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If We Create Our Own Reality, How Do You Explain Suffering? - Teal Swan

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Teal Swan

Teal Swan

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Suffering is the biggest issue for those of us who are trying to align with the spiritual truth of "you create your own reality" and "the purpose of your life is joy". And who blames us? Who the hell could say that the child who was kidnapped and raped created their own reality and live with themselves? How could we say that life is about joy when people are loosing their loved ones to cancer or war?
Our entire reality is being arranged around us like a 360 degree mirror reflection of our thoughts. Our senses perceive this reflection and translate it into a physical experience for us. And so, you can think of it like a learning hologram.
When we are born, we know we create our own reality by virtue of what we are paying attention to. This is why it is so easy for babies to ignore you. But pretty soon, we get more flack for ignoring things we do not want to pay attention to, thenn we do for paying attention to them, and the minute we pay attention to them, they begin to manifest in our reality. And we feel like victims. We forget that we create our own reality.
Suffering is not inevitable. Contrast is inevitable. To know what is wanted, you must know what is unwanted, so this experience is going to contain elements that are unwanted. If this were not the case, no expansion would occur. There would be no purpose to life. The purpose of life is to let that contrast (that which is unwanted) inspire within you what is wanted and then going in the direction of that. The purpose of your life is to follow your joy.
Suffering is the result of not focusing on and following your joy when what is wanted is inspired within you. It is the result of focus on what is unwanted even after the idea of what is wanted instead is birthed within you. Suffering is the byproduct of focus. It is always the result of continuing to focus on what is unwanted on what evokes negative emotion within you. And so, it is always in your control whether or not you suffer.
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Teal Swan is a revolutionary for personal transformation and is one of The Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the world. As a renowned author, speaker and social media star, she travels the world teaching self-development and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.
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@StarCoded 11 жыл бұрын
'You did NOT come here to suffer! You came here to follow your joy to the ends of the Earth. Suffering is not necessary but it’s often the doorway to freedom that people choose (when there’s nothing more to lose - "I either die, or I go in the direction of whatever feels better" ). Contrast is an ingredient to expansion, but suffering is NOT. You experience contrast (that which is unwanted) so that it can inspire you towards what you do want.' - Teal Scott. Bravo, beautiful being!
@Juliet_Capulet 11 жыл бұрын
As a former victim of severe abuse, including mental, sexual and attempted murder on the part of my parents, I can say that this IS a very personal realization. You need to keep in mind that because you created it does NOT mean that you "wanted it." This is perhaps the biggest stumbling block, IMO. This video takes that out of the equation with a great explanation. Really liked this vid.
@Raul61233 8 жыл бұрын
Teal’s timing in this, our epoch, is much like her truth giving. She sacrificed in order to attain great truths that she can now pass on to us. What better platform for us than the Internet and You Tube. How greatly blessed we are by her kindness.
@nsimba_777 8 жыл бұрын
Exactly! I had the same thoughts, she is a big blessing for all of us.
@BeFeCa 8 жыл бұрын
this video is ,was and will always be one of teals master piece art. life itself explained in 20 min
@drummerboy737 3 жыл бұрын
I would think it is quite abhorrent anyone would say this knowing full well a person is culpable for unspeakable crimes against an innocent child. People who commit crimes are to blame for their moral actions.
@sarahballard4590 3 жыл бұрын
@@drummerboy737 People are allowed to frame their own experiences how they wish. I think it's an empowering perspective.
@drummerboy737 3 жыл бұрын
@@sarahballard4590 at the moment you can but that doesn't make them true. Objective truth is not opinion but opinions can possibly be objectively true. Truth is the basis of evidence by which we validate any claims which we have.
@sarahballard4590 3 жыл бұрын
@@drummerboy737 not everything in this world can be understood through logic and reasoning. There is much that exists outside of that spectrum, and we are multi dimensional beings many perspectives and truths can be valid at the same time. Why would you limit yourself to one, when another could send you on a higher path. As she points out why cling to a belief system that does you no good. I'm sure your aware her videos are also about psychic abilities and starseeds so I think you may be in the wrong corner of the internet.
@drummerboy737 3 жыл бұрын
@@sarahballard4590 can you prove what your claim is? How is it possible that contradicting versions of the truth are true? that is by definition impossible. You want to say you can leave the realm of reasoning but then proceed with a claim that you know you can't use logic to prove. No, I don't think that's right you're mistaken. If you were right it would be logically possible and then maybe not possible to be understood completely. Unfortunately you have begun with a premise that cannot possibly be true (Ie, two contradicting truth are true.) You have to be careful how far you take a presumption because although some of what you say may be completely possible if an ideas basis is impossible and you are held accountable by your knowledge and beliefs for your own soul then you can end up in a very very dangerous realm of plausible consequences. If there is truth then there is righteousness. If there is righteousness there is morality and if there is morality then accountability if people exist.
@sarahfaith5018 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you Teal, this is my experience. I was a devout Christian. In my old religion, I was taught that suffering is always part of life and it is a great thing if you could bear your suffering willingly, patiently. I was living this kind of life for years, and I never found the thing of which makes me happy. I lost my sense of want, because I thought that want is evil and if I want something it's against the rule of suffering. I learn from the saints that suffering exist so that Jesus may be our only consolation and that this is the way to heaven. So, I would often cry at night and approve of this, sometimes though when I pray I feel relief and thought that this is what ecstasy was like. But the more this happen, the more life seems cruel to me, and the people around me suffer. I wasn't able to love others, my family and my friends. I thought I'm happy, so I put on a smile to others. But deep inside I know I'm suffering and others could feel that. In the end, I could not genuinely love others.Is this what God wants? The answer was a long search, until I found Teal's video. Then I understood that I deserved to be loved. I am not born to be a sinner and run the risk to be thrown into hell if I do not follow the way of suffering. I know now that I create my own reality. I'm on that road now, the road to healing and joy. Finally, I can see the smile on my family's faces as I begin to slowly understand that my purpose in life is to be joyful. Teal is right, I have not only meet the door of suffering to reach this conclusion, but also I defeated that great influence that suffering is divinely true. I'm looking forward to a life where I'm able to bring joy to others and the world. And make the world a better place.
@ThePhysics1234 9 жыл бұрын
I also had the experience of suffering for Jesus. It was basically suffering so someone else who identifies with "Jesus" and praises "Jesus" could boost his ego. It was suffering for someone else. It was the most miserable time of my life. Why would Jesus have to be the ONLY consolidation? So that people preaching this could feel special. I realized that people who say God is love but place God ONLY IN ONE THING , only through ONE THING ,usually through something that ONLY THEY posses, whether its Jesus or Mohamed or some organization or whatever ,do this to make themselves feel significant because they identify with this thing so they make it special and exclusive.
@livewireOrourke 9 жыл бұрын
But you have it wrong. The Bible says:"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."
@ThePhysics1234 9 жыл бұрын
***** It does not matter what the bible says, it matter what people who interpret the bible say.
@AdonaiZedek 9 жыл бұрын
Sarah Faith We have to be responsible of our interpretation and livelihood. I too read about suffering in the bible and i didn't find it as miserable. It did take time to get rid of the fear factor that was seared in my conscious for so long. I think now being conscious i can look at different concepts in the bible differently than how i viewed them as a Christian. For example i might use darkness meditation and thought concepts for a time but i may not live my whole life away from the SUN. The energy during sex may be one of the strongest and can be transmuted into semthing to catapult us into something greater. On the other hand there are concepts that say when ejaculating causes the loss of CHi if not performed correctly and many Tai Chi masters go for lives not ejaculating. Take from it what you may. Infinite Luv
@magdahoinkes7702 9 жыл бұрын
Sarah Faith
@SuperDflower 8 жыл бұрын
I am speechless. What she says at the end, left me stunned. I am really grateful for all that she has taught me and continues to teach me. It's crazy how badly I need, and I imagine others need to hear basically the same messages over and over in order to really believe what really is true. You know it when you hear it, it just resonates as truth. It's just that somehow in this seemingly agreed-upon reality, it's easy to fall into doubt. So thank you Teal for reminding me of what I really know to be the truth of life. It just takes quite a bit of time to relearn this, and that's sometimes frustrating to me. I guess it's a slow process because it takes time for the nervous system to heal and to break the neurological habit of fight/freeze/flight. In the logic of my child-self, the life I led/ the suffering/ the experience of being and feeling victimized again and again, led me to conclude that there must be something VERY wrong with me or I would not have been having those experiences. It's such a logical conclusion to make for someone grasping to feel as if they have some control. There's that little voice inside that says life could be beautiful, I haven't lost that dream which is why I am willing to imagine that Universe wants that for me as well. I have to say that for for me, and I imagine, for those of us who have suffered a lot, this turn of perspective you offer makes, explains a lot and leaves me feeling like nothing is wrong with me in the least. In fact, it's because of my strength that I survived those experiences and have chosen to learn from them. Bless you for being there for us sensitive types... we really need the support. :-}
@thecoolestgingerkid 6 жыл бұрын
Wtfff wasn’t expecting Teal to say her childhood was unintentionally a result of ancestral and her own fears but WOW this was way helpful in making me feel more empowered about my own childhood. Wow. Truly amazing, Teal
@zytpangpang 4 жыл бұрын
the challenges is not yourself sometimes, it is people who are around that that constantly remind you or morally kidnap you about what they think you should do or worry about. It is sooooo exhausting sometimes.
@chanououi6044 3 жыл бұрын
One of the upsides of my suffering is that it led me to you. My beautiful beacon of light 🕊
@jeremycalbert1372 11 жыл бұрын
Dear Teal, I am literally saving my life with the words of wisdom that you give to the world in this video. A hundred times thank you!
@09vitec 9 жыл бұрын
I hear what you're saying here Teal & I agree. When we come to a certain understanding about ourselves as an individual, which takes a few years especially as a child, its difficult for anyone to control abusive situations when it happens to us when we are young children. But as we grow older we begin to learn that we are not those horrible things that happened to us as children. We come to a metaphorical fork in the road & there we have the chance to change for the positive, become stronger & help others who have been dealt the same hand. I believe that to be true. For some they never get passed it. There will always be shadows of those moments as a child. But the difference now, as a grown up is I can choose how I live my life, I can choose how I feel every morning and I can choose to not allow the hauntings of my child hood to consume me or depict my character.
@dbsk06 3 жыл бұрын
18:03 suffering is the result of continuing to focus on what is unwanted
@FreeJulianAssange23 3 жыл бұрын
As though it were your choice.
@dainismichel5864 9 жыл бұрын
Teal, it's terrible what you experienced, my heart goes out to you, and I send you a cosmic blast of compassion to the best of my abilities to do so. If you create your own reality, then you wrote what you are reading here. I do not exist for you as a separate living conscious person. Is that fair, kind, and based in truth? Do we not violate the free will of others, when we conclude that our reality is a mirror of ourselves? Maybe "he" was just mean, and that's the end of it. For people who have experienced suffering at the hands of others (and I have as well), maybe we can benefit from letting go of holding ourselves responsible for "attracting" suffering -- by simply admitting that other people are responsible for their behavior. We do not "need" to believe that we create our own realities in order to move forward and improve our lives. We can accept that we influence our circumstances, but we do not need to hold ourselves accountable for the behavior of those who harm us. Victims of abuse can wind up trapped and deceived -- directly because of the belief that "we create our own reality." Someone punches you, you blame yourself, the person punches you again, and you look within and search for ways to "not attract" physical abuse, then the person abuses you again and in different, more egregious ways -- and again -- you look within and seek to claim a loving environment -- a loving reality -- by "attracting" one -- and any malicious or psychopathic or cruel person -- can trap you into a cycle of abuse -- because you blame yourself for what they perpetrate. Do NOT fall into that trap. Walk away from abusive cycles if they do not come into reciprocal joy quickly.
@auroraborealis6398 5 жыл бұрын
I'm glad people like you are answering this video. It's scary how people can easily believe that everything is related to them and we have to fight against ego instead
@namedrop721 3 жыл бұрын
You’re mistaken. Altering yourself to being a nonvictim doesnt change others-it changes your emotions and behaviors, like leaving an abuser. Always check for logical fallacy in assumptions.
@elliottseitz8734 Жыл бұрын
This is probably the most important video you have ever made teal… you have such a gift for sharing in a way that is clear, concise, and encompasses all the important parts and nuances to something incredibly complex. You capture the idea of the law of mirrors and explain in such a perfect way and with your personal story and impactful way. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
@lillawonder4216 8 жыл бұрын
That last statement was golden. Love love love
@MsVivida 3 жыл бұрын
There is a reason I meet you in this dark time of mine. You describe my childhood by yours perfectly.
@kenmorrisproducer 11 жыл бұрын
"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill
@deller5924 3 жыл бұрын
WC was a traitor in favour of actual but unseen enimies. That's why you're gonna get digital concentration camp before you know it.
@rightOrWrongMyContry 10 жыл бұрын
The only way out of hell is through it.
@vegansaxon3962 9 жыл бұрын
When Teal said that, I was amazed...
@AprilFrancisAnn 5 жыл бұрын
Lapse Time if you are going through hell keep going
@robusttw4479 4 жыл бұрын
Keep marching on
@drummerboy737 3 жыл бұрын
Unless you are actually heading to hell.
@deepwaters7242 Жыл бұрын
Unless it's maybe your role in life, to experience hell continuously so the others around you make different choices. I've been in a well intentioned path to treat others well and share joy and love but the world has rejected me so many times that I really think my purpose is to be a sad example. Everything that's brought me joy has pretty much been ripped away. Everything.
@GirlsLikeFairies 7 жыл бұрын
My angel.. I'm blessed to have found you Teal. Love you :)
@drummerboy737 3 жыл бұрын
But she sends you to hell. Would seem to contradict the claim.
@Wuei108 7 жыл бұрын
There is a song by John Denver which deals with the topic that we all are creators. Its title is "Welome to my morning". Welcome to my morning Welcome to my day I'm the one responsible I made it just this way To make myself some pictures See what they might bring I think I made it perfectly I wouldn't change a thing Welcome to my happiness You know it makes me smile And it pleases me to have you here For just a little while While we open up the spaces Try to break some chains And if the truth is told They will never come again Welcome to my evening The closing of the day I could try a million times Never find a better way To tell you that I love you And all the songs I play Are to thank you for allowing me Inside this lovely day Welcome to my morning Welcome to my day Yes, I'm the one responsible I made it just this way To make myself some pictures And see what they might bring I think I made it perfectly I wouldn't change a thing
@BGlasnost 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this, it is intuitively known that this is true and it is a good thing to be reminded about. When I think about the reason I've not yet chosen to follow my joy, I notice that my difficulty (and maybe many others) is that spending a long period of time identifying with suffering tends to distort a person's sense of what actually feels good, a bit like how looking at a red background for an extended period of time changes your vision to perceive things in a different hue. Joy is almost a comical concept, I would just like to feel "good". Often nothing feels good but thinking about how I will be free after death. I have gradually awoken to see that my identity has been so twisted by life experiences that I cannot clearly perceive what would bring me joy. I wish that it all did not have to be such a slow and painstaking process. Thank you for indulging this expression, and thanks again for sharing this message.
@johncox2912 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, Teal, thank you. This video helps clarify some things. It seriously helps in the fact you use yourself as a living example. I can see more clearly how we create our reality and how we can change that reality consciously. Your example of coming into a life of "gumdrops, sunshine and rainbows" is a great example of why we choose contrast. It reminds me of something my sensei always said. He said people who live in places like Hawaii where it IS sunshine and good weather all the time have a very different perspective from those of us who come from a snow zone and visit. We LOVE the sunshine and good weather, whereas those living there all the time tend to grow to see it as common place and the norm, and as such, are not quite as enthusiastic about seeing YET ANOTHER beautiful sunset, or to turn cartwheels because it's just SUCH a nice day out, or to lose their breath when watching ocean waves crash on the beach. It's the contrast that defines WHO WE ARE. The contrast tells us WHO WE ARE. It's not the negative life we want, it's the opposite of it that we REALLY want. It takes the contrast to show us who we truly are inside.
@TheChiOfThree 11 жыл бұрын
pg 4of4) I had struggled with the question of " Should I publicly speak of the extreme abuse I had encountered along the way. For quite some time I was ashamed of the events that took place, as well as TERRIFIED to share those memories! However, watching this video and hearing about what you have gone thru has helped me to see how sharing my story of severe abuse that I had gone thru, can be just as beneficial to others, just as yours was to me! Thank You Teal, you are amazing! -Rev. LaVerde D.D
@natushkhan Жыл бұрын
2:45 Our entire reality is being arranged around us like a 360° mirror reflection of our thoughts 3:13 by virtue of what we are paying attention , flack for ignoring the things we dont want to pay attention to 3:43 vibrations adopted in utero 4:25 reflection 101 15:20 if your reality became the movie’s reality 16:27 suffering is not inevitable, contrast is inevitable 17:03 follow your joy. suffering is a result from not following your joy through thoughts, words, actions 18:11 you control what you focus on 18:59 training is heavy influence and can be undo 19:14 belief: world is bigger than us, imposes itself on us by bringing is something unwanted w/o inviting it…. action: try to prepare for the worse (self-preservation commands) 20:14 avoidant reality 20:35 reality of suffering
@JB-og8gn 3 жыл бұрын
This is complicated. I was able to transform my life (after I was 18) because I believed my life could be completely different from my parents. I focused on that intention so, so strongly from age 12 to 18 that I eventually manifested everything I had dreamed of. However, until I was 18, I was still living in my parents’ house as a minor. I did not have the power to heal or change them. Manifestation is powerful but it is not limitless. Other people can violate our free will, whether or not we allow ourselves to become victims. That said, I believe I CHOSE my parents and all of the suffering that would come as a result, so in that sense, yes, I did create my reality, but I created it from the perspective of a soul, not a child. I don’t think I could have snapped my fingers when I was five and changed my reality, at least not beyond the bubble of my own mind and experience. I think that is a small but nuanced distinction, hinted at in your video but not totally clear. Choosing in advance is a really important part of this. It’s distinct from generating it in real time, and it is an important part of childhood suffering. I don’t think children generate their parent’s baggage, or the horrible things that can happen to them. It’s their soul’s choice.
@zion367 2 жыл бұрын
I think indeed that others also have the opportunity to violate our rights. In my life things have happened that I hadn't even imagined.
@matthewjonathan9352 Жыл бұрын
@@zion367 I hear that, and it is a truth. Then again...does that help to hold onto or does that belief keep you angry about the past? I have to see that in myself too. We wouldn't know all the things our parents imagined, and held onto in fear from their incarnations. Science has proven we were programmed within the womb and as a child and even later on after that 7 year mark bruce lipton speaks of. If we hold that perspective that we were violated, we remain in a victim mentality. See waht she's saying there? It's our choice now of perspective and belief. If we take responsibility for our trauma, fears, and choose to focus on joy rather than blame, that's the future!
@zion367 Жыл бұрын
@@matthewjonathan9352 Yes, true. Somehow letting go can not be forced. As much as I want to... it must come from a deeper level then the mind.
@matthewjonathan9352 Жыл бұрын
@@zion367 Totally agree. A massage therapist once said to me: "healing happens right where and when it's supposed to."
@zion367 Жыл бұрын
@@matthewjonathan9352 lets hope it will happen soon.
@QuantumDynamic8 3 жыл бұрын
This was the ultimate breakthrough that shifted everything for me. Thank you Teal
@jameshetfield5894 6 жыл бұрын
There's a lot I could say here, but I'll shorten it down to a simple "thank you."
@hlumelabongobi3933 5 ай бұрын
Looking at my own life, I can only find absolute truth in what you’re saying and it’s kind of scary and life changing at the same time. Gee wiz, thank you again 🙏🏾❤️
@Franziska.Meyer. 2 жыл бұрын
This video I honestly felt like being on dmt or something, because it was SO profound, deep and true what she said. I felt like being hit by a bus like 😵 and a feeling of intense freedom and space came through me. Omg I am so grateful for her (which is also me) 🙏🏼♥️
@TwistedArtLady 6 жыл бұрын
One of the worst heartaches I ever felt was the realization that my internal world was a place of nightmares and I had to admit that I had done it to myself. Love and happiness come from within 1st, you have to decide this constantly and not doing so is like drinking poison. Your soul is beautiful, love your channel.
@HiLoveLeighs 5 жыл бұрын
Truly THE best video ever. Teal, thank you for the work that you do and for sharing it with the rest of us.
@rmodzy 3 жыл бұрын
Behold an empowered human being... THANK YOU Teal!
@anonymaus8191 5 жыл бұрын
I have a family member who survived 5 years in Auchwitz and came out the other end still believing in God. No idea how he did it.
@hillpitt4585 4 жыл бұрын
Whats his explanation for it having happened to him?
@Abraham-gf1oi 3 жыл бұрын
Some people need faith
@gforce20001 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, of course. I didn't understand the analogy of her wording. Suffering, failures, setbacks etc, all appear to be events or situations we despise to find ourselves in. But like Teal and the rest of us know, they're opportunities to grow and evolve. I would hate for tragic events to happen but some really are blessings in disguise.
@artyyy77 8 жыл бұрын
Teal, You are one of the few people I feel can relate to my way of thinking. Focus has surely been my rock in life. Your analogies are very well put for those who do not understand fully. You're pretty cool:)
@NSmith-hh1ys 3 жыл бұрын
The answer is simple. We create suffering. Beautiful message
@AwokenGenius 8 жыл бұрын
I didn't know your past but I always thought that you've had a real tough life, but I'm still creating my own suffering so maybe I saw a reflection of my suffering. My step dad had books about demons and ended up being a Pedophile, a victim as well. But I've not managed to find my way through the suffering because I'm still stuck in these programmes I've created for myself. Ive tried blaming everyone and then it just ended up feeling guilty and blaming myself. But I know I can get through it.
@AwokenGenius 8 жыл бұрын
I can see that you are really genuine so I'm listening to this and I'm rewatching it
@auroraborealis6398 5 жыл бұрын
well you're not responsible for other people's behavior
@PrincessStormchaser 10 жыл бұрын
You are so amazing, Teal. There are no words that can justify my love for you, and appreciation for all that you share with this physical world. You are truly making a difference in the lives of everyone who has found you, and it's only just beginning! As someone who has come from an abusive childhood, and still struggles, more than once have I been at that crossroad "I either die, or I go in the direction of whatever feels better." Upon attracting your videos into my life, the knowledge and compassion you share has given me the hope and motivation I need to start making positive changes. So for this I thank you greatly! May you always be true to yourself and head in a direction of joy. Wishing everyone peace and unity in their realities, and beauty in every waking moment. We each and as a whole, deserve it xox
@neopagan1976 9 жыл бұрын
You go girl. Amen. Preach it, Teal.
@snipecor2000 9 жыл бұрын
Amen ra? whos name are you saying when you say amen?
@neopagan1976 9 жыл бұрын
snipecor2000 in other words, I agree with what Teal's saying. I'm not saying anybodys' name when I use that word.
@snipecor2000 9 жыл бұрын
***** I am aware of what you meant however, gotta be careful. words are spelling. everyword is an acronym. like I dont ike when ppl say Bless you.. pi language >> B- less. english is a funny language
@neopagan1976 9 жыл бұрын
snipecor2000 I don't normally use acronyms, but you're right about english being a funny language. It can be quite confusing too, espescially with internet chat. lol
@snipecor2000 9 жыл бұрын
***** you use acronyms in most words you speak.. more than you are aware.
@danilalingo9296 3 жыл бұрын
The way you concise. I am really enjoying your content. Binge-watching like it's Netflix!
@TeratheSpitz 9 жыл бұрын
I had a talk with my mother the other day about the fact that I don't want to watch the news. I told her that I find out many of the biggest news through facebook and friends but her response was that I can't rely on others for that kind of knowledge. The thing is, news always makes me feel uneasy and bad. I get thoughts like "The world is so cruel to people and all wars out there cause so much pain". I don't want to watch it because it makes me feel bad. But at the same time, I am not as updated as other "normal" people I guess. She thinks I am living in my little bubble of what the world is like. But I see it as I chose my own reality and want to focus on happy things so that I can be more supportive of my friends, spread positive vibrations etc. What do you guys think?
@rashellsegarra148 9 жыл бұрын
FeliciaArt I dont watch the news either too much negativity. Its so sad and just throws fear at people. Plus its filled with a bunch of bullshit stories. Definitely focus on the more positive things
@enriquepaez3898 9 жыл бұрын
I do the exact same thing. I only use social media for inspiration and joy. As long as you keep giving your attention to the news and media outlets that reports that the economy is bad, or that the government is evil or whatever, it will only manifest itself into your own personal experience. It is one of the best decisions I have made :)
@TeratheSpitz 9 жыл бұрын
Rashell Segarra Enrique Paez Thank you guys for your responses ^^
@oneheckofanadventure6809 9 жыл бұрын
+FeliciaArt I have a facebook account only filled with "like"-ed pages of "buddha" & "dali lama" quotes with no actual real life friends or anything. I want no interfering. I love bio food and get positive updates on GMO banning :3 Haha so if I feel cut out of the world I go there and get the positive input I need and all the valuable info from some of the greatest inspirational preachers on earth. On how to live and adopt a healthy lifestyle, be friends with your inner self and thoughts. How to help close ones. Handle grief and so on. (In contrast to the news; A LOT of people died). Allow yourself news that truly changes your life. Not only states problems (a matter of focus).
@TeratheSpitz 9 жыл бұрын
One Heck Of An Adventure Ah, smart way to go there having a facebook account just for that :) I have connected with so many people from my soul family and they help me stay strong and focused on my inner journey. It is truly a blessing to meet them again in this life ^^ Thank you for your input dear. Love and Light
@7spiritualcompass706 7 жыл бұрын
This is like explaining the choosing of our entrance and our exit, before we even enter the world. I can understand this today because I, too, questioned the abuse as a child. I want to thank you, Teal, for your lovely message for many of us who feel the guilt and blame in what goes on around us and in our life. Blessings.
@kafrenchable 10 жыл бұрын
Great video- I think just being on this earth is a form of suffering. We are here to learn and experience and grow. I often wonder why so many bad things happen but it must be part of the plan. I hope in my next life it will be on more positive planet.
@kafrenchable 9 жыл бұрын
Taxtro So do you have the answers to all the bad things that happen? I never said I don't try to help people if I can but I certainly can't stop most of the crap that happens around me and on this planet. Even bad things have a learning experience for the person and the people around them. If you knew me you would never say I'm selfish but I am not God and can't solve all the worlds problems-either can you.
@kafrenchable 9 жыл бұрын
Taxtro Thats your opinion but from my research struggle and challenges are part of growing. I never said I wasn't looking for answers but that's why we're here. If everything in our lives was perfect then there would be no reason to be here on earth.-that's my opinion.
@kafrenchable 9 жыл бұрын
Taxtro That last sentence made me LOL-hey I hear what you're saying but Like I said I don't have all the answers to horrific things that happen in life. i do believe there are evil people in the world that have no morals or compassion and just like to hurt people.
@moeinpourreza9032 6 жыл бұрын
the acceptance of my responsibility for the creation of my life was like resurrecting from a corpse. You are truly part of my life Teal, part of my dreams, which have no much difference from my reality now.
@Fantasvale 11 жыл бұрын
Love to you Teal and thanks thanks thanks for sharing this!
@marasgm2831 3 жыл бұрын
@ardschuna88 11 жыл бұрын
I Bad a dream, where I've watched a choreography of dancers and musicians. While dreaming I thought, I'm a passive consumer of all this work - dancers, musicians, a choreograph, a composer etc. But when I waked, I suddenly understood, it was all done only by me - I was the dreamer, so I was the creator, even when I felt like a passive consumer of the show while dreaming. Then I asked myself - what if I could wake up again, now? This is, what Teal speaks about in this great video. Thanks, Teal:-)
@Enigma7777 9 жыл бұрын
I'm thinking postive thoughts, but I don't attract postive events and circumstances does that mean I am a living proof that I don't creat my reality. I wish our thoughts and feelings will create our lives, in this cause we all will live happy and get what we want.
@Julio_Fiss 9 жыл бұрын
Jean Grey Watch Teal's video named: "The Difference between positive thinking and glossing over negative thinking" and watch the videos about shadow work as well.
@ByZiiinQ 9 жыл бұрын
See by saying and thinking I'm having positive thoughts but no good circumstances ate happenings is literally the core belief that is stopping you law attraction is about changing yourself as an person beliefs thoughts and mind and emotions towards someshing which reflects on reality literally in law of attraction to you work you can't have false belief that it exist my meaninng is ur conscious believe it's works ur over layers of your mind even deeper ur gut feeling and subconscious telling you it doesn't work which basically cancels out ur mainfesting law of attraction ain't about changing ur mind or ur thoughts its about going down the rabbit hole and changing and reprogramming everything you believe and feel and thoughts, subconscious and conscious to your use change your mind on a deeper level you'll change ur life quicker and remember we live on a time and space reality everything you deeply desire is happening already and has happened already ready keep excepting it to to mainfest with the will that it's in impossible not to mainfest and so it will be.... Reality is just a big mirror on someone many complex levels
@MCHellshit 9 жыл бұрын
Jean Grey ACTIONS mold reality, not thoughts and feelings.
@Elkx2121 9 жыл бұрын
Jean Grey You sure? You sure you're not focusing negatively subconsciously?
@Elkx2121 9 жыл бұрын
MCHellshit Thoughts and feelings create action.
@paulden3158 3 жыл бұрын
I would say as humans we are all experts in suffering. But from what Teal's told us about her past her suffering was on another level that few of us have ever been in or could even ever imagine.
@runtheroad3 8 жыл бұрын
Perfect. Although I would love to know how I deal with the negative thoughts that come into my head uninvited, and how to deal with the very real bad feelings they bring.
@Burchale 11 жыл бұрын
All my life, I thought that I influenced what happened in my life. I saw the suffering I experienced and just assumed that I deserved it. From then on, I didn't want to die like most depressed people because I want to have what I deserve even if it's suffering. In life, my highest goal of all was to have self esteem, and the more I felt pain, the less I felt as a bad guy and more as a victim. I'd rather be a victim than a bad guy, but now I see that I don't have to be either. Thank you...
@ImCalebRosengard 8 жыл бұрын
My heart stopped looking at your picture as a child
@mahaj1861 4 жыл бұрын
@danni-san7483 8 жыл бұрын
The way it could be possible is that pain and suffering is a concept that we created to give ourselves humanity and consequence.
@greeksun369 9 жыл бұрын
This sounds good on the surface but the issue that I struggle with is, if it is true that we choose to incarnate, we must have had the foresight to see that we would forget that we create our reality and we would forget how to create our reality. So why choose to incarnate and subject yourself to such pain as a result of not knowing? I ask because as I review my life to the present, it has not been satisfactory because it has always been the complete opposite of what I prefer. I imagine that if I had the option of choosing to incarnate, I would opt out because it would not be the true experience that it could be because of the not knowing how to create reality. If anyone understands my inquiry please feel free to comment.
@denniskinch6267 9 жыл бұрын
You cannot see it now, but the struggle you are going through, and the learning process you will eventually live through, hopefully in the positive, you gain physically and spiritually. This aids you on many levels and helps prepare you for the next incarnation. You have set it all up in the Spirit World to have these lessons teach you how to heal yourself and get a happy, productive life from it all. Believe it or not this helps many others spiritually providing them with energy on many levels and dimensions. Right now, although you cannot see it yet, you are a hero. Keep in it to win it, the right way. And much success and good fortune to you.
@sbdreamin 11 жыл бұрын
I've listened to lots of stuff like this, but this one is by far the best. Everything she says is the utter truth, I have experienced it myself. Namaste.
@AnsamAlfa71 8 жыл бұрын
Wow Teal you are my teacher! Love all your videos you have taught me so much thank you for being there.... 🙏🏼❤️
@maramamohammed7582 Жыл бұрын
I actually listened to this few months ago..but how much it makes sense to me now especially in the middle of war.. I understand now even better.. Now I choose joy and I choose to go after what I want.. To think of the things I want.. To do the things I want.. To understand the necessity of contrast in my world. Truly thankful 🙏🏽❤️
@eirodgers 8 жыл бұрын
Well I really like Teal Swan as a teacher but i don't believe she's always right about everything. I genuinely just don't believe in what she's saying here. If you're so hugely unaware that you are creating your own reality, you're basically not creating your own reality. My belief is... there is no choice without awareness of the choice. If you weren't aware of choosing to create your reality, you weren't choosing at all. My belief is... life isn't always fair and the universe doesn't always follow our plan. I mean, magical thinking is a thing. And i try to keep spirituality and magical thinking separate. I love Teal Swan as a teacher but here we disagree. If you weren't aware of the "choosing", you weren't choosing. Just as the African slaves weren't choosing to be enslaved. The world is full of pain because that is the existence we fragile humans have to bear... not because we choose for the world to be full of injustice, trauma, and disaster. This is where i go my own way.
@Pandatruth 8 жыл бұрын
I like what you said here, I feel it's also the truth that a choice without awareness isn't a choice. Makes lots of sense.
@Chiqsan 7 жыл бұрын
Hello - I wouldn't use the word "Choose" but more "responsible". If i hit someone with my car, I didn't "choose" to do that, however I am responsible. If I am not responsible then who is? Who is to blame? We're not in control of pedophiles and abusers but we are the ones who attracted those experiences. Good and Bad, this is for the Good things too. (my 2 cents)
@arbividz 5 жыл бұрын
Hey that's your truth. You're 100% correct with what you said. This is the belief that the universe is reflecting back at you. Teals belief is what the universe is reflecting back at her as well.
@charlesgolden6520 5 жыл бұрын
Slavery was a choice
@somethingsomething5571 3 жыл бұрын
@@charlesgolden6520 , It was either slavery or physical death. In order to not physically die they had to suffer. Of course they also could've rebelled, but it was them against colonizer guns/weaponry. So not many good or empowering options there..
@bradcamis 11 жыл бұрын
I love this woman. She reaffirms so many of my own conclusions that when the time comes that I need insight or whatever i do believe that I can trust in her guidance.
@billmorgan6588 9 жыл бұрын
How does a child create it's own reality when it's intelligence and self awareness is limited ? Can a child create a living hell by having negative emotions ? Many children suffer negative emotions but they don't suffer to the extent that Teal did.Unfortunately some evil people see an opportunity to prey on innocent children and they are masters at manipulation. Jimmy Saville is proof of this.I have tremendous compassion for Teal. I am not trying to interfere with the video but I some times feel anger towards God.I still don't get it!
@OKae88 5 жыл бұрын
What makes you think a child's self awareness and intelligence is limited? That is a false belief. Children are much more capable then most give them credit for.
@deannevictor536 10 жыл бұрын
The "Like" Button isn't intense enough. I cried like 6x throughout this video, and I wish everybody could watch it, understand it and be able to admit responsibility so they could begin to crawl out of the muck they're in. That took such courage and strength to speak of, and I commend you for it. I'm sending you my love, and hope you have a good week as well.
@spidernrain 8 жыл бұрын
I'm schizophrenic now. I don't believe thoughts create our reality. Maybe emotions do? But not our thoughts.
@ems8717 8 жыл бұрын
yes they do. our thoughts also have vibrations
@ems8717 8 жыл бұрын
where doed emotion come from? from thinking about a situation
@spidernrain 8 жыл бұрын
+Jana Roos I believe emotions produce thoughts
@ems8717 8 жыл бұрын
+spidernrain i disagree. its only when we give a meaning to a situation that we get emotional. we can choose how we feel. if i'm gonna fuel my brain with thoughts about how bad the world is i'll get angry. the emotion only comes from me thinking about negative things
@spidernrain 8 жыл бұрын
+Jana Roos I've felt some much more than I've thought. I've felt too much and it wasn't provoked by a single thought. I'm an empath. You can call me Sandra. I understand what you mean. There comes a time when you aren't so stunned anymore. Your mind becomes resilient but the emotions flow. Those emotions influence your thoughts. ;)
@GabrielaLevi 3 ай бұрын
I just love Teal so much! Thank you Teal for all the work you are doing for the humanity! Keep shining ☀️❤❤❤
@LucasSerafimBr 10 жыл бұрын
From my perspective, you choose whatever path (happiness, suffering, peace, war, etc) before you are born, because in that moment you have a better understanding and view of what you want/need to grow in your experience. With a physical body our minds are not completely free to know what path we should choose. I'am new on this subject, but, for the moment, this make more sense to me. Is like some beings who can chose to "personalize" his body to adapt to the new reality that he will live based on previous experiences. Also happens to pick the family, friends and jobs he will do, all of this could be pre-selected before you born. For those reasons I believe in this, and, why not? Maybe both ideas are right in some point or maybe this idea is just for some beings.
@vegansaxon3962 9 жыл бұрын
I just want to be able to see and be near my lost loved ones somewhere across the universe..sometimes when I am having a natural high feeling, I am certain I will see them..but its been a long time since I felt that..recently I am feeling this is all there is and will never see my dad or my sweet dogs ever again..and that's when my depression is in full effect.
@edewolf9546 3 жыл бұрын
The idea of suffering is based on two aspects: Our ego (our demand on reality with is unconscious fear) and an uncontrolled intellect which is allowed to judge over reality. We tend to suffer if we analyze it as bad for us. Without that intellectual analysis there is no suffering. Btw this is not a holographic universe, its an informationbased virtual reality as a function of fundamental consciousness. So our active player is not part of the virtualization we call reality. So consciousness is nothing between our ears. Objectively there isnt even a brain. The avatar we identify with is part of the datastream which our player rendern to reality in daytime. When sleeping our player catches up another datastream with out our virtual body as constraint. Physics is gone, we still call it a dream. In normal dreams our intellect isnt involved. We follow intuitively our purpose, to work on our fears, metaphorically. We still make decisions, which can make us grow up. Because this is all about the evolution of consciousness, and the joy which is talked about in this video, comes automatically with the missing of fear/ego. Not our intellectual based ego perspective of joy. We only can confront our fears by confronting our ego with reality, consciously. If it is understood, that this virtual reality is based on statistical probability and you see evolution of consciousness as an optimized process, you cant no longer believe in birth roulette. Our player choose potential growth on free will before we start the immersion. In a conscious learning process we can learn from everything as long we let it happen. But we are used to learn only in intellectual context. This model of reality gives the option to logoff from the avatar when there is no potential to grow in sight calculated by the consciousness-system ans start a new training, while the system itself plays the avatar as non playing character (npc) Nobody would ever know. The system does know every potential thought we ever had. Reality itself still stays plausible, and evolution still goes on in an optimized way. If you think you are victim of a bad situation and you know that you are still playing your actual character, then there is still potential in your decisions to grow up. This virtual reality is a real time simulation, so there is no objective past nor a objective future. Its both databases which keep the now consistent. You can use them in meditation state how your decisions most probably would work out/would have worked out. And to proof this model of reality itself. But you should never forget that your are here to make your own decisions, without every kind of fear. The unconscious fear of making mistakes is still a fear. Use the databases wisely, but we are prepared to make decisions without any toolset. And there is potential of learning from our mistakes, consciously We still are in focus on impact of our decisions. A materialism- based view of our ego. The Evolution of consciousness is all about the motivation of our decisions the action is part of the immersion ( = computed). We are not human, ( if we play Lara Croft, we dont become Lara Croft) we are consciousness ( a piece of the information-system) and still not get that „son of god“ is a functional metaphor for all players, not a privilege. We can watch thousands of videos to understand reality which feeds our intellectual memory and gets cut after this lesson to rule out calculus for our next lessons decisions. We have to „be“ our decisions not acting for a higher plan, which would be just intellectual calculus. Reality is an entropy- trainer to get rid of our ego. The goal is selflessness= the missing of fear = „love“ (unconditional love means no ego/ expectations/demand on reality left. Our success is success of the system which we are part of. Informationsystems have to work against entropy. Thats why fear in a social system is entropy (disorder/chaos) and love is order. But the same book doesnt tell us why to „fear not“. Virtual realities werent part of the understand at the time of religion founders. But one did a very good interpretation: „we are shaped by our thoughts and become what we think“ Another guy said once: „worrying is praying for something you dont like to happen“ (the secret behind the nocebo-effect) We dont just render our reality our intents modify future probability As long information is not gathered every particle is just probability which can be manipulated. (The secret behind healing/remote healing) Consciosuness is an intuitive frame, we set our limits via intellectual believes beside the physical constraints of this virtual reality. Good game, everyone. Dont believe anything, be the scientist of your life in your conscious learning process. Your reality is your personal reality stream to grow up. What you cant proof yourself is not your truth. There is no evolutionary price in believing information. If your are fearful of being wrong all your life, you‘ll not proof that you were wrong. Believes and fear are good friends. Thats why skepticism in its origin way (being unbiased & willing to proof) keeps us in learning state.
@SergeMagnavox 10 жыл бұрын
I agree but I don't agree at the same time. We make choices, we can adjust our own reality for our actions but what about the RE actions? We can't chose that. We can try and manipulate the outcome, or work til we get it, but others are creators too. So....?
@ngelicaful 11 жыл бұрын
Teal, I think you did a beautiful job explaining how we manifest our painful experiences and WHY it is that we do that. I found your explanation to be an empowering tool in my life as I love to discover more accurate words to describe the way that I truly feel about things. What I feel most is true is that I've invited everything that I have experienced in my life. Thank you for making this video, because it has brought me closer to discovering what I am to do with that awareness.
@magycka1 10 жыл бұрын
I totally agree, I suffered physically and emotionally till I was 10 yrs old. If it wasn't for my suffering I would of never gone within to find answers. What is the actual substance that draws into our lives good, or bad experience? It is called emotions, and our emotions make our reality. Emotions are built on beliefs system either generated by us, or through those that raised us. I changed my life, through changing my beliefs. Not everyone will learn this, and it is not for me to judge, because we all have different paths to go through, just like some alcoholics will never see change, and other alcoholics will change because something major in their lives happens that causes them to change. Is there a right or wrong answer? no. Just like the Universe goes through birth (creating new stars and galaxies) and destruction, so are our lives.
@magycka1 10 жыл бұрын
When adversity, or difficulties come my way, I always go within for the answers. There will always be people or situations that oppose me, not deliberately all the time. Even in my relationships with other loved one's, they can be challenging. The questions though that needs to be the answered is; Do I learn from this, and what? Or are they an obstacle that I need to overcome. People can be obstacles, and what I mean by that is; there are people that don't have the same mind set as I do, and when I get people like that, I always go within to find out how I can go around them without influencing me of their way of thinking. I am not saying that their way of thinking is wrong, it is just not for me. When I have to compromise my goals and dreams for someone else, then I am not fulfilling my destiny, but theirs. The worst part about this is, I am not happy. It's all about me, but it's all about you too. When I find people who think the same way I do, then I have less resistance in my life. Does that mean I won't have problems? of course not. People have bad days, I have bad days, misunderstanding happen, and sometimes things are out of my control, like the weather, a mechanical breakdown, or government decisions, and so on.
@coreyshort1866 10 жыл бұрын
King Corrick I don't know everything and I realize that does anyone know anything? Everything is just theory, isn't it? Isn't a thought just a program? So who really knows? I understand where your coming from and I know what your saying but we are all playing with thoughts and idea's. I don't know anyone who knows everything its all speculation? How do we know we are manifesting our own reality? how do we figure that out unless we create a belief that we are? aren't All thoughts are meant to keep us in bondage don't you think? We are just going by what we hear or what we know through life experiences but even through that, do we really know what we are doing? How do we know for sure that we know what we are doing unless we think we know what we are doing which has an attachment, a belief, or a thought behind it? Does the sun know that it is rotating around the earths axis? No it just does it. It is pure consciousness. So it doesn't act or I think what it needs to do. Even what I am saying to you now is all just a belief system that I created in my own reality. What do I really know? Nothing really because all this has been handed down and passed down for generation to generation because everything is in motion everything is happening spontaneously. There is no absolute truth know one knows nothing they just think they do. Who has total knowing? no one I believe? So none of what I say is true because everything I say is made from a fictitious energy called form. It's all made up everything is a lie? what is the truth? Everything is illusion this is not even reality life is nothing but a dream nothing is personal? But how do I know this I don't. Nothing is original :-p
@magycka1 10 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you. The Moon and the Sun do not do the same things, neither does Jupiter, or any other planet does as the Sun or the Moon, they may have similarities but they do their own thing as well. This is what I like about Teal, in this episode is; she explains to us how to make our own path by learning to go within. Others look for their truths through ideas that are on the outside of us like science, beliefs and religion. Are they wrong? Of course not, just like the planets do, they do their own thing, but yet are all in harmony. We all have our paths that we go on, and I would rather, for me, go where Teal has been. Now, does that mean I believe everything Teal says? Of course not. I am not saying she is wrong, because that is her path her truth, not mine. My truth is whatever I get from within. What I get from going within, may not be truth for either Teal or anyone else, but it is truth to me. This is my reality. I do go outside of myself though as well, because it challenges my answers from within, they (outside and inward information) both have to match, for me. It's all about me, as it should be, as well as it is all about you in your life. So why is this dangerous for us who go within? Because religion, and government want control over us, and they can't because we go within for answers, and it upsets the system that we can't be controlled by their rules. We are the ones that say; Enjoy life, the way we are suppose to live life, not by what we are taught (outside information). If I am wrong from someone else's perspective, why should I care? I don't. This is my life, and that is theirs. So when someone says that I live a lie, or a liar then they are doing what the government and religion are doing, controlling people. The sad thing is, these people would kill another for their beliefs, thinking we are the problem, when it really isn't. Some of these same people want World Peace, but they don't realize, that they are doing the same thing the government and religion are doing, because of hate, and unforgiveness they have had from another experience, they try to control others, and don't realize it, to think their way. Hate and unforgiveness have Ruled this planet long enough, including controlling of the masses through religion, and government.
@coreyshort1866 10 жыл бұрын
King Corrick I agree thanks for sharing bud!
@freespirit8745 8 жыл бұрын
I like this a lot. Could we exchange a couple of mails on that matter? I have a couple of questions I've been asking myself lately that I'd like to be answered/discussed
@maangela 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Teal; this is by far the best explanation I have ever found on this subject; in fact until now, the only one that makes sense. You have an infinite amount of videos touching the same amount if important subjects, but this one to me is key and a place from where everything else can unravel.. Thank you, thank you!🙏 I just realized this is from 8 years ago! and it appeared there as one of my suggested videos... The Universe dug it out of the depths to show it to me when I need it.. and I was not looking for this subject, but it is what I need to know..
@riptornstrat 8 жыл бұрын
eye overstand it all now, eye have the eye for it all, what a beautiful spiritual gift i have freely been given, i hold it in its highest respect, be with 100% truth and be open book i am learning by example by loving my self i can love others and freely give it away lead by example wonders will bestow on you,me,we,them,us,then all the seperation just mentioned will unite it is done ty foe vid:):)
@josephtastic 11 жыл бұрын
My Devine opinion. This is the most straightforward, intense, practical, understandable, sharable, and powerful ask Teal yet.
@teema1845 8 жыл бұрын
Lifechanging...thank you.
@AprilFrancisAnn 5 жыл бұрын
Tee Ma yes, basically.
@davidoctavian2877 6 жыл бұрын
Words will never be able to reflect the gratitude of the people, including myself, for Teal who is raising the consciousness of this planet and helping it, as well as many souls, shift their vibrations into higher levels of awareness.
@hurricanesarah5768 4 жыл бұрын
2:04 I find it interesting that Teal has never publicly concluded, or even theorized, that these are falsified memories from an alternate reality. I don't see this magnitude of suffering in her spirit and she doesn't come across as a liar. I've been in a sort of time loop for 6 years. Something powerful happened to me in Jan 2014 and I've had continuous deja vu ever since. I go through every day as if it already happened. In the 2015-2018 that I remember things got really bad and out of control. It wasn't until 2019 that I began to awaken and gradually solve the mystery, though I still don't know the entire truth. My story is no less believable than Teal's. I don't believe that we create our own realities. Teal lives in her own reality where she believes this. Our thoughts can have an effect on things and even make things happen but we don't create literally everything in our lives.
@Tha1AndOnly86 11 жыл бұрын
I know its my truth because I experienced it. Without the internet you would still have documented spiritual teachings that explains karma. You're right that all of our beliefs are programmed by different sources, but I choose to trust my heart/spirt now, and let that protect me from anything that would lead me away from a pure loving path. You're also right that environment shapes behavior. That's why we should all align our energy with pure intentions, pure love, and service for all mankind :)
@runtheroad3 8 жыл бұрын
How can I change my thoughts to go in the direction of positivity if I don't believe the positive thoughts as much as I believe the negative thoughts?
@delzzan12rodpamo61 7 жыл бұрын
runtheroad3 Basically you will find it if you perssist by checking by your own , choose brightness
@naileaolivas2788 6 жыл бұрын
By starting to accept those thoughts
@naileaolivas2788 6 жыл бұрын
Death from the thoughts I recommend the book the power of now And also ask yourself where those thoughts came from And heal from those wounds be patient with yourself And practice FEELING the opposite of the negative thoughts And u will begin to attract situations or things to help u change that belief
@linhbanh4614 2 жыл бұрын
Happy to hear that the purpose of life is joy!
@moviesandstuffwithmikemike4298 5 жыл бұрын
If the abusive father created his reality as an abusive father how could the person he abused have created that reality of the abusive father or the reality of that abuse. Who created that situation if not the abuser. The abused had no part in the creation of that abuser. to Think otherwise is in my opinion a fallacy. We are responsible for how we deal with things but not reality itself. Love your videos though xx
@DanielFlores-cy6gg 4 жыл бұрын
Because the abuser and the abused are the same, if the father created his reality now consciousness wants to experience the daughter's, watch karma.
@barbariancauldron3284 4 жыл бұрын
I have been trying to break this down detail by detail to try and find the flaws in her ideas as well and what i got from this is that the universe or consciousness has created these beings to experience life through them but in the same breath she says that the reason why we created this is because we picked it up from the past so in a sense these stories are both created through the consciousness of the universe and by our own free will to decided what to experience since the mirror of the universe does not judge or get involve in anyway so it can experience the honest experience that it can give itself. The more that we experience and create the more the universe expands. So the universe is experience itself through itself. Its an interesting concept that can't be proven but can also be a possibility at the same time. I don't think the early stages of this belief really matters to me because it doesn't relate so i will just cherry pick what works for me.
@DanielFlores-cy6gg 4 жыл бұрын
Do you practice meditacion? There's no free will since there's no one in there, no ego, the ego is an illusion. You are watching a movie and that you is nothingness. The universe is running itself. You can experience it through meditation or 5meoDMT, you are the universe, you are everyone, I hope that answer all your questions lol.
@barbariancauldron3284 4 жыл бұрын
@@DanielFlores-cy6gg I do believe that's a possibility but nobody including yourself knows truly how the universe works, we just like to pretend to because it gives people control and comfort to feel like they understand it but that's a false sense of security.
@DanielFlores-cy6gg 4 жыл бұрын
You don't have to believe me, try meditation and see it for yourself. Nobody can understand it, however you can BE it. Or you can get trapped by the ego and let your thoughts make excuses, judge, point fingers and not meditate.
@thewiseowl3672 5 жыл бұрын
This may be the most amazing and powerful video that I have ever watched of yours, Teal. Much gratitude.
@drummerboy737 3 жыл бұрын
5:20 there is no blame for rapists? That is moral diffusion that leads to a world conflagrated with suffering.
@milena11570 2 жыл бұрын
Rapists are living their childhood trauma and are a perfekt match for people who focus on their lack of self esteem, like the rapists who also has no self esteem, so they have to force sex because they think they do not deserve sexual intimacy.
@TheInnerQuestJourney 11 жыл бұрын
In the physical realm, yes, of course, they are quite helpless. But they are not just their physical bodies, as we also are not just our physical bodies. Energetically they are experienced beings who are choosing their experiences, same as the rest of us. Indeed, it is a matter of speculation as you say. Teal is expressing her perspective on reality, for people to try out and see if it makes sense to them, or not. Take it or leave it. We are all free to have our own unique perspective.
@miss.behaving 8 жыл бұрын
Beautiful! ❤️
@zignadiel3888 4 жыл бұрын
God Bless you Teal Swan for your generous contributions to helping others understand so much. The world is a much better place thru you.
@tedoymisojos 10 жыл бұрын
I cant buy into anybody wanting to be born to be tortured and killed or eaten or to suffer a horrible disease or accident, sorry. Your claim isn't testable/falsifiable. You can't ask a baby if he wanted this or that in the womb. Also you are incredibly biased towards your conclusions, which may be wrong. And since things are so much infinitely more complicated than we can come up with, you probably are. Its just a concept you have. But this is useful because what we entertain directly affects what we do o not do, which yields different results. That part is obvious. As well as the mountains of suffering we create for ourselves (but do we even have real complete free will? if not, did we actually do anything?) by not paying attention to our feelings and entertaining painful ideas.
@astrodonunt 10 жыл бұрын
"Not paying attention to our feelings and entertaining painful ideas"... But, don't you find that not creating your own reality would be a painful idea? (Rhetorical)
@marckneley 10 жыл бұрын
That was so powerful. I really appreciate it. I've always believed in creating my own reality. But somehow, I wasn't doing what I was supposed to, to lead myself in the direction of what makes me feel good. I do have visions. But, because I take my ability of creation for granted, I forget it and worst, who I really am. So, instead of creating my own reality, I accept the reality that other people, life and fear have represented to me. So, I don't always get what I want. This is why it's always good to listen to people like you Teal, who's reminding other people who they really are. This video reminds me of who I really am, that I can create my own reality and get what I want in this life. This is something that I get to remind myself of everyday. And that way, I will give birth to my visions. I really appreciate you Teal and what you're doing? I wish you love, happiness and prosperity. Love you!
@elmicag8669 9 жыл бұрын
knowledge is power? kids dont really have much knowledge about the world-but kids have hearts, the heart is the tool of discernment for source manifest, the mind is the creator along with pure source energy. So a certain level of wisdom is required to advance anyone's consciousness, which will assist manifesting a tolerable reality(imo). These observations make me contemplate reincarnation/over-soul/intelligent design/or if consciousness is even conscious at all.
@TommyFamous 5 жыл бұрын
Amen SisStar 💗 We learned this perpetual cycle of shame and blame that blocks us from allowing the simple acceptance of what is and our impact and influence upon it. Thank You so much for sharing your personal experience. We don’t need to suffer to attain happiness! Happiness is our birth right! 🙏🏻
@cassiemartin4208 10 жыл бұрын
I love you Teal!
@sabrinaosborne1867 9 жыл бұрын
wow. i've heard people say this, but i didn't get it until i heard it from Teal. i knew she'd been there, so i listened. she made perfect sense. i wept. it shifted my paradigm. much needed, suffering was about to suck the life out of me. thank you Teal.
@dianacaviezel9677 8 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU.... :) So PERFECTLY said...
@DrMahatma 11 жыл бұрын
There is a level that is attainable for every human being, not now, but more and more in the future when humans realize that every experience is a celebration, even death (there is no real death) because every single experience is a part of oneself, of the beauty, eternity, and infinity of oneself. One door closing and another opening to another path of this eternal play. Pain is unnecessary and is a misperception of the self. We don't REALLY have problems. We only create experiences of problems
@huwhiteknight8867 4 жыл бұрын
If a predator comes and eats you, did you really create that reality for yourself? There are places on this earth where the external situation is so incredibly dire, I would have a hard time believing you could create your own reality out of it. Liberia comes to mind. I dare your Teal Swan to walk into Liberia with nothing but the clothes on your back and live there for 5 years, with zero support from anyone you rely on now, and than we will see if you create your own reality.
@Imanne87 3 жыл бұрын
I believe she missed the very important detail of prebirth life plans. Our souls chose to experience suffering for growth and experience. People living in war zones chose to be there but can’t remember this consciously. same with any other suffering. there are lessons to be learnt
@johncortex8064 5 жыл бұрын
Wow! Can these offerings keep getting better? This is so true - thank you so much for posting in your usual brilliant way.
@dmtheplaymaker1 10 жыл бұрын
haters - if you don't like what she says dont listen
@Matthew2474 9 жыл бұрын
I'm happy you are willing to contribute to the betterment of mankind. I'm a high school teacher and I too have experience an early childhood of physical abuse as a child. You are so on target. I too believe deeply that we create our own reality. I teach this to my students every day! I'm sorry that you experienced what you did, but I'm happy you are aware of the importance to share the truth for there are many who need to hear your truths. I appreciate your truths.
@evanharris7783 9 жыл бұрын
Suffering is only suffering if you view it as suffering. Just like happiness suffering is a state of mind. Pain does not have to equate to suffering. You think the martyrs who set themselves on fire believe they are suffering? Or the monks who performed what looks like painful feats. All I'm saying is suffering is subjective if you think you are suffering then that is how you are defining your reality, but I could be in so much pain but if I look at it as I'm not suffering then how can I be suffering. It's all about what you allow to exist in your thought life
@MagnoliaNoir 7 жыл бұрын
Dear Teal, I was in tears when listening your first minutes, thank you for sharing, I admire your courage. I follow you already for some time, you changed my life and I am hoping that you can do it for many others, I feel love for you and please never stop with sharing your beautiful insights.
@TheGorflick 7 жыл бұрын
This makes me anger as i dont think about creating anything negative, negativity came to me, this world is full of negativity, certain people just dont fit with human stupid rules. You dont create your universe, the universe creates and destroys you. People have bad experiences and then they center on those experiences, but they didnt create the first negative experience. Anyway even if this was true we would have to choose freedom or control, and i choose freedom, controlling your thoughts would be like a robot nad rejecting myself. We are here to have experiences, probably it was our decission, a stupid decission, maybe in the sky things dont look so bad as they are, this world is hell. if we are here just to watch a movie and me is not really me then doesnt matter what one does. This is kind of crazy, as i dont care about the real me if there is that real me, just what i am now.
@baze3SC 11 жыл бұрын
Good point. It's a Teal's mistake to think our thoughts are the only influence; there are natural forces and disasters beyond our control. But you only have to "explain" them if you believe in some sort of "cosmic justice", unwilling to accept the fact that the world doesn't conform to our wishes. You might think "why me and not him?" instead of "how lucky I'm to survive, anyone needs help?", further compounding your suffering. That's it, to be less likely in conflict with the way things unfold.
@viktorw8484 7 жыл бұрын
I dont think that poor animals create reality where they are brutally slaughtered
@corsicanlulu 7 жыл бұрын
i wanted to ask that....billions of animals are slaughtered and tortured, while some live a good life as pets...did they choose any of that?
@Juliet_Capulet 11 жыл бұрын
As the parent of an intellectually handicapped child, I would beg to differ with this. He ABSOLUTELY takes charge of his life, in many, many ways, every single day. He makes choices. He chooses to be happy or angry, he chooses what he wishes to learn and what he doesn't, he has changed our entire family (for the good, I feel), he has TREMENDOUS power, every day.
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