How to Rework Symmetra into a Healer v3 | Overwatch 2 Concept

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@ZenJestr 2 жыл бұрын
this rework idea is AMAZING. I love the concept of her damage healing allies anywhere because then teammates will be able to VISIBLY SEE THAT IM DOING MY JOB AND AM NOT THE SOLE REASON WE'RE LOSING. we're still gonna get flamed with this Sym rework because people who insta-moan about a Sym on their team are gonna complain that she doesn't heal for 500hps to save them from their dumb positioning but still. I love this idea because it adds on to Sym 2.0 which imo was the best version of Sym, in terms of fun.
@RaymanM2 2 жыл бұрын
Two things that, in my opinion, would feel wierd: 1. Dammage turets healing allies trough Sym's passive when she already has dedicated healing turrets. I think the passive should only heal from her weapon dammage. 2. Being able to togle off a speed boost that you hold a button to activate - just seems too overengineered in way. Other than that, great concept! Also, another concept for the ult: Dome generator - symm manifests a shield generator surrounded by a dome shield, similliar to Barrick's ult. While inside the shield, allies get shield healing. Shield genetator can be destroyed.
@Bios101 2 жыл бұрын
This is a very good rework! I really like the Photon feild idea by mixing the sheild gen and barrier. And it does seem to fit well for OW2, nice job. Hope blizzard will listen and work on her soon
@YellowNinja 2 жыл бұрын
If presented the opportunity, how would YOU #ReworkSymmetra
@M4ri0-025 2 жыл бұрын
Primary fire- Energy balls like its current state in the ow2 beta ( Get did if beam completely) Passive- The one concept within this video Ability 1- Healing pillar Creates a hard light totem/pillar healing allies within its radius( like grok) Can summon two at a time( like the turrets with an 8 sec cool down has 300 health Ability 2- shield generator Essentially, it’s Symmetra’s 1.0 ability but with a 5 sec cool down Ability 3- Turrets Like concept in video Ultimate- Light shield Like Makoa’s shield ability but, Heals allies within it and grants them extra shield health and has a bigger radius.She can move while active but she cannot deal damage or activate any abilities. Lasts for 10 seconds and has 3000 health I hope people like this #ReworkSymmetra
@Skarlight Жыл бұрын
I love your rework idea, I really want symmetra to be a support again. I made my own concept and thought I could share it here. 1. Sentry turret are no longer damage, they're healing and are invincible. Sentry heal with a pulse wave healing everyone in range. Sentry will now have an up time before it self-destruct. Sentry has healing meter which can power up Shield Generator or TP 2. Shield Generator can now be toggle with her TP. Shield Generator can heal also has an up time and gives everyone Shield Aura. SG can be destroyed by enemies. A fully powered SG from the sentry meter can convert 20% HP to Shield HP anyone anywhere. A fully powered TP can heal teammate passing through, speed increase and give Shield Aura. 3. Shield Aura Passive ability. Hp will glow blue. Shield Aura can reduce critical hit damage and burst damage. 4. When symmetra Ults resets her sentrys. Sentrys deployed with have a longer uptime and can give Shield Aura. So if I wanted Symmetra to be a support she needed to get a utility to support her team in a different way. You have to manage your sentry because team fights are always moving. SG heals faster and you can place it anywhere like TP but can be destroyed.
@aland7234 2 жыл бұрын
Sym giving shields to allies is all I want
@xanden1 2 жыл бұрын
Like the concept. Instead of healing turrets, I’d like to see healing drones
@lizardjoe4224 Жыл бұрын
Then it would just be zen
@darraghmcmullen6205 2 жыл бұрын
The passive idea is great! I had the thought of a totem that converts teammates health to shields but yours is way better! Love how she heals through damage and dps players and tank players have self heal capabilities. Combine the support role passive with the shield regeneration passive and both sym and her support teammate have much higher survivability!
@samuelmedrano5023 2 жыл бұрын
I love this idea and how you have to be a dps hero to also be a support character
@Kavukamari 8 ай бұрын
honestly i think her ult is already a really great support ult, it lets your team move in like fox or beat, i don't think it needs any extra shields for the team, but maybe i think that's stronger than it is
@pippo17173 2 жыл бұрын
putting sym in the healing catagory is the only way the devs can finally fix her without breaking the game.
@danielmatthews809 2 жыл бұрын
After the experimental card (that wasnt great) I reckon part of the reason they talk about the healing turrets not working was the auto-aim! How would the turrets pick who to heal? Percent based? Closest (I dont think this would work)? Total Health? I can see downsides with all of the options.
@jayyy3820 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like instead of the turrets auto locking onto a person they should shine a sort of healing light on the ground. And when a teammate is inside the light they get healing (sort of like Baptist’s immortality field)
@michaelgarbett4088 2 жыл бұрын
I loved old sym. I understand her old teleporter was OP, but it was so fun to have all that utility for your team.
@johnforsatz6587 2 жыл бұрын
Someone show this shit to blizzard
@georgecuc9964 2 жыл бұрын
I loved this concept. Wish Sym will get her rework in OW 2 she needs to be a support!
@glu9862 2 жыл бұрын
This is great
@jermx487 2 жыл бұрын
Babe, wake up! New Symmetra rework concept video by YellowNinja.
@independanttrainee39 4 ай бұрын
Hello, I just wanted to say thank you to make a concept about her rework, but can you give your opinion on my mine because I want to send to blizzard lol Symmetra is a Support hero in Overwatch. Photon Heal (Passive) Type: Passive Ability Effect Type: Area of effect Healing: 32 per second Area of effect: 16 meter radius Symmetra continuously regenerates health of nearby teammates. Photon Projector (left click) Type: Weapon Effect Type: Beam Damage: 85 Headshot: ✕ Ammo per shot: 5 per second Ammo: 100 Reload time: 1.4 seconds animation Max. range: 12 meters Move. speed: −7.5% (slow) Projectile radius: 0.275 meters Symmetra’s weapon emits a ranged beam. Photon Shield (right click) Type: Ability Effect Type: Self/ Targeted (allies) Health: 75 overshields Ammo: 2 stored Duration: 4 seconds Max. range: 50 meters Send a surge of energy to a teammate or yourself, temporarily regenerating shields when in danger. Sentry Turret (LShift) Type: Ability Effect Type: Projectile (before deployment)/ Beam (turret beam) Damage: 30 per second Headshot: ✕ Ammo: 3 stored/ Max 3 on the field Health: 50 Cast time: 0.22 seconds for throw + 0.28 s. recovery for shoot ~1 second (deployment) Duration: Until destroyed or replaced Max. range: 12 meters (turret beam) Move. speed: −15% (slow) Projectile speed: 30 meters per second Symmetra launches a small turret that automatically fires speed-reducing blasts at the nearest enemy within range. Up to three turrets can be built on the battlefield at once. Teleporter (E) Type: Ability Healing: Regenerates 50 overshields per second, after avoiding damage for 3 seconds Health: 150 health 150 shields Cast time: 0.8 second (deployment) Duration: Until destroyed Max. range: 30 meters Area of effect: 2 meters (interact range) Symmetra places a temporary teleporter exit pad at a distance and connects it to a teleporter entry pad at her current location. Allies (and some of their abilities, such as Junkrat’s RIP-Tire) can travel from the entry pad to the exit pad instantly.  Photon Barrier (Q) Type: Ultimate Ability Health: 4000 Duration: 15 seconds Max. range: 25 meters Area of effect: 484 m × 50 m Symmetra deploys a massive energy barrier which prevents ranged attacks and is big enough to cut through the entire map. Ability details: • After cast time starts, there is 1 second recovery period where Symmetra cannot use her weapon. • Can be placed from anywhere (including from the spawn room), since it covers the entire map. • Orientation can be changed by pressing the Ultimate key again (like Mei's Ice Wall).
@hutaomain7990 2 жыл бұрын
I DESPERATELY want the devs to dive into the fact she can “Bend reality” when reworking symmetra, she can do so much with hard lite she could make a bridge that follows her where ever she walks, she could slow people, she could flash people, if she stays a dps she can have an ult that’s like 9 seconds that is like a power up she gets rid of photon projector instead she has fast projectiles no charge up her abilities have low cool down, she could have an ability where she is so fast she phases through people doing damage to them she could make hexagons that act as a shield and projectile THERE IS LITERALLY AN INFINITE AMOUNT OF IDEAS
@hutaomain7990 2 жыл бұрын
@QT_Jeanne 2 жыл бұрын
While I like everything, it’s sadly wouldn’t happen as u had taken out her core ability which is teleporter, I think they should significantly buff her teleporter to the point she teleports every projectiles (for example: Zarya’s secondary, Sym’s secondary, Zen’s balls, etc) and whenever she destroys her own teleporter the cooldown should be halved like Torb’s turret. Maybe also buff that whoever teleports by it gets a benefit (like speed boost or damage reduction). And I also think (for her beam) to turn auto-lock only in level 3 to reward good players.
@MistarZtv Жыл бұрын
I wish ow2 had more fun supports or supports in general, paladins as much of a mess the coding is, the supports when the bad ones were super fun to play as and the match store can help balance out and adjust if they get counter picked.
@geegoflex6762 Жыл бұрын
I would give her three new abilities plus beam is 10 metres long now: You toggle the abilities btw for the shields She also now has 200 hp Ability 1 It has a 1 second cast time and requires her to take out a devices to use it Two different shield barriers: A) single target shield ( one person at a time can have this that does two things: [ Adds 75 shield health to hero but even if lost still gives the other buff which last for 6 seconds ] [ Makes it so they have half their damage converted to explosion damage plus normal damage if they shot and if they do under 24 damage a shot they do 5 extra damage ] Nb for heroes like pharah it does it twice for the direct and the explosion Also the hero being damaged also obviously doesn't receive this Nb this also charges her beam to level 2 which is her hard cap now and this also doesn't just switch back immediately ( so it decays over 3 seconds instead of dropping to immediately lower damage ) this also makes it so here orbs instantly charge but have a 1 second delay. You can still just normally charge the balls but in the Alt state it gives a 100 percent damage on splash but is capped at 75 damage. NB This can also be a applies to a turret to give it the ability to give a 25 hp decaying temp health ( heals up to 50 extra in shield if they have lost any ) Detail 10 second cooldown which decays overshield to temp health if lost by character. It last the entire cooldown too B) A group shield that does three things: A) gives 15 percent knockback resistance to those inside ( it does stack with tank passive ) B) gives you a higher jump by twice it's length ) bap gets it too and makes you hover with a 10 percent movement increase C) gives 25 temp health ( this doesn't decay until you get out of the area ) At tier one and heals up to 25 temp shield extra and 25 if you just don't have any and tier two scales with damage dealt with beam and keeps beam going from decay this. Ultimate: A teleporter that gives the entire team the first individual shield if they go through plus gives a teleport to the exit and access to a 10 meter tp in any direction you choose after the intial tp Last 12 seconds but after 6 the over shield decays and has 180 overshield and 100 regular shield. Passive When under 25 percent you'll get access to a short 10 meter tp that will go in any direction. An extra ability she now also has is scarifice turrents to give Alt charge based on the amount of damage or healing they did since the ult is so sucky I'm give it 2000 ult points too.
@geegoflex6762 Жыл бұрын
Also temp shield, over shield and constructions keep her beam up along with zarya bubble which I dare you to try.
@geegoflex6762 Жыл бұрын
Also it's still 12 meters on beam and the temp shield is based off of overshield and will 1/4 of your health in temp shield. This will still just replace regular health though.
@geegoflex6762 Жыл бұрын
Passive also waits till she's full health again and tells you where she's going to go with a little tp pad under it a symmetra hologram
@wesleyzealand2795 Жыл бұрын
Hear me out, keep the tp and the shield but put them on the same cool down like Moiras damage and heal orb and like your turret cooldowns
@airekryan851 2 жыл бұрын
It would be nice if a healing Sym had a burst heal ability. Perhaps an aoe heal from her turrets and the burst could be activated midair to give her something more active to do by throwing them in the direction of her allies and bursting them at the right time to heal them up.
@juanayala863 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry if this comes across as rude, but this rework seems like it would terrible for starters. For example, why would you want to pick her? She doesn’t have any utility in her kit aside from damage, but even then, Zen can do that but without needing to set up first. Having her healing tied to turrets and dealing damage would realistically make her into a character who bunkers down and waits for the enemy to come to her, not play aggressively. Increasing her turret count means she not only takes longer to set up, but she has to wait longer for her cooldowns. Combined with removing her tp/mobility, and you have a hero who can’t keep up with the game.
@DmitrySabFo 2 жыл бұрын
Time to delete turrets i guess...i mean why people always thinking of sym as someone who always has to have turrets? In reality they're useless I'd return moving barrier in exchange for turrets.
@xkore1765 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, Moira doesn't have utility either and she works just fine. This Symm would at least have the ultimate and the photon barrier but you have to keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with beeing a generalist. Yes, the numbers may not be there on some things like the turrets cd for example but it's just a concept, the numbers can be tuned.
@DmitrySabFo 2 жыл бұрын
@@xkore1765 the thing is, Moira has both geal and damage as her weapon, she has ability where you can choose what type to use And her ultimate also both heal and damage And the most important Moira can heal herself. I'd rather have a passive, and get temporary shield hp like doomfist, when dealing damage to shields or enemy shield HP instead of getting ammo. And Zarya like shield ability, that instead you have to charge by dealing damage to anything... Like adding some pool for this ability or even using some of sym shield hp And it will work like sigma anti-projectile ability, but only when hitting heroes directly. New ability instead of turrets, creates a hardlight whip, and hit 1 target up to 7m radius, dealing 50 damage, destroying all target shield hp (with new passive also getting yourself shield hp) wraps around legs and immobilising for 3 seconds, blocking all movement abilities. (Can be destroyed by 100dmg) Ultimate? Symmetra slaps a ground with her hand, creating hardlight wave (like Reinhardt ult) that imprison all enemies in hardlight cages, immobilising for 6 seconds, blocking all damage coming from both sides and blocking all targets abilities. Can imagine someone running to save a point and symmetra just use this ult and enemy can't do anything, hehe
@desubysnusnu 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder what if she can further charges her secondary. But instead of shooting orb its a smaller version of 2.0 photon barrier that has like 50-100hp. Since shields are heavily nerfed in OW2 her being a shield oriented support would bump up her usability even more & also makes her stay true to her lore
@tobiz1922 2 жыл бұрын
I think you would need to change the order or armor and shields again to make her passive not useless on armor heroes but overall I like it.
@simplyexplained875 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like the active passive is a bit broken. Being able to heal people regardless of LoS anywhere on the map outside of an ult is.... a lot.
@xkore1765 2 жыл бұрын
Shit! That's actually an amazing rework ready to be deployed. It does bring back an old favourite while not slashing the current version, it seems balanced, ends up more fun for both the user, the reciever and the enemy, has an identity, possible high moments and counterplay. Even if the numbers are too high or too low there is pleanty of wiggle room to fix that down the line. #ReworkSymmetra
@SHUTENSEPC 2 жыл бұрын
ok i pull up
@r3dr3drose 2 жыл бұрын
Nah they can make another support with Sanjay Korpal. Symm can be left alone. Why bother her when there is another Vishkar employee?
@Zipperskull_ 2 жыл бұрын
Or give her shield gen back as a 2nd option to her tp, but this time it drains from teammates taking damage and has slightly long cooldown. Healing turret is terrible idea, the reason why is because overwatch 2 is fast pace game, no wouldn't want to stand near 1 turret to wait to be fully healed. Plus, they can be out of range from walls, would often heal the wrong teammate, lack potent heals (too much time to stand near it), and can be a hassle to constantly place them near your team which would waste her turret resource. And tbh, its BEST to give that ability to ANOTHER HERO that can provide a healing station similar to solider 76, symmetra mains are going to have to learn the whole new playstyle just from a superfluous rework that makes no sense. Even for the fact that, she can build utility and deployables in the comics that can slow down enemies, it would make sense for sym to heal directly or provide a hardlight construct that shouldn't produce yellow essences that the healers have in game. I REALLY suggest blizzard to add the shield generator back but make it less oppressive in way for enemies to not deal with it. If they were to change the shield generator, it would be more like a temporary overhealth deployable that has the same health stat to but can provide overhealth to allies in huge radius. To make it less oppressive, it should be drained whenever allies take damage inside the radius until it completely destroys itself, it can also be destroyed from enemies and can be destroyed by symmetra. It can have a long cooldown and prevent symmetra to use tp (for this reason: so that symmetra won't be teleporting with overhealth, making her hard to kill). I honestly prefer a shield generator, people been requesting it back for so long, so why not make a 2nd option to shield gen. I think the reason, why people want her to be a support is because shes bad at dealing damage with her photon projector. Is it a weird weapon, but there many ways to change how her weapon works rather than changing her whole kit and playstyle. You guys gotta remember shes a hybrid of many tricks and utility, shifting her to "healer" just hurts her identity. Shes a builder like torbjorn that can deal with unwelcome dive and flankers, provide some map coverage, and provide supportive utility in crazy situations. I hate that it's getting to the point that now we're bagging blizzard for superfluous "rework" where they can simply add a shield and change how her weapon works. And another thing, her 3 turrets rn is her core ability and playstyle, they interrupt enemies to buy more time, cover flanking routes andchoke points, it's the slow enemies down, and protect symmetra. Y'all gotta make smart decisions when playing her since she requires prediction, environment skill (use the map as advantage), and a little bit of creativity.
@loppolman3353 2 жыл бұрын
I'm fine with sym being a support. I've actually stated I want to see her as a support with the change to the TP. But I'm stopping at "sym with have lockon like she used to, but with longer range". Yeah. No. There's no way the rest of this is gonna be balanced if that's already at the very start 🤣
@RD-um9dy 2 жыл бұрын
Idk why people keep trying to bring auto lock beam back, it is not good for the game
@accidentman101 2 жыл бұрын
I think this would just make her a throw pick again. Overwatch 2 is a lot faster paced, with the amount of setup needed for this, she would be hot garbage
@josephine7918 2 жыл бұрын
💕 𝓟Ř𝔬𝓂𝔬𝐒ϻ
@lizardjoe4224 Жыл бұрын
Nah no auto lock or she will just be moira
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