How To Make Every Build Feel Good...

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Tripolar Bear

Tripolar Bear

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@TripolarBear Ай бұрын
Here's the trade search to give you an idea of how to search for NEW high defence bases + fractured mods. Spam some essence and get some decent gear!
@Scotteo6 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the trade format. I’m only 3 leagues in and had no idea you could list fractures like that. That’s awesome.
@Gid-J 29 күн бұрын
very rarely do people respond to sell these 5 chaos items
@zxyen1629 24 күн бұрын
@@Gid-J you can click on the rolls of the fracture mod to find more expensive, better rolls. You shouldn’t be looking at 5c bases when picking out a fracture
@mihu111 Ай бұрын
95% of players stop rerolling just one reroll away from finding the perfect build, don't fall into that trap!
@jamesricardo2488 25 күн бұрын
Me buying orb of regret immediately after reading this comment :)
@Ladovinka513 7 күн бұрын
Why do I get gambling addict vibe from this comment :) 90% of gamblers quit right before hitting big jackpot
@TizohTV Ай бұрын
Why Do i feel personally attacked, I've got 3 builds to maps and then been like "Wah this doesn't feel good" Oh I should play *Insert streamer build* that looks more fun
@TripolarBear Ай бұрын
Only reason streamer build loots fun is because they invested into not awful gear, and then into actually pretty good gear until they could afford the super god gear.
@TizohTV Ай бұрын
@@TripolarBear I know.... Fine.... I'll log back in but no in all seriously its kinda what i needed to hear, Got ill on league start, 5 Days went by, League pretty much over at that point and lost motivation But guess ill get back on that grind
@Amonkira1029 Ай бұрын
​@@TizohTV League pretty much over?? Nah, just the economy. Seems like your problem isn't gear, it's giving up.
@Evil_Arthas Ай бұрын
Happen to me this league with Ice trap of Hollowness but in reverse, build was too good so i decided to try something worse xdd
@wanglelife Ай бұрын
Some gear upgrades literally doubled my dps and it became a whole different game.
@Sammysapphira Ай бұрын
What needs to be understood is compounding benefits. People might look at an 8% EHP gain for 15 chaos and think "eh I'll just skip that until I can get an 8 div chest which is 20% more ehp" meanwhile EVERY one of their slots are like that. People know that the key in PoE is multiplicative More modifiers, but they forget that when it comes to gear? 8% more EHP across 10 pieces of gear and some jewels is 2.15x more EHP which could budget to about 1-2 divs. Obviously this is an extreme example but it really does feel that way. People will often see their gear is only slightly worse than the recommended budget setup and think it's not a big deal but it is. It's the same fallacy that leads to people not investing their money, where they think that a 6% yearly return is always going to be 6% of what their current wealth is at the present time that they are imagining. However, as we know, when you re-invest the same amount of wealth that 6% is suddenly 6% of 3x of what you owned 20 years ago, making it in the multiples of thousands rather than some couple hundred's.
@bringitlp5177 29 күн бұрын
yup hitting the breakpoints is a pain missing one build bricket cuz when u fix one gear then something else is missing had wardlooper with 100mil dps was nice was cool never again
@Micky96 Ай бұрын
Back when I was new I nearly quit because I just couldn't figure out how to upgrade. Then a friend sat me down, had me take off all my gear, and we spent 100c rebuilding my character. That Impending Doom Occultist is still my favorite character I've played (RIP). That's when I learned how to shop and buy gear. Then, I learned how to actually read build guides because I decided to make a Wardlooper with the currency I had earned from that Occultist. Nothing will teach you how to read a guide like making a Wardloop character. Expensive as hell and *everything* is there for a reason. By god you better know every single minute detail or your loop isn't going to work and you're out 15 divs *at least*.
@Yomush Ай бұрын
How to craft gear in trade league: 1. Get a base (ideally fractured) 2. Slam essences until something good comes out 3. See if you like the outcome 4. If not, sell the item and buy a new base 5. Repeat step 1 until satisfied
@Enthapythius Ай бұрын
While it sounds so easy i started doing step 4 this league. No craft you do is failed. Your trash is another mans treasure. Made me good money
@nicholaspassage1295 Ай бұрын
I had a lot of fun using veiled orbs early this league, with wild bristle matron, it's 4 top tier mods (assuming you hit veiled and keep crafting if you don't) 1 crafted and 1 random for really cheap.
@Yomush Ай бұрын
@@Enthapythius Yep, sometimes when I'm trying to get some upgrades I end up with more money than I started hah. Never roll over an item that can recoup the crafting costs
@jordanharrison8769 Ай бұрын
Sounds expensive
@derlou88 29 күн бұрын
or hit triple t1 and be to greedy to keep it. endless cycle
@Connleth Ай бұрын
This game isn't a wealth simulator - if you've got money in your stash, but not saving for a specific upgrade, you're doing it wrong. The quicker I changed my mindset and emptied the wealth of my stash... the more I actually made.
@zxyen1629 Ай бұрын
Every Poe player should learn at least the basics of crafting. So many times people complain about not having enough money for the upgrade when you could make a 90% as good item for half or even less than the cost on trade. Understanding how the metamods on the crafting bench works, learning how you can force mods with those and harvest, even something as simple as blocking mods and ex slamming when you have 1 extra open modifier. Not being afraid of using your div to wipe an item and multimod it for a very strong usable item. A good 5 mod item even with crafted stats is way better than a 6 mod item that has 2 dead mods or poor tiers. Essences and fractured items are the silliest, easiest way to craft in the game. Pick a fracture suffix/prefix, pick an essence that goes along with it and roll until you finish your 3rd prefix/suffix. Now you can use eldritch currency to very safely craft the other side. Once you have some money, make another pair and go for a veiled orb. And don’t recraft an item you are using. Buy a new base and go for what you want. That way, even if you burn a lot of currency, your build is still functional. Learning the basics of crafting adds so many layers to the game, you will look at everything differently.
@jordanharrison8769 Ай бұрын
If it needs a metamod, its already too expensive for most people. 2 divines for a benchcraft that you wont even keep and wont guarantee anything except another attempt at getting what you want is beyond too expensive for many players.
@von_mcthy 29 күн бұрын
This was true for me today. I didnt know that crafting was gonna save me soooo much currency. Needed a claw for my frostblades most of them were being sold at 50-70+ divs. But with crafting it only took me around 27 divs down... Its really helpful to learn a bit of crafting
@wowitsfrostygames155 29 күн бұрын
@@jordanharrison8769if metamods are too expensive for basic crafting you’re going wrong somewhere in your gameplay. At least that’s how I see it.
@jordanharrison8769 29 күн бұрын
@@wowitsfrostygames155 I’ve been lucky this league. Found a HH, a Mirror Shard, and sold some Watchers Eyes and other things. I’ve made a couple hundred Div this league. But normally if I have 5 - 10 div I’d rather spend that on a guaranteed upgrade than on a “chance” to craft a good item.
@TheSaival 28 күн бұрын
@@wowitsfrostygames155 you guys have no clue how bad/poor the average gamer is in this game
@mbXtreme Ай бұрын
I played 7 Builds this League, and they all felt amazing (okay, maybe 6 of them). I don't understand.
@FangzTV Ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure you're not the target audience for this video though 😂💪
@majorshepard2 Ай бұрын
Please don't tell me the 1 build was the life stacking burning arrow build. I bought every piece for it yesterday.😭
@mbXtreme 29 күн бұрын
@@FangzTV But it was in my recommendation X_X
@CharlesConover Ай бұрын
I followed his advice to the letter (mainly learning how to READ path of building) and it was a huge help
@H4rd5tyl3 23 күн бұрын
Good vid, I have to say, learning about how to search is the biggest gamechanger. Being able to search correctly I'd say is 50% of finding items atleast, you can have 10 div but if you don't know how to search those will be gone quick and you'll be left with mediocre items and buyers remorse.
@nezunskyfire292 25 күн бұрын
I'm still trying to understand even half of what needs to be done at end game. I know very little about the crafting system and my path forward, but it's been a fun time bumbling my way through this experience. I only made it maps during Crucible League but dropped the game due to the overwhelming about of content that got thrown at me. I and came back this League to try and make it to some pinnacle content, so videos like this is a much appreciated help!
@thomasrad5202 24 күн бұрын
I got 27 divs in the stash, my gear is like OK, I just don't know how to upgrade it from here. I keep telling myself, just earn more money and you'll figure it out later. Later has come and I have not figured it out. I bought a watchers eye. That was cool I guess, I just don't know what to do now. I don't do enough damage, but I am decently tanky. I am level 96, but I still feel like a complete noob.
@Frank-dr3ki Ай бұрын
Best feeling build = Inquisitor CoC ice spear. Gameplay? Right click hold for cyclone and occasionally use Ur jump ability Mandatory uniques are insanely cheap, and the build has proper documentation on the forums guide. I'm not joking
@ivancastro4571 Ай бұрын
Inq coc dd was amazing. Might try this one out
@iAMxVV Ай бұрын
As someone who crafts most his own gear, it comes down to experience. Knowing what you want and what to target on fractures is super important. Some slots I'm able to craft off a simple high evasion fracture, others I might target spell suppression. Getting a good base cheap and hitting it with deafening envy is always a good play.
@sc065 Ай бұрын
Thanks for saying what needs to be said. You really can make almost anything work if you invest in it, ESPECIALLY if you're following a decent build guide (easy af to find these days). But it requires some actual work and farming content your currently-bad build can actually handle, until you get the needed funds.
@jordanharrison8769 Ай бұрын
The issue is, farming content you can actually handle nets dog shit results
@tnak41 Ай бұрын
I’m watching this while at work working a night shift and can’t wait to get home to implement this. I’ve learned a lot from your channel 👌
@00browny00 28 күн бұрын
some great advice mate, thanks for caring about us casual andy's :), a sub well earned
@RavenHeartization 24 күн бұрын
Thank you, as a new player this was really helpful
@Moorb0y52 Ай бұрын
Just a caveat - sometimes you really do need to reroll. I started as LS and I wasn't enjoying myself at all, switched to archmage iceblast and I'm absolutely loving it and the rest of the game too.
@RickReasonnz 25 күн бұрын
Should be said. People are going to perform better at build they actually enjoy. No point gearing out a character you hate playing.
@_egghead 24 күн бұрын
This is true, I know I picked the wrong skill and class even tho I can map and farm but the play feels so bad. After I reroll, definitely enjoys the game more even if I'm currently weaker
@Mach1019 Ай бұрын
I found crafting my own gear one of the most satisfying experiences in PoE. The combination of learning new mechanics and a little bit of gamba really spikes a ton of them happy hormones in the brain. And to those who wanna learn crafting, dont be afraid to waste a few divines here or there for mistakes. Think of it as an investment to learning. Crafting your own gear and selling some you dont need but is decent is almost always a net positive.
@bazyl40 29 күн бұрын
I don’t like to craft. But this league Rog blessed me with a couple of awesome items that I decided to craft most of my gear for an alt before leveling. The moment I put it on and immediately feel like god is awesome. Rog is pog.
@nathanmoore1980 Ай бұрын
This is great advice and advice I give to newer players. Get yourself sorted with GOOD GEAR. Another peice of advice i give is quality your gear and flasks. Anoint your ammy. After you have good gear start investing into your big upgrades. Pick your one piece of gear where you get the most damage and craft that if your damage is lacking or do your big defensive craft. Then pick your next piece. Know your budget and stick to it. If you know the craft is 100div and your at 50, you need to choose do i get 50 more div, or is there another piece of my gear that is 50 div?
@Jasutin Ай бұрын
I haven't swapped my build all league. I've been very happy playing my BAMA, basically just with the Prevy doc and keeping an eye on his characters for new, patch-specific tech.
@dirtymightmusic5239 29 күн бұрын
Jokes on you.. I buy/craft just enough gear for the build to work properly for whatever I want to farm and then buy the expensive upgrades first :D My buy order this league was 5-10div of okay gear > original sin > mageblood > forbidden flame/flesh :D Key is absolutely to buy enough upgrades until the build works somewhat properly tho. After that you can safe up for the expensive items to replace your current gear. going from early > mid > endgame budget feels absolutely smoother but its completely fine if you go from early > endgame budget if the earlygame budget you have feels good enough to clear your content with ^^
@dyslexicape4249 28 күн бұрын
This is so real the amount of times I try to help newer players complaining in global that meta builds actually suck then they link gear and they have a 2 link with a shitty support gem and 10 life 20 res on their items is crazy
@dmak831 29 күн бұрын
I did this last night. Kinda embarrassing how long I was walking around with crappy gear and could have easily replaced everything lol got about 800 more HP and capped chaos and all res lol thanks man!
@jdRamza 29 күн бұрын
Spent my chaos as i got it and first divine the moment it dropped lol. I never felt bad, just incremental upgrades.
@MrDarkBM Ай бұрын
QOL in a build is huge in order to have fun playing it.
@duberdurm Ай бұрын
Yeah I needed this verbal beat down. Every league I end up short on life and damage, even following guides as close as possible. I reroll, same process, feel like a bitch, then give up.
@ibnudermawan7232 Ай бұрын
Copy someones build in poe ninja that plays ur archetypes, it'll be so much better to look for ur own gears this way
@Amonkira1029 Ай бұрын
When you get stuck, get one good piece. Don't wait for it to come to you, spend 2 div for a perfect piece, or grab a fracture add an essence. Just pick a piece where you know what you want and make a new set of gloves. Your life is in your hands! Push it further!
@TripolarBear Ай бұрын
You just need a good currency strat king, find something comfortable to farm for that first set of REAL upgrades, and start ramping from there.
@RickReasonnz 25 күн бұрын
Perhaps the nicest way of saying "GIT GUD NOOB" I've heard.
@chauhanankit 25 күн бұрын
Not enough likes for this video IMO,more people need to see this.
@paperstars9078 Ай бұрын
My Ms Zenith Journey(no alberons yet) crown of eyes 3t1 mods rare gear + 700 eledps weapon w good attack speed, + targets and str eldritchmod on gloves -> roll clusters while slowly buying fossil for cheap through exchange -> 120c cyclopean coil w quality -> jewels with str, allres, aspeed, -> mirrored rings with res + str for 1-5 div each, high str amulet with makequality -1-2 div, swap to 3-5 div shaper weapon, get split pers. with str + dex/int, get thread of hope with your third cluster. lvl multiple zenith gems fir the 21 vaal, upgrade amulet to inc, str, get enlighten setup with +2aura corrupt, get more jewels and corrupt, get corruption for iron fortess
@seangallagher4519 21 күн бұрын
this is arguably the most helpful video on not giving up on your gear and what to look for. TBF poe web filter and ui is awful. I really hope they hire REAL ui and ux designers from 2024 not 1997 for poe2 and the website. great guide!
@Dannyb201 29 күн бұрын
Good guide the only trouble with all guides is... "Just spam essences it's easy" Bro you gotta farm those hard essences monsters or buy them which is still long and hard for a new player. But the rest is good
@robertjag167 25 күн бұрын
My pitfall is is that I don't really look at tier rolls at all. It could be t13 or t1. Who knows!
@semi-decent1844 Ай бұрын
My natural tendency is always to change what I'm doing when I hit a wall but recently I have been forcing myself to push through even if I hate it and boy does it always pay off. Just make what you have better because if you can't make it work with what you have you won't make it work with anything.
@hdes937119 Ай бұрын
This league has such a ridiculous ground level on gearing, you can literally clear the atlas with random shit found on the ship, craft some res/armor and be comfy.
@jordanharrison8769 Ай бұрын
clearing the atlas is the start of the game....
@ThePattymorgan Ай бұрын
thanks for the tuff luv brew
@Chair3000 Ай бұрын
*laughs in flicker strike* - 125 div so far and still feels like shit. My favorite build of all time - best league 10/10
@dzsordzsisoros685 Ай бұрын
Flicker is really cool until you get in the middle of some minion death elemental explosion bs. That's what always kills me
@Z1pZ1p3r Ай бұрын
How to make every build feel good? Set realistic expectations in you build. Skill tree, Gear and damage progression. Explain the cost for every stage. Dont give a build doing 100 million dps and make it look like everybody can have that with 1 hour of playtime. People find this builds, they try this builds, do not see the same numbers as in the build, spit on it, reroll, leave the game or start a new character and the cycle start anew.
@barmiiiii Ай бұрын
4:20 proudly playing my ice crash chieftain with 4 mil dmg, 88k max Phys and 288k max elemental (without molten shell) with 300 hours in the game before this league
@Kit-G Ай бұрын
Thank you, this was the video I needed to see as a dirty casual.
@utmastuh Ай бұрын
I've never gotten a good roll on crafts or essences. It's easier to just overpay for someone else's hand me down on the trade site for sure. My current build only has 3 rare slots so it's a little easier to manage this league
@fishtacos007 Ай бұрын
I started berserker slams and then rolled bleed glad and now respeccing into Slayer lightning strike. The thumbnail is me
@ariashark Ай бұрын
i feel like people with 1 alch gear just need to open their pob and hit "trade for these items".set a max price of 5c and it even perfectly picks the one that fits your build. cmon guys it really is not that hard
@federiicox Ай бұрын
Banger video my dude, you just fixed my life. 👍
@rhettorical Ай бұрын
A massive trap that new players in particular run into is getting builds not from Zizaran. It's astonishing just how many abysmal build guides there are out there, and if someone doesn't even know how affixes work, then his are the only ones to follow. Even other good build creators aren't noob-friendly as they require you to have at least some form of basic game knowledge, like what's outlined here. I have a friend who wanted to go Boneshatter Jugg this league because he did it before, but there was no Ziz guide for it and he really doesn't understand how gear works. He found some random guide and it almost caused him to quit the game. He swapped to Ziz's Ground Slam build and it was night and day. Now he's learning gear and it has completely changed his life.
@davidthomas2278 29 күн бұрын
B+ gear has never been cheaper. Bleed glad got 3 voidstones on 1 div of well spent upgrades
@billyvo4218 Ай бұрын
So you’re saying I should continue to put divines into my chain hook zerker instead of rerolling
@johnisbell4201 29 күн бұрын
"put some gear on that thang" HAHAHAHAHA
@michaelh370 Ай бұрын
Hawk Tuah! Put some gear on that thang!
@DarkBiCin Ай бұрын
1:20 - I feel called out lol. I tried archmage and hated it felt like I was squishy af with 4k life/4k mana/2k es and all res max. spent 4 div getting gems and gear (I recycled leveling gear from my previous character to get suppress capped) and the damage felt okay but I felt like paper was so sad. I know I probably messed something up but having T16 ready gear and falling over in T3 felt terrible. Im doodoo I suppose.
@michaeldwhelchel 28 күн бұрын
What about uniques? For example, Lightning Coil is so common to builds, but I always end the build with a corrupted 1-implicit coil. I'm so locked into that armor that I think my next upgrade is a double-corrupted coil. Damage shifting has been nerfed, but can crafted rare body armor compete with the legendary coil, or is that really BIS?
@Hazzy994 Ай бұрын
Instructions unclear rerolled into ele hit warden and bama necro cause why not looks fun
@purplekush8912 Ай бұрын
good video man
@Fragamemnon Ай бұрын
This guy tendies.
@Sherudons Ай бұрын
I only re-roll all the time because I like to try new things, sure I could force myself to brainless a mirror on one character but I don't want to, currently I am doing a one with nothing character (4th), I know what I need to get and how to do it, I have most of the currency too... but I won't. Like a cat with a set of dangling keys, I will get bored usually round reds/pinnacles and try something else, I feel like a chaos minion build now. I have life flasks from level 30 and meh/bad le heups... you really don't need much to get through reds, get your onion going, have at least two layers or a cast on death portal set up.. whatever get's you back into it... If people are going I have no money I don't get how, it IS trade league, TRADE, dump scarabs you won't run, sell essences, harvest some juice, there is so much money on the floor it's just not a div tink. Logged in, sold a gem and got a div, had a ship come back.. another div.. not a fight towards currency
@TripolarBear Ай бұрын
If you're having fun that's all that matters, but if you're rolling at reds every time because your builds aren't really feeling good, then it's time to fix that issue. Doesn't sound like that's you, but for the others it's a sentiment I hear all too often.
@Sherudons Ай бұрын
@@TripolarBear Something people should be aware of with the shipping is it SEEMS to be level based on rewards, so do NOT accept the rewards on a returned boat on a new character or you get trash, save it for the 90+.
@TheSognus 19 күн бұрын
I am currently stucked at act 6 where a lot of mobs can just slowly kill me. Some do even instakill me. I have tried to stack resistances as high as I could but reality is that there are NO good items that are dropping that fit into my build (resistances, socket number, color and link). Trading is not an option for me either because for the span of 1-5 acts I have dropped grand total 1 chaos that i already used/traded for something else. I do stuff like buying new weapon when i can and do the rustic sash crafting recipe but I still feel incredibly slow/weak/dying. What to do?
@skillet_head 26 күн бұрын
If only Sony Console had this blessing.....
@L0-C01 Ай бұрын
I detect no lies sir
@Wateryy Ай бұрын
I’m the random off meta bozo with good gear shits pretty hype
@vallerie7324 26 күн бұрын
How would you go about crafting gear with good life, spell suppression and resistances?
@IDyn4m1CI 24 күн бұрын
You need to get the base fractured with decent spell suppression, because that is a hard mod to get and can't be targeted by any crafting method. Then you make it rare (if it already isn't) and spam with essence of greed to guarantee a good life roll, until you're happy with the resistances. That is the easiest method. Remember that if you roll a high tier of one resistance that you don't need, you can always use the horticrafting bench to change that resist to something that is useful for you.
@wanglelife Ай бұрын
I'm saving up for Alberons and Original Sin so my gloves and boots haven't been touched in a while. Don't get mad at me!
@SusYangYang Ай бұрын
Leave it to Tri to make a tendies analogy
@i7ven Ай бұрын
True. My build feels ass. I'm running RF. 800k ehp, but my rf does 40k dps. I tickle them to death.
@Dejrons Ай бұрын
Hi guys, I hope that RNGesus blesses you all ^^
@hoodedy Ай бұрын
yeah throw divs at a build and they feel really nice
@matthewalvarez6884 Ай бұрын
My hexblast build feels way better after dropping restless ward for a 2600 evasion 550 ES base. Its night and day. Im even farming faster cause i dont need to play so safe lol
@derlou88 29 күн бұрын
or you could have 500k ehp and 20k ES and get oneshot by some random t17 ground effects
@hamzahussain7794 29 күн бұрын
People are just too scared to put money into the build. Its a scarcity mindset. I have had the highest divines I have ever had in this league and I am playing this game since legion. And yet I only have at max 1 div in my stash currently for map rolling and scarab buying. Currency in stash means nothing, buy power and have fun, its a game.
@KAJYT6969 Ай бұрын
I agree but also disagree. You can tell when a skill is mechanically shit even when you get to white maps with leveling gear
@TripolarBear Ай бұрын
yea but nobody is playing those skills from guides, and most struggling are "following" guides without really investing into the gear. This video is not saying you can take chain hook and make it insane lmfao
@wanglelife Ай бұрын
​@@TripolarBearGranted some guides are not very clear when they make a swap from say non-crit to crit build. If people don't understand the keystones in the tree for example, they can suddenly lose 40% of their dps and not know why (Precise Technique as an example)
@RageMachine1001 Ай бұрын
Wait was that trade link for me? I never even used it LMAO
@OldGoat-cw8he Ай бұрын
Console pleb here. Generally you are playing SSF on console. There aren't rares like that on console. If i can't craft it or find it, it might as well not exust. There aren't 6 link bases for sale. Much less ones with good stat lines. I am at a ooint where i know what i need to replace on my gear but my shitty gear is better than the stuff in the store. I have like 30% of my build that i am lacking basically effective life. Better life and armor/evasion rolks. I am basically unkillable but the damage scaling mods for bleed glad.
@justjay3750 25 күн бұрын
my archmage sux and i have 75-85 ele res, 60 chsos res, 15k evasion, and under 1mil dps whoch is my problem. both wands have 40+ cast speed, both rings have t1 or 2 cast speed, 7k mana. WHERE IS MY DPS.
@BrandonWilliamson 22 күн бұрын
How can i trust a man that doesnt even have his for sale tabs in order??
@ibnudermawan7232 Ай бұрын
Yess!!! Dont reroll if possible unless well.. its too cluncky to play, if u just need dmg or survivability just look at poe ninja build, 100% worth ur time
@TripolarBear Ай бұрын
yea ofc if you're just not vibing with the build you can re-roll
@julianthegreat4995 27 күн бұрын
Sure, the off metas are blasting on gear because it doesnt cost a kidney. Also streamers play for a living, of course they are much stronger, they do in 1 day what others do in 2 weeks.
@TripolarBear 27 күн бұрын
Gear for meta builds doesn't cost a kidney either, it's only the bigger DPS upgrades you shovel out for. Getting all meta builds up and blasting takes nothing, that's why they're meta builds.
@IDyn4m1CI 24 күн бұрын
Brother, gearing off meta builds is much harder. One because you're most likely not going to find anything good for your build on trade, so you'll have to craft it yourself. Two because you're crafting most of the stuff yourself, you'll need to farm a lot more currency to play the lottery that is PoE crafting, which isn't easy when your build isn't even properly geared yet. If you're playing anything meta, finding some decent upgrades for cheap is easy. Because people get better gear and sell their old stuff, or there are crafters making items for meta builds for profit, or because people get bored with the build and move on and sell all of their stuff to finance their new builds.
@Wilzekify Ай бұрын
0:45 I'm in this picture and I don't like it. Why buy great gear when good gear do trick.
@yukmoutb5885 Ай бұрын
if you saw my gear while im wearing a mageblood youd tell me to uninstall.
@reedpotato Ай бұрын
Should I buy the top items show in path of building "trade items" is that the best gear ?
@jordanharrison8769 Ай бұрын
The issue is, everything feels like shit, and the difficulty scaling isn't linear. And the compounding negative map mods that completely fuck you. You can roll overthem, but then your dealing with 40-50 quant maps and make absolutely dog shit for currency. My build can blast alch and go maps. but when you start adding essence mobs, alters that reduce my es, lower my max res, deal increased phys, lower armor, make enemies ailment immune, boost their speed, gain more damage as extra, move faster and cant be slowed, it becomes ridiculous. THEN add in the fact that atlast travel nodes increase the effectiveness of these mods to the point that you can't even gain health by using a flask. Nevermind the fact that all of the league based mobs are even tankier and do even more damage. Being able to freeze is nice, except when you come across a random mob that cant be frozen, or slowed, and he runs up and one shots you. I have 100 divs invested in my build, I still can't survive a basic attack from a juiced abyss mob. That's not good scaling. Then, GGG continually buffs the mobs, while nerfing our means to survive their attacks so that you have to have some god damn mirror tier rare that you can't afford to survive. Telling people "spend more on your build" is like telling broke people to make more money, its like no shit..
@christopherbaker4460 Ай бұрын
Sounds like you invested 100 Divs poorly or you are a glass cannon build. If you don’t like that glass cannon style try a TONKY build.
@the.josh.brandon Ай бұрын
100 divs into a build that can't survive at a bare minimum 8-mod maps with the respective influence keystone on atlas passive tree clicking all altars means you are either 1. playing a terrible skill and you knew what you were getting into, or 2. spending the 100 divs inefficiently and not on what the next best upgrade would be for your current situation.
@Blamzite Ай бұрын
At 100d, I had like 8k es and 100m dps. Your doing something really wrong if 100d doesn't make you tanky enough or have high enough damage to mitigate the issue
@jordanharrison8769 29 күн бұрын
@@Blamzite using what skill did you have 100 million dps? Show the POB cause I’m calling bull shit
@Blamzite 29 күн бұрын
@@jordanharrison8769 I was playing tri stack hexblast inquisitor. My pob wouldn't be accurate anymore as I dropped dps to smack a mageblood into it. A big part of the dmg was running punishment with wrath and zealotry. Used Blessing for the extra aura because I had blood magic
@piskipa Ай бұрын
The real question is why are you wearing sunglasses indoors lmao
@derbsmcbergs Ай бұрын
Just unveil totem placement speed. Fixed.
@drewcdroppop8756 Ай бұрын
I mean ur not wroooong 😂😭 I just get distracted easily. I have my lvl 94 lacerate glad that can do t16s pretty easily, but farming maps gets boring so I start a new build, get to maps, go back to glad to get a lil more currency, new build 😂😂
@zackwilson6761 27 күн бұрын
I'm new and trying to learn this game I'm going to finish the campaign tonight. Why don't i know what a fractured is? Eldritch implicit? Is that the annoint mechanic that has the elvish letters on it?
@zackwilson6761 27 күн бұрын
Please help I need a crafting fo dummies everyone just blows through everything like we been playing this game for 5 years
@rexford6260 26 күн бұрын
Fractured items are normal, except one of the mods is locked in place and can't change think of it as a 2nd implicit if that helps. Even if you use a Chaos it will only reroll its numbers. They come from Delve and other places like Expedition but that isn't important, you can just buy them from other players like he's suggesting. Fractured items are good because if you can find one with a high tier mod that you want for a build its easier to craft on. So the process is supposed to be kind of simple. 1. Buy a Fractured item with a modifier you want for the build. (Flat life, Resistence, % life, etc) 2. Use a high tier Essence that pairs with the Fractured mod. (Flat life + % life, Flat phys damage + % phys damage, etc) 3. Repeat using high tier Essence until you get 2 more mods at Tier 3+ you want. 4. You've made an 'okay' item that will help you make more currency for when you're after a serious item later on. This requires that you understand how item level effects what tier of mods that will show up on them. I suggest you look over PoEDB (Path of exile database) for lots of information. Crafting has more and more information the deeper you go and what he's showing here is that if you've saved up 20-30 Chaos orbs its very possible to find 'okay' items for a build just by using trade filters and that well crafted Rare equipment is vastly more powerful than a build full of Unique gear or random Rare items found on the floor. (Uniques are a safe pick while you craft better).
@zackwilson6761 26 күн бұрын
@@rexford6260 wow thos os great information! Thank you
@IDyn4m1CI 24 күн бұрын
No, I believe what you're thinking about are veiled modifiers. These are found in veiled items, earned by defeating Immortal Syndicate members, or crafted on gear by using veiled currency items. Eldritch implicits come from special types of currency items called "embers" and "ichors", which when used on non-unique helm, chest, gloves and boots will put atlas boss influence on those items and grant extra implicits. They are like extra mods on your item apart from the maximum of 6 explicit affixes that you can get on rare items (with a few exceptions). You can have one Searing Exarch implicit, and one Eater of Worlds implicit, making your rare items even stronger. You'll start finding those orbs when you get deeper into mapping.
@hanarielgodlike9283 22 күн бұрын
"You are playing trade league" No I'm not =(
@EvilWeiRamirez Ай бұрын
My issue is really finding direction. I'm playing charged dash warden, and my damage is like 7 mil with either tincture or unbound up, and 10 mil with both up. The thing is, I'm just not sure what defense to go with. I grabbed suppression and fortify. Then I'm using arctic armor, dawn breaker and then basic evasion and armor but only about 4k each. I also am using claws, so elusive exists, but it's weird. I'm just not sure when it is enough. It feels ok, but I'm only doing t10 maps. I probably need some avoidance, but going heavy into evasion isn't going to work out without grace. I'm thinking of using aspect of the cat instead, or possibly call of the void, but that's more reduced damage.
@Amonkira1029 Ай бұрын
@@EvilWeiRamirez Most people with fortify are using Iron Reflexes to turn amor/evasion into big armor. Personally, what you have seems like more than enough, but focusing on any one of those might give you the boost you need (Celestial Brace, +fort when focused, Iron Reflexes). If you still need defenses after all those layers and amping one up, maybe you don't need defenses, but damage so they die before they take a turn. Oath of Winter? Don't worry until you start dying.
@EvilWeiRamirez Ай бұрын
@@Amonkira1029 oh, hmm. I forgot that I built into poisoned enemies cannot deal critical strikes and endurance charges too, but only the basic 3. I guess maybe I should just go all in on offense. My character only has 6 deaths.
@Amonkira1029 Ай бұрын
@@EvilWeiRamirez more than enough to me. maybe see which mods kill you at t16
@felixblub1317 29 күн бұрын
This ist my First Time i realy wanna Focus on min/max. Have never gotton a mageblood. At the Moment i try to figure Out when to Stop upgrading and saveing Money. Awakend spell Echo would be a cheaper Upgrade. Is it better to Just brain AFK Farm for it?
@varagianafro9755 Ай бұрын
i want to reroll every day tho :(
@jhuggz193 Ай бұрын
My feelings hurt
@munchypignati8701 23 күн бұрын
It only took 250 div to make my build feel good. 😂
@supremexdful Ай бұрын
hi whats is the build in the 4:24 ?
@springmorning7177 Ай бұрын
i have 5k hours in this game, and i still suck lmao
@TripolarBear Ай бұрын
time to change that king
@user-xu5xj3ym4k Ай бұрын
look at this little pipsqueak trying to be asmongold-lite.
@dustandbones6389 29 күн бұрын
People are lazy. I have 120 div + 2 mirror shards in stash, wealthy exile says my stash tabs are worth 656 divs xD, but ye.... i'm too lazy to work couple hours to upgrade my gear hehe. i Know i could upgrade like 3 pcs of my gear, but i don't wanna waste time on that hehe.
@alexcho7513 Ай бұрын
It's literally impossible to fail with Warden lightning strike this season but I see so many people not using tinctures and running oath of winter lmfao.
@jeremyp158 Ай бұрын
u take the double tincture node ?
@alexcho7513 Ай бұрын
@@jeremyp158 Yes, it is absolutely busted. 2 Tinctures can give you over 200% increased elemental damage, 200% increased crit chance (letting you use a dog shit claw), 40% pen, and 40% attack speed and has permanent uptime. The trade off is pressing more buttons but if you bind it to your mouse wheel with a macro or side mouse buttons it's really not that bad.
@reedpotato Ай бұрын
I giving up on life
@kyleevans1129 Ай бұрын
Nah I reroll bc I get bored in reds and ADHD has a stranglehold on my fuckin brain lol
@sendneubs Ай бұрын
Its so painful we've fostered this "You need a build guide" attitude in the community "absolving" any personal responsibility for a build. Getting a build from someone can save a lot of time an effort exploring all the scaling mechanics in the game, but its not an excuse to not learn the mechanics of a build or the mechanics of the game. You can get so far in PoE just by game feel and prioritizing what your character needs at each step of the build journey, but no one wants to learn the actual mechanics and just want a paint-by-numbers approach instead of diving into the nearly-unlimited build customization that PoE offers.
@hectords164 Ай бұрын
This. I used to be one of these players until I actually read the text on gems and how my build works. Guides from other people are a huge help but what kept me hooked to push through is discovering what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it myself which makes the game extremely rewarding. Hoarding currency was also a HUGE disadvantage back when I started as well.
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