I feel such strong guilt for wanting to stay away from my mom. She tells my family and friends how hurt she is because of me; most of them think I'm a horrible daughter.. but ever since I stopped talking to her, I noticed my depression has decreased and that I no longer have suicidal thoughts. After a life of feeling worthless and invisible. I'm finally learning to love myself after a life of emotional neglect. I'm finally feeling like my own person, yet I still cant let go of the guilt, knowing that she is in pain due to my absence. When I decided to stop talking to her I wrote her a long thought out message explaining why.. I knew that for the first time I was choosing myself over her. But I cant seem to shake this guilt that I feel every single day.
@moonbabyhealing3 жыл бұрын
I understand. I hope you are doing well
@carla73083 жыл бұрын
Oh wow i can relate so much i also have a complilcated relationship to my mom with also guilt. Saw myself in what you wrote
@marijedubateau3 жыл бұрын
she taught you to feel guilt, so you would fill her emptiness. Which is not your job in the first place ;-) . Guilt makes you stay in a system, it;s just a manipulation technique (my parents are very good at it). She wants you to stay in her system. But it is not your responsibility to carry HER responsibility (she should work on herself). I have parents like that. It is very selfish of her to let you feel guilty when you choose your happiness. It's pure selfishness. It's your job to become the best version of yourself, she should help you instead of making you feel guilty.
@graves552 жыл бұрын
Yea i feel similar. The longer I stay away from my family the happier and less suicidal I am. Its like in the movie Hancook where he gets superpowers when hes away from that other woman
@jennifermoody69872 жыл бұрын
The ironically funny thing about this comment is that I'm currently experiencing the same thing, only it's my daughter who I feel guilty for wanting to stay away from because of her draining energy and treatment towards me.. what's also ironic is that I felt the same way about my own mother who is now deceased.. I'm an empath and it's extremely difficult for me to handle being around people who seem to drain the life force energy outta me if I'm around them longer than a short period of time.. even just talking on the phone for a few minutes to either of them always seemed to affect me negatively.. I'm now finally able to realize and acknowledge these things but I still have trouble not feeling guilty for not wanting to engage with my daughter more..
@treeseer15738 жыл бұрын
Teal really said best " Guilt is self abuse"
@javiermonge89778 жыл бұрын
@atulsharma2567 жыл бұрын
@lamagiduneinstant767 жыл бұрын
one might say masochistic
@mn91206 жыл бұрын
or sadistic
@sheepmellow10 жыл бұрын
Teals words make my heart all warm and fuzzy.
@mansikakkar50642 жыл бұрын
Step 1: Realise the self-punishment system of guilt. Step 2: Decide you are ready, willing and wanting to let go of guilt. Step 3: Change the core belief "I don't deserve love and happiness' to 'I deserve love and happiness. Step 4: Take responsibility (Which is not taking blame for the past situation but changing future thoughts, words, and actions) Step 5: Take off rosy-colored hindsight glasses by refuting the 'if only's'. Step 6: Apologise literally or symbolically. Step 7: Make a new plan for how you will do things differently now. Step 8: Recognise the value in mistakes to you and the universe. Step 9: Discover all the judgments and assumptions you are making based on the situation that is causing you to feel guilt. Step 10: As guilt is the opposite of self-love, come up with ways to reinforce self-love. Step 11: Forgive yourself and remember everyone makes the best decision they can, given the knowledge, perspective, and information they have from where they are.
@lorenzo3995 жыл бұрын
5:35 - “Take responsibility ONLY for what is your responsibility in a situation. Taking responsibility is not shame, it is understanding. It is not owning up to the blame for what happened. It’s owning up to the responsibility to change in the future. In other words, its owning up to the responsibility of saying, or doing, or thinking something differently in the future and thus changing future events.”
@thebabslife4 жыл бұрын
"You cannot live a happy life and not forgive yourself". You've just unlocked my brain, it's not my parents I need to forgive or get forgiveness from, it is from myself, for having self-abandoned and gone into hiding. Do I forgive myself for having treated me as unfairly and badly as I felt treated by them? Damn.
@delightfullydotty71302 ай бұрын
ages ago I know but you're not meant to feel guilty for abusing yourself....that's a perpetual loop isn't it?
@claudialopez67576 жыл бұрын
I wish I'd seen this sooner. I lost 4 years beating myself up with guilt. Your videos are really life-savers. I hardly ever comment but thank you, sincerely, Teal for the amazing gift of these videos :)
@waynephan76468 жыл бұрын
Thank you for liberating me! I just made one of the biggest mistakes in my life and I'm facing the consequences of it. I feel guilty, regret, and sorrow because of this. These negative and destructive feelings have caused me to feel physical weak and mentally weak. I could not eat, workout, and think clearly for the last 4 days because I get so trapped in these negative emotion. After I heard your message, I quickly shake off all of the emotions of guilt, sorrow, and regret. I'am strong now because of you! Thank so much for all that you do! I will teach people how to let go of these negative feelings whenever there is an opportunity. More importantly, I also realize that that you can never improve yourself and truly become a changed person until you learn to let go of guilt and regret. These negative emotions are like a prison will trap you and keep you at the same level.
@mitalinath1068 Жыл бұрын
Hey are you there
@RUBENFLORESJR10 жыл бұрын
Teal you have done for me what I couldn't do for years, at least helped me achieve. Thank you so much. I'll always appreciate you.
@kittykatfancy9 жыл бұрын
I think the most powerful part of this video is when she says: "Guilt is the opposite of self-love." If you believe that other-love is not possible unless you first love yourself - the funny thing is that you "should" be feeling "guilty" if you don't do the work of moving past guilt, and the harmful effect it has on your ability to truly love and care for others. For people who are trapped in a chronic cycle of self-loathing and guilt, starting to recognize and really believe this is key to changing your perspective and becoming the kind of person you want to be. Because people who are guilt-lovers are typically those who strive hardest to be "good" people. If these people can no longer believe that they can be "good" people while wallowing in guilt - there's a pretty good chance they will at least be inspired to start working toward letting go of it. In any case, this worked for me.
@GailMHar12 жыл бұрын
You are a gift to the world. It is my hope that those who are ready to hear your teachings will be led to your videos. I believe I was led. Your teachings bring me peace of mind. Thank you.
@andrelemieux69017 жыл бұрын
Teal. Love you. Buddah said '' Don't believe what i say because i am a master, but because you feel it ''. Teal, there is so many resonnances in me when i listen to you. Even in your exemples i recognise me. I am not a believer in your Mystic origines, but all i know is that you speak to my heart and I feel it's the truth, i realy feel it. Thank for the insights.
@Soumyasishguptaofc493 жыл бұрын
Difficulty in letting go of and releasing guilt had been negatively affecting my life for a long time. Thank you sharing your perspective and wisdom to facilitate a new way of dealing with this emotion/reality!
@laurapl2491233 жыл бұрын
You are THE best self help teacher out there. Guilt is self abuse, to make us feel good. This changed my perspective, thank you
@Vermici0usKnid12 жыл бұрын
Teal is so awesome. shes like one of those motivational speakers you see on infomercials that want to sell you their "turn your life around" dvd for 3 easy payment of 19.99, and if you call now theyll throw in a yo-yo,.... but shes actually helping you and has only the most highest intentions. she gives this priceless knowledge away for free. your so awesome and amazing Teal we love you. Canada
@liketheresalwaysbeen7 жыл бұрын
It’s so easy to see that you’re a genuine person. You explain things and understand it all so well. Thank you.
@sldmasters12 жыл бұрын
Teal, I can't even say how much this helped me today. I've beat myself up with guilt for as long as I can remember and I've always felt like I was carrying a million pounds on my back because of it. Everything hit home for me, especially when you said I can't judge my past self with the same expanded perspective I have right now... that statement in itself was life-changing. Thankyou so, so much.
@TheInnerQuestJourney11 жыл бұрын
Thanks Teal, much appreciated. Good insights. I'm not sure however that I would entirely agree that guilt itself is an emotion. Instead, I would say that guilt is the constriction of emotion. Guilt itself is nothing, simply lack of vibration, whereas emotions are energy. Beneath guilt is fear, fear of not being good enough, of doing the wrong thing, of being inherently bad or wrong. Moving the underlying emotion is the most effective means of releasing guilt. Just another perspective. Namaste.
@carla73083 жыл бұрын
interesting insight, thanks
@shininguri17 жыл бұрын
She is spot on. Its weird I listened to this video before but didnt pay attention to everything. Fast forward a few weeks later and im regretting something i did years ago and I go, "Well at the time you did the action you felt like it was ok. Like it wouldnt mean to you what you feel it does now. Thats the only reason you did it" So i got some relief from that thought and went to sleep. When I woke up the weirdest thing ever was that it was like my brain was just waiting for me to wake up so to give me the answer i couldnt find while i was woke. So when i woke up a thought was there and it was " You're suffering over something because of the way you're looking at the situation. So simply choose to look at it a different way. All judgement is based on opinion anyway. So change your opinion. Its all just perspective." Instantly my regret was washed away. I felt normal again. I knew i would never repeat the action though because i understand that my old perspective was flawed in the first place. I remembered teal's " how to change a belief " and thought it was crazy how my brain had spat out the same solution for me. Just change your belief and it'll be ok. Either you did something because you didnt think it would count as being whatever you consider as bad. Or you didnt care in the moment. But it doesn't mean you are bad. In fact im willing to bet you prob did something similiar as a child but you just dont remember. So let it go, drop the label you've attached yourself with and just as important. Stop thinking about the event. Its over, gone, never to return again. You understand why you made the error. So stop reviewing that part. Your thoughts are the only thing thats keeping the event alive now. Stop fearing it and when it comes deam it important and it will come less frequently and then, not at all for long periods of time you'll most likely forget about it. Perspective can free you or imprison you. So shift it to let you free and dont let your thoughts review again just so it can imprison you alright. Hope this helps.
@shebamooncat91626 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Thank you! You helped me let go of guilt that had me trapped for 7 years. I never knew what I was feeling and why? Thank you for helping free myself!!!! I can now live and love again. I'm greatful
@jwbaccaro11 жыл бұрын
A lot of the time, guilt is also closely related to the negative action you have done to another. Example: having the experience of a girlfriend/boyfriend (one you deeply care about), cheating on you, and then, years later, you find yourself doing the same action to your current spouse. Those past memories of how you felt reflect through your feelings, so you can relate and understand how your current partner is feeling, because you've "been there."
@sonofgod6112 жыл бұрын
"You are so beautiful, to me", end quote, Joe Cocker, but I will second that verse. You can't be real. To have the heart and the physical all in one being. Even, if I am not looking at the video's, but listening only, your essence transcends thru the media, via your voice. I have never seen anyone like you ever. I have watched and heard probably every media of you available on the net, and I never tire of hearing and seeing you. I wish the best for you. mike
@lobaetoile84405 жыл бұрын
I'm currently 26 years old and only during the last 2 years I've come to realize how constant has been the feeling of guilt and shame. I was aware since I was very young of how huge was the amount of loneliness, alienation and fear I felt, I also knew I feel guilty easily but I only realized how much guilt I felt for my parents and step-parents actions and mistakes until much later. I felt responsible for every time my families were suffering, I felt guilt for not being able to heal my parents wounds/childhood traumas, for not being able to make things better despite often being in a mediator's or adviser's or listener's position from my early childhood to my adulthood. About a year ago, when I started going to therapy again, I had a few conversations with my sister that were extremely enlightening to me about both aspects of myself I wasn't aware of (most of them positive) and about the reality of the situations we lived in our childhoods. Both my sisters are a lot younger than me and I finaly could admit that I feel responsible and guilty for not being able to protect them from traumas I also had been throught when I was an infant myself and other traumas that are only their or her own, I felt as if I had failed to protect my own children... Instead of telling me that protecting her form all forms of abandonement, abuse or negligence was not my responsability in the first place, she told me "I belive everything we've been throught has made all of us (she was refering to our siblings and a few other relatives around our ages) stronger, some things were pretty bad, but I'm alright now and I wouldn't change my past, I'm in peace with it. Plus, without all our crazy family dynamic, we wouldn't even have all been born or we wouldn't have met each other. (Multiple marriages, adoption, I have 3 main/core families, basically I'm not blood related to all my relatives, that's why she was saying we wouldn't have met...) And I wouldn't change anything if that meant not having you in my life." In an other hand, I feel that I can observe myself, my people and my life without bias, with total clarity... Maybe for the first time in my life. I had normalized a lot of bad dynamics... And although I feel a little arrogant saying this, I've come to believe that my positive influence in both my parents, siblings, step parents and my inner circle has been much more relevant and real and maybe a lot more subconscious than I ever thought posible. It's hard to explain, but I see some of my relatives repeating things I have taught them years ago, even though I don't think they remember, even thought they used to have the opposite view or value... When my sister confessed to me that one of her biggest fears is to adopt all her mother's bad habits, to make her same mistakes, it brought a huge relief to me because people learn a lot from following the examples around then, my sisters are a lot like their mother (who I adore and has many virtues but is prone to toxic relationship dynamics and who can become irrational or immoral when she's in pain) and knowing they have the same fear than I have (them becoming too much like any of our parents), seeing that they are self-aware (specially for thair age), that they've learned to forgive, to be less resentful, that their self-esteem is healthier than mine ever was... I feel like I can breathe, I feel like I could cry of proudness, I feel like I can trust them to take care of their own hearts. There has been a lot of healing within my families recently, a few long lasting nasty conflicts got resolved in the most sudden and absurdly seemlessly manner, just a couple of years after I started to focus on myself and stop trying to help eveyone else... But, ironically, unexplicably, I feel like things wouldn't have gotten better in the first place if I hadn't been there... Whether I had a vital role on this or not, I'm happy for us. I'm hopeful. Even if new conflicts arise, just knowing I am friends with siblings and how strong is our bond, I feel like I don't need to worry. We're going to be ok.
@pelesiren49597 жыл бұрын
Thank you. typed words can not convey how desperate I am and or was before finding this and how truly grateful I am now to have found this. unbelievable.
@edwardscizzorz10 жыл бұрын
thankyou teal..you're so intelligent. i am extremely thankful for your help. bless you. you're a lovely person.
@lindaflanagan71087 жыл бұрын
Teal, thank you for your Amazing videos i have learned so Mich and you have added to My awakening. I wanted to tell you to try to forget your creepy jealous badmouthers. I know they have made things harder for you but i believe you Will thrive and continue to do this amazing work with your head held high above those low lifes. Keep on being you. Much Love, Linda
@mellow_frequencies3 ай бұрын
such a blessing this information is available for free! I admit though that guilt still feels quite overwhelming to deal with. I feel like for me my guilt is heavily tied to a past life, where i lived in a small village that was being attacked by an army. As i was someone that felt responsible for protecting this village i tried desperately to fight off the attackers taking multiple lives in trying to do so. As the people i fought alongside with started to fall down like flies, i ran back to the town square where everyone that did not fight was hiding and waiting. In a desperate attempt to save the people i loved i ran back into the fight and got violently killed. I feel so quilty for not being able to save the people i love, i feel so guilty for 'abandoning' them and i feel guilty for taking the lives of our attackers. Guess it's pretty logical that i felt like i deserve punishment in this life, the guilt is only creating more pain though so i really want to let it go... I did the best i could, i did what i thought was best in the moment, i don't think there was a right choice here yet i find my mind still looking for a solution, a way out. I'm sorry... Please forgive me. I love you.
@gleicealmeida14065 жыл бұрын
Pure gold. I am amazed with so much wisdom.
@eczentricbird433012 жыл бұрын
Excellent teachings. This reinforces the need to work on altering negative belief patterns with an urgency. Thank you!
@ariannabordon43638 жыл бұрын
I know what I did was wrong and I won't do it again but now with this video I realized I'm probably not the only one who has been through this situation
@zgwylie5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Teal, I followed all your advice from almost every video you posted and have transformed my life. From a life of abuse and chronic depression I can now comfortably say, I am happy 😭💕💕💕💕
@thatojadezweni4 жыл бұрын
thank you , i feel so much better after hearing what you’ve said here.
@kasandratindle5205 ай бұрын
Mind blown. Everything it's like she words her theory's in a way I understand to make change. Wow!
@billwhite501111 ай бұрын
You are brilliant, Teal. Always so practical and insightful. Much love
@ScotCampbellwindowpainter9 жыл бұрын
Good video Teal. Another good way to get rid of guilt is to stop thinking and be thoughtless, no thought. That's been my way, but it has taken me much practice. For 6 months I have been sitting in silence every morning for 30 minutes. It has helped me to stop thinking part of the time and the more I practice my mind silence sessions my brain gets a good workout and I am getting better at it. Yeah, for me all guilt comes from thoughts, when I have no thought, I have no guilt.
@ScotCampbellwindowpainter9 жыл бұрын
I don't suppress it anymore mostly just let it pass. But sometimes during the day I follow it and think it is me like I use too. For me personally there is no understanding thought beyond what I realize it is now. It's just more stuff, things, not me. The less I think the better I feel. I forget who said it but it makes sense to me. You cannot figure out the mind using your mind. To me if I try to understand thought I need to think , that's a path I have tried and for me personally it does not work. I am practicing no-thought. No understanding, no desire, no craving, no resolution to an imagined mind problem.That is the best. If I look at a thought or consider a thought it connects to more thoughts and brain connections and is an endless source of mind chatter. Again , only when I stop thinking and having thoughts to I reach peace and see and know who and what I really am. Having said that I still have an ego, brain, dna, genetics and mind, but it is not me, just the vehicle, the form and it reacts to life. But still through silence I am more calm and have more peace of mind. I hope that makes sense.
@rachiefitz29197 жыл бұрын
thankyou Teal..you help us all to simply just accept ourselves just the way we are...& free of lower energies. xxxx
@kieranhuisman12919 күн бұрын
This video answered a lot of my questions. Thank you
@Marijuanessa4 жыл бұрын
I just want to say thank you, thank you for helping me reinforce what I knew all along. Sometimes our own worst critic is ourselves
@remedyreadings16074 жыл бұрын
This was soso incredible, and I imagined saved me in multiple ways. This became the connect the dots synchronicity I need. Bless you with all of me being, sweetheart.
@titusgruanue7802 жыл бұрын
I love all of your videos. They really help me a lots to learn about myself. I really love your video on commitment because I suffer from it greatly. God really blessed you and give you more wisdom to share with those who are suffering.
@thrlllckr62446 жыл бұрын
You are externally beautiful....yet you are even more beautiful on the inside to share this powerful 2 videos with the world....I have been looking for help with my regrets and guilt.... through many videos ....yet yours are the one's which just helped me.. Thank you
@nura73289 жыл бұрын
Thank you Thank you Thank you
@melinda-elisatatar42534 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making these videos. I'm on my journey to find and love myself and they are very helpful
@EMxo__7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. I hurt my boyfriend whilst on a break as I was taken advantage of one night by a monster of an ex. As a result of this, I developed crushing anxiety which turned in to OCD and lived a year of hell. I left CBT therapy successfully after 8 months. I blame myself constantly for what happened and the guilt sometimes depresses me. I am really trying to forgive myself because there was nothing I could have done to stop it and my boyfriend understands this. I want a happy life again and I want to be free.
@Beatrice_bb2 жыл бұрын
Wish you the best.
@pg664910 жыл бұрын
Thank you Teal.
@vitzaniadominguez69612 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the illustration.
@sachavan7 жыл бұрын
So powerful. Thank you!
@worriertowarrior716912 жыл бұрын
Thanks Teal
@scubbagrrl12 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. Finally I know how to deal with the guilt! Thank you for empowering me to let it go. Lots of love to you!
@GuidedWithLight10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your wisdom Teal. I struggle with guilt on a daily basis for the selfish actions I sometimes do upon my family anf friends. I will try following your advice . I love your videos, all of them : )
@pambennett89676 жыл бұрын
This woman has helped me so much. I don’t agree with everything she ever says .. but damn I wake up every day thanking god she’s here and I didn’t think anything could help me I am almost actually handling my tortured existence and may even see a glimpse of hope time and again Color me surprised
@langston11ful12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for making your life a gift to humanity. Keep up the great work.
@7352M12 жыл бұрын
Thanks Teal!
@G7x433 Жыл бұрын
Hello Teal, Hello everyone, Those steps really helped me and i want to thank you for your work. What helped me also is to feel innocence. To produce this feeling consciously felt like the perfect counter energy for guilt. In german it is called „Unschuld“ like un-guilt. I got that idea from David R Hawkins. I recommend to read his: „Letting Go“ what also incredibly changed my life
@lurileyloo45412 жыл бұрын
I got enlightened doing spiritual work, and didnt notice i started obsessing over my spiritual work bc it gave me control emotionally and physically to achieve, and reach perfectionism and espectations, but then it started to feel like I couldnt breath, bc i craved for social media, food, laziness and felt guilt again, and doing anything felt like carrying a heavy rock, bc I was still self hating myself for every lil thing I didnt do good enough in the eyes of my parent that I projected inside me.
@sherececocco Жыл бұрын
As a small boy a my dad would get out of bed at night a steal food and got caught and was shamed for it. He grew up and became a career criminal. He was a hungry child. As an adult he ate everything and nothing just food. Thank you for your energy Teal.
@lunalaguna617311 жыл бұрын
Such a powerful message. Thank you for this
@dancelover3509 жыл бұрын
Thank you teal
@treeseer15738 жыл бұрын
Thank you Teal for your videos and work🙏🙏. You really are helping myself and others.
@LaGataSolar5 жыл бұрын
i just love you, teal.
@TheHarrison198012 жыл бұрын
Thank you Teal. Just, thank you.
@DazIsBack12 жыл бұрын
A great deal of wisdom neatly packaged in digestable amounts .
@TornadoTemptress12 жыл бұрын
*Teal, Thank you for your help!!!
@HugBunnies7 жыл бұрын
Freaking. Brilliant. Just what I needed. Wanted to cry--thank you Teal
@Martina.3925 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much ❤️ I'll always comment under the videos that mostly resonate with my present need so that you can acknowledge when you are actually changing other people's life for the better ❤️ thank you ❤️
@sparky586011 жыл бұрын
Thank you Teal..... on Guilt....
@infiniteguidance21932 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your amazing awareness and great teaching
@mervats55132 жыл бұрын
Thank you , and I love you my spiritual teacher
@Braptist12 жыл бұрын
thank you Teal for this insight
@DanielaVelinovska9 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Teal
@yajnasani35492 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this ❤
@wishamfwould111 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Teal.
@HeroSpiderman12 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for this inspiring talk! Have a great week yourself!
@Ganeden_Y12 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this teaching. Also there are some people usually called perverse narcissic manipulators whose favorite hobby is to make other people feel guilty, trying to make them believe they have done something wrong, to get what they want. Fortunately some smarter or as you would say aligned with themselves people know that they have no reason to feel guilty because they know have done nothing wrong.
@tiamako56863 жыл бұрын
This video needs a come back !!!!!!!!
@Moniemon712 жыл бұрын
good point. this msg was right on point for me
@annagrinberg706 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Teal. This video and Letting go of mistakes really helped me ❤️
@kevinwhitcomb74204 жыл бұрын
I need to to watch this again
@ZEITGEISTism11 жыл бұрын
FANTASTIC .....as usual ! LOVE you Teal !!
@stashaeriksen12 жыл бұрын
wonderful, teal. thank u so much. guilt is one of my biggest enemies!!
@taylorbradley9608 жыл бұрын
u have no idea how much this helped me 😊 thank u so much
@alex-ander-137 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@randumgaming12 жыл бұрын
Absolutely amazing video once again Teal! I loved all of today's lessons, and I'm very excited to use this in my life! I also loved the quite at 16:00 !
@imthatguyinyourlife11 жыл бұрын
thank you teal.....you have done many good things to my brain and emotions today....thank you
@pavlinasalimlo968212 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Teal, a great video and so helpful...thank you so much.
@TornadoTemptress12 жыл бұрын
Real, you're a life saver!
@tiphaniescott959710 жыл бұрын
Teal you are awesome... Thank you for your wisdom and light on so many areas I have questions and conflict in. Namaste :)
@ariannabordon43638 жыл бұрын
so I should love myself and feel good and promise myself I won't do it again
@Agr3ssif12 жыл бұрын
I've watched so many of your videos and you've really inspired me. I'm so blessed to have found a mentor such as yourself. You are my best friend in my mind! Lol. God bless :)
@kingstaryuvi3819 ай бұрын
Thank you so much ma'am.... I don't know how to thank you but this video really helped me... May God bless you ✨
@moulee74486 жыл бұрын
Thank youu teal...🙏
@srtakilmer11 жыл бұрын
You are so inspiring. Thank you for your advice.
@MikeCamoncam12 жыл бұрын
Wow That truely is amazing! Sometimes when I watch videos I might have one thing resonate but it was like through the whole video, everything was resonating with me! Teal you are very wise!
@leelyana10 жыл бұрын
Thaaaaaaaaaaanks Teal! you helped me A LOT! don't ever stop! you're intelligent! God bless you
@Frozenpotatoes812 жыл бұрын
Marvelous idea! I like it!
@ayishamudra8 жыл бұрын
Insightful and helpful.
@wabramy111 жыл бұрын
Just wrote my future plans in my journal and you can just imagine teal I am going for:-)
@SongofBeauty11 жыл бұрын
I love and accept myself. I deserve to be happy. I forgive myself. I did the best I could. :)