I Was Accused Of Abandoning My Children After Ex Drove Away From Them r/Relationships

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@blueheartless36 10 ай бұрын
Story two is terrifying. I hope everyone is safe. Except the guy who tortured people and animals. I hope he is not okay.
@QueenOfTheZombieApocalypse 10 ай бұрын
Right? I’m so scared for the cousin, he and the other victims reached out to try and save OP and her naive actions put them all in danger again from a monster who is now armed and backed by the law.
@bonefetcherbrimley7740 10 ай бұрын
I agree. The cop fiance sounds like he needs a long swim in the Bering sea in winter.
@MsLadyserenity 10 ай бұрын
Not only that but she knows that her (hopefully ex) fiance is aware/reading her post yet still puts on there that she's going to Ireland. Why would you tell him that 🤦🏾‍♀️
@embluvya 10 ай бұрын
Story 2: A cop asking you out during a traffic stop is inherently coercive due to the power differential baked into the situation. You need to wake up NOW. This is dead serious. This man will kill you, and the cops he works with will help/cover for him. Multiple victims, including a family member, are coming to you because they're scared for your life. He's masking/lovebombing you now to make you think hes this amazing guy, but his true colors will come out when you behave in a way he doesn't like. Change and repentance is a lifelong process that involves a constant effort to make up for the hurt you caused in the past. It doesn't involve lying or hiding who you used to be. He didn't tell you about his past because he knows you'd leave. He's not remorseful and he's not taking responsibility for what he did. He's just trying to cover it all up and silence anyone reveals who he is. Police departments are full of people like this, and it's not just a US problem. The profession attracts abusers who like to have power over others.
@salomerodriguez5145 10 ай бұрын
From the start everything about this dude screamed red flag, OP is quite naive 😢
@susankaempfer8427 10 ай бұрын
Run. Run, run, RUN!
@Standinthegap4ever 10 ай бұрын
My dad was a state trooper & definitely did not act like this cop. He would have been royally p.I’d that the guy acted this way & would have been one of the first ones to report him. It’s horrible that things like this still happen
@DrWhobertCh 10 ай бұрын
I love how the first OP is so calm and collected about dealling with the crazy ex and gf, talking to the cops etc. But absolutelly loses her mind when it is about golf
@amandasunshine2 10 ай бұрын
Lol yeah I love getting "outraged" about nonsense things 🤣
@AngelaVEdwards 10 ай бұрын
It's cute. I think she's being funny with that. LOL
@amandasunshine2 10 ай бұрын
@@AngelaVEdwards now I'm thinking he was being serious.. 😳
@kateemma22 10 ай бұрын
Gotta love the comments that basically said 'look at this irrational woman... I bet her ovaries are making her overreact'. Dan was triggered by setting foot in his ex's home so he shut the kids inside and ran away? And that's not irrational? Okie dokie.
@beckys3383 10 ай бұрын
Every year I have spent on this earth convinces me more and more that men like this are projecting when they accuse women of being emotional.
@amandasunshine2 10 ай бұрын
Science keeps proving that men are the irrational and emotional ones, not women, and their fragile egos keep them projecting 😂
@amandasunshine2 10 ай бұрын
​@@beckys3383they literally are. Science has proven this. The hormone that makes us "irrational and emotional" is testosterone. Women are better drivers, better leaders, _literally_ *everything* they say about us is projection 😭
@ZombieSazza 10 ай бұрын
It’s depressing how bad sexism has gotten in recent years, men are so open about their hatred of women and blame them for everything wrong happening in their lives (instead of realising they are the problem). It’s especially depressing seeing a mother protecting her children being made out to be irrational… for protecting her children…
@ruthsaunders9507 10 ай бұрын
@@ZombieSazza There enough crazy of all sexes to go around. I've personally mostly experienced the crazy women part and the men in my life have been wonderful. Unfortunately the double standards in society make it easy for women to take advantage of men and that kind of abuse is just as hard to get past as any other. In this case the woman had a crazy ex with a crazy GF. She's fortunate to have a very good support network around her.
@sandeesandwich2180 10 ай бұрын
S2: A COP who gets your number after pulling you over -- that is a major red flag that is on fire right there.
@icewolvz6977 10 ай бұрын
op: my partner turned out to be a terrible person - abuse, misogyny, homophobia, bullying, etc - and i never knew!!!! me: aw that sucks. sometimes we can never really know who other people are-- op: and also he's a cop me: 💀
@ZombieSazza 10 ай бұрын
I swear American cops always turn out to be utterly wild and horrendous, america terrifies me and I’m glad to be a whole ocean away from there
@kichikitsu 10 ай бұрын
@@ZombieSazza considering OP is going to Ireland, they're likely somewhere in Europe. A cop is a cop is a cop, no matter where they are. American cops are just careening into blatant fascism much much quicker (and it gets to the headlines even quicker, whereas there absolutely is fascism and growing genocide elsewhere perpetrated by glorified cops that either never reach headlines OR are covered up by shit loads of propaganda.)
@cryptiecreep 10 ай бұрын
About 40% of police spouses are victims of domestic violence. Nobody helps them
@dodgyyoutuber9560 10 ай бұрын
I wouldn’t mind becoming a cop. Does that make me a bad person? Well you don’t know me so you can’t say.
@kichikitsu 10 ай бұрын
@@dodgyyoutuber9560 "i wouldn't mind taking on a job dedicated to holding up and protecting an inherently discriminatory, corrupt system that only serves to benefit those at the top, a job that specifically has no legal obligation to actually protect civilians... but you can't say im a bad person because you don't know me!" we know enough about you with that one sentence! we don't need to know more! you're either extremely naive and think you can be "one of the good ones" as if you're going to be the Special One that manages to do what every other naive "good cop" before you couldn't, or you're willfully blind of the damage cops cause and the monsters they protect, OR you know full well the harm and you want to participate. none of which look very good on you lmao.
@80soa 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: this is how kids end up dead because of irresponsible parents. People keep making excuses and saying they "need both parents in their life" even if one of the parents is neglectful and puts them in danger, then when the kids actually get seriously hurt the fault still lies with the responsible parent for most of the ppl judging, just because if they blame the irresponsible one they will also be accepting a bit of blame and admitting they were wrong.
@amandasunshine2 10 ай бұрын
I mean really it's just this is how fragile male egos kill children 🤷‍♀️
@ElleD308 10 ай бұрын
Let's be honest 😂 Sophie wants to have a child free husband and its easier to cry and say..." I loved those kids but they were taken away from us thanks to their mom..." then to say she doesn't wanna deal with children that aren't their own.
@vanzy01 10 ай бұрын
@nocause5395 10 ай бұрын
Cop or not, sexual and physical assault as well as harming animals means you’re a psychopath. And the fact that his family helped cover it up is 1000 times worse
@ASolzhenitsyn 10 ай бұрын
The fact that he is a cop did not surprise me at all. Pretty on theme.
@mbyerly9680 10 ай бұрын
I wonder what would happen if all the evidence was sent to the police. In the US, you can send evidence like that to the state or federal police if you think the city police are corrupt.
@emilybarclay8831 10 ай бұрын
I’ve heard that story before. Accusing someone of abandoning kids because YOU left them there when they weren’t home is bat slapping crazy. That man can’t be trusted with 6 hours. He shouldn’t be allowed to see those kids unsupervised
@GiordanDiodato 10 ай бұрын
And those comments saying "you shouldn't keep your children away from their father"
@kentario1610 10 ай бұрын
​@@GiordanDiodato he's running full tilt away from them, I don't know what they mean.
@Davtwan 10 ай бұрын
He shouldn’t be allowed near _any_ kids quite frankly. I hope he’s banned from living a mile near schools.
@emilybarclay8831 10 ай бұрын
@@Davtwan that man shouldn’t be responsible for anything more complex than a tamagotchi
@xxKillgorxx 10 ай бұрын
​@@emilybarclay8831No tamagotchi deserves that life.
@Mario-SunshineGalaxy64 10 ай бұрын
A selfish deadbeat choosing a violent lunatic over his kids? Classy.
@ReyK_47 10 ай бұрын
Why do so many women fight other women over men who ain't sh*t? He ain't a catch, sis. He cheated on his wife, AND lied to you for YEARS.
@ajjean2720 10 ай бұрын
Some side chicks are soooo obsessed with the idea of “stealing someone’s man”/being the one chosen that they would rather ignore the lying and manipulation as long as it means she “wins” in the end. They’re too insecure, stupid and/or crazy to realize that they are being played. Or are smart enough to know she’s been played but is too prideful to come to terms with the fact that she’s fighting for a walking red flag and didn’t actually “win” anything.
@AngryReptileKeeper 10 ай бұрын
I don't know. Some people think it's a generational thing, but it's not. I've seen two elderly woman fight and compete over an elderly man. A sleazy, spineless creep of an elderly man who complained constantly about them being "stalkers," but was nonetheless banging both of them. For the life of me, I couldn't imagine what either one of them saw in him. He wasn't even good looking, and he was broke.
@christianharvey2507 10 ай бұрын
Story 2: The moment she said the husband is a cop, I wasn’t surprised that he was a serial killer in the making.
@ajb7530 10 ай бұрын
No Dan and Sophie are the AH. They knew OP was at a funeral and Luke wasn't home yet. Dan and Sophie have eyes and they can see OP and Luke are not home, so why just leave the kids. Dan and Sophie abandoned the kids, not OP and Luke.
@renaeodonnell4558 10 ай бұрын
Story 2. OP needs to run. People like her fiancé use the fact that they are cops to get away with bad behaviour. In this case he probably became a cop so he could do just that.
@slimecorn 10 ай бұрын
“He’s a cop” ooooooh honey.
@hdeodh 10 ай бұрын
S2: I am not surprised that he decided to be a cop...
@lynnw7155 10 ай бұрын
Yeah. OP is in trouble. Try getting away from an angry, dangerous man with a gun and probable support from his fellow cops.
@bluekitty3731 10 ай бұрын
Jeez a Pysco bully becomes a cop that never happens! (Sarcasm).
@xelectrix 10 ай бұрын
'He pulled me over for speeding and somehow got my number.' Ffs, that's not a red flag. That's a roadside billboard. I hope OP and anyone else involved makes it out safe.
@taylorslade961 10 ай бұрын
Story 2: Its v common for former bullies to become cops. Its also common knowledge that alcoholism and DV are commonplace in relationships with cops. I feel like this OP is incredibly naive. Edit: I hope there's another update and that OP is okay. This one is scary. It gives me the same vibes as the post from the pregnant girl that was being abused and controlled by her BF and his entire family. She managed to get to a library and make a post asking for advice and everything played out in real time. She went to the librarian to ask her to call the police and ended up getting help from BACA in escaping.
@lharchmage6908 10 ай бұрын
Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) is one of the few biker groups I would ride with as a member. They do awesome work and have great hearts Edit egregious spelling errors
@PrincessLioness 10 ай бұрын
It reminds me of that story of the teenage op who left her abusive much older boyfriend, only for her to give her location to her abusive mom who then gave it to her ex.
@kimsvisualdiary 10 ай бұрын
You got a link to that post?
@lharchmage6908 10 ай бұрын
@@kimsvisualdiary I vaguely remember this. It was 2 or three years ago one of the marks or marker did it on you tube but it was a year old on Reddit by the time they did it
@ec9833 10 ай бұрын
Let me explain something very clear and very serious. In the US it has been historically VERY DIFFICULT TO PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN FROM AN ABUSIVE PARENT. It is STILL VERY DIFFICULT. That comment OP set in their place made me want to give OP the biggest hug, ever. So very glad the police are taking her situation seriously.
@Mario-SunshineGalaxy64 10 ай бұрын
“He’s a cop” do I even need to go on?
@avaphynx 10 ай бұрын
Story 2 after the trigger warning and then it says he's a cop. Oh that makes sense. Lol
@RaspberryHugs 10 ай бұрын
The moment OP is S2 said he was a cop my stomach dropped.
@notevenlistening6072 10 ай бұрын
Sadly, mine did too. Statistics are terrifying about cops and dv
@slimecorn 10 ай бұрын
Right?? Unless you’re a badge bunny that’s an immediate red flag
@betheguy_posts 10 ай бұрын
@MrJpaynebb 10 ай бұрын
I am not going to slam all cops as bullies or corrupt however too many kids and teenagers who were bullies seem to make it through the vetting process to become LEO. I truly hope OP reads those comments and follows everyone's advice because trying to get out of a relationship with a LEO can be a nightmare. Him and his buddies can quickly turn into a blue gang using their badges and guns to intimidate and manipulate others to find OP and harass her.
@RaspberryHugs 10 ай бұрын
@@MrJpaynebb I'm not slamming anyone as anything but the statistics of dv done by cops is astronomical
@Endonia-ym3sl 10 ай бұрын
Dan literally abandons children because 'It's no longer his time with them' Reddit - "Childreen NeEd bOtH PaReNtS!!"
@AngryReptileKeeper 10 ай бұрын
I'm of the mind that it's better to have NO mom/dad than a BAD mom/dad.
@starbird3939 10 ай бұрын
I hate how the commenters in story 1 were basically acting exactly like the toxic inlaws. “But faaaaamily!” “They need their daaaaaaddy!” “You’re acting irrrrrrational!” All of this despite this “father” abandoning his children.
@owl7072 10 ай бұрын
This. "You shouldn't eliminate their Father from their lives" Op doesn't need to, he's already doing that himself the moment those six hours are up.
@AngryReptileKeeper 10 ай бұрын
I'm a firm believer that people who neglect children, put them in danger and/or are a bad influence on them should be barred from those children's lives. Bio dad is guilty of all three.
@EluneAnzu 10 ай бұрын
Story 1: "Children need both parents" yes reddit, who because who else is going to abandon them.
@lightlouis 10 ай бұрын
The story with the TW of DV: he’s a cop. Aw. Awwwwwwwww
@shadowkissed2370 10 ай бұрын
My ex was this way, when he had the kids he called me up one day and said I had to come get them because he had to go to work. It was his time with them so I had scheduled doctor appointments that day which were 3 hours away (we lived in an area where a 3-hour commute was normal and the only doctor for the issue I was having was that far away). he threw a fit dropped them off at my place and went to work. When he got to work he called the police and told them I abandoned our children. He didn't know I had security cameras up. If I had not had the cameras up I would have lost my children to cps. There was a major investigation done after that and he got a slap on the wrist while I was extensively investigated.
@Nevertoleave 10 ай бұрын
It always seems like that. My late sister in law had her toddler get up before everyone else, sneak past her, two older siblings, and grandparents, drag a stool to the door to unlock the latch by the top of the door, and leave. CPS was all over her for “letting her wander around alone”. Checking the house, investigations, follow up appointments before finally grumbling that sil wasn’t being neglectful. But the same girl’s father had her for a week, was only actively feeding her once a day, most of what she ate was just whatever she could get from the fridge or his other older kids could get for her, didn’t bathe her, she went to daycare in the same clothing every single day, didn’t help clean her up after going to the potty, and CPS went, oh he just needs parenting lessons it’s fine. And since my sister in law passed away in 2022, 90% of the parenting for her has been done by grandma. She buys the school supplies, takes her to school, feeds her, has her at her house, the fucking dentist and paying for the dentist. Grandma finally had enough and booked it to Mexico for the winter this year cause he needs to parent his own damn kid
@samalvarez8776 10 ай бұрын
​@@Nevertoleave I'm tired of men getting a pass for doing not even the bare minimum.
@shadowkissed2370 10 ай бұрын
@@Nevertoleave cps made us both take drug tests. His test came back dirty and mine came back clean which I knew it would. The social worker looked at him and said "oh honey you failed the test we have to do better" she turned to me and said "yours was clean, I am so surprised yours was clean I was sure you would fail it, how did you fool the test?" The reason they had us drug test was because there were dishes in my sink, a frying pan a plate and fork, from breakfast that I had planned to wash when I got home from the doctor appointment since my kids wouldn't be home that night. According to the cps worker that meant that my house was normally a pigsty and people who are drug addicts are the only ones who allow their house to become a pigsty.
@amandasunshine2 10 ай бұрын
​@@shadowkissed2370that's what we like to call systemic misogyny 👍
@AngryReptileKeeper 10 ай бұрын
@@amandasunshine2 Misandry, too. Think about it- society's expectations of men are so low that they're treated like they can't help it or they don't know any better because they're _just men after all._ And when men do meet the barest minimum of what's expected/required of them, they're patted on the head and congratulated. It's known as "the soft bigotry of low expectations." What I'm realizing more with age is that society uses, abuses and exploits both men and women in roughly equal measure- just in different ways and for different reasons.
@taylorslade961 10 ай бұрын
I've heard this one before and I'm still baffled that Sophie believes Dan was cheating on her with the woman he was married to and she's mad at who she believes to be the other woman. Wouldn't you also be mad at Dan for stepping out? This woman is absolutely nuts.
@adrianmcbride1666 10 ай бұрын
I was looking for someone else commenting on this lunacy.
@sugakookie7985 10 ай бұрын
Police are waiting for Sophie to do something violent
@kp2223 10 ай бұрын
S2. That girl needs to leave the country. If she stays in the region, they will find a way to make her go away
@kezzykizzy5386 10 ай бұрын
2nd story. He's a cop. The end Who in their right mind would date a cop?
@perfectlyimperfect9129 10 ай бұрын
24:21 MONSTERS DONT CHANGE !! IT WILL COME OUT AGAIN !! ANYONE THAT HURTS ANIMALS AND PEOPLE ARE EVIL MONSTERS!! YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFT IMMEDIATELY. Coworker is in possession of your stolen cat if thats really what he did !! Id want my poor cat back asap!! I agree she shouldn't never said cousin.
@KadeStringer2.0 10 ай бұрын
That’s not necessarily true
@TraceyBoyland 10 ай бұрын
WTH!!! So scared for the police fiancé story.
@PowerStruggle555 10 ай бұрын
my guess with 2 things: -He never wanted full custody. his goal make op lose custody and he gets them. Then deters them to his parents. that way he can see and do with them whatever he wants but not be a parents 24/7 -the version he told.......they came to op's house and they were alone with husband out drinking for hours. (i dont know how leaving two young kids alone can be spun where he isnt the bad guy)
@dannyells 10 ай бұрын
Last story… of COURSE he’s a cop.
@BenKonosky 10 ай бұрын
"He's a cop for God's sake." That's red flags number 1-100...
@vinnie6604 10 ай бұрын
Dan abandoned his children not the other way around and even after the police told him go back he refused. Family members couldn't stand the truth and paternal grandparents found out the truth about their son. Dan is so whipped that he chose Sophie over his children. In the end poor OP ended up with two golf addicts instead of just one. Sophie is crazy and Dan is on that train. Fiance's HS schoolmates and family members told OP how horrible he was as a teen. OP doesn't know what to believe and is incredibly naive. She needs to mail him back his ring from Ireland and tell her family members about him. Hope cousin has a plan and really for his safety he needs to send the chief of police copies of all the evidence of fiance's behavior with a note that if anything happens to OP and him(cousin), this is why.
@autumn557 10 ай бұрын
Everyone calling op naive like hindsight isn’t a thing. So sorry she’s doing her research and not just believing a random cousin 5 years in on a Tuesday morning. How many stories are made up, misunderstood or for revenge? Jesus people.
@mbyerly9680 10 ай бұрын
AFTER she learned the truth, she posted all the details on Reddit. That's stupid beyond belief.
@QueenOfTheZombieApocalypse 10 ай бұрын
Oh, it actually does not surprise me too much that the gf/AP was acting that stupid. Nobody is the villain in their own mind, and when someone knows they are acting terribly, they have to twist things around so that someone else is the villain. I’m sure the ex-husband was also feeding all sorts of lies into her delusions about how she was the true love of his life and that his marriage was “all but over”. They are both villains that have convinced themselves they are victims
@MildredCady 10 ай бұрын
Story 2: I personally know (in passing) someone who was a law enforcement officer who murdered his mistress/girlfriend because she wanted him to come clean to his wife and was considering ending the relationship. Guy is in prison (hopefully for life) and rightfully so.
@KE-hr4sb 10 ай бұрын
S2 OP: "But he's a *cop!"* Oh, my sweet summer child...
@kayq3231 10 ай бұрын
"He may have been your father, but he ain't your daddy." Those kids have a father in their life. Thr OP's husband.
@skyelindsey687 10 ай бұрын
And that is one reason why we shouldn’t defund the police but instead make it a requirement for our police to get annual, thorough psychological screenings that would detect behaviors like that and give recommendations on if they should just have to continue therapy or be fired. As well as random home check ups to make sure everyone in the home is safe.
@slimecorn 10 ай бұрын
The main this is it should be harder to become a cop in the first place. It’s basically a guaranteed job for your local highschool bully.
@aubreymorgan9763 10 ай бұрын
I've been saying the same for years. defunding makes it worse. they need full backing for better training and screenings as well as pay and benefits to attract quality applicants. right now its pretty much anyone that signs up for the job and it is often the douche bags on a power trip.
@mattskag2 10 ай бұрын
Might sound a bit counter intuitive but they also need more/better training in hand to hand combat/ martial arts, and firearms training. A lot of the "bad shoots" stem from the cop being scared, better training gives officers more confidence in their ability and more faith in partners. Another possible way to remove the bad apples is to have the police union pay out settlements, not the city(tax payers).
@Nevertoleave 10 ай бұрын
@@aubreymorgan9763 defunding means you take away jobs they shouldn’t be doing, like shooing away the homeless or handing out parking tickets, which means they need less people, so they need less funding, then use that funding for other programs like projects to help get people who are homeless the help they need and by-law enforcement to deal with tiny stuff like parking violations or some guy blocking the alley with his project truck. Unless something violent or dangerous is happening you don’t need the cops. They have gotten stuck doing all kinds of dumb jobs. Just like abolish the police doesn’t mean get rid of them completely. It means remove everyone and start over the corruption is too great
@sarahclapp505 10 ай бұрын
After all that, she is now a Golf widow 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@kateemma22 10 ай бұрын
OP: This is the hardest event I have ever had to deal with. Me, who's grown up around golf types: Oh honey, it's about to get far worse from here.
@0mniaVanitas 10 ай бұрын
"stable job (cop)" yeah that explains everything
@sammyk.6457 10 ай бұрын
“He’s a cop.” Sounds about right
@SCUBASUEReynard 10 ай бұрын
Any Cop who asks people he pulls over for a date is a jerk. And probably has more than one woman. And getting away from them is the problem. He just hides the horrible better.
@jay2thaudy 10 ай бұрын
"He's a cop." ...41%
@Bkgksan625 10 ай бұрын
I am not a divorced or a step parent but I would never leave kids under 12 alone at home especially when one of them is on the autism spectrum. You have to be a special kind of idiot to do that. The kids have to be handed over to an adult and you just have to wait if they can’t make it due to an emergency. New hubby didn’t abandon. The ex’s new girl friend did!
@TheLugiaSong 10 ай бұрын
I have noticed, female bullies become nurses, male bullies become cops. It happens all too much, and it's terrifying. Obviously not all people in these professions are evil, but a lot of evil people are drawn to them...
@adamstorfer415 10 ай бұрын
OPs brother knew her ex-husband (his buddy) knew he was cheating on her the whole time.
@akuma4321 10 ай бұрын
the moment i heard "he's a cop" i knew shit was bad. i REALLY hope she turned out okay
@shebakoby 10 ай бұрын
Dan sold his soul to a literal "Demon in the Sack" for passionate hugging.
@salomerodriguez5145 10 ай бұрын
"He's a cop" lmao 😂
@leviathan8215 10 ай бұрын
Wow what a surprise a cop is a pos! SHOCKER🤬
@savanna8103 10 ай бұрын
"he's an amazing person, he's a cop for godsake." yeah he did that shit
@abigailpulliam6996 9 ай бұрын
Please read till the end. I'm coming at story two from a slightly different perspective than most posters, in that I have been close with someone who exhibited sociopathic tendencies as a kid, and was able to become better. When she was a young child, under ten, she would torture cats because her family had some weird hatred for them??? Idk why, but her grandparents especially encouraged it. She was also violent towards her peers, and enjoyed being taller and stronger than a lot of people around her. Then, one day, she took it too far, and found herself terrified of who she was becoming. But, you know what she did, and why I think the fiancé hasn’t actually changed? She was honest about it. She told me, when we were becoming close friends, the kind of things she did, and the kind of thoughts she had. She was honest, even about the parts that scare her, now as an almost thirty-year-old adult. We lived together for almost ten years, and adopted cats together. I used to hear her crying as she told them how much she loved them, when she thought I was asleep. The fiance has not changed. In five years, he never told the oop anything about what he did, what he was like. He robbed her of an informed choice. He never did anything to make ammends, or to make up for the horrible things he did. Instead, oop woke up as the protagonist for a horror novel one day.
@flamelily2086 10 ай бұрын
Story 1 The deranged messages from Sophie are more than enough to prevent the ex from having contact with his children. It doesn't sound as though the ex wants to be in his children's lives anyway.
@jameswatson9338 10 ай бұрын
He literally wants to take his children away from their loving mother to put them in the atrocious foster system where they could be abused...all because he didn't want to take responsibility for them. And yet some people are so focused on the supposed importance of fathers regardless of anything else that they want him to stay in their lives. It's an insane level of weird sexism.
@TheMooneyverse 8 ай бұрын
Holy cow. Terrifying #2. I hope OP and the cousin are safe.
@colleens1107 10 ай бұрын
Story one: NOOOOOOO GOLF! Is a hysterically wholesome end to this horrible situation. Was I reading it right and her ex FIL has joined her hubby’s golf crew? That’s so cute. And Sophie really really needs to get help for whatever mental illness she has
@moodycrab77 6 ай бұрын
It's a point of Pride that no one wants to admit to being abused😢
@rmhartman 10 ай бұрын
You do not just leave children somewhere without handing off responsibility to some other adult. If no one is there to take responsibility, you still have it.
@Standinthegap4ever 10 ай бұрын
Unless Olivia finds out about “Babe" Didrikson Zaharias. She excelled in golf, basketball, baseball, and track and field. Lol
@Davtwan 10 ай бұрын
“Even if it meant he wouldn’t be able to see the kids.” Did he really say it in this manner, because that’s hilarious if he did. That implies he wanted to see them to begin with. Yeah right! 🤪
@emo7636 4 ай бұрын
There's almost always a damn good reason why one parent only gets 6 hours a week visitation. Her husband is their real father every single other hour of every single day.
@hyzenthlayrose2176 10 ай бұрын
"My fiancee is an amazing person, he's a cop for god's sake" Um...
@josepherhardt164 10 ай бұрын
9:43 "... the fact that my brother, who is known for caring about beer, women and sports [in that order?] and nothing else, took this so seriously ..." Okay, even a marginal sibling can, at times, be stirred into righteous indignation. :)
@MisterNightfish 10 ай бұрын
Story 1, before even hearing the updates, this sounds like the world's dumbest plot to get full custody because the other parent "abandoned" the kids. Either that, or the idea is to get out of having any custody at all. Either way, this is not is underhanded in some way.
@loganjoh1 7 ай бұрын
Oh hell no there is no way there were Redditors that read that story and were like “but he’s their dad!” Nah fuck that
@brandonshelp4682 10 ай бұрын
Okay, so ex-husband is TA, but... why was no one home, or even headed home at the agreed drop-off time? That's a bit weird. Story 2: cop is s red flag all on it's own. Getting a number at a traffic stop is another.
@notevenlistening6072 10 ай бұрын
Step dads car died while he was on his way. He was in a dead zone
@brandonshelp4682 10 ай бұрын
@@notevenlistening6072 got ya, I misheard that part.
@beccaf262 10 ай бұрын
I don’t like the hints of victim blaming in that last few comments. He’s an abuser and she didn’t know the scope until that point in time so you can’t just expect her to know exactly how to handle it. She was told the man she was about to marry is a violent psychopath. It’s not her fault.
@porter0311 10 ай бұрын
I laugh so hard every time someone says mental gymnastics. 😅🤣😂🙃
@Techischannel 10 ай бұрын
Story 2: With how many videos of cops being royal assholes ... and with how many videos i've seen of cops being royal assholes to the level of deliberate murder, i honestly cant tell which of the dozens i've seen could be OPs bf. And i also still need to block a few sites from my browsers now that i remember.
@kiwifreund 10 ай бұрын
Second srory: I have noticed that a lot of posters, especially women, apologize for "babbling," when in fact they don't babble. Bigger picture: I don't know if this is a symptom of not understanding the concept of babbling, or apologizing for taking up space, which is either inexperience and youth, or living in a controlling and abusive relationship. I would like to see less apologies for babbling (because this is just apologizing for taking up space), and more discussion about the actual issue. Just talk about what you want to talk about. Don't apologize for taking up space.
@sedalionthunder6295 10 ай бұрын
Story 2 is horrifying!!
@battiekoda 10 ай бұрын
Grrrrr!!!!!! I'm so tired of all these awful people being named 'Sophie'
@loganjoh1 7 ай бұрын
Story 2: I hope OP at least warned the cousin so he can get to safety
@driversuz44 10 ай бұрын
No need to prosecute Dan. He'll be punished plenty, either by losing Sophie, or by not losing her.
@candiebarr6745 10 ай бұрын
I feel like most complete psychos choose to become cops. They like power. Being a cop gives them power. And weapons. And it's pretty damn easy for cops to cover up their shit . I've looked it up before and it was only the 7th most common job for psychopaths, but it certainly seems like it's the most common for actually violent psychopaths. And with all the horror stories about cops and spousal abuse, I feel like I have to question the sanity of anyone that chooses to be with a cop.
@Nita____ 10 ай бұрын
Looking after ones kids 6 hours a week makes him a baby sitter, not a father. Actually, worse than a baby sitter, he couldn't wait to dump them after the 6 hours, could he? Also, he wanted to take his own kids away from their mother and put them into foster care just to spite his ex.
@briarblackwood Ай бұрын
story 2: but hes a cop! he totally didnt wheedle his way into my life while in a situation where he was absolutely in the power position! and who ever heard of a monster going directly into a career where he has authority and connections!
@geekfreak2000 10 ай бұрын
Her first mistake was dating a cop
@gerrimilner9448 10 ай бұрын
some perents(dan) are so bad the children are better off not having a relationship, no relationship, is better than one that leaves a child emotionally crippled for life. it is the right of a child to be safe (phisically and emotionaly in katey holms daughters case spiritually), that outweighs the right to know a dangerous person!! my perents divorced, we were left with the dangerous person, who was emotionally abusive and often didnt feed us. at that time the ex-wife automatically gained custody, i couldent begin healing untill she died
@gilles111 10 ай бұрын
Hope the OP of story 2 did follow the advise to show/send the evidence provided by the cousin to her family or friends so they know what the danger of ex is. And there is proof against ex when OP suddenly disappears or is found dead. Because I'm very sure OP is in much more danger when ex finds her whereabouts than she naively thinks she is.
@deballen7031 10 ай бұрын
Hi. Thank you for the shit-storms and updates, grim yet compelling.😊
@AuroraPaintBrush4444 10 ай бұрын
Look forward to Golf themed Christmas ornaments lol ⛳ Golf Ball Stocking stuffers lol
@kamicokrolock 10 ай бұрын
The ex get's 6 hours a week with the kids (and it sound'd like its court ordered, a kid's teacher spends more time with then that). That would be a red flag to anyone (police, cps etc) that ex is the problem here not OP.
@darklightmagus1222 10 ай бұрын
Wow that first story ex has his mind backwards. In the event of a custody arrangement, the schedule is set in a way so that the custodial parent must surrender the child over to the other as agreed upon. This is to allow the child to be with each parent fairly as per agreement. The custody agreement IS NOT to limit the obligation to the child to only set periods of time. Ex is a crap parent for thinking the agreement was made to force him to care for his child.
@SCUBASUEReynard 10 ай бұрын
So wow if one of you had been a an accident on the way home. The Ex was just running away after dumping the kids off and push them through the door. Then take off…thinking that his girl calling the police will get you in trouble for it. He is trying to punish his Ex by having her children taken away from her. Because if he can’t be with them then neither should she. If he needs to pay for the kids up keep and not have them so should she. What kind of stuff are these folks taking.
@alexaalexa862 10 ай бұрын
Animal torture might be a warning want to raise! Wtf
@YuToobVideos 10 ай бұрын
Story 2: He's a cop, Duh🤷
@thotimusprimeofficial273 10 ай бұрын
“He’s a cop for god’s sake” 40%. Being a cop means nothing. if anything it makes this not surprising at all.
@Torqegood 10 ай бұрын
Wait is unalive suicide, or killing someone? Unalive was used for the 16 year old and the cat, and ai don't think a cat could do that
@Feynix4 10 ай бұрын
I think OP meant the kid committed sui-cide and she thinks her fiancé k*lled her cat. Context clues
@kacielawrence 10 ай бұрын
I hope OP got her cat back from that coworker
@amandahuggenkiss7523 10 ай бұрын
Dan chose a woman over his own kids. What a guy! They deserve each other and everything they get.
@LittleWerewolfPlushie 10 ай бұрын
I hope to see an update for the last one.
@rmhartman 10 ай бұрын
Dan is clearly not the brightest spark plug, is he?
@Joxman2k 10 ай бұрын
Horrible people in high school can change, but it takes a major event for them to change. Dont get me wrong everybody can be/has been as jerk in high school, but the truly horrible people are stuck in that frame for life unless something dramatic to them makes them change for the better.
@RJLiams 10 ай бұрын
Of course he became a cop
@gabinathan5499 10 ай бұрын
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