I received this call last night [Trigger Warning] Gov Noem Shocking Confession

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Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution

Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution

Ай бұрын

I received a call from CNN last night asking me to appear on an interview to comment this story. What do you think about sitting governor and potential vice presidential candidate Kristi Noem boasting about killing her 14 month old dog due to being “untrainable”? If you think this sounds bad, it gets worse. Trigger warning. Follow my IG stories for the latest: zakgeorge

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@brookderksen1858 Ай бұрын
All it demonstrates is her inability to handle a situation that isn't going smoothly. How is she going to react when people don't listen to her every word? If she can't empathize and work with a dog who is stressed or overwhelmed, how can she do that with people?
@theneonlobster Ай бұрын
The lack of responsibility is shocking. Raising animals is challenging. The governor reacted to a challenge by murdering a puppy. Absolutely horrifying that she thinks that’s a mark of leadership.
@periel Ай бұрын
Pain, fear and intimidation. Those are the preferred methods of the GOP.
@deem7478 Ай бұрын
Sporting dogs are high energy and need training. A puppy is still learning. Not all pointers are field material. The dog should have been kept as a pet or given a new home. Instead, the poor dog paid with her life. Shot in the face in a gravel pit. No respect for man's best friend. Glad to hear public opinion both Red and Blue are taking their toll.
@theneonlobster Ай бұрын
@@deem7478 Al Franken resigned immediately because of a photo and the Democratic Party and voters demanded he resign But sure, the parties are the same
@alexsarbu3978 Ай бұрын
She can't empathize with people. Not even with people whose country was invaded, their families killed, their kids stolen.
@kellyharris8483 Ай бұрын
That puppy could have been rehomed easily. I have 5 rescues. She also shot a goat. Horrible person.
@tileux Ай бұрын
Yeah, ive spent my whole life with dogs - mostly Rottweilers and one or two of them have been a handful, but i also grew up on a farm and we had goats. I spent my childhood and teen years getting chased around paddocks by horny enraged breeding bucks, or trying to retrieve horny angora bucks from the wrong paddocks, because angoras are immune to electric fences. Ive been knocked flat, sent flying, trampled, chased, butted (repeatedly), painfully whacked by lethally fast wide horns being flicked at me, and endured prolonged wrestling matches with big bucks (some of them twice my size at the time) to try to get them where they belong or get them out of whatever situation - usually ludicrous - theyve got themselves into. So its not like i havent personally experienced the worst of goat behaviour. BUT who in their right mind cant deal with that? Goats are funny,affectionate, clever - in an amusingly mischievous way - and great fun. A person that feels they need to shoot a goat because they cant handle it is a failure of a human being, and a sadistic psychopath.
@petedawson1683 Ай бұрын
I just watched RUBY last night which is the best dog story. And then I read this. Every dog owner will never forget this revelation.
@minutemeditations14All Ай бұрын
The cruelty IS the point. They use excuses all the time. The worst one of all being "the Bible says". But regardless of the excuse for sociopathy and psychopathy, that is all it is. Cruelty for cruelty's SAKE. Don't be fooled. Just be kind. Period.
@JSkyGemini Ай бұрын
I have never met a "bad" dog. But I have met plenty of bad owners. She's also killed 3 horses, horses, to me, are like big dogs. I can't even.
@MsWobbly1 17 күн бұрын
And 3 horses.
@ro7joy Ай бұрын
I perceive it as violent and abusive behavior and a sign of ignorance and weakness. To me it’s a sign of questionable state of mental health and behavioral issues of this woman. I would stay away from voting for someone so heartless and who is proud of using violence and abuse as a solution to any situation.
@dsg3131 Ай бұрын
What are the facts? Conclusion jumping is stupidity. GET THE FULL STORY. If the facts back you up fine, but your guessing at best
@beasport505 Ай бұрын
Exactly!! Well said
@minutemeditations14All Ай бұрын
​@@dsg3131those are the facts. She wrote them out WORD for WORD, herself. In a book. About herself. How much more factual can you possibly get brother ???
@dsg3131 Ай бұрын
@@minutemeditations14All fair enough. She's sick in the head
@JSkyGemini Ай бұрын
@@dsg3131 Derp, the "facts" are out of her own mouth! Maybe you should see a doctor.
@RDeFinis Ай бұрын
Disturbing very disturbing. Not only did she shoot the poor dog but then to brag and believe that this action demonstrates leadership skills. I think it only demonstrates how mean and disturbed she is. Definitely warrants an investigation. Most certainly not someone that I would support with a vote.
@crotchet1586 Ай бұрын
I'm pretty certain that here in the UK you'd be prosecuted for summarily executing a dog in the way that she seems to have done. But to then use it as an example of her strength of character? Psychopathic
@daneesia Ай бұрын
Exactly! This just seems like some sort of sick "hero complex".
@xGHOSTHAWKx Ай бұрын
I’m afraid that dogs in the U.K. are seen as property not sentient beings, so you would probably get away with shooting your own dog. sad 😢! The law need to change.
@Cornwall3 Ай бұрын
She’s a psychopath! She killed the puppy, then a goat who rubbed her the wrong way. She is posing with all kinds of other dead animals she proudly murdered. She needs to be charged! 😡
@jenniferrose1102 Ай бұрын
As an owner of a GWP… do your homework!!! They are strong willed dogs and require a lot of time and training. This also breaks my heart because once you put in the time and work With them, they are wonderful dogs. That said, a puppy obedience class is not enough for this breed. You are in for the long haul but they are smart and working dogs who only want to please. They are silly and have lots of energy but like I said do your homework BEFORE getting this breed. They are worth it! And she should be punished- that is awful 😢
@deem7478 Ай бұрын
She said she "hated" the dog. The dog was set up for failure then killed. Noem needs to be held accountable. A pointer wasn't protected from her own instincts and training.
@sundogfun7536 Ай бұрын
40-1-2.4. Cruelty to animals--Felony. South Dakota criminal statute. Enough said
@JamesWilliams-dg9jw 19 күн бұрын
Take her to court DA.
@NancyMitchell1965 Ай бұрын
I couldn't listen to this story because I'm such a dog lover. Zak, could we start a campaign or petition against Kristi Noem in the name of dog lovers everywhere? I don't think her behavior should be criticized for a short while and then we just move on. I feel we need to take action.
@jb-ef1zu Ай бұрын
Governors can be recalled there's plenty of time to get the petition signed before election day
@astrocore6790 Ай бұрын
👍 @NancyMitchell1965 Where can I sign under that petition⁉ --- Lets Do it, people!👍 That report has boiled my blood since last night... (it was reported on CNN: Apr 26, 2024) ... in my city (south CA) - residents are NOT allowed to leave their dogs on the patio under the California sun - b/c it consider to be animal cruelty. But obliterating the dog in S.Dakota is totally fine 😳🤬!?? What is this - a totally different country?? 😠explain to me like I'm five. ---- That monster-female HAS major problem with her prefrontal cortex - if she even has some left! I'm seriously outraged! 😡😠😡
@MoneyStrategiesSOULutions Ай бұрын
You know most of her politics and some I really admire about her - but this is absolutely psychotic!! Scary.
@user-uv2en3in9h Ай бұрын
And I couldnt Hear the Story because of Zack George, how can IT be, that Allways the stupidst have the biggest mouth? This Guy IS a Bad Joke and examplevof an "dogtrainer" and a human, He should be quite because of His past
@beasport505 Ай бұрын
@@MoneyStrategiesSOULutions Actions are louder than words. a person's character is defined on how they treat animals.
@boricuarny22 Ай бұрын
When I read the excerpt, I was shocked and outraged. She even admits to hating the dog because he was not trainable. Did she even try? She killed a goat also that same day according to the book. Farm life may be different where you have to euthanize an elder cow or horse or severe injury but to do what she did, shows cruelty and disrespect to life. No wonder there are Native American reservations that have banned her from entry to their reservations.
@daneesia Ай бұрын
"Did she even try?" That's my question as well! And the goat situation was so bizarre... An uncastrated male goat is definitely going to have a strong scent - it's a biological thing, as far as I'm aware. Furthermore, if she saw that the goat was a danger to her kids and kept getting their clothes dirty (based on what I saw of the excerpt), WHY on earth did she not just take measures to keep it away from the kids??
@argophontes Ай бұрын
I grew up a 20 minute drive from the nearest town, on a farm. More than once we wound up with a dog that just couldn't fit into the role we needed it to, and at no point was the solution ever even close to "take it out to the gravel pit and shoot it". Changing expectations/role for the dog, bringing in someone *else* to train it, or even rehoming it are the obvious choices if you're not a psychopath. Reading her stuff, though, she didn't "grow up on a farm" in the way that she wants to portray. She wants people to think of a little family farm struggling to get by, when it was actually a 9,700-acre ranch that got just short of $5 million in subsidies from 1995-2021. If you look at what she's described about her father, though, it's no surprise that she's so awful. She tells stories about him punching cows that didn't go where he wanted them to, leaving her alone as a 10 year old in the middle of the Bighorn Mountains to find her own way back to camp as a "lesson", and leaving her at 12 to drive a semi without any instruction.
@SandyWeinstein Ай бұрын
Still no excuse for what she did.
@argophontes Ай бұрын
@@SandyWeinstein Absolutely. I'm not making excuses for her, just speculating on what would make her think that something like this was ok, let alone something to brag about.
@mischabloor7194 Ай бұрын
Only a psychopath would do something as sickening as shooting their own dog and then brag about it. That woman is evil!
@dogsareawomansbestfriend 29 күн бұрын
If you want to get money from the state, you have no time to give a dog the love they need!
@tracythomas343 Ай бұрын
It reminds me of something that happened when I was a teenager. I don’t want to go into the details but my stepfather made a similar decision about his German Shepherd. I’m now in my 60s and spoke recently in counseling about the incident. It was a traumatic event that had a deep emotional effect on me even now.
@deem7478 Ай бұрын
Evidently Noem's children asked where the dog was after she came home without her.
@tracythomas343 Ай бұрын
@@deem7478 I feel bad for her children.
@cindysavage265 Ай бұрын
I feel very bad for her children who had, obviously, bonded with their puppy
@KikiSpike Ай бұрын
She claims shooting a puppy is "good leadership" after using training methods which can increase aggression in dogs. Good leadership is first educating yourself on how to train the breed of dog you are adopting. If you fail, as she did, you then have to find out the options you have to resolve your situation. Some include - no kill shelters, rehoming, paying for private training, etc. Then it is choosing the most humane option with the best chance of outcome for the puppy NOT choosing the most extreme option to get rid of what you perceive to be a problem in the most expedient manner. It sounds like she knew this would come out and is trying to spin the narrative to make herself out to be the hero instead of the inept, cruel, disgrace that she is.
@Dyke.vibes. Ай бұрын
👏🏻 couldn’t have said it better
@warrenbaker4124 Ай бұрын
That was her daughter's dog and to see this as evidence of ability to "make the hard decisions" shows that she doesn't have a clue what is a hard decision and what is a matter of empathy, compassion and problem solving. Zak, you are a leader. Noem is not a leader by any stretch of the imagination.
@kristinlea8093 Ай бұрын
SD resident here 👋. Also, my family is a dog foster home for two dog rescues in the Sioux Falls area. This is horrific and the idea that she would believe it would HELP her polical career is truly psychotic. There are over 60 animal rescues in our little state that she could have turned Cricket over to, that have the patience, the time , and the COMPASSION for t that the dog truly deserved for a chance to live a happy life with a lovng family. This story doesn't show how she can make "touch decisions". This shows that she takes the easy way out.
@ghiajohnson1547 Ай бұрын
This is awful! Who shots their pup?
@rukisar6312 Ай бұрын
yeah, someone who treats animals cruelly, especially their own animals, has got something seriously mentally wrong with them, and it's often a sign they could be a danger in the future to humans
@janhankins911 Ай бұрын
I was going to post my opinion about her shooting a puppy in another post and I was told I was not being "kind" and that I might want to re-consider my post. So I did not post it, but I was tempted. I didn't repeat here what I said there, but I believe the term "sack of shit" was involved. At any rate, you get the idea.
@dam8087 Ай бұрын
@Here_This Ай бұрын
@@dam8087 Actually I would have bet she is a friend of Hillary , but well ........
@janhankins911 Ай бұрын
@@dam8087 I think you hit the nail on the head, there.
@pamelacollins1153 Ай бұрын
I lived in South Dakota for most of my life - I’m 67. There are people there who have this attitude that devalues the lives of animals, and if an animal causes a problem, the solution is to “put it down” which I DO NOT AGREE WITH. My daughter had a friend whose mother would not allow her to cry if a pet died because it was “just an animal.” And, BTW, is legal to shoot a dog under some circumstances. So I am really not surprised to hear Gov Noem admit these things, and I’m also not surprised she is doing it with no awareness that MOST people, even in South Dakota, would find this repugnant. Gov Noem is 100 percent a politician with undisguised political ambition. She has shone herself willing to do ANYTHING to make Trump notice her since he became President in 2016, including wearing her hair and dressing like Melania Trump, completely parroting the MAGA talking points, insisting on fireworks over MT Rushmore when it was too dry to be safe, etc etc. I am so glad she is no longer my governor. I was ashamed of her when I lived in SD, and I’m happy to be finally living in a blue state.
@4lovebysara Ай бұрын
If she didnt want to train the dog herself or pay someone else to train the dog, she could have easily rehomed the dog! Its disgusting to me that she took the "easy" way out - easy for her. If I was in her area & had planned on voting for her, this would have made me NOT vote for her! 😮
@kristy8865 Ай бұрын
WOW, this woman is disgusting. If she can't train a dog or afford to get a trainer, then she can't/shouldn't hold ANY office. 🤬🤬🤬🤬
@dsg3131 Ай бұрын
Do you have all the facts, aka truth?
@kristy8865 Ай бұрын
@@dsg3131 It's in her book!
@dsg3131 Ай бұрын
@@kristy8865 have you read it?
@alajononon 27 күн бұрын
@@dsg3131 Do you? If so, you should share the information if you want us to learn.
@dsg3131 27 күн бұрын
@@alajononon what are talking about, I asked a question
@jb-ef1zu Ай бұрын
who diagnosed the dog as untrainable? She certainly is not qualified to make that assessment.she thinks putting it with older dogs and and shocking it will properly train it? I have never seen any dog trainer on utube recommend that strategy. Thats like putting your toddler with teens and beating it when it doesn't do what u want in order to train it. She is governor, she couldn't afford to hire a professional dog trainer? Where is ASCPA when u need em? Thank god she showed her true colors before election day. You can recall a governor.
@daneesia Ай бұрын
I am deeply disturbed by what happened to Cricket and not blaming her; but lemme get this straight... • Noem was already aware of how uncontrollable Cricket (the dog) was... but took her on a hunting trip with older hunting dogs in the hope that she would learn good behaviour from them. _I see._ • Cricket was still misbehaving on the trip, wildly chasing the pheasants and apparently looked like she was "having the time of her life"; Noem used an electric collar on her to (supposedly) bring her under control, but it didn't work. _I see._ • On the way home from the trip, Noem stops to talk to a family and _SOMEHOW_ Cricket - a dog known to misbehave - was able to escape Noem's truck and went on a rampage, killing off the family's chickens. Apparently, Cricket was "the picture of pure joy" throughout this rampage. Also, Noem was almost bitten by her when she caught her. _I see..._ • Then there's this excerpt from a Guardian article on the matter: _“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, adding that Cricket had proved herself “untrainable”, “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog”. “At that moment,” Noem says, “I realised I had to put her down.”_ • Not to mention the story of her family's goat, again excerpted from that Guardian article: _Her family, she writes, also owned a male goat that was “nasty and mean”, because it had not been castrated. Furthermore, the goat smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid” and “loved to chase” Noem’s children, knocking them down and ruining their clothes._ --- What can I say? I'm at a loss. Above all, I just think this person is extremely clueless about not only dog behaviour, but _animal_ behaviour in general - and she has absolutely NO patience to deal with it properly. As Zak mentioned, Cricket's breed of dog was selectively bred to have practically endless stamina; furthermore, almost every dog is "uncontrollable" at these young ages. Is it frustrating? Yes. Does it often get both the dog and its owner into trouble? YES. But these are things you NEED to be prepared for if you're going to become a dog owner _(*Edit: and I guess her other dogs were never as difficult as Cricket, so she didn't have to shoot any of them??)._ If you went into it confidently then later realised that you're not able to handle the dog yourself - hey, I get it... but get a professional trainer if possible! And even if that's not possible, you don't have to take the animal's life. Maybe someone else would be able to take it off your hands and get it trained well. This isn't "I am Legend", folks! 🥲 Jokes aside, I'm so upset from the way she kept describing Cricket's "joy" in the times when she (Cricket) went after the birds. She was a young, energetic *_hunting dog_* who hadn't yet learned how to control her instincts - and I doubt that enough was being done in her training to help her truly learn the acceptable behaviours. It's not fair to put off dogs like Cricket as villains when they don't understand what kind of behaviour we expect of them. Dogs are meant to work WITH people, so why do people keep expecting them to magically understand that we don't want them to destroy the garden bed or that they should only go after wild game according to specific orders, etc.? As for the goat, imagine taking an _uncastrated male goat's_ behaviour _(*Edit: and biological scent)_ so personally that you had to shoot it out of annoyance. The way I see it, the truly hard decision here was to buckle up and take the long, stressful path of getting Cricket PROPERLY trained. The _easy_ way out of that was to pull a trigger and _"get rid of the problem altogether"_ so to speak. Tragic.
@michellereed3272 Ай бұрын
It’s not just tragic, it’s a class 6 felony. And Noem is to blame. She pulled the trigger. She should be arrested.
@JordanHunter333 Ай бұрын
@@michellereed3272 It is both...tragic and a Class 6 felony.
@jenniferbrooks2540 Ай бұрын
class 6 felony
@chaddrusso8850 Ай бұрын
You got it spot on. The fact that I see people on more “conservative” channels trying to defend her behavior as farm life is crazy. I do understand the idea of putting old or sick dogs down out in the sticks but a 14 month old puppy that got on your nerves? It makes me sick and shows the weak character I’ve come to expect from American politicians.
@JordanHunter333 Ай бұрын
@@chaddrusso8850 What a sick, disturbing comment. Why in the hell is a sick or old dog any less deserving of basic humanity, compassion, and the most rudimentary common sense? Old or sick is somehow an excuse or reason for cruelty? All you have shown is that you are another sad example of the human race who has no clue as to the value and sentience of animals.
@caydence808 Ай бұрын
Well done-- This women sounds like a murderer...And I would be concerned to be in her inner circle, child or partner. That poor pup..unreal-Thanks Zac!
@waverunner130 Ай бұрын
I was thinking the same thing. The correct term for her is a murderer. She killed two great living animals for clout. Adoption agencies can take in the animals. Sanctuaries, other family members, friends. The list goes on. If you care about the lives of those animals you let into your home. You seek any means to protect and give them the best chance of survival. This woman isn't worthy to be called anything but a murderer. She shouldn't have kids. She is a danger. Her lack of emotional empathy speaks volumes.
@AntheaThomson Ай бұрын
It really is awful - she failed that poor pup in its ‘training’ and environment. Then to just kill it in cold blood, and to almost be proud of it? Psychopathic. She could’ve surrendered the pup to a rescue who could’ve found it a more supportive & appropriate home. It honestly makes me feel sick how anyone could think that’s an appropriate approach for a family pet.
@shane38002 Ай бұрын
Like rehoming or getting someone experienced with these issues wasn't an option? When you own a dog you are not only responsible for the the health and well being of the animal you are totally responsible for every situation you place that dog into. She basically proved opposite of the point she was trying to make and proved she will take the easy way out of a situation that she sees as an inconvenience to her. I know nothing of this woman being I'm from Tennessee but I have a feeling if you can't be responsible enough to own a dog you probably shouldn't be running a state.
@coreyms Ай бұрын
You were very tactful in your response, even though I’m sure that was difficult. Another horrible part of this story is her response and claiming that, on a farm, difficult decisions need to be made and then references horses that were recently put down. I also grew up on a farm, and we’ve never ever put an animal down that wasn’t suffering from something untreatable. Some have passed naturally, but when it does need to be done because they are suffering, it’s done with a vet and they are made comfortable with us there. Yes, those are difficult decisions, but she’s spreading a narrative that killing an animal because they’re an inconvenience is on par with alleviating suffering. It’s not. And it gives us country folk a bad name to insinuate it’s how we all operate. Anyways, thank you Zac. You helped me raise my best friend, Bronx… An 11-year-old chocolate lab that I rescued as a puppy. Appreciate your work and all you’ve taught me.
@bigdog5177 Ай бұрын
Sad that a person would shoot and kill their puppy and use the excuse of the pup being “untrainable”. Sounds like the owner is ignorant of animal behavior and training. The fact is, Noem is using this morbid killing of her puppy as an opportunity to advertise her selling a book and further her political career. Don’t need or want “leaders” or leadership like that.
@corneliadumitru6568 Ай бұрын
My best ever "nanny" was a 7-months old shepherd dog when I was born. We were together, blessed, till I was 14. Then he had to go over the rainbow bridge. Since then, I've had more dogs, and in his memory, always an "non-trainable" stray pup. I know he loves it from there, above. My children grew up with dogs, and now they have dogs. This person is a sociopath or a psychopath in the making, not a leader.
@kt2906 Ай бұрын
Who shoots there 14 month old baby (dog) I hate that woman and every body on KZbin is doing videos on why you shouldn’t watch Zak but then CNN only calls Zak that’s proving to every body that you should only watch Zak ❤❤❤
@kaplandg Ай бұрын
14 month old dog is far from a baby. And zak isn't qualified in any way to train dogs. Not through certification, education, or sheer amount of clients that he doesn't have. That's why you SHOULDN'T watch him. All he does is make videos and cry about social issues. That's an activist and lobbyist not a dog trainer
@Samthewolf1010 Ай бұрын
lol CNN calling him makes me want to watch him less. Dude is a joke of a trainer.
@Satans_lil_helper Ай бұрын
​@Samthewolf1010 It says more about your intolerance than it does anything else. You can't tolerate anyone's opinion unless it agrees with YOU and what validates _your_ ignorant biases. Take a pacifier and go back to your 2 Minutes Hate channel.
@Here_This Ай бұрын
@@Samthewolf1010 What's so funny about the crime that woman Noem did ? She needs to get jailed for it ! Noem , Nuland , all the same .
@Samthewolf1010 Ай бұрын
@@Here_This do you know how to read? I didn’t say the crime was funny. I said CNN calling him makes me wanna watch him less replying to the OP
@woodyl8416 Ай бұрын
Stupid act of violence, so cruel. This needs to be investigated and she should be banned from owning animals, they're not bugs to swat the life out of, what a sick person. How does she treat children?
@Eli-kw4he Ай бұрын
I don’t understand why she didn’t just give him away to somebody else instead of doing something so horrible
@sdrfz Ай бұрын
So then the dog bites somebody else, wonderful.
@crotchet1586 Ай бұрын
She's a reactive nut job by the sounds of it...with a gun.
@Here_This Ай бұрын
@@sdrfz That dog is a German Pointer , they don't bite humans EVER ! But they are no bird dogs .
@celiaeastman9538 Ай бұрын
​@@sdrfzno, so it can be properly trained and loved.
@natalieharrison4318 Ай бұрын
She Absolutely needs to be investigated. This is so wrong on so many levels. This doesn't make her a stronger leader. I say it makes her a cold reckless leader who doesn't believe in different ways of getting better results with time, practice and training for change. To me she took a lazy approach and gave up not wanting to envest in that for this poor defenseless puppy that didn't stand a chance. Im sorry she's cold hearted and doesn't belong around animals or in office. What she did was cold and cruel. She belongs in jail. If that was anyone else off the street they'd be put away. Poor, poor poor puppy. She's evil. Karma may she get it.
@urbster1 Ай бұрын
it's utterly horrible that anyone would think that a gun is a solution to any problem especially involving a dog
@kirstymacfarlane1620 Ай бұрын
I was absolutely disgusted when I read about this. She also shot a goat. A despicable excuse for a human being
@betseyowczarek6669 Ай бұрын
This 100%
@kimbrandom2789 Ай бұрын
People that boast of killing an animal with no remorse or emotion concern me. Even people who hunt for meat often give recognition to the life of the animal taken for sustenance. Aside from that, what comes to mind is when Mitt Romney admitted to strapping an airline kennel to the roof of the car and transporting the family dog in it when they went on vacation. 😳. I guess it's admirable they took the dog with them, but how could anyone with half an ounce of intelligence imagine that to be a safe and responsible action?! So, when I hear stories like that, yes, I seriously question the decision making skills of that person and I sure as hell won't put them in office making decisions that impact others. In the case of Noem, i don't have all the facts, but as it appears from what I do know, it doesn't seem like 1) she valued the dog much and 2) she did much to solve the behavior issues because there's a whole lot of avenues to explore before you decide a dog is too dangerous and you kill it. I am almost 65 years old, I've had dozens of pets in my lifetime, and there has only been one dog that I euthanized because she was just too dangerous and incredibly difficult to manage to keep everyone safe. Before I made that decision I did rehabilitation work with her for 4 years. Killing a healthy dog with quality of life should not be a light decision.
@davidlee8464 Ай бұрын
A couple years ago I moved from an urban/suburban area to extremely rural NE Oregon. One of the things I’ve found it most challenging to adjust to is how people (almost without exception) treat their dogs. First, it is legal for a rancher to kill a dog if that dog is “harassing” livestock…and the rancher is who decides what constitutes harassment. Next, I’d guess that fewer than 10% of people keep their dogs in a fenced yard, let alone walk them on leash. (Forget about picking up their 💩) The underlying attitude seems to be that dogs are just another piece of farm equipment. If this one doesn’t work get ride of it and get another. It’s a completely foreign way of thinking to me.
@ragnadrabinowitz7629 Ай бұрын
@ReadMachiavelli-gi3wk Ай бұрын
Gnome: “My orange Savior finds me bang..,err, electable. Of course I want to submit.., err, serve he who is all powerful.”
@carolezorzo9279 Ай бұрын
This is horrific….I can’t understand what kind of person would do this..Sickening
@lisahernandez5007 Ай бұрын
This is horrific to me. 😢
@ReadMachiavelli-gi3wk Ай бұрын
Gov Gnome has a new slogan: “A $10 Dollar Round Will Put ‘Em Down!” It’s Kristi’s new Train Puppies & Kids initiative. To quote her hero…”It’ll be wild!”
@1237tnb Ай бұрын
I have a dog that is incredibly difficult to train. Learning is not something she cares to do. We are fundamentally incapatiable with one another. If I could do anything differently, I would have rehomed her as a puppy and found people who specialize in sporting and hobby dogs (b/c I'm not that person, I want my dog to sit on the couch with me). Never once has doing what this... individual did ever crossed my mind and I believe it demonstrates an immense amount of cruelty, lack of empathy and emotional regulation. I wouldn't want that woman to lead anything... like ever. But i think that is also part of it. Recognizing that you and your dog are just too incompatible and finding them a new (good) home. Not doing this. I mean it seems like this dog was bred to be a high energy hunter and was young too, so I don't know what this woman expected.
@michellereed3272 Ай бұрын
The nice thing about the internet is that state laws are available online. What Noem did is a class 6 felony, possibly two counts. She also shot a goat. The CNN segment was pathetic. No offense to Zak, but why the hell are they asking a dog trainer for comment on this story. This isn’t about dog training, nor is it about “putting down” a lame farm animal. The fricking Governor of SD penned a written account of animal cruelty by her own hand. She admitted to committing a felony, and CNN brings in a dog trainer. 🤦🏽‍♀️ You’ve got to be fricking kidding me. A governor of all people should know this is 2024 not 1824. There are laws against shooting animals when they are no longer useful or “untrainable”. Pisses me off to no end when animals are abused and killed by trigger happy psychopaths like Noem.
@Melissa-pb6wv Ай бұрын
CNN wanted the opinion of a dog trainer to find out of the dog could have been trained
@redschafer7804 Ай бұрын
@@Melissa-pb6wv like CNN actually gives a duck about stuff like that. they want any dirt they can find because of who she is and what political position she might have come November. as for her doing what she did we don't know the facts the dog could have gotten fatally hurt due to not being trained and access to vets in SD has and is a real issue. its sucks that happened but it shouldn't be used as a political poly to get people to vote a certain way
@michellereed3272 Ай бұрын
@@redschafer7804 Noem described in detail why and how she shot the dog and a goat at point blank range. Her account was callous and methodical. It read like a confession from a psychopath describing a murder they committed. She also mentions a construction crew who witnessed this crime. Now had this story been about shooting an unruly teenager instead of a dog, do you think CNN would be asking a random teacher or coach for their input? No, they’d be discussing the legal implications with a prosecutor and law enforcement. And because Noem herself made this story available to the public, they would be picking it apart with mental health professionals. The reasoning and actions Noem described is not normal behavior. CNN would also be chomping at the bit to get a statement from one of those construction workers. The key takeaway from this news is that a Governor released a book in which she describes committing a crime, as if her actions were perfectly justified and normal. Why CNN wouldn’t be focusing on this aspect first is just baffling to me. When I learned of this story, my first thoughts were about how disturbing her description was, this sounds like a crime, and what are the animal cruelty laws in South Dakota. CNN did another segment on this that focused on the disturbing nature of this story, but barely mentioned the legal aspect. I find it infuriating that animal cruelty laws exist, and yet so little is done to enforce them. This woman is a Governor. Her behavior should be thoroughly scrutinized and investigated because of the level of authority she has over people.
@redschafer7804 Ай бұрын
@@michellereed3272love how you think this actually matters and i doubt she going to be charged you can't actually think that CNN actually cares about the dog? lol or that they care what Zac a celebrity dog trainer has to say on the matter. this is all political because she might be Trump's VP pick. thats all if it was a Democrat that did the same thing there wouldn't be any outrage
@celiaeastman9538 Ай бұрын
​@@redschafer7804yeah, because for some of us character matters, and such a person shouldn't hold any office.
@NorseButterfly Ай бұрын
I cannot fathom the sick state of mind that would lead someone to haphazardly shoot their pet. If she feels this way about animals who have been poorly trained, it makes you wonder about how she feels about rowdy children. My own dog will do anything I ask of him if I reward him positively, and with a treat. He still learns new things at the age of 7 because he loves making me happy. It just blows my mind that there are people in positions of power who are this twisted.
@JSkyGemini Ай бұрын
My AmStaff, named Puppy, LOVED chasing birds, ducks and geese in particular, mercilessly. As you'd watch her ears flapping in the wind, her tongue hanging out also flapping in the wind, and the sheer joy she was having running full blast at them, shooting her in the face would have NEVER come to mind. She had geese and ducks sitting on branches in trees, which is something I can't remember seeing before or since. It was completely hilarious. And she'd never hurt a fly. We had chipmunks in our yard who weren't afraid to approach us, and she even got hold of a baby squirrel, but just to give his ears a good cleaning. He wasn't really very happy about that, though he probably appreciated it later. She thought she wanted to chase swans, too, but she found out they aren't as easy as the others. Individuals who have a disregard for creatures they see as lower, can also easily apply that disregard to humans. And individuals who torture animals have a connection with psychopathy. They can also transfer that behaviour onto humans.
@alexford8593 Ай бұрын
This story is shocking. I can't believe not only would someone have done that but it's not even like a story that it was an unfortunate incident. But they're defending it almost as a positive action. I admit my dog is not trained that good . Some people have the patience and some don't. So i think this situation has more to do with her issues not the dog
@davidshort1459 Ай бұрын
Not good. She is no leader.
@dam8087 Ай бұрын
She is the Governor of South Dakota. She cheats in her husband, is a bigot and kills puppies. This is the current, MAGA Republican party
@MoneyStrategiesSOULutions Ай бұрын
She disappointed me hugely!! Absolutely horrible and psychopathic.
@encorado6933 Ай бұрын
I agree with you, Zak. Investigate and indict. This is so disturbing on so many levels. The question here is, how many other dogs has she shot and killed because they've been untrainable? I think anyone who votes for this sadist, is bonkers!!!!
@marydeemock101 Ай бұрын
Sounds like the dog owner was the untrainable species in this story. Very sad.
@RC-zb5jz Ай бұрын
She is a monster.
@susannerobbins Ай бұрын
I don’t know the circumstances of the dog shooting, but the fact that she was dumb enough to put an incident so demanding of nuance in a book, using it as a sales pitch, speaks volumes. If she can’t see the political danger in that, she doesn’t seem very aware of the world.
@theneonlobster Ай бұрын
Glad to see you spreading the message of positive reinforcement on national television! Shame on anyone who would kill a puppy.
@loveyall5080 Ай бұрын
This is just unbelievable to me. I understand why some people would use a half cent bullet over $50 uthenasia, but for something as simple as those behavioral problems? Come on! That is unacceptable!! And bragging about it? That's despicable.
@Melissa-pb6wv Ай бұрын
It's uncivilized and she could afford the uthenasia
@ChristinaLynnF 25 күн бұрын
as someone from a small town in ND, i see EXACTLY what she is doing. Catering to the "old ways" audience. It is very much a thing unfortunately. It has always horrified me, but it truly is a thing in country living. Ignorance at its finest. They think because dad did it, it is what they should do too. Gotta make him proud. 🤮🤮 While i do respect a lot of small town values, animal cruelty and offing your dogs and cats because of ignorance can stay with the dead ones and not in our political system. The horror stories I have heard from people that have NO shame🤮
@epicsputnik Ай бұрын
1: This situation is scary and bad, and certainly NOT to celebrate and accept as proof that someone is a good leader.. 2: Don’t forget to put things in perspective though. Think about the countless animals being shot just so we humans can have too much meat. In these cases shooting is considered perfectly humane. These animals are just as intelligent as dogs but are just a nameless number, a product, nobody cares about their mental condition and training..
@jd-iw2et Ай бұрын
Shes disgusting! She should be convicted for neglect and abuse. Just disgusting
@margaret4898 Ай бұрын
I think shooting a dog for killing chickens was not uncommon in the very old days. But I have to wonder why the dog was allowed to be loose if it was "untrainable". That's on the owner, not on a vibrant energenic dog. Let's not forget she also decided to kill a goat for behaving like a goat.
@elfiefromangelcity6142 Ай бұрын
There was no other option?! You couldn't give the dog away? You couldn't take it to the vet to see if there was a health issue? You couldn't TRY some different training methods? What utter stupid bs! I know farmlife is hard. And I'm pro second amendment. But all I hear here is, "The dog didn't serve my needs, so I ended its life." If that's how you "Lead" then I don't want to follow. A good leader is creative and finds a use in every follower. Will she end her followers if they don't serve her needs? Drop the tough girl act and grow the guts to be compassionate. Doing what's right isn't easy. Screw her. I hate machismo is any person. Making the dog pay for her incompetence doesn't make her a good leader.
@symbionese2348 17 күн бұрын
Her actions sound kinda like Russian life under Vladimir Putin. Gosh, I wonder, what could be the link between that and her and Donald Trump and the MAGATs?
@pconan1 Ай бұрын
No stinking way would I vote for anyone who felt; hey you aren’t doing what I want…bang bang
@rokaddict534 Ай бұрын
SO DISTURBING!!! It’s because they don’t view dogs as family, but as something they own and can do with, what they want. At the very least, she could have tried to adopt out the dog, or give it to an animal rescue - a puppy has a fighting chance of making it out alive. If I were American, I don’t know what I’d be thinking about the morals of some of the leaders, or wannabe leaders… and yet, people keep voting them in. Baffling how people like this end up in power. I agree - have her investigated, at the very least.
@LyranSoul 18 күн бұрын
@fuzzyboots7104 Ай бұрын
Look, I understand you can never predict a dogs personality & behaviours. Yes, it sounds like this young doggo wasn't suited for hunting at this point in time (it also sounds like it had been free to practice behaviours & go after whatever animals, despite the e-collar), but to just straight up kill it is so extreme & then to be proud of that action & use it as an example of getting things done is so odd. The poor doggo never really had a chance
@Samthewolf1010 Ай бұрын
Well here I was thinking you couldn’t say anything during this interview to make me not want to watch him but here he goes……
@svenhaight477 Ай бұрын
So heartbreaking. There are so many other ways she could've handled the behavioral issues. Thanks for speaking out Zac!
@fionakelleghan3267 Ай бұрын
My housekeeper was silly and stepped on my paw; I forgave her. I was silly and acted rowdy; she shot me.
@meljordan220 Ай бұрын
She could have given the dog away instead of killing it. She did have other options. It's her ignorance about dog behavior that caused the dog to die. I have a homestead with chickens and dogs and cats. I do understand. If there's a working dog you need to train the dog how to do their job and not allow another dog to train them. That's not how it works. You have to train the dog how to do its job. It won't learn on its own. I have watched Zack for years and I know better. Management comes first while you're training the dog. Once the dog is trained then you can remove the management but only as the dog learns you remove a little more and a little more until you don't need to manage anymore.
@tiffymcconkey Ай бұрын
Untrainable? It sounds like she didnt want to bother with the effort it takes to train a dog properly
@destronomer Ай бұрын
This is too horrible
@mariannejensen349 Ай бұрын
I am completely green to dog-training. I have been watching your videos, for quite a while now. I keep re-watching your series of when you train Intertia from puppyhood. I live with my parents, and we have as a family come to agreement of getting a dog. I have faith in your methods. I say that it's a shame. I sense from this limited amount of information, that it was something rushed, there is too much to do on a farm, the dog was not given the proper amount of time to be trained to watch the chickens and sort of guard them, as it is a hunting type of dog. I sense that it's one who have just got a dog, without taking the time to really get a deep understanding of the traits of the breed of a dog. And then again, any dog is individual, but there are traits being general, and there haven't been enough understanding for the dog, from the owner. I sat not this recent past weekend, Zak, but the last one, and talked about those e-collars, and how I will try my best to stay away from those. And the family who I was with at a party, agreed that it should definitely not be such tool. The quick easy short cuts, or "jumps where the fence is the lowest" doesn't always solve the problem. I am considering strongly to have an educated dogtrainer along on the sideline to help me, for example make a judgement on when is it too rough, details on training with biting pressure. Your videos have made me think a bit deeper into, what would for example a puppy do, if it was in the house? And take those precausions in advance.
@Here_This Ай бұрын
It proves once more that wrong people are leading everywhere AND thinking their opinions and decisions would be the right ones . 🤬
@melaniedelaware7500 Ай бұрын
She thought the dog was going to train itself. Then killed it because it didn’t. She’s a monster.
@teamadventurebeagle4392 Ай бұрын
I keep saying this because i want to dredge up the details; i want to know why and how she put down those horses recently. The dog and goat incident may have happened too long ago to prosecute, but the horses were recent
@djones0442 Ай бұрын
I hope she doesn't have mischievous or unruly children 😬
@debh5780 Ай бұрын
Shooting a 14 months old puppy in the face is despicable and horrifying !!! What’s the matter with her ??? 😮😮😮
@roxyanderson9639 Ай бұрын
I've seen a lot of people like this as a dog trainer. They enjoy giving pain to pets they enjoy being in control in a mean way!
@ilovemyfurrykids6607 Ай бұрын
😢 the poor dog
@TheLoftia Ай бұрын
It's reasonable to argue that dogs and humans have been developing their symbiotic relationship for 10,000s of years. This dog may have had some issues that were difficult to work with, but for a someone to disregard that ancient trusting relationship with such callouse disregard sugests that the person has more issues than the dog.
@jrodgers674 Ай бұрын
this does not show leadership skills. it shows she will take the easy way out when she can.
@mariantague9705 Ай бұрын
It's painful to imagine the life of this dog prior to this unthinkable act. Such arrogance on the part of the perpetrator to take a life. South Dakota if you let this pass without question then as a state you are morally doomed. It's just the beginning in acts which display a disregard for life
@courtneylees9133 Ай бұрын
It's rather simple, under the same circumstances is she going to shoot a human or is that suddenly wrong. Either way you've got an answer about this person. I know nearly nothing about her except now I know two things, she is in government and also shoots a dog and brags about it. Like really, this is messed up.
@Timetravel755 17 күн бұрын
Seems like you are a troublemaker in more than one area.
@bobmeem4935 Ай бұрын
Terrible story but a great Hit piece for CNN. Let's weed out these republicans. Love you, Zack!!!!
@donhoverson6348 Ай бұрын
So, who out there wants to put this woman in charge of their health care?
@rokoroo Ай бұрын
Murdering her pet when she failed to succeed in training it isn't a sign of leadership, it's a sign she's no leader at all.
@josephfolkemer Ай бұрын
Oh, a politician bragging about being an abusive killer, how novel. I wonder what party she’s in 🤔?
@alexisgramercy4545 Ай бұрын
Appreciate you and your wife’s tireless work Zak. So glad you were on CNN. I only vote for humane legislators. “ How we treat animals is a measure of human moral progress” #animalrights #animalprotection
@puntonone Ай бұрын
She couldn't give the dog away?
@amberly0317 Ай бұрын
This is so upsetting.
@2new2this Ай бұрын
Unbelievable in 2024!
@ivy4114 Ай бұрын
How did she sleep that night? That pup's last breath. My dog was a little wild and silly but really matured at 3 years. She is now turning 15 and I cherish her.
@Melissa-pb6wv Ай бұрын
I wonder what she told her daughter and what kind of role model she is? How well did her daughter sleep that night?
@christiansmith4740 Ай бұрын
we all need to learn about whoever it is we are considering voting for and is that person likely to do something like that and if so don't vote for that person. its so sad that people do evil actions like that I hope that she chances and learns that quote evil never was happiness and will never be. this story needs to be talked about in a way that explains why it is not right to do something like that and just how wonderful all of gods creations are and how we can learn to love them and others if we are or are not of a faith we still I believe can know right from wrong. and thanks zak and the news for this story that needs to be talked about. keep doing good works zak
@SandyWeinstein Ай бұрын
It is disgusting that she did this. Horrible. Too bad she can't be prosecuted for animal abuse.
@ronjaj.addams-ramstedt1023 Ай бұрын
Maybe about the horses, if that was recently enough and if she shot them, too. Animal cruelty is a federal crime since 2019.
@Isekai_Maniac Ай бұрын
Thats fucking sick Did it save lives or something
@kt2906 Ай бұрын
Exactly 100%
@thelittlebrownranch9105 Ай бұрын
Every time I hear someone say "it's just a dog" I think of the writing below from Martin Niemöller. The world seems to have an overabundance of cold-hearted people. I do not allow those types of people in my space. First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me
@mstewartcopy Ай бұрын
fantastic to see you on CNN! great job Zak!
@maizzeemonroe4148 5 күн бұрын
Do you offer a training schedule for pups 4 months and older? Something organized with daily training lessons? PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!!
@SRees-qw5dz Ай бұрын
I totally agree with you, Zack. There should be an investigation.
@theman7218 Ай бұрын
What an awful person!
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