IHOP is DANGEROUS! Stephanie's testimony.

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Fellowship of the Martyrs

Fellowship of the Martyrs

13 жыл бұрын

Stephanie was a student/intern at the International House of Prayer for three and a half years before being ejected unless she was willing to go to a re-education camp in Canada. This is her own testimony with her own voice. It is like MANY that I have heard. You decide for yourself.
If you have a son or daughter that is thinking about going to IHOP, dear parent, you need to know that there is a chance you may never talk to them again. Students are being told by staff to "fast" from contact to parents that aren't fully supportive of IHOP. I have heard this from multiple sources, including current staff.
Things are very wrong here. Please also read or listen to my free book "The Red Dragon" for a better understanding of the situation at IHOP. This endless dance will not bring lasting revival. There is a delusion here that is VERY dangerous!
Search for our other videos about IHOP and visit www.FellowshipOfTheMartyrs.com... for links to other resources and history.
Thanks for listening. Please pray for Stephanie and for FOTM. I expect some SERIOUS backlash. But if God is speaking and moving, then God will backup His people.
We operate an online Christian ministry teaching people to draw closer to Jesus Christ and in the Kansas City area we operate a homeless shelter, food/clothing pantry, sustainability farm, and thrift-store/community resource warehouse for those in need. If you would like to be a part of helping keeping everything running you can donate at the below sources:
Zelle - 816-929-4466
Paypal- fotm@fellowshipofthemartyrs.com
CashApp - $FOTM1
Venmo - @Doug-Perry-21

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@cristilynexposito 5 ай бұрын
Well well well here we are 12 years later
@karlacastro2016 2 жыл бұрын
I’m new to KC , just moved from Texas . God has giving me the gift of discernment & I’m EXTREMELY sensitive to the spirit . I’ve seen a few things pop up here & there about IHOP but since I just moved here , I wanted to check it out myself. I LITERALLY JUST LEFT THERE 2 hours ago ……& my goodness the spiritual warfare was REAL !! Right before I walked in , God lead me to pray over myself. Once I stepped foot in there , I instantly felt the prayer room was DEAD , absolutely no presence of God & I instantly discerned it wasn’t anointed , but nonetheless I gave it a few more minutes . I bowed my head down & as SOON AS I PRAYED THAT GOD WOULD PROTECT ME & LET ME BE AWARE OF ANY WICKED SPIRITS, as SOON as I lifted my head up I had a HUGE migraine /got dizzy & super nauseous & the lord told me to GET UP & LEAVE ‼️ I was sooo unsettled in my spirit I had to pray about it and I KNOW NOW they definitely have some wicked spirits in there 😳
@christisrisen6774 7 жыл бұрын
@karlacastro2016 2 жыл бұрын
@cryptoworkpro9674 8 ай бұрын
I have to admit this reply is hilarious! 🤣🤣😎
@anniekierstead5419 7 ай бұрын
😂 it's amazing where he shows up 🤣
@oscarbone1000 7 ай бұрын
Shazam! Not the pancakes.
@JosephDungee 7 жыл бұрын
I had a chance to talk to Stephanie and she shared some sincere and as far as I could tell accurate things about her experience with IHOP. Praying for those who have attended and are attending.
@fotm1 11 жыл бұрын
And I'm telling you that IHOP is so focused on itself that those in need are being ignored. Jesus did NOT say, "Stay in a carpeted room and pray with each other endlessly." He said, "GO into all the world and make disciples, baptizing them." How many have you baptized lately? How many of the truly lost are finding Christ at the prayer room? Or is the choir singing to the choir?
@meetmeintheprayerroom2198 7 жыл бұрын
If you're involved in front lines ministry, then you're far more likely to battle with the front lines attacks. If you don't push against the spiritual forces you don't feel them. Ask missionaries who go to Kenya. Once you mean business as a Christian and start tackling their strongholds, they will attack you. It's a very real war. Actually I'd say feeling attacked by the enemy is confirmation that this ministry is doing powerful work and you may need to question your understanding of what Christians are called to do. Namely, battle the enemy in this spiritual war.
@Benedizione 8 жыл бұрын
I have experienced some of the same things Stephanie did. The cult I was involved in at TBN with a false prophet has done the same things to me by causing people to stay away from me and not talk to me.... thus, isolating me. I have been in isolation like a dead person for 4 years now. Stephanie was very blessed to have a minister to stick by her and minister and pray with her. No preacher I called a friend would do that for me. I have had to deal with the confusion, pain, and horror all alone. When is somebody going to have the intelligence and enough Christianity to provide help to people like myself who have been kicked to curb and cursed by witches? My whole life has been destroyed because of these demon possessed madmen.
@lynnm.2019 8 жыл бұрын
+PropheciesofRevelation "No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their vindication is from Me," declares the LORD! Isaiah 54:17 The Lord himself will encourage and restore you my friend. I know because I have been there. Your faith will be strengthened and not weakened by this experience. Sometimes it is best to seek the Lord outside of "Church" because there is so much deception in the "Church" This is one of the signs of the last days."But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron" 1st Timothy 4:1 God will continually guide you into all Truth and keep you from this deception as you seek him. There are still Bible believing Christians who Love the Lord and are rightfully dividing the word of Truth so take heart my friend!!! Love Lynn
@Benedizione 8 жыл бұрын
It is kind of you to offer, Lynn, but I left FB in 2013 or 2014 because of what these preachers did to me.
@Benedizione 8 жыл бұрын
I used to post my daily devotionals and scriptures on fb and other witnessing stuff. Made some people mad, of course, but what I really could not take anymore was the church people, these preachers and their false prophet friends connecting with me and spying on. I even discovered an FBI agent connected with me before I left and FB would not allow me to even remove him from my friend list.
@Benedizione 8 жыл бұрын
Guadalupe Esquivel I tried to send you an private message but I don't think it went through. I think there is something wrong with my youtube mail.
@simonsaimeesamat4965 7 жыл бұрын
You said "there are countless amount of things that are unbiblical and outright crazy " can you give some specific examples?
@MonaLisaK1 7 жыл бұрын
I've heard some bad reviews of IHOP from friends of mine...We all need the Holy Spirit and discernment, the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth!
@sarahmotlong949 8 ай бұрын
This story brought tears to my eyes and grief to my heart… I am so terribly sorry Stephanie had these devastating experiences, and so thankful for her pastoral support and care to bring her back to Jesus heart! I was also at the International House of Prayer Kansas City for a decade. I did not have anywhere near these experiences. I actually lived in the same house as the Walshes and to this day I don’t have any ill feelings towards them, although I did experience many rough situations during my time at IHOPKC, nothing even close to what she experienced and I, find it so tragic that many people really have undergone traumatic experiences at the hands of people there…
@hazelrayner2876 5 жыл бұрын
God help us! Every way I turn I find false prophets and teachers 😡 Praise the Lord this Stephanie was brave enough to speak out. God bless her! X
@JuliexSteadman 6 ай бұрын
..if u find u find they all come from a similar stream. William branham and dominion theology. Or today's incarnation the new apostolic reformation (also known as latter rain or manifest sons of God).
@Mike-lh4wn 9 жыл бұрын
I know how hard it can be to leave a 'cult-like' church. I spent some time as a new believer in a UPC church. I ended up having to question the pastor about some of their teachings, since they were clearly out of line with the scriptures. I was made to feel like I was wrong. It really messed me up. I felt like life turned upside down and didn't know what to believe about God for quite a while. Thanks for sharing your story.
@mamaluvsherbabes 10 жыл бұрын
Your story made me cry, Stephanie....God love you! He has given you a righteous heart and a strong mind in Christ. You have used your experience for good and not evil, in warning others. I believe this was the purpose behind God's allowing you there....but He also knew the right timing in which to pull you from IHOP. And obediently you followed...He had His hand on you to protect you, to give you discernment....I"m sorry for those two rough years after you left IHOP....but I rejoice that you are healed from that experience and that God is using you to spread the truth about IHOP. You have two wonderful and loving parents who, like the Lord, protected you and love you. But most importantly, you did not lose your faith in God....there are many wolves in sheep's clothing becasue time is short and the devil is working overtime....he has entered the house of God where he does not belong...but God is in control and He sees all. God will have His will carried out and His house will be cleansed. I am thankful that you were able to differentiate between the evil man does from the goodness of God; sometimes people mistakenly judge God as being unloving when in fact it is man, not God at all. God bless you, Stephanie....thank you for taking the time to make this video....you are like the "watchman" on the wall, calling out the warning to those who will receive God's warning. Take good care! :)
@blueboy962000 10 жыл бұрын
I was tricked into joining a kissing cousin of IHOP back in my college days at Carolina. A lot of what I experienced sounds a lot like what she went through--and this was in 1996, three years before IHOP even began.
@CelStar61 11 жыл бұрын
As a person that helps people abused in cults, my heart goes out to you. I dont' know a lot about IHOP, but I do know that a very dear friend of mine died from cancer and was not able to be healed through all her time at IHOP. I also know that there are CULTIC aspects of many spiritual groups. I am leery of a lot of things in hyper-spiritual movements at this point.
@christinaherrera8193 10 жыл бұрын
you know I am sure that everyone has something to say about Christianity. and yes some people give it a bad name...but remember MAN WILL FAIL YOU.... GOD WILL NEVER FAIL YOU... that is why we must put OUR EYES ON CHRIST... forget all that junk, read your Word and get into prayer and tap into GOD... God will speak to you, and HE will reveal the truth... if what they are practicing are unbiblical, just move on... put it behind you and press forward.
@deborah1966 2 жыл бұрын
Amen pray that God opens their eyes and ears and heart to our Lord Jesus Christ!!
@heis5640 8 жыл бұрын
Idk why people would have an issue with IHOP there is nothing wrong with 24/7 prayer and worship just because it doesn't fit into your at if things. It's a place of freedom to worship in spirit and truth not religious junk like much of the church today. People get hung up on things like tongues and things they don't understand but if you've never experienced it you can't bash them. The Holy Spirit cannot and will not ever be domesticated by anyone or anything so if weird is what freaks you out the God I serve is beyond my understanding and at times it gets weird but we deny ourselves for His kingdom not what suits you.
@christiansabeliever 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing. I too am a Charismatic christian who is completely shattered by the things I see going on there. God save Your church!
@TheQuickBrownFoxTV 8 ай бұрын
In light of current Bickle events, wow.
@nightcritterz 7 жыл бұрын
Should have gone to Denny's instead.
@courtney7027 9 жыл бұрын
The great falling away is happening now as prophesied in the bible
@major1234ify 7 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one that thought they were talking about the resteraunt IHOP before watching the video?
@GracetoThee 10 жыл бұрын
IHOP is a symptom of an extremely broken-down spirit of discernment and wisdom in American Christianity. The fact that even one precious young person is sent to this den of demons is a grief to my soul. RIP Bethany Deaton (google her name). May your murderers and those who protect them be brought to justice.
@fotm1 11 жыл бұрын
I'm already IN KC and have been for years. I've been to the prayer room and studied the whole history of it. Do you know about all the tapes that were edited? Do you know about all the false prophecy of Bob Jones? Do you know about the four things God told Mike to do and he hasn't done? Do you know about all the people that have rebuked IHOP from the pulpit over the years? Dominionism? Latter Rain? Connections to Catholicism? It doesn't require Bible to prove something is a cult. It's BEHAVIOR.
@michellemyers4219 2 жыл бұрын
My parents had all the original tapes of the prophets. They gave them a few years ago to a family getting involved with KC iHop and they never returned them. I would appreciate anyone with any possible recordings of these. Thank you!!!
@fotm1 11 жыл бұрын
I have spoken to MULTIPLE young people with identical testimonies. One at the Forerunner School that kept asking things like, "Where is that in the Bible?" was told that he had a "demonic question-asking spirit" and would have to go to a deliverance camp in Texas (for pastors addicted to porn) until they cleared him to come back. It is NOT a lie. They out-source their problems regularly. They are NOT a counseling ministry that wants to get distracted from their singing and dancing and harping.
@SpeedKosts 4 жыл бұрын
Christ said, "not one of my flock shall be lost." 🐑🐏 those of his flock will recognize the voice of strangers and flee from them. Take comfort in that and be anxious for nothing.
@fotm1 12 жыл бұрын
To give some perspective. on the Hope City website it says they've given away 500,000 pounds of food in the last year. This is THE premiere outreach of IHOP. We have a budget of about $100K a year and run the entire ministry, websites, outreaches, we house 50+ people, feed 4000 to 5000 a month and have given away over a million pounds of food in each of the last two years. But IHOP owns how many apartment buildings? And Hope City is non-residential? This is a TINY percentage of their potential.
@fotm1 10 жыл бұрын
I have spoken to dozens of people that were seriously abused by them. I've studied the history going back to 1982 and I live here in the same town, not across the world. If you were homeless in Kansas City, IHOP is the LAST place you would go to expect help. I've tested the fruit - and there are problems - and God WILL call people to rebuke and correct and call people to a higher standard.
@faithfulgrl 3 жыл бұрын
Bless You, Girl. I am so happy you're not just telling your story. You're helping others. open up so they may someday share theirs
@britanyhayes85 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you got out. I was involved with this bc my dad went to Metro Christian Fellowship when he wasn't there. But moved to IHOP when they were in the small prayer rooms. As a preteen it didn't sit right with me. From there I was sent to Acqiure the Fire and YWAM. My dad went with me thank goodness. Bc my faith was not strong enough. My dad also worked closely with Mike. One week we hosted a woman from the Canada church and YWAM kids. She started lighting candles and chanting anfd😂being weird. She became demon possessed and threated to unlive herself at my house. We were all sleep. My dad had to remove her and that demon from our house. I can say after that my dad left right after that. That school in Canada brings you back broken and fill of more demons. As a person from KC I see so many youth come and stay bc they are told to stop talking to their families. Bc from the outside looking in its a cult. And you don't know inside. I'm glad I didn't fall down the rabbit hole bc my dad was there and I didn't believe all they way. Great story. Prayer for those still in there.
@krayziejerry 7 жыл бұрын
The re-education camp sounds like a place where other witches place demons inside of people, come back demonically possessed.
@Missytrilakes 12 жыл бұрын
HI stephanie, I am so glad you are doing a real work the lord has called you to do, Im sorryy you had to go through all the hellish things, but you now have first hand experience of how they are working and we need deceernment now like never before, please keep spreading your mesage where ever you can, whereever you go, I am doing the same. Revival came to me at home, in prayer, the holy spirit hasnt done anything spectacular as supernatural miracles etc. Just leading me to the gospel. bless U!
@michaeldeth1485 8 жыл бұрын
When you go to a church, shouldn't it uplift your spirit? That would be a good indicator if that church is for you or not. In life, you should always keep in direct contact with God so that you can receive his messages directly because he will tell you if you ask.
@TheMistysFavs 7 жыл бұрын
+Michael Deth -- "Lifting your spirit" is carnal, it's of the flesh and of man. If a church isn't preaching TRUE Doctrine it is not of Christ. Galatians 1:8
@ThePeculiarelect 9 жыл бұрын
Prayer and fasting is a part of biblical teaching. Ask yourself the question.. If Jesus needed natural strength for the cross why did he fast in the garden and pray to prepare himself for the cross? There is much more in the word to the Father than what people see from the worldly perspective. It is unbiblical to think you can see spiritually better when you have eaten and slept and not prayed for a while than you can when you have fasted and prayed. Perspective on the word is crucial
@fotm1 12 жыл бұрын
1) Yes, I have tried to make contact and offered to meet. No one has ever shown any willingness to do that or hear me out. 2) You're quoting Matthew 18 for how to solve problems w/ a BROTHER. There are a different set of instructions for how to solve problems w/ ELDERS (or those who claim to be.) It is here: 1Ti 5:19-20 Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses. Those who sin are to be REBUKED PUBLICLY, so that the others may take warning.
@purplehaze20011982 10 жыл бұрын
IHOP almost sounds like a "Christianized" version of "Hogwarts".
@Wildwood_outtakes 13 жыл бұрын
WOW, this is such a confirmation. We had a woman from our church come back from visiting IHOP totally demonized. She told me this all started when she was there. We have some people in our church that love their worship and tune into them a lot... I pray that people would see this testimony and listen.
@JuliexSteadman 6 ай бұрын
..ihop mike bickle was the minister for the kansas city prophets who were into dominion theology (nar, latter rain, manifest sons of God, the now and now of the kingdom BEFORE Jesus returns.) It came in thro William branham in the 1950s. Derek prince who was on stage with branham said that he moved in a demonic spirit in his nook Protection against deception. Branham could only move in the miraculous when his angel was present (idolatory). Paul Cain (head of kansas city prophets) was a child prodigies of branham. Kansas city prophets wanted Clifford Hill (uk charismatic) to do the forward to their book Some said it thundered. He refused as he discerned an evil spirit moving among them, especially in Bob Jones. Today you find that Bob Jones has a chapter in Bethels dasterly book, The Physics of Heaven entitled 'Vibrating in harmony with God'. Bill Johnson relates his experience of the Holy Spirit as something that feels like 1000s of volts of electricity and completely takes him over. In the chapter, a whole lot of shaking going on. The fruit of the HS is self control, I don't believe he takes anyone over.
@f0ggi56 10 жыл бұрын
they could have just told her that she could leave ...i mean, if she was uncomfortable there, she should have just left. that's the bottom line of it all. she obviously didn't feel right being there. also, people are just people and people are human. So, any leaders that she didn't get along with, or who didn't treat the situation the right way(it happens all of the time in the Christian church) is natural human error. Forgive, let go, move on
@Jigglyjon 10 жыл бұрын
i dont want to live in offense. i dont want to live not knowing the fullness of God. The reason why people get hurt from Ihop is because they came out of a different background. I know the first time i went to Ihop i was weirded out because I didnt know what was going on. But i remember one day when i was praying, i felt the presence of the Lord and he spoke to me.. That is when i realized that he actually likes me and he wants a relationship. I love love Ihop. I love their heart for worship and their heart to press in and fast for our country.
@fotm1 12 жыл бұрын
@randiseriss Is that really what "harp & bowl" is? Does that verse mean we do it in shifts? You cry out for 4 hours, then I'll cry out for 4 hours, then somebody else will cry out on their shifts & that way we will ALL be justified. No! It's not a group command, it's an individual command. YOU are to pray w/out ceasing. I am to be a 24/7 prayer room all by myself wherever I am - in which case, why do I need a room? When directed by the Holy Spirit, it's perfect. When it's programmed, it's not.
@nathanmartin7677 8 жыл бұрын
I live in KC and most people here are scared of this cult.... I avoid this church and the location where it's at as much as possible. I know many people that go to this church and it's very sad to see what their really about
@penniereese9458 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your testimony, Stephanie. May the Lord bless you for your faithfulness and your love of the truth.
@kellydilbeck3015 6 ай бұрын
I have loved IHOP and visited on more than one occasion from Texas. This saddens my heart!!! We MUST use discernment, STAY and DWELL in the Word of God and in His presence. Stay alert!! We are indeed in the last days!!
@incredulouskirk 5 жыл бұрын
i had a roommate who was part of the church (before it went defunct). he worked for a member who was also a leader in the church. well, they had a falling out and the leader called me and tried to get me to evict my roommate. what an ass. i told him no.
@pumpsumiron 12 жыл бұрын
Back to the video, I have been with a few abusive churches and it's typical for them to react this way towards anyone who dares to ask questions. Stephanie's testimony has gems of truth in it and she reveals how they accuse you of "being bitter, unspiritual, self-centered" or whatever THOUGHT-STOPPER they throw. Praise God she left and hope she is healing. Thank God I saw through the religious abuse and left similar environment, charismatic or not. STAY true to Jesus and His Word, Col3 needed.
@coachinginchristco.6674 5 жыл бұрын
I went there and got deliverance by God by just being in the prayer room:)
@NarnianLady 5 жыл бұрын
Dear sister, thank God for the discernment He gave you about that place!!
@worshipcatalyst1 8 жыл бұрын
when I first moved to Dallas 5 years ago, I started going to a branch of the International House of Prayer in the DFW area. About a year after I started going, the director recommended that I go to a friend of hers who is a licensed professional therapist to get help. The therapist after one-and-a-half specifically guided questioning sessions, none of which should have been discussed in a professional setting, asked me if I would have a meeting with her and the director of the House of Prayer of Dallas. I agreed, thinking it was for my well-being. When I got to the meeting, the director of the church told me they were going to ask me to leave because I was beyond their help and a danger to the congregation. They actually recommended that I go to another church they said once they heard I was making progress, I would be slowly rehabilitated back into the church. Needless to say that never happened.
@worshipcatalyst1 8 жыл бұрын
I should also add, that I have been to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City on three separate occasions. Absolutely no one reached out to me while I was there. No one said hi, no one offered to help me, nothing. It was one of the most uninviting places I had ever been to, and I don't understand why anyone would ever want to be there, except that they are drained of themselves and extremely power hungry, and looking for validation in the strangest of places.
@worshipcatalyst1 8 жыл бұрын
something else that bothers me a lot about this place is that with the exception of Mike Bickle, the CEO, and a couple of their key members, the rest of their staff, which is well over 1,000 people, all live off of "support", meaning that they have asked people to give them money so that they can "serve" the church full time. The church doesn't pay their salary, as far as I know most of them do not have jobs. They live off of donations from other people so that they can spend their time doing things for the church.
@latoyawithanr9675 8 жыл бұрын
WoW....Thank the Lord you RAN!!!
@sheilaboland6285 7 ай бұрын
@@worshipcatalyst1Lots of churches do that. My pastor friend has done this for years.
@5winder 9 жыл бұрын
Well, Stephanie, I hope you don't jump from one cult (IHOP) into another... Don't follow anyone but Jesus, and you'll be fine. Read your KJV, and the Holy Spirit will guide you.
@sandrahendricks7553 7 жыл бұрын
This is horrible. If a person needs deliverance, He will show them, no one else needs to say a thing. What a bunch of manipulative, demonic controlled people. I went to a wonderful church, but a minister lady just could not stand me and would try to control and manipulate me. I left.
@joellejames4578 4 жыл бұрын
What are the names of the facilities they recommended in Canada and Texas?
@lindac9122 8 жыл бұрын
Good on you Stephanie for sharing your story. May God bless you.
@fotm1 12 жыл бұрын
@MicahR91 After I got her email, I asked her if I could go public with it and if she would send me an audio file so people can connect with the VERY REAL person behind this. There is nothing fake about this, nor about the MANY very legitimate, very real complaints about the teachings and behavior of IHOP.
@gregorycalvello3663 8 ай бұрын
Best too hear from the Lord if you need deliverance and healing. Was in a church called new wine in Houston TX in the mid 90's that did deliverance and attended one of their retreats where I felt an evil spirit in my soul and realize from my experience that a demon can hide in a Christian soul and only through God revealing it that I needed deliverance from a spirit of rebellion. Like yourself I moved to Kansas city in 2003 and moved into house ministry called eagles landing that wasn't part of ihop where I recieved some healing and deliverance. People in ministry that discern don't always handle a situation in the right manner but we need to forgive and release them from any judgment in our hearts and trust the Lord. The Bible say to workout our salvation with fear and trembling, Philippians 2:12) the word salvation in the Hebrew language means yeshua, God bless you sister and show us our spiritual condition in yeshua name.
@michaelsouthard9413 7 жыл бұрын
iam a Christian and Babtist..ive been to these kind of churches and they are FULL of hipocrites...they show you what they want you to see not the real faith of Jesus..you are a strong woman, keep your faith strong, and god bless you and your family
@gaatutube 7 жыл бұрын
Phew ... For a second I thought it was something bad about my favorite pancakes restaurant.
@noeleenfalkner4557 7 жыл бұрын
Thank God you got spared! You have truly great parents thank you for posting
@PropheticOverflowMC 10 жыл бұрын
You said they were constantly fasting...ok that should have been enough to say they are doing.it right...fasting and praying and soaking brings forth power...and doing it constantly....maybe you just wasn't ready for it! And spiritual attacks only happen when you become a threat...so don't you thing you were doing something right?
@davidshakespeare2408 10 жыл бұрын
Where does one read about soaking in the bible? the concept reminds me of my drug taking days and I would seriously question it Bryan.
@sobelleify 10 жыл бұрын
Don't be deceived Bryan- satan counterfeits ANYTHING. Satanists, occultists, witches and such doctors fast as well...
@sheilaboland6285 7 ай бұрын
Why would a person who attended a Calvary Chapel go to IHOP? That right there is suspect!
@lynnm.2019 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting!
@fotm1 12 жыл бұрын
@Gzusroxx Yes, I'm saying IHOP has evil spirits running it. Is that too subtle? Has absolutely ZERO to do with jealousy. Why would I be jealous of a place that I think is off-track? You're welcome to believe what you like. You build your altar and I'll build my altar and we'll see which catches fire first. Elijah was ONE GUY with a simple prayer, the other side had LOTS of people dancing around and shouting.
@fogstreet108 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I have had a bad feeling about this Mike Bickle guy since the first time I heard him speaking on some TV program, it seemed he would just go on talking even when he was not making any sense ? Stephanie your going to be OK , it can be confusing sometimes when you are growing in your discernment, you don't want to be critical of people that seem to be serving The Lord, but we must take heed to God's Holy Spirit when He wants to get us away from some people. I'd stay away from this guy and his ministry God's Word is so powerful and anointed many people can USE it to create a ministry, and just because allot of people go there does NOT mean it is OF The Lord !!! when Jesus said that "MANY" will come to me on that day and say Lord did we not do this and that etc.. in your NAME, and you know the rest of that story. my point is that MANY are doing things right now, yet at heart it ain't for The Lord. it's not what He called them to do at all. I'm sorry you got hurt by this experience. when they call The Holy Spirit working in you to warn you a demon, I'd say they have someone they will answer to. He loves us Stephanie and I pray you be led by His peace from here on out and may God bless us as we seek to honor Him as He is so worthy !!!
@CelStar61 11 жыл бұрын
As a person that helps people abused in cults, my heart goes out to you. I dont' know a lot about IHOP, but I do know that a very dear friend of mine died from cancer and was not able to be healed through all her time at IHOP. I also know that there are CULTIC aspects of many spiritual groups. I am leery of a lot of things in hyper-spiritual movements at this point. I would like to read your journal postings, Stephanie, if I may
@militarymom6690 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for tour testimony Stephanie and for your heart for the lost of IHOP. Martin Luther began a revolution when he questioned church teachings against Biblical teachings, so you are in good company! God bless you💕
@nigelbutlerr7294 7 жыл бұрын
Just keep close to Jesus, read the bible , pray. You do not need a church to receive Jesus and God's love and His Holy Spirit . God is always forever with you in your own room. Trust God to sort out His church. Keep the church at a distance. You must guarantee your safety. People love, organisations can not.
@marked3life 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this testimony, Stephanie. The Lord has been giving me similar revelations regarding "ministries" that I thought were of Him but are not. Your words are confirmation. No matter what others may say in trying to dissuade you from sharing, I pray that you continue being a vessel for God's purposes in these days by sharing the truth of what He has shown you. God bless :)
@kimjasmine7767 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Do you know about others experiencing unpleasant and untrue accusations?
@jimhitchcock5330 8 ай бұрын
I am a singer, songwriter, worship leader and Spirit filled Christian for 40 years since IHOP was in the concept stage- mid-eighties. I have been to IHOP a few times and have listened and prayed with IHOP since the 24/7 prayer started in 1999. In my early Christian life I attended a Baptist church, then in 1985 I started attending a Vineyard church. I have not witnessed anything negative or heard anything but love and devotion to God, our Father from anyone from IHOP. I now pray with IHOP several hours per week. From 1985 to 1995 I attended a few meetings where Bob Jones, Mike Bickle, and Paul Cain were speaking. Mike Bickle has never stated, to my knowledge that He was a prophet. And I can only testify of the faith, love and service to God and Christ from these men. Though no one would say they are infallible. I am surprised and saddened by the negative experience Stephanie has described. Christ came to save flawed people. All come short of God's glory and perfection. I can only pray that we show the same mercy to each other that we ourselves received. However, there's no doubt, leaders need to be held to a higher standard in the churches.
@fotm1 8 ай бұрын
I'm not saying that there aren't sincere, Christ-loving people at IHOP. I don't want to slander the hearts of sweet kids that are just looking to get closer to the Lord. But the machinery is badly managed and has hurt people. And it's NEVER going to result in the promised revival to Kansas City. It's just NOT doing the things God told Mike to do. Do you know that Mike is under investigation for "sexual immorality" with multiple women? It just hit the news.
@Psalm91-1 8 ай бұрын
Upstanding Christians have been warning about Mike Bickle and his false teachings for years. He is now under investigation for sexual immorality spanning decades. People need to stop looking for these hyper spiritual “experiences” and get back to the Holy Scriptures and pray for discernment, knowledge, and wisdom every day. False prophets, teachers and doctrines are everywhere in these last days.
@sheilaboland6285 7 ай бұрын
@@fotm1Yes, an allegation!
@cult11 4 ай бұрын
The bad fruit of Mike Bickle and IHOPKC is finally being brought to light.
@cubed07 10 жыл бұрын
The problem with IHOP is that they keep worshipping God as if He's far out there and they have to work really hard and spend lots of time worshipping to get God to dwell with them. The Bible says that God dwells in the human heart of all believers, the purpose of worship is not to get God to dwell with us as He's already in the body of believers but instead to simply honor and worship the God that dwells in us who created all things. Also Mike Bickle uses very few scriptures, a lot of these charismatic preachers that I've watched use maybe one or two verses, put the Bible away, and that's it, the rest is them filling in the blanks. The Bible is just as important as worship and prayer and their needs to be a proper balance of these three important parts of church.
@carlwilk6218 10 жыл бұрын
How much time have you spent researching IHOP on their website and from their teachings? On their statement of faith page of their website there are 114 scripture references (I just counted). I don't think you understand the idea of 24/7/365/until-Jesus-returns prayer. It's not an effort to work really hard to get God to come dwell with anyone, nor is that taught by any leader at IHOP. It's a simple idea expressed in the bible through David's tabernacle, which was reinstated a total of 6 times in the old Testament, and prophesied in Amos 5:11 and quoted in the NT in Acts 15:16. It's also the one thing we see creatures doing in heaven, that is, worshiping and praising God 24/7. There are many exhortations from Jesus to pray and worship continually, my favorite one being Luke 18:1-8. There is also a historical record of the Apostles lives being devoted chiefly to prayer and teaching the word (acts 1:14, 2:42, 6:4) and this example led to the apostle's exhortation to the churches to pray continually in a similar way. It's actually the nearness of God, and the effectiveness of praying to Him that led the apostles and the early church to pray continually. It's the same understanding of nearness and effectiveness that leads IHOP and similar ministries to do the same thing.
@cubed07 10 жыл бұрын
Carl Wilkinson I look at fruits, they preach and pray for revival yet the nation is getting worse not better. As for wanting God's dwelling, if it's not any effort than why are you referring to scriptures that point to how prayer was done in the OT which was a lot of work. You don't understand that all of that prayer was done away with and fulfilled in Christ Jesus death and resurrection. Before Christ came, yes I'd agree but afterwards not a chance. God dwelt with and near the apostles because they were saved in Christ Jesus. Jesus says that he would dwell within believers and the Father would also dwell inside not because of effective prayers of the apostles. As for quoting 114 scriptures that doesn't mean anything, you can quote 114 scriptures wrongly. Go to a Jehovah's witness or a LDS member, they'll quote many scriptures and all will be incorrect. I understand the idea of 24/7/365 days of Jesus, he's always been around since I was saved. I don't have to pray, worship, read, or fast for Jesus to manifest or to feel his presence and that's not why the apostles prayed. They prayed for the will of God to be done, for other believers, for deliverance, and for the unsaved. They never prayed for God to be with them for they already knew God was with them. Why continually pray for something you already have? Chants, repetitive words, and other forms of so called worship, contemplative prayer, and other works of the body are all works of the devil which the apostle Paul warned us to stay away from. Colossians 2:18 "Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self-abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind” Look at Bickle who leads IHOP and his so called vision and tell me if that's scriptural.
@fotm1 12 жыл бұрын
@jameslinmd That is a cop-out. We ARE called to be instant in season and out of season with a correction or rebuke or exhortation. We ARE called to defend the faith and to judge those within. That doesn't require that we know all that God knows before doing so - or He would not have told us to do that. We DO have to be watchmen and Bereans.
@mustardncress1 3 жыл бұрын
I empathize with you and agree. I have suffered much abuse from an IHOP ministry
@tosindaramola34 5 жыл бұрын
Before declaring judgement, weight her words and that of the IHOP with the standard of the word of God. Jesus is the only way!
@elsablue3646 7 жыл бұрын
It sounds like we need to pray for IHOP. The Lord can open their eyes and heart.
@jamesmccluskey6560 6 жыл бұрын
By no fault of your own, you came under the spirit of the Kundili Spirit. A believer can be Oppressed never Demon possesed
@tinymompj Жыл бұрын
I also went for "healing" from some of these people and no healing occurred. It is sad that many people are in this. I went elsewhere, where Holy Spirit was moving and got healing. Praise God!
@WatchmenOnTheWall777 Жыл бұрын
This is one of the first videos after my grandpa said to research the testimonies on this school when being told by my uncle that he felt weary about This school IHOPKU. Thank you for your testimony and soon I will tell mine. God bless and may the Holy Spirit be with you always.......
@fotm1 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much! I praise God for you and for Him watching out for you.
@WatchmenOnTheWall777 Жыл бұрын
@@fotm1 amen it makes me choke up and tears form. God is so gracious and merciful
@fotm1 12 жыл бұрын
I _AM_ here. God placed me in this city. I've been in this fight for a long time. And God WILL prove who was listening to Him & who wasn't. Sometimes it's instant, sometimes it is a long fight - like Paul and the Judaizers. But God will settle this in His time. If you have a difference of opinion, a disagreement about doctrine, you DO NOT handle that the same way as a spiritual showdown w/ the prophets of Baal or Simon Magus. You don't call down fire. You speak the truth in love & let God move.
@cristilynexposito 5 ай бұрын
Amen… well, He’s been listening and is answering now isn’t He
@wendyjomendy 7 жыл бұрын
What is this they can't take the name of a pancake place and change it to be a cult right there you should've known something was wrong when pancakes didn't come out.
@kcunlimitedeats 4 жыл бұрын
If anyone needs help, please email the people in this video. People do care and want you to feel okay.
@jimrobertson3749 7 жыл бұрын
Im really sorry to hear about your experience! I am well aware that churches like any other organization can fall to passion that fails patient and kind love. That forgets what the image of God truly is. From my personal understanding which may be where your coming from or may not is we forget that there are many different personalities and unfortunately yours wasn't appreciated or recognized as true and needed. That being said. I ask that you can be the bigger mature voice and express in detail where ihop can do better and improve. I would like to believe. This is not a personal thing, just an area of growth that needs to happen. You are strong for coming out and standing and sharing your opinion and I believe your strength can transverse into knowledge on how to develop a better church school, even if ihop decides to not listen someone/or a new college will and they will definately aid towards more people who share the same problem as you. I thank you agian for your courage and hope i helped bridge the gap between the acuser and the wounded. I dont come here to argue or to hold my opinion higher then anyone elses. I just hope we can come together use our brains and hearts and the Spirit of God to bring forth Glory to Jesus. I pray for great healing for you for I also know what it feels like to devout time and energy into something and see it blow in the wind. You and your family sound amazing. IHOP needs to apoiligze to you. They need to grow or they will fall to ashes. What are we as Christians without Love , paitence, listening, and selflessness, and as a college or any Christian organization if this isnt your motto then you should really reconsider changing it to such desire. Gods Church doesnt need to reach everyone God is doing that already. He doesnt need our money, He needs our Time our Patience our Desire to Listen to Him and to everyone else. Let us let go of our spirit of ignorance. The Holy Spirit doesnt have time for ignorance. I wish you well in your journey. Thank you for letting me share :)
@MCGamerD 5 жыл бұрын
This is a scary story. Thanks for sharing.
@dashlamb9318 8 ай бұрын
Sorry you had to find out what I have known since the day Bickle came to Kansas City and began living in the "Duplxes" on Troost. He grew out of grace year by year till he now has Ichabod engraved in his forehead.
@John20Won 7 жыл бұрын
That's what people get for not reading /studying /living the Word.
@LesliK7 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing.. Im so disgusted with this prophetic movement. They have gotten so wacked out....
@markpalka6382 7 жыл бұрын
Stephanie is right on! I was a young skull full of mush even after I became a Christian yet learned my way out of it; we Christians especially must be like the Boroeans (Acts Of The Apostles 17: 10-12) and therefore be able to smell a rat!!
@davepitzoSWM 10 жыл бұрын
Michael Steven, I've been waiting for you. My friend Jesus, told me you would come. He told me to tell you these words. " what I (Jesus) started in you years ago cannot be stopped! My Words spoken to you will not return to me as VOID. I will finish what I have started and my LOVE will fill your life. He (Jesus) told me to tell you that no matter how much you fight Him you will not be able to keep Him from an invasion your life with His love for you. Today Michael Steven He is ramping up His aggressive love towards you. You will look to the left and He will be there, then you'll turn to the right and again He will there. There is no where you can go Michael Steven and Jesus will be there to draw you to himself until you are a fully devoted follower of JESUS CHRIST. These Words have been spoken out loud, they will be fulfilled.
@ronnydee2 7 жыл бұрын
I knew friends in the mid 1980's that moved to Kansas City because of Mike Bikle I had a bad feeling back then about "the Kansas City Prophets" turned out to be the Lord warning me.
@MarkGJudy1 12 жыл бұрын
We are not required to rebuke IN PRIVATE someone who PUBLICLY engages in false teaching.
@davepitzoSWM 10 жыл бұрын
From Charisma Magazine Jan 2014 We want to see the gospel preached and 24/7 worship and prayer in every tribe and tongue," said Mike Bickle, founder of IHOPKC, in the opening session. Bickle added, "We're believing for 10,000 prayer chains or prayer ministries across the earth. We're hosting the first meeting, bringing together the movements in church planting, missions, prayer and Bible translation. There's one movement in God's heart, and some people think a call to prayer and fasting is a call to isolation and [to] disengage. The missions movement needs the prayer movement, and the local church needs to be filled with the glory of God." More than 500 leaders from around the world met for the first Onething Leadership Summit. "We sent letters to 200 leaders, inviting them to this summit six weeks ago," says Daniel Lim, CEO of IHOPKC. "Over 80 percent of the leaders we invited said yes. This is such a unique meeting because we have a common urgency that we need to pray." Conclusion: cults do not have the favor of God on them. They never grow and are inhabited by disgruntled bitter people.
@fotm1 10 жыл бұрын
That's just BAD history. Cults often grow exponentially. The world is quick to follow fads of all kinds. It does NOT require the blessing of God to grow exponentially in numbers or wealth.
@SamuelGriffin 10 жыл бұрын
Dave, why do you have to "defend" IHOP? That's what really creeps me out about people like you. Defending a "group" as true and God worthy sounds very cultish to me. This is exactly why i can never stay in a church as a Christian....because people like Dave are so creepy and cultish and feel they have to try and manipulate people around them. It is Evil and Satanic. Every time someone is trying to CONTROL you in ANY WAY, it is the work of the Devil. I believe that in all my heart. You have free will to make your own choices so quit feeding me your SICK, twisted view of scripture and why you "know best'.
@davepitzoSWM 10 жыл бұрын
Wow!!!! Have you re-read what you just said? Ever hear of the Bereans ? Would you side with the Pharisees when they constantly challenged the validity of Jesus ?
@alaski88 10 жыл бұрын
Really?? The Mormon church seems to be doing well and so does Jehovah's witness. Would agree Islam and Buddhism grew to very large proportions? No, you are wrong on that point. Cults and the occult grow very quickly.
@davepitzoSWM 10 жыл бұрын
ah ha, and you don't know the difference between the Mormons, JW's Buddists Islam and the Prayer movement ? Frightening....
@obi-wankenobi1036 4 жыл бұрын
Up until 1:52, Stephanie's story matches mine to the T. Even 8 years after trying to put all the past (2010 - 2013 behind me, I'm just now realizing how much wounding I still have from brainwashing and psychological trauma. How healing it is to speak with others who have escaped their grasp. If there is anyone I can speak with who has escaped and seen them for who they truly are, I want to connect. I only personally know one other who has escaped.
@elijahpruitt6536 4 жыл бұрын
I actually live in Grandview right across from the school. Please tell me more I was considering going
@karlacastro2016 2 жыл бұрын
@@elijahpruitt6536 I’m new to KC , just moved from Texas . God has giving me the gift of discernment & I’m EXTREMELY sensitive to the spirit . I’ve seen a few things pop up here & there about IHOP but since I just moved here , I wanted to check it out myself. I LITERALLY JUST LEFT THERE 2 hours ago ……& my goodness the spiritual warfare was REAL !! Right before I walked in , God lead me to pray over myself. Once I stepped foot in there , I instantly felt the prayer room was DEAD , absolutely no presence of God & I instantly discerned it wasn’t anointed , but nonetheless I gave it a few more minutes . I bowed my head down & as SOON AS I PRAYED THAT GOD WOULD PROTECT ME & LET ME BE AWARE OF ANY WICKED SPIRITS, as SOON as I lifted my head up I had a HUGE migraine /got dizzy & super nauseous & the lord told me to GET UP & LEAVE ‼️ I was sooo unsettled in my spirit I had to pray about it and I KNOW NOW they definitely have some wicked spirits in there 😳
@sheilaboland6285 7 ай бұрын
Obj, “escaped”?
@sheilaboland6285 7 ай бұрын
@@karlacastro2016I went to the prayer room any chance I got the last year and it was always anointed.
@randiseriss 12 жыл бұрын
how do i get your book?
@fotm1 11 жыл бұрын
I didn't try to prove that Stephanie was hearing God. I shared how she was TREATED. As with many others that question them, IHOP tends to marginalize, dismiss or try to deliver them. One staffer that I know they had arrested for trespassing after he gave a rebuke. These are not doomed arguments, these are FACTS that have to be reconciled somehow with whether or not this organization is doing right in the eyes of God. Oh, and if you think Dr. Phil is on your team, you have NO discernment at all.
@GuttaBrew 7 жыл бұрын
this sounds like my church smh its scary and it kinda hurts because i spiritually died from the church i attended
@victoriacharlesworth7099 7 жыл бұрын
Have a relationship with just you and Jesus and He will restore your faith. Similar happened to my teenage son. Praying is key, don't lose faith in The Lord. God bless you 😊
@norareilly1414 10 жыл бұрын
I cant wait for God to Judge the "visionary leaders" of IHOP. And I am a spirit filled Apostolic, and have absolutely no fear whatsoever in saying so. None.
@tristen7085 7 ай бұрын
Thank God for true , biblically sound churches and pastors like those at Calvery chapel. I've been deconstructing charismania for about 2 yrs now, and i still deal with confusion and trauma at times. I did a lot of questioning and was followed and confronted in a dark parking lot at the church and told to keep my mouth shut. Other times, if i had a testimony i wasnt allowed to hold the mic and was very limited to speak. just before i left, my children and I were held back from any sort of ministry we wanted to participate in and when i questioned the pastor and flat out asked him if he wanted me and my family to leave he sat there in silence and refused to answer me. I took that as my answer and my exit. The NAR and Word of faith ministries originate from william brannen and manifest sons of God. Do a deep dive on these guys and youll sprint away from anything associated with IHOP, Bethel or Hill song!
@LacyMegan 5 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry you had to go through that. Thank God you had the discernment to see something wasn’t right.
@fotm1 12 жыл бұрын
@jameslinmd Again, you're making all kinds of assumptions. It's clear you're not hearing the Holy Spirit, you're just trying to add up the math and find a problem. I was aware of the problem in 2004. Studied, read, talked to people, fasted and prayed until the summer of 2007 when I sent a letter to Mike and went public with the concerns. Stephanie is one of MANY witnesses that has come up since then with a story to share. I'm one of the MANY voices online pointing to a problem.
@triumphovertragedy0 13 жыл бұрын
When did Jason Upton rebuke IHOP? I've been uneasy with IHOP since the Awakening.
@Radical4HolySpirit 12 жыл бұрын
GOd changed my life so much when I went to IHOP. I don't believe at all that it is "dangerous"
@LightningCarpetCareLLCApopka Жыл бұрын
Is there an actual video of this young woman sharing this? This is a first of many who can come forward.
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