While this is an F2P account in every sense of the word, ($0 spent, no Welkin, no Battle Pass weapons)... ...many of you who are looking for assistance will NOT have the same availability of limited-banner characters, constellations, etc. This video serves the following purposes: 1) To show that Theater 10 stars is doable F2P, with minimum number of characters (almost half of which are poorly built) if you have a wide roster of characters at your disposal 2) Showcase the use of Fantasia Flowers and Blessings - decision-making on team choices, use of Blessings 3) Of lesser note, a showcase of the mystery cache buffs just to show how irrelevant some of them could be - none of them selected in this video were put to any use whatsoever. In the meanwhile, I am working on a truly beginner-friendly guide for Imaginarium Theater catered for those who are struggling to clear Visionary Mode (assuming you can meet the basic logistical requirements to enter). Estimated release may take a while, but at present I am thinking of making it as generic as possible so that it can be applied to any future Theater regardless of elements and characters.