I sold my Hologram Chroma Console after 2 days...

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It's not the right effects box for me. Excellent unit just not for me.

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@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
The point of this video is to offer a different opinion than you're likely to hear from reviewers of this pedal. My straight up, honest opinion. I don't do this for money or subs. I don't care about any of that. I'm just being myself and doing what I do, and I'm fully aware that I'm not for everyone.
@sandrews7760 9 ай бұрын
Yes that’s all cool 👌. I didn’t find it constructive, I’ve sold hundreds of pedals by small boutique effects company that I didn’t gel with. I could probably have made video on each one stating why it wasn’t my rub. But why ?! If your writing to the maker on why V2 might have these ? Improvements for end user. Bonus your helping hologram make a better product.instead of potentially loosing the company sales. You didn’t like the product and posted a pointless unhelpful video, I didn’t like your video do I posted a CD pointless unhelpful review. Isn’t that a case of alls fair.!
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
@sandrews7760 9 ай бұрын
@@vintagestereos yup!
@listentotheanimalscreamsha1511 7 ай бұрын
I don't know were to get started. I have some synths but nothing to get started. I want to layer in effects. the akai are affordable can I play them on that then edit and put beats together in daw? Also can you own a daw instead of monthly subscriptions. I don't want to have to shell out money every month.
@delta-9969 7 ай бұрын
​@@sandrews7760 It's neither pointless nor unhelpful to give an honest review from an actual user who actually bought the product. As a potential buyer, that is the exact information I want. But it's becoming impossible to find on youtube because everybody is in business, or trying to be.
@Godders1 9 ай бұрын
I preordered from the January 24 run and I’m actually pretty encouraged by this because I want simplicity. Sick of menu diving and endless knob twiddling.
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
Awesome! It's an outstanding piece of gear. I'm stoked for you. I hear you on the menu diving. Instant control is super satisfying.
@lostsauce0 4 ай бұрын
Imho the oversimplification is the point. I buy hardware for a specific focus. Otherwise I would just use my PC and do whatever I want, but then I end up endlessly twiddling and lose the creative flow
@Shoegaze88 9 ай бұрын
You’ve sold me on this as I was worried about over complication. As a time poor person I don’t have the inclination to boldly dive into the inner workings of a pedal. Sounds great and even a great thickly like me can operate it. 😊
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
Hey, this is going to enable tons of musicians to express themselves. It's an absolute work of art that's as pretty as it is functional. Thanks for commenting.
@MattDisbrow1 9 ай бұрын
"I didn't even get a chance to really dive deep with this" ...seconds later... "at least I tried"
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
I dug as deep as I needed to know it should be with someone else. Very limited control on each effect. Good for some, not for others.
@Sarahbuildsstepsequencers 9 ай бұрын
@@vintagestereoswouldn’t they accept it for return? Just curious.
@JackSole17 9 ай бұрын
They don't do returns:( @@Sarahbuildsstepsequencers
@afroham 7 ай бұрын
​@@Sarahbuildsstepsequencers They do not accept returns
@kaykramer9045 5 ай бұрын
I guess, in this case it’s simply not the right tool for the job. Especially as the MPC has some onboard FX. I also would not use it for the Maschine , but rather for the Moog Grandmother or other monophonic voices of my eurorack… makes more sense for me
@chrisbunchofflowersmusic 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for your honest opinion. I ordered the console and probably will receive it in February.... work since 1 year with the microcosm and being very content. If this is really more simplified.... I will enjoy it as well. Many thanks and regards from Chris Bunch of flowers music
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
It's a banger of a pedal for sure. If you love the microcosm I think you'll love the console. It doesn't hurt that it's probably the sexiest piece of gear I've ever laid eyes on. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
@KilledByKamadan 8 ай бұрын
Yo videos likes this are actually really helpful, thanks for making it!
@2ATILLTHEYBURYME 14 күн бұрын
Your not Yo man damn bro.
@rhabdoX 9 ай бұрын
Bump was so fast, even Reverb missed it. I can't see any sale of a Chroma Console. It's a bit lame that you made 2 video's on the CC without playing a single note through it on either. Could have helped some people...
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
There are going to be much more capable people demoing the shit out of this so there's no loss there for anyone. I like videos that don't pander to the manufacturer. I'm pretty tired of sponsored videos where people won't tell you if they don't like it.
@rhabdoX 9 ай бұрын
@@vintagestereos Yes there will be others, later, down the track...but actually playing something through the device, that you received early in the piece, perhaps comparing it's sounds with MPC Air plugins, could afford people the opportunity to cancel their order pre delivery, and thereby make someone else happy in getting their device a bit earlier. Do yo see how this works? I mean, one of your video's was you fumbling around with a knife to open the outer box. I would argue that you were pandering to your inner retard.
@csaad3723 9 ай бұрын
I, like baseboardMatt, am curious why you made this video. Literally not mad, just curious on your motivation (if you care to elaborate - totally your prerogative if you don’t want to). Generally, a good video would go more into depth why It doesn’t work with your setup and maybe you’d try presenting another pedal that does have use on your workflow ( that may be similar to chromas functionality. Like the gesture recording)
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
I rarely see videos that aren't sponsored and slanted. I want more of that. Plus I feel I did offer two other options that I like better than the Console. The dp4 and the Air effects on my mpc live. You're right that I didn't go deep though, but that will be covered by countless talented musicians shortly.
@baseboardmatt 9 ай бұрын
I have a different theory… you wanted cover so you could flip in on Reverb for $646.01 plus $57 to ship. Profiteering masked as “it just wasn’t my thing”. Be honest, you were never gonna keep it. Tell me I’m wrong.
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
​@@baseboardmattI was expecting to love it and keep it.
@Kyle-wb7wx 9 ай бұрын
I would love to see this as a plug in.
@ry.albert 9 ай бұрын
XLN RC-20. you’re welcome
@barnshart9662 8 ай бұрын
I impulse bought a pedal due to FOMO and then sold it. Amazing video. 😂
@TheFlutecart 7 ай бұрын
Keyboard folk tend to use MIDI different than guitar players, and it's in the gear itself and the way we use it from the controllers to the programming. With guitar style midi thinking, we could send a program change to change effects and use midi CC to control expression or even assign an LFO to a parameter. Keyboard people go a different rout, they think of MIDI as keystrokes, triggers and MIDI note information. Perhaps it's a fingers vs feet thing. But I can't recommend the Morningstar line of controllers enough, really full featured control at your toes. Makes all the diff in the world when toying with fancy guitar pedals. Cheers!
@SonicVibe 9 ай бұрын
o nice thanks for the update most love the hologram too but i thought this was kinda a pricy fx box sold my mpc not a fan of akai new inmusic buiness model charge for every update but air flavor pro was sick
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
Fair enough. Thanks for commenting.
@BrandonAdams1010 9 ай бұрын
This is an interesting study in psychology. Seems to be the RC-20 of effects pedals. Overhyped and pre-ordered, the pre-order trolls come to whine in anticipation of an effects unit that seems to look cooler than it actually is.
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
Lots of interesting psychology indeed. Thanks for weighing in.
@bryanlemeilleurtexas 9 ай бұрын
I almost returned my EQD Disaster Transport Sr after a few days. Persevered and learned it. Still have it over a decade later.
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
Fair. I've done that too. This is my second DP/4. I also did that with the elektron analog drive. Thanks for sharing.
@goonfish 9 ай бұрын
Seems a ton of folks are *MASSIVELY* underutilizing its MIDI parameter control & automation, as they should open up a lot more control that isn't available within those two-knobs-per. But there's also the whole button-combo parameter mod system. ... but you/we all knew this going in _(unless the GAS fumes were too strong for some folks who didn't think to read the Quick Guide & watch the two promo videos)_, so not sure what you expected. _"Well... I tried"_ is not how I'd put it; but I don't have mine yet so I'm keeping an open mind towards limitations.
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
I would have kept it except the overlap with other gear was too much for me to justify keeping it. I didn't know there would be so much overlap. I had to try it to learn that it would be redundant in my setup. Am I allowed to do that and share my experience? Of course I am. Now go eat your shitty lasagna.
@MrClarkio 7 ай бұрын
I’ve not been massively sold on this pedal from what I’ve heard, but I am puzzled as to how you weren’t expecting it to overlap with the MPC effects. Presumably you knew what the effects were on the CC before buying? With respect, and in order to avoid future disappointment, I think maybe you need to sit on your GAS for a little while before buying stuff.
@goonfish 7 ай бұрын
@@MrClarkio ☝️THIS ☝️- and @vintagestereos : I also never said you couldn't do whatever you wanted with your money, and you know this... Just pointing out the irony in your greivances as if you had no other options for properly informing yourself before admittedly impulse-jumping, and then immediately complaining in weak-faith like a teenager. As I'm sure you're aware, Chroma Console *CAN'T be returned due to buyers remorse once it's left the factory.* Which is exactly why I waited until Batch-2 to give myself time to change my mind; now I benefited from over a month of wonderful promo & user-demos to get a more varied sense of its capabilities, read the manual twice in that time, and Chroma Console happily showed up on my doorstep this past Saturday! ...But yeah; ignore the life lesson here, lash out at your bemused viewers & keep huffing them sweet, sweet GAS fumes bud! 🎯
@McEnroe911 9 ай бұрын
I'm interested in why you didn't like it.... but you never really told us.
@royalslone1285 9 ай бұрын
Sold mine too after a few days. Just not a great pedal for guitar at all. Non of the effects other than swell sounded good or got me excited. I had mine calibrated perfectly and all the effects would stay at the same level, but my god any time I introduced any of the gain effects the volume jump was just insane. Probably a great pedal for synth and production but if you are looking for a cool multi effect for just guitar this thing is a complete fail. Every effect sounds super thin. Like ice bouncing off tin. Meh.
@harrymanilow 9 ай бұрын
You probably would be better suited with the strymon mobius.
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
I thought it was cool enough. Liked the sound ok. Just too much overlap for my setup. Thanks for sharing your experience.
@bnz70 7 ай бұрын
I really like the Chroma Console but my only gripe, as you pointed out, is the massive jump in volume when using OD/Dist/Fuzz. it is annoying.
@baseboardmatt 9 ай бұрын
This is the equivalent of a breakup using the excuse “it’s not you, it’s me”. Nobody needed to hear this. Wondering why you felt the need to post? Thx for bumming out everybody that ordered this device. Was hoping to hear some cool sounds. Thx again.
@davedraws76 9 ай бұрын
Whoa dude. Relax yo-self. This guy doesn't owe you a damn thing. Not a demo. Not a good review of the pedal. It's his pedal. His channel...ya big baby
@dingbatjack1234 9 ай бұрын
He can post what he wants you goob
@baseboardmatt 9 ай бұрын
@@dingbatjack1234goob! Nice one!
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
Just like this pedal, I'm not for everyone.
@aikighost 9 ай бұрын
You didn't need to comment why did you feel the need to comment? You see this thing called "self expression" goes both ways. 🤣
@Iofflight78 9 ай бұрын
I think for your application this makes complete sense. If I were looking at this pedal for synths (other than on drums) I'd be feeling similarily. I also play guitar and bass, and I got this for guitar mostly because while I have a lot of delays especially, and a good UA Golden Reverb, I do not have a ton of fuzz and distortion effects that crunch.
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
Ya it sounds like an ideal pedal for you. Especially for guitar. Synths will be nice through it as well. For many people it will be ideal.
@Iofflight78 9 ай бұрын
@@vintagestereos You're probably right. When it comes to synth applications I tend to prefer rackable effects units. Eventide, Lexicon, Boss SE series, Ensoniq etc. I've never really loved using pedals on synths.
@AKJ828 9 ай бұрын
The moment I saw the mpc I understood everything I needed about this video
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
I wonder what that means.
@AKJ828 9 ай бұрын
@@vintagestereos users usually decline the use of other gear the moment they use the mpc workflow. As mpc gives a very thorough environment
@happyjessus 9 ай бұрын
Yeah it's true that you basically have 2 parameters for each effect. I think the magic comes from messing around with the internal routing. However limited they might be, how did you like the quality/sound of the effects? Most reviewers tend to overdo it so it's hard to tell how they would sound if used subtly.
@hochtief5220 9 ай бұрын
You’re right. But it‘s up to four parameters plus the Gesture-Function…
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
Sound quality was excellent and the workflow is intuitive. They hit a home run all the way around. My expectations were off is all.
@benamad 9 ай бұрын
It’s difficult to be subtle. Just increasing a little the amount knob and you can already hear a lot of the effect, specially on the texture module. I write to hologram about that. They can change it by firmware update I think. Otherwise we can decrease the volume effect but not directly it’s secondary function of the amount knob so you cannot compensate in live situation.
@aikighost 9 ай бұрын
Cool beans, Im still looking forwards to receiving this soon, did you feel this territory was covered by the MPC live "Flavour Pro" fx suite?
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
The console is gonna be what a lot of musicians have been waiting for and will do amazing things with it. I did find there was a lot of overlap. Maybe not as good sounding in the mpc but already in the box and fully automatable with a shit ton of deeper editing capabilities. Also I happened to rebuy an ensoniq dp4 at the same time as the console so I was able to compare them in real time. That was a game changer. I sold my previous dp4 and missed it a lot. Now with this second one I'm going to use the absolute shit out of it. Mostly for passing tracks or even full songs through recorded into my daw. It has 4 modules, can be used in so many ways and sounds other worldly.
@Madmohawkfilms 7 ай бұрын
Check out the Zoia Empress and/or MOD Dwarf
@mortoncombs 7 ай бұрын
i sold my microcosm and went with the eventide pitch factor and the space reverb i just didnt get microcosm
@saren6538 9 ай бұрын
arent you the dude that bought every mpc out there one after the other and then sold everyone of them... i get the impression you just buy stuff to try to keep channel interest then sell
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
Ya thats me. I tried them all and found the one I like and shared my experience. Now what?
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
Actually, never tried the 4k or 500. No desire, likely never will.
@saren6538 6 ай бұрын
@@vintagestereos exactly now what ? lol channel gone quiet
@mudsharkbytes 9 ай бұрын
Based upon the quality of the Microcosm I immediately ordered this. Something that can be easily modded in a live situation is just the ticket.
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
I'm stoked for you. I love gear!!!!!!!
@elektrenai219 9 ай бұрын
The reverbs are a problem for me on Hologram stuff
@JAAPIOJO 9 ай бұрын
Have you tried an eventide H90?
@sandrews7760 9 ай бұрын
I don’t know why you posted this. I made a crap lasagne yesterday… I didn’t tell anyone … it was my fault the lasagne was crap. Looking forward to January and shipping.
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
It's cuz my dad didn't hug me enough.
@asynchronicity 5 ай бұрын
Do you have a pasta channel….?
@sandrews7760 5 ай бұрын
@@asynchronicity clearly the lasagne was shit! Why would I discuss it on the internet…
@asynchronicity 5 ай бұрын
@@sandrews7760 So you don’t have a pasta channel? I feel cheated!
@sandrews7760 5 ай бұрын
@@asynchronicity I don’t have a pasta channel … you don’t have a point ! My point was don’t make poorly reasoned and negative videos that negatively effect small builders in our industry .. for clicks. Any one can troll 👿 which is what that video was. And what my comment was in reply As an aside .. had the chroma for a few months now .. legendary pedal. Sorry the maker of the original video didn’t get it and you wasted your time commenting on my comment. Forward ever backward never my pasta loving friend
@Davide-cs6hy 9 ай бұрын
I'll buy it off of you If you don't have a buyer yet
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
Sold already. The first sale of a Chroma Console on Reverb.
@baseboardmatt 9 ай бұрын
@@vintagestereosthat’s not even true. Two sold before yours.
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
I stand corrected.
@Domn879 9 ай бұрын
I think you’re in the minority.
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
That's usually where I'm most comfortable.
@Domn879 9 ай бұрын
It’s a useful POV. I got and sold a Force because I couldn’t gel with the Air effects as a guitarist. We all like our cups of tea a bit different.
@Epicfuzz 9 ай бұрын
lol it’s a great box. The effects on the MPC are basic at best.
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
I wouldn't describe the air effects as basic. Have you tried them? They blew my head clean off.
@BrandonAdams1010 9 ай бұрын
Yeah the MPC2000.
@rgb-audio-scape4286 9 ай бұрын
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
@bozosaurus666 9 ай бұрын
@vintagestereos 9 ай бұрын
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