Idle No More Los Angeles

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Footage from the "Idle No More" Rally held in front of the Canadian Embassy in Los ANgeles. TO stand in solidarity with our Canadian and indigenous relations throughout the world. With special apperances by native celebrities Red Cloud, Crystle Lightning, Sam Bear Paw, Adam Beach, and Drum Group Red Hand Singers with Hoop Dancer Sage Romero.
Like the movement on facebook here:
Camera by Sage Romero, and Christina Ortiz
Cut and editied by Sage Romero at Sage Smoke Studios for AkaMya Culture Group.
Music by Lindsey Stirling AC3 Theme Song

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@aliciamatechuckO7 11 жыл бұрын
TANSI! Im from Canada Saskatchewan & a young woman & i greatly appreciate what our relatives down south are doing! There supporting US! & I thank you all ALOT! LILILILILILILILILILILI 3 IDLE NO MORE UNITY IS OUR STRENGTH!
@canadian18 11 жыл бұрын
i am a metis woman (cree) from Lac la biche Alberta Canada and i want to say hiyhiy (thank you) for your stand. We will fight to the end!! One Heart Beat One Drum & 50 million strong
@mackenziemayes8297 11 жыл бұрын
We must keep the momentum going... The fire of our people has lit. Gitchi miigwetch to our humble non native brothers and sisters for the support... I am from fort Albany/Attawapiskat Ontario... Makes my heart smile big to know we have many world wide supporters for our treaties and for chief spence. Gitchi miigwetch miswe!!
@canoescometohimalertbaynim4670 11 жыл бұрын
i am a kwakwaka'wakw man from alert bay british columbia, thank you brothers and sisters for your stand, thank you, we are one people, one heart, one mind, one spirit!
@chewyluv90 11 жыл бұрын
This brought tears to my eyes.. I am so proud to be native and can't explain how proud I am for my country, other countries and for my people.. and also to the non-natives that are standing up for all of us. We shall untie together. Finally, we are heard. :')
@martymax8483 11 жыл бұрын
First Nations are strong, proud and wise. The strength of the USA and its peoples, is needed now, more than ever. Respect the Treaty, and love your brothers and sisters. We can be, Idle No More. Joe (non aboriginal) lunch bucket, speaks. Thankyou L.A.
@lucindacontent 11 жыл бұрын
I want to add that the guy who spoke holding the 50million strong banner deeply inspired me and I think God has a calling on his life to unite native communities. Peace.
@2008len 11 жыл бұрын
Omg.I had a lump in my throat watching this. Just knowing someone somewhere sees our plight in Canada makes my heart swell. Thank you
@GeordieT 11 жыл бұрын
It was an honour and privilege to have been present on both days of this rally, as well as a duty to support this cause for human rights and I offer my continuing support.
@Anits1989 11 жыл бұрын
This movement is beautiful and it gives me hope for our future generations. Thank you to everyone who is a part of this movement Native and allies Much love
@chrissycanadiangirl72 11 жыл бұрын
Bless you all!!! THANK YOU so much for all your support!!! fr Cree First Nation
@Tammy8525 11 жыл бұрын
thank you for all that your doing,we all make a difference
@rose4057 11 жыл бұрын
I am hoping to be in LA at the end of july and the first half of Aug. Will visit my daughter Laurie C. and grandson Benton. Then I will be at Pitzer college for the pipeline
@DigitalNdn 11 жыл бұрын
We, your relations stand with you in Solidarity, this movement had been powerful. It is a blessing and honor to be able to support in what ever ways we can. You are our relations, you are us. Thank you! Aho!
@watercolor3006 11 жыл бұрын
The girl holding the sign is deeeelicious!!
@simonpursertexas 11 жыл бұрын
@KissRocksForever 11 жыл бұрын
Can't help but notice how these people aren't blocking roads and what not. Good for them, they have my support.
@desireejustinbieber 11 жыл бұрын
I thank you for supporting Idle No More. :)
@mrboobbarker 11 жыл бұрын
finally someone on here seems to be getting the proper message
@wolftracks15 11 жыл бұрын
Unity, Pride!
@BitchinRidge 11 жыл бұрын
Power to my people.
@simonpursertexas 11 жыл бұрын
Keep it up the drums.
@GeorgeOhan 11 жыл бұрын
#Support - Hollywood, CA - @LAfilmOhan
@chanelsinclair437 11 жыл бұрын
Well said !!
@alaincis 11 жыл бұрын
Don't ask. Do it, if you will.
@WeiWaiKai 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you to everyone who came out to this event to show your support for us here in Canada. I live in Victoria, I was an A student in high school, when I went to university they put me in "English for non-english speakers", Born & raised in Canada, when I went to complain I was told "It is not your fault hon, your whole race is slow" This is what we are fighting. We are denied housing, jobs, education, our Prime Minster has time to meet with Beiber but not with Chief Spencer! IdleNoMore!!
@jojo123469 11 жыл бұрын
They are special this is native land and my house sits on they're land...and I hope they get the justice that all of us Europeans have taken from them...
@Ленад-е1ш 8 жыл бұрын
мы ,свами. ребята. .!!!! 'Россия !!!!
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
like your vids DJ ....watched the wolf one last night ,nearly got close and personal with 2 wolfs on 2 separate occasions in the NWT years ago,both frightning and magnifcent at the same time even though it was nearing the end of a bad winter and they were half starved they were still majestic animals .I will never forget the rewarding experience
@SavageChiklette 11 жыл бұрын
whoa adam beach??
@DigitalNdn 11 жыл бұрын
@ evie11535, the treaty which allowed natives to cross the border without a passport has been affected. You can look into the "Jay Treaty".
@brgdomg 11 жыл бұрын
Bill C-45 took out a number of environmental regulations on lakes and rivers, which affects everyone living in Canada (and beyond). It failed to consult FN. Over 60% of Canadians did not vote for Harper, and did not want these legislations (and others) rammed through. The opposition MPs proposed 400 amendments, all of which were ignored. Why do you perceive the FN as such a threat? They are not attacking Canadian life, they are standing up for it.
@jojo123469 11 жыл бұрын
Like prime minister Trudeau once said " The true Canadian of this land is the Native Canadian". Like it or not this was there land lest we forget.
@DigitalNdn 11 жыл бұрын
The reason many are upset is because the border cuts off many traditional land claims and tribes which were there long before any borders. The Jay Treaty was also codified by the "Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952" which was last amended in 1965, this states, "Native Indians born in Canada are therefore entitled to enter the United States for the purpose of employment, study, retirement, investing, and/or immigration". This change affects many that have long gone without passports.
@Anits1989 11 жыл бұрын
Native revolution
@cheena1ca 11 жыл бұрын
Nice to know FN has world wide support!
@learnercurious1 11 жыл бұрын
"end Human bankruptcy"an idea whose time has come.Restore Human Dignity teach Personal Responsibility.I stand with "Idle No More"
@Anits1989 11 жыл бұрын
The distinction that needs to be made is one of sovereign status. Native people have inherent sovereignty in our lands that is respected by other governments (or should be!) and governing bodies through treaties mostly and various forms of federal law. That is a fact. We are politically distinct people, different than immigrants who come to our lands. That is where the distinction is being made by those rallying in defense of sovereignty.
@palmapanfu 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks DJMarz81! Stay proud too, brother! The aboriginal people must unite and stand strong!
@anishikewe 11 жыл бұрын
Migwetch (thank you) for your support, we need to keep this fight going for people. We can't let the government get away with this. They have gotten away with this for far to long!!
@DigitalNdn 11 жыл бұрын
In response to the assumption made by Garrys300, we took time out of our own lives to travel to the Canadian Consulate and used our own "dime" to be a part of this rally to show support. We are Californians, so no "Salaried" Chiefs needed to sponsor any of us. We feel need for the injustices to be addressed and are honored to stand beside our Canadian Relations.
@watercolor3006 11 жыл бұрын
Just remember one thing ! I was born here as well! A native to this land is someone ,whatever colour or race they maybe, are born on this native soil. Dont call me a person that is non native! I am non- aboriginal but i AM native to this country and land. I am not an american the same as you are not a canadian! I dont care what happens in your country for I do not pay taxes there.Native revolution like you have stated can go both ways!! remember that. Call out division and war will happen.
@watercolor3006 11 жыл бұрын
I live in the world of today, where the past and what happened in the past, is the past.I struggle in this country , paying my taxes and givin nothing overly special. Ive been denied money for education,denied bank loans for small business. I get disgusted when I hear talk of war drums and revolt. I was born here on this land, im not welcomed anywhere else on this planet as home but here! This land belongs to all modern day canadians wether they are aboriginal,white,blk or chiness born canadians
@CandyxKush 11 жыл бұрын
Heyy electric powwow shirt! Idle No More
@mrboobbarker 11 жыл бұрын
Point taken, FYI - you cannot 'discover' a land already inhabited by millions before you ever set foot on it, so your bang on there BUT Leif Eriksson landed on North American soil some 300 or 400 years before Columbus did, the settlements unearthed in Newfoundland prove this beyond all doubt. He didn't stay long though, only 10 years or so, why the settlement did not take is open to debate, some say he was driven out some say they just left - who knows?
@MyBeautifulhappy 11 жыл бұрын
@CandyxKush 11 жыл бұрын
The Jay Treaties are being undermined again!
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
when is round two??
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
hows the clear cutting of the old growth forests in the Henderson lake and Tofino inlet area by IIsaak logging (native owned) going Leydezar?
@TheAsini 11 жыл бұрын
These protests are happening everywhere not just Canada. Europe Australia and U.S. This is just the beginning of what's to come.
@AhuitzotlTlazohtla 11 жыл бұрын
Nican Tlaca cetilizt!/Indigenous unity! Unidad Indigena!
@jungleXXXjuice 11 жыл бұрын
Whos BROTHERS made it possible for the animals to make the endangered species list? Where exactly did these people you speak of adapt these values?
@mrboobbarker 11 жыл бұрын
neither did I
@brgdomg 11 жыл бұрын
How can one stand up for the obvious oppression against First Nations without making it "race based"? I am also not a First Nations individual, but I recognize that the ignorant trend of "blaming the victim" must stop. I know many people who believe that it would be "easier" if the treaties were abolished, but what would happen to First Nations culture? It would also disappear. I support Idle No More and First Nations government 100%, as I recognize the importance of First Nations to Canada.
@robinhamm6378 11 жыл бұрын
COME JOIN US IN DENVER ON SAT!! SAT 29 DEC at Cherry Creek mall. Facebook: "Flashmob Denver - Come Support Chief Spence, Our Northern Relatives and Our Beloved Turtle Island" Please check out our FB event page. This was beautiful...inspiring... can't wait for ours!!
@SPS148669 11 жыл бұрын
@cheena1ca 11 жыл бұрын
You do need hope and faith Garry ... we have little w/o it.
@jungleXXXjuice 11 жыл бұрын
Oh thats what you were referring to. I have been there many times and again, your facts are wrong. "The civilization of the Indian is impossible while the buffalo remains upon the plains. I would not seriously regret the total disappearance of the buffalo from our western prairies, in its effect upon the Indians, regarding it as a means of hastening their sense of dependence upon the products of the soil and their own labors." --Annual Report of the Department of the Interior
@Anits1989 11 жыл бұрын
Many of us have a type of duel citizenship being United States citizens/Canadian citizens/Mexican citizens and citizens of our tribal nations as well. I suggest you read up on federal Indian law and treaty rights of Native peoples...these are government to government relationships. In this way Native people are distinct from other racial groups and we do have certain rights and privileges which others do not possess based on our sovereignty which is inherent
@jungleXXXjuice 11 жыл бұрын
They also need to research how this money goes to non-Aboriginal Indian agents before it reaches the tribal bands and how much of that money those non-Aboriginals use to pay for their expensive luxuries. The reason why corruption among so many bands in Canada amounts to close to 3% is because they are made to report more often than anyone else. Let us study and compare the ratio of corruption between them and the federal government.
@armandoreyes3357 11 жыл бұрын
@naturesmeds 11 жыл бұрын
She is gonna take it with her when she goes. Its obvious that you have never known a cause worth dieing over.
@RedCloudRapgame 11 жыл бұрын
@mrboobbarker this is a treaty between the Crown and Indigenous people right? its being broken on the european side (surprise). were just a little bit fed up with the last 500 years my good man.
@Anits1989 11 жыл бұрын
You, like many other non-Native people do not understand the legal implications of sovereign status that is inherent to all Indigenous groups. The right to self governence in our traditional territories is an inherent and legally protected right. Harper wants to take away those rights. Its not about racism. Its about the rights and the fact that whether we like it or not we as Native people are distinct political entities different from other racial groups. We have our own governments
@palmapanfu 11 жыл бұрын
Ok. It's just that some of the natives here are a little bit racist and they say my tribe doesn't exist, which really hurts. Our people have been a minority for too long.
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
I have no idea where Shawn Atleo resides during his term as grand national chief, but I do know where he is from which is Ahousat, an island on the west coast of Vancouver Island. There are no posh neighbourhoods there buddy.I was referring to long term chiefs on little fiefdoms that use bribery and intimadation to keep their cushy jobs .There is an old saying that is in most cases very accurate " the chiefs driveway is always paved" there are over 700 fiefdoms in Canada, thats 100 of millions $
@palmapanfu 11 жыл бұрын
Can I participate in the protest? I'm not Native American but I'm Chukchi.
@xSnafux1 11 жыл бұрын
I am of white European decent (Although South American) and if permitted i would fight with the natives. Respect Existence or Expect Resistance. I do not side with race i side with justice
@karraskarras1103 11 жыл бұрын
@keith scott - sorry, idk how to personal message on here but as for @garrys300 - he is all over the place writng out his hoohaa about things he is misinformed about. never underestimate a jerk with too much time on their hands. Idle No More Sitka Alaska
@brgdomg 11 жыл бұрын
I love you guys too. :) I suppose I am just embarrassed for a certain number of Canadians who cannot look past their ignorance and see that Idle No More is a movement which they can relate to, as well. The Harper government refuses to take into account the views of the majority of Canadians, including FN.
@robertabjork4309 11 жыл бұрын
I know!!! I was trying to comment and it wouldn't let me so I left him a Msg telling him that he was just adding fuel to rascal fire that has no place in the Idle no more stand.
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
I wonder if the good people of LA know that honest hard working Canadian taxpayers had to foot the bill for these freeloaders to travel to California ? You can be sure the $ 200,000/year salaried chiefs didn't put up a dime.
@keithscott2934 11 жыл бұрын
Harper and the federal REFORM PARTY/CONSERVATIVES must go period. They work for corporations not the people of this great land.
@MultiRiley69 11 жыл бұрын
I agree with the Idle No More, the Canadian/ American natives at least. They are getting to the point in ways that make sense and are truly correct, I don't support The Mexica Movement though, even though they are great supporters of Indigenous rights, they make ridiculous claims, almost cult like actions.
@watercolor3006 11 жыл бұрын
So if they go then who do you think would be good to fill tyheir shoes? eh? the next crooked party?
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
do you teach them how to hate as well.? seem to have a knack for it
@MotiveUnknown 11 жыл бұрын
just curious does everyone else need a passport tho? yes right? just trying to get all the facts.
@kasabonika210baby 11 жыл бұрын
i sense a great war in north america...natives of this land wake from your 200 year slumber...war drum shall be sung..
@MakuziTheInuk 11 жыл бұрын
I love North America ;3 ~TheInuk
@mrboobbarker 11 жыл бұрын
a silly example considering you assume that the average citizen is consulted in any way shape or form with regards to government actions or the laws and legislature they enact. Are you seriously trying to tell me that you think Harper called me on the phone and asked me if C-45 should go through or not? Sun Tsu says: Know your enemy, and know yourself and in 100 battles you will never know peril - you do not know your true enemy and so you will always stumble around in the dark.
@jungleXXXjuice 11 жыл бұрын
I think you've been listening to too much bad reporting from Ezra Levant. Couldn't hurt to do some proper research.
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
don't mean to insult you DJ but that sounds like a travel log .....If we believe history I think "Kanata" means "collection of houses over there" in Algonquin or something similar ,furthermore if you asked the same Algonquin where the west coast of "kanata" was he would look at you like you were nuts .
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
you are free to leave anytime JOJO soon as your jail sentence is up that is.....
@keithscott2934 11 жыл бұрын
thanks once again for the first nations people of Turtle Island for their support. We will win support of many others. This is what is upsetting people because they do not want change. If anyone has been offended by my posts it was not my intention. If Garrys300 was offended. I am sorry. I am sorry you were even born and that your mother didn't spit. Now Garrys300 get offended because you have been stalking me and I won't have it.
@watercolor3006 11 жыл бұрын
I Not being a first nation, what am I then a second nation I would asume or maybe third??? Race based discussion must stop, it is driving a wedge. I always read “the Whitemans Government or Your Government” Last time I checked you were able to vote for “My Government” However I was not able to vote for yours. How does your Government negotiate with my Government when you vote for both??? Something is very wrong here. Enough! like this...
@97musicaddict 11 жыл бұрын
How is what Spence is doing is wrong? (Not here to argue I just want to know what you mean)
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
who you talking about DJ ? Dawn claims to be a proud momma ,not a guy ,or is she? anyhow not a good idea to teach your children to hate......gets them no where
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
ok I think we could both agree the medieval times were far from Idea, however things improved in Europe for the common man around the 11th or 12th century ,can you say the same thing? The savage haidas from the charlottes were still wreaking havoc for their neighbours to the south well into the 1900 century. by the way slavery was abolished in Britain by 16?? don't think that happened here did it? I just dropped in to this site for a look-see, Do you monitor it or something DJ?
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
before you can have native revolution ,you must 1st have native evolution,that includes inventing your own piano
@DigitalNdn 11 жыл бұрын
In response to Jared Sequin, your Google search about "Indian Moneys Program" is grossly exxagerated. My family and I work, pay taxes, pay for education, and have fought to protect land which is environmentally important to not just us, but all people. No high horse here, we think only of the future generations, and balance. Realize their are many tribes with no recognition at all out here, so those so called programs do not apply to them at all. Mind your assumptions.
@mrboobbarker 11 жыл бұрын
If we are all people then why do you feel the need to segregate a certain portion of the population based on 'who was here first'. The 'rights' you speak of should be extended to all people born in Canada, regardless if that is how you really feel. You say we are all 'people' then you go on to say you have rights above and beyond others in the same society you live in, doesn't sound to me like we are all the same people in your mind.
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
not jaded just a student of history ,real history not bullshit old school or new school bullshit ! you obviously look thru life with jaded sunglasses good luck I hope you find peace as I have thru history ,try it sometime
@cheena1ca 11 жыл бұрын
Garry, you sound far too jaded to try to converse with. I'm sorry, may you find peace
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
so much for the idlers........seems the fizzle went out of their children they got bored with their new toy easy
@Anits1989 11 жыл бұрын
Please do research before you spread your ignorance. Again I suggest studying federal Indian law. We do not get "free hand outs". We are distinct peoples and have certain rights under law. I didnt go to school for free and neither did any of my family members we worked hard to maintain our scholarship and had jobs to pay off student fees. And I pay taxes. And I will point out that you got the land for was inhereted by your ancestors who paid nothing or little to nothing for it.
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
lol simple and peaceful?? simple yes ---peaceful not so much. considering different tribes were in a constant war with each.other could have very well been captured and used as a disposable slave to be traded or killed at the will of your owner,then tossed out back with the rest of the midden .sometimes it might not be the best adea to wish for the past
@Garrys300 11 жыл бұрын
Tansi Shantel ,if you are metis then you are white(prob French) and cree.......To say you are cree is not accurate and you should know better.......and furthermore there never was a cree word for "thank you "according to my exwife who is a full blooded cree from north of slave lake however after the french priests travelled thru the locals used the french word merci
@brgdomg 11 жыл бұрын
Oh, I am 100% caucasian. Believe me, we're not all so bad.
@6Daemon6Goddess6 11 жыл бұрын
and what would you know is tribal behaviour... if you can think before you speak
@jungleXXXjuice 11 жыл бұрын
My keyboard says "made in China."
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