BASIC RULES The concept of the game is to try to capture the cubes. The player can mark a spot on the stage by pressing the X button (Circle in Japanese). By pressing the X button (Circle in Japanese) again, the player can deactivate the mark. The game is played by marking the spot and successfully deactivating spot. Now let's try to capture a cube. When the cube is about to land on the marked spot, press the X/Circle button. The marked spot is then de-activated and the cube is captured. Repeat this until all the necessary cubes are captured. If any cubes are left to fall off the stage, the number of fallen cubes will be calculated in the Block Scale; everytime the number of fallen cubes exceeds that of the Block Scale, the player will lose the last row of the stage. The player must prevent the cubes from falling off the stage. When the player is avalanched and falls off the stage, it's Game Over. I.Q. is measured against players efficiency of capturing the cubes as well as the total number of cubes captured. FORBIDDEN CUBE Not all of the cubes should be captured. The black cubes are called the Forbidden Cubes, the player must leave these cubes alone. For every Forbidden Cube captured, the player will lose the final row of the stage. Let the Forbidden Cubes pass by and fall off the stage. The player can accelerate the speed of the cubes by pressing the Square button. ADVANTAGE CUBE The player can use the green cubes or the Advantage Cubes to efficiently capture the cubes. When the player successfully captures an Advantage Cube, the spot will be marked in green. By pressing the Triangle button, the player can capture the surrounding cubes, all the cubes in the marked area will be captured. Mark and capture an Advantage Cube, then capture the surrounding cubes by pressing the Triangle Button. Using the Advantage Cube, the player can efficiently capture multiple cubes. But at the same time, the player must make sure that there are no Forbidden Cubes in the marked area.