Whats a good comment with the deep thinking. could you please express this in English, which will make sense.
@atwilliamlung8 ай бұрын
@Quakuouo12313 ай бұрын
@@Reduniver1995 that he means this video is not only for making profit or sth else but also taking responsibility about teaching his audiances how to preparing this test,really impressive
Pleaser don't be too disappointed. The IELTS is quite silly and very ridiculous in my opinion. I am NATIVE speaker (I started learning my 2nd language, which is Chinese, when I was 7). I graduated IBDP Eng Lit A HL with 7 and full marks on my Extended Essay as well on English. I'm a lawyer graduated with higher distinction GPA at a top law school. I also got my PhD recently and published quite a few papers in a few international legal journals. I've even lectured and tutored uni students, spoken in conferences and go to court regularly. I got 9 (Reading), 9 (Writing), 9.5 (Listening)... HOWEVER, my speaking was 8.5!!! With a profession that involves 99% of speaking and having probably done more formal speakings then the examiner. I. GOT. 8.5!!! LOL This is like asking a fish to swim... and you are telling the fish that it's not good enough at swimming apparently 😂
Good morning, 這部影片,我覺得超級好,考官,也超級好,阿滴哥哥,好正面,好樂觀,讚👍👍,英文好好呀👍👍,超級好。So cool, and so nice, 讓我們覺得學英文,好簡單Simple, 口說,也不害怕犯錯, I don’t afraid to making mistakes. 我I 比較不會害怕犯錯。總之,I love 阿滴哥哥。謝謝,期待2025年,繼續看阿滴哥哥的影片。I love you so much and I like you so much, 阿滴哥哥Brother, too.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
個人深覺得雅思/托福口說測驗⋯最大忌諱便是以中文思考角度來回應⋯ㄧ定很卡流利度會嚴重suffer 用字遣詞collocation 也會充🈵著不確定的心虛ambiguity ⋯換言之答題應試策略首先要放棄tell the truth⋯因爲亞洲人的英語口說能力尚無法駕馭隨心所欲暢所欲言心中的一切真實想法⋯ What is your favorite song:明智的選擇是說Mariah Carey‘s hero 千萬不要跟考官說你喜歡啊妹的彩虹/好膽你就來/掉了⋯hero的駕馭空間明顯游刃有餘多了⋯講啥掉了/彩虹⋯考官只會😑😑😑😑😑⋯因爲難度過大外系主任也說不清楚⋯切記⋯“選游刃有餘的答題領域” is the top priority ⋯
up主英语非常好,所以无论口语出什么题都可以随便答,就像聊天一样。可是如果是刚要出国留学的留学生怎么办呢?我觉得,如果在不能够在短期内令口语变得非常流利和令词汇量大增的情况下,首先要学会的是在考试中如何消除紧张感,和减少 en ah er 这些“词”的出现,而且学会放慢一点语速尽量令自己表达的更清晰。Good luck everyone.