But it will never go back to the way it was before, same thing happen to my battery, but it drained by lefting the light on for more than hour, i attempted to start the car three times, that what drained it more, i used jumper, the car barelly start and it almost failled, and the battery got charged well by the alternator, but it doesn't hold the charge very well amymore for longer than two to three days max, and i need to use jump starter, in the cold bellow zero it doesn't start the car anymore if left a day on the car, the battery registers 13.6 volts after full charge, but the damage is done already, i used the repair charger like yours but different brand for three days now, but still not good yet, i will try replacing the ACID and clean the battery from the inside with distilled water and put new ACID and then try again the repair mode.
@pharoah120013 күн бұрын
Seems that you have a battery charger collection.
@TomsDIYGarage13 күн бұрын
Lol, all bought for different reasons but I suppose that's true now.