How To Get A Perfect Ranked Start In Season 2024 | 5 Tips - League of Legends Season 14

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A new ranked season is about to start now in 2024 and in this video I give you 5 really important tips to help your ranked climb, no matter if your goal is to hit gold, or Diamond. I talk about playstyles, and champions and give you pointers on how you should improve at the game and prevent getting stuck. I make league of legends videos on a weekly basis and want to help people reach their league of legends dream ranks.
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Climbing Ranked in Low Elo.
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@Flipboy189 6 ай бұрын
I like doing the 2-2-2 rule for ranked sessions. If I win 2, continue playing. If I lose 2, take a break or stop playing and come back at it fresh. If I win 1, lose 1 then I will reflect on the lost game and see if I should take a break before queueing up again.
@ECPlaysLoL 6 ай бұрын
That is a very good approach to the game 😊
@sassysaddles9981 6 ай бұрын
during break dont forget to reset client, so you can reset hidden honor cap and farm honor
@yasoumain3902 6 ай бұрын
Biggest things for me were good sleep and not spamming games. I have less time to play because of uni but I still went from hardstuck diamond to master/low gm. It makes you care about each game more, you're less tilted and the mistakes fester in your mind longer so you improve faster. Altough this is just from my experience and some ppl can spam games without any effect.
@gentlemattman 6 ай бұрын
I genuinely appreciate your tips. They're something I think every League player needs to hear. If they genuinely want to improve, they will heed your words. If they don't, that's their loss. Well done as always, sir.
@ECPlaysLoL 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! Yeah at the end of the day, its up to each and everyone to actually play for what they want 😊
@kaitogirldraws 6 ай бұрын
I only got to silver 3 this year... oh well, I barely played ranked anyway. Excited for urf :) Thank you for a nice year of good guides! Hoping for more this year ^^
@Brightside187 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! New sub! I like the flow, I like the voice, I like the positivity. I main ADC and it’s good to know how junglers are thinking
@vatsalyasoni8324 6 ай бұрын
I feel perma muting isn't always good as sometimes teammates do talk sense and sometimes they are friendly and it feels fun to chat with them. I only mute someone once they start spam pinging or flaming
@SirButterlegs 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for the video. A Hwei match up guide would help me a lot tbh. Im def gonna be mute everyone from now on. People playing the blame game or spam pinging always seems to bait me into bad plays or inting.
@PFC_Kachowski 6 ай бұрын
I like the video and as someone who has spent many years playing the game, I've been through it all... But it still shocks me that there are so many games where I have multiple lanes all getting extremely gapped. It astonishes me how many games I have where people feed their brains out, and I can look back at my mistakes and see what I did wrong, but these people are absolute animals running it down -- like NPC's on Easy Difficulty. I would truthfully say I have a 50/50 split on my main account where people are absolute garbage players getting matched against smurfs or boosters.
@harrizhakimi2578 6 ай бұрын
Might have to switch roles, I've been playing JG in quick play since it's one of the roles you have to pick (other than support and sometimes adc) I've noticed that I'm playing better as a jungler and ADC than a midlaner
@Alex-vi6iz 6 ай бұрын
Very good tips. As a side question, how do you feel abour Renek atm ? Seems to be the lowest winrate on top this season
@ECPlaysLoL 6 ай бұрын
Hes lost a lot of power as a bruiser, but I do think once the patch settles down, that he will regain his strength. Assassin and Bruiser I think both will be viable.
@Loopedtime 5 ай бұрын
Renekton also depends on elo I find. What’s your elo? Lower ranks below diamond/plat with ignite and press the attack is broken
@akaliprod4839 6 ай бұрын
Im playing fill only on this season, and so far from placements to 4 wins at streak im now plat3. I were gold 3 last season, i feel like the statement of not being able to play all roles properly for climbing is not true, i feel like this has highly motivated me to learn all of them and have WAY better gamesence in general.
@iratevagabond204 6 ай бұрын
I (Support main, Zyra) bounce between Bronze 1 and Bronze 3. I started playing at the beginning on split 2 of season 13. I feel like I lose mostly from top or mid getting smashed in and losing at least first tower before or by the 15 minute mark, and then they just spam surrender every time it comes off timer. Or I go on a winstreak, like I did night before, and matchmaking gives me three teammates that are gold and silver that are on 5+ loss streaks.
@sassysaddles9981 6 ай бұрын
it seems you are having same problem too, low rank teams just crumble too fast unless you somehow hold it together on your own, unless you uber dominate lane like a chad i think its impossible to win lol, i recently went on 8 9 streak lose 3 4 times, it was not pretty, i started winning games yesterday god help me when that stops
@TeyvatTheatre 6 ай бұрын
While it can seem like it’s not your fault, you should probably review your games. Are you warding correctly? Are you pushing with your ADC correctly? Or are you holding wave with your ADC correctly? Are you roaming at opportune times? Are you pushing for level 2 advantage? Cheese? Are you avoiding pushing the wave with spells to ‘poke’? Are you zoning the enemy off the wave? Something I’ve noticed with a LOT of Iron/Bronze supports is they just hit the wave for no reason to ‘poke’ the enemy and almost never ward, but also ward when they have no priority so they die. In low ELO, mechanics can get you through it completely. But as you climb higher, macro matters more; macro always matters no matter where you are. So if you aren’t stomping in low ELO, even as support, then sorry… but you’re right where you belong. I took an account of mine a few seasons back and spammed Leona starting from Iron 2 and carried everything until more macro was needed as an adjustment for the rank to continue the climb. Got stuck and eventually figured out what I needed to change to climb through gold, then plat, diamond, and finally master. Low ELO is a fiesta. Dominate the lane and you’ll climb, and it all starts with the level two, knowing your spikes, and keeping a gold/exp lead. You take out your tower? Go mid. Mid takes out their tower? Go mid. Unless your mid is fussy. So go mid after yours or their tower falls which denotes the mid game. Keeps you closer to objectives and making plays with your Jungler. No need to ARAM. I played Nami/Rakan this season for about 18 games, dominating the lane. Account started from Iron 1 to high Silver before going back to my main to prove a point to a friend who complains about his teammates in Bronze. Yes, some games are simply unwinnable, but not to the extent you can claim teammates are why you’re “hardstuck”.
@iratevagabond204 6 ай бұрын
@@TeyvatTheatre It's a team game though. . . You're right in that, unless you do everything yourself, you can't climb. I would argue that it's wrong, and what makes ranked league flawed in that you're expected to. You have to be so much better than everyone on your team and the enemy team in order to move up. . . That's fucked up. When I've managed to keep myself and my ADC alive, no feeding, getting kills for us, and holding or taking our lane, I've done my job. What am I supposed to do when mid lane and jungle has fed a Talon 15 kills by the 15 minute mark, and he's just running around hopping walls and one-shotting everyone? Or when my top has decided to feed the Nasus and/or not contest him stacking, and we all just tickle him in fights while he rushes past everyone to Q-AA me and kill me because no one peels or can hurt him? I can't force people to play the game. I can't even convince people that they're gonna get shit on if they play shen into Trundle. I get an "I got this", then they die twice on their first two waves and lose their first tower. I can't do anything about that, especially as a support trying to help win their own lane. Then the Trundle just snow balls and takes every top and mid lane tower while the shen is still sitting top killing minions and trying to take the first enemy tower.
@TeyvatTheatre 6 ай бұрын
@@iratevagabond204 If you can’t climb, then you’re exactly where you belong. Simple as that. You’re clearly not doing enough. If I can climb with engage and enchanter and not a hard carry champ, then you can too. Support is one of the most broken roles in the hands of someone who knows how to use it. Pick up the slack. When I play engage and enchanter, I’m not the one dealing damage, I’m the one enabling plays or protect the one I’ve determined as carry. You can BS your way through low ELO just enabling your single carry. Check your positioning. Don’t die unless you know you secure a double or ace for your carry/team. Shot call, control wards, and Baron Baron Baron after two kills or jungle kill. Use your F keys more to identify plays, and always walk river after a back for vision control. Track enemy jungle. There’s so much you could be doing that you aren’t realizing, and I’m only scratching the surface. I was a support now mid main. I can’t stress F keys, level two, and zoning enough for securing bot lane and the game. I’ve still won games of three inting teammates in low ELO just from dominating the lane as a non-hard carry support and low ELO lanes being dumb af. It’s not until gold now where you need to know how to lane better to start winning again. You’re the teams support, not the bot lanes support. Despite what people say, support is not a role for new players.
@iratevagabond204 6 ай бұрын
@@TeyvatTheatre I appreciate the effort, but I'm still calling BS. It just sounds like the same toxic "get good" sentiment expressed by the online community. I'm not sure if that's your intent or not, but it doesn't change the fact that it's fundamentally flawed that it's always up to you to win a game (somehow), when your team is working against you. I can admit that I am not good enough to hard carry games, but I'm confident I'm pulling my weight; I'm not dragging my team down with my presence. I have no idea how I am supposed to carry the people I get in my games. If you looked at their profiles, you'd think they played to lose, rather than win. Had a Sett in my last game who is on an eleven game loss streak, with almost all the games having double digit deaths, with only one game having 5 kills, all the others he has zero or one kills - He is somehow silver 3. The jungler in that same game was also on an eleven game loss streak and somehow was a gold 4 and also had an abyssmal KDA across those games. Wtf am I supposed to do with that?
@baris9031 6 ай бұрын
I did the update and I am there where I was before the season ended. I did not have to do any placements games. Is that just temporary or do i have to start from there where i ended? i dropped a lot last season mostly because my inting and brainless mates (in 99% of my matches, i either win or tie the lane). i want out of it and i cant really do it if i have to stay there
@ECPlaysLoL 6 ай бұрын
Everyones rank should have been reset by now 😊
@legitplayin6977 6 ай бұрын
The most important tip is to play Twisted Fate jungle. He is very op in the new patch, trust me. I’ve hit challenger and the season didn’t even start, it’s just that op
@baal8938 6 ай бұрын
Actually facts. I play kindred mid so enemy mid takes mr because he think it’s tf mid hehe
@rch5395 6 ай бұрын
Either play 4 fun or meta slave
@horyss5496 6 ай бұрын
You dont rly need to play meta champs, Its better to play champ that you control very well than meta one
@sassysaddles9981 6 ай бұрын
i made it to plat on my main account2 months ago and it got perma banned while i was climbing to emerald, now my new account is iron 1 stuck, team griefing you in everygame is a thing
@ECPlaysLoL 6 ай бұрын
They are not griefing you, they are just bad. You cant play in Iron 1 as a Plat player and expect them to play to your level. They are in Iron for a reason. And you cant be stuck in Iron as a plat player, you most likely have not adapted to the surroundings and you are playing a "Plat style" in Iron. Idk what you champ you play or role you main, but as long as you are on a carry and not an enchanter support or something, you can climb out of Iron in a few hours.
@Pavsy73 6 ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoLto piggy back on this, I OTP ivern and it can be as simple as changing your style. In low elo I play full ap and in high elo I play enchanter
@sassysaddles9981 6 ай бұрын
@@Pavsy73 i main mage champs, role doesnt matter, karthus jungle asol mid xerath supp, right now im learning kayn/kha jungle and yone/yasuo assassins mids, even if i play decent i just keep losing, its so hard to herd them, i was blue kayn 25/5/9 but we still lost the game, cuz people just dont group up and end, on top of this they just wont listen, also mmr feels ass im losing 28 and winning 24lp
@lukefloyd9760 6 ай бұрын
@@sassysaddles9981 time for new account
@TeyvatTheatre 6 ай бұрын
No, you have to adjust. What works in plat does not work in Iron. I took an account this season that started in Iron and shot through to Silver in about 15? games. Low ELO is a fiesta. Dominate your lane and it’s easy (as you should 90% of the time if you’re really Platinum level), you should be able to clean up everything. It’s constant fighting down there, so you better be better in their nonsensical team fights. Some games are unwinnable, but not to the point you’re hardstuck because of your team.
@pogonyutomierda 6 ай бұрын
This is such a great video about League of Legends but let me tell u something. STOP playing this game. Uninstall, your life will improve so much.
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