thanks for making this video, always looked for one. But honestly I think there are quite some potential additions - flat nose -> get a rhinoplasty (relatively affordable and risk free) - dark skin -> Use Vitamin C, sunscreen, reduce time in the sun, (use medication that makes your skin whiter), drink water, sleep 8 hours everyday - height -> get shoe lifts or wear shoes with heels - fashion -> go for gold accessories like chains, rings or ear piercings - hair -> facial hair is bad in most of us, better shave it off. Our normal hair on the head is very good though, you should try to keep it as long as possible by using retinols and other hair routine methods - body -> since we tend to be smaller, adding muscles and losing weight is easier for us. So you should do it anyways - baby face -> asians tend to store more facial fat. You could get that surgicially removed, but I recommend you don't as you will loose it with age overtime. If that happens naturally, you will look younger in your old days. Instead, just cut to a maintanable body fat percentage that defines your facial features and stick to it Only do the parts you are feeling uncomfortable. You don't need to obsess with all of them. For example, if you think you look fine and the only thing you care about is height, then take that tip and go on with your life