HUM039 - Virtue Ethics

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Rogelio Valenzuela

Rogelio Valenzuela

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Virtue Ethics by Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas

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@unoamoranto5749 2 жыл бұрын
Amoranto, Juan Miguel A. - B06 After watching the video, I realized that being a virtuous person is very important in creating a better environment for myself and for others. Understanding the concept of virtue ethics will allow us to do the right things for the right reasons, It will help us be more aware of what others see in us when we do certain deeds. Virtue ethics focuses on the person carrying out the action rather than the action itself. This means that an action, no matter its result, if done by a virtuous person is considered right.
@matthewcomendador1387 2 жыл бұрын
Matthew Comendador B12 Faith: with God we can do anything. I was diagnosed to have heart disease since birth. I needed to get an operation but we didn't have enough money. Through faith we always believed that I will be cured and I was. We believe that God granted me healing and so I was given the chance to undergo open heart surgery.It took 15 years but we never lost faith and are forever thankful to God for the gift of life and healing.
@WeebKun11 2 жыл бұрын
Virtue Ethics(A67) In this lesson, I’ve learned a lot. The first thing that comes up in my mind when recalling the topics that Sir discussed is that our ultimate goal or our telos is to have or find true happiness. I’ve realized that it is important to do things that makes you happy, like for example I only care about my grades because for me having good grades will make a person have a better future which made me just study and study and forget to do things that makes me happy. This example is completely wrong since it contradicts our goal of being happy. I’ve also learned that virtue is important like we should do it consistently and as a habit not like when we only feel like doing it because we have to like on occasions where we need to give gifts to others. Also, to be happy is to become virtuous, I’ll always keep that in mind while also remembering that when it comes to being virtuous, it should be balanced just like what’s stated on the golden mean. Lastly, is to practice being a chaste person because doing bad habits can lead to evil desires and the final one is to always be faithful to God. Yes, our ultimate goal is to be happy but as a catholic, I will prioritize God first cause with God, we can do everything.
@oni4039 2 жыл бұрын
Salialam, Gabriel (B06) It is also noteworthy for us to point out how different philosophers had different ideas about the world. Consequently, it is therefore imperative for us to accept how several ideologies may still be acceptable despite having one theme.
@chelseatianes6364 2 жыл бұрын
MA. CHELSEA D TIANES - B12 This has allowed me to be reminded to always put a smile of happiness through being humble, chasteness, obedience, faith and love. It is indeed a choice to still choose to be humble in all the things we are achiveing,. Chosing to always fight away from temptations for God wanted us to be pure. The choice of obedience as a student, a daughter, and citizen. The faith in our selves especially to God that whenever struggles come we are going to make it through Him. And of course the love we have for one another. Within these virtues we can indeed put a natural smile in our faces.
@JRJocs 2 жыл бұрын
John Rafael Jocson-A97 After watching the video, I could tell that I still have a lot to learn about virtue ethics. The video brings up the question "what is happiness?" for Aristotle, it was being virtuous and receiving the feeling of Eudaimonia, and for St. Thomas the one who will provide you that feeling of bliss would be God. While I commend St. Thomas for his devotion and love for God I believe that you, yourself as a person should also strive to improve and learn how to love yourself, after all, happiness is subjective, one person might be happy from one thing but another person may find that uninteresting. The complex behavior of us humans are really difficult to pinpoint, but this lesson has definitely given answers to some questions that I otherwise wouldn't have thought of asking myself.
@TastefullyBuiltTV 2 жыл бұрын
Pio Noah Arsenio (A97) As someone who serves every sunday for 7 consecutive years as an instrumentalist, I can say that the presence of God may be with me in my daily life. God as my refuge has been my only strength to go on and continue to love.
@gabrielganza407 2 жыл бұрын
Ganza, Gabriel M. B37 I've learned How does a person react to a virtuous deed, and how does one measure a virtuous act. It also taught me how to practice ethics, how to apply it in the actual world, and how to carry and promote the philosophical views of our late philosophers. I also learned that ethics pinpoints the type of person you are
@lawrencecabatac8009 2 жыл бұрын
Lawrence Cabatac B86 This lesson taught me how important virtue is and that following it's practices will help me grow into a better person. Practicing virtue is one of the keys to achieve happiness, as how Aristotle described virtue, we can reach minor states of happiness through money, power, or fame. But eudaimonia, "the ultimate happiness" can only be reached though the practice of virtue. Practicing virtue can be difficult sometimes but if we can apply virtue to our daily lives, we can make positive changes in our lives.
@jmdumapit3582 2 жыл бұрын
Joseph Marxlen A. Dumapit B12 From watching this video, I have learned to be aware of the things I do if it will be helping me for the future. Also that virtue takes time, it needs hardwork and patience.
@idysssoliven3123 2 жыл бұрын
Idyss Keziah Q. Soliven (A49) 'What sort of person ought I to be?' It is the question which I reflected upon as I study this lesson. Knowing what a virtuous person really means, it made me realize that in order for me to be considered as a good person, I should take good actions as a form of habit. Not just doing it when I feel like it or doing it occationally. Nor does doing something good because I was obliged to do so. In order for me to be called as a "good person", I should always do good deeds regardless of the situation and to have a balance viewpoint towards other people. Aside from that, I have also learned that in order for me to achieve happiness, I should help other people and do good unto them. Because like a mirror, good things would also be reflected upon me if I do so. Also, being good to them would made all of us achieve a happy life.
@ashvoloso4259 2 жыл бұрын
In this lesson, I learned that Virtues are significant since they are the fundamental attributes required for our wellbeing. Being a virtuous person is someone who possesses virtues and lives by them sometimes it might be hard upholding your virtue but if we do it or practice it every day then I won’t be that hard. Furthermore, a virtuous behavior is the action that a virtuous person would take in the identical situation. Also, I believe that all created things have its beginning and an end. There’s no such thing as permanent here on earth, so we have to live our now life with happiness and virtue.
@angelocangao9864 2 жыл бұрын
Angelo Cangao I learned from this lesson that we should act out of genuine thoughtfulness for others not merely for the sake of politeness in order to attain happiness and peace. These virtuous acts and ideals can assist us in gaining a good and happy life in every constant change a person could experience.
@davecuryos52 2 жыл бұрын
This lesson has taught me that I must constantly strive to have/practice virtue values, as this will represent/assist me in shaping my character and maintaining a balanced flow of knowledge and information. Virtue is one of the most important aspects of achieving the happiness and peace of mind that we seek. It emphasizes the formation of habits that promote human greatness and happiness, as well as the fact that I must constantly employ virtue ideals in order to practice being kind, humble, respectful, and resourceful, among other things.
@Zeta_1423 2 жыл бұрын
John Paolo C Francia- A37 I personally agree to the idea of Aristotle, that the ultimate of man is to be happy. Regardless what status people have in this world, their goal in life is to be happy like everyone else. I also have happiness as my ultimate goal. This can be seen as me studying in college. I study and try to graduate college so that I can be able to achieve the things I wanted in life. If I am able to graduate and get a job to support myself, I can finally achieve my happiness. People may have different meaning for what makes them happy, but everyone still have happiness as their ultimate goal in life.
@rei_KY 2 жыл бұрын
Kriztoffer Rei G. Manuntag A97 My takeaway from this lecture is that having virtues can help us choose practical decisions that can help us in the long run. Even as simple as being humble can help a person improve their skill. A part of the lecture reminded me of something I've read once before about the Dunning-Kruger effect where a person believes that they're more capable than they really are, and one of the reasons why is that they're clouded by their own pride that they cannot see they're own faults thus they tend to overestimate themselves and as a result they don't tend to find ways to improve because they think they're skilled enough.
@kimmmsolis7752 2 жыл бұрын
Solis, Kim Kerwin L. (B12) I learned in this lesson that practicing or learning values of virtue can help me shape my life and character. This helps me to ease my overthinking and being anxious every night. The information of this video gave me a new entire path on what I am going to do with my life.
@stawbewwy_mlk 2 жыл бұрын
Yzellah Belle De Alday - A49 I learned from Virtue Ethics that it is not hard to be an ethical person. Both Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas have the same but also different interpretations. But both comes down to the idea that being a good person would make that person’s life easier. Doing good actions and practicing on keeping doing them is what will help you have a good life.
@TastefullyBuiltTV 2 жыл бұрын
Pio Noah Arsenio (A97) Being habitual without rational thinking but only the consideration for the welfare of other's speak of one's self of being selfless, in which the world lacks, knowing that especially in our country's current economic climate, makes it understandable for people to become selfish. This discussion urged me to become selfless and live a loving life to understand people more than what they show externally.
@francecoley4987 2 жыл бұрын
< Francine Ongteco A49 > Virtues are significant since they are the fundamental attributes required for our health and pleasure. It will lead to improved communication, understanding, and acceptance between us and our fellow man if we recognize the value of virtues in our life. I learned that virtue and manners serves as a guide for us to be civilized people.
@mawieyelle4274 2 жыл бұрын
I think that virtue, as one of the values that are most protected by this school, is something that we must all practice. This lesson really broadened up my mind to this idea and I realized that it is what I need to do. Everyone needs to practice this and make it permanent in their system because this is one of the most easiest to accomplish when you are trying to better yourself and one of the significant steps upon becoming your goal self. This lesson really brought this movement to my attention and I will start my journey into becoming virtous today onwards. Marielle Maloloy-on - A49
@tenzo4913 2 жыл бұрын
Christian Deocera (Section - B12) After this video lesson, I have been looking into myself more. Having virtue means that I have been close to my goals and these goals of mine shaped my character to be who I am today. I am happy that I have been following the golden mean. Being in the middle is always my favorite. When everything is balance nobody is getting stepped on and I feel happy and comfortable living my life. Aristotle managed to philosophize the very meaning of having virtues ethics for me. Having to live with the golden mean as a virtue really helps me to be a more better person for other people to live with.
@lemyerrosales791 2 жыл бұрын
This lesson taught me various values that could lead to happiness. Because a person's virtues help shape his or her character, virtuous acts must be performed on a consistent basis until they become a habit. Humility, chastity, obedience, faith, and love are the cardinal values that will help a person achieve true happiness. Personally, the values that struck me the most were humility and love. Humility, because it allows me to see things from a different perspective, and that I should keep my feet on the ground. Love, because it embodies the purest intentions a person can have.
@dinalcantara7309 2 жыл бұрын
As a reflection from what I have learned from the discussion, I have realized that for a person being able to always have and practice ethical virtues, it will be a huge factor and a steppingstone that will lead oneself into living well and be happy in their life. It would be of one’s great quality to be always kind and helpful to others may it be with our fellow humans especially with our family and friends, animals, and the nature, but not in a way that others will use and take advantage of you to achieve their specific goal and meet their needs in life without gratitude and to the point that they were abusing you and will make yourself feel bad. All these of course, and with the help of other characteristics such as having humility in communicating and connecting to others for a good purpose when it comes to learning and living life, practicing obedience while knowing and acknowledging one’s own wrong doing accepting that they are at fault and should correct it, and having strong faith will be great to have in being able to live a good and happy life, and be able to connect oneself not just physically but also spiritually to the others and the world. -GERALDINE D. ALCANTARA (SECTION B36)
@ohanaheugenio5756 2 жыл бұрын
Niña Ohanah P. Eugenio (B97) I learned that Eudaimonia is not easy to achieve. As we follow the cardinal virtues it can be tough, but nothing comes easy especially when talking about happiness. We should make it into a habit and once you push through it and really learn to value these virtues, you may eventually achieve the telos.
@robinbryanligutan8659 2 жыл бұрын
Robin Bryan Ligutan (B37) I strongly agree with St. Thomas Aquinas that happiness and good life are not the same as being rich, etc. There are many ways to be happy and that is not on just becoming plenty of money. Some people are happy whenever they see their family, entertaining themselves by playing with others, parents that are seeing their child smiling, and many more ways. As St. Aquinas said, happiness is about becoming virtuous. It is about on how we trust God in order for us to be happy. Rich people is not always happy, they have problems too. So that is the reason why I strongly agree with St. Thomas Aquinas that good life are not the same as being rich.
@reoja9778 2 жыл бұрын
AVILA, RIO (B06) Through this lesson, I was able to discern Aristotle's true meaning of Eudaimonia as 'happiness.' This happiness is different from what we depict as happiness these days which is similar to momentary feeling and something in the realm of hedonism. Aristotle's concept is more holistic and has far more depth to it for he established virtue and reason as prerequisites for this pursuit. Personally, I aim for a eudaimonic life where I can live with meaning and purpose while on the journey of fulfilling my potential.
@lj2535 2 жыл бұрын
Lewmorc James F. Bitangcor (B12) The lesson made me reflect about my actions and if I embody some virtues. I often caught myself doing actions that directly benefit me greatly or little. I often turn down virtuous actions if I have to sacrifice something. Most often the people I have done virtues actions towards are the people I know or connected to me. Of course not all I do is for selfish desires, but like in the lesson said, I am not consistent enough in doings these things and I should work on being more consistent.
@mikeronnietulio3752 2 жыл бұрын
Mike Ronnie Tulio (A49) As we grow in life, certain aspects could be crucial in affecting the people that we deal with everyday in our lives. We as an individuals, should practice doing good to maximum at different circumstances, because I do believe that being virtuous and kind to someone can also be good to you. In that way, even if the person that we do good things doesn't be nice sometimes, we can somehow learn and adjust things for yourself that can also improve the self. I agree that, virtue should be understood as being a habit. It should be something that has shaped one’s character through constant and consistent virtuous act. Virtues are significant since they are the fundamental characteristics required for us. Recognizing the value of virtues in our life will lead to improved interaction, understanding, and acceptance between us and people around us.
@rhenzvaldez8315 2 жыл бұрын
RHENZ VALDEZ (A49) I have learned through this video is that for one to have the option to be simply the best version of themselves, ethics is the key and ought to consistently be polished. I realized that neither of us is born good nor evil but a neutral being and people just choose what they want based on their intentions or what they want in order to be happy. Happiness is also not about having a lot of money or being wealthy but being happy and having peace in life.
@matpacete5991 2 жыл бұрын
Jan Mathew A. Pacete (A49) Throughout this lesson, I’ve learned that Virtue ethics enables individuals to build significant personal and interpersonal relationships that are necessary for a fulfilling life. You must have understanding, be wised on your decision for the good will and reaason, and choose them from a great character, in accordance with who you are. I believe that you must make a conscious effort to do nice things for the correct reasons on a regular basis. A person who has developed virtues will be surely inclined to act in ways that are morally correct as the ethical person is the good individua, which should be us. I also learned and love the concept of Eudaimonia, which portray as the difficult goal to reach. It might be difficult to follow the cardinal virtues, but nothing worthwhile comes easily, especially when it comes to happiness. We should make it a habit, and if you persevere and truly learn to love these qualities, you might be able to accomplish the goal itself.
@airajoycegaso7554 2 жыл бұрын
I learned that Virtue Ethics focuses on the type of person that we are on the inside. Who we are on the inside will help us make righteous decisions, regardless of the circumstances. Ethics focused on virtue encourages us to develop good traits and get rid of the bad ones. Virtue comes from character and practice. I figured that I should instead focus on a much simpler picture: what kind of person do I want to be? Aira Joyce Gaso - B97
@reyouwelljoseph507 2 жыл бұрын
Reuel Joseph B. Manalang - B97 This lesson made me reflect to who am I as a person, if I'm practicing what my parents taught me about virtue back when I was a child. Then again through the teachings of Sir Rogelio, I was reminded about the wonderful things Virtue can do to one's life and that I should practice virtue all the time, in order for me to have a happy, contented and good life. Through virtue we can affect others also creating a great environment and little by little making the world a better place.
@sunkai8851 2 жыл бұрын
JOHN AIRWIN MERCADO (A97) What I learned from this lesson is that "Virtue Ethics" when practiced can make us into the best version of ourselves. we shape ourselves to our life decisions everyday and practicing good virtue and promoting selfless happiness can make us become good and better people.
@jeanpaulmanapat146 2 жыл бұрын
Jean Paul Manapat - A49 This video made me realize that virtue is one of the components in life that balances one's well-being. It helps us practice our morals, generosity, honesty, and other good habits. With the help of this video, It will allow other people to learn more about virtue ethics, thus, enable them to change how they live their lives. Likewise, it will also help us in building a good character for ourselves.
@markmichaelcandelaria1983 2 жыл бұрын
Mark Michael Candelaria, B06 From watching the lesson, I have learned that what we think and do virtuously would reflect on how we would appreciate the true meaning of happiness. It could affect to the things we would do in the future and our goals as humans.
@seanadrianternate8852 2 жыл бұрын
Sean Adrian O. Ternate (A49) What did I learn from this lesson, exactly? Virtuous Ethics is the idea that our character traits should be viewed as virtues that can influence our personality through constant and stable acts of victory, and how they might affect a person. It can also make us constantly rethink our behavior in light of the possibility that it might harm others. However, after what I learnt in this lesson, I've noticed that even while the modest things we made for them might make other people happy and result in good acts, even though we often make mistakes that cause other people to be unhappy.
@rzkvmedia4903 2 жыл бұрын
Garcia, Petriz (A49) This video about virtues and ethics have thought me the importance of our views in life and the importance of the action we take that would heavily reflects to us, virtues are the template we use to put our life in a better place.
@jakepaloma8868 2 жыл бұрын
I learned in the video that virtue is an important component of life that should be cultivated in order to better form ourselves. When we practice virtue even when no one is looking, it becomes habitual rather than forced. Being virtuous involves being morally right in numerous situations, and it has a significant impact on one's mental condition. Jake Lawrence S. Paloma B37
@jeffmolina9470 2 жыл бұрын
Jesse Floyd B. Molina - B54 This lesson has made me realize the importance of how we see life and the actions we do that reflect on us. Especially in today’s world, many people look good because of the words that came out of their mouth but in reality they can not practice what they preach. Also, virtue alone can help us with our well being and happiness in life.
@emmanuelticzon6220 2 жыл бұрын
Ticzon, Emmanuel P. (A49) Through this lesson i was able to understand more the point of St. Thomas Aquinas, His teachings have reminded me the duty as a fellow human being and as a fellow catholic in faith. He has also reminded me the cardinal virtues that i must uphold especially on the little things that i have been doing, since the little things is where habits come from.
@airaelliezelsaddoy6960 2 жыл бұрын
Virtue Ethics - Saddoy, Aira Elliezel P. - B37 Right from the start, the lesson has made an impact on me. I have known the term "virtue" for many years but in this lesson, I have learned that in order to be called virtuous, we must practice good actions at all times. In short, doing good actions must be a habit. In addition, we all have our own ultimate goal and in order to achieve this, we must start doing the necessary steps now (not later or in the future). We should start building our character little by little but continuously because there is nothing that can be achieved in an instant. Furthermore, to stay virtuous, everything must be in balance. There must be no room for any deficiency and excess. We can be kind and happy at the same time and this feeling is more fulfilling. Most importantly, having a strong relationship with God can help us achieve true happiness along with good traits such as humility and obedience.
@rev-wr8ny 2 жыл бұрын
Virtue Ethics I learned in Virtue ethics that being able to develop and promote the habitual virtous acts is extremely important. this habit will bit by bit make us grow as a person whether if you're a good person or a bad person as long as you continuously do virtous acts it will make you better than the person you are before. Aristotle's "Golden Mean" that says we should find a balance between two extremes, Once we find that balance it will make us grow as a more virtuos person where we can balance things and do things the right and moral way despite being in a very very difficult situation.
@aacenteno4886 2 жыл бұрын
Centeno Anna Aila B (A97) I learned that virtue helps us to grow as humans, allowing us to become better and stronger individuals. I also learned that happiness is more important than other people's opinions, so stay the person you want to be.
@armanmickaelmiranda6709 2 жыл бұрын
Miranda, Arman Mickael D. A49 This subject taught me how important ethics was, how does a certain person react and how does a person measure a virtuous act? It also taught me how to practice ethics, how to applied it in the real world, carrying with me the philosophical views of our late philosophers and spreading their knowledge.
@annlorainebanzon4114 2 жыл бұрын
Ann Loraine M. Banzon, B97 Understanding what it means to be a virtuous human being is encouraged by virtue ethics. Furthermore, it provides us with a direction for conducting our lives without providing us with particular guidelines for resolving ethical quandaries. Virtues are significant since they are the fundamental attributes required for our pleasure and well-being. Recognizing the value of virtues in our life will result in improved communication, understanding, and acceptance between us and our fellow man.
@kenburgos1446 2 жыл бұрын
This subject has taught me that I should make a consistent effort to practice righteousness values, as this will address me in building my personality and maintaining balanced information. Righteousness is probably the most important aspect of reaching fulfillment and the peaceful mind that we desire. It emphasizes the growth of characteristics that support human importance and fulfillment, as well as the need for me to maintain ethical standards in order to work on being friendly, humble, mindful, and innovative, among other things.
@austinsoriano4887 2 жыл бұрын
In this topic, It reminds how important to be faithful, it thought me how I can be more virtous person. I can be a virtous person not just by doing good things to other people around me, but it just by putting God first in all of the things I do, that is how I can attain the true happiness. I believe in Thomas Aquinas that if I have learned all the cardinal virtues I can achieve true happiness. We can practice this by doing this everyday it is very important to make virtue a habit. Austin Soriano, B86.
@kharylekhaye3474 2 жыл бұрын
KHARYLE KHAYE BOHOL (B37) This lesson somehow is an eye opener for us/everyone that learning values of virtue is really essential. We need to shape are own character because would do that for us but only ourselves.
@velky_reeds 2 жыл бұрын
KYLE VINCENT REGENCIA (B97) What I learned from the ethics of virtue is that under the same conditions, an action is only right if it would be performed by a virtuous man with virtue. And virtue is a moral quality that a person must have in order to make your life a prosperous one.
@sophiagrefaldo4427 2 жыл бұрын
I learn that virtue is one of the qualities that will make a person live well. Also, cardinal virtue leads to happiness. According to Aristotle, “It is easy to perform a good action, but not easy to acquire a settled habit of performing such actions.” We can indeed do a good action, but becoming a habit is hard. But, even if it is hard, we need to try to practice it. Humility, Chastity, Obedience, Faith, and Love are cardinal virtues that lead to happiness. If we apply this to our life, we can achieve happiness and have to live well in life.
@russeljaycruz5293 2 жыл бұрын
Russel Jay Cruz (B36) I learned from this video that virtue help us to reflect I had done in my whole life, It help me to reflect on my early years and the lessons that my parents and instructors established in me. It is also helped to mold my character into the person I am now.
@cyanraven7916 2 жыл бұрын
ethics is a life lesson It made me realize a lot of things in life. we need virtue in our everyday decisions in our life even if you achieve great things in life its important to keep your feet on the ground and don't forget who helped you to get there. virtue is one of the things for you to be able to find happiness and peace of mind that we all need. to achieve it you have to be consistently respectful, humble and apply kindness in any aspect of situation. all these habits may develop thru time. as long as we are young we must continue to do the right things though we only live once we must continue to be happy and don't take things negatively so we may continue to live our lives peacefully.
@bunnniel 2 жыл бұрын
Ariel Daniel E. Platon A37 This lesson taught me that it is important to appreciate the small things in life in order to discover true happiness.
@fourthdalisay2542 2 жыл бұрын
Ricky M. Dalisay IV (B86) After watching this lesson, I learned that to be virtuous is not defined by making one virtuous act but by consistently practicing it in our everyday life, because that is how we will show that morality and virtue are really in our character through and through. An example of this is choosing good actions all the time and having the purest intentions. At my age, being a student to be a morally strong person I need to practice good traits right now by studying hard, knowing my responsibilities, and listening to wiser people for me to grow as a well-mannered, smart, wise, and virtuous man.
@michaelamistoso9188 2 жыл бұрын
MICHAEL AMISTOSO - B97 I learned in this lesson that happiness is not about the wealth but it is about your virtue and happiness in life. I think this kind of ideology or philosophy was similar to mine since I want to live a simple, morally right, and successful life. Even if I want a successful life since I want comfort when I grow up and when I am successful I can say that I have fully fulfilled my life. Which I think is as long as you got your success in a morally right way and never let greed take over you, you have fulfilled a happy life. Also, I think freedom is important for someone's happiness but not in the way where you affect other's life. Due to the the reason that it opposes the morally right philosophy we are aiming when we failed to put a boundary or limit in our freedom. For me a peaceful life is also important to fully prove that I have lived a morally right life away from any wrong doings that affects other people.
@annalizaexconde2076 2 жыл бұрын
Annaliza Exconde (A37) Importance of having a good characteristic. Having a good character reflects to your personality which attracts other people. Developing a sense of loyalty and attachment towards other people. Good character will assist you to accomplish difficult goals and responsibilities. It also builds the trust needed for success.
@oni4039 2 жыл бұрын
Salialam, Gabriel (B06) The lesson made me ponder on the currrent virtues I hold dearly in my life. It questioned me whether such values are still applicable at this point in time. I such, I have reflected upon myself on how important it is for us to ground ourselves with the right values and principles in life. In this way, we are able to remain well-guided and directed. A man whose values are not at par is deemed to fail in life for he does not have anything to guide him in becoming a better person and maximizing his full potential.
@chanot5004 2 жыл бұрын
Richan Louie D. Loria (B97) Since I'm turning 21 next year this lesson really helped me to look at the world more wisely. The one thing that got my attention is "the cardinal values that will lead to happiness". Now I have more appreciation for the five of them especially chastity. Even in my younger days, I learned to stay away from temptations offered by other people around me. And I'm really happy that I did because it's for my own sake. I still have a lot to learn and a lot to discover. I gladly accept the adventures which lie ahead of me.
@raymondmanicad1272 2 жыл бұрын
RAYMOND CABASAC (B86) I learned from this video that being virtious plays an important role to every human in the society. Pure intentions makes an action "good", always choose good traits that will make you who you are as a person. In short do good and it will come back to you and that is what we call good karma.
@jegjegjeg 2 жыл бұрын
Venick Leanne M. Marasigan HUM039 - B12 I have learned thru this lesson that for one to be able to be the best versions of themselves, virtues is the key and should always be practiced. Money, wealth, fame is an illusion that makes you think that they are the key to a happy life, but in reality, doing good and being the good that the world needs is the actual happiness.
@maureenanbulatao4945 2 жыл бұрын
This lesson has taught me that practicing and developing a habit of using basic ethics and virtues will improve my conduct and character. We humans are creatures of habit, so I hope that over time, I will be able to incorporate these practices into my thinking and behavior. Maureen Anne Bulatao - B12
@davidvarela5293 2 жыл бұрын
Dale David P. Varela - A97 Without basic application of morality or virtue in our daily lives it can have negative effects to ourselves and to the people we interact. I realized that I need to think outside the box whether I make actions or respond to a particular situation that other people be affected, there will be always a reason and a right way to deal with that. I learned that I do not need to engage or react immediately if I don't know the whole thing.
@axiedelacruz4723 2 жыл бұрын
Gil Angelo A. Dela Cruz - B37 I have learned that virtue ethics is a wide word encompassing ideas in moral philosophy that emphasize the role of character and virtue rather than fulfilling one's duty or acting in order to get positive results.
@angelrosecomecilla7925 2 жыл бұрын
What a fun and informative discussion! I really connected with the principle of Golden Mean, the balance of extremes. It's important that we know how to keep everything in balance. This is the most effective way to keep yourself grounded, to be able to observe everything around you without being judgmental, or not having a care at all, but to act on a situation based on virtues and not vices. With this discussion, I was able to know and Identify whether my virtues are aligned to have that "balance", which will help me become a more virtuous person.
@joseeduardohernandez3784 2 жыл бұрын
Jose Eduardo M. Hernandez (A37) "It is easy to perform a good action, but not easy to acquire a settled habit of performing such actions." quoted from Aristotle in the lecture. It is difficult to define and identify virtue immediately because it can only be noticed after a long time and from others'. I'm lucky to have grown in a caring family from both sides as well as being the student of wonderful teachers during my elementary days. I was quite stubborn and would mostly do good deeds if there was something like a reward given to me if I did it. However, going over the years would all the words of advice and teaching from both home and school and taking in my observations would I slowly get to realize that good actions can simply just be done for the sake of doing good. The world is cruel enough, there's no reason to add any more to that; we're all a community after all, brothers and sisters doing our best to live our best lives- our Telos- and surviving day to day. I do not know if I can be called virtuous at this point in my life but I'm making sure I'm leading a good path.
@myouniverse0613 2 жыл бұрын
Villena, Keziah - A49 This lesson reminded me of the importance of practicing virtue as a habit. I like the concept of the Golden Mean, where a good balance is important. I should be careful to reflect on my character as a person from time to time, and whether I live consistently in virtue. I should face my fears in life, but not so much as to become reckless with my decisions. I would work hard for my future and for society to thrive, but not without taking time to actually live and enjoy life every day.
@oni4039 2 жыл бұрын
Salialam, Gabriel (B06) I have come to realize how important it is for us to be considerate of our partners too. Indeed, trust and chastity will play a huge role in the development and maintenance of our personal relationships. In this way, we get to appreciate how wonderful it is for us to connect with those who truly care for us. That for me is truly the road of happiness too. I agree with the lesson plan.
@brianbala3304 2 жыл бұрын
Bala, John Brian S. A-45 I learned in this lesson that practicing or learning values of ethicalness can offer assistance me shape my life and character. This makes a difference in me to ease my overthinking and being on edge each night. The data of this video gave me a modern whole way of what I am planning to do with my life. Whether I am great or terrible, and whether I am a high-minded individual. Also, I realize that ethicalness can be a propensity, where you continually and reliably do ethical acts. It may be one of the arrangements to our society's issues, by doing ethicalness acts ceaselessly toward other individuals and ourselves. And I concur with Aristotle on the "Brilliant Cruel," which states that we ought to discover a adjustment between two indecencies or extremes of our ethical character.
@ronsoliman1774 2 жыл бұрын
Ron Abiel Soliman (A37) What I learned from virtue ethics is that in the same conditions , an action is only right if it would be carried out by a virtuous man with virtue . And virtue is a moral quality that a person must possess in order to live well .
@Ecize 2 жыл бұрын
Vincent Ice Sarmiento - A54 My insight from the video, is that the different factors of being human and what makes us human. I learned that we all came from God, God is our divine leader and we are with the mercy of him. The happiness we experience, the blessings we get from our everyday life comes from God. Having a good life comes from living a virtuous life. I learned the various virtues of life that leads to a good life which are humility, chastity, obedience, faith in God, and love from and to our neighbours. This lecture also taught me the value of ethics. Being virtuous on a consistent basis is crucial to become a better and happier person. I believed that living a happy and content life required the fulfillment of a developing range of abilities, encompassing both physical and mental well-being. Everyone needs to practice this and make it permanent in their system because this is one of the most easiest to accomplish when you are trying to better yourself and one of the significant steps upon becoming your goal self. Happiness is, without a doubt, the ultimate goal and meaning of one's life on this planet. Our ability to be joyful is totally dependent on each of us.
@milkurew6147 2 жыл бұрын
@harveyvivas5173 2 жыл бұрын
Vivas Marc Harvey G. As a result of this lesson, I have learned that I have to continuously strive for virtue values, and that this will help me in shaping my character and maintaining a balanced flow of information and knowledge. Virtue is a key factor in achieving happiness and inner tranquility. The book emphasizes the development of habits that contribute to human excellence and happiness, as well as the importance of constantly practicing virtue ideals such as being kind, humble, respectful, and resourceful.
@jessaestrabelacapurihan1776 2 жыл бұрын
JESSA E. CAPURIHAN, B97 I've learned that it is an important factor in shaping an individual's character as well as morality, and it also focuses on issues that emphasize the role of a character as well as aspects of moral philosophy.
@lianyzabellemanalo9710 2 жыл бұрын
Lian Yzabelle J. Manalo - B12 Virtue is something that is not embedded in us overnight but as time passes by, the virtues we have and do are slowly becoming our habit making us who we are and how we act to others today. With this lesson, I was able to assess myself if I practice my virtues or I just store them in my mind and not be able to apply them in my daily life. Also, I have reflected on my attitude in every situation that I have encountered and how I face them.
@Makima.1 2 жыл бұрын
John Luis Velasco (Section - A37) My study of this lesson has caused me to reflect on the virtues that shape my character. I realize why I am doing good. Is it for someone else? or for myself. Virtue is a habit that is habitual because of the good you have done. Our accomplishments and becoming habits will yield the same.
@rvshgmt9906 2 жыл бұрын
Gamet (A37) In this topic virtue ethics, I realized that virtue must be a habit to attain happiness on our right doings. Happiness is not focused on material things but happiness through virtues and pursuing God and His presence on our right deeds. Man’s end goal is to attain happiness on a virtuous life for the betterment of ourselves and our surroundings.
@louieclet9862 2 жыл бұрын
Throughout the lecture, I was reminded to be consistent in performing virtuous acts and to make virtues a habit. I realized that when you have the ability to help people but choose not to, and bad things happen to them, it is your fault. Being a good person should not be conditional, but you must be willing to do so. I've also learned about the Golden Mean. Everything must be in balance for you to live a happy and fulfilling life. Courage must be at the center of it all, with the appropriate level of fear and being scared in the appropriate situation, but not being overly scared. Being extremely brave, but not to the point of recklessness. I've also realized that being too honest can be insulting to others. For example, if you're honest, you should always be mindful of your words because they may be insulting to others. So you should be aware of whether your actions will benefit someone or not. I've also learned that another way to interpret happiness is through the idea of eudaimonia. A life of eudaimonia allows you to test your limits. A eudaimonistic life is filled with the fulfillment of completing what you want to achieve rather than simply giving it to you to make your life easier.
@juliocajucom1276 2 жыл бұрын
Julio Fereiro S. Cajucom (B97) As I watch the video, I learned that virtue is an important aspect in life that should be practiced to shape ourselves better. Practicing virtue even when no one is watching lets us do so out of habit instead of forcing oneself. It also greatly affect the state of one's mind, being virtuous is being morally right in various situations.
@berry2763 2 жыл бұрын
Samuelle Danielle Louise A. Cristobal - B37 I learned in the video that it is important for us to apply virtue to ourselves and made me ponder on how much I applied it in my life. It made me think back to my childhood and how my parents/teachers taught these things to me. Even if I was a quiet child, they made sure to tell me these things so that I don't stray away from the path.
@jbdetorres3067 2 жыл бұрын
This lesson taught me how important ethics was. Whereas we need to learn to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior that sets the standards. It also distinguishes the role/behavior of a character. I have also learned to apply my beliefs of meta-ethical moral relativism to transactions and interactions with others and apply my beliefs of virtue ethics to myself. The starting point is of course self-discipline, which makes consistency possible; consistency makes integrity possible; integrity establishes a reputation; reputation makes it possible for others to trust and respect; thereafter, one will be credible and will be known to have a stable character. John Carlo Benedict Z. De Torres B12
@adrianpaauul 2 жыл бұрын
ADRIAN PAUL HERNANDEZ - A49 From what I’ve learned in this video lecture is that Virtue Ethics focuses on the person rather than the action that occurred, which made me think about who I am and the virtues that shape my character.
@rambutanmalakipre635 2 жыл бұрын
I can reflect to this lecture that I can say the motto of the school which is " excellence and virtue" but then I'm not virtuous myself every time. I realized that Excellence and virtue is not far from each other, what I mean metaphorically is that, Excellence is in the mind and virtue is in the heart. In this lesson, I absorbed that excellence takes place by habit and practice and on the other hand virtue is when having a right attitude toward pain and pleasure. Moreover, I also learned about the golden mean with Aristotle. I decided to be aware on my balance of the two extremes of my moral character. I should be more consistent on doing virtuous actions in my daily life. I strongly agree on how Aristotle see happiness as an important part. This is due that I personally ask myself before a decide on a crucial decision if I will be happy or not about this.
@ezekielresurreccion2913 2 жыл бұрын
RESURRECCION, JOHN EZEKIEL A. - A49 I have learned that virtue ethics influences conduct by assisting individuals in making knowledgeable moral decisions that affect how people interact. As a result, their lives will be more fulfilling. Virtue ethics is a moral philosophy that uses what a good or virtuous person would do to make moral judgments.
@alodiem6053 2 жыл бұрын
Crystal Alodie Magtalas B37 This lecture made me realized a lot of things. But there‘s one part that made an impact to me. It is what Aristotle said, that it is easy to perform a good action,but not easy to acquire a settled habit of performing such actions. This made me realized that no matter how we procastinate or dream of something that we wanted to have, if we are not doing anything to achieve then it‘s nothing. I realized that we have to do something every single day to achieve the goals we have set. Not just thinking about claiming the good energy but we have to do an action plan and be consistent with it. Make it a habit and success will come.
@jordanbundoc7089 2 жыл бұрын
Jordan Bundoc (A97) The concept of eudaimonia was introduced to me in this lesson. In fact, this is my personal philosophy. In my personal life, I place a high value on happiness and peace. Eudaimonia is happiness, and I desire it for myself. Another takeaway from this lesson is that humans lack consistent character traits; ethical theories provide a foundation for understanding moral virtues, but action is required to obtain the virtues. Knowing which behaviors confer which moral attributes allows one to pursue morality by putting them into practice on a regular basis. Because excessive pleasures lead to overindulgence, which is wrong, and too much suffering leads to extreme anxiety, which is also wrong, the pursuit of actions is accompanied by joy and pain. As a result, moderation of activities allows one to achieve moral virtues, though deciding what actions to practice and to what extent is difficult.
@denisemoral1507 2 жыл бұрын
Denise Ann L. Moral (Section B97) This lesson has made me reflect on my virtues which shape my character. It made me think about why do I do good deeds. Is it for myself? Is it to impress others? It is to make myself look good? Is this who I really am and how would I act if no one was around? Virtue as a habit is a good practice because our good actions should be consistent all throughout our life. Habits breed consistency. This lesson also introduced me to the concept of eudaimonia. In fact, this is kind of my pholosophy in life. I prioritize happiness and peace in my personal life. Eudaimonia is well-being and I want that for myself.
@nikkarondilla 2 жыл бұрын
RONDILLA, RIA NIKKA L. - A49 Happiness is the only important objective in life. Money can't keep you happy indefinitely. It's only a matter of time. Happiness is defined as being content with what you have.
@rogeliovalenzuela2725 2 жыл бұрын
Guyz write ur reflections here
@gelallames 2 жыл бұрын
In this lesson, I learned about the importance of virtue and making it a habit. By doing our best to instill virtue in our actions, it will eventually come of natural for us and it will define who we are as a person. I also discovered that cardinal virtues such as humility, chastity, obedience, faith, and love will help a person achieve true happiness. I will try my best to remember these values by making them a habit. Angela Mae Llames - A49
@marcopolo9825 2 жыл бұрын
John Marco Licuanan, B37 From this video, I've learned that virtue is a crucial characteristic in life that makes our lives easier because being virtuous also means being a decent person.
@jomeledma4646 2 жыл бұрын
"It is easy to perform a good action, but not easy to acquire a settled habit of performing such actions." - Aristotle I agree with Aristotle because being virtuous starts with our innermost self, but to build our character to be a virtuous person would require a lot of work and effort. It is easy to do the right thing to achieve our eudamonia (happiness), but to constantly work on the process is a bit tricky, especially when the cardinal virtues include humility, chastity, obedience, faith and love. These virtues are rare nowadays due to the constant devolution of humans wherein we focus more on the material things that can be 'flexed' on social media instead of the things that really matters. Overall, for a person to achieve true happiness, one must work on it.
@christinedarnayla9903 2 жыл бұрын
Darnayla, Christine Joy C. (A49) The purpose of this video is to put a few ideas to the test of moral uprightness and the amount of effort it takes to be a decent person from several perspectives. It comprises several approaches connected to Aristotle's uprightness morals' idea of virtue, Aquinas' Christian view of Aristotelian ideals morals, and the philosophical idea of retribution. It doesn't appear that following rules is easy; rather, it appears that being moral entails more than merely adhering to the rules.
@seangaspar3453 2 жыл бұрын
Gaspar, Sean Patrick Ryan HUM039 B36 After this lesson broadened my mind, I realized that this idea is what I need to do. People who practice virtue ethics are more likely to maintain personal and interpersonal connections vital to their well-being. It is important to have the knowledge, consciously choose the acts, and choose them according to your character. Good acts must be deliberately selected for the right reasons. In order to live according to moral principles, one must develop virtues. thank you sir
@lysa_sorandom 2 жыл бұрын
Alysa Marie Blancada, Section A97 Most of the lessons in this lecture video made me rethink who I am. Whether I am good or bad, and whether I am a virtuous person. Also, I realize that virtue can be a habit, where you constantly and consistently do virtuous acts. It could be one of the solutions to our society's problems, by doing virtue acts continuously toward other people and ourselves. And I agree with Aristotle on the "Golden Mean," which states that we should find a balance between two vices or extremes of our moral character. And it could help me and other people who are aware of the golden mean in becoming more virtuous and doing virtuous actions in our daily lives.
@kaseyallasas4398 2 жыл бұрын
I have learned from this video that virue is an important characteristic in life and it makes our life easier because by being virtuous you are being a good person as well Kasey C. Allasas A49
@ethanmarkgarrido3283 2 жыл бұрын
Ethan Mark A. Garrido, Section B36 I've learned from this lesson that being humble can actually help you find happiness. Whether in school or in real-world settings, humility has assisted me in learning new things in life. It aided in my realization that not everything in this world is about me because there are so many other individuals. Even if I am extremely successful, it's crucial to always keep your feet on the ground. Because if you don't, you'll end up in a situation where even your closest friends or family members might hurt you.
@_angelomago 2 жыл бұрын
CARL ANGELO MAGO (B37) I learned in Aristotle's virtue ethics that a person who is virtuous is the sort-of ideal person everyone is aspiring to become and to be around - someone who seems to have mastered the art of being a person. In theory, it can be possible through habits and repeated practice; but in practice it is often rare to see even though its practice is straightforward. For me, I see a virtuous person to be the individual who always know what to say; who can diffuse a tense situation; can deliver tough news gracefully; being confident without being arrogant; brave but not reckless; and generous but never extravagant. I agree with Aristotle when he said "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." It is important to remember that the virtue ethics that we are studying is not the objectively correct stance to judge ethics in the real-world nor measure an individual's goodness, but it is the journey of which we can achieve happiness in life by doing good of which satisfies our human nature.
@lumierelleee 2 жыл бұрын
Krisstine Gabrielle Ceriales - B97 The lesson had helped me challenge and reassess my virtues. I realized throughout the video that those I consider as my virtues are not even part of my habits. Upon realization, I understood that I need to work on making my virtues my habits so that I can fully change and develop my own personality & morals consistently. I also reflected that virtues are not only applied to myself but also to others as we can act against their wrongdoings and we may correct them. I have learned that person's virtues may also reflect their beliefs as well as how they view happiness and its source. As people vary from culture to culture, it is noticeable how we are all different. And yet, our values and virtues should be focused on the happiness of ourselves and others.
@edreirovicc.estebal6506 2 жыл бұрын
Edrei Rovic C. Estebal, A54 The lesson made question my stances in life. The dogmas I held and the mentality that I try to uphold and adhere to, this video made me re-evaluate it. It helped me understand that there's more to life than what I can just comprehend, that life isn't so black and white. It did that by just forcing me to ask myself questions, over and over. Overall, good expirience. 10/10, would think and ask to myself again.
@LigayaTV 2 жыл бұрын
HANNAH JOY PEREDA, (A97) In this lecture, I realized that we need to study virtue and make it a habit. For us, to help our character to develop, and practice our skills.
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