I Visited a Kingdom Hall and Uncovered a Secret…

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Backpack Religion

Backpack Religion

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@Wewillbeokay8 6 ай бұрын
You were absolutely spot on! They do use those same methods every time. And they’re so nice until you’re in or until you end your Bible study. Then they treat you like a disfellowshipped person.
@joachimgoethe7864 10 ай бұрын
The excessive friendliness is called, "love bombing". It stops abruptly after baptism.
@EricBurke-uu4lw 6 ай бұрын
Then it becomes oh your not doing enough for the cult. I remember this I was being hugged when I went to my mom's kingdom hall. I didn't understand cults back then and how they love bomb. But I remember it was a bit excessive.
@CorinaStMartinArt 9 ай бұрын
You got love bombed! That’s the fresh blood greeting to newcomers. Once you got baptized then you’d be properly ignored. Well they’d keep tabs on you and they’d notice whether or not you were at a meeting (you’re required to attend all meetings), they’d note if you go out in service or not (until recently you had to put so many hours in a month), they’d pay attention to who your friends are, how you speak, what you read, what you watch, what type of music you listen to, what type of job you have, what type of clothes you wear, what your hairstyle is, your facial hair (just this week it was announced that brothers can finally wear a beard), what type of car you drive (it better be a 4 door so you can take others out in service), and on and on. You felt weird about it because it wasn’t authentic on their part. Once they get you to convert it’s very hard to leave and if you have loved ones in then there is no way to leave unharmed. I was born in to the religion in ‘73 and left in ‘98, I lost most of my family and my friends when I decided I couldn’t live that way anymore and when you leave or get disfellowshipped then you’re now part of Satan’s world so they shun you. That religion (cult) destroys peoples lives.
@robinkish-miller2990 9 ай бұрын
I was born and raised in this organization and it is cruel, corrupt - very hypocritical....very toxic.
@vusimngomezulu2500 2 ай бұрын
Which church are preaching the gospel of the kingdom around the world to all nations as Jesus Christ said? Matthew 10:16,24:14,28:19-20,Mark 13:10, if not only only only the Jehovah's witnesses..
@robinkish-miller2990 2 ай бұрын
@@vusimngomezulu2500 o.k. good point However what is the point of preaching anything when there are doubled standards, back stabbings, cruelty, (I could go on) and don't tell me you don't know what I am talking about. You aren't stupid
@vusimngomezulu2500 2 ай бұрын
@@robinkish-miller2990 But your ignore my simple question 😭
@robinkish-miller2990 2 ай бұрын
I wasn't ignoring your question. I acknowledged it by stating that you had a good point.
@Barbie-hp2lk 28 күн бұрын
@@vusimngomezulu2500No one is
@RandyMabusedJW 10 ай бұрын
I was a JW for 50 yrs. Great job at revealing this cult’s secret on finding troubled ones to convert.
@seanrathmakedisciples1508 10 ай бұрын
Thanks my sister was trapped by the Jehovah’s witnesses 30 years ago. She won’t even take a phone call from us now . She is totally antichrist now
@xnihilo1044 10 ай бұрын
Agreed. This was the case for my step-brother in the early 80s. He took a bad LSD trip in college and thought he wasn't gonna "come down." He told his experience to a couple of classmates (JWs) and the rest is history. Sad thing, the org totally changed his personality to the point that his psyche is unrecognizable from the bro I once knew and loved. Soon after his "conversion" I became a Christian. He refuses to talk to me because I know my faith and he can't answer questions without consulting the org's material. He considers me an infidel, basically.
@RandyMabusedJW 10 ай бұрын
@@xnihilo1044 they are all victims of a concept
@ronhansen8471 10 ай бұрын
@@xnihilo1044 Many so called Christians say they are following Christ but in reality, are following the world with limited knowledge of God's word the bible. But then not many people are bible savants. I lived through the LSD and Timmy boy's era with plenty of 1st hand experience. While some might experience a god trip the drug has nothing to do with the truth. True Christians imitate Jesus’ example as the Great Teacher and Faithful Witness of Jehovah. (Joh 18:37; Re 1:5; 3:14) “Go . . . make disciples of people of all the nations” is their Leader’s command. (Mt 28:19, 20) First-century Christianity had no temples, built no altars, used no crucifixes, and sponsored no garbed and betitled ecclesiastics. Early Christians celebrated no state holidays and refused all military service. “A careful review of all the information available goes to show that, until the time of Marcus Aurelius [who ruled 161-180 C.E.], no Christian became a soldier; and no soldier, after becoming a Christian, remained in military service.”-The Rise of Christianity, by E. Barnes, 1947, p. 333. (James 4:4) Adulteresses, [ adulteress in a spiritual sense] do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is making himself an enemy of God. If becoming a Christian you no longer associate with the world what does that make you look like to the world.
@Thinkagain21 8 ай бұрын
What made you change and where do you stand now on spiritual things?
@cookingwithjosh9570 9 ай бұрын
That friendliness ends once you're on the inside
@deconstruct.with.raejene 7 ай бұрын
BIG FACTS! I was invited to every Family worship and the moment I got baptized that shit ended…. I was like damn wheres the love? 😂
@annamarina3087 5 ай бұрын
They turn it off like a tap because they can no longer count their time with you.
@Diane-od1tz 2 ай бұрын
Soo true
@nadineappesbacher952 Ай бұрын
Not true ❤
@polletpower 9 ай бұрын
I’m a former Jehovah’s Witnesses. Just a brief point of clarification is that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not call them services on the different days that they worshiped; they call them meetings. You will NEVER hear a witness say that they are going to a service. Sure, they may modify the language to fit in with other people occasionally, but they are called meetings
@Kammy-pp1vh 4 ай бұрын
Jehovah Witness going to a meeting, only time you here service is they go out in field service, the kingdom halls I been too, Right on getting it straight . 👍
@thehannahregina 10 ай бұрын
Midweek meeting is to train members on how to convert people. I was born into this cult and recently left in 2020. I woke up from the indoctrination. I always knew something was wrong but being beat by my father along with the thought of losing your entire family kept me in. I never converted anyone (thank goodness) because I never felt confortable knocking people’s door. I left and got my kids out. Now my parents don’t speak to me. I struggle mentally but therapy and coaching helps. Oh they love bombed you…it doesn’t last.
@Christian_Girl120 10 ай бұрын
I'm a Christian Catholic who accepted Jesus Christ as my savior, and he is the son of God. No JW has been able to convert me.
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
God bless you tenfold! ❤
@angryox3102 10 ай бұрын
@jdsthird 10 ай бұрын
Hooray 😃 for you. You believe in fairytales.
@aiden777able 10 ай бұрын
All religion is a crime.
@seanrathmakedisciples1508 10 ай бұрын
I was born Roman Catholic and I’m now a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ and making other disciples on my journey with the Lord Jesus Christ 24/7
@spontaneouscognitions2528 11 ай бұрын
Love bombing is one of the tactics that comes to mind hearing about your visit. In my experience I was unable to have conversations with them and ask questions freely. It always went to an invite to a Bible study followed by the comment, "We will address that in the study."
@purplefireweed 10 ай бұрын
YUP. They create the illusion that you're invited to ask questions, but only under very controlled settings. Love bombing goes all the way to cruel shunning when you don't toe their line.
@ronhansen8471 10 ай бұрын
Love bombing? Do you know that the law of a Christian is, love. Did you know that God is "LOVE"?
@aBlackSh33p 10 ай бұрын
As an ex-jw, yes, you are spot on with love bombing. It is not a religion. It's a cult. His experience at the weekday meeting is because they control "insider/outsider" information. Another cult tactic.
@Doris1888 10 ай бұрын
You should have said "let's address it now!"😆
@purplefireweed 10 ай бұрын
@@ronhansen8471 yeah. God is love. Not BOMBING. There are zero positive biblical examples of this egregious behavior, which includes total and complete shunning should you step out of line. Not biblical.
@veronicavanderkolk9031 10 ай бұрын
You experienced “love bombing” after the service. It’s a classic cult recruitment tactic.
@lion5452 10 ай бұрын
I don't trust overly nice people
@anti-christ.666 10 ай бұрын
It's called manipulation👍. 90% of the time they want something from you the other 10% just don't want anything right now.
@theodoreritola7641 7 ай бұрын
Test the spirits to see if they are from God!
@DianePantig 6 ай бұрын
My mother got lovebombed by this group.They invited her to their homes and out to lunch. Then they invited her to have a bible study. They told her they expected her to be baptized in one year and to drop all her friends who are not jws. The study ended real fast after that!
@DiabloDisablo 10 ай бұрын
The overly friendliness is called "love-bombing". It's a tactic they employ in Kingdom Halls and conventions. It's paper thin, though. If you start asking awkward questions it turns frosty pretty quickly.
@nigelackroyd7991 10 ай бұрын
No pleasing some people eh???
@katesims2346 10 ай бұрын
Love bombing is a narcissistic tactic.
@rhelsyc 9 ай бұрын
you are right, they tend to excessively welcome new comers hoping that you'll come back and start a bible study with them. and once, you get baptized, everyone will avoid you altogether
@marajacobs-proctor200 10 ай бұрын
I was one for 40 years. Left 10 years ago. That overly friendly way, or ‘love bombing’, is something they are known for the world over. They do it in hopes of converting you to the religion. They are generally nice people but the love bombing comes across as disingenuous and downright creepy! 😵‍💫
@jenniferm6141 10 ай бұрын
I had a really bad experience with the JW’s after my grandfather’s memorial. I was at a reception/ banquet type thing my aunt had catered at a community center after the memorial service. The place was packed with JW’s . I was totally bothered by the constant harassment while mourning. I would have super happy smiling JW’s walk up to me at my table and ask who I was , which was fine and understandable, because only very few recognized me from being a kid . They seemed shocked to know my grandpa had another son , my dad. Most didn’t recognize my dad or even know he existed . They would ask what congregation I’m from? They need to ask what congregation as a way to see if I’m a witness. I would tell them I’m not and they would ask if I had been one before next ? They are trying to figure out if I’m bad association through disfellowshipping or disassociation. I would say no I was a little kid last time I went . This one man had the nerve to ask if I wanted to be one ? I said no and this is not the time or place to proselytize to me . He walked off super fast shocked . Any other’s would ask if I was interested in studying and I would say no and they would excuse themselves at that point . I didn’t get any I’m sorry for you loss it was nice to meet you. I only got that from older JW’s that new me as a kid personally. I don’t think they realize that they are behaving badly, because it’s their normal behavior to be always recruiting. Tons of grieving families get letters from JW’s in the mail with a sheet of paper with their logo and QR code to scan, after they search the obituaries. They don’t realize how inappropriate it is to have a stranger invade their privacy like that while they are grieving. They don’t realize their mail comes off insincere because they include that JW flier with their logo and QR code . Then they hand write some Bible scriptures smh . JW’s if you are reading this look on KZbin at News channels covering it . The news crew interviewed a grieving dad that lost his child and got the JW mail . He didn’t didn’t appreciate it and the crew found the JW woman that wrote it and went to her house . It’s just not appropriate to count your time or now I heard you check off a box if your not a pioneer. Also I wanted to add , I would have appreciated them telling me some nice memories of my grandfather they had . If they didn’t know him well they could have just given their condolences.
@PaulFromCHGO 10 ай бұрын
Here is my experience with the Kingdom Hall... I was a teenager (long ago) and was trying different faiths because I was becoming disillusioned with organized religion in general. What you talked about in your video regarding tactics was at the time very much a secret that the elders did not want to disclose to you until you were very much a member, fully converted and baptized. Since I was never one to like secrets being kept from me, I found a way to discover those tactics that you were spot on in presenting by "borrowing" a book that they were unwilling to sell to me. This book described the tactics you presented. Soon after, I left the church because I felt it was brainwashing. One thing that I vividly remember is that when we were being preached to, they were very adamant that Judgement Day was coming "soon" and specifically, they preached that anyone born by 1914 will live to see it. Only Jehovah's Witnesses were expected to pass judgement, so we better be devout. Needless to say that didn't happen. Today, I do not follow any organized religion (although I still have faith in an afterlife, whatever form that may take) and I feel more at peace with that.
@paulinerelph 10 ай бұрын
Yes, I was still listening to them, when 1975 came and went. Not one prophesy they ever made has been fulfilled. Deuteronomy 18 22. Ironically, many biblical prophesies are now coming true especially in Israel, but they never mention these because they believe they themselves are now God's Chosen people. Jesus Christ is the only way, truth and life, not the GB they idolise. John 14 6
@isaiah30v8 10 ай бұрын
​@@paulinerelph --- Here is an end time prophecy that has always been in every Christians bible which is now coming true. It has a great deal to do with Jehovah's Witnesses: . Isaiah 66:5 Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.” . [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ----->> excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME . . Yes, that is the announcement made to a congregation when a Jehovah's Witness is disfellowshipped (excommunicated). . . What is most interesting in the above end time prophecy is that it would be reasonable for these excommunicated Jehovah's Witnesses to expect Jesus Christ to appear during their lifetime: . "He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part"! . . Look it up in as many translations as possible. . From my own research it is only Jehovah's Witnesses who could fulfill this end time prophecy. . If you find any other denomination who could fit this prophecy then please ley me know. .
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
Good for you. Me too. Nothing organized. I had enough of that through Kingdom Halls.
@aundavioncook2131 10 ай бұрын
You lucky bastard, i tried stealing a copy of their elder books for almost my entire childhood. Where I grew up, it was always watched
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
@@paulinerelphI agree. I lived through 1975 too. Blasted my family apart.
@Mackeson3 10 ай бұрын
Many years ago there was a news item on TV whereby a child died for want of a life saving blood transfusion, the child's parents were JW and had refused to sign the consent form. My mother was visibly upset by this, in fact she shed a few tears. Well a few days after that there was a knock on the door (Guess who) and my mum answered it. As soon as she saw who they were mum (Who normally was the most calm and gentle of souls) gave them the biggest bollocking I bet they'd ever had in their insipid god-bothering lives! I seem to remember it ended with : "DON'T YOU DARE KNOCK ON OUR DOOR EVER AGAIN" . Suffice to say, they never did! 🤣
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
I understand. Good for her! Many died of that doctrine. I was d’sf’d for arguing about it.
@TheFrankyfern22 10 ай бұрын
So answer me this one. I was a JW long ago. I knew a guy, I believe he was an Elder, and he’d had 2 kidney transplants. How is it ok to get TWO kidney transplants but not a blood transfusion???? I found this very hypocritical and dangerous. I am pretty sure you have to accept the possibility of transfusion for a transplant?
@eyeswideopen8570 10 ай бұрын
@@TheFrankyfern22 Sometimes their hypocrisy costs people their lives.
@bokunobaka 10 ай бұрын
@@TheFrankyfern22 Governing body flip flopped on that one several times, first it was OK then organ transplants are cannibalism, then it was OK then it was wrong because apparently you would take on the personality of the organs original owner, then it became OK again.... It is messed up.
@TheFrankyfern22 10 ай бұрын
@@bokunobaka Oh wow! I never knew that, That is crazy. Imagine all the people who died because they wouldn’t take a organ transplant. :( Glad I’m out.
@Heyxyz1 10 ай бұрын
Wow, this is well made! Shocking from a channel of your size… Well, I was recommended this, so here’s to you getting bigger.
@lgrantnelson2863 10 ай бұрын
I once had JWs at my door. At every turn I told them the Bible says. Then they asked me what is truth? They were taken aback when I said Jesus. They tried to take it back to Gods word. Quoted the verse in John where Jesus said I am the way the TRUTH and the life no one comes to the Father except through Me. They couldn't leave fast enough . They haven't been back.
@---zc4qt 10 ай бұрын
I once made JWs "RUN" ( i.e. did not want to talk any more) when I told them that there was no letter "J" in Hebrew. They were shocked when I showed them a Hebrew Bible, and asked them to show me ONE time the letter "J" could be found in the Hebrew text.
@JB.zero.zero.1 10 ай бұрын
@@---zc4qt Well, to your burst your bubble. When I was a JW, many years ago, we were fully aware of the "J" situation. That isn't a gotcha moment at all. Watchtower made mention of this in articles and discussed the evolution of language. Trained witnesses wouldn't "run away" at such a petty critique of their beliefs. They likely judged you (unfairly probably) as insincere.
@jenniferm6141 10 ай бұрын
@@JB.zero.zero.1 I have The Bible In Living English published by Watch Tower with the copyright 1972. In the translator’s preface page 7, “ As to the Old Testament name of God, certainly the spelling and the pronunciation Jehovah were originally a blunder.”
@Linda-ux8un 10 ай бұрын
@@JB.zero.zero.1 They have not got right to judge anyone.Thats Christ Jesus call.He is The Appointed Judge.
@bokunobaka 10 ай бұрын
The friendliness you got was called "love bombing" (they do not call it that, people who study cults do) and yes, they were trying to convert you and use all the tactics on you. They thought they had you hooked and were trying to real you in.
@DarthMagog 10 ай бұрын
Ah, you fell into the Christian Life and Ministry Meeting. We used to call it the Theocratic Ministry School, but yeah you've got in on their sales training. Happy to answer any questions if you want, Watchtower and CCJW is WILD.
@wfqsfg 10 ай бұрын
JWs have come to my door over the years. I wouldn't say excessive. Jesus was never mentioned. Their opening statement or question was different each time but they never mentioned Jesus. I would have to be the one to bring that up.
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
@ramlethalvalentinedestroye1784 10 ай бұрын
I usually invite them in and then play some BdSM p**n for them
@boonelorenz5005 10 ай бұрын
Ex-jw here. I like the outside perspective. Those "model presentations" are followed sometimes very precisely by people who are more socially inept. But the more skilled public speakers would usually come up with something a little less artificial sounding. The midweek meeting is not really intended to have a lot of "worldly people" attend, as you found they discuss much more training and insider doctrine. The Sunday meeting is sometimes called the public meeting, and has a 30 minute "public talk" that is more palatable to the general public. It would be interesting to see if you could get into a meeting for field service and go door to door with them. You would have to dress up, shave, and be very careful not to swear, but with a little research I think it would be doable.
@gbnomore3918 10 ай бұрын
Field service? Lol. Obviously you haven’t heard the “new light”. They don’t do that anymore.😂 that’s apostate thinking now. It’s actually a good chuckle that you mentioned it.
@purplefireweed 10 ай бұрын
Oh wow, how long ago did the Sunday talk get hacked down to only 30 mins?? Back in my day (70s & 80s prior to being DF'd twice), I grew up sitting through an entire hour talk, plus an hour of Watchtower study with a song break between... Guess they finally got the memo about people's attention spans! Same with assemblies, from what I hear...
@gbnomore3918 10 ай бұрын
@@purplefireweed ha ha ha, another good chuckle! Thanks! I had been out for a long time, then went back. They had the whole new songbook and such. But the thing that got me was they no longer did those “quick builds”. Now they had “licensed” rank-and-file doing the work and those would get help from the rest of the “members“. At first I thought to myself I guess that’s a good idea because it’s about safety. They had like a “building committee” and a “design committee“. And then they rolled out their next big thing which was the new KH design, talking about how great, efficient and well designed they were going to be. Finally I saw the artist rendering. Took one look and said to myself that’s a damn store!! The spin was that the windows up front were so that “the public could see the literature on display“. I remember feeling the cognitive dissonance and a big red flag going up in my mind. Alarm bells going off in my brain saying wake up you dumb ass wake up! L O L.
@purplefireweed 10 ай бұрын
@@gbnomore3918 Yeah, I read how WT demanded Puerto Rico rebuild KHs after the hurricanes to that new *storefront* model and then proceeded to consolidate congregations and then SELL OFF the brand new halls. Just a huge money grab. Here in Hawaii I watched an old hall in a giant subdevelopment get torn down and then rebuilt (for nearly $1,000,000) into that storefront model, then proceeded to be fenced with a locked gate. So much for the "public" access to those literature windows! After growing up having to sneak watching movies and listening to worldly music, it blows my mind that now meetings are all about videos, and everyone does all their busywork on tablets. Seems like the aim is cookie cutter sameness, and that GB members are to be seen and idolized today--we never even knew most of their names let alone what they looked or sounded like. We were taught to NOT seek the spotlight but these old farts are controlling people through digital screens now. I imagine current Witnesses having terrible nightmares with the faces of the GB haunting their sleep AND waking hours. Ewww. Also, now that door to door is fast becoming a relic of the past, they all set up those literature racks and seats down at the ocean cliffs here, where everyone goes to find peace and waves at the end of the day, end of the week. I mean, no great tribulation going on here, lol! (Haven't they been told the GT is imminent, or it's begun?...). But yeah, the changes and continuing tightened control over the rank and file is astonishing. SO GLAD I got out and thankfully I've been in therapy to handle my rage about the goddamn fear that made my parents shun me for 30 years before they passed. On another note.....those SONGS were just awful, especially when people like me tried to sing them. There's an XJW here on YT who made a channel mocking them, one by one. It's hilarious! I hope you've found healing from whatever trauma you endured and are now feeling lighter and free to live life on your terms. 🌟
@philomelodia 10 ай бұрын
Wilmette. I also found his perspective interesting. I’m not so sure he could go out in service though. He’d have to have a presentation. Somebody would have to take him under their wing. Unless, of course, he can get his hands on the latest kingdom ministry. Do they still have the kingdom ministry? That’s where I used to get my presentations from when I was too lazy to come up with my own. Say what you Will about the ministry school or the theocratic ministry school it was once called, it definitely teaches you how to speak to people and you can use the stuff you learn in life and in business. I sure have, much to the chagrin of a bunch of older people in my family that wanted me to become an elder or something. Instead, these days, I get paid to teach others. Those who grew up in the religion have absolutely no idea just how terrified a whole bunch of people are of getting in front of folks and talking. When you’ve done it for years and years and years, since you were 10 and read your first Bible chapter in front of people, it’s a piece of cake. Gives you quite an advantage over others.
@tracksidethomas 10 ай бұрын
I had a few missionaries knock on my door once and they asked me a question, I think it had to do with end times and/or salvation. I answered the question with a few passages that my priest had preached on that week. They quickly thanked me for my time, walked away, and I never had another JW missionary approach my door again.
@jeffpeff 10 ай бұрын
The mid week meeting is nothing more than a sales meeting.
@derelbriarley6786 10 ай бұрын
In the 30s and 40s it was called 'the Business Meeting' and the congregations 'companies'.
@paulinerelph 10 ай бұрын
Exactly how they were trained to do it in 1972 ish, except that they described themselves as scorpions, in that any householder who refused to listen to them, was left with a 'sting'.
@stanley1771 10 ай бұрын
Very accurate evaluation. If you want to see what makes them tick, ask them about their disfellowshipping or no-blood policy. They will try to push those subjects off. If you press them, they will try to control and steer the conversation back to what are your true motivations for these inquiries. Thanks again.
@gbnomore3918 10 ай бұрын
Better yet, ask them about the Australian royal Commission hearings regarding the cover-up of CSA by watchtower, for decades. And if anybody is reading this, you should also look into that yourself. Case study number 29 back in 2015.
@MrVeryfrost 10 ай бұрын
@@gbnomore3918 Most of them wouldn't know anything about it, not even elders. If somebody knew about it, then you discovered PIMO.
@RiskeFactor 10 ай бұрын
@@gbnomore3918 kzbin.info/www/bejne/nHvFdppvobGBsLMsi=WPUtya8QIQ5ryvOt
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
That is SO true! They hate those doctrinal subjects that the Governing Body made up. In fact, ask all about the Governing Body!
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
Questioning and arguing the Blood Doctrine got me disfellowshipped. I thought, “No way would I let my child die for lack of a needed blood transfusion!” I was out. Now they changed it to allowing blood “fractions”. Fractions is not the whole of what may be medically needed but they don’t know how to get out of the mess they’ve (Governing Body) created because if they suddenly get “New Light” that it’s ok afterall to take a blood transfusion, they’ll have to answer for all the deaths that denying blood caused up to the point of doctrinal change. It’s quite a mess.
@TrinityTruth05 11 ай бұрын
I pray God saves them, and they turn from their false teachings
@handsomeman-pm9vy 10 ай бұрын
What about the Great Pumpkin?
@mrm8850 10 ай бұрын
what trinity Fable?
@gbnomore3918 10 ай бұрын
All organized religion is pretty much business.
@purplefireweed 10 ай бұрын
@@gbnomore3918 Bingo. The Catholic Church used to be the wealthiest entity on the planet. JWs have vast real estate holdings..
@mrm8850 10 ай бұрын
@@gbnomore3918 what is your?
@mariagundaker2691 10 ай бұрын
I used to live in Toronto where they were out and proselytizing a lot. I believe they feel that because they proselytize, they are right. I asked them who gave them this responsibility? I also know that they do not consider the question I ask many people; What was the issue with Jesus that made the religious clerics of Jesus's time so enraged if it was not the very declarations of Jesus that He was working for humanity before birth as Jehovah? For Jesus to be The Savior of mankind, He needed to be God in the flesh. What God should we want/need more than The One who did exactly what Jesus did and said. He declared to the samaritan woman at the well, that He was The Promised Messiah, more than just mortal. JESUS has been working for us from before the organization of our Earth and continues so to be and do! This is The One we truly need, I so witness and that He was exactly who He declared that He was and because He succeeded in His mortal mission, there is abundant HOPE for all of humanity (us).
@mamibear33 10 ай бұрын
Omg well said.❤
@mutata057 7 ай бұрын
surely if Jesus was God in the flesh, that would negate divine scales of justice. Adam perfect human, lost life through wilful disobedience Jesus had to come as a perfect human to pay the 'like for like' price for redemption from that sin.
@SusanMeade-xg6jm 5 ай бұрын
My X mother-in-law was a JW and she constantly bombarded me and my children with her testimony. Although my husband was forced to attend the Kingdom Hall has a youth, he refused to go at the age of about 12. Father-in-law was never a JW but his other two children were immersed in the cult. This split in the family went on for years and was a source of difficulty. I never allowed her to indoctrinate my children in any way but she constantly left books under their covers of their beds before she left my home. I gave her respect for having her own beliefs but ask her to respect my feelings and family. She never stopped and I ended up telling her she wasn’t welcome in my home or allowed to be with my children alone. Luckily we lived 4 hours apart so I was able to avoid her. She was consumed with preaching her views.
@clearjr1 7 ай бұрын
A consistent feature of cults that try to recruit new members is “love-bombing.” That is what they did to you at the end of your meeting. It is effective if you are young and in search of answers to problems, lonely, or in some kind of crisis. Once you are hooked, it disappears as quickly as it appeared.
@Buddyman1225 10 ай бұрын
Break out a smoke when visiting outside the Hall and see how they act !
@gr8fulride 10 ай бұрын
I think you are on an amazing journey. You have the unique perspective of the unindoctrinated viewing what to the insider is normal unquestionable behavior. Im always learning about where ideas and beliefs originate.
@ElliottBrandel 10 ай бұрын
JW members honestly do love people. The love bomb you experienced was because of the belief that when Armageddon comes if you are not a JW you will likely die. That part is sad. What the members don't understand is that Accepting Christ doesn't mean you have to be a JW. But id encourage you to follow Christ and Love God/Neighbor. Jesus is God's gift to humans, our second Adam.
@jzx8t6 10 ай бұрын
They love you till you break a "rule" then if you are baptized you will be disfellowshipped and no one will talk to you even family .
@Des7iny7 10 ай бұрын
They love you so much, as soon as you don’t agree with them, you. Are. Dead.
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
He’s not our second Adam. But yes, be kind.
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
@@jzx8t6this is so true. It cannot be denied. It was that very cruelty that led me to Jesus. JWs split my family. That is not Christlike. Nor is it kind. Yet...there He was: Jesus without Whom I never would have survived the abuse of the shunning.
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
@@Des7iny7Yes. Once disfellowshipped, you are labeled “dead”. Literally.
@deirdrecrangle2399 3 ай бұрын
A couple knocked on my door, I wouldn’t say they talked with zeal but they kept going back to everlasting life while we are alive. They were friendly and gentle.
@HoneyBadger1779 9 ай бұрын
Their midweek meetings used to actually have a more legitimate kind of school, they would be taught different public speaking, reading and researching points, and would have parts that went deeper into the Bible, the history of the Bible books and the structure of it, and used to do a lot more practice runs called talks and demonstrations. The language of their literature also used to be far more sophisticated, but they have been walking lockstep in the dumbing down agenda, and I also think trying to save money. They used to actually be able to do apologetics, and older witness. Women seem to still be able to do it, but over the last 15 years or so they've really gone downhill in general.
@HoneyBadger1779 8 ай бұрын
@larysnw418 Nah, left.
@mrm8850 10 ай бұрын
a bible translation of clairvoyants 🤔 charles T Russel and freemasons and the illuminutty 🤨
@easyriderconrad 10 ай бұрын
this makes sense......but the free masons and jws are opposite bodies,,one is good one is wicked same knowledge mabe like moses and his staff and the snakes
@duaneadams5210 7 ай бұрын
When they come to my door, I always ask them why they persist in clinging to an organization that was founded on and persisted in false prophesies. I ask them why they don't follow the instructions in the bible about how to deal with a false prophet. They don't answer and quickly leave.
@duaneadams5210 6 ай бұрын
No, never been a JW, but have studied their history. @David19746
@MrMrmetro 10 ай бұрын
Appreciate your objective view. In all the years spent in the organization I had not heard too many objective views of the work or visits to the hall. Only the ones Wt cherry-picked to tell us.
@TheHudsonValleyWanderer 10 ай бұрын
Jehovah's witnesses use Kindness as a tactic for recruiting. I was born into that cult and since recruitment was the number one priority we would always be as nice and polite as possible when speaking to people who weren't apart of our faith
@theodoreritola7641 7 ай бұрын
JWs have NO personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ who is God in human flesh. And that is very sad.
@DanielFleischmannJr 10 ай бұрын
They were lovebombing you
@Mercutiossword 10 ай бұрын
they don't know they're doing that. They genuinely are trying to be warm and friendly. It's not really a planned technique but they are high on their own bs.
@gbnomore3918 10 ай бұрын
@@Mercutiossword​​⁠​​⁠ I had met this gal online from a Latin country. As we got to know each other, I mentioned I had been in the cult. And then she told me that JWs were visiting her. I pointed her to some activist information and told her “They are coming to your door and they themselves don’t even know what they are trying to get you into” lol. After she research, she was like oh hell no.
@purplefireweed 10 ай бұрын
@@gbnomore3918 Nice save!
@j3in725 10 ай бұрын
​@@MercutiosswordThats textbook cult. Victims most often don't know they are victims.
@murph8411 10 ай бұрын
Tell them you have no desire to live forever and that almost sounds like hell itself. Imagine living forever with every day becoming like the last because you have done it all before and have been alive for millions of years! No thank you very much. Talk about Groundhog Day.
@ElliottBrandel 10 ай бұрын
So 85 years of slowly growing old and dying is your best case scenario? If your an atheist I would think so. Nothing wrong with that per se. But Science is forever chasing immortality, I should say humans are chasing immortality.
@j3in725 10 ай бұрын
​@@ElliottBrandelYou'll die either way. You'll be to death to notice if you really think about it. Do you remember times before you were born? Or when you are sleeping? Religion is just opium to distract you from all of our inevitable ends. Nothing wrong with that, unless that opium causes you to pressure and have a unhealthy amount of authority over others. Like the pope, or the governing body of the Jehovah's witnesses.
@paulinerelph 10 ай бұрын
I get your point, but as a born again Christian, I am confident that our God, who created our perfect earth, has much more for those who gain eternal life far beyond our imaginations. Imagine a world without evil for one thing. Our loving Father knows us better than we know ourselves.
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
I look forward to being in the Spirit. Screw the bodily lines and wrinkles and fat or frail bones or dementia or all the other stuff. I was just thinking the other night about old old aged biblical characters who lived 700 or 900 plus years, no wonder they went bonkers building Arks or sacrificing their son (Issac) nearly or roaming around in the heat of a desert growing wrinkled as a prune screwing everything in sight while the women did all the work. THAT sounded like hell! And JWs with their vision of Paradise. AFTER their god destroys everyone and everything but them and the Governing Body telling them to go bury all the dead after the birds pecked them (how do these scavenger birds survive Jehovah’s destruction? Where do JWs get the shovels to bury the dead? Etc etc ) and then purify the blood soaked soil before they can plant food because they can’t eat any vegetable (where do they get the seeds?) that comes from blood soaked soil due to the No Blood doctrine? Where do the elders get the wood to build KHs and houses and Resurrection Halls if they have to wait hundreds of years for trees to grow? THEN! SATAN gets LET LOOSE by this god Jehovah to TEMPT THE JWs for ANOTHER THOUSAND YEARS JUST TO MAKE SURE THE JWs are REALLY faithful?!? Are you...Kidding?!? No. No thank you. That’s not God as I know Him. That’s not anything but hell.
@guidestone1392 10 ай бұрын
@@ElliottBrandel They're chasing Hell, but they won't catch it forever, because the heat death will save them from that.
@Paygelove 10 ай бұрын
I tried the JW religion for a few years, I loved the no birthdays etc but hated the door knocking.
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
I love celebrating birthdays and Xmas and HALLOWEEN! Life has its seasons of celebration and cultural celebrations but to be isolated and forbidden is wrong...in my opinion. If you don’t have kids, isolate all you please.
@shawnamoen5026 9 ай бұрын
I studied for about a year and a half. I told them that I wouldn't make a good jw because I don't want to go door to door, they told me oh everyone says that we will get you there. That was one red flag for me . I am now shunned
@evahughes6807 10 ай бұрын
Disorganization is nothing but a walking nightmare
@jamesnixon5166 9 ай бұрын
Hey young man, whether you knew/know it or not?, you uploaded this one of your videos on the date of the anniversary of the death of C. T. Russell (Feb. 16, 1852 - Oct. 31, 1916).-----Via invitation I once attended a "Memorial of Jesus's/or Christ's Death" in 1994 (I was still 29) in my former hometown of the city of Westerville, Ohio (a city that use to be "Dry"), I found that meeting to be very depressing and simply sad as nobody partakes of the Bread and Wine when the tray and chalis is passed to/from each person.-----Even though I don't observe the Holidays, however, I believe that everybody should be allowed to observe marked/noted days as they want to (as long as no harm/violence is done), I believe it's shameful for anybody to dictate to not observe holidays/birthdays and other important days, btw, even though this comment is made on 14 December '23, an important date for Christians is Easter Sunday with the importance of "If Christ be not raised from the dead, then our Faith is in vain."-----May God/Jesus Bless your Christmas.
@howardwarren7683 10 ай бұрын
The JWs still hold the King James in high regard. Ask them how they navigate around Colossians 2:8-10 in this version.
@cg0825 10 ай бұрын
Total curiosity but would be interesting to read the New World Translation gospel of John. John is the one gospel written from a perspective of Jesus is the son of God and God himself and since JW's don't believe that it would be interesting
@cg0825 10 ай бұрын
John 1:1 (NWT) In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was a god. Yikes just throw an 'a' in there and lowercase G and the whole meaning changes.
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
Yep. The Ministry School. I remember that from the 70’s. “Brothers” stood and spoke. “Sisters” couldn’t stand and speak, they had to sit at a folding table and play at giving studies. They had to show “submission” to the “brothers” by not being above them. So they were either in a corner practicing or downstairs in the basement supervised by an Elder. Cringey. Plastic. Pretend. Practiced. How to hook your bait and recruit. If you got a Bible Study going with whoever, they were only given a certain amount of time to be talked into going to the Kingdom Hall to get love-bombed or you’d have to drop them eventually. After all, their repeated Scriptures from their publications over and over and over again, only lasted so long then they ran out of things to answer or preach about. In the 70’s, Jesus was not talked about and definitely no Holy Spirit. Now because of “New Light”, Jesus is the Big movie star. They keep changing policies and doctrines based on what they think people want to hear, called “New Light”. Once you’re baptized, then it gets sick and twisted. You can be disfellowshipped and shunned for minor infractions that punish-happy elders love to judge you for. Thank you very much for investigating a meeting and doing a great job of breaking it down with critical thinking skills. I am happy to subscribe. You’ll help many.
@thetruthk5138 9 ай бұрын
Power trip all ego based
@evahughes6807 10 ай бұрын
I was in this cult they love bomb
@SantaFe19484 19 күн бұрын
Thank you for warning me about this. I heard somewhere else that they meet on Thursdays to practice "Bible ping pong."
@TrinityTruth05 11 ай бұрын
Interesting ...thanks
@rubicktdo89 10 ай бұрын
I can't take anyone serious showing me a Bible verse in their phone
@MrVeryfrost 10 ай бұрын
Can you define what is Bible in the first place?
@rubicktdo89 10 ай бұрын
@@MrVeryfrost you're right a mis translation of a Bible
@MrVeryfrost 10 ай бұрын
@@rubicktdo89 Have you ever thought about what the Bible really is? 2 Tim 3:16 2 questions for you: 1) What is "all" scripture (there were no books or codexes back then) 2) what does it mean "inspired".
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
Bible: Biblio. Bibliography.
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
So true! It’s all on phones now and no one picks up a book anymore. And it’s all: Go to the Org. Bahhh.
@jovialbivouacker99 9 ай бұрын
You’re absolutely correct in referring to their Thursday services as “equipping”! The used to call the midweek meetings, “Theocratic Ministry School”. (I don’t believe they still use that nomenclature.) They would have vignettes (sketches) about how to address a particular issue or topic with members pretending to be either the householder or Publisher (they refer to anyone who goes door to door as “publishers”.). Incidentally, these vignettes are the only time that women are allowed to speak on the platform! Women and girls are never allowed to address the congregation from the lectern!
@nigelackroyd7991 10 ай бұрын
Sounds like you had a pretty good experience. I find them a very kind and friendly people wherever I meet them in the world, united without hypocracy.
@philomelodia 10 ай бұрын
They have an ugly side. I grew up in it. Be glad you’ve never seen it before. Yes, they can be kind. Most of them are predisposed to be kind. Some of the policies of the religion force them to do very unkind things sometimes though. The true gems among them are those that refuse to do these things even though they know they risk getting in trouble.
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
Kind until they are face with CSA or the No Blood Doctrine or talks about the Governing Body or the Divinity of the Christ. They will kindly steer you away from these subjects yet if you persist (even with why they disfellowship and shun and label people “apostate” and split families, why they isolate children from xmas and school Sports and activities) you will try that kindness. On the surface, with smiles, they are quite kind. Ask them why a child can’t play with a certain toy or why they cannot be part of a certain school play or sing Xmas carols with their class. Kind...uh huh.
@bradwhelan4466 10 ай бұрын
Arm yourself with examples of how their bible does not match the earliest known manuscripts, which proves they have corrupted it and then see how friendly they are.
@joytoyouandme4593 10 ай бұрын
Their entire history is full of hypocrisy, if a person had time to study all their literature you would find many cases where they contradict themselves. Such as stating that disfellowshipping and shunning is of pagan origin. Then they turn around and practice it. Or current day, the case their currently fighting in Norway, Norway discovered that children can be disfellowshipped which in turn means the members must shun them. This is a violent of their human rights. Now JW’s are trying to tell the Norwegian government that they don’t shun. Norway knows how to view their videos and read about shunning on their website. Yet JW’s are upset because they have lost the 30 million they got each year from Norway, and the fact that they have been removed from the registry of religions. Their final appeal is set for a hearing in early 2024.
@rosealexander9007 10 ай бұрын
There only kind until they think they can deceive you
@BBC600 3 күн бұрын
Yes, it was interesting the part of the Lord’s Prayer as that is what my friend Paul began on but he was amazed when I recited it to him in the KJV.
@justinporter458 7 ай бұрын
I,ve being shunned for the last 6 years for questioning Jehovah Witnesses ,I'm now a born again atheist..
@xflora-chanx Ай бұрын
What was the questions?
@alexanderv7702 9 ай бұрын
If you attend a church for the first time, and are not 'love bombed', you may want to leave. Being 'love bombed' happens in other churches.
@sharonfinch7499 7 ай бұрын
I came into the JW religion in my teens, and faded in my late 20s. I actually found the majority of JWs kind and sincere people. Even when I was marked for dating an unbeliever I was still treated kindly by all but one extremely zealous elder. Whilst I have only contempt for the lying b......s at the top, I think the majority of JWs are genuinely nice caring people.
@Iampowerful8 10 ай бұрын
0:50 when I see that picture, seems to me, he is Dr. Smith of Lost in Space.
@Mercutiossword 10 ай бұрын
not generally, they don't believe in hell. I'm an ex witness and I describe them as a high control group but why the hell can't you people pronounce an apostrophe s.
@ElliottBrandel 10 ай бұрын
I cannot agree more! And only Witnesses/ExWitnesses notice it. But that drives me crazy 🤣 🤣 Imagine hearing a story about Fred's dog. Except you get this this; "Fred dog is big. I was almost bitten by Fred dog. I don't know why but my wife loves Fred dog". PAINFUL 😖
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
@@ElliottBrandelWell, some people DO talk like that: Fred dog bite me! Lol
@katherinepoli7929 10 ай бұрын
If every body can go to Kingdom Hall so where is that secret ??
@dianavalle1828 10 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ is the son of the living God he himself never said he was God almighty. He always referred to the father as being greater than him
@jeremytennent7439 6 ай бұрын
so how does the church you attend engage in the great commission (Mat 28 verse 19 &20)? how do they help you to fulfill that commission?
@marissaheady6628 10 ай бұрын
I was part of JW during my teenage years because my mom converted to them. Looks like the meeting format has not changed. I have a suggestion for you. The angle you filmed yourself at was distracting to me. Your face is looking down and is too close to the camera. It feels like you're in my personal space.
@peterbunyan3924 10 ай бұрын
Understand how you can be led into it but as you learn more and more about the organisation set up you have to be a bit crazy to stay in or you have not looked below the surface so waste your life.
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
Yes but many, by the time they are baptized, they don’t want to leave or risk a disfellowshipping and shunning because they lose everyone and everything. You need to understand how abusive shunning is and how splitting up of families is paramount to communist punishments. It is quite traumatic.
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
You don’t understand about shunning when you get baptized. Only later when you realize if you argue or question, your family is held hostage.
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
But no one is excluding JWs. JWs exclude themselves. And they exclude others. The Lord God would welcome you into any Christian Church or family or into any other form of study or academia.
@Tomas-cambs 7 ай бұрын
Over the years I’ve seen lots of these types of videos where one Chrisian attacks other Christians for some reason or other. The protagonist expressing their viewpoint has a ‘knowledge based’ faith and is still developing the Christian character. A faith clothed with Holy Spirit leaves no room for anger, malice, slander, and the like, but is manifest by a compassionate heart, kindness, meekness, and patience - Col. 3:5 - 16. ESV. Tears are a language, God understands - Rev 7:17
@cdmcintyre1854 10 ай бұрын
I have attended many different denominations including JW, Mormon, Pentecostal, Baptists, Catholic, SDA, I’m quite confident of the one most in line with Biblical Truth is SDA.
@ChamomileTV 7 ай бұрын
Go to an Orthodox Church
@cdmcintyre1854 7 ай бұрын
@@ChamomileTV What is Orthodox Church? I have never heard of that denomination. Is that a branch of Catholic or something different?
@thecommentor1064 10 ай бұрын
a pentacle is a tool to locate the planet Venus, you can also use most flowers because they are 5-petal or layers of 5-petal on 5-petal. If you have a goat in themiddle it means they want you to start with Capricorn at which time it takes 600 years for that Venus point positin to drift back to Leo. You wont find one single religion that knows what i know.
@voxac30withstrat 10 ай бұрын
So they don't believe in Jesus as part of the Trinity and they have their own version of the Scriptures? How sad. They also believe that only 144,000 will get to heaven. I wonder who they think will get there. They don't believe in an immortal soul so WHAT goes to Hell or heaven?
@eyeswideopen8570 10 ай бұрын
Good points! Maybe it's only the 144,000 that have immortal souls. lol
@WitnessForJesus 10 ай бұрын
The official teaching is that God creates them as spirit creatures so they can go to heaven
@halinakozlowska2672 10 ай бұрын
Also, because you were so rare person, coming to the kingdom hall.
@Iampowerful8 10 ай бұрын
I was expecting some new revelations about the JW, but you just mentioned, basically, the same. I just heard you repeat the same atypical christian clichés, word and phrases. "They Evangelize", you kept saying, but What do you understand by "evangelize"? I will question all your Christian clichés, by the way. 😊
@deirdrecrangle2399 3 ай бұрын
I do think they hone in on the vulnerable when they go door to door. I was the only one who talked to them on my street. I’m of the Anglican faith. I looked them up and it said somewhere that Jesus is the Archangel Michael! I wonder do they still say this? They don’t believe the 3 in one either.
@ndrianarisoaandrianjato9160 4 ай бұрын
It's a very interesting choices of words you use I think
@dave72ization 2 ай бұрын
1984 by george Orwell is one of my favourites 😁
@sheilagreasley-rush4423 6 ай бұрын
@srich7503 4 ай бұрын
And you are certainly welcome to believe and profess whatever you want to believe, there are plenty of different beliefs in the world. But to glean it from OUR book, the Bible, is just plain silly… History shows us that Jesus didn't leave us a bible, - the apostles didn't tell us which books belong in the bible, - the church fathers never agreed on the 27 books of the NT through the 4th century, - not only did they not agree but their individual lists of would-be NT canons were GROWING during this time. Therefore, if it wasn't the Catholic/Orthodox church, guided by the Holy Spirit, that compiled the 27 books of the NT in the 5th century, just 65 years AFTER the council of Nicaea which began the Trinitarian doctrine and subsequent councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and preserved these scriptures by laboriously hand copying them over and over throughout the centuries before the invention of the printing press, the “rule of faith” for many, please tell us who did? And if this church no longer exists today, what good is the text which came forth from her if she couldn't sustain herself?
@Gerhard2770 2 ай бұрын
I attend regurlaly. Even go for supper with them. They come to my house and I go to their houses. I disagree with them and it gets heated sometimes, but I respect them and they respect me.... Does feel like sowing the seed on the 8 lane interstate and not sure if any of what I say even makes them think differently for 1 second....most upsetting to me is that they say the Bible is not enough
@wilbursmith2955 10 ай бұрын
You could be there next victim RUN
@biggermal1 10 ай бұрын
They also use the King James version. They used the King James version until the 1950's.
@eyeswideopen8570 10 ай бұрын
I was a witness for 60 years. We never ever used the KJV. while I was in it. But we told people we did. It was a lie.
@robmullin1128 10 ай бұрын
Jehovah’s Witnesses, not “Jehovah” Witnesses.
@JB.zero.zero.1 10 ай бұрын
The love bombing is real - when you get baptised or have been involved for a while, like most groups of this nature, the intensity fades. When I got baptised it was a case of "shoulder to the wheel" and I felt less visible. Years ago mockingly JWs were likened to The Borg - which makes sense when you operate in that environment.
@leeBoB4257 10 ай бұрын
Hi Backpack Religion. I have a question for you, you mentioned Hell now do you believe that only bad people go to Hell, second do you believe that people have or will ever come out of Hell and that Hell will someday no longer exist. I look forward to receiving your Scripturel response.
@Crottinger 7 ай бұрын
The jehovas witness church near me is now a physical therapy clinic
@carlgustavnguyen9051 10 ай бұрын
It interesting at the beginning or when studying bible, but they not have the right to force you to be JW. It’s your personal choice, whatever you wanna commit or not.
@morningglory9288 10 ай бұрын
Trouble is it's not your personal choice if you decide to leave, cause there's a huge price to pay if you do. You will lose ALL your JW friends and family, so your choice to leave is determined if you're prepared to lose the ones you love.
@ElliottBrandel 10 ай бұрын
Does the JW message change if you read Matt. 6:9,10 from the NIV?
@jerryjohanan1940 10 ай бұрын
I was in from the early seventies to 2002 got out in 2002 it's truly amazing how much they change their thoughts on almost everything but they used to believe in in the back in the early 70s I tell people it's a false religion they have a lot of things wrong and I have a brother still in I don't talk to him he don't talk to me and I'm fine with that oh and 607 is completely wrong and if it is the right religion then it sure does seem like ever since Jesus came here in 1914 he's got a lot of things wrong no it's not God's organization and matter of fact if you look up the Australian lawsuits that they had even the governing body says it's not the only true religion
@christinesotelo7655 10 ай бұрын
There is always a WT version and explanation to every Scripture. The guide is the WT magazine or now, the Org site. Nothing is as it seems.
@kharilane1340 10 ай бұрын
No, because a JW will not accept the NIV because it has been, according to them, corrupted by false teachings. They are always right and their opponents are always wrong.
@PrometheanKitchen96 10 ай бұрын
You should try going to a Catholic traditional Latin Mass
@JonClash 10 ай бұрын
Great video!
@616imhotep 8 ай бұрын
It's called "Love Bombing"
@catholic_zoomer_br 6 ай бұрын
Sounds a lot like Witness Lee's "local church"
@JA-sx1my 10 ай бұрын
To much blah blah blah, what is that specific secret did you exactly uncover?
@sharonortedschempp8759 5 ай бұрын
Good for you L. T....!!! I've also "infiltrated...." a J. W. Meeting on a Wednesday night...... Very creepy!!! Where's Jesus....??!! Certainly NOT in a J. W. Kingdom Hall...!!! Yikes!!! Ted Schempp, Nashville
@MrVeryfrost 10 ай бұрын
@1:28 it's misleading. According to JW theology, Jesus is a deity, but he is a son of God, created by God. There is no Trinity in JW theology.
@paulinerelph 10 ай бұрын
By saying Jesus was created and that He is the Archangel Michael, they deny the Deity of Jesus Christ. I believe their many alterations to God's Word to match GB doctrine may be blasphemous. They are following men, not God or Jesus Christ. Psalm 146 John 14 6.
@MrVeryfrost 10 ай бұрын
@@paulinerelph why do all those born again put so much emphasis on Archangel? JW don't care about it if he was or he wasn't Michael. All they care that Jesus is a son of God. Deity by definition is a divine status, quality, or nature. All mythological creatures not defined by science can be called deities. Deity and Theos, Latin and Greek words, both came from pagan understandings. By saying that your god is a Deity, then it's as real as Zeus.
@paulinerelph 10 ай бұрын
@@MrVeryfrost We certainly should care; we should care about truth. We should care that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. John 14 6. We should not be teaching lies. Hebrews 1 5.
@MrVeryfrost 10 ай бұрын
@@paulinerelph If you care about the truth, then you should dive into manuscripts and the history of "inspiration". Leave outside your predetermined fanatical religious views and look to the truth as it was.
@paulinerelph 10 ай бұрын
@@MrVeryfrost I read only my Father God's Holy Word. May you do the same.
@PaulMartinFord 6 ай бұрын
God is word.
@michaellinden-p4d 2 ай бұрын
What you should do next is: Get baptized into JW and see what happens next!!!! Then make a video of that!
@johnrideout7124 3 ай бұрын
Henrietta, many thanks. I am fully aware that the Mosaic law became obsolete the day Jesus was cruelly executed. (Romans 10v4). This would also apply to lawyers defending CSA criminals. Never-the-less, those regulations came from your maker, and were sound advice.Much like that found at Daniel 1v12-13. "Give us vegetables and water for ten days and check our conditions against the meat eaters" Gen.1v29-30. Vegetation was made for both mankind and animals for food.! I was referring to blood substitutes being available for years. Use of which may have averted the 3000 deaths and injuries that people are requesting compensation for recently, substitutes that the Japanese have used for years and the Canadians have made great strides along the same lines since the mid-eighties Recently on Utube people are now asking about the possibility of their own blood beingg stored. Not too sure where that will lead to.!................
@Cryptosifu 10 ай бұрын
JW is pretty big here in Hawaii
@Kattlarv 10 ай бұрын
Kinda pointless fact: In Sweden, the "Watchtower" is called "Churchtower".
@EricBurke-uu4lw 6 ай бұрын
Thursday is a book study back when i went. I.e. the book of Daniel or some other historically inaccurate book.
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