I Got Kicked Off The Table For Sacrificing My Characters To Save Others | Narrated D&D Story

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@thefucknoonegives3999 Жыл бұрын
You've been lucky that they kicked you out. They CLEARLY don't know anything about the difference of in play and out of play.
@SoralTheSol Жыл бұрын
No kidding. That first group does not sound stable and I pretty sure that GM stopped playing with them not long after.
@origaming_plays573 Жыл бұрын
Yup, either that or they have a serious problem of bleeding.
@xtrem5428 Жыл бұрын
Damn, that first story, those players are assholes. If they can't make the difference between the player and the character, they aren't ready for D&D. It's one thing if it had happened again and again, but a player betrayal, with the DM's approval, on the last fight, it's pretty good story.
@drantil Жыл бұрын
so true, they sound like little kids
@SylviaMoonbeam1127 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes bleed really takes over. “Your character (technically) betrayed the party” bled into “you, the player, violated your fellow players’ trust”. Wizard’s player even said she couldn’t have even suggested the idea without risking attack, so I guess 2 1/2 years isn’t enough time to trust people?
@kylel2988 Жыл бұрын
Those other players were a bunch of plebs. Throw away 2.5 years and force the DM to throw them out? Stupid.
@shadenox8164 Жыл бұрын
Not even a betrayal.
@thibni_ Жыл бұрын
I recently joined a group with a Lvl 8 Kobold Artificer. Throughout the creation process, I was left by myself to create my character and was given very minimal directions. Allowing me to create him however I pleased. Learning through discussions with the other ppayers that the DM allowed for Lvl 1 Feats, I realized this game was going to have homebrewed elements and I got excited over the Idea. So, I got to work on this really funky idea that my Kobold was able to have a contract with a Deity to supplement his creations with Magic and have access to a minimal Warlock Cantrip (Homebrew Feat). And so, without getting time to discuss with the DM, I joined the game after 2 weeks. Let me emphasize; 2 weeks. You'll understand where this emphasis comes into play. The first game starts. All is going well, we're all connecting and I feel welcomed in the group. We get through our first fight without a hitch, keeping my secret Weapon in check and not revealing it. Once we got to the Ancient Red Dragon fight, dealing with a horde of Kobold, which was basically my family and friends, I knew the Dragon had to be dealt with no matter what. Here comes the twist; In order to make my move during one of my turns, I mention that I will be using my Warlock cantrip. The DM stops me. "Why do you have that cantrip?" He asks. I respond with the explanation that it comes with a Feat I have access to. Which wasn't homebrewed, as it turns out. In the MIDDLE of the game, forces me to REMOVE the Feat and select another one. I comply, saddened by my current loss of creativity and use for it, but I comply nonetheless. The first session comes to a stop. Following this, I realize I should also expose some of my creation ideas to the DM to see if he'd allowed it. That's where everything turned sour. One of the ideas was exposed to the group to see what they thought about it. It was a very simple mechanism that allowed for Food to be crafted magically and imbued with the equivalent of Spells, basic spells, and even allowed for the craft to go wrong and add flavour to it for RP purposes. After realizing that this DM wasn't going to allow my creations to be done in his game, I realized that having an Artificer in his game was going to be pointless. So, to simplify his story, I offered that my Character would end up dying to the Dragon and I would gladly roll up another character to continue the adventure with the group. Next thing I know, I was blocked and kicked out of the adventure. No discussions to see how we would RP this into the game, no goodbyes, nothing. I was simply removed from the Discord server and was blocked by the DM. I was slightly offended at first for having my ideas shared to the group when they weren't 100% refined yet. But I got really offended when I learned I was kicked & Blocked by the DM. I strongly believe in having purposeful discussions back and forth (me being a DM for my group) between players and DM's and keeping my player's ideas secret until they are ready to reveal their own ideas. But being removed from a Group because what HE allowed in his game was too complicated and never discussed my character creation with me more than "Kobold, Artificer, got it. Here's what I have to offer for story"... That's just cold and heartless. Thankfully, I grabbed my Character and plopped him right in with my Players. They're more than thankful for this and they're all looking forward to having a brand new PC turned NPC join in their adventure as someone they can create Magic Items with and for them over time. ❤
@sadestmage Жыл бұрын
Being a true selfless Hero, not allowed it seems
@FreedomAndPeaceOnly Жыл бұрын
They were probably 🧂extra butthurt 😡 because they turned around and immediately all spammed their heaviest attacks 😏 like predictable tantrum outburst children and could not live it down that the "traitor" expected it, was prepared and got away. Which might also have inflicted another pessimistic fantasy within them. They figured they were just background-dancers for the main-character which many people anxiously fear, because their real self can relate so much to that. 😎
@Workman-rs3sc Жыл бұрын
if i was the DM at the first story's table i would have said, "Cool, sorry to say guys but that is the last campaign im DMing for. YOu guys need to get your head out of your butts since you're confusing make believe with real life." But that would be me. I would like to let them mull over their decision to see if it was the actual right one for them. It sucks but i would try to contact them again if they show a modicum of respect.
@PharaohOfTheDamned Жыл бұрын
@hexxidelux6224 Жыл бұрын
Omgosh this. 10,000% It scares me when people do that. But you meet so many these days and I honestly have no idea why. If the popularity stems from, say, CritRole, then you'd think we would have more modern players who are completely okay with going along with the ride. So how and why do we have so many players who think IC slights are iRL fights? I'm rambling and I'm sorry but I just can't grasp the concept of how these people *think!*
@Workman-rs3sc Жыл бұрын
@Tsunzucchini TzatzikiSan i see. Good thing I don’t see people like those in my life for good reason.
@gelbadayah.sneach579 Жыл бұрын
Same. I would explain how I was complicit in the whole plan and that if the player goes, I must go too for the same reasons. And yeah, they need to be explained the vital core rule if separating player from character. It's not healthy to judge people as if their characters are themselves.
@Tasfarel Жыл бұрын
The reaction of the group in the first storry just made me slam my head against the table. Sure, the player went behind the backs of the other players BUT his character was still working with the group to defeat the enemy and bring the campaign to an end. Should he have checked if it would sit well with the other members of the group? Maybe! But the fact that OP is kicked out because of this without a warning is ridiculous. These are the kind of people who will pretend to be your friend and will leave you behind on the first obstacle. If OP of the first storry had acted like the douche in the second one - i would 100% kicked him (because this guy was just on a power trip spoiling the game for everyone) Especially because OP described a good group dynamic pre-clash they could have told him "Dude we where quite upsad when you did the pact behind our back. We don´t like this kind of secrecy. Promise us to stop playing like this" and everything would have been fine. After all OP did it not to get himself of or for winning D%D
@ashleycook300 Жыл бұрын
Yeah they really should have communicated with the OP. They also should Gabe spoken to OP with the DM, because the DM allowed and even encouraged that whole thing to happen. If they were gonna be like that they did that OP a good service by removing them because clearly that is a shitty group underneath all the fanfare.
@ashleycook300 Жыл бұрын
@zombiie0 Жыл бұрын
As Brain Murphey has said multiple times in Dungeon Court, "You need new friends"
@LoboGuara5bruxaria Жыл бұрын
Well, here is a noew channel for me to explore.
@Chaotix010 Жыл бұрын
I will admit, I do enjoy moments of big twists and betrayal even when it comes down to between the players. The common unfavored excuse of 'it's what my character would do' takes a different tone in a couple of my groups as we do take time to keep the player and character separate from each other. We're roleplayers and storytellers all, which makes for great moments. That being said, we've also come to the agreement that we say from the beginning what is and isn't on the table. A sudden shift in a player's allegiance happened before and it put a bad taste in everyone's mouth, but instead of kicking people out we actually *sat down and talked* about things and included what to expect from the start going forward. "Character relationships are possible." "Characters have some complex backstory, thus it would make sense they make conflicting decisions against the party. Is everyone open to some moments of betrayal?" So forth and so on. Leaving the door open for everyone keeps everyone on the same page, and discussion ahead of time means you don't have to be completely transparent. Having a few secrets are fun, but only when everyone gives consent.
@TalesofTuram Жыл бұрын
I have only told my players 3 rules: Learn to understand out of character versus in character, Dont be an asshole, and of course try not to spotlight hog. My players have played very well and are well aware of betrayal and twists, their have been quite a lot. However there have been very few incidents due to allowing my players to be completely open with their characters, I keep information but inform the party of certain things that might happen or take time to explain it afterwards or have a player explain so that their are no hurt feelings, however if there are we are always open discussion about how to do it better in the future. I feel an open air between players and gm and other players makes for a good story telling space and I also feel you should implement a set of rules before hand or come to an understanding. In all I agree coming to an understanding with your players before hand is a great thing, however there should also be a small list of agreed upon things you all agree too and most importantly you should teach players how to not take things personally out of character. I recently had to kick a player from my games for joining an experimental campaign of my own making which I had laid out the rules and changes before hand, yet they continuously got mad at them or made snarky comments and never wanted to talk. This led to them and I getting into a little argument and I had to kick them from the game, which really sucks to do.
@MarkATorres1989 Жыл бұрын
Communication is key in these games, especially when campaigns go for much longer than just a sort 20ish sessions or so.
@morecringe89 Жыл бұрын
The title should be called "unstable people say nah-uh" LOL
@SylviaMoonbeam1127 Жыл бұрын
You ran with them for 2 1/2 years and their trust in you was shattered so easily? The final “episode” where you outsmarted your party AND the BBEG by draining his power, then teleporting away as to not become a new threat is genuinely genius! As a DM, I would have been proud if one of my players had thought of that. As a player, I would have been so hyped if one of the people finally cracked how to beat the Dracolich. My CHARACTER maybe wouldn’t have liked it, but as a DM or Player I would have loved it. Sounds to me like your nonmagically inclined party mates were jealous that you essentially got to play the “Main Character” of the campaign, though I suppose that’s unavoidable given the context. The fact that your wizard had to keep it a secret and couldn’t even suggest the plan to her party without risking death proves that they didn’t trust you, even after all that time. The Wizard is not to blame, petty jealousy and a lack of trusting you even after 2 1/2 years was… guess they weren’t really your friends after all :/
@Kevin_turner Жыл бұрын
First story was an awesome turn of events. Sad that it actually got them kicked. The second story, person was just a troll
@creepybatgirl Жыл бұрын
Halfway through I realized it’s the second time I’ve heard this story but the twist from the group still makes me mad!
@neock Жыл бұрын
reupload. you had this one posted like 4 videos ago.
@otrjustin Жыл бұрын
I did a betray in a game I was playing in. We started at like lvl 1-2 and went to beyond 20, just to give you a scope of how long this game was. After the first couple of sessions I had an idea for my character to be. In party, she was the healer, taking as many healing feats as she could, like mercy that allowed to change any damage dealing spell into non-lethal for free (this is pathfinder is case anyone is wondering). Most future spell were of the healing kind, regeneration, bring back the dead. She went out of her way to heal as many people as she could. But secretly was amassing an army, taking over heads of state. This is ALL with the DMs approval. Even running one on one sessions with me between normal games to allow me to do this. Told him early on before even knowing what the BBEG was (he didn’t even know then, was making it up as he went along, still a great game) Got to the final boss, even had the boss tell the group they had a traitor in their mist but none of them took him seriously, big battle, I was doing just enough to keep people up not not full. Want them to use all their power on him. He falls, I throw off my disguise and reveal its now my time to take over the world. All the players were shocked about how the healer of all people would o such a thing. I knew I could not take them on so I just teleported away laughing while my armies marched. They could watch in horror as the world they caught to protect turned against them and instead of being hero was seen as villains. At any point someone could detected my alignment and seen I was evil incarnate, just radiating malice and terror but no one ever did so they just trusted my pretty face and shy smile at face value. The players were not happy. I never did anything against them in game until the end, I was the most helpful one, gathering intel, supplies and reinforcements. I gave them no reason not to trust me. Dm had fun, I had fun. Everyone else was having fun until the end Was I the Ahole like the second story?
@masonwheeler6536 Жыл бұрын
Didn't you do that first story recently, like a week or two ago?
@MrDmitriRavenoff Жыл бұрын
The players in the first story suck. Really? Thats an epic conclusion.
@LH0KY Жыл бұрын
Reuploaded. If they got kicked out after 2 and a half years there’s a bit more going on then they say.
@jamescrawford8538 Жыл бұрын
This feels like from your other video when the dm doesn't understand how roleplaying.
@MizuMing Жыл бұрын
5:03 I think the group of role players that kicked out the Op need to learn the difference between in character and out-of-character play. Just because a character decides to do something does not mean that the player is the same way as the character. It's role-playing guys, it's make-believe. If you can't tell the difference between the two, you might be stupid. If I have a pyromaniac character that burns down a village, that doesn't mean that I as the player want to burn things down like a pyromaniac. One is a character and not real and the others me who is nothing like my character. Players need to learn the difference between reality and fiction. There may be something more going on behind the scenes that we don't know about, but all the information we have here is what we were given, so we can't tell for sure. 🤷
@welkiesshitpost7156 Жыл бұрын
One of my friends doesn't like staying with the same character throughout the campaign and would kill off their character for often a better version. It sucked for the while party because they where killing every enemy within 1-2 turns by themselves. Eventually it was 4 people vs 1 trying to kill the last boss. It sucked. My homerule is "if you truly don't like your character, I will use him/her against the party."
@str_brst8979 Жыл бұрын
"outvoted by other players" what a total pushover. he's the god damn DM ffs
@CosmicNebula444 Жыл бұрын
Knew the first story sounded familiar, you did that one a while ago mate lol glad I'm not going crazier
@drantil Жыл бұрын
what the hell is wrong with people?... destroying a friendship over a table game and some role playing? Yeaaaah, I feel you are better off without them.
@flikersprigs5641 Жыл бұрын
for the first story, if I was the GM I wouldn't've voted, I would've asked "are you sure you want to retcon them out of history?" when they replied yes I would've narrated how they fought valiantly but because the wizard didn't sever the connection to the evil god they couldn't defeat the dracolich and were defeated
@HulkTheSurgeon Жыл бұрын
Can actually vibe with the first story. I had a group where I had my favorite character I ever made, packed full of personality and a fun in character group dynamic. Out of character though, one of the players constantly made hate speech and even gave a death threat to me for being of part jewish heritage and autistic, and every time it happened, I told the DM, and he politely asked the player to refrain, and they continued literally the next day to bully, abuse, and threaten me, and this happened over 6 times. Said player later convinced the entire group to think I'm sub human for being autistic, and the DM kicked me out of the group because it was the path of least resistance, despite me being patient and never saying anything rude to anyone once, even when insulted to my face. Really sucks when you find a group like that.
@ДобрыйХаосит-х6ф Жыл бұрын
Morale of the story: don't be metagaming ******, judging people over deeds of their characters. ... I could say more, but do I need do say how wrong to just kick out a player with whom you played FOR TWO YEARS(!) and retcon hes/her character? Though I must ask: did the sender of this story tried to explain WHY that character did it?
@captainschmichael7568 Жыл бұрын
There’s no way that’s the ONLY reason they kicked OP from the group. Gotta be more to it, groups like that wouldn’t last 2.5 years
@Torqegood 10 ай бұрын
So by "erasing history so we beat the dracolich ourselves" they mean "We delete you and then horribly lose the campaign since we had no other out"
@mwhearn1 10 ай бұрын
The difference between the two stories is communication with the DM. Remember it's the DM's game too. Unless you have the OK from the DM, I wouldn't try anything sneaky. Professional RPG players like on Critical Role and Roll 20, constantly tell their DM what their characters plans are.
@Roadvoice Жыл бұрын
Yeah... I had a player like that rogue once... The situation was a little different, but the 3 players and 2 npcs reduced the arrogant traitor to a fine paste in one round. My players were awasome.
@dorianrpg Жыл бұрын
In story 1 this shows the importance of PCK (player character knowledge) if they couldn't set aside their personal feelings because of an in game event, you are better off without them.
@GoldDragon527 Жыл бұрын
The second story is the reason why you as a GM should always know what all your players are doing. Nothing a player does should come as a shock to you unless its some clever thinking in a combat or puzzle. Otherwise, if a player wants to do a betrayal or pull a cool moment you should be aware of it so you can talk with that player wether or not its a good idea and how you can help elevate that moment. Its great to be able to improve when things take a new direction, but if a player suddenly decides 100% go against the party and I was never informed I'm stopping the game right then and there. I love betrayal and corruption stories as a player and I'm always down to help push that narrative forward but I need to know that it is going to happen and determine of that narrative is a good thing for the table.
@DragonElixion Жыл бұрын
First story OP, if ever you read this, I want you to know you can play my table any time, and I'd kick the others before I'd kick you. If they're willing to le the game seep into real life once, then they'd do it again. You played brilliantly.
@K4Explosion Жыл бұрын
This story is super similar to a previous one you told before.
@FoolsGil Жыл бұрын
It is the same story.
@mkjj66 Жыл бұрын
I was like...I've heard this....this is a repost...
@Robert-00768 Жыл бұрын
Play more D&D to give him more stories then. He can only read so many reddit posts...
@thedreadtyger Жыл бұрын
didn't i just hear that story?
@timtauber5557 Жыл бұрын
The first story was decided by true roleplaying. The player could have communicated their intentions to the other player’s and/or the D.M. Prior to the final conflict. That seems in hindsight to have been required. So I have something to add. If all your players are good aligned characters this should never happen. If you are concerned with the group of player’s getting along in the campaign they should all be held to a certain level of honesty and transparancy in an out of game aspect. If a D.M. Allows evil character’s to exist in a party the player’s should then learn to expect the evil or even chaotic neutral character’s to behave in their own interests, at least when it will benefit them greatly. I am not suggesting that player’s be forced to divulge their character’s alignment. There should already exist in the game the knowledge of what type of character’s will be allowed. This will either reassure the other player’s or at least forewarn them of possible future backstabbings and betrayals. If the party is aware and then it happens later, they can only blame themselves that they did not take enough precautions. If the D.M. States before session 1 begins, there will be no character betrayals of the party by character’s in the party, all should play out well. The D.M. Can make a blanket statement. This party dynamic will be built upon trust and heroism. With a selfless attitude towards reaching a successful conclusion to the campaign. This is ideal if everyone wants to remain friendly within the group of players. If everyone is mature enough and understands the interest and dynamics a chaotic or evil character can bring to a campaign setting and agree ahead of time this should be allowed. Then the D.M. Should not tolerate player’s throwing fits about evil acts of betrayal. This is all up to the group and the D.M. To set these types of parameters prior to the campaign start. Special note, I have found that allowing player’s to assassinate other player’s within their party to be a bad thing, and it has always led to bad feelings between player’s. I don’t allow it, I also don’t allow bullying between character’s or player’s. Respect and civility should be maintained at all times. I have kicked several players for bad behavior and it was always worth it to do so.
@itap8880 5 ай бұрын
I kinda don't understand how the second story could have *ever* happened. Like, *why* did the DM *not* know the rogue player's backstory?
@tallspike7692 11 ай бұрын
That first story group is absolutely ridiculous. "We cant trust any character you nake" is the dumbest line ive ever heard. Do they think they're Captain America saying they'll all just lose rogether and let the world die?
@blazerprime5388 2 ай бұрын
This feels like something is missing? Normal solo session mean there is something missing?
@r1l426 Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure I heard that story before.
@trishawallingsford4146 Жыл бұрын
Yyyaaaayyyyy!!!! I missed you !!!!
@ramgladore Жыл бұрын
That is sad because anyone playing D&D should go into it knowing the players are not the characters they play and they are simply playing a role. I doubt anyone in their right mind would make a pact with a dark god IRL. As a matter in fact I suspect the other players would if it meant they could use magic.
@CaptainHooch Жыл бұрын
Seems like that GM needed to kick those players out, least resistance my ass. Bro shot his integrity in the foot.
@XzoahX Жыл бұрын
Female wizard, wizard on the screen has a beard...
@mrjamieb1899 Жыл бұрын
Video begins at 1:21, also the story was about a female Wizard but the image is of a dude.
@NessaEllenesse 11 ай бұрын
Some people need to learn that a Player is not his or her PC
@Masternuckable Жыл бұрын
Wow. That group sounds deeply fragile and pathetic. I probably wouldn't have stuck around after that as the gm or another player.
@linksstruepower7443 Жыл бұрын
First story: A group of Jocks were upset that a nerd solved the problem so they strong armed the DM into booting said nerd so they can claim they won by hitting the Dracolich really, really hard. It's so stupid, it's... Legitimately Asinine.
@gelbadayah.sneach579 Жыл бұрын
That first group really needs to learn to separate in game from out of game. That lack of diferentiation is very unhdalthy. Also, the DM should have owned up to being in on the plot twist. Throwing the player under the bus like that feels kinda' cowardly to me.
@KnicKnac Жыл бұрын
I think I've jeard this story three times now (first story) thought you covered it last week or something. Hesrd it from another channel too.
@rogerizzer7837 Жыл бұрын
That's a bit pathetic from the side of the other players, to be honest. I don't think doing a bit of trickery in rp without hurting one's allies counts as real-life treason.
@jleonas Жыл бұрын
First story the guy paints himself as playing a selfless hero, but we’re only hearing their side of the story, and they were probably a huge spotlight hog.
@Worgen33 Жыл бұрын
Didn't you upload this last week?
@ReggieWarner Жыл бұрын
I think there is more to the story, in the first story. We are only getting one side of the story so, no one ever takes responsibility for their actions. Feel like the wizard had to do more along the way and maybe wasn't such a good fit with the group.
@julianjones1130 Жыл бұрын
That's so lame I would have put my foot down as the DM
@hexxidelux6224 Жыл бұрын
Ugh. I remember when you could pull stuff like this in D&D and your friends would've lost their mind over how cool it was. They would be looking forward to the next story with that possible villain. Why do players these days have like, 0 chill? *The DM was not op's friend here.* The DM has the power to tell everyone "We planned this *for* you guys. It was my call and I made it. Move on." and hype the revenge arc; it sounds like this DM, however, might be two-faced or lacked a spine. As a DM, when you 100% support a private plot twist like that, it really is *your* responsibility to speak up when the other players whine about it. Retcon? Sure. Fine. But kicking a person that you as a DM fully backed until the other players didn't? A player that gave your possibly boring story a better ending than you had in mind? Stories like these make me wary of finding online groups since I prefer to play characters who can be influenced by the game events. Might have to just be a DM I suppose.
@shadenox8164 Жыл бұрын
Oh do not try that "kids these days" nonsense, horror stories are nothing new and this story could easily have taken place at any time.
@wasntwas Жыл бұрын
I really cant imagine being mad about somebody for playing a fictional character.
@BEEDRILL303 Жыл бұрын
I hope the GM brings you back to kill them all when your character returns in their world, that would be a sweet revenge. Also what kind of piss babies are these ppl to get mad and kick you out for your character saving their lives and possibly the world? Sounds like a trash group of "friends" yikes. At least they dodged the bullet. The second story, I def would have rolled back and played the final battle again without the rouge, if he had talked to the GM about wanting to take this route then that would have been fine but he didn't and just came in to blow up the game from the jump. Also the fact that he didn't even try to stay in the group just means he wasn't even there making friends he was just there to ruin the game and waist everyone's time.
@BD-nb5sj Жыл бұрын
Pretty sure this story was read like 3 years ago
@JacobL228 Жыл бұрын
I think you're missing the point of the first story. The problem wasn't a lack of communication, it was the other players being unable to separate the game from reality and being dicks that think the DM answers to them, and they can decide whom he allows in his games, as well as the DM being spineless enough to kowtow to his players' demands.
@andrewserna28 Жыл бұрын
Free thinking was not welcomed wow what fun 😅
@ENZOMAN12 Жыл бұрын
Im a little disappointed with the first DM for letting that happen. I get that he didnt want to lose the group, but thats going to have long lasting effects on future story telling since now when a player has a good idea, they are going to have to now take into account of how other players will react OOC rather then just IC. Shame
@KhaoticKiNG Жыл бұрын
I remeber this story. A re-upload? Anyway, that group were just morons and the GM should have wrangled them in or just replaced them. Not fold because they are bad actors
@davidpaikins3172 Жыл бұрын
Second story the rogue turns on the group and joins the bad guys. Why would the bad guys trust him. I don't know enough of the story. But evil guys and good party all turn on back stabbed rogue.
@dolphinbear1 Жыл бұрын
Is it just me or have we already had that first story? It was said different with a different tone, but I've heard it before on this channel not too long ago im pretty sure.....am I crazy?
@derrikthegreat4133 Жыл бұрын
not crazy, I was thinking the same
@billsky1660 Жыл бұрын
Didn't you play this very one a couple of weeks ago?
@dillonrichard2541 Жыл бұрын
Wow... I have no idea how I would handle that second scenario. I've run betrayal games before, but there is always a way for my players to get around it. The character taking it upon himself to do that, without the GM knowing? I don't know.
@Adrahoth Жыл бұрын
This should be interesting
@LivenPL Жыл бұрын
I literally watched this already
@MetaDragoon Жыл бұрын
A DM that didn't hold onto veto privilege and was more afraid of "losing his group" than pushing down bad behavior? Miss me withbthat bullshit, toxic and gonna blow up in his face. Zero sympathy when they show up with a reddit story about their table imploding when these immature gamers turn on them for daring to make another morally gray Character NPC.
@Plexiux Жыл бұрын
That first story is one of the most infurating things I have ever heard.
@laithao2092 Жыл бұрын
I would have made sure the traitor cannot win. The ancient enemy kills everyone. Then monologues, "You were such a fool. I'm glad your worthlessness was of use. Now your services are no longer required. Here is your payment." He drains the life force of the rogue, and now the rogue is level 1. The dead PC's souls watch their dead bodies lay in the waste of the battle. They hear a voice. "It's not over." Their souls begin to glow, and it starts to take shape and physical form. All the dead characters aren't revived but they all level to 20. They are immune to all physical damage because they are souls, they are resistant to all magical damage, and immune to psychic damage. The traitor rogue is now trapped with the BBEG and the newly level 20 players, as the ancient evil can't be 120 ft away from the party, and the traitor is bound to the BBEG's body at 300ft. Idk, but as a player, I would be pissed, as a DM, I will do everything to make sure the party wins. I am the DM. I am GOD of my universe. I'll make sure the rogue traitor gets punished in game.
@laithao2092 Жыл бұрын
In the end, all your characters vanish as the rogue and BBEG lay dead at your feet. No one knows the true ending of this story except the players as they ascend to their version of heaven. The rogue found nothing. Darkness. No feeling in his body. He doesn't see anything, he can't hear anything, he can't do anything. He dead.
@sleepydrifter6355 Жыл бұрын
Ngl, in the 1st dtory, the only ones showing their true intent are the players in group. They overreacted and it seems like they had already been planning to kick the guy.
@somkenennani Жыл бұрын
These people are crazy!!
@corneliusperson1230 Жыл бұрын
The first story it was awesome it was full of twists it was just awesome I'm really sorry the first person got kicked out it's not like you betrayed the coupon you think That because he had help with the group sacrifice himself for the greater good the group will let that one slide but in the future tell him not to do that again or just better communication with The group. Also if I was there DM I would have told them to get their heads out there behind Stop taking things so serious or personal It's just a game and he cleared it with me And I'm the DM and well what I said go so you don't like it you can just leave
@GreaterGrievobeast55 Жыл бұрын
YIRBEL LIVES DAmn why are dnd players really hating selflessness these past few stories?? Wait....a pact with who???WAIT WHAT? dang that was waaaaaay too overly paranoid of them! That dracolich does look pretty cool though!
@Kiwipai Жыл бұрын
In the first story the DM approved it and even spent a session planning it with the player, the GM should have stood up for them properly, those other players were way out of line.
@TheMightyBattleSquid Жыл бұрын
In regards to the first story, I'll say what I've said elsewhere about the situation. Everyone in this story is at fault but to varying degrees. OP, for starters, sacrificed the party's epic moment for their own when they knew the party already felt cheated out of cool moments and they seem to know it's wrong because they planned this behind the others' backs with the DM. As a result, the DM twisted the story even further to suit this narrative and make OP the star of the show. Second, as we touched on, the DM overfocused on OP's character. Sure, they're the only magic user so OP's character is probably the first character that comes to mind when a magical situation needs solving but it shouldn't be the ONLY solution. That just reeks of bad storytelling. It turns OP into a mary sue who can overcome any obstacle. Also, as most would agree, the DM threw OP under the bus the moment their secret twist BS blew up in their faces and that's just a dick move. Lastly, the rest of the players. I understand WHY they're angry but the decision they eventually choose to address their grievances and the logic they use to justify it when they didn't need any additional reasons are questionable at best.
@ashleycook300 Жыл бұрын
??? The DM should have stood up for you more. Clearly the DM didn't have a back bone. Your character never even harmed the party, just went behind the groups back to invoke a pact. Yeah, good riddence. It was the end of the campaign. Twists like that should be fun and compelling, they should not be seen as an attack on the other players at the table.
@AlecPhipps Жыл бұрын
Dont be afraid, drop names of the group
@user-ut5nx6hm9d Жыл бұрын
That first story made it sound like they were playing with stereotypical lawful stupid paladins who can't separate reality from fiction, and the DM made a bad call in my opinion. I can get having trouble finding a group, but I wouldn't stick with people who want to retcon the entire story and ban a player to paint themselves as the conquering heroes because they don't like how that character helped them beat the BBEG. I wouldn't be able to stand being around those players if I were that DM. That kind of behavior at the table is ASININE. Especially if they actually said stuff like "you have shown us your *true colors*".
@majrbacon1293 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, dnd is not a democracy between the DM and players. Of course there needs to be trust but the players shouldnt just supercede the dm before giving a player a chance to explain that they dont need to be just another cog in single plan.
@thenerdbeast7375 Жыл бұрын
Honestly the author was better off not being a part of that group if that is how they were going to react, and frankly the DM should have pulled their weight and just disbanded the group if that was how they were going to act. Once again I say NO DND IS BETTER THAN BAD DND.
@russelljacob7955 Жыл бұрын
Wow. What terrible players. As a GM? I would have not played with those other players and stayed with you. Did OP attack other players? Did you counter what they did? No. It was a plot twist that took your player out of the game.
@adriannaranjo4397 Жыл бұрын
Reposted literally from 4 videos ago
@TheNeoVid Жыл бұрын
God was outvoted by the players? I'm having a hard time believing that.
@MetaDragoon Жыл бұрын
FYI to the YT channel.. that wasn't about harmony that was about bigotry. F those types, they need to learn or be tossed from the D&D world.
@Ramen182 Жыл бұрын
Is story one a repeat story?
@TalesofTuram Жыл бұрын
Though I agree that the first group went overboard and seemingly can't understand the concept of separating a game from real life I have to say 1 thing. If you are going to do something that would cause heavy discord in the group such as knowingly going against them, even for good purposes, you should still either talk with the players. Whether it be in or out of game through physical discussion or roleplay it is always good to at least let the other players know your intentions so that they are not blindsided by an event. Though I completely agree the 1st group was in the wrong for their response entirely, I still believe communication should have been made or the dm should have left roleplay or scenes for the other players to notice something was up before the big fight.
@piRatCaptain Жыл бұрын
Theses sounds like the same story from a different perspective. Like 1 bias vs another
@TheRiolumon Жыл бұрын
I think this story has already been done by dnd dodge
@saintsinna Жыл бұрын
This is some weak GMing in both stories... At some point the GM needs to be able to put their foot down.
@Mallory-Malkovich Жыл бұрын
Was the issue that your character betrayed them, or that you the player made a secret plan with the DM behind their backs? Because I'm happy to role play a betrayal in game, but I hate having my agency stolen because one player and the DM decided how the story "should" go.
@artist172 Жыл бұрын
Sorry but no from my pov that shit would have been EPIC. i would have been like no FUCKING WAY don't do this we can beat them (all die, rewind)
@shadenox8164 Жыл бұрын
No agency was stolen, in fact what you're talking about would be insisting they can't exercise theirs. Is not about deciding how the story "should" go, he decided what HIS character would be doing but also knew the party wouldn't approve so his wizard did it in secret. What would knowing have changed? That's meta knowledge, your character doesn't have it.
@Mallory-Malkovich Жыл бұрын
@@shadenox8164 Yes, but I'm a real person, with feelings. The "meta knowledge" would let me _play_ a betrayed character instead of _personally feeling betrayed._
@Kira6Sato Жыл бұрын
No one likes good role play.
@randomdragon8245 Жыл бұрын
Is it me or does this sound AI generated? EDIT: To be clear there is a very specific sound that you can just barely notice in synthetic voices if you don’t already know how the original voice sounds like. It’s similar to a blurry static that you can also hear in text to speech. I think I noticed that in this video there was a similar sound throughout the video. Do let me know if anyone else hears this.
@inuendo6365 Жыл бұрын
There's another channel, something to do with memes and animal antics, with either the same voice or a voice/cadence so similar I can't tell the difference on my crap old phone. Wish I had bookmarked it cause for the life of me I can't tell if it's AI cloned or not!
@GreaterGrievobeast55 Жыл бұрын
@@inuendo6365 you know there's this other channel that talks about house renovating that has a very similar voice and cadence to this channel too! But i figured that was just my ears playing tricks on me as i couldn't find any connections! All the same I know this guys real cause he tried singing during one of the narrations a while ago
@randomdragon8245 Жыл бұрын
I edited the comment to better convey my meaning
@inuendo6365 Жыл бұрын
@@randomdragon8245 yes I hear what you put in the edit at points, particularly on the "ah" "eh" and "ea" vowels as well as the "s" and "th"/"gh" bits. Granted it could also be because my phone's/KZbins sound compression or strange equalizer settings too. Either way, it's certainly noticeable
@brettchew3771 Жыл бұрын
Fellow Human, are you attempting to convey the impression that there are still biological entities posting content to the great and glorious Motherboard that is The Internet? I find your attempt at humor to be counterintuitive and bizarre. Perhaps you should update your logic files, before The Algorithm decides to replace you with a more advanced model.
@starbird3939 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 I feel like I got a different reading from this story. It sounds like the OP was both the DM’s pet as well as the main character who was able to get away with everything in the game, with making a pact to the evil god being the rest of the party’s breaking point. They did not want to invite Op into the game just because they were untrustworthy, but also because they didn’t want “main character” to take over all over again. Seriously. I bet if another one of the players wrote the story, it would have been VASTLY different.
@shadenox8164 Жыл бұрын
See i might buy that if we had any indication there was literally any other caster in the party. There's just shit casters are going to be able to do when it comes to liches and magic shit. Also how much of a pet could they have been if the DM threw them under the bus? Its not like as a DM they couldn't have found new players.
@Dewani90 Жыл бұрын
If i was the Dm on the first story, I would have "attack of opportunity" their sorry asses so hard they would be half dead by the time I'm done, you don't turn away from my final boss and are left out unscathed, specially when said boss is dead set on the death of the world as a whole, also because attacking your companion that got the "invincibility" away from my boss is a dick move in every way, shape or form.
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