped you. I hope you can come back to this video whenever you need support, we are in this together!
@critiqueofthegothgf 4 ай бұрын
love how this channel has basically become a place to receive invaluable insight on approaching frustrations, social commentary and honestly just generally applicable things outside of art. it's amazing
@val71999 3 ай бұрын
i haven't written in a year and a half. i really hope i find the strength to pick it up again soon- i get so horribly embarrassed looking at anything ive created and i can't even bring myself to try again. thank you for this.
@YourLocalAnonAccount 3 ай бұрын
I don't usually comment on videos much, but this has really hit on all the right parts from how I have been feeling about my own art lately- I really needed this reminder as a hardcore perfectionist myself whenever I draw again so that I don't fall down another pit of self deprecation preventing me from carrying on creating. Thanks for making this video
@kellycabrera3699 4 ай бұрын
Actually, I’ve been struggling with perfectionism in my drawings for a while, and for many years I couldn’t even draw because I was so scared for it. This video kinda made want to draw even more thankssss
@romancantanimate 4 ай бұрын
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
@romancantanimate 4 ай бұрын
@@sketchesofshay helloooo
@LorenzoArt 4 ай бұрын
You quite possibly reached straight into my working brain mechanics and pulled the exact problem I’m facing
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
you are not alone in your struggle!
@graysonthewolf8088 4 ай бұрын
Hey Shay, thank you so much for this video..idk how but it’s kinda what I needed to hear at the moment because I’ve been feeling very insecure about myself and my art recently. I put way too much pressure and expectations on my work, which makes me feel guilty and not good enough for people to care. It’s very hard to deal with this, and I feel like I’m loosing my passion to draw which causes me a huge wave of sadness. Thanks for sharing positivity 💖
@Nik_is_awesome 4 ай бұрын
I definitely agree. I always try to make everything perfect and end up ruining it
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
it's definitely a self-fulfilling prophecy! we try and perfect things and paint perfectly to avoid failure, but we end up with a piece we don't like anyways :(
@_kaybeth_ 4 ай бұрын
I literally got this video in my notifications after having another bad day due to my perfectionism 😭. I think I was destined to watch this
@joan_of_snark 4 ай бұрын
Perfectionism is a HUGE barrier in my life that im currently working on. It really does ruin so many different activities and moments that could otherwise be positive (or at least not world-ending) even outside of art. Therapist suggested a book called the CBT workbook for perfectionism and really like it so far👍
@Celestial_Skyy 4 ай бұрын
Love how this kind of appeared truly when I needed it. It is something that I have always struggled with and trying to push forward with my art.
@Altarior 4 ай бұрын
I'm guilty of this a LOT, especially the don't-even-get-started-because-I'm-not-good-enough-yet thing. Something that really helps me is thinking of Hajime Isayama, the manga artist behind Attack on Titan. The manga took about 12 years to make and if you compare volume 1 to volume 34, the difference is ridiculous! You'd NEVER believe they were drawn by the same person! He improved so much, it's insane. You can see his art gradually get better and better throughout the series. Of course, AoT was a huge success regardless of the first few volumes not looking pretty, and I love the whole series and I'm happy he started even if he wasn't "good enough" yet when he began. So with that in mind, even if you/I don't feel like you're/I'm "good enough" yet, just start! Don't wait, just start that comic/story/drawing/whatever!
@sketchesofshay 3 ай бұрын
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing that example with us! that is really encouraging and inspiring. I think this is also a testament to if you are passionate about creating something, and if the story is really strong, that will shine through the artwork, no matter the skill level !
@Yeezee_18 3 ай бұрын
After receiving a bunch of unsolicited art critique from someone that I’ve admired for a while, this video comforts me. Their critique is the main reason why I struggle to make stuff I love, because I worry that the proportions might be wrong or the whole drawing’s wrong in general. There’s always a voice in the back of my head reminding me to make sure that everything’s correct or else it won’t be right. This video is 🔛🔝❣️
@verycuteanimal301 4 ай бұрын
thanks so much shay for posting this
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
you DO got this!!
@banheezone 4 ай бұрын
The universe is speaking to me. This 2:19 THIS is exactly how I've been lately. I just can't pick up that pen because I know what I draw won't live up to the idea in my head. I hope this video helps me see that failure is a part of the learning process. I wish I could just let go of the expectations in my head and draw whatever.
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
it takes time to fight against the perfectionist mentality that our brains default to. just incorporating more positive self-speak and encouragement little by little can dampen the perfectionism and make our lives so much easier! it is a journey, you got this!!
@andyzhang7890 Ай бұрын
felt this whole video in my soul, need to watch this over and over to remind myself these lessons 🙏🙏🙏
@fay4224 4 ай бұрын
i never comment on videos , but this video came through at the right time. i have a project due next week and i’ve been procrastinating on it so much because i need to do assets , character design, animation , all of which im not really skilled in. i got so scared of the deadline that i stopped drawing altogether and got super burnt out. i felt that if i drew for fun that i’d be doing injustice to my project and slacking off. still struggling with it but this video just opened my eyes really, and it’s everything i needed to hear 😭😭❤️ it just made me think ‘but wait, why am i so scared to draw nowadays?’ when i’m literally the cause of it because i make every sketch too perfect and compare myself too easily. have a great easy time with your move , thank you for this video !!
@axalanexa 16 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for saving me from my depression and losing my art and most importantly myself! thanks a bunch... ❤
@emnms02 26 күн бұрын
Honestly thank you for this! I have the joyof having a teacher in art school telling me a bit of this and you reinforced it!
@meoby 19 күн бұрын
Thank you, you have no idea how much stress was lifted off me hearing the things you said. Honestly made me cry.
@sketchesofshay 17 күн бұрын
I am so glad my video found you! a lot of what I said is what I tell myself and I really wanted to share it and find artists who feel similarly. you are not alone!
@TheMockatiel 3 ай бұрын
3:00 OMG I’ve never seen someone focus on this as the real reason we never finish or put out work. That it’s the things we love most the ideas we are truly passionate about - that are actually good - that we know are good - these are the ones that grind us to a halt, because our expectations shoot so high we can only fail to manifest them to the standards we set and anything less feels like we failed and didn’t do it properly. So every line we try and dray gets self-judged with such ferocity we stifle and oppress ourselves. I’ve been struggling with this for 35 years.
@mediocreartiste 4 ай бұрын
i really want you to know that you are a huge reason for why im quitting normal school to go to art college. you make me feel better about my prospects and like i actually have a future lol :))
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
i am so happy for you!! I know it's a scary step, but there are more opportunities than ever for artists now due to the internet. I had no idea I would be doing youtube, selling my independent work, and just getting to draw whatever I want basically for a living. We are living in both such a crazy age of AI art but also an amazing chance for artists to thrive on their work
@ChthonicMars 4 ай бұрын
I just put off a drawing of mine since I thought the line art and coloring I did on it wasn’t good enough and my rendering would be bad, but I finished it and it turned out good! Perfection paralysis sucks so much, this video really helpful with explaining it and giving advice ^^ (I’m only like a sixth of the way watching it lol)
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
lol thank you so much for watching! I'm so happy you managed to finish your drawing and enjoy the process and the result. perfectionism steals so much potential joy, keep doing what you're doing!
@Generic-Internet-User666 4 ай бұрын
This is actually what I have struggled with for so long and has been holding me back, I've been trying to make my own comic as part of a class so I have also got a lot of external pressure on top of my self-imposed standards!! Thank you for sharing this and helping out other creatives (:
@echiax 3 ай бұрын
I've been struggling a lot with perfectionism and self-hatred due to increased stress in my life for months now, and I just wanted to thank you for this video. It found me in a time when I was close to a breaking point, and I can't thank you enough for the kindness and knowledge you've shared. You saying no one can create the art that us as as individual artists can create hit home, and I think that statement will stay with me throughout my art lifespan to remind me to never give up, even when my brain tells me to. Thank you so much for sharing this video
@coolcoolercoolest212 2 ай бұрын
Saving this video to share with people who say they hate their own art.
@patoartistik 4 ай бұрын
It's really helpful your words, as an artist I'm passing though the exact same thing of perfectionism, THANKS
@SamakiPuma 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this video! Since I moved last July I've been in such an artblock/unable to create and everytime I try to get back into it, I just stall out and can't do anything. I managed to do a 30 day challenge but I was forcing myself and it would take hours just to do a simple thing. I feel like I wasn't letting myself just create and had such high expectations because I used to produce content several times a week. I know it'll take time to get back to that, but I shouldn't let that stop me from creating content that fills me with joy and passion. That constant desire to be perfect really has been holding me back from doing the one thing that has always filled me with happiness.
@Deeyemz 2 ай бұрын
I started using my art as a small business and I think doing that made me a perfectionist. Making content felt like everything needed to look "perfect" and it killed my passion for the one hobby I've loved since I was a child. But this is so true, avoiding perfectionism has helped me start to fall in love with creating again. Thank you for this video!
@Wrathgir 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video. I have been fighting my inner critic on and off. Also doing a commission that I am trying to get through is also rough. Yeah I guess I am sorta a perfectionist in a way. I want to make the best art for my customers and trying not to disappoint them. Slowly been trying to get myself out of that mentality to do more on my art per day to get myself back to where I can get them done. Not necessarily quickly, but just being able to make something completed. I have many projects I sorta started and never finished cause wanting to be perfect and also not having much time for drawing. But I try to doodle at least. maybe I can get some of these projects I wanted to finish done and also finish that commission. Thanks for the push for trying to get there. I needed it.
@dapperdog5264 4 ай бұрын
been thinking about changing my major/general career path away from art in favor of something more "stable". it makes me wonder if i'm betraying myself or giving up too early, or if i'm making a smart choice. despite being in the process of making such a big decision your videos bring me a sense of comfort, thank you for these :)
@notjordan._.6658 2 ай бұрын
The way you explained the doodle phenomenon exactly describes me, I've made some of my favorite art on just a piece of homework and I don't expect anything going into it. But when i start using my sketchbook I'm worried what the end result will look like and fear disappointment.
@MsMchii Ай бұрын
Ive had a hard time with art, and the pressure of "drawing everyday" makes me very upset, I would look at my friends art and be amazed yet jealous of how flawless and qucik they make little doodles, and even so i try too hard to make my art "cute" and often re look at it in disappointment. I would scroll through Pinterest picking out things that inspire me and yet DON'T draw it at all. It got frustrating when i sat with nothing on the table, and i would break my pencils and be moopy because the anatomy i tried didn't turn out right even though it was on my first try, and re look at my old art in disgust but forget when i was really proud of it the first time i made it, its a cycle i wanna break out of and you described my problem perfectly. This video really calmed me down, I still struggle with keeping a schedule to draw, work out or anything but this helped me and i wanna start trying a little harder, or even keeping little notes of the tutorials i thought were helpful, so thank you for making me realize i can get through thia and still be an artist
@AchillesCrowned Ай бұрын
thank you for making this video. i've been having art block for the past few months and compared to the little "art breaks" i've had before, this one feels incredibly debilitating. today is the first time in years where i've searched "art tips" because i think that i won't be satisfied with my art if i don't improve first. i feel like i'm dying from perfectionism. every little sketch or doodle i make gets erased or scribbled over. nothing looks right so i draw it over and over again in different poses, perspectives, and body types, but i end up slamming my ipad down and throwing the pen across the room. sorry for the sudden vent, i'm just so tired.
@meowck 2 ай бұрын
Watched this as i made myself a schedule of a specific thing to focus on in a day. Realized im really pushing myself to do each thing for a WHOLE day. Time to pick up my stylus and actually make something ive been thinking of. Thank you for this video!!
@Daiyurunning 3 ай бұрын
I feel like perfectionism has taken away huge chunk of my ability to improve. I used to work on pieces that would usually end up have little to no resonation with me, but I always push myself to keep polishing it in areas that I didn’t care at all for because it felt like I “needed” to.
@Zesnifflers 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Shay for sharing this❤ I had been feeling defeated by imposter syndrome, and doubting myself for some while. This vdo really helped me put myself back together again, thank you for all the advices!😊
@ashputtel 4 ай бұрын
I agree with everything she is saying. As an artist I paralyse myself because I don't want to makeso called bad art, but once I get started just moving and concentrating all the negativity falls away. I get a lot of satisfaction from simply finishing a piece. The act of creating really is a blessing and a form of meditation that is underrated.
@NathGate 2 ай бұрын
This is the soft delivered and honest talk I needed to hear. Thank You, I will continue this art journey.
@sav1147 Ай бұрын
I cant even explain how you have touch my soul all throughout this video. As an architecture student who struggles with attaching my self worth and the value of my art to a point system created to criticize every little detail in every piece that you do, I forget to find joy in doing what I always loved doing. Its hard to go back to why I even chose to study an art-related course and to even just put my personality in the things that I do because the expectations and high standards are so blinding. You made me feel so relieved and seen in this video and Im very grateful. I hope you know that you have inspired another human being in continuing to love art and never forgetting the happiness that comes with the journey of it all.
@kaylalian19 3 ай бұрын
I appreciate this so much. I knew that there must be other artists who have these thoughts and feelings, but it's super validating to hear someone actually express them. I actually got emotional a few times while listening to this ahaha. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts; I'm really hoping to just *make all the things* this year, and enjoy the process again!! I hope we can all find inspiration and joy in what we create again
@sketchesofshay 3 ай бұрын
so happy you found validation through this video! we are in it together, and I hope I can continue to make vids like this to help you in your journey
@lewperaza Ай бұрын
Comparison is the theif of joy, and making mistakes are ok, is basically what I got from this. Thank you gor giving me a new perspective.
@catalinach6023 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much, I'm only at the start of the video and i feel already motivated to go on and try to be less hard on myself when i get to drawing. I often remember, when i first started drawing digitally years ago, how fluently i drew, and posted my art, proud of it. Nowadays it's so hard for me to go through a drawing till the end because of my own expectations, and i keep wishing to be as comfortable and learning as i used to be when i just started. Sometimes it feels as, since I've learnt SO much since that time, as if i couldn't learn anymore because of being so mean to myself. Seriously, THANK U. ❤
@oiiister 2 ай бұрын
this made me emotional. thank you so much. i know my skills are good and yet im always overthinking starting a piece because im scared i wont be able to match my expectations. :') amazing video, i subscribed :3
@BreadLover257 4 ай бұрын
Hi Shay, I've been watching you for about a year now and I've never commented but this video was actually probably one of the most helpful things I've ever watched. I've struggled with perfectionism in art for as long as I remember and I've had long periods where I barely did any art except for school or something because the fear of not living up to my expectations and 'being good enough' was so crippling, and recently I've been trying to combat that by just starting any ideas I have (which has been really helpful!) and continuing them no matter how they turn out, so this video was perfect for encouraging me to continue getting over that fear lately. Thank you so much
@unknown-oz5el 2 ай бұрын
Beautiful stuff coming out of your mind! Keep spreading the kind message and never give in!
@millie9814 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for calming my debilitating anxiety 💕
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
@Midprey 18 күн бұрын
02:16 that is me, I want to draw again, but that fear always comes back or even boredom sometimes occur, I mostly play videos games and ignore my art for 4 months or even year or 2. But I realized too late that art is my passion, thank you so much for this vid
@Random_Jammi 3 ай бұрын
Thanks, I really needed to hear this. I have been struggling with this problem for as long as I can remember and it brought me to the brink of insanity lol. I know this isn’t much but I really appreciate you making this video 😊
@sketchesofshay 3 ай бұрын
wow thank you so much for the super thanks Jess! that really means a lot to me, you have no idea
@kippillustration 3 ай бұрын
as a perfectionist, it was nice to listen to this, simple but meaningful vid
@Jimbzy 3 ай бұрын
Perfectionism is making my art better. (It's ruining my mind though but it's a small price to pay for quality)
@canofsoup1554 3 ай бұрын
Hey Shay, this is the first video I've ever seen by you and I think it's amazing, and I really needed to hear this so from the bottom of my heart, thank you. :)
@sketchesofshay 3 ай бұрын
omg hi! welcome to the channel! so glad that this resonated with you. we are in this together
@lazykiwi272 10 күн бұрын
I have been stuck in a art rut, unable to draw for months at this point to the point where i dont even wanna draw the hyperfixations that usually get me through and realise that a lot of this reflects me, i wanna do experimental stuff but able to do ao in case it goes wrong, or wont look good, one small mistake makes me want to give up even if i wanna make art. This got so much worse in university when i was in my class seeing people who were my age or younger do things that, i wouldn't even know where to begin, part of me would be incredibly impressed while the other is jealous that they could do something but i couldnt, so this was very needed
@cayhill1311 4 ай бұрын
This video was responsible for getting me started on my comic's pages. Thank you so much for that.
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
yay! so happy for you!
@Mindiesart 4 ай бұрын
I struggled with perfectionism my entire life and that bled into my art, I always want to put my best of the best work out there and I find it so hard to just let myself create. to let the rendering be messy or let the anatomy be little funky. I come back to this video so often now for a pick me up and a reminder that not everything has to be perfect 😭
@elaineeggenberger6183 3 ай бұрын
been feeling horrible about my art for months and this is the first thing in so long that's made me actually want to start drawing again. thank you for this video
@watermelon4646 2 ай бұрын
Your voice is so soothing, thank you for this video! Your message was articulate and sophisticated while keeping things real. 💛
@Afiper 3 ай бұрын
I needed to hear this. Watching this video helped me in some way, it can be really frustrating when you don’t meet your expectations but knowing that others are also struggling with the same thing as I am really helps :)
@sketchesofshay 3 ай бұрын
so happy this brought you comfort in your own journey. finding solace and support in other artists is pivotal in moving past hard times with our art
@Arkhkalos 3 ай бұрын
Im grateful that creators like you exist. I used to avoid art/advice videos like this, I believe at the time I was avoiding facing my inner critic, but im happy I'm kinder to myself now and that I watched this video. It made my night and some critical thoughts of mine find healthy reason to leave. I'ma go doodle some art now🌌:)
@DukeOfDane Ай бұрын
Motivation: regained Self acceptance: boosted Thank you for this video, it found me when I needed it the most. It’s time to end the procrastination!
@YE_boi_TAK 4 ай бұрын
I need this video right now bro, I haven’t actually sat down and tried to draw anything for months because of perfectionism😭 thank you for the inspiration and encouraging words. Me as well as a lot of people need this in our life ❤️
@Lakeside80 3 ай бұрын
I have so many ideas and characters I feel so strongly about from my heart. I mostly struggle with coming up with the ideas, I feel like I need something really special. I want it to have something that keeps people coming back. I literally have no idea how people have the energy to draw art all day. Or continue on a piece for days. I just feel so drained, even though I really want it to come out. It's tough, art is a constant upkeep and you're never fully satisfied.
@PickledBrainzz 4 ай бұрын
Would you be able to make a video about sketching? The way you draw construction lines are so natural and the way you sketch bodies specifically feels so- human? I'm not sure how to describe it but it's such a perfect balance of stylization and realism that makes the energy so awesome!!! :D
@sketchesofshay 4 ай бұрын
omg thank you so much!! I myself still feel like I'm in a rough patch of anatomy and stylization, maybe once I'm in a better place I can make a video about style!
@violet_alice_animation 3 ай бұрын
this year has been the year i actualy have my own art style and i am so excited to see how my futre drawings turn out
@purpl3gemini Ай бұрын
Like most here, my sense of perfectionism has kept me from creating art. Objectively right now my art isn't good so it makes it difficult to enjoy studying art. Thanks for sharing these tips hopefully i can defeat this perfectionist attitude
@sketchesofshay 28 күн бұрын
you got this! I think artists go through a cycle of being critical with their work, then enjoying it, then going through another critical area, and that is because of your improving ability to see and create. keep going and always remind yourself of the fun of creating
@jewelweed_ 4 ай бұрын
i've barely drawn since 2021 aside from doodling on my schoolwork because of fears like this!! this video means a ton, thank you so much :]
@YardLongBeans 2 ай бұрын
Ffs, I needed this so badly! I stopped drawing for a few months and now I’ve completely forgotten how to draw anything that compares to my old art. It’s no longer fun when I compare the two arts and I think this video definitely helped me get back on track :)
@Sticksthekitty 2 ай бұрын
I totally didn’t spend over 2 hours writing notes to this as I watched the video … - It is okay to wait for a good time if you have a lot going on or the materials needed are not available, but you need to be able to identify if you’re just not ready to start your art or if you don’t want to start it because you think you will be disappointed in the results if that is the case you will never improve and therefore never meet your expectations so you have to start whenever you can - The goal is to get started on the big projects, time is precious, and we don't have any to waste so we need to get to work now no matter how bad you think it is it will bring you closer to improvement, just take those baby steps and eventually you will get there this is also to plan out and reduce the stress that comes with reaching the goal. It is also to try and make the things you see as a chore such as your art more enjoyable, what is the point of doing anything if you aren't happy with yourself, my main goal for life is to be happy and make others around me happy too I want to die having regretted nothing!! - Art is a reflection of ourselves a simple little mistake, things that all people have, should not stop us from showing off our true authentic selves mistakes and all, the same should go with art, it is okay to correct your art, as you do in real life with your own mistakes, but we should not spend our lives blocking ourselves away because we are afraid to be perfect, treat your art like that show off who you are - We have to separate ourselves from our art, linking our self-worth to what we create will end with more pressure, you are an amazing human being with your own feelings and emotions and your own special way of expressing yourself that special way is different from everyone else, but I believe that everyone has equal talents and worth, it is just that it is spread out in different areas or uncovered with time you may not be as good at art as that famous artist, but maybe that's because you’re good at art and other things like reading writing athletics while the artist has most of their natural and learned talent in only reading and writing every famous artist has gone through trial and error and long antagonizing moments that they just haven’t shared with the world or is something no one else could fully understand what they went through, more than likely that famous artist is or was in your exact place and you can’t just assume anything. What you can be sure of is that through trial and error and continuing to try even with all your mistakes, your artistic ability and eventually your potential, natural, and learned talent will come out and make the best of what you can do, there is always room for improving when it comes to art. - Your younger self would be really proud and surprised :) One piece is not the end of the world, most people don't even notice the mistakes - Embracing failure, mistakes are a part of life, if you just avoid them and push them away then you can’t learn anything from them and you’ll never improve, if you take a moment to analyze your mistakes then you can see where you went wrong, and in turn it will help show you how to do it right. - You have to remember why you enjoy doing art in the first place, what you end up making, in the end, is not where you get the satisfaction, it may be fun to show it off and receive compliments but where you get the real joy is from the ability to express your creativity and put what’s on your mind on to paper you have to remember to have fun, your drawing comes right from your imagination, and once you learn to draw you can continue to draw with that learned talent but it will not be as good if it doesn’t come from your emotions and imagination because that’s where everything was sourced and to enjoy what you do is what gives you a true sense of satisfaction you might forget to focus on as a perfectionist. - Finding balance, it is healthy to expect something from yourself, it means you know your worth to expect something from yourself can help you improve and have positive results, but you need to know what to expect from yourself, the issue is often that you set that bar too high it becomes hard for you to bring yourself to complete it and it gives you this sense of disappointment in yourself. Of course it is good to step out of your comfort zone and set that bar higher so that you can begin to advance but the issue is that people often are very quick to set the bar too high and that is when you begin to lose confidence in your work, that is why you have to find that balance between the two, think of it like this, it’s a balance beam, one side has high expectations and one side has low expectations, you want it to stay at the perfect equal weight if not a little tilted the perfect balanced weight is your level in drawing and exactly what to expect from yourself, you can’t easily see how much either side weighs so you have to make an estimation to what either side is you are able to choose how heavy you think the drawings are , say every time you do an amazing doodle, that you are very suprised of and very proud of, you put the doodle on the higher expectations side thinking that if you did it once, you can do it again, but the doodle is much heavier then you expected it would be and it weighs the higher expectations down too much leaving you feeling disappointed when you try to recreate the art and it is nowhere near as good, that’s the issue the drawing raised your expectations and left you feeling disappointed, you choose the weight of the drawing and it was too heavy for you to handle, and the way to fix this is to take it little steps at a time and only slightly raise the weight of your drawing so that if it is a little too heavy it will only tilt slightly and won’t have such a negative impact. - Don’t make a single project define your definite skills as an artist view it as an opportunity to discover more and just calm down because if you are stressed about your art it will not look as good and be worse for you and anyone else viewing the drawing if you did the best you could do with your set of skills then you should be proud of yourself even if it has mistakes it’s even better if you were able to have fun and enjoy the art process and make you more confident. - I already wrote a whole thing about comparing yourself to other artists up there and I’m tired okay :/ - All art is priceless :) - Show yourself some love
@ShOwOba Ай бұрын
with the whole "process over product" section, it made me realize that I.. don't actually have that mindset right now. I'm a guy with dreams that are way too big, like "I'm going to animate at least 100 songs or about 6 hours of content either in 2d or 3d before I die plus more that I find myself overly attached to as I grow older" type of big, and the best thing I can do about it is acknowledge that. I am way too full of ideas, there is way too little money in the world for me to actualize all of it with other people anyway, so I'm gonna do it myself and I hope to be happy with my end products. The only reason I honestly want to make art in the first place is for the pride of having it be my own. I've been trying art on and off for the past 6 years, only trying a bit harder to commit to it now as I stumble my way through 3d art. But I'm not looking to make smaller things to ease my way into the software; I just completed the donut on Blender and now I'm pushing myself to watch a 12 hour VOD of a person speedrunning a creation of a character so that I can do it too. The process itself doesn't feel... fun. It feels like something I need to do so that I can have this character to use in VRChat and streaming and to say that I made. Not to say that the process itself is a necessary evil, I'm sure that the more I get comfortable in it I will find more enjoyment out of it, but I can see now that I only view it as necessary, and I'll do it to get what I want. This is wrong, right? I don't know how to make it right, but now I realize that I need to make it right... also when you made that remark about realizing it was May, I did the same and realized I'm turning 20 in a month which I am NOT ok with?!?! Can I please go back to being 12 and make myself hyperfocused on art from then on so I can be at least somewhat ok at it now ;-;
@theflatsixth 3 ай бұрын
I couldn't have said it better myself! I can attest that the fear of failure is a big hindrance when it comes to getting better at digital art. As someone relatively new to painting, I'm trying to embrace failure and even enjoy it. Failing is inevitable, so why get discouraged when it happens? I suppose that part of the issue is how many artists would prefer to look at a blank canvas than an ugly painting---which is why I'm glad you emphasized enjoying the process. In an age of AI art, I predict that this will become a critical skill---even more than it already is. Regardless of whether AI can make thousands of digital paintings in the time it takes us to open up our canvas, it would be foolish to let it rob us artists of the satisfaction and fulfillment we get from the act of creating. One of the biggest challenges of being a digital artist is knowing that there are people who are a lot better than you. Ultimately, there are two choices when you see their work: berate yourself for not being as good as them and tell yourself that you never will (which is unhealthy and will ensure that it is a self-fulfilling prophecy ) or try to be inspired by their work (my personal favorite, even though it is more challenging). Anyway, I really resonated with the points you made in this video and I'm happy to see more attention brought to the often-overlooked hurdles of creating art.
@anjapinkau3737 2 ай бұрын
Shay, this is all so true! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
@ciel_mist 4 ай бұрын
This video was really great : thank you so much! I've been creatively stuck for years now, to the point where I started trying out anything creative and ending up being completely overwhelmed because I "couldn't find my path". Now, I've been trying to work on facing my perfectionism by pushing myself to draw and open Unity at least, and that huge feeling of anguish and frustration is really hard to confront. The last sentence of your video did resonate with me, and it gives me some magical strength to keep on trying, by reducing the pressure as much as possible! To anyone who also feel that way ; we're together, we can do this 💪
use habit tracking to improve your art!
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