How to Play Halo: Flashpoint - Understanding Command Dice

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Mantic Games

Mantic Games

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@AshRose117 Ай бұрын
Thank you for these! They are really useful and have shown I can do a few more things in my games
@manticgames Ай бұрын
Great to hear and glad we can help.
@pancakeonions Ай бұрын
Bravo Mantic! These rules explanations are brilliant. I hope you do them for all your games!
@manticgames Ай бұрын
Glad you like them and thanks for the feedback.
@FantasyFollowersUK Ай бұрын
Thanks for this fab series, we can't wait to play Capture the Flag!! 🚩
@manticgames Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching them - have fun playing and don't forget if anything is unclear just let us know and we'll gather up the comments.
@kingdomknights7768 Ай бұрын
Great game, loving it so far 🎉
@manticgames Ай бұрын
Glad you enjoy it!
@Ant-Man95 Ай бұрын
Thanks for these. 👍
@manticgames Ай бұрын
You're very welcome.
@michaelmarines4415 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the vids Andy!
@manticgames Ай бұрын
You're very welcome.
@KhevaKins Ай бұрын
What do you do when a cube has more than 2 friendly models in it? Due to knockback specifically placing 3 models in the same cube? At what point, specifically, are command dice rolled in turn 1? And how does scout interact with this? How does energy shield barrier interact with both grenades and explosives, keywords, And then the 'sticky' keyword? Does ESD trigger during a rapid fire/blaze away action? Does evade trigger during an grenade/explosive action? Do Lunge attacks benefit from additional melee keywords (such as 'smash'), or addtional ranged attack keywords (such as 'weight of fire')? Does life support keyword also regen a models shields? (Undamaged state) Any chance of renaming of the 'active camoflague' kewyord and the 'active camoflague' item to be more distinct from each othee? Can a model using the 'active camoflague' item be 'Spartan snap shotted'? Does a model using the 'overshield' item get all of its energy shields removed by the 'sticky' keyword, or just the 'overshield'? (Must be used/depleted) Does the threat sensor item affect your whole friendly fireteam, making it so all your models may 'see' all the enemy models? Do 'explosive' keyword weapons scatter through walls on unsuccessful ranged tests? Grenades don't (bounce of wall) Does 'blast' kewyord effect models on the opposite/(tthrough) side of walls? When a model with 'fast transition' keyword makes a 'spartan snap shot'? Does it get to use both weapons it may have? If an enemy and a friendly model both scatter into the same cube, but both have 'stoic' and so don't get pinned, does that trigger a free assault? Of if one has stoic and one doesn't but they both scatter into the same cube? Can items/weapons/objectives be freely droppes in the same way they can be freely picked up?
@KhevaKins Ай бұрын
Can a model with medic keyword heal itself?
@KhevaKins Ай бұрын
Clearer rules on model placemebt in regards to scenery, to prevent people attempting to 'peacock' models on fences or such. Standardized terminology across the gamemodes in regards to carrying objectives as well as are objectives (items) for the purposes ot things like 'grappleshot'
@AsurionWhitestar Ай бұрын
I believe most of your rule queries can be solved by reading the rules properly: I have numbered your Q’s. 1. Legitimate Question, there are no detailed rules or examples for this, but I would deduce that you place your model in an adjacent Cube, one with enough space for the model, or alternatively roll a Wall hit. Maybe re-roll the Scatter until they land in a Cube that they can legally move to. 2. Page 13, Rounds and Turns, Game Sequence 3.a, and it DOESN’T, the Scout ‘Advance’ move is before the game starts, no you cannot use command dice on a Scout’s free Advance before the game even starts. 3. ESB add to a models ES (or all models in the Cube), that’s it.. it gives them more ES, rules as written (RAW) they do not count as Walls for projectiles, so Grenades wont bounce off them and explosions wouldn’t stay on the outside, the explosion effects the whole Cube. 4. ESD does trigger as it it clearly states, Rapid Fire or rather Blaze Away (p32, last sentence of second paragraph); Rules that affect Shoot Actions still apply unless noted otherwise. Then Optics is the only keyword mentioned, as having no effect. Ergo, yes. 5. Evade is made as it is written, it is NOT a preemptive advance out of the way of the Shoot action, it is in response to the action, if they are not Pinned, Killed or forced to Move they may Evade. 6. What model has the Smash (n) and/or Rapid Fire keywords that can use it with an Energy Sword?? Lunge states specifically that it is a Shoot action that uses the FI stat instead of the Ranged stat, and the Smash keyword states it added for a FI test, so you should be able to use Smash with a Lunge, as Smash has nothing to do with an Assault action, but rather a FIGHT test. - Currently, all models with Smash gain it from a Weapon, so they wouldn’t stack, as the model would be using a completely different weapon. However, for the concept of the question, and also for completion; 6.1. I am currently writing rules for allied play and larger Fireteams, to be tested in Flashpoint for extended Covenant troops, UNSC Marines and ODST, aswell as for the Endless Flood. My Flood Combat Forms have Smash (1) and if they were to pick up a CC weapon it would indeed cumulate, as they do not gain Smash from a weapon. Rapid Fire would be hard to transfer without having Paired Duelling Energy Swords as a unique weapon (my Artiber indeed has this rule, Weight of Fire (1) with Lunge and Smash (1) in CC). 7. Life Support specifically mentions Wounds, not ES, though it is worded ambiguously for the purpose of rules, it should state clearly, REMOVE ALL WOUND TOKENS. 8. I believe they will say one is Active Camouflage keyword and one is the Active Camouflage Item, it is weird that they chose the same words to represent different effects, just like getting a Headshot when rolling to SURVIVE. There are many instances that would greatly benefit from better naming protocol. 9. Yes, as the Active Camo (item) stops working upon the Assault action. In reality of course the model would stay invisible until he struck the target but this is a TTG. 10. An Overshield is added to the model’s ES, it is a part of them from then on, it isn’t an extra shield that also acts as a wall. 11. A Threat Sensor is an Item, Items affect the model that carries it.. no one else. Item Types p37 (literally the first thing you read on that page). Edit; Though the description does mention your side knowing where the enemy is so maybe it does.. 12. Page 30, Explosive, 3rd paragraph, last 5th to 3rd lines; Explosive weapons will not bounce off solid walls, they will affect whichever Cube the Scatter roll indicates. 13. YES, nothing is mentioned about a shockwave absorption properties of walls, walls that can also be shot through with any weapon with a threat sensor. 14. NO. First, it’s a Snap Shot, not a take my time to shoot then swap weapons and shoot again shot. P15 Spartan Special Order Snap Shot (Also on the reference card) What: second sentence. Use one of the model’s equiped range weapons, including all the keywords for that weapon. (Not all the keywords of the model). 15. If both models scatter into the same Cube from the same effect, i believe it wouldn’t activate an Assualt from either model, or perhaps I’m wrong and both players get to Assault, or maybe only the first model moved gets to assault the next model moved into the Cube, but that is highly semantic and going by pure RAW and not RAI, It’s either none or both to be fair. 16. RAW maybe.. if you consider all models on the same fireteam friendly, including the activating model, then YES. If this is written to differentiate the model from other members, NO, it can only be used on a different model. RAI probably not, NO. As he is a Medic and has the skills to treat other people, they don’t have the skills to treat him. 17. The model must be firmly on a floor or surface big enough to hold them, they can’t end their movement half way up a wall or fence, they are placed on one side of the fence or the other, there are no friendly neighbourhood vigilantes in Flashpoint, they are from a different universe all together. 😉 Hope I was able to help here, only Q1 and 15 and 16 aren’t really covered by the rules, but every single other question is covered in the rule booklet, usually within the same section you were asking about. Just re-read the rules, and cross reference the rules so you get a better understanding. 😊
@nathankinson7273 Ай бұрын
@@AsurionWhitestar much help ! Thank you
@Token-nu8nl 13 күн бұрын
Hi, thanks for the explanation :) In my first game we faced the following question: can you use the command dice to shoot when your model is in a cube with an enemy model?
@Snake-plant Күн бұрын
I don’t believe so, you can’t shoot a model in the same cube. It’s in there somewhere
@Haloplayer-yx8hn Ай бұрын
Been watching all of these, and loving every moment. Keep in mind, I haven't played nore been able to look at the rules in depth yet, but i have a question. Do you get the Free assault action when using only a short action to move into a cube occupied by an opponent, or do you get it with the sprint action as well?
@SirJamesIGamerfuzion Ай бұрын
Anytime you enter a cube with a opposing model you trigger the Free Assault action plus gain bonuses for that initial trigger aka the plus 2 dice however if your model gets pinned or was pinned and is forced into a cube with an opposing model your opponent gets the free assault action
@manticgames Ай бұрын
You get the free assault whenever you move into a cube with an enemy (except for some less common exceptions but for the most part yes!)
@NicholasMathews-ih2ti Ай бұрын
Quick question, now when you say tactician allows you to carry over that many command dice… in this video you’re saying you get two base command dice plus one for technician, you get to re-roll one and you can carry one over. so if I carry one over does that mean I get to roll three plus the one I kept at the beginning of my next turn or am I still rolling 2+ the one I kept?
@NicholasMathews-ih2ti Ай бұрын
Also a quick follow question tactician lets you reroll one do you get to re-roll the one that you kept because maybe you didn’t need it or does it have to be one of the new ones you rolled for that turn?
@manticgames Ай бұрын
You can keep the command die result and carry that over to the next round however your total number of dice does not change. So if you have Tactician (1) and you carry over 1 die to round 2, you’d only roll 2 dice and have a total of 3. If you want to reroll the die you carried over you can.
@XSelianBladeX Ай бұрын
I love this game! Are there plans to turn this into a war gaming system similar to warhammer and star wars legion?
@manticgames Ай бұрын
Glad you love the game - at the moment we're focusing on Halo: Flashpoint as we have a lot more exciting things to explore however who know what the future may hold.
@Vatoloco4-u2l Ай бұрын
I think the way its set up works for Halo and people new to table top games.
@XSelianBladeX Ай бұрын
@Vatoloco4-u2l absolutely. But expanding to be able to use these minis with a larger version that could even incorporate ODST drops and even vehicles.
@Vatoloco4-u2l Ай бұрын
@@XSelianBladeX That would be awesome. I do love the 3x3 squares as they make movement to much easier though. but hey, we shall see what the future holds
@thetempter9023 Ай бұрын
So if i normal move then use a movement command dice triggering a free assault, can you then assault again normally? Maybe then add a free fight command dice, so fighting 3 times in one activation? Or is this just not aloud 😅
@manticgames Ай бұрын
No that's not allowed as Assault is a long action. If you use a short action advance, then use a command die free advance 1 cube, you'd trigger the free action but only have a short action left - not a long action. You also can't use multiple command dice in a single activation (as mentioned in the video) unless it's the add a D8 die of which you can use multiple at the same time.
@thetempter9023 Ай бұрын
@@manticgames Oh my bad , I was under the impression itwas one command dice of each besides extra dice. 😅 Thanks alot for the help and clarification! 🙏 These videos have been a massive helper.
@manticgames Ай бұрын
No problem. Everyone is learning together and with all new games there a rules that get overlooked or misunderstood. We'll help to smooth everything out as much as we can. I think I mention this specifically at 5:16
@thecheesewheel4388 Ай бұрын
just wondering, so in the book the Assault is classified as a "long action" correct? so if i were to shoot once, then shoot with the extra shot dice, like in the video, wouldn't i then only have one short action and be unable to trigger the assault? maybe I am mis understanding. Also thanks so much for these videos, really gives great context and visuals for rules!
@manticgames Ай бұрын
You are partially correct however if you move into a cube with an enemy model it triggers a free Assault action so you could shoot (1 short action), Advance into the cube with your enemy (2nd short action) which would trigger the free Assault action. Page 21 of the rulebook - Moving into a Cube with Enemy Models.
@thecheesewheel4388 Ай бұрын
@manticgames aaahhh I see! Thanks very much for clarifying 😃
@APremiumDegenerate Ай бұрын
Can you all do some head and weapon packs please? Just put 5 to 10 of each on a sprue and release. Painting alone is not enough customization
@thetempter9023 Ай бұрын
If i have two mark 7 spartans in my fire team, do i get 2 extra command dice or does it just stay as 1? 😅
@manticgames Ай бұрын
You do indeed get 2, plus all the benefits - you can reroll 2 of your command dice and you can carry 2 over to the next round assuming they're both in play.
@SirJamesIGamerfuzion Ай бұрын
Now if you Add the Master Chief and 2 Spartans Mark 7 you will get 5 additional command dice making it a total of 7 dice ( 5 of which you can re-roll and 5 you can hold onto for the next round ) :) and of course Master Chief special command order can take full advantage of all those extra dice
@thetempter9023 Ай бұрын
@@SirJamesIGamerfuzion That sounds scary lol NERF please 😂
@SirJamesIGamerfuzion Ай бұрын
@@thetempter9023 that’s why he counts as 2 models lol
@denver82a Ай бұрын
@manticgames Ай бұрын
Thats me!
@flawlessflawsa Ай бұрын
@manticgames Ай бұрын
@_Xerota_ Ай бұрын
@manticgames Ай бұрын
@holysmoke8439 Ай бұрын
Ugh another 2 player skirmish game...mantics never done that before 😂😂.
@ChristopherErringtonPhoto Ай бұрын
@manticgames Ай бұрын
Well we're super glad you came to check us out and hopefully you manage to give the game a try and then you can see for yourself if it's just another 2 player skirmish game!
@SirJamesIGamerfuzion Ай бұрын
Well the game system is based on there previous deadzone game with some changes to work with the Halo setting and there is more then just Slayer plenty of other modes available and community has already added additional options
@AsurionWhitestar Ай бұрын
@@SirJamesIGamerfuzionwhere is this community..?
@SirJamesIGamerfuzion Ай бұрын
@@AsurionWhitestar facebook , discord , Reddit pretty much anything with social media
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