Yes, you can record without a phono preamp and equalize with the software but the input impedance of the audio interface used for recording must have at least 47kohm impedance. Normally a line input of a audio interface is 10kohm and that cause a loss of highend frequency and power.
@freund33312 күн бұрын
Thanks. I didn't know that the line input of an audio interface is 10kohm.
@noisyneighbourz13 күн бұрын
@octopuscorsica483912 күн бұрын
For standard RIAA vinyl this is a suboptimal workflow, but for 78's with their plethora of individual EQ curves it may be relevant. I believe there is a library of old EQ curves available for this purpose in Audacity. In any case, do not use a portable digital recorder or the soundcard of your computer. At the very least you will need an audio interface with variable gain on its line inputs. And then there are probably also the impedance issues as pointed out in other comments.
@MadMaxMiller6412 күн бұрын
You will need something like a phono preamp but with flat response. A very quiet mic preamp maybe.
@djzoloft13 күн бұрын
welcome to 2004
@MadMaxMiller6412 күн бұрын
Yep and when you are disappointed with the sh*t you created you come to someone like me who actually knows what he does and uses appropriate gear.
@freund33312 күн бұрын
This isn't about how you SHOULD digitize your records. This is just about the question if it is possible to do it without a phono preamp and it is. I could only hear a difference when i did a direct A and B comaprison. So the result isn't bad. That it isn't anything that a so called Audiophile would do is more than obvious.
@MadMaxMiller6412 күн бұрын
@@freund333 You don't have to be an audio-fool to know that the result is sub par. As someone mentioned, with usual line input impedance you download from the cartridge and lose signal. The voltage is already low and now you draw a current over the resistance... Apart from that, as you have seen, you have to raise the level significantly and thus you will raise the noise floor as well. To a usual line input, the cartridge signal's S/N ratio is very low. So let's say yes you can do that but only for educational purposes.
@garyspencer171113 күн бұрын
This is BEYOND stupid. This guy has no clue about capturing the vinyl analog signal. He has no clue about the RIAA mastering and/or "cutting" process. I sincerely hope you folks don't follow this foolishness. Total waste of time.
@freund33312 күн бұрын
Do they or do they not lower the low frequencies and boost the high frequencies using the RIAA standard to fit more audio onto a record?