My average damage is just about 45 less for this season than yours currently yet my K/D is half of yours. Teammates really do be snagging the last shot or two on enemies that I mag dump smh. Pain. Also in regards to your goal being Master/Pred this season, I'd say shoot for Diamond because Plat to Diamond is more realistic and in the event that you don't manage to hit Master then you won't beat yourself up over it because Diamond itself is an accomplishment. Mid-High Diamond 4 RP still puts you in the top 3% of players globally across all platforms. Obviously always keep in mind that you want to hit Master/Pred eventually but pace yourself so you don't get burnt out and beat yourself up grinding for Master if you end up getting stuck on an RP loss streak in Plat 2 or Plat 1 for a few days. Positive mentality is vital in rank climbing and if you set your initial goal too high and you end up having an off day in ranked then you'll start getting more aggravated then start making more bad plays because it'll seem like your goal is getting further away. I remember when I started playing last season I had a couple friends who were in Diamond and I tried to shoot straight for that rank only to end up Plat 4 at best both splits and looking back it was entirely because I lacked consistency. If I lost RP 2 games in a row then it usually ended up turning into 6-8 games in a row because I'd make reckless plays to try to gain KP to make up for the previously lost RP from prior games because I thought "I need to gain as much KP as possible this game because I just lost RP and I won't hit Diamond if I lose RP and don't get it back immediately." Fast forward to now, if I lose RP in 2 or 3 consecutive matches then I take about a 10-15 minute break, get my mind straight, usually grab a snack or drink, then get back to grinding with a positive mindset instead of hopping back into a game immediately and aping a team just to lose 50 RP because I picked a bad fight. Currently Diamond 3 and I'd like to hit Master this season if possible but if I don't then that's fine because I accomplished my goal of Diamond already and it felt great to reach a rank that not many can. There's always next season to shoot for Master if I can't hit it this season. Hope the advice helps a little bit.
@itswhatDEXTER Жыл бұрын
Long story short, try to set a goal that you think you can confidently reach but not something that you'll beat yourself up over if you don't because when that happens it'll just take all the enjoyment of rank grinding away.