HUGE Changes Coming to Dark and Darker - SDF's announcement

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@Angrily_Asleep 10 күн бұрын
The no duos thing is crazy
@chost-059 10 күн бұрын
I wonder if thats a pre emptive change for lower players count support
@gladlawson61 10 күн бұрын
The reason there are fewer and fewer players is that the game is grossly unbalanced. Druid should have spells that change them to the animal of choice. U have to choose and don't get access to all.. same with bard. They get way too much. Take out all range weapons or make them so that u get one and it's to slow u down. Tank up all classes that need it and start the melee .. this game can be better but I'm not holding my breath. What I've seen in the short time I've been playing does not full me with confidence
@GhostofBelleIsle 10 күн бұрын
The main thing I play this game for is to crawl dungeons with my buddy. We don’t want a random 3rd added to our team. Removing duos would ruin the game for us….
@sujal_kd 10 күн бұрын
@@gladlawson61 yea it is unbalanced
@RemYeet 10 күн бұрын
The fact that it exist in the first place is crazy. This game never should've introduced solos or duos in the first place. Trios is where the true game experience is, and no fights in any other que come even close to how amazing it feels to fight in trios.
@SinisterMe 10 күн бұрын
What SDF means by wanting to do away with random modifiers is that he wants to add sockets and have jewels that contain the modifiers, allowing players to customize their gear. He has discussed this before, suggesting that they may implement all modifiers in this way or only partially, where random modifiers still exist but gear may have one or two sockets. He wants to do this because, currently, when you find a rare item from the special chest, the item may be best-in-slot (BIS) but have pointless rolls that make it less desirable. He aims to give players the ability to customize their gear more. This was mentioned in a Q&A a while back.
@GZ187 10 күн бұрын
Just allow us to see perks before crafting gear again? We have been through this before. Being able to have the perfect rolls for so cheap is also not healthy
@hamsolo588 10 күн бұрын
The people that don't know anything about dungeon crawler gameplay
@loverboy18k 9 күн бұрын
Nope I like the randomness, keeps it more interesting to hope for the best rolls.
@kirilkrachkov5540 9 күн бұрын
This sounds good to be honest, just think about it.. gems will be more shit we farm therefore bases are not the only valuable stuff. if they nerf the high end items by about 10-30% this will make it so fun to try to hunt geared players instead of just running away. Bases with different base stats and different rarity gems.
@WellDoneOnTheInternetEverybody 9 күн бұрын
@@GZ187 the gameloop becomes looting for the gems to place into sockets. True damage and max health gems are going to sell for the highest for example
@snakyjake9 10 күн бұрын
If I were at IM, I would honestly consider staggering the stat boosts at each rarity. For each increase in rarity, you either get a static stat boost or an additional random stat, but not both. Uncommon riveted gloves: 3 strength one roll Rare: 4 strength one roll Epic: 4 strength two rolls Legendary: 5 strength two rolls Unique: 5 strength three rolls
@dontheaccountant 10 күн бұрын
Honestly this sounds the most fair. Really like this idea
@erich1380 10 күн бұрын
Wouldn't really change anything though
@snakyjake9 10 күн бұрын
@@erich1380 it squishes unique quality gear down to current epic, and squishes epic down to current rare. This massively reduces gear disparity while still giving higher rarity gear an advantage, so I'm not sure what you're talking about, unless you have your own idea.
@gevix6384 9 күн бұрын
@@snakyjake9idk this seems too small enough of a change to do much. Through out all the loadouts I see at the aftermath of fights it’s already like that, they’ll usually have 1 or 2 rolls that are attractive and let the last roll just be whatever, bad or good because they already their stats they’re looking for on the first or two rolls
@ven8107 8 күн бұрын
@@snakyjake9 Well that is just HR only of course. Ultimately it would change very little I agree
@Hansdaddyslim 9 күн бұрын
Update: he's clarified that he wants base kit ttk to be lower not geared ttk
@Aroused_Milk 9 күн бұрын
You should see all the Timmies raging about that lol Their 25 gs haven is being attacked and they’re crying
@dublinpatterson8200 8 күн бұрын
Base kit and bis kits ttk needs to be longer not shorter . Barb two shots squire kits what the fuck does sdf want one shots ?
@dylanwysocki4406 10 күн бұрын
They better not remove duos
@nxsus5653 6 күн бұрын
In my opinion. Skeletons should die in one shot from most weapons.
@chrisblazer718 10 күн бұрын
From what I've read of SDF's vision, it seems to me that he just wants to copy Escape from Tarkov (EFT) and create a dungeon version of it. In EFT the TTK is extremely short which allows a solo player to kill a full squad if they get the jump on them. EFT also only has one queue (solos, duos and trios all in the same queue). Furthermore, in EFT the guns have no random modifiers, its just a base gun and then you can mod the guns to minor effects. Remind you of anything? In an earlier dev discussion SDF talked about have gems you can socket into weapons to "mod" the weapon.
@chrisblazer718 10 күн бұрын
Also Ironmace has copied a lot of features from Tarkov. For example the marketplace, traders with reputation, insurance system and Arena. This not to say that DND is a copy of Tarkov, it certainly is not; but I feel that SDF took a lot of inspiration for the games vision from Tarkov.
@FireRevontulet 10 күн бұрын
if this is the case I can only see myself leaving the game, I spent 6k hours in Tarkov and I left for a very good reason, it is a toxic wasteland of megachads killing timmies and noobs, with the not so occasional cheater in between
@MrRawrgers 9 күн бұрын
@@FireRevontulet Tarkov is a good game that is ruined by cheaters, one of the best games I've ever played pretty weird that you quit playing because people killed noobs?
@testytea6138 9 күн бұрын
Looks like it took u a long time to leave, the game was good enough
@KEM0N0 9 күн бұрын
Lowering TTK is just going to buff ambush style play again, and mechanical ability and tactics to outplay is going to matter less. Longer TTK gives players time to react and learn during the fight. It makes winning that much more enjoyable when you consistently outplay someone throughout a fight. And when you get consistently outplayed and lose, the loss feels more reasonable.
@Rando_Suave 7 күн бұрын
No duo's = No more d&d
@ike804 10 күн бұрын
Only things im seeing that I explicitly jusy domt like are no duo queue and lower ttk. Duo queue is probably the best way to play the game, and the games TTK is already crazy short if you arent running full PDR or Barb. There definitely needs to be adjustments to combat systems overall before worrying about TTK, just not enough skill expression right now for that to be remain fun.
@terrellsdoomed 10 күн бұрын
Yeah Todd getting excited over potentially getting 1tapped by a fireball is worrying 😂. Bro sounded giddy remembering that like it was a good time 😂😂
@keziah5647 6 күн бұрын
yeah I really don't miss the short TTK and 1-2 taps of the past. I think it's def better than it used to be in that sense
@magictrader999 10 күн бұрын
I see a lot of negativity from the community in this game so I understand not wanting to capitulate... but I don't think making a version of the game that nobody is interested in playing is the answer. I'm a new player so maybe I'm not jaded yet, but I feel like the game is generally amazing aside from some classes being a bit over-tuned (fighter/druid) and the fact that quest progress isn't uniform across all your characters. I genuinely would have no interest in playing a version of this game that had no duos, no GBMM, and no random modifiers on items.
@tphil5901 9 күн бұрын
It needs further gbmm as far as I'm concerned. If your characters.power is nearly purely based on the gear you wear, I don't see it fair that i will be match made against people with full legendary gear while I'm in only a few pieces of blue. Hell I could be in just all green and be against those legendary Chads. One further separation to me seems like a decent start to see how that plays out.
@ven8107 8 күн бұрын
@@tphil5901 Yeah HR needs two GS tiers like non hr.
@ven8107 8 күн бұрын
Fighter can sprint and tank so people think its overtuned when they have 3 rangers, overall no one is caring about them and their current state. They are definitely newb killers though thats for sure. Just need to play them a bit and understand why they are getting you. Druid is nerfed a lot so thats just not a thing
@AirBearGaming 10 күн бұрын
Looool based off what he said I'm not playing once these changes occur
@shu3684 10 күн бұрын
u will stop lying to urself
@PewpewLOLpro 10 күн бұрын
I mean if SDF's future version of the game is even better than now it's good. I enjoy current state tho and especially duos.
@maxhouben1470 8 күн бұрын
Hey we finally agreed on something!!! Literally everything you said about gear etc I exactly feel like this SDF sounds fucking silly at this point, he will have a game that ONLY he will want to play so have fun SDF.....
@drakeaustin12 9 күн бұрын
Tbh, I just want a mostly balanced game. I don't give a shit about random modifiers or most of the things he talked about changing. I just want the game to feel generally balanced, and right now, it's not perfect, but it's decent. When I hear that SDF wants to bring the game closer to his vision, it worries me a little. The thing I want to see changed more than anything is how move speed and kiting works.
@drafman1 9 күн бұрын
duos is the best game mode. removing it is wild
@514Donny 7 күн бұрын
Removing random modifiers is not the key, but removing SOME modifier rolls on items COULD help. Ie: Shadow hoods with magic rolls? Really? Just like in PoE, some items cannot rolls some caster mods and vice versa.
@GreenKnight1294 9 күн бұрын
I think having an incentive to beat people through better pvp skills would potentially overshadow the drive for grinding gear if they removed random stats. When you feel like you outplayed someone it feels way better in my opinion than enjoying killing someone with your BiS gear which took hours to grind and feels even worse to lose. At least your skills stay with you.
@lt1915 9 күн бұрын
I think if they keep random modifiers in, they should definitely add way more tiers of gear score matchmaking. High roller being 275+ is really lame, because for someone that plays semi frequently, it’s hard to break 275 gs. On top of that, you can be facing anything over 275 and it’s super lame to go in and just get rofflestomped by pretty much any other team in the lobby because it’s full of a bunch of nolifers who have 500+ gs. It would disperse the player base a lot but I’d rather get into a lobby with nobody than a bunch of people that 1/2 shot me with their op gear
@michaeldemild6246 9 күн бұрын
Feel like people forget the whole looter shooter genre existed before without random modifiers on gear. Let’s just see what they come up with.
@fuzz3693 8 күн бұрын
I only play with my homie , removing duos is absolutely insane lol
@mis8866 9 күн бұрын
I'll say it once, I'll say it a thousand times, put a weekly lockout ACCOUNT WIDE on bossing. Its literally that simple.
@Aroused_Milk 9 күн бұрын
Lock out from key gameplay and loop? Lmao you’re high
@vorotic9145 9 күн бұрын
Im curious tbh, why not just simplify the random attributes? Like cut them down and tweak the fundamental equations of each stat. Like for example: You can combine true, penetration, additional, and power to just one (or a couple) stat(s)/simplistic equation(s) = +Damage. Im not a developer ofc so im gonna assume that it'll be a challenge, but wouldnt it be easier to control instead of just removing the core fundamental drive of the game? Let me know what yall think
@Desode 10 күн бұрын
The fact that players strip off armor to move faster in the middle of a fight in order to win the fight IS BROKEN. Armor has to become a fundamental and viable part of the game. I just hope in these changes that they use armor in a correct manor to balance one shots and get away from entire fast movement wins 90% of the time.
@Terran0va_Plays 10 күн бұрын
Easy fix. Just like interacting with objects. If you move, it cancels armor equip. You have to be standing still
@TheCal999 10 күн бұрын
​@@Terran0va_Playsas good as this sounds on paper, we all know the player base. Lotta folk will just forgo wearing armour at all over the move speed of not having it and not having to stop to unequip/equip
@Terran0va_Plays 10 күн бұрын
@@TheCal999 then they will have no stats. I see no issue here
@WattsonorSomething 6 күн бұрын
Nah, you see dudes takin they're clothes off in fights all the time. Just got gud bruh 😂😂😂😂
@Desode 6 күн бұрын
@@WattsonorSomething Not in fights with weapons! LMFAO!
@40thievesgaming 10 күн бұрын
Removing duo gameplay will cost the devs players. It will inspire others to join trio games, but eliminating it as an option ruins the game for duo mains. Not everyone wants to fight 3 people at once or to be alone. Making those the only two options is a mistake.
@Mark32866 9 күн бұрын
Never cater to the top 1% of people that's how you kill a game plenty of examples
@pacotacos1234 9 күн бұрын
I think they just need more gear score lobbies. 25-124 is a big difference in what people have and the same goes for 125+ 225+ i know it would split people up more but idk
@primozimo3041 9 күн бұрын
It kinda sounds like they are covering for something, just in case the court case doesn't go well. They can change the game completely and say it was for creative differences not Court mandated.
@chost-059 10 күн бұрын
Making gear less impactful is at the same time good for the games balance and maybe new player retention but also makes playing the game less exciting since loot is worthless and finding items from players is just literally the same meta items every time
@tacticalteamkilling6539 9 күн бұрын
All they have to do is make a hardcore lobby that removes random modifiers from whatever gear you take in. That would make the useless knowledge based gear for non-knowledge classes be useful at least lol
@dylmojeffree9978 9 күн бұрын
We all here for it. We'll see what he wants, just hold the line and our DaD will be here. SDF needs to just drop it, let's be real. This just sounds like whining. Let's see what he means and implement first before complaining
@Im_JustAFish 10 күн бұрын
yippee 50 other people reacted with fish
@poisonddogpoisonddog6212 10 күн бұрын
No gear based match making? Qwhat? That’s gonna make mid seasons unplayable?🤡it’s over, bro shared a vision and it’s over
@lamiahunter 10 күн бұрын
Ah, i can explain the random mod thing. They wanna add sockets like in diablo, so you add gems to your gear and hand tailor it.
@GZ187 10 күн бұрын
Just let us see all the perks before crafting again. Being able to have that perfect piece of gear everytime has also proven to be very unhealthy for the game
@dublinpatterson8200 8 күн бұрын
And what exactly does that fix or solve ? Nothing !!! Common sense yall
@Rikuto01 10 күн бұрын
He wants shorter TTK, not longer TTK. Terry confirmed as much, and its not an idea the playerbase will embrace. The devteam pushed back against that on numerous occasions. It's SDF doing SDF things.
@saint_snow 9 күн бұрын
The devteam did not pushback on that at all. Lol funny enough there was a podcast with Graysun like a few weeks back and he was saying the same stuff SDF is right now. Hell taking it even further saying how he wished they never added bards and such and should have been removed from the game. I'll be honest, I think there's many devs that are internally on board with Sdf's wishes. Seeing as how that was the way they were making the game back in the playtests.
@Rikuto01 9 күн бұрын
@@saint_snow Dev pushback is why they had a "civil war" to begin with during the first year and we saw just whiplash buffs and nerfs happening every two days. All thats happening now is one side conceded that its better for the team to just agree on one vision.
@gladlawson61 10 күн бұрын
It will change as fast as they make change. People will complain and iron mace will capitulate like they always do. Flip flopped on ap in HR. Reverts buffs or debuffs of characters. Always creating a new meta that dominates. Never balanced. Like i bought this game and i feel like its changes drastically season to season. Its exhausting. Might switch to another game if this keeps up. All iron mace does is react to complaints and they dont think about consequences.
@saint_snow 9 күн бұрын
Tbh this is him finally realizing that doesn't work and I'm here for it. Finally having a dev team just make their game instead of flip flopping and bandaid fixing in accordance to their community's wishes is fantastic.
@ItsAbility 9 күн бұрын
No random modifiers would ruin the game
@sandbar_dd 10 күн бұрын
I think the game was the most fun when random modifiers were insane (+weap +phys +true) because you could find a crazy piece of blue gear in any chest, it made you want to actually loot the dungeon. Now it feels watered down, slower, more about being able to take 10 hits rather than not getting hit. With better random modifiers and lower ttk deaths didnt feel as bad because you always had a good chance of snowballing if you were good at the game. If they completely remove random modifiers i truly dont understand how people would want to loot or pvp in a game with combat as simple as dnd. I hope sdf sets the game back in the right direction though
@TheRealKinetic-q1t 9 күн бұрын
No ty I don't like +50 damage rogues and rangers with+20all
@Pnwrat 9 күн бұрын
Sdf needs to sit
@DynaDere 10 күн бұрын
Lowering TTK when it's already so low sounds like absolute ass. And no duos means me and my buddy that have played this game religiously since we dicovered it a year ago are probably gonna quit.
@sidiuska 9 күн бұрын
They must be high, what the hell?
@gevix6384 9 күн бұрын
This game is going to go down 1 of 2 roads, COD or apex legends in terms of pvp. Cods faster ttk rewards position and quick reflexes which can change the tide of a fight dramatically in any position, apex rewards consistency throughout the whole fight and skill expression is pushed to its fullest. Also it’s important to note that a faster ttk, especially if the game takes a more ranged approach will make cheaters stronger.
@dublinpatterson8200 8 күн бұрын
I think I speak for everyone when I say we don’t want a pvp match maker that’s so far from why I love this game if I wanted to pvp where everyone had the same shit I would go play cod or overwatch
@Gadonia112 10 күн бұрын
Finally a rogue buff
@vultrex1839 10 күн бұрын
Removing gear modifiers will remove me from the game. Wtf is the point of the game without gear lol. The arena gear grind has been something that's kept me playing. I hope this is not going to happen
@notmychannelname42 9 күн бұрын
I stopped playing the game because of many reasons. Looting in that game feels like shit and a total waste of time. They should just remove that aspect from the game but that's where you and I differ.
@dublinpatterson8200 8 күн бұрын
@@notmychannelname42if looting in the game feels bad it’s because you don’t know how to properly get gear and not waste your time looting pointless chests
@Arnold-yd8ki 10 күн бұрын
I think the what annoys me the most and why i dont play the game not as often as i used to is because of the movementspeed range kiting meta. Its just frustrating and no fun gameplay for me. I hope they got rid of that somehow in the future.
@cshepard09 9 күн бұрын
i think the problem with gear is alot (maybe even most) dont grind for it. RMT is more rampant than people think, i refuse to believe that most high roller players arent buying kits when gold keys cost 99 cents on g2g. i see way too many full legendary kits, i dont personally want to spend 10k on a kit so i can get killed by an rmt druid with 55 agility, so i welcome the gear changes
@painted_aim573 9 күн бұрын
I think crafted sets should be unlootable and unsellable the base materials are fine but making it so that you can always goblin recovery your gear because crafters won’t let you sell somebody else’s gear to them would be a cool way to address equalizing the gear issue or make it so that you can unlock sets in squire with base materials input or something
@dublinpatterson8200 8 күн бұрын
Why stop their then why not just give everyone equal gear that’s the direction your going in and it makes no sense the whole point is getting gear
@ven8107 8 күн бұрын
@@dublinpatterson8200 Yeah literally "equalizing" the "gear issue" : P
@painted_aim573 5 күн бұрын
@@dublinpatterson8200 you stop there because making gear unlootable just means you don’t get rewarded for killing doesn’t mean I won’t still swat you down in the dungeons lol just means I won’t get your BIS gear set when I do making the entire run basically over for me because extracting with the kit is more valuable than the AP or the chance for higher tier loot I’ll probably do the boss for the floor I’m on but it takes away progression when I can just kill one or two guys throw a slightly off meta set on and roll people In addition to that it kinda just makes sense to make the gear unsellable because it’s was stolen lmfao at the least this would separate the player kills in dungeon into people who had it coming and people who had no shot because they got clipped in a stream I see your point about making gear too accessible this would function as making gear less accessible via player killing or at least preventing them from getting unmitigated profit from this one part of the game . The game isn’t a dungeon crawler rn it’s not the incentive that anybody who wants to progress in the game should focus on. The game rn is a decent pvpve arena battleground with varying sizes of maps. Skill in PVP is king and as far as it seems from the developers standpoint, that wasn’t the intention of the vision of the game. They didn’t want an overwatch without looter mechanics. They wanted a dungeon crawler, they weren’t inspired by league, they were inspired by Diablo. If you wanna get that kind of game you need to be willing to address incentives. Nobody says it has to be a fair fight (lol class balance) but it should at least be a fair market if you want longevity in players from both PvP and pve categories. TLDR Use the market to make people less incentivized to kill one another and make zero mechanical changes and poof all the Timmy’s crying about getting gear checked are suddenly just mad at the guy who killed then not the game for rewarding them for doing it
@CYrageius 9 күн бұрын
I feel like the game suffers from so much other than just gear, like the combat system is not a super fleshed out experience. It usually comes down to a gear diff or a team comp diff or communication diff.
@dublinpatterson8200 8 күн бұрын
I would even go as far as saying the gear is one of the smaller least urgent fundamental gameplay flaws not sure why sdf is so obsessed with it
@notmychannelname42 9 күн бұрын
I decided id take a break from DND for about half a year simply because it took me about 1.5k hours to realize how half-baked the game is. I got a lot of playtime out of it in it's current state but when you notice how bland the combat system is, how unbalanced the pvp is, how bad the maps are, and the pve being far too simple; it just feels like it's not a game you want to get good at cuz there is nothing in the game demanding your skill. But I have faith that they will hammer this stuff out over time. I won't be gone forever SDF, just until the game is more polished. This isn't me beating you down. Sorry if it feels that way :P P.S. Make a dedicated map that is unique to arena already. The random modules with mobs are terrible and kills the only reason i even consider playing the game right now.
@Johnny31323 10 күн бұрын
Battlefield 1 went into the direction of "If everything is overpowered, nothing is overpowered." It doesn't make the game more competitive, instead it makes it way more Casual. Like TF2 for example. Unless you do your own work and make changes that limit classes or something like that, which does happen in Competitive TF2, but not in Battlefield 1.
@Btk780 10 күн бұрын
Removing random modifiers is the dumbest idea i have ever heard and will make so many aspects of the game pointless. If everything is the same what the incentive to play ? If after the next hot fix all the gear I have gathered and crafted is ruined I'm done. It'll b instant uninstall
@terrellsdoomed 10 күн бұрын
They just have to rework gear, not make it useless or barely different between rarities. It’d be cool even to see more PvE modifiers in place of some of the PvP ones. Like maybe they take +physical power away on weapons, but add the possibility of +beast damage, or +undead damage. They could even go the much cooler route of making it useful to have a complete set… say you find 5 pieces that go together and you do like 3 fire damage per melee swing or something. Like it’s not SUPER crazy, and you need a whole set for it to work, BUT it’s still something to grind for
@aimLined 10 күн бұрын
you wont uninstall lol
@jessym8070 10 күн бұрын
We still don’t know what this means. It could possibly be just further limit the amount of randomness from modifiers for equipment . Instead of “useless” rolls there could be a higher chance for “bis” rolls.
@ImJimik 10 күн бұрын
How about start using the gear so that way not have to worry?? lol simple solution
@vaporiffy8530 9 күн бұрын
@@ImJimik maybe because not everyone is dying and needing to use new gear every run
@neph37 9 күн бұрын
no duo is a huge misstake
@nxsus5653 6 күн бұрын
Bring back slayer fighter one tapping rogue
@DokjaTTV 10 күн бұрын
Random modifiers will kill the game
@NotaClassMaster 10 күн бұрын
Nuh uh
@DokjaTTV 10 күн бұрын
@@NotaClassMaster sorry removing them will kill the game
@FireRevontulet 10 күн бұрын
I am personally open to see what they are doing and make my own opinion then, BUT: of all the thing they said, I am seriously worried about this shift towards forcing pvp, for now, in HR. I do not like it one bit, pvp is there, if people want to fight they fight and they will fight, but if people want to be friendly and cooperate I see it as a shitty thing to force them to do otherwise
@BruhDoor 10 күн бұрын
All facts in this video. They cant remove item rolls or the game will die
@NNT 9 күн бұрын
I want to see what the original vision will be, because as things stand now, I just don't feel like this game respects my time. For example, I absolutely hate the quest grind; it just feels bad to put all my effort into finishing the important ones and then it wipes shortly after. So I stopped playing for now
@AWeakPrinny 7 күн бұрын
If everyone can one-shot everyone, then it goes back to the original problem the game had... range will forever dominate the game. Fighters will become the most OP class the game has to offer with their capability to utilize longbows, heavy armor, sprint, and melee prowess. Rangers will be complained about even more than they are. Rogues will get complained about by little Timmy who gets one-shot from out of stealth and then the rest of his team can't catch the Rogue because he won't have any gear besides for a dagger that he can put away so his movespeed is so high you can't touch him. Whether SDF wants to admit it or not, the "everything is broken so nothing is broken" mentality and route for any game is simply unsustainable. You will lose 70+% of your community, because that's how much of the community is made up of players who aren't "hardcore". That's how many people don't sit in their rooms for their entire lives doing nothing but playing video games. Taking away gbmm, having more deterministically broken modifiers on gear, and lowering ttk will literally kill the population of the game. Yes, it will be more fun and more exciting for the ~30% of players that stay... but is that really worth it?
@DoragonNero 10 күн бұрын
Just watch +3 all returning
@bolenarrow9286 9 күн бұрын
Quit this for deadlock like poshy pop. That man knew what was up
@Pnwrat 9 күн бұрын
@Timskee 9 күн бұрын
It’s a completely different game
@LitPrincess789 8 күн бұрын
Personally I don’t play to collect good gear I just think the game is fun removing the rolls won’t lessen how much I’d play the game. I’d play a lot of gear only effected pve
@SadBoyFN 10 күн бұрын
does no one feel like getting one shot from full or doing 70% from a ranged crossbow attack takes away outplaying lol. everyones just playing one in the chamber not fun and people are to good with mechanics now for that to be a thing people already hit 60-70% of shots imagine u go through a door and theres a 60-70% a fighter hits a shot and one shots u in a 10k kit. not fun
@tillercaesar-kq4ou 9 күн бұрын
What is plus all attributes
@mrak8699 10 күн бұрын
Get some nasal spray brother
@yolover111 9 күн бұрын
100k PT, 60k BS launch. Boah if you would have told me those specially the 100k time, was gonna be the best peak darkness, god i would have played more, if possible. Wow how far the line the held tho
@johannesh.6142 10 күн бұрын
Todd is by far the worst DaD creator.
@LVOskarliNE 10 күн бұрын
as always another sdf L, guy just needs to let go of lead position and give it to someone else who has maby better vision to what plays best and what players would enjoy
@terrellsdoomed 10 күн бұрын
Like Terrence?
@LVOskarliNE 10 күн бұрын
@@terrellsdoomed well terrance was the one who wanted longer ttk where one or 2 shotting players would not be possible, i would like that better yeah
@GZ187 10 күн бұрын
Been saying this for a long ass time. A good leader knows when to step down
@TheRealKinetic-q1t 9 күн бұрын
SDF will kill off his play test community doing these changes
@terrellsdoomed 9 күн бұрын
@@TheRealKinetic-q1t Terrence is just 10x more tapped into the issues of the game and the community
@xenird 10 күн бұрын
Everyone I play with will quit dark and darker if they remove duo
@vincentvillanueva6081 10 күн бұрын
I see your point. But have to disagree. We play this game for kills at the end of the day. Like you said the majority of us are just average Joe's. I would take a few games of decent kills over 10 deaths to finally get a BIS wep that i will surely lose next game lol
@dtharve 9 күн бұрын
All I play is duos 😢. And 1 shot kills sounds dumb. Not much skill expression, sounds like it will encourage camping.
@Aroused_Milk 9 күн бұрын
I only duo when I want an easy life at the troll No one does troll in duos
@andrewg3196 10 күн бұрын
Yeah been saying all this stuff for a while but people like spudhunter would always complain about gear disparity and ttk and the circle and now the game is a clown show chasing people around for literal 10 minute fights that are just frustrating and annoying and if you finally kill them looting is not even exciting because gear is blah anyway.
@tobiasgerdes7897 9 күн бұрын
Man... I'm kinda scared about the way they want to go with this game. Removing duos sounds just stupid. What is the reason behind it? Second thing, one shotting everything sounds horrible to me. Yeah if everything is broken, nothing is broken but is that really what we want? The " I one shotted u first" kind of gameplay? Idk to be honest. It just sounds anti fun to get one hit and ur kit, ur progress is just gone..
@al9ksenpai 9 күн бұрын
Trio is dead, duo is the most popular queue, removing it would be such a fucking troll hahahahah
@Aroused_Milk 9 күн бұрын
You’re wrong lol Trios is where balance is and the true game is Duos is the least needed game mode. Too many people play solos to get rid of solos
@al9ksenpai 9 күн бұрын
@@Aroused_Milk but its dead lol i queue up with homies and we play against the same 6-7 teams over and over in half dead lobbies on the "big" server, while in duos we hardly see the same ppl in the same nigjt
@davidrousseau100 9 күн бұрын
Lower ttk is so dumb
@kylemahnken222 8 күн бұрын
ngl these changes are cheeks
@BoosterShowdown 9 күн бұрын
I hope they at least keep solo Q. Especially considering half the player base ( which is super low ) is Chinese RMT'ers, Why would you make the game worse and lower the amount of genuine players ?..... This obsession with "OmG wE wAnT a HaRdCoRe GaMe" Is just weird af. Prioritise a fun experience not a hard experience. At this point im convinced the company is sick of updating the game and they are actively trying to just kill their own product so they can start a new one.
@JustFishBait 9 күн бұрын
Chinese RMT are probably more than just half the player base lmao
@viktor1master 10 күн бұрын
Rip game
@MakivPoli5592 10 күн бұрын
What GBMM mean?
@kalebschmidt6363 10 күн бұрын
Gear based match making - there are tiers in the game based on your gear score - 0-25 25-124 and 125+ are the tiers I believe
@dawnbreakerii204 10 күн бұрын
First of all, just because they're removing random modifiers doesnt mean their wont be any extra modifiers, maybe they will always be the same thing. Second I understand that you and lots of people only play this game just for "gear" but there are a LOT of players who play to level up, explore, fight mobs, and enjoy some PVP too. The game doesnt HAVE to be all about gear dude. It's supposed to be a dungeon crawler RPG, not "hee hee BIS BIS hee hee good drop hee hee gear gear gear". No offense.
@NotaClassMaster 10 күн бұрын
I mean I love this game and I love spending my gold to by farming and killing to get bis. but I can totally see like you get random mods then you can get rare mod gems to change gear stats by like getting the armourer to wipe gear’s random mods. Then using gems to change it to your liking also monster/bosses will drop different gem types
@dawnbreakerii204 9 күн бұрын
@@NotaClassMasterI don't understand what you're saying at all. are you american?
@NotaClassMaster 9 күн бұрын
@@dawnbreakerii204 I’m saying I’m thinking it’s totally possible to have like the diablo gem system and the random mod system coexist
@dawnbreakerii204 9 күн бұрын
@@NotaClassMaster I have never played Diablo my bad
@dublinpatterson8200 8 күн бұрын
⁠@@dawnbreakerii204is your first language English, you respond like it’s your second language 😭, maybe your just bad at texting
@iceman2332 9 күн бұрын
Bruh. Please.
@NikoMoroz 10 күн бұрын
@coltsole8934 9 күн бұрын
week late todd 👎🏼
@dootie3698 10 күн бұрын
they gonna kill this game , removing duo is the biggest thing. removing ways for players to play the game is always a bad thing players base doesnt help either , always complaining about being unbalnced when most of those complaints extremely toxic , i would say it worse the league and that a huge achievemnt could just be followed up what could i done better but nope cope to max gotta be the class that killed me. so that iron mace over nerf/buff things 0 nuance. im fine with more of a more duengon crawler with more pve / with pvp being a special event versus people ignoring all mobs and rushing make the game to meta and trivialises a huge part of the game removing the gear aspect is really bad dont remove the rpg aspect of a duengon crawler
@ragingpureta 10 күн бұрын
No Duos is BS, i'll probably stop playing because of that alone tbh.
@Aroused_Milk 9 күн бұрын
Honestly can’t wait for duos to be deleted Less queues and less rotation Duos is the worst mode anyway
@dublinpatterson8200 8 күн бұрын
That’s why everyone prefers it and it’s the most played mode 😭🤦‍♂️
@Aroused_Milk 8 күн бұрын
@@dublinpatterson8200 it’s not tho lol solos is most played Trios is where balance is Duos is the one we should get rid of to lower amount of queues
@dublinpatterson8200 8 күн бұрын
@@Aroused_Milk nobody thinks trio is balanced lmao
@Aroused_Milk 8 күн бұрын
@@dublinpatterson8200 most balanced Out of the 3 yes it is
@dublinpatterson8200 8 күн бұрын
@@Aroused_Milk absolutely not buddy literally all the top players complain how unbalanced 3s is you can’t even run melee
@Odyssey636 9 күн бұрын
Oof these sound terrible. No duos means me no play. The maps just arent made for trio play in most areas and 3rd parties with 6 to 9 people in a fight isnt what i consider fun.
@testytea6138 9 күн бұрын
You will play. Duo needs to be gone, too much q splitting
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