How riot is keeping you in Elo hell (League of legends season 13)

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Twitch stream: / nillnoir
Riot employee twitter post:
Riot games have introduced a whole new feature in season 13 League of Legends, Elo hell!
With the introduction of the new LP system in season 13 a lot of people have been complaining about not being able to climb due to losing a lot more rating and winning a lot less from their games even with really high win rates.
In this video we will go over and try to explain a theory on why this is happening as well as give an update on the ongoing ladder climb.
It was a long and hard battle but after a lot of time I have finally been able to get one step closer to mastering league of legends.

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@TheCurlKing Жыл бұрын
This is so frustrating. And it's very true. I went back to my old account which was G2 this season and P3 last season. I won 7 games in a row, starting with 24LP gains and then it dropped to 20 over the 7 games. Losing as much as 28 LP. Pretty insane to lose more lp than I gain when I'm winning...
@nicollasdx Жыл бұрын
i'm losing 30 lp after winning 3 games and with a positive win rate lol
@Raavyx_ Жыл бұрын
Played on an account with low gold MMR last season, 80% winrate last 20 games (72% last 45) - When i had the highest winrate i would get +18 and -34 (that only happened once, usually -28/29). I know i probably climbed too fast for my mmr to catch up but those +- were insane
@TheGuiterguy Жыл бұрын
I've been having this problem too. I'm having trouble with going down I rank a lot. I've been a high bronze low silver but this season I'm mid high iron and I'm so not motivated to try. I haven't changed much in how I play but loses are sooooo much more painful.
@140bricks4 Жыл бұрын
bro exactly im at + 20/-30 with 60% wr ????? the fuck is this game
@carloszeronio Жыл бұрын
how many games?, i mean, i have a friend who had 700wins with a 52% wr in silver 4, she was +18/-19 , i was in plat 2 with 40 wins and i was gaining +27/-19 , it also depends on the avg mmr of the game, if you are playing with lower elo you gain more lp, if you are autofill on purpose you get like 2-4lp more than your normal lp gains
@erichanson3969 Жыл бұрын
Last season I played 106 games with a 64 WR on nocturne. I never gained more than 13LP per win, and lost 18. The system never caught up. This season I’m at 62 WR overall and I’m currently at +20-28. It’s truly hell. I’m putting up great games over and over again and getting punished for it.
@Slapsamillion Жыл бұрын
It's cuz ur gay
@rofishy2 Жыл бұрын
Wild rift sucks though not as bad, but after proving how good of a top lander I am. I’m expected to consistently win my lane 1v3 because the enemy without fail the last 2000 games I’ve played against has a kid that hyper focuses me and their jungler is also hyper focused on my lane and if I freeze they shove and dive and if I do much as touch the half point they literally are there on time every time. And no matter how much I flash my lvl 7 and no matter if I ping correctly when my jg is right by my lane they ignore me and go to the losing bot lane
@pimplepanda1932 Жыл бұрын
Bro I haven't even made it out of bronze and I get more lp than you
@rofishy2 Жыл бұрын
@@pimplepanda1932 that’s because you’re in bronze being allowed to go into silver. If you plat I don’t think you will get higher than that. I’m in emerald at the threshold of diamond, and it’s not even worth it. The players are just as dumb as silver. The whole latter up everyone plays champions they have no time on and want to hug tower entire game and blame jg for not 1v4 stealing every drake.
@pimplepanda1932 Жыл бұрын
@@rofishy2 how tf did you know I play against silver constantly
@jackpooley4860 Жыл бұрын
Started playing a couple months ago. Was trying to climb out of bronze and over the course of a month had a win rate of 60% and ended up having to go 21-4 to get from bronze 2 to silver 4. At the peak I was getting 13-15lp for a win and -30-35lp for a loss. One of the dumbest ranked systems I've played in a game.
@vaccero 11 ай бұрын
same here! 15lp win and -30 lose -.-
@toastound4273 3 ай бұрын
Me too baby give me a refund on my acount
@kasunovinfinity Жыл бұрын
Another big issue I hear no one ever talk about, is that if you are sitting at 0 LP at the bottom of a TIER (Gold 4 0 LP) for example, every match you lose sitting at 0 LP causes you to of course NOT lose the LP you would have lost if you were sitting at say 80 LP, but you STILL lose the hidden MMR, thus increasing the gap between the hidden MMR and your rank. This tells the system that when you finally do start actually losing LP, that it needs to "catch you up" to your hidden MMR, so now you lose more LP and gain less LP. If you are in promos and lose a game, you do not lose LP but you still lose hidden MMR, same thing, increases the gap. When you start a new account and go into placements, your rank is sitting in bronze, while your MMR is in GOLD. This is how they made it so you can gain so much and lose so little at the start. This is also why silver/gold is a fucking disaster because you have new players and bad players possibly buying new accounts playing in these ranks, which completely ruins games. But Riot's answer to all of this is adding a new Tier (Emerald), game is dead so glad I don't play this piece of shit casino game anymore.
@sumdumgoi8773 Жыл бұрын
Riot is a terrible company, they make billions. Aren't able to make changes to the systems of league. The cinematics are getting worse and worse every year and they blame it on the budget. They made a video about this year being the biggest budget for league but we haven't seen roadmaps or announcements. Riot is a shell of what it use to be and I honestly don't think they will ever recover and honestly its disheartening. I'm close to just uninstalling this game and never thinking about it again.
@Libretad-cw4cb Жыл бұрын
What q we expect from a company that has a fist 👊 as logo.
@Condor.Games. Жыл бұрын
I don't understand how the same company that made the Valorant ranked system (petter performance in the game strengthens gains during wins and softens hits during losses) also somehow made this nightmare system in League of Legends (you could play like Faker but if your team loses you still get -30 LP).
@EOMMunaware Жыл бұрын
Thats because how its made is a casino, designed for player addiction.
@acy1ite482 Жыл бұрын
@@EOMMunaware facts, its a fuge company with influence over so many people- if they made the elo system fair too many people would climb and the game would either die or riot would start masking less money through circulation of- content, boosting, smurfing, streaming and everything so they make an evil system made to trap people in lower elos and basically make it only just hard enough to climb that ppl will still play but hard enough that they cant climb fast enough
@PlaviDuhKasper Жыл бұрын
yo do realise that whole point is to waste time on game like the more you play the more skins they can sell and the more they sell the more they earn if system was fair you woud just get to challanger and than what you passed the game and will go on next one
@arturow2686 11 ай бұрын
@@EOMMunaware i dont buy this, i dont mind being stuck on silver but playing in bronce is like russian roulette. getting the bullet is not fun and therefore ends addiction. maybe they are on our side afterall xd
@hamhamgod258 10 ай бұрын
@@EOMMunaware I see no addiction when I am gold 4 with 55 win rate for 100games, my teammates are all gold+silver and my enemy are mostly plat. The lp I have is around +19/-28(even though I am fighting 5 plat as gold 4). 4 in 5 games there are people who dont listen to ping or go straight 0/10 or just play stuff like draven jg. Even though I am addicted to video games this is just too much and I have deleted the game for my mental health lol
@BrenoAmado Жыл бұрын
i'm winning 15, 16, 17 LP and losing 28, 29 or even 30 LP... that means if i want to climb i need at least 70% winrate wich is ridiculous... because even if i win 60% of my games i'll still lose elo... 10 games 17 LP * 6 Wins = 102 LP 29 LP * 4 loses = 116 LP
@nillnoir Жыл бұрын
Jesus that sounds disgusting
@Makibishi93 Жыл бұрын
Yes, MMR rises slower than LP. So basically, your mmr goes up slowly and your LP zooms- meaning you need to have a positive WR forever to keep boosting that MMR higher the key is keeping it there and not losing. Welcome to every high-elo players trick, don't lose your games when starting a fresh account or your MMR immediately tanks to complete and utter shit. That's why we make new accounts This is why you see all your ranked friends splitting off onto different accounts before their main if the MMR is in the gutter until they can feasibly and consistently gain MMR gains without tanking their account. We'll take a few examples such as IKeepItTaco, IKeepItTaco, and IKeepItTaco. The man never climbs out of Master's because he's stuck in ELO hell and does not significantly perform enough on any of his accounts to boost that MMR rating and he's just teeter-tottering at that MMR Value. There's a gimmick to League and we don't tell people this so they don't quit the game and continue to play because the road is near impossible unless you've played for years and can video game. Now there's a redeeming feature here, your MMR will actually do a "positive reset" the moment you boost up out of a division or win about 40 games in a row meaning you just confused the shit out of the MMR computer and now it has no idea where to put you because it's seen you've won multiple placement matches meaning you get an immediate "I have a crazy good MMR and I won't fuck it up this time moment." Now it basically resets your MMR to a baseline of the ELO you're in. Meaning your MMR now matches the LP for that division placement until you bomb away all over again and hit that next "positive reset." That's why we're all hard stuck up here, is because it's literally incredibly stupid gaining hundreds of LP for that reset, and once you hit challenger's queue, you have no more "positive resets" because there is no other placement to be had. So, long story short- get better. Keep playing until you go on that win streak and reset your MMR ladder. Yes, it's arduous, grueling, disgustingly hard work. Except there's a light at the end of the tunnel they do not tell you about. That's why when you start playing better and noticing your LP losses are better than they were, the MMR is trying to match your LP gains and a hot streak/division placement will skyrocket that gain. It's even more pronounced on the ladder now that the gains are insane so your MMR is more volatile, meaning you can abuse that even more than before. The only bad news is, each and every one of us high ELO players are now perma-stuck in GM because the ladder is now fucked with all of those Diamond players figuring this out. So what would be challengers, are now stuck in Master/GM. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, and I have to congratulate you Nihil on figuring it out- that's the first step in actually becoming a great League player. It's figuring out the shenanigans of the ladder. Yes, I agree- this game is shit and apparently we're all addicted to fecal matter at this point. My last piece of advice- pretend you have no rank, forget about LP gains, and just play the game it will come naturally as thousands of us have said before. I know, I know, you don't believe me. Am I costing you money? Am I costing you anything by giving you this tip? No. So give it a shot and relax and just play on the ladder. Rank doesn't matter, LP doesn't matter, drop the ego, and relax. Learn the game, watch the replays, stop blaming the team, and I promise you'll get better. It takes patience and a hell of a lot of time. A lot of people understand this fast, and a lot of people understand this extremely slowly and have made very minimum progress over 13 years of League. It happens, just place at your own pace and enjoy the cesspool of shit that League is and make great moronic moments you'll never forget.
@mattelmquist4473 Жыл бұрын
I’ve had as many problems as everyone else with the league MMR system, but it makes absolute sense why this happens. For me when I struggled the most it was season 11 or 12 preliminary matches, which resulted in a 1/9 start to the season. I kept losing a bit (partially from playing tilted) and my MMR was very low (rightfully so). My gains went as low as 12 lp at one point, but if you hit a big streak your gains will go up over time, and I still ended up climbing an entire tank higher than where I started that season, from gold 4 to plat 3. If you’re playing in platinum 4 but everyone else in your game is gold 3-4, you’re not really plat 4 so your gains should be lower and losses higher. Same goes for the last season that I played, I had a diamond four on my team who ego’d everyone but he was playing in plat 4 lobbies duoing someone with low MMR, he had very low gains (12-13 lp) that’s how it should be and if you can prove that you can pull your MMR up, your rank will eventually go up as well. Edit: In conclusion, the rank by your name isn’t your real rank (which is frustrating for both people with high MMR and low MMR) but focus less on the pretty logo and more on improvement and the rank will come with it.
@vanjamenadzer Жыл бұрын
The mmr system is garbage. I went on 11 win streak last week so my rank progressed but my mmr stayed in low gold, thus 3 losses after 11 win streak lost me 90 lp while I was gaining less and less LP as I moved ranks. MMR system is complete garbage. Dota done it better.
@Delimon007 9 ай бұрын
@@vanjamenadzer I mean dota is simple. You win you get MMR. You lose? You lose MMR. If your opponents were better your gains will be bigger and your losses less and vice versa. That's how it SHOULD work and nothing else needs to be said. If you are consistent you should climb. The "system" should not be determining what your "skill level" is and forcing you into a rank.
@vanjamenadzer 9 ай бұрын
@@Delimon007 I agree. I've been saying this for two years now. Riot's system is garbage. Just give us +30 -30 and win rate will sort out players. 65% wr in over 100 games but my mmr was garbage, I was getting +18 -35 at one point so 3 losses in a row, one rank down I go.
@HusseinsIpad Жыл бұрын
uninstalled a month or two ago. lifes never been better.
@2BsYummySoles Жыл бұрын
ACC sharing here. At the time, was easily a gold player. I never went higher because I had no reason 2. Played on my friends bronze acc, took me over 100 games with a 76% wr just to get to silver and one game in particular (so not average, a odd ball if you will) gave me 11 lp when I was like 29-2 and by far highest dmg. It's why I don't want to spam games on an acc because the ratio to reward on a old acc makes you see almost no results
@nillnoir Жыл бұрын
Hopefully they stay true to their word and do something about the issue
@vanjamenadzer Жыл бұрын
One of quality of life changes would be to implement an MVP system for a losing team and MVP of the team should be spared of losing LP. This would create an incentive to play your best even if you know you are gonna lose to at least salvage LP. But RITO will never do this because current system created addiction easily.
@Aleksandr_Tararin Жыл бұрын
@@vanjamenadzer nah, i think it would be too hard for them to make a fair "mvp system" that people wouldn't complain about. would make people try to sur less for sure.
@acy1ite482 Жыл бұрын
@@Aleksandr_Tararin a fair mvp system (good idea btw) would be to have your losses mitigated depending on how well you did overall, taking in to acount all the stats like dmg,kda,tower dmg, wards, healing and everything, than whoever in the team did the best and lost would lose a bit less or even half, this would also be good as it would incentivise players into allways doing there best making the game way less toxic as everyone would be trying to win and do there best rather than trolling, they could allso add a system that increases the amount lost if your performance was rlly bad, and even make a system that makes you lose more lp if your caugt with troling or chat abuse or anything that ruins games, even further insentivising ppl playing there best and not being toxic
@nexarr Жыл бұрын
Diamond players stomping Silver - "Elo hell does not exist".
@DjinnGazoo Ай бұрын
GZ ... Diamond players stomping silver... So this is not prove that the Elo hell exist?! You need to be at least 4 Divisions higher to able to clime in your regulär elo system? Think about what you said! And Yes Elo hell exists! Because if even Gold Elo players have a hard way to get from Iron to Silver... it proves it!
@kamskill Жыл бұрын
This new account thing is very true and so frustratingly stupid to me, instead of fixing the mmr system so it can adapt and evolve to your current worth, you HAVE TO start over again to have a better/sometimes inflated mmr from the get go. It has been like this for years now, i've tested it myself and get every new account i make to high diamond while my first account, which ends plat every season, is still stuck plat.
@ken9541 Жыл бұрын
I quit this season. I won a lot more than I lost, but I only gained 18 LP for some reason when winning and lost up to 32 lp when loosing. So if I won 2 and lost 1, I would sit with 6 lp left. If I won 4 and lost 1, I would sit with 40 lp. Which means I'd have to win actually 4 in a row again to get a chance of promo. This really demotivated me and after around 150 games, I just gave up. I'm being punished and I don't even know why. So bye to this game after many years of enjoying it, I started playing in season 3 btw.
@etoeto6754 Жыл бұрын
Just buy 5 euro lvl 30 acc
@Atakke585 Жыл бұрын
I did the same thing as you, spamming my best winrate champs to reach plat. I've been getting +15/-30 to -36 from G4 to G1, it took 65% winrate for about 100 games to get there. Losing one game meant basically erasing 3 wins. My account still has a positive winrate, but I don't bother playing on it, might try to reach emerald next split. Then I started playing on my smurf and I got to gold 1 in about 20 games. Insane stuff. It's just a completely broken system.
@Gatornater Жыл бұрын
I realized recently that my only reasoning for climbing would be bragging rights and “just bc I can” now I’m a new dad so I don’t see any value in climbing anymore. Instead I now play norms and try to master a few specific champions
@perfectelectrics Жыл бұрын
your child will respect you less if he finds out you're grandmasters in league of legends. teach the child tekken. become heihachi.
@sentinelmatt9265 Жыл бұрын
I agree!! I was a teen when I played and grinded League so much, but now that I have a job and gotta make a living I just play 1-2 matches every 3 days playing a hard champion I have no idea how to play but would love to learn 😂
@Jacob-zn6ov Жыл бұрын
I’m gonna be completely Honest with you as a kid about to graduate. If you have a kid jus stop playing league because family is the biggest thing as far as I’m concerned league jus fucks up your mood. I could be wrong tho jus my opinion.
@anon1963 7 ай бұрын
lucky you
@ryanferguson4205 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for making a video about this and i urge anyone reading this to write tickets and spam riot about it. Ive been a gold player for a long time, getting back to gold is always a snooze and i usually 1v9 games when im in silver elo(farm, roam, stack dragons btw). But this season it took me over 100 games to hit gold with a 56% winrate! I was gaining 22 losing 28 and still am. High elo people told me to "just winstreak lol." i had runs where i went 15-3, absolutely dominate the rift. It improved my gains by 1, only for me to lose that increase when i went up a division. Im trying to improve this season, and I finally hit Plat, but it's getting really difficult on my main. I did end up making a new account to play jungle only on, which hit gold 3 in less than 70 games. On that account im gold 3 playing against plat 4 people gaining 30 losing 22. Its very strange how the new mmr is and i wish i could climb on my main where all my skins and masteries are on. Rito pls fix mmr
@metascott2119 Жыл бұрын
its simple economics. this system encourages new accounts, hence new skins purchased on each new account. riot is counting the money and laughing.
@image13 Жыл бұрын
Completely agree and makes perfect sense
@jakubekch.3621 10 ай бұрын
Probably the best way to avoid the problem sadly is to destabilize your mmr When you go 50/50 your mmr stabilizes making it harder to move (at least that's the case in most games) You can't reliably force your team to play well but you can make them lose almost every game With forcing your mmr to be much much lower you can pretty much slingshot yourself above your original elo The issue is not getting banned and morality of it
@leo-ff4yn Жыл бұрын
Veterant player here, started in season 2. Just so you guys know, riot match making system is way worse than before. Back then, I can play and carry easily to gold and take a long break until the next season starts. Now you win 2 and lose 1 on average. Solo que idea is to show you skill, but in reality, its a test of luck. Now I only play for chests 🎉
@BlastBoyX Жыл бұрын
This game is a waste of your life. Imagine how much you could accomplish if people tried as hard at life as they do at this frustration simulator. No matter what rank you reach, it's never going to get better.
@GoldenBerry33 9 ай бұрын
Another thing that I observed, and it is pretty nasty especially for supportive roles like JG and SUP, and especially if you are not very skilled for now, is that after 2-3 wins Riot will somehow think you are good enough to carry others and place you with players that are pretty bad themselves. After some 2-3 loses you will be now considered mediocre again, and will be placed with some players that might carry you out of depression. If you are very skilled and able to carry games, it might not be problematic. But if you are not at that level, and if you depend on your team using the help you provide, you are in big trouble. You might secure all the jg objectives, offer heals, shields and perfect windows to engage or disengage, it would not matter if your team just goes full charge under the enemy turret, surrounded by minions, the infamous tower blasting their chicks, and get recked by at lest 3 enemies; all that to be then spammed as being an useless jg or supp. Maybe it is a bit off-topic, but I thought it might be a fun(crying inside) observation.
@MissChambersxo Жыл бұрын
This explains so much hello? Sitting here with 55 WR Akali 61 Yone 59 Zeri, but still getting +20 -28, it’s very frustrating.
@romzen Жыл бұрын
The only problem I see is the separation of MMR from rank. There is no reason to do that besides catering to rank fetishism since there are demotion shields implemented. They should get rid of all these mechanics and just go with mmr and perfect mapping between mmr and rank. Right now the rank is only a bad representation of your "skill" which is more accurately represented by your mmr. If rightfully the system wants you to win more games than you lose if you rmmr is below the average mmr of your rank and vice versa. Riot has been tweaking and adjusting these systems since forever. But there really is not much value in overanalyzing it. If you have a 50% win rate at given mmr then you will eventually reach the average rank of players with that mmr. If your winrate is not significantly higher then you shouldn't complain. It will just take a couple more games because you revert the trend. And if you're gold and achieve 55% win rate against silver 4 players then you will eventually reach silver 3 or 2 and attain the gold spot of 50% win rate. And TF Blade is a toxic nolifer. He cannot deal with the fact that he cannot consistently reach challenger without lucky win streaks on fresh accounts. He is an ego-player with no regard or respect for others.
@Magnetcross Жыл бұрын
They won’t fix it until probably next year (if they don’t forget) because they said it will “screw up everyone’s rank and their system if they do it now”. Last week there was a client bug where you’re stuck in loading screen reconnecting and can’t get into the game. So I lost in total 20+ for the “afk” and another 20+ for the next game / leaver penalty…. (So around 40-50 lp…) I submitted a ticket to riot about refunding lp, or even essence and the lazy bastards just did a copy and paste saying that they can’t because it’ll ruin the rank system for everyone (in English: they’re too lazy) And don’t care
@XxFuRyNvIsIoNxX Жыл бұрын
well this explains a lot, and it makes total sense lol, split 2 just started, managed to hit plat4 playing duo, my friends mmr somehow got higher mine just got worse, faced better players, average p2/p1 sometimes even emeralds, my lp went from 25-27 to 23-29 this is amazing, 80% wr and my mmr i just as awfull as last split sick game
@cloudwalker9572 Жыл бұрын
I've been stuck in silver elo hell since season 2. This year I bought a second account, virgin mmr, leveled against bots. The system thinks I'm platinum on that account...
@roarbahamut9866 Жыл бұрын
Bs. If you are a plat player, you gonna get out of silver on any account lmao
@Ekser02 Жыл бұрын
First video that actually makes sense, i get +19 -29 im plat 1 and i perform every single game the problem is when lanes feed hard which is very typical for botlane , like usually the 15 20 death together its nearly impossible to carry the game anymore its really sad
@indrast5203 Жыл бұрын
You might need to switch to a more utility based champion to babysit botlane unless you are a top laner
@brunoboldt6336 Жыл бұрын
@@indrast5203 Even as a top laner consider add Shen (or some semiglobal ult, like panth) so you can ult now and then to gank/countergank. Altough with those new changes to minions I don´t think we´ll be ever allowed to rotate before 14 minutes.
@jeanpierrepolnareff9919 Жыл бұрын
The truth is, this is not a videogame, it's a business. Riot(ACTUALLY TENCENT) wants to keep you forever chained to your chair playing lol, and the moment you drop a single dollar to buy that skin, battle pass or whatever, they have made their profit. They want to drag your ranked climb as long as they can, and they do not want you to get to the rank you desire, beucase then you would just quit. China has turned this game into a virtual casino, slowly, but surely, removing single player agency to carry a game(it has nothing to do with people getting better overall or league being a team game).
@noremac387 Жыл бұрын
The LP +/- isnt the issue. The issue is the matching matching system they use. Even though Riot denied this, the match making sysyem feels like its supposed to keep you at a 50% win rate (give or take 2% points) so more like a 48% to 52% win rate. The theroy is that people will stop playing the game of thier win rate is too high or too low. So to keep players playing and enages the magic number according to the math/research is 50%. I think EA games uses this match matching system. And people hate it! You only need over a 50% win rate to climb, but you need to play hundreds of games. You climb a tier quickly youll need like 55% or higher. Good luck grinding out there everyone
@sergiv.s.6437 Жыл бұрын
yeah have an 10y old acc, started with good gains in B3. but with every rank up my lp goes down(currently +18-28) Still worked myself up to s1 96lp just to get afk´s in 6 out of 10 games and go back to s2... feels frustrating to no end
@pepo5151 9 ай бұрын
you do not get four teammates who can not potentially ruin your game, you get four teammates that WILL ruin the game, while the enemy team looks like a five man smurf pre made stack. I demoted after losing three consecutive games after going 0/0/0 in those games. why? because all my lanes fed and decided to just sit in base until min 15 ff. high lp losses and low lp gains. its impossible to climb. the system is designed to make you lose so you are forced to play more. riot did this on purpose and yet there are people who defend them saying that its not the system but you the player who is bad.
@alexpoyner7295 Жыл бұрын
Good vid, no mention of the possibility of EOMM being a factor though - there’s evidence of EOMM and let’s be honest, these companies don’t care about your experience as much as they care about your constant engagement. Addiction even, and yet more evidence that LoL doesn’t respect your time.
@validus1684 Жыл бұрын
Well now I know why it took me so long to climb from plat 4 to diamond 4 for the first time even with a 60% winrate lol.. I don't want to make a new account because I have thousands of dollars worth of skins :(
@vince11083 Жыл бұрын
My 7 year old account was stuck in silver 1, I already have 200 games with 50% win rate, back in season 10 below, I can reach gold under 150 games as support main without duo, now I am just stuck in s1, as if the system intentionally teams me up with autofilled junglers or players with low average kda(inters) when I am about to hit 100lp. I will try to spam Nautilus, I have 59% win rate in 40 games, thank you for the advice.
@celloj3703 Жыл бұрын
I’m trying to help my friend climb out of Bronze but it’s so damn hard. I even had a game where I won, and only gained 17 LP for it. The very next game I lost 36 LP. THAT’S MORE THAN DOUBLE THE AMOUNT I GAINED. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK RIOT?!
@eZeero Жыл бұрын
I cannot agree on one thing. When I was in season 8 , I think...? (I can't be bothered to remember exactly which season it was) I entered Diamond with a 80% winrate and winning like 16-17-18 lp per game and losing 22-23-24 or something like that. But the MMR WAS FINE. I was playing against higher tiered players than me. At one point , in spite of the bs lp gains. I still made it to Diamond 2 and I was playing against Masters and Grandmasters and even Challengers at one point AND I WOULD STILL LOSE MORE LP than gaining it.
@demonkiler2 Жыл бұрын
i had that to i had a duo in lower elo thats how my points got messed up
@user-do8gb8jp6w 9 ай бұрын
The thumbnail is CRAZY
@anonymunterwegs3047 8 ай бұрын
most disgusting The most disgusting thing is not even that I get 16 per win but lose 25, but that my teammates get autofilled, are always a whole elo below me, have bad mmr and the opponents are all on my elo except the one who plays against me. So I always have to sweat just to get out of the lane but my team loses everything. I realised that at a winrate of 80% i started to loose every game.. fckd up bc i loose a lot more points than i win and a loosingstreak of 5 games ist 10 games to win just to be even. So i played freakin 15 games for nothing. All until i am down to 60% winrate
@Johnnymac369 Жыл бұрын
Literally the first time I’ve ever been losing this much.. I’m on a 10 loss streak in silver 4 I’ve been plat 1-3 sense s5.
@tiroxa5210 Жыл бұрын
Omg this is so crazy and actually annoys me right now. I have stopped playing the game for a long time but started it again on my Smurf und reached g1. I was rly happy that I finally was able to climb but somehow the games were going to fall and fall and I was rly wondering how I was losing more lp then winning.. and that with 60% winrate… like for what should I even try to tryhard. How can a company be this stupid about their own system… I just can’t tho
@Seifer2 Жыл бұрын
I stopped playing ranked this season, mainly for this reason. It's impossible to climb within a reasonable amount of games with the current LP gains. And riot does not give any fucks to that. They would prefer to have new accounts being created, which would mean more profit from skins (addicted players will always get their favourite skin, not matter how many accounts they have), rather than fix the game to keep the old accounts active (I have mine since 2011). Not even commenting the fact that you kinda play the russian roulette on the lobby, praying to not get the trolls/feeders/afk/etc...
@AimbotFreak 7 ай бұрын
Matchmaker preditermins the outcome of a game based on mmr and based on that prediction you earn more or less lp. Essentially you lose more from games you should have won and gain less from them. Your mmr was overbloated due to a winning streak ergo you are now falling down. If you had continued the streak you'd have started gaining normal again as the system would have assumed you belong higher. This is how most mobas do it.
@demonderpz7937 Жыл бұрын
my problem is that I reach bronze 1, then face a team of all silvers while I have a team of all bronzes. It makes 0 sense. Ignoring my lp gains/losses, why does it not match me against bronze players if I'm bronze, or match me with silver players if I'm bronze climbing to silver? What is the logic? Why am I consistently facing players with higher elo and mmr than myself while being matched alongside my peers? Shouldn't I be placed vs my peers?
@Delimon007 9 ай бұрын
I forgot the vid name but there was a low bronze and an iron player on teams full of silvers 😂 Was not even remotely fair, the bronze went trynd mid and while bad was still useful. The iron player proved why they were iron and well it was a 4 v 5. Not even remotely fair MM and a forced loss.
@KobaltKai5215 Жыл бұрын
And people think I'm a panzie for never playing ranked >:(
@particle3257 Жыл бұрын
Rank doesn’t even Indicate a players true skill anymore, i hve 2k games on my gold 4 min account, If I don’t 1v9 before my team ints I just lose, but on my 130 game 65% wr d1 account I can literally afk and win games, so am I a gold 4 or d1 player? How do I know for sure. Not even the best players in the world can carry games due to rigged matches, the whole system is corrupted
@Raiden0307 Жыл бұрын
Yo, i think your theory is wrong, heres why: I only played 33 games this season, last season i was gold 3. After my promos i started from gold 3 again, since ive won 8/10 games and the game put me there. i climbed to platinum with a 79% wr while only gaining 27-30 lp after i reached platinum i started gaining 33-35 LP and that shows my mmr significantly improved when winning most of my games and losing only 1-2. You need big winstreaks to improve your mmr since the game realises u dont belong in that elo. If u are better u will climb very fast till u reach a peak and then fall down to a consistent level where u reached ur skill cap.If u improve u will win most of you games again and so your mmr will grow rapidly.
@Raiden0307 Жыл бұрын
Also your promo games make a huge difference in case of MMR, ive played on many of my smurfs that have 9/10 promos and the accounts mmr is through the roof. After playing 20 games on a smurf with a wr of 75% the game will put you in low diamond lobbys while u are around gold 2 in your visible rank.
@nillnoir Жыл бұрын
Interesting, tnx for the reply. The thing is you have a very small sample size of only 33 games with an insane win rate of ~80% this is a win rate that will be unachievable for anyone who isn't smurfing or has a lot of games played. This is why people create new accounts so that they can get this insane elo boost and overachieve their realistic rank, a lot of top players are complaining that people are abusing this to get high challanger. But i do find it encouraging that you were able to gain that much mmr with also being gold last season. It's awesome that you've managed to do it but expecting players to have a win rate of 80% while playing with people of the similar skill level is the problem that I'm pointing out. It isn't reasonable to expect that players can improve at that pace while only playing with players of their rank.
@LionGambleLewis Жыл бұрын
a solution i found for this was just stop playing on that account, get demoted and then start playing again. Kinda fixes mmr a lil bit
@galosniper7010 Жыл бұрын
Good video m8! (justs pushing the algorithm)
@mlgmcdonaldsland7063 Жыл бұрын
That is such a terrible argument in the beginning. The reality is the correct macro play doesn't work in low ELO bc low ELO players are bad.
@EOMMunaware Жыл бұрын
Are you delusional? There's many players left and right, master grandmaster players losing some games in silver. What your saying would be true if they never lost a game in silver.
@mlgmcdonaldsland7063 Жыл бұрын
@@EOMMunaware Faker has lost in bronze
@HarmonicVector Жыл бұрын
I'm getting +20/-28 gains rn. It's a nightmare. Why the MMR isn't being maintained is beyond me. Why it's hidden at all is beyond me.
@1CE_N1NE 6 ай бұрын
Only way I know to fix it is to maintain a 55-56% win rate and play a metric fuck ton of games in a season like < 1k+ games then riots mmr system has a large enough sample size to adjust its ranking determination of your account
@MiximumDennis 11 ай бұрын
This year is the first one that made me reach iron. I can't do anything with every game a smurf ruining my games
@karisrahl4444 Жыл бұрын
Your channel name got me interested but I stayed for your opinions. You have some points I've also been thinking about.
@matosmartin4447 10 ай бұрын
What riot should do: After 3 lose, you gain a guaranteed win. Dont improve the lp gain, but decrease the lp loss. Fix the match making system. I hate every 2v5 or 3v5 games. Fix the amounts. I mean +30 and -25 always.
@markusminny9472 5 ай бұрын
Silver or bronze for 13 years now . Studied the game in lntently (believe it or not ) but still can't climb . Played 1000s of games a season
@Oceanandskylinevidss 4 ай бұрын
Same here I have stomped diamond players before in normals so I know it isn't an accurate ranking
@S.O.A.R. 11 ай бұрын
I have been in ELO hell since 2012. Have yet to get out of Silver.
@jjyay2077 Жыл бұрын
Not sure how much this will help but I tested something, I had a hard stuck account in silver 2/3 with 400 games and decided I was gonna quit league, but before quitting , I decided to buy a fresh account level 30 and I was kinda shocked I somehow got placed in plat/ gold 1 after like 20 games. I didn't change my playstyle. I just did the same thing on a new account. I'm still quittting the game due to understanding how the match making works but its just interesting to see it in real time.
@TheHiroCameron 11 ай бұрын
ya during split 1 of this season hit gold 2 with a 65% wr, and stop playing once i notice i got 20 lp for a win and -28 for a loss, I was like im not gonna grind to plat for the first time in years. now they fixed the lp issue for split 2, but then added emerald, currently in plat 3 with 71% wr, but i'm not sure i wanna plat to em, cause I know the 50% rule about to go in affect, so I'm gpnna hit loser q and have to play so much more out of my mind then i want too.
@nonnomir Жыл бұрын
What I'd do. 1) ONE account for ranked. Others are just allowed to unranked matches. 2) No MMR at all. Same LP for winning and loss. Maybe a longer ladder, but clear movements inside it. 3) No LP loss for verified trolls or afk, with all LP lost from team on them. 4) Hard work (and I mean big investments) to improve community's mood. EVERY sport has referees, that are people that doesn't only prevents you to break the rules, but also to punish you if you lack of respect of others.
@vunorance Жыл бұрын
Thanks alot for the explanation. But I have a question that I keep on wondering from time to time though and I haven't found what's the best solution for it. So I was a hardstuck silver player, then I grind alot and spammed Annie, somehow got a win streak until Gold 2. I felt like my team throughout the games are insanely good, thus I got that winstreak. On the last game to Gold 1, that 1 time my botlaners just literally fighting each other and resulting a lost. Instead of blaming them, I tried to come up with other things that maybe I could've done better that can prevent the botlaners to giga throwing the game. Played few games after, I got a lose streak with another problem comes up, where my botlaners straight up don't want to play and just inting the hell out of it just because a tiny mistake. Now here's the question, what is the best thing to do, when you're MOSTLY on the situation where nobody is playing bad on the enemy team and there must be 1 lane on your team that is just dont want to win and inting all over, thus preventing you to climb more and frustrate you?
@ryanferguson4205 Жыл бұрын
Its a hard situation. Some people believe in Winners Queue/Losers Queue aka where you get teammates that have high winrates and probably want to climb vs getting teammates with low winrates who want to lose. It could just be confirmation bias and you are simply paying too close attention to how your teammates play when you win vs lose. Best thing to do is take a break especially after a tilting loss, i log out close the client just in case they track that lol. But go get a snack, stretch whatever. Go back in and just mute chat so you dont even worry about the dumb stuff they say.
@vunorance Жыл бұрын
@@ryanferguson4205 Ah yes thanks alot for the tips, didnt realize I need it. Maybe improving my macro and decision-making is the only way to go instead of overly thinking to the uncontrollable variables. Thx man!
@ryanferguson4205 Жыл бұрын
@Vunorance do you ever watch your replays? Sometimes, it's the best way to understand a loss. For example, seeing why you died after getting a kill, you might realize you got greedy and overstayed to take a tower plate. Or if your laner went mia and roamed to get a kill, you can see if you could have followed them and helped your team not die. I try to think, if it was a high elo player in my position would they do something different to put the team in a better spot? Like when i get a bad team and im playing jg, a lot of it is like babysitting. These players have the potential to play good most the time they know their champ at can atleast do something right. If you basically force them to play good, aka setting them up for gold or lane advantage, and you make minimal mistakes they are less likely to tilt and let your carry them
@vunorance Жыл бұрын
@@ryanferguson4205 Yeah, I've got the same advice from my plat friend. He rarely play rank and mostly spent his time watching replays like after 3 games. Yea, maybe I should start doing the same thing, since all this time I've been grinding without looking back on past mistakes I made thus resulting me hard to improve because of I didn't really care about it and keep on wondering how can I win against enemy team I feel like has a better coordination and stomping my team.
@jansebastianbach1004 Жыл бұрын
Ironically, I stopped believing in elo hell this season. I started playing purely for enjoyment, disregarding the rank completely, with my goal in most games being, enabling my team to have fun and overall have a good time, which usually consequences in a won game. Before I realised it I reached a rank higher than Ive ever been before. (E3, been playing League since season 3 and been hardstuck gold for most of that time)
@AlexandrBorschchev Жыл бұрын
I dont even know why they don't show the MMR. Like why? because people will be discouraged than seeing rank divisions?
@TheMilchBroetchen Жыл бұрын
Doesnt this effect matchmaking also? I mean if you have way more LP than your actual MMR you will be matched with the lower tier right?
@mrgibus5084 Жыл бұрын
what u said is mostly true with the caveat that LP gains actually get a second wind so to speak when reaching diamond
@miguelribeiro1601 Жыл бұрын
This is so true And with this 2nd split and the new emerald rank, it turned even worse. I once made it to diamond 4 in season 9, next season I got unlucky in my placements with inting toplaners and dc's for 5/6 games, my mmr just dropped like a thing I know I couldnt get out of plat 4 and I started to get frustrated Next season I've played some games and it got increasingly more difficult to win games. It doesn't make any sense, my skills and macro at the game improved so much since season 9, there is just no way it feels so impossible when I consistently nullify enemy laners and get myself fed. I'm currently with 39% WR in gold 1 and can't get to plat (the new gold) even, it's insane. You're telling me that I got worse with the years and that solo climb to diamond was a fluke, come on man...why can't they revamp the ranking system? just hard reset it, people who are good will climb, what are they afraid of? I want to play on my main account because I have all my skins there and I have emotional attachment to it, but I want to have fun at the game and can't seem to have it when I have constantly 4 low iq mates vs 5 players with my skill level.
@permanantlybannedttv Жыл бұрын
And when you start a new account, what do you do? You buy a new skins. You buy new champions. You spend spend spend so that you can have that flex like you do on your main account. They know what they're doing, and they're in the business of making money. That is exactly what they are doing, making money.
@realslimshaco8550 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I agree with you i was stuck with over 65% winrate on shaco in gold/plat until this season, I made a new accound and i hit master for the first time, i ONLY played shaco, my winrate initially was around 80% then slowly decreased and then increased again when i was in diamond. Then I hit masters.. my OPGG is Donkey Business, i dropped back down to D3 and I win around 29LP and loose 20. I had a lot of unlucky games which made me drop down. Seems like the game wants me back in masters
@dagamingsalmon7668 6 ай бұрын
The real issue is that Riot while likely meaning well, is run by a lot of people most who are likely casual league players. This inevitably results in a midwit problem which is really why the ranked experience has always suffered the most. The game balance for example has to be data driven since the midwittery of balance would instantly break the game _constantly_ (and it still slips here and there.)_ The ranked experience; however, is not as data driven and needs to feed EOMM and addiction, etc. Even if we assume nothing malicious you still have to deal with most of the Rioters being casual players and only a handful of upper skilled players that may not even have the design experience to fix it or realize what's actually wrong with it. If players play regardless of how bad the ranked experience is, it'll never get fixed since to Riot that means it's good enough despite the complaints.
@WeekToCome 5 ай бұрын
i climbed from silver to plat 2last season and my lp gains were fked untill i started win streaking+5-7 wins in row and losing 1game and win streaking again with +4-5 wins. The lp gains started at 16lp, then slowly went up to + 20 then after a few games where i realized silver and plat people were making the same mistakes i shot up to a 70% wr. and my lp gains went to +30-35. I think this is based on performance vs your role opponent. Once i figured out what i was missing and doing better so did my lp gains. Im now Diamond 4 this season with +22-25 lp per win and -16-19 per loss depending on how bad i do
@非常に古い恐竜 4 ай бұрын
What was your LP gain in Sliver and Gold?
@WeekToCome 4 ай бұрын
@@非常に古い恐竜 it was 16-18lp gain and 26-30 lp loss until i fixed the mmr by going on win streaks and it didn't happen until i reached gold once i hit gold 4 my lp gains sky rocketed
@xxpapercutzxx6653 11 ай бұрын
I have a 68% WR mid not Smurf and my LP gains are only like 16-19 if I’m lucky 20ish but I loose 1 game and I have to win 3 games to make up the difference cause I’ll loose anywhere from 28-35 LP even when it’s someone that throws or trolls my game it’s so disheartening especially when I just want to play on my main account with my skins and stuff
@itsnotwilliam3534 Жыл бұрын
I went from low gold to emerald 4 within about a year and I’m now stuck in elo hell. The only way I see to climb is to wait for the rank resets. Idk what it does but it allows you to climb a little bit further than your last elo hell as long as you have a high WR.
@hisoka8202 11 ай бұрын
well emerauld is basically s12 high gold/low plat
@nikolygtx8848 10 ай бұрын
its really quite simple system if you ask me, better i play, more garbage i get, so if i have high kdr and mmr, i get computer bots that are brain dead and pretty much does nothing in game, so majority of my games looks like Me- 15-5 mid 5-5 jungle 10-10 bot lane 0-10 and 0-10 if i don't obliterate enemy every single game, i lose it simple that cannot get simpler
@Banguila Жыл бұрын
MMR is ridiculous, I got Gold this season and if I'm not winning 4 or 5 games in a roll bronze players will be in my team
@tiimteee Жыл бұрын
It’s as if what they wanted to do was make it so that players can climb faster to a new peak and then keep them there
@adriadelics 7 ай бұрын
gaining like 25-29 lp per win and losing like 29-32 lp per loss, and i have like a 53% wr... i just gotta win a lot more i guess
@illusry7631 9 ай бұрын
I know it seems like Riot are idiots for not realizing this, but it has to be on purpopse to get people to play more. they don't want people reaching ranked goals too fast.
@westwrd82 Жыл бұрын
I just played a game where me, lv 30, my sup, lv 40 was against a lv 300 and 200 bot lane on enemy team. like wtf
@JustinSeizure Жыл бұрын
It has be dealt with. Seriously. All the smurfing is ruining the game, and this ridiculous «make a new acc» just thing shouldn’t thing.
@bull_pinheiro 7 ай бұрын
I win 14 lp lose 32 lp, been getting all games a player that feeds and one player that trolls and tilts, all games are 3 vs 7
@ML-kb7il Жыл бұрын
I have a little over 500 ranked games played with a 51% wr and through the entire season I’ve only gone from Silver 4 to Silver 1 😭
@Yochina99 Жыл бұрын
My method to climb to master was picking akshan every game
@boomknight1015 11 ай бұрын
The mmr always aims low and it's annoying when you was gaining 25 ip a win but after a loss streak you now gain 22 a game when the lp loss goes higher. A real system should be only MMR base. Shows you it and works just like in chess. Instead they use a modified mmr system that messes with your gains and losses that naturally lowers gains as you get higher on top of after playing a lot of games. Meaning the system actively tries to force you down even when you're at 51-53% win rate which is a fairly good winrate but not to riot....
@pieperson444 Жыл бұрын
everyone needs to see this
@oldevilgreendog Жыл бұрын
Month passed and RIOT still did not fixed it. But hey, more skins and bans for nothing in chat are what players need.
@3secondse434 Жыл бұрын
I have the same experience in masters with 58 %wr gaining 20 and losing 29, so now I am trying to see if the series dodging tactic gonna work for increasing my mmr, I've dodged 3 master promos in a row so yeah I'll tell you if it fixes the problem after I dodge 3-4 more series'. I'm also spamming one champion ofc (riven)
@blackhawk2671 Жыл бұрын
Does it?
@3secondse434 Жыл бұрын
@@blackhawk2671 yes it works
@Delimon007 9 ай бұрын
@@3secondse434 I see why, your MMR is now higher than your rank so the system is in fact, broken as all hell.
@ostynpauers Жыл бұрын
I took my acc (for testing buids), its Silver 4 rank, 52% winrate, MMR - Bronze 1/Silver 4 and went in flex with my Platina 4 friend, 56 % winrate, MMR - Plat 3. We played 2 games ( 1 lose, 1 win). And results are: -25 LP, +23 LP (that's mean i lose more LP playing vs higher Elo than i lose vs mine, and gain less than playing vs Silver.). So basically My Silver 4 ass played vs Gold 1 or Gold 2 players and still lost more LP than gain. ))) Must mentioned that it's old acc and i using it only for testing builds and playing with my friends in lowelo. This trend is followed on all my old accounts (an important detail - on which I play every season). In seasons 10-12 I wrote several tickets to Riot for giving me explanation. Why i lose more LP then gain on acc with 55%+ winrate and here is a quote from Riot support:-" play more game and if you'll have 50%+ winrate you will improve your rank". And here we are season 13 now - nothing changed. Old accounts in ELO hell, new accouns - Plat 4 and 2.
@xxargonautxx9790 Жыл бұрын
the issue i have with 30% of my games is i'll have people full on int and afk. Since Smurf que gone, i've had many matches where i want to dodge in champ select cause you can tell people just don't care. Have people asking for roles swaps get deny then run it. Like I would dodge but i can only do it once every 24 hours. Like i have a 50% WR but stuck in high gold cause its a coin toss.
@gasaiv2 Жыл бұрын
Everytime I promote to plat 2 I lose my next 6 games due to either trolls or people leaving minute 5 then I'm plat 4 and then I win everything back to plat 2 and it keeps repeating. The past 2 weeks I've been plat 2 about 14 times.
@jordand1222 11 ай бұрын
Over 20 games Ive won 15 lost 5 did the math and was only positive 70ish points. I have a 55% win rate overall. Ya its insane one loss is almost 3 wins
@realantagonist5324 Жыл бұрын
The more you play, the worse your elo. I have 2 accounts, one account is Gold 1 after 77 games and a second account is silver 4 sitting at 182 games. Same player, same champions different rank. I'm not the best at the game but I tried much harder with my second account in Silver 4 than my gold 1 account. Doesn't make sense. My lp gains vs loss makes me not want to play on the silver account for the rest of the season.
@SaSo-mk6yh Жыл бұрын
Honestly roles that no one wants like bot are so coinflip and system fills you into them...
@apheligoat Жыл бұрын
i had a 60% win rate going into g4 and started getting god awful games lost 2-3 in a row and i haven’t been rewarded over 21LP since lmao i genuinely quit and now i’m practicing in drafts
@konzti7367 16 күн бұрын
i started playing Ranked SoloQ Toplane again few Weeks ago very intensely. On my Main i reached nearly Plat 4 (starting at Silver 3). When i hit Gold 4 i recognized something. My Games to Gold 1 99 LP were so easy that it wouldnt matter if you lose lane or won it. I would say, the Algo wanted me to smell "the Top" and psuhed me down to GOLD 4 again !!! i got the worst mates who didnt even know anything about their role or champ, real dumbos !!! Then i sawtiched to my 2nd account here it was the same. Just that difference was i couldnt reach Gold bcs i started out at bronze. They want to make you addicted. Its a very genius (BUT EVIL) way to addict palyers. At first you give them nearly the higher rank (in my case: Plat on Main Acc; Gold on 2nd Acc) and then you take the carrot away. that is so FFFFF up! Not enjoyable at any means
@EOMMunaware Жыл бұрын
Brother I have been saying this for the past 6 months, prior to 6 months ago i actually didn't know it was rigged. Because I was like the others, being gaslighted by the community. Did my research, did pure probability came to the conclusion its completely rigged and designed to keep you addicted. I have done so much research and i am 99% sure this system they have is only in ranked. I can win 80-90% of the time in norms, there isnt artificial difficulty or anything. Aram tho im not too sure. Forgot to mention, RIOT also has behavior-based matchmaking inside ranked. And the fact that how MMR is engineered is completely hidden is equivalent to asking someone what's inside the chocolate they don't tell you but you still eat it. The fact that Riot, is completely under TECENT, which is under the communist part of the CCP, to think they wouldn't rig matchmaking to increase addiction and play rate just explains the intellect of the player base... There's just too much evidence to deny it's rigged, and there's no reason to ever never give a billion-dollar company the benefit of the doubt. Nice video mate, gained a new subscriber, grind just as a hobby realize this youtube thing in reality is all lottery numbers of becoming successful.
@lentosuave6834 Жыл бұрын
is easier to buy a plat boosted account and see were you end. Best thing I ever did.
@wolvewick4414 Жыл бұрын
this system is bad since they implement the placements huge LP gains per win. i remember seasons where if you high above 50% win rate you gain 20+ lp and lose 15 lp and if you in 49% you gain 17 lp and lose 20 lp. i had one season, maybe 3 seasons ago, i was so mad because i had 59% win rate with 150 games and was gain 18 or 16 lp per win and losing 20lp per loss. i send ticket to riot they told me it was because i play too much games in season already.
@knightwithouthorse Жыл бұрын
I think the solution for this is end this LP system and makes 1 LP = 1WIN so if you win you gain 1LP and if you lose you lose 1LP and after you got 4LPs you climb and if you LP goes under 0 you drown. So will be a victory loss system, this will garantee that if you have a 51% win rate you will definitely climb
@Pyrrha_Nikos Жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's hilarious how bad the system is right now. I had a similar run to you, going from gold 2 to plat 4 playing only Elise with only 1 loss. Got to plat and my first win was +17, my first loss was -29. But what can I say, it's a small indie company, the don't have enough employees or money to work on this pointless details that don't affect the game in any meaningful way Clueless
@Sergio-dk6er Жыл бұрын
Your normal games blind/Draft and arams affect your mmr too and your last seasons games all of them!
@roarbahamut9866 Жыл бұрын
No they do not. The only thing affecting your SoloQ mmr, is your SoloQ mmr.
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Рет қаралды 12 М.
You are in Losers Queue, NOW what?!
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From BRONZE 3 to MASTER in 8 months - My journey
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The FUNNIEST Iron 4 Fails & WTF Moments! | ELO HELL ADVENTURES! #23
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