I really enjoyed fighting the squids not many complaints that i have and the amount of chaff was superb, would love to see more chaff and waiting on more illuminate troops to appear and have more fun, my only issue is with the jetpack troops flying indefinitely and would like to see those troops to land down every now and then to recharge for maybe 20 sec and stay up for up to 160 sec. and i did love that the difficulty came from just pure chaff running around trying to swarm you and city landscape made the combat feel better more fluid and i did enjoy razing the towns to the ground and being blinded with dust it just felt epic, and i do hope to get more city maps with the bots and bugs just to see how that would feel and see how much more dynamic the fighting will become. I am amazed we won the major order that we were supposed to loose and am excited to see more illuminate in the coming days it was the most fun i've had in HD2 for a long time and i hope to get new weapons and stratagems that are aimed at dealing with the illuminate and their shields