Reality Check about Inner Work
Top Tips for Empty Nesters
3 ай бұрын
How to Open Your Earth Star Chakra
Are You Fueled By What You Do?
@abejitasqueaks 8 минут бұрын
This is like the best worst news. Thanks teal...
@StevenHughes-hr5hp 16 минут бұрын
Not really. People who are nice guys can easily be an a**hole supervisor and the guy everyone loves at work could easily be a total control freak at home. So how hard can it be to be a nice guy total a**hole?
@bulentakkas4937 18 минут бұрын
Thank you
@Raz-q2r 19 минут бұрын
10:55 "...Of course it's *very* hard for people to admit that they're getting something out of demons..." The funny thing is that that itself (what motivates them not to see/admit it) could be part of a demonic contract LMAO
@sunnylilacs 20 минут бұрын
This was basically a perfect description of my mom. I remember as a kid hearing someone introduce herself as my mom’s friend and being surprised, realizing in that moment that I didn’t think my mom had friends. I’d never seen her doing anything unrelated to family/home, relatives, or a church calling. She often didn’t even join us for movie nights at home and at dinner would often be taking care of things in the kitchen instead of sitting down to eat with everyone. I don’t think I ever saw her relaxing. Most of her communication to us was “business” (getting things done), although she also taught the gospel, read scriptures, and prayed with us. The gospel was the best thing she could have given us and it’s made a big difference for us all. However, we all still lack a close personal relationship with our mom because she almost never opened up emotionally. When the kids moved out and started getting married, she broke, I suspect because she wasn’t prepared to address the changes. She had established her role as a stay-at-home mother & set her identity around that, but she hadn’t developed the relationships, and it’s the relationships that remain when roles and circumstances change.
@Empresskelseylynne 24 минут бұрын
So sweet ❤
@M.M-t6u 24 минут бұрын
Where can I watch the full video?
@Damons-Old-Soul 24 минут бұрын
Every Gate you come by is offering you a choice: *Will you run from fear?* or *Will you run to love?* With running to and from, both choosing that thing you are running to or from. The Universe has no concept of the negative; so running to and from are both to choose that thing. This is why "Pro Peace" is ALWAYS more effective than "AntiWar".
@Thesplenicswanmanifestor 25 минут бұрын
Do you know human design? By Ra Uru Hu? If not you should look it up because you just explained the gates basically. I love you. Thank you for going through so many gates to get here today!!
@Natalie-lf7hb 30 минут бұрын
I will listen to this feedack/ advice after this quite Important Gentleman and it isnnot tonwhat we want but what we would like ro contain or prevend. I dont know if you see this thing coming but i do and then action is required isnt it so?
@joniwink_i 31 минут бұрын
Amazing Teal, thank you, this helps.
@havingfun2687 31 минут бұрын
So true ❤
@thewrongaccount608 32 минут бұрын
I grew up wanting to be a Vulcan because of all the horrible things around me because Vulcans are in control of their emotions. Here I am 50 years later reclaiming what is rightfully mine.
@oliviacalhoon725 37 минут бұрын
This is an awesome concept Teal!! Changed the view of the challenges we encounter on the road to our desires.
@Stevenducks 52 минут бұрын
Thank you🎉🙏🏼❤
@shorakhajavi1178 58 минут бұрын
Thank you! ❤🙏... All true, but I'm also exhausted....😔
@mlh209 Сағат бұрын
What I love about Teal Swan is that she gives level headed advice.
@cozykomorebi7184 Сағат бұрын
I'm so stuck because I truly don't know if grad school is the right way forward. Before I lost motivation for everything I really wanted to be a therapist and was enthusiastic about going back to school. At the same time, I do feel adulthood is overwhelming me and I miss the college life so much. It's all tangled and I'm so confused on what the actual right step is.
@sghai2125 Сағат бұрын
I am watching this during 'pitru paksha' in India.
@Kaliwestt Сағат бұрын
Teal, are you on drugs? Your body language screams discomfort
@Przepoczwarzenie Сағат бұрын
What if i want to have something which is not possible.
@juliemt1117 Сағат бұрын
Wait, this is exactly like the hero's journey - or the story circle! Love seeing that
@tdk427 Сағат бұрын
I am so grateful for you Teal ❤ Looking forward to see you in Prague again.
@sufisuf1975 Сағат бұрын
the Afifa example really resonated with me. i live in an islamic household and i'm really getting tired of all the oppression and disempowerment.
@kennypham3856 Сағат бұрын
Thank you, Teal! Your wisdom shines through more with the current Jupiter transitting Gemini (you, being a Gemini yourself)!
@zoulofzoria Сағат бұрын
Nailing it as always ♥️
@vdavi12 2 сағат бұрын
I've hit this exact hell gate a week ago.
@coreycox2345 2 сағат бұрын
The gates remind me of the archetype of the hero's journey. They are unfamiliar and uncomfortable but necessary for change.
@feeltheforce7922 2 сағат бұрын
Pointless video. A gate means that you need to turn around and not bother.
@CristalLaLune 2 сағат бұрын
Am I twisting things in a wrong manner? What I want is a loving, safe relationship. What I fear is being rejected. Must I committ to the man who makes me live all those painful little rejections every day?
@Andrea-Rose 2 сағат бұрын
@nicklovely6431 2 сағат бұрын
Imagine having to date this creature. 😂😂😂
@nicklovely6431 2 сағат бұрын
We are just creating words amd phrases now. Masculine containment? Just be a woman and I'll be a man.
@Urmashouldvswallowed 2 сағат бұрын
Another thing we love is when energy & effort is reciprocated that’s a big one for us We never say it but we all feel that way
@LanaALaBonte 2 сағат бұрын
💯 🎉 This is where Spiritual Bypassing in the various communities has people assuming they can escape their own reality. I genuinely dove into doing the work on myself years ago when I saw the patterns & life was seemingly unfair only to enter into communities that were interspersed with people avoiding themselves & hiding out. It made me super aware of MySelf because I could See Me in them! Those Gates are no joke & when you think you’ve gotten over the hump the next one appears. But I’m also one to want to peel back layers & go beyond deep into the abyss! ❤
@KarenGriffith_SoulfulCoaching 2 сағат бұрын
There is no top to the mountain 🥰
@aninterestingconversation 2 сағат бұрын
So excellent. 🙏🏻🤍
@Justtryingmybest111 2 сағат бұрын
I backed out of an offer because I could clearly tell they thought it would be a fix to add me. I do not like to join Married couples because of this specifically. And after spending time with them I declined. They have way too many issues to sort out. Enjoyed the wife, her husband is too dark.
@kimberleydiann771 2 сағат бұрын
Thank you Teal. ✨
@benjamindevoe8596 2 сағат бұрын
The gates we must pass through on our journey to where we truly need to be are rarely the ones we envision when setting out. These "gates" often seem like obstacles, but in reality, they are transformative thresholds-reminders that personal growth and maturity often involve shedding our lesser, more limited selves. This mirrors the concept of "the gate that is no gate" from Zen philosophy, which challenges us to see that what we perceive as barriers are merely illusions created by our minds. Through this process of facing and overcoming these perceived obstacles, we align ourselves with a destiny that goes beyond our initial desires, embracing a path of deeper self-realization. On a personal level, my struggles with embracing who I truly am-who I could potentially become-have often been shaped by a deep desire to fit in, to be "normal." For years, I clung to the idea that normalcy was safety, and that by blending in, I could avoid the discomfort of standing out. But this desire has manifested in painful lessons, teaching me that resisting my true nature only leads to suffering. The more I tried to suppress or ignore the parts of myself that defy convention, the more intense that inner conflict became. I've come to realize that hiding is no longer an option. Now, I’m facing some particularly terrifying gates-ones that force me to confront parts of myself I've long buried. Walking through them requires courage, but I've started to understand that my path doesn't lead toward fitting in; it leads toward embracing a unique existence, one that's anything but "normal." It’s frightening, but ultimately, it’s the only path that feels true.
@blueandgreen4799 2 сағат бұрын
Can I represent your knowledge in Croatia as your asistent?
@sarahjmount9221 2 сағат бұрын
Amazing, Teal. I really like the idea of you calling these obstacles gates. Everything you’ve said has been so true and incredibly insightful….enlightened. Your level of awareness is so inspiring. You’re extraordinarily talented and intelligent. I’ve been hitting the worst gate for years and refusing to break through it because I’d lose everything I have left and be homeless. I have never heard anyone voice this predicament in the slightest way I just heard you do it. I’ve yet to hear examples like you used until now. I guess I’m just not as strong as I need to be and will have to settle for not getting what I want. I have suffered like most of us do, my whole life. What little I have left I need to stay alive. I can’t just break through the gate and leave it and hope I’ll finally get what I truly want out of this life. I won’t have a life left at all. I understand what you’re saying is wise and real; and maybe others are able to do it because they are more courageous than I. I will end up literally losing my life if I do it. Maybe in time I’ll be in a better position but not now, not yet.
@teevans8370 2 сағат бұрын
Ohmygod yes, I had to learn this the hard way.
@adamishaq9184 2 сағат бұрын
Thats why I am not living in boxes so I do not have any gate.
@stacyabraham6496 2 сағат бұрын
I was definitely in an unpredictable environment with a single parent until I was placed in foster care. I also have ADHD, and I am a Gemini.
@kelseydavidson569 2 сағат бұрын
What happens when we also do this in the work place? Like we do this in multiple areas of life relationally. if we are trying to make an organization better that doesn't want to be better. Do we leave, or stop putting in the unappreciated unmatched effort and let it be a mess? This is a good video for me to reflect on
@Sajana555-o5e 2 сағат бұрын
A guy asked me for a date and i kinda had some red flags about him already ( my friend had seen him hugging a girl years back while he was having a girlfriend ) so i refused his request with an explanation that Im little busy these days, and now he has ghosted me like all of a sudden 😅
@myfuturepuglife 2 сағат бұрын
I don't want to need anything from anyone. What IS actually acceptable to need and expect from another adult as an adult? Yes, I was most definitely emotionally neglected as a child MANY years ago. When I was born my mother was only 14 years old and it's been a pattern of emotional neglect ever since. I don't understand how anyone who supposedly cares can watch another struggle and suffer and not even do so much as a damn google search to better understand their loved ones painful situation. Not an ounce of effort. For ten years he's been what I consider a good and dependable person for me and I know he loves me but when I'm in emotional pain, he does nothing and he says nothing. He's 19 years older than I am. Sometimes I think he just doesn't know what to do or how to help so I do for myself and seek out my own answers as I should. But let me tell you if you don't already know... at times, I have this, you'd better not need an ounce of effort out of me either you cold hearted sit and stare motherfkrs attitude! Bitter much? Maybe so, but that's what happens when you are passed over, thrown under the bus, and consistently emotionally neglected every single time in every situation. I'll continue to look after myself. Doing so feels good! I'll be my own loving mother, best friend, and whatever I need to be FOR MYSELF until I get to the point that I'm whole and healed. Yes I have concern and show concern for others but there's not much I can do for them when my own house needs nurturing and nourishing. I'm just worn out from a childhood of abuse and neglect and having to be my emotionally immature mothers emotional support and caretaker of my younger sister. Damn right I feel like I owe myself, something. I'm open to hear what any stable person has to say and learn from it. I've needed the guidance my whole life! I'm doing as much as I can for myself but I'll do better as I learn better so I can be better for everyone because it matters.
@sea111 2 сағат бұрын
So basically it is to NOT depend on human?
@faral8368 3 сағат бұрын
Nope suffering is starting to sound not that bad of a thing now 🙂 thnks
@Freefall66 3 сағат бұрын
I were thinking what about death nobody wants it even they say is so cool. Also starts to look like no change without ww3 nobody wants it but the change is needed. So what we do?