I can say that using Pentax 17 is very pleasant. It is easy to shoot, easy to frame. Whole experience is somewhat comparable to Ricoh GR with its Snap focus. I am glad that there are no traditional PASM, or setting time and aperture, because they could go against this way of shooting. One thing what i found missing is dedicated bag, or etui, so camera is not scratched by other things stored in a bag.
Regarding future project, I have that picture from 16 years ago of my wife made with Mamiya 654 with Velvia 50, I like to get back to it, because it is unique, color of tree trunk, autumn leaves. I never was able to replicate that look using digital. That is why from time to time I check eBay for Mamiya AFD or Hasselblad, because I would like to get back to medium format. For me ideal camera would be rangefinder 645 or 670 compact or with small interchangeable lenses. With 40mm equivalent for full frame, bright enough so Velvia 50 can be used at golden hour, so f2 likely. Weathersealed if possible. This could be used for both portraits and landscape type of photography.