Autistic Influencer BULLIED off Social Media

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I'm Autistic, Now What?

I'm Autistic, Now What?

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@imautisticnowwhat 9 ай бұрын
TikTok can be so cruel. Although, I must say, I’ve noticed an increase in negativity in my own comments section on KZbin recently. But that just serves as a reminder for why we’re doing this! If you missed my video on why stimming is so important (and how, historically, people have tried to edit it out of us), here it is: Not Stimming is MORE dangerous than you think...: If you want something TikTok related that’s a bit lighter, let’s take some crazy autism TikTok tests together: I’m sure Chloe is more successful (and is HEAPES kinder!!) than any of these idiots will ever be, so it’s okay 💛
@alext3811 9 ай бұрын
Humans have an inherent negativity bias. Of course, TikTok is already just negative for society. Whether it's for standard social media reasons, or others. Of course, it being controlled by an oppressive dictatorial regime (Mainland China) that wants to destroy the west (I had a professor who works for US Intel (NGA), who said that and I'm starting to agree with him), doesn't help. I never really used it, besides for like a year in High School because everyone else had it.
@rumplstiltztinkerstein 9 ай бұрын
I'm a male. I used to jump and move a lot when a kid as well. But as an adult that is just impossible. I got used to doing "stealth stimming", like putting my right hand behind my back, opening closing the hand and moving the fingers a lot. Swing my feet a lot when sitting down. Basically, whatever is away from people's eyes, I use it for stimming. A reminder to everyone that autism is not a personality. The symptoms are in a spectrum meaning some people are more severe than others, but the issues are similar. I don't know if it is a good or bad idea to record yourself stimming. I wouldn't do it. I know that, in the internet, angry people are far more likely to voice their opinions than happy people... It kind of sucks this conundrum where, while being around others can be such a negative experience, we still want to create more connections with people. I'm far happier when being alone, but I don't want to be alone always. Chloe didn't deserve such a backlash. She deserved a headpat. Just that.
@Lampe2020 9 ай бұрын
​@@rumplstiltztinkerstein I think we two have a very similar character, as you've basically described me with that first paragraph :)
@tikimillie 9 ай бұрын
Ooh whatcha got in your hair is pretty
@tikimillie 9 ай бұрын
@@rumplstiltztinkersteinautism is the foundation of our very being. Our brain is build differently. Anyway i stim by meowing and purring and i dont feel comfortable stimming in public.
@zoluz 9 ай бұрын
So...tiktok decided autism is "trendy," but when they see someone...being autistic...It's an issue...okay
@MIA80073 9 ай бұрын
@virustheglitch9836 9 ай бұрын
Autism is trendy, but only if it’s not real apparently
@DemiSuaton 9 ай бұрын
It’s straight up bullshit, I’m so tired of seeing it.
@trout512 9 ай бұрын
It's the same type of behavior as white women tanning while naturally darker skintones are still discriminated against. You can only be XYZ if society looked at it, corporatized it, packaged it, and sold it back to you. It's super gross behavior, and once you spot it in one population, it sticks out like a sore thumb in others. Edited to add: part of the "trick" is that the people who are actually XYZ are almost never allowed to just live their lives. You can only be XYZ if you aren't it legitimately. You have to steal it from somebody else. That's the real WTF moment to it imho.
@artsyscrub3226 9 ай бұрын
because they have a preconsived notion how how autistic people are supposed to act and its usually some inftantizing notion But not all autistic people stim the same way and no everyone is triggered by the same things But these are also the people who would claim all men except trans men are horrible monsters
@jrichard88 9 ай бұрын
If people ever wonder why marginalized communities fight and advocate for themselves so aggressively…this. This is why.
@S3lkie-Gutz 9 ай бұрын
Constantly. All day. Everyday. I'm so tired...
@ImpossiblyBlack 9 ай бұрын
We live in a world where almost everybody fit's into a "marginalized" community. Legitimately marginalized communities don't receive the attention they need because the term has been spread so thin. Plus the internet has become a very cruel and toxic place in general.
@tenshimoon 9 ай бұрын
​@@ImpossiblyBlack 👀 you're really out here trying to minimize, downplay, and invalidate marginalised groups by using the trashy argument "aLmOsT eVeRyOnE iS mArGiNaLiSeD" like just stfu. 🤡🤡
@tenshimoon 9 ай бұрын
Yup. And then when we write advocacy books trying to educate the public on our collective experiences with aggressive tones because we're so fucking tired of their bullshit, they'll have the audacity to try and criticise those books with tone-policing too. 🙄
@properantagonist 9 ай бұрын
​@@ImpossiblyBlack I smell bullshit. The fact that people can technically hear you means nothing if they actively ignore your voice or mock it.
@humancat2434 9 ай бұрын
The stoic autism comment really hits home. Stoic masking in school is survival masking. Makes it hard as an adult to openly enjoy things.
@CJ-simeonxsick 9 ай бұрын
It’s what I do in high school right now because kids are ruthless bullies
@humancat2434 9 ай бұрын
​@@CJ-simeonxsickfortunately high school only lasts a couple years. I hope once you get through it you can find somewhere safe to be yourself
@LilChuunosuke 9 ай бұрын
So true! I used to do big happy stims on a regular basis, but now they rarely ever happen for me anymore because i used to get shamed, mocked, and even punished for simply being happy in my own way.
@inongezulu5859 9 ай бұрын
Also in school they get points for sitting still with their legs crossed, which just teaches neuro d kids that their natural urge to move is wrong and are usually moved down the behaviour chart for not being able to sit still. Makes the child feel bad about something they cannot control, plus it’s so uncomfortable to sit cross legged for a lot of kids.
@promisemochi 9 ай бұрын
this. one of my many moments of self actualization was realizing when i'm alone at my home by myself and something brings me joy - a favorite part of a tv show i love, my favorite song coming up on shuffle, laughing at something...i bounce and flap and rock or bounce my leg really fast. this is something i've always done with no one is around, not even my parents or family. when i was studying up on autism and even right after my diagnosis i was like "i don't do that, that doesn't apply to me." then it was this huge light bulb moment one day when i was doing just that out of sheer joy when i was completely alone that i was like "oh." lol
@jayme-lynn 9 ай бұрын
"I can't exist without being made fun of" I have never related to a statement so much in my life. I love Chloé and it breaks my heart that ppl are hurting her
@MarquisLeary34 9 ай бұрын
NOBODY can exist without being made fun of. Quit thinking you're special.
@jayme-lynn 8 ай бұрын
@@MarquisLeary34 I know that. But as an autistic queer teen woman my entire life is ridiculed and I'm apart of a lot of minority groups. Quit thinking I give a sh!t about your opinion. Frankly it speaks more volumes to you than me, why do u care so much that I related to smt someone has said. Its not that deep mate so chill tf out
@rockthecasba16 8 ай бұрын
​@@MarquisLeary34That's not true, but ok.
@MarquisLeary34 8 ай бұрын
@@rockthecasba16 How is it not true?
@rockthecasba16 8 ай бұрын
@@MarquisLeary34 There are absolutely people who don't get made fun of.
@aWildJellieAppeared 9 ай бұрын
I feel like ableism particularly towards neurodivergent people is getting worse rather than better, which saddens me because we as a society should be moving past this now. This reminds me of being a kid in the 90s being bullied out of stimming by kids and teachers - shouldn’t we be doing better by now? Hope Chloe is doing well ❤
@nekorina9011 9 ай бұрын
Ugh, you're right. Social media is making it so fucking bad. I wonder what else could be contributing to this uptick in ableism, too?
@williamoarlock8634 9 ай бұрын
Hayden is 'ableist' - able to enjoy life with all that cash.
@MarquisLeary34 9 ай бұрын
Maybe because you keep making excuses for people like Chris Chan, Daniel Larson and World of TShirts.
@Thr3pio 8 ай бұрын
@@MarquisLeary34Ableists cause ableism, period.
@Ara.Sakura 8 ай бұрын
More visibility = more opportunities for both good and bad reactions
@apocalypseofplush 9 ай бұрын
That first tiktok of her stimming just looked like she was so happy, imagine being bullied for being FREAKING HAPPY.
@floopyboo 9 ай бұрын
That's the fun thing about being autistic. You don't have to imagine, just remember.
@doublinx2 9 ай бұрын
It's mind-blowing to me that someone can see such raw, pure human bliss and go, "that's bad. You should stop doing that."
@reynardfox6135 9 ай бұрын
Sadly, this is much of tiktok
@zulficker_real 9 ай бұрын
Yeah! Seeing her that happy made me feel happy. I love to see people being themselves and being happy. She does not deserve to be bullied for being herself. I like to wear things like tails in public to show people that they should dress how they want and express themselves how they'd like to! I feel so bad for her :(
@its.Lora. 9 ай бұрын
That's the world. Miserable nasty people trying to ruin everyone else. It's just now with social media everything and everyone is far more accessible to verbally assault from the comfort of the bully's own toilet.
@leaha.6255 9 ай бұрын
The line "If someone's self-diagnosis isn't valid then your peer undiagnosis certainly isn't valid" is one of the most perfect shutdowns I've ever heard in my life
@coffeegonewrong 9 ай бұрын
“Ok, well I reject your self-diagnosis as Allistic.”
@Catlily5 9 ай бұрын
When people say that the autistic video maker isn't autistic I say: "Not even psychologists can diagnose someone by watching a video."
@DeeWeber 9 ай бұрын
It was stunning.❤
@Hwgt888 9 ай бұрын
@@Catlily5and yet, that’s how all of you self diagnosed…
@Catlily5 9 ай бұрын
@@Hwgt888 I watched hundreds of videos on KZbin about autism from autism professionals and autistic people. I read more than 5 books on autism. I read many articles and studies on autism. Then I self diagnosed. When I got a chance I got professionally diagnosed.
@christalcavanaugh 9 ай бұрын
It’s so weird because pretty privilege makes it more socially acceptable to be and “seem” autistic, but people also won’t believe that you’re autistic bc you’re “too pretty” to have a disorder I guess?? So either you’re pretty and faking or you’re “ugly” and autistic and both are considered cringe. Heartbreaking
@alpacafish1269 9 ай бұрын
yeah. People have this weird thing of "disabled = ugly" (which is so ew) and so when they see a conventionally pretty disabled person they're like "no you can't be disabled if you look like that." *eye roll*
@promisemochi 9 ай бұрын
there's so many layers to it too; i had a medical professional insist i couldn't be autistic, and questioned my diagnosis (a professional diagnosis btw) because i....smiled at her? it's wild how people have this weird internal concept/picture of what they think autism looks like.
@nuclearcatbaby1131 9 ай бұрын
It helps if you wear a breast binder
@blondbraid7986 9 ай бұрын
Indeed, I blame media and how people with disability are always framed as pitiable weirdos who mainly exist so the normal protagonists can show their character growth by caring for them, or genius savants who have to be geniuses to "compensate" for being disabled, but still ugly and unsociable.
@nuclearcatbaby1131 9 ай бұрын
@@blondbraid7986 Well “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” has Leonardo DiCaprio, a handsome young man, playing a disabled boy.
@NoisyBones 9 ай бұрын
THIS SAME THING JUST HAPPENED IN WRESTLING TOO! A woman was excited to see Edge appear in a promotion she liked and she teared up and cried a little because she was so happy. What did the internet do? Bully her to hell and back until Edge himself had to step in and tell people to leave her alone. What is it with NTs literally being the fun police? Are they jealous? I think they’re jealous that something as simple as wrestling or whales can make someone happier than they could ever conceive of being.
@myrrhamoonshadow7341 8 ай бұрын
I think that's their problem exactly. It was done to them as kids to make them "normal" (more like NORMALIZED) and now they hate to see anyone who's freely authentic.
@mjrhmekssh 8 ай бұрын
I think they also think it's fake?
@NoisyBones 8 ай бұрын
@@mjrhmekssh I mean, it is fake in that they’re not actually fighting each other but collaborating to effectively put on what is basically an IRL anime fight. That’s not really what they were getting on her about, it was just her expressing her happiness that her favorite wrestler was going to be working in her favorite company.
@CompaSystem 8 ай бұрын
@@NoisyBones I mean yeah, but part of that is the AEW haters just hating.
@localabsurdist6661 8 ай бұрын
Exactly. I saw the Tiktok that she played in the beginning and was happy for her. How miserable has somebody to be to react so negatively to someone being happy and excited?
@thebuilder5271 8 ай бұрын
Casual dehumanization (of everyone in general, not just disabled people) is becoming a giant problem because of social media. People forget that others are real sentient individuals instead of just “content” or symbols of some identity or social category
@xoyouaremysunshinexo 8 ай бұрын
Perfectly said!
@Dreamweaver393 6 ай бұрын
Don't blame social media for behaviors that allistics have always had. They are pure evil. They enjoy torturing us, bc their entire way of functioning is based on social hierarchy. This means, that when someone is low on the totem pole, they feel it's ok to make their lives a living hell. Allistics will befriend Autistics just to use us, and make fun of us. And if you confront them about their abuse, they will lie and gaslight till the end, bc they only care about their public image, and abusing the disabled is a bad look. So, they will lie about Autistics being Autistic so they can keep abusing us. Allistics are pure evil.
@jiangshimarionette 2 ай бұрын
@@williamoarlock8634can confirm, im actually a cryptid that lives in the woods
@KatyYoder-cq1kc Ай бұрын
REPORT WOKE AND WAR CRIMES: NOW on LIFE SUPPORT, please HELP. I am autistic and have had non stop harassment, chemical poisoning, rape, threats and physical and emotional abuse for over 3 years from inside the church, perverted clergy, gang stalking, rape: ASIA, RUSSIA, COMMUNIST US, NEO NAZIS, AND IRAN.. GO AWAY. Stop malicious use of AI. Restraining Order Permanently
@ilios9404 9 ай бұрын
TikTok is honestly the definition of bullies that peaked during high school. I really hate how being mean is normalized. I wish that one day I’ll be able to live in a world where my disability and differences would be accepted rather than ridiculed.
@alisonmercer5946 9 ай бұрын
being mean was always normalised.
@NotThisAnonymous 8 ай бұрын
@@alisonmercer5946yes, unfortunately. Imo it’s much more obvious now than it would have been before the internet became standard, because before you’d have to actually go out and see people being mean. Now you can sit in the comfort of your own home, completely alone, and read through entire comment sections of people being more mean than you thought possible. It’s very sad, really
@ma.2089 8 ай бұрын
No offense, but that will never happen sadly. Thats life: All we can do is find ppl who will accept and protect us and live as best as possible. Some ppl really do be losing the generic lottery lol.
@stxrscorner 8 ай бұрын
@@ma.2089 real
@lxmesoda 8 ай бұрын
​@@ma.2089"uhh uh its life" it wouldnt be that way if people put on their big boy pants and started changing themselves for the better and not be ableist
@angelikaskoroszyn8495 9 ай бұрын
Autistic people are accused of not being able to control themselves because of their stimming and public breakdowns. And yet from what I've seen "normal" people can't control their behaviour neither and they don't have the excuse of being on the spectrum. When I see something which makes me cringe I don't feel the need to attack the person who causes this response. Why? Because I can control my reactions. I can recognize when someone might do something cringy without causing any harm. As such why would I attack them? Let people be cringy. It's a part of our humanity
@Rodger_Phillips 9 ай бұрын
as a former Security Officer/Bouncer/Mall Cop, and now Dad with two kids that stim and one formerly diagnosed as on the spectrum, I can honestly say that these "Normal" people see themselves as so superior and special that they chose to act out and believe they are allowed to because they are "normal" watch them when their Football team wins a goal or a match, or a finals game, and yet they would attack people like Khloe for what? being so happy it makes her dance? what kind of dark horrible life do these people have that they cannot stand seeing someone being happy?
@megsley 9 ай бұрын
I don't see normal people screeching or flapping their arms when I'm in line at McDonald's.
@gailasprey7787 9 ай бұрын
⁠@@megsleyI don’t see normal people being ableist in front of me when someone is just showing their happiness while wearing an invisible disability badge. Autism isn’t something to make fun of and if you genuinely say “STOP THAT” I’m just going to keep stimming just to spite you. You have less empathy than that of a pea. I stim to show my happiness and to regulate. If you can’t handle me being happy and keeping chill then you can always just stop being horrible to people for being disabled?
@tnatstrat7495 9 ай бұрын
​@@megsley You don't? Really? Never?
@Lucky9_9 9 ай бұрын
@@megsleyIt sounds like you have never seen a sports event in your life?
@justuscrickets 9 ай бұрын
I will never understand the point of being unkind, downright cruel, or otherwise harmful for no purpose beyond hurting or making fun of someone. How does anyone justify cutting others down or having a laugh at someone else's expense? I just don't get it.
@elliebettridge3772 9 ай бұрын
Same here! I realized a lot of social norms in school involved bullying other children as a form of bonding and climbing the social ladder. It was a game I couldn't and wouldn't play, so I was always at the bottom. In TV shows and movies they show one to three bullies attacking a kid, but in real life I was bullied by the entire class in most grades.
@AutomaticDuck300 9 ай бұрын
Because people immediately notice difference and it’s a way to fit in with the “normal kids”. People like people who are similar to them. ND people are on a fundamentally different level due to different brain chemistry.
@KOZMOuvBORG 9 ай бұрын
Epidemic of Dark Tetrad, 1) Psychopathy - (absense of empathy for others), 2) Machiavellianism (manipulation for own interests), 3) Narcissim (sense of superiority and entitlement), & 4) Sadism (enjoyment of cruelty).
@jessicac6189 9 ай бұрын
Exactly. Treat other people the way you want to be treated. There's no reason to be so cruel and heartless to another person, especially when they've done absolutely nothing to harm you or do any wrong to you--she's just living her life and finding the joy in it. Happiness found with animals is so pure; why is that a problem? People make no sense to me, especially because such people are the ones that tout about being kind to others. Such double-standards and hypocrisy.
@zbnmth 9 ай бұрын
@@jessicac6189 The reason is, people feel threatened by differentness. Not a fundamentally good reason, but let's not close our eyes for them.
@ila9063 8 ай бұрын
I think it’s not even ableism at this point. A lot of people enjoy being cruel and ignorant, using another’s weakness to feel good about themselves because deep down they’re pathetic.
@gillypiexo 8 ай бұрын
Yes. So much. I have felt this before, feeling vindicated in shutting someone else down. But I found that it rarely ever needs to happen. Main message, people are projecting how they feel about themselves most of the time. Let's not make the world a bitter, sad and joyless place. I used to hate and criticize myself so hard (I learned from my parents & family) and I did put that into others when the problem was for sure within myself. I'm on a positive - neutral and accepting journey now & I'm doing much better but it's a constant work in progress. I don't like how much people put down what is different. I hope we as a community are changing ❤
@SparkzMxzXZ 8 ай бұрын
Very well put. It’s in this vein that kids thrive on using slurs that directly harm other students/teachers/people. They thrive off the sense of power it affords them, though they know deep down it’s based on basically nothing. (Based on my experience teaching for the last 12 years) But unlike kids, adults should know way better. If adults are acting this way, there’s really no hope for society
@ila9063 8 ай бұрын
@@SparkzMxzXZ it's such a huge issue in the education setting. I'm not a teacher myself but obviously care about the state of the education system (in Australia specifically though I'm far from indifferent to it on a global level either). Schools are the first point of social integration students have outside their immediate families and the fact that the system has been slowly stripping teachers of authority and allowing harmful behaviours to go unpunished isn't doing anyone any favours. These children will grow up to be disrespectful adults and the cycle will continue. I'm not some hardass that thinks we should be abusing kids at schools but the current environment is not safe or conducive to proper development.
@APoliticalConfusionAndMess 8 ай бұрын
We should just have an open-gun policy…
@ila9063 8 ай бұрын
@@APoliticalConfusionAndMess if you don't have anything constructive to say, move along.
@wegotthechoccies 6 ай бұрын
I feel like ableism is a form of discrimination that is kinda pushed aside and ignored by society, and treated as though its not as serious as other forms of bigotry. As someone who was born disabled and is now openly trans and queer, every form is discrimination needs to be treated seriously. Please
@tjzambonischwartz 9 ай бұрын
I'm extremely sad about this. I just found her channel the other day and the video about autistic joy was something I desperately needed to see. I'm late diagnosed (at 35, 40 now) and I'm beginning to reckon with the fact that my nervous system is destroyed and I can't mask anymore. I see how badly I've decimated my body by suppressing beneficial stims my entire adult life and rendered myself incapable of feeling joy as a result. I saw that video and I saw myself as a child when I hadn't deliberately murdered my ability to feel joy for the comfort of others and couldn't stop crying. I desperately want to be able to reach back to that again.
@tjzambonischwartz 9 ай бұрын
@Deeznutz503 it's a rough road. Especially when your family decides they prefer you'd be dead than visibly autistic. Which is where my world is right now and I'm having to rebuild by life from scratch.
@sleepygoblin87 9 ай бұрын
I'm in a similar place. I'm on disability now and finally getting the rest I need. It takes time to rediscover joy, but I believe that if I can do it maybe you can too. ❤
@etcwhatever 9 ай бұрын
​@@tjzambonischwartzi hope you find other neurodivergent people in your area that are willing to connect. Yeah im almost 35 and my masking abilities are going down the drain and i dont care anymore about what others think. If i have another burnout i wont survive it. Im so sorry your family isnt supportive. Mine are still assimilating it but they agree there was always something different and they still love me.
@allyh7075 9 ай бұрын
I truly hope that you can find a way to rediscover that part of you that's been stolen by societal pressures, I'm in a similar position except I find it almost impossible to unmask after 27 years of hiding my true self. Sometimes it feels like I don't even know who I am anymore, but after finding people who love my autistic self, I'm slowly starting to find myself. I believe in you! 💖
@Machinte 9 ай бұрын
You will find that joy one day. It may take time but you will get there. I wish you the best of luck and I hope your body is healing as best as it can
@innocentnemesis3519 9 ай бұрын
This is why I’ll never fully support the “double empathy problem” theory. When one group bullies and forces the other group to mask, who is lacking understanding of the other? Definitely not the group who has to copy the other one just in an attempt to literally survive with their life intact. We understand the allistic POV insofar as they bully and force us to.
@JonBrase 9 ай бұрын
Whether or not their attitude *deserves* empathy, how anyone could have that attitude certainly is a mystery to us, so "double empathy problem" fits. It certainly fits better than "neurotypicals have empathy, autistic people don't", which was the way things were formulated before.
@innocentnemesis3519 9 ай бұрын
@@JonBrase ahh, but it’s not a mystery to me at all why they have such attitudes. Mate, my mirror neurons are reflecting off the charts at all times. Neurotypical norms might not be genuine or natural to me, but I can understand them. I’m *forced to* is my point (that you missed), lol. I have done nothing *but* contemplate - out of a necessity NTs force upon me - the reasons why I can only inorganically mimic these norms. Their inability to do the same, to think outside themselves - and therefore compulsion to mock and harm anything which doesn’t comply to their hierarchies - doesn’t make my existence outside of those norms and hierarchies a “double” empathy problem. It just makes it a problem of power and control.
@GoroAkechi_Real 9 ай бұрын
@@JonBraseI always hated that idea. Mfs would always tell me they were naturally more empathetic than me because "you're just broken" and then would go bully the physically disabled kids
@orbismworldbuilding8428 9 ай бұрын
I think the double empathy problem is accurate but ontop of that neurotypicals/allistics aren't generally very willing to try and listen or understand autistic mannerisms artificially while we're forced to learn theirs artificially. The power dynamic isn't described by double empathy problem theory
@Lavinia44 9 ай бұрын
it may only be my anecdotal experience, but the double empathy theory makes sense to me in situations, like, say... interacting with my sister, who's allistic. we're very good friends and we're both decently empathetic people, but oftentimes it's like our wires get crossed entirely! it can be frustratingly difficult trying to straighten the wires out.
@micheller3251 9 ай бұрын
My favorite thing is when they call someone self diagnosed when it's openly and widely known that this person is officially diagnosed... Just shows how little they actually care about this "self diagnosis issue". They just looking for an excuse to attack someone to make themselves feel better.
@promisemochi 9 ай бұрын
they act like the person has to produce the actual test results or it's not valid. like ma'am do you wanna sit there and leaf through my 50 page packet that includes charts and data etc? didn't think so lol
@artsyscrub3226 9 ай бұрын
@@promisemochi I only encourage tests because they are the only way people can actually get the support they need, but other than that it's not needed
@promisemochi 9 ай бұрын
@@artsyscrub3226 oh i think my comment got misunderstood, let me clarify real quick. i meant to say that a lot of the people who claim someone can't be autistic, even when they are formally diagnosed, act like they want to see the actual paperwork/documentation. mine was a huge packet, i doubt if they saw it they'd really want to sit there and go through each detailed result but they act like they have to be personally handed that packet in order for them to accept someone as being autistic
@mickfromleitrim 9 ай бұрын
It costs €1000 to get a diagnosis in Ireland... so that's a thing
@mickfromleitrim 9 ай бұрын
To clarify, that would be for adults as it's private, sure it'd be different for minors, at least I'd hope so
@raising.hell.hounds6312 8 ай бұрын
To anyone who trys to do the "its just dark humor, why can't you take a joke", my favorite thing i have heard is "dark humor is to bring joy and help the people who were affected, not to make fun and put those people down by other people not affected." Dark humor is to help victims, to help bring some joy to a crappy situation or thing, not to revictimize, attack and hurt those people. Do better.
@Superoxidedismutase777 9 ай бұрын
I never knew this was called stimming. I remember my mother freaking out and raging at me for it with a "what will the neighbors think" energy. I don't even remember stopping, i just remember wanting to and feeling this but never physically doing it. I was diagnosed as an adult btw. No way would my mother have ever taken me to a therapist- the embarrassment would have been too much... for her.
@nekorina9011 9 ай бұрын
That's literally the exact same thing my mom told I'm only self diagnosed rn - but I'm 1000% sure I have it and all my autistic friends say its obvious I have it.I hate that this is our reality.
@silvercandra4275 9 ай бұрын
My father took it a step further and told me if anyone saw me stimming, I'd get locked up in an asylum...
@bibsp3556 8 ай бұрын
That's how I remember it basically
@doid4354 8 ай бұрын
my brother joked that I look like Im on crack
@gamingwhilebroken2355 8 ай бұрын
Everyone stims it’s just that in people with autism or adhd or other disorders do it with increased frequency and intensity. There also pretty specific types of stims that certain groups have. Not all are benign either, I have adhd and I will scratch at my scalp. It’s not great it damages my skin. If the movements are benign I don’t get why other ppl care.
@agoodwasteoftime 9 ай бұрын
we autistic people really can't win on social media. We're made to be the joke. It seems like theres a new joke at the expense of autistic people very few weeks, and it sucks. And of course, when we try and say "hey, this is ableist and bad, maybe don't" they just respond like "lol someones mad womp womp go cry about it" and its awful. They won't listen to us no matter how loud we shout, they continue to speak over us. All we can do is watch as they point their fingers and laugh at us as they take jokes from us, and make us into their personal entertainment. Maybe its that autistic sense of justice in me but it makes me so angry i feel like i'll explode and theres nothing I can do cause the angrier I get the more they poiint and laugh. Sometimes I think they keep doing it because they find more entertainment in our anger and anguish. It's very disgusting and depressing, especially when you know those same people are the ones who claim to preach kindness, advocate for mental health and disability or whatever, but in reality its a facade to make themselves look good while they laugh at the expense of disabled people.
@mikegribble5311 9 ай бұрын
And when we make fun of them they scream louder about people being unfair
@Sixthfirstlady 9 ай бұрын
They act like it’s us who have no empathy but the second we tell them to stop making fun of us they won’t even acknowledge it
@aya9371 9 ай бұрын
​@ariannaTHEtransparent so true. The people I met who made the biggest point of autism supposedly making you unable to feel sympathy, are some of the most unsympathetic people I met. Yet they never see that
@zenfirebird5360 9 ай бұрын
They also will only support it if it match like caricature of a person with a disability
@coolsans5097 9 ай бұрын
its like school all over again as someone who is disabled in many invisible ways (mainly adhd and optic nerve damage causing near blindness) i can tell you right now the harder you scream the more they will laugh, they love the anger you give, they love to see you like this, and they wish for you to do nothing but snap The amounts of times people made jokes about me being blind at my expense is honestly crazy, im a social outcast in school thanks to that, and in gaming its not a lot better, people will make fun of me for that. and thats without taking into account my adhd, and stimming, and sensory issues and everything else one memory comes to mind, a girl behind me in class had been bullying me for 3 weeks and the school would do nothing about it, she would comment on my stimming, or blindness, or on me saying anything in class, call me autistic as basically a bad thing (now tbf at the time i wasnt self diagnosed autistic so meh it flew over my head mainly) until one day i turned around and told her that if she makes 1 more comment about me i will punch her y'know what she said? "Do it you'll miss anyway cus you're blind" i did not miss. people want to see you snap and its fucking annoying, especially since if my school wasnt understand i could've went to jail for hitting someone and aside from my school life i've had things happen to me online too, my friend group making jokes about me that almost brought me to tears, only for them to call me too snesitive, so i tried adapting by taking on their humor, only to then be called a hypocrite for getting angry at their jokes but making them myself im just... honestly tired of it all.. A lot of disabled people are doomed to one of two fates: 1: be the clown for everyone's entertainment or 2: be alone i pushed everyone in real life away, not that it was hard since after me having hit someone they learned to stay clear off of me but its just sad, i have no friends and people just hate me, and worst of all im still made fun of, im still laughed at hell my class made an entire intervention wasting my time during a free period to basically hound me about my disabilities and the accomodations that i now refuse to use y'see for whatever reason that i still dont understand, when someone makes a mistake i will make a noise, be it in english, math, chemistry or so on. this only happens when my day has been extremely bad and i dont have the energy to properly mask everything, and my class isnt much better as they are loud and talk constantly over everyone to the point where teachers have trouble speaking, but i was made into the joke and problem, i explained to them how and why i do it but that wasnt enough, meanwhile they were basically bullying me in front of the goddamn teacher,asking me why i have to go out when im feeling overwhelmed since "others dont have to do that" and "[student name] has ADHD too and he doesnt do that" and one comment that still haunts me "with all due respect [myname] why dont you go to a school for people like you?" this comment fucking breaks me as someone who went from an extra year in kindergarten, to a school for people with cognitive disabilities, to repeating the first grade several times, only to manage to get to high school at a somewhat normal pace, i think like 1 or 2 years behind the norm i came far and he wanted me to just throw it away and go back? b'sides i would if i could cause that school wasnt nearly as stressful but yeah people are assholes.
@SillyAnxiousGirl 9 ай бұрын
Are you serious? People are actually so cruel istg. She’s so kind and I really relate to her autistic joy video since that’s how I experience joy. People hate when autistic people breathe istg
@dabordietrying 9 ай бұрын
literally. except when we do something that they like and they have to steal it and claim it as theirs. I'm mainly thinking of fidget spinners and how they became so popular in 2016 and some schools were banning them because neurotypicals found out about them and started using them. they make fun of us when it's something they dont understand but when they do understand they just steal it from us and still make fun of us. i wish people could be more understanding. unfortunately i used to think i was one of the only neurotypicals that actually cared enough to go out of my way and try to understand autistic people better. little did i know i was just trying to understand myself better. if I'm autistic and that's why i understand autistic people, does that mean no neurotypicals will ever even try to understand us? idk im kind of ranting at this point lol
@K3NN3DY_101 9 ай бұрын
Fr. People are always gonna hate when you're not "just like them", and "normal". Disgusting.
@AstaGruwier-vi5ht 9 ай бұрын
I’m not autistic but I usually react the same way, and it’s nice to see that it’s okay, even though I don’t see most people jumping around and laughing when they get exited
@tenshimoon 9 ай бұрын
​@@AstaGruwier-vi5ht same, as a kid i often reacted in very similar (if not always the same) fashions to genuine joy, and ended up masking it later on because OF COURSE the "normies" don't like genuine displays of joy. 🙄
@Emz2468 9 ай бұрын
Exactly! Like can u imagine if an autistic person bullied a nurep typical for being happy 😂😂 You'd get railroaded by the neurotypicals 😅
@K.F-R 9 ай бұрын
Autistic joy expressed *is* inherently beautiful.
@coda3223 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, I didn't understand that comment with the extra dots as sarcastic. I add extra dots for emphasis, like a pause because I'm lost for words (usually because I am, lol). I wouldn't automatically assume that comment is sarcastic, because it looks like something I would have written earnestly.
@octocanyon 9 ай бұрын
agreed! i think we need to see more autistic joy in the world instead of bullying people for experiencing it
@tenshimoon 9 ай бұрын
​​@@coda3223 i also often add extra dots to show I'm thinking a thought process through or for effect to show the way I'm speaking, and only very occasionally have i ever used it for sarcasm. So i also don't really get how it's almost always read as sarcasm these days but apparently Zoomers (less likely Millennials) almost always interpret it and use it for sarcasm now, to the point it was in an article or some video about the differences of zoomer and Millennial online/text communication. 🙄 But that particular comment did seem rather suspiciously negatively intended and not leaning towards a positive motive at all, to me.
@DemiSuaton 9 ай бұрын
To the people who talked about the extra dots, that’s what I do! I’d never see that as sarcastic, it just seems weird to me.
@Catlily5 9 ай бұрын
​@@tenshimoon Good to know. I didn't know that meant sarcasm. Of course I am 48.
@Zesty-dg9ko 9 ай бұрын
I don’t think saying “this is me when…” is a bad thing necessarily. I think it normalizes stimming because the joke isn’t that stimming is ridiculous, the joke is that they feel that happy on the inside when something good happens to them.
@rainykanon 8 ай бұрын
I also didn't interpret any of those comments as making fun of her
@anny8720 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I thought the red bull one was mocking but the others were fine
@Nikoomilano 8 ай бұрын
Same I’m glad someone thinks similar because some of them are just trying to relate with happiness
@cyberblueangel 8 ай бұрын
Ofc, but you know these people, they probably not doing it in the best way. Even if they were, with us being a marginalized community, I don't think we should ask for the minimum of acceptance. c':
@johnradclyffehall 8 ай бұрын
Yes I agree. They felt more like people relating to the strength of emotion on display than any type of mocking. There's enough actually mean comments on the internet without interpreting remarks like that in bad faith.
@ShadoeLandman 9 ай бұрын
There’s a singer who’s Autistic, and after he posted a TikTok where he showed himself being excited about something, people suddenly came out of the woodwork, telling him he should unalive himself. It was awful. Some of us got together and started reporting those responses, but he ended up having to take the video down.
@dutchscotch 8 ай бұрын
what singer?
@ShadoeLandman 8 ай бұрын
@@dutchscotch CG5
@muffyy01 8 ай бұрын
People really have no manners on the Internet anymore The anonymity makes them think it excuses death threatening a dude who enjoys things People nowadays are disgusting
@ShadoeLandman 8 ай бұрын
@@muffyy01 People have always been like this. Now they can just be like this in front of more people at once.
@muffyy01 8 ай бұрын
@ShadoeLandman it's absolutely saddening honestly
@isabellefaguy7351 9 ай бұрын
I'm an autistic bloger and I've receive death menace too, multiple times, from people who claimed being autistic and wanting to stop me from talking about my cognitive deficits, my stimming and all "not glamorous" aspects of me being autistic. I've also had the NT people bullying. Won't stop publishing, but all the negativity can be overwelming some days/weeks/months.
@astralcamisado648 9 ай бұрын
That's horrible, I'm so sorry people have been harassing you, especially other ND people. I hope you remember to take good care of yourself despite everything that's going on.
@johnfsenpai 9 ай бұрын
Merci d'avoir parlé de votre expérience comme blogueuse autiste, je ne connaissais pas d'autre chaîne francophone sur l'autisme et aujourd'hui je suis maintenant abonné à L'adulte autiste. Je ne sais pas trop quoi dire, je n'ai jamais été harcelé sur Internet alors je ne sais pas ce que ça fait, mais c'est inacceptable d'envoyer des menaces de mort et d'essayer de vous faire taire pour avoir partagé votre expérience comme personne autiste 🫂
@mousethehuman7179 9 ай бұрын
it's great that you keep on publishing, thank you for being vocal for all who can't be ❤ but also take care of yourself. I will never understand how some people can easily hate and hurt others, how they will never even try to understand a word one says. Take care and please stay strong even in the hard times 💪
@acewickhamyoshi8330 9 ай бұрын
You are awesome , & so that people knew i didnt respond to comments , i would write that on all my blogz, well now i am retired i am reading things i mised by blogging 24 hours a day .finally ,,not posting .. nonstop for 30 years .. not that i recommend that ,, its only now that i stopped and i think its been 3 million blog posts, cos i forgot my teenage blog name , as 1990 to 2015 blogz were like reditt , an un~identity name which we changed each 3 years , i think the moderators of the random autism blogs knew that , by changing names of the author of the continual poster of random topics it, it avoided the typical easy repeat harrassment, plus we all change sentence structure as well my age 12 blog totes different to age 16 , 21 or 25, of course i made all my blogs at same time & to stop it being predictive weekly blog i coined the term random fibinarchi poster , which is like 1, 3,7, 10th day , or 2, 4 ,6 ,12th day , as i had over 36 blogs , i forgot how i even did it
@NickOleksiakMusic 9 ай бұрын
For whatever it's worth, I'm proud of you for continuing to publish!
@lesliewit 9 ай бұрын
My 14 year old son is autistic and stims pretty often. I only ask him to limit it when space does not allow it or if we're in an environment in which quiet is expected. His preferred stimming is pacing, arm flapping and occasionally humming. He usually does that all together. One time we were waiting for the bus, and there was this man who was obviously having some mental health issues repeatedly ask me to "get my son under control" . I literally had to widen my stance, plant my feet, cross my arms, and look at him and tell him to mind his own business. He acted pretty frightened of me and when we got in line to get on the bus all but ran away from me. I would have laughed except that he seemed like he was suffering some serious anxiety. Long story short it's really incumbent upon us neurotypical people to make sure to create space and advocate for autistic folks regardless of what we consider socially appropriate. If there's no threat of harm what's it to you?
@coffeegonewrong 9 ай бұрын
On behalf of your son, thank you! The same sort of rules apply in our house. Flapping or any other stimming is normal. We just ask the kids not to do it( big stims) in the kitchen while someone is cooking, and no waving their arms at the dining table. Not because it’s disturbing anyone, just because we don’t want anyone spilling drinks or losing their food onto the floor. (Yes, this is one of those rules that came from it happening too many times)
@LilChuunosuke 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for allowing your son to stim and for setting reasonable, fair expectations of when and where he can or cannot stim. Lots of people expect us to not stim at all or to simply know without being told when, where, and why we sometimes cannot. It makes me happy to see allistic parents properly educating themselves and protecting their autistic kids.
@disa.v2365 9 ай бұрын
I'm happy for your kid but sorry for the man because anxiety can make a lot of stimuli worse especially in public spaces. For many people anxiety is lifelong condition as well as autism. So my hypothetical question is what is better: calming someone's anxiety by stopping an autistic person from stimming for or letting the person continue stimming but worsening anxiety of another person who can't do much with their condition either. Please don't feel upset about my comment, it's just something I think about. Also I don't refer to the certain situation you experienced.
@Inkinhart 9 ай бұрын
@@disa.v2365 I think that’s just a case of conflicting access needs. Sometimes people’s needs just conflict, and you can’t do anything about it. (My sensory issues often conflict with other autistic folks’ vocal stims, for example, or my migraine-related need for lower lighting in places conflicts with some people’s need for bright lighting so they can see at all. Some people need high counters because they can’t bend at all, wheelchair users need low counters. Some people need stairs because they can’t walk up inclines, people with wheeled mobility aids need ramps.) Sometimes there is no right answer.
@lesliewit 9 ай бұрын
@@disa.v2365 you know I'm not mad at all and I understand your perspective. The thing is my son also has pretty intense anxiety. And it didn't escape me that this man was suffering. But when I compare the experience of adults who have a little bit more autonomy and the experience of children, I'm going to favor children over adults just about every time. This perspective has been honed over time with regards to my kids and their dad. Their dad has mental health issues that many times have interfered with his ability to parent. So in those instances I've had to choose my kids and recommend to him that he manage his own mental health issues. You can't save everyone🤷🏾‍♀️
@saturnthemirrorball 9 ай бұрын
How terrible. This is why I stay away from TikTok, not only because of privacy issues & the tiktok company being strange in general, but also because of how horrible the people are on it. There are some disgusting people here on KZbin but it feels like it’s doubled on TikTok. I really hope Chloe is doing well, it’s terrible what’s happened.
@Slaaneshy_Concubine 9 ай бұрын
Which honestly is shocking to me, because even on KZbin people are so full of hate. But whenever I hear about what's happening on Tik Tok it feels like this world is just a simulation with so many NPCs in it that were just programmed to be horrible and/or ridiculously dumb.
@AutomaticDuck300 9 ай бұрын
Unpopular opinion: this is tame compared to a lot of comment sections. People are going to joke around online. That’s what people do. It’s part of social media validation. Can it be taken as making fun of the person? Yes. Is it actually making fun of the person in a malicious way? I don’t think it is. I laughed at the comments but I don’t think any less of her. She’s just dancing around being happpy. Video responses were awful though.
@feiradragon7915 9 ай бұрын
I avoid TikTok because there's so little pause between videos that it's infuriating. TikTok vids that get uploaded to Tumblr are all I'm willing to deal with from TikTok.
@samuelthecamel 9 ай бұрын
I go to Instagram instead... and it's even worse.
@deinodinosuchus 9 ай бұрын
@@AutomaticDuck300 You are part of the problem here. I can't even begin to explain why this comment is so blatantly wrong. You say it's not making fun of the person in a malicious way - that DOES NOT matter. The fact that it is making fun of autistic behavior in general is the problem. NOT the intent. The effect. This isn't just "joking around online." This is the kind of "joking" that makes people k*ll themselves. Jokes are meant to be funny. This is bullying.
@Shrimpy6969 9 ай бұрын
ive noticed gen Z is less accepting for disabled people and more making fun of them, staying ignorant about slurs against disabled people and calling autistic people "NPCs". its actually appalling how so many neurotypical gen z kids have bullied disabled kids to the point where most of us feel like we cant be ourselves infront of anyone... coming from a gen z person, my school life was awful and still is to this day. people need to be more open-minded and less ignorant about disabled lives. thank you for this video spreading awareness
@wodekw6862 9 ай бұрын
Gen z are bigger biggots than their parents or are as biggoted, just not afraid to speak out the quiet part loud
@silvercandra4275 9 ай бұрын
I feel like this must massively depend on where you''re from and stuff like that, because I'm older Gen Z and honestly, I've never had issues with classmates after I entered high school... just from adult, who deemed me not talking as being stubborn and rude to them. Might have just been my school though, because everyone there was just kinda chill for some reason.
@Eeok 8 ай бұрын
I strongly disagree. Online, probably but that's because of the anonymity, and many people tend to group up and go after things they hate.
@OfficialToxicCat 8 ай бұрын
Remember being in a small community that got attacked and bashed by trolls. Some of them were 13-19 years old reffering to us as “R*tards” and even going as far as to mockingly ask us if we’re Autistic. Gen Z is not so innocent when it comes to people with disabilities online.
@Shrimpy6969 8 ай бұрын
@@silvercandra4275 from where im from, irl ableism is so normalised that if i try to point out that what someone is saying is ableist they scream at me...
@cassiusvoidkin 9 ай бұрын
People are so boring. They can't even let other people react to happiness.
@KatyYoder-cq1kc Ай бұрын
REPORT WOKE AND WAR CRIMES: NOW on LIFE SUPPORT, please HELP. I am autistic and have had non stop harassment, chemical poisoning, rape, threats and physical and emotional abuse for over 3 years from inside the church, perverted clergy, gang stalking, rape: ASIA, RUSSIA, COMMUNIST US, NEO NAZIS, AND IRAN.. GO AWAY. Stop malicious use of AI. Restraining Order Permanently
@ZhovtoBlakytniy 9 ай бұрын
I'm a lifter (on my own and prefer solitude) but my husband lifts with friends. A lot of his lifting buddies are also autistic, and I have to say they have a pretty great accepting community between gym bros. I'm happy to see the support of autistic people by the neurotypical lifters! There's a lot of pep talk, helping through the tough times, and even going along with the stimming. One autistic guy in the group uses palilalia and repeats a phrase every time before a lift and has another when he succeeds and the guys chant it with him and he gets really pumped up! They even made themselves custom gym shirts with said phrase on it.
@GabyGeorge1996 9 ай бұрын
Palilia? What’s that?
@milamila1123 9 ай бұрын
​@@GabyGeorge1996They probably meant paralalia, or parroting - the repetition of words or phrases for soothing purposes.
@milamila1123 9 ай бұрын
@tenshimoon 9 ай бұрын
Aww that gives me hope for humanity. It's in the little things like these that push back against the negativity and toxicity rampant through humanity 🥹
@mooreanonumbers 9 ай бұрын
Love it
@FeyPax 9 ай бұрын
I’m definitely a “stoic” autistic person and I’ve learned early on that stimming would get me ostracised. And I have an extreme need to fit in and seem desirable even though I know it’s all bullshit. But I always wondered why I have seemingly no emotions and I’m realising I think it’s because I knew my joy would be punished by my peers. So I always keep my excitement down to the point where I rarely get excited now. Also holy fuck other autistic people need to REALISE everyone with autism acts different.
@currybread5298 9 ай бұрын
I can relate. I wish I were able to be hyper and jumping from joy. But I denyed myself that, for too long.
@pepsusser 9 ай бұрын
Autism is the biggest catch 22. You get a group of people that are different from the average and name them one thing, only to wait until they realise they are different from each other as well. People will inevitably fight about this forever. Words have definitions and they weren't made to be used flexibly describing sensitive human behaviours like this.
@kyleydiamond 9 ай бұрын
I'm excited to see your comment! I'm designing a course to teach emotional intelligence and reprogram emotions into people who have learned to be stoic, and the way to rebuild your capacity for JOY is to research JOY, build a rich understanding of what it means, find things that feel like JOY to you, and do those things every day. i have workbooks amd charts for it because I'm autistic (that's the program). at first it will feel SHAMEFUL and you'll be APATHETIC to it, because the energy from the bullying blocked up your container and that heaviness is moving out. but keep doing JOY every day and you'll get through the SHAME and build the capacity for JOY- alone, with SAFE people, then in more and more public ways if you look at my shorts there's one showing how to clear out your LOVE container, same deal but JOY is a sparkly peach butterfly
@manboy4720 8 ай бұрын
i spent so long trying to look and act 'normal' that i've just completely shut down in most social situations. now i'm hyper-aware of tiny things and whether or not the other person is also noticing them and thinking i'm some weird freak, like how my face looks, how i'm moving my fingers, how i'm breathing, when i'm fiddling or adjusting my clothing, everything. my social confidence is cripplingly low, and my irrational anxiety and paranoia is very high.
@KatyYoder-cq1kc Ай бұрын
REPORT WOKE AND WAR CRIMES: NOW on LIFE SUPPORT, please HELP. I am autistic and have had non stop harassment, chemical poisoning, rape, threats and physical and emotional abuse for over 3 years from inside the church, perverted clergy, gang stalking, rape: ASIA, RUSSIA, COMMUNIST US, NEO NAZIS, AND IRAN.. GO AWAY. Stop malicious use of AI. Restraining Order Permanently
@narushini704 9 ай бұрын
I always saw it like that: It's not like "they" accept you IF you manage to supress the need to stim and yourself by masking. Even if you try your hardest to meet "their" expectations which makes you unhappy and stressed "they'll" continue to hate and bully. So I figured it is better to be yourself, stim and be happy. At least you might find some fellow ND people that way.
@imautisticnowwhat 9 ай бұрын
YES! 💛
@Catlily5 9 ай бұрын
They still seem to sense that we are different. But if we say that we are different then they deny it and say we want to falsely claim difference for some kind of advantage.
@chantallennox1201 9 ай бұрын
Yep. That’s my take on it too.
@Valeria-sx7uv 9 ай бұрын
I guess it's true for all kind of people, not just ND. If you have mental health issues, "weird" hobbies (from society's point of view), disabilities, health problems, "weird" relationships, "strange" habbits and so on. Just ignore society and find your group of people 😅
@beans1557 9 ай бұрын
Agreed! We’ll naturally attract our peers. What’s important is persevering until we have a community of peers enough to heal and be at rest in.
@abberistired 6 ай бұрын
tiktok feels like high school bullying because it is full of high school bullies :/ unfortunately it seems best to just do your happy stims by yourself or with those who love and care about you and are just happy to see you so happy
@annab3184 9 ай бұрын
"If self-diagnosis is not valid, then your peer un-diagnosis is not valid either" OMG THIS NEEDS TO BE REPOSTED SOMEWHERE A MILLION TIMES, it's such a precise analysis of this stupid effing situation
@PLKinka 8 ай бұрын
Even here are stupid people who treat uneducated doctors like a word of God. It doesn't matter what diagnosis you have, when you go to 3 different doctors you will end up with 3 different diagnosis. My doctors can't even agree if I have Hashimoto, and it's something that show on blood exam! Even if I get in debt to pay for proffesional autism cetre to examine me to not interact with doctors who think ie "ADHD is made up and doesn't exist" and "You don't look autistic, you are able to look me in the face and only figdet aceptably", people will say that I just bought myself a fake diagnosis and everyone can get one these days. That's an uphill battle against society that just wants to hate you.
@LeviathansGrotto 9 ай бұрын
I feel bad for all the times I might have scoffed or been mean like the people in those comments. It makes me feel awful. I am learning how to unmask/stim/be the autistic person I am. I apologize for all the self-hatred I imposed onto others. I hope one day we can all be understood and not judged. I hope all of us can be who we truly are.
@dabordietrying 9 ай бұрын
comments like yours give me hope. hope that the people in these comment sections will grow and change and look back at their rude comments and wish they were nicer. hope that people can become more understanding and empathetic. thank you
@allyh7075 9 ай бұрын
The fact that you feel bad about your past actions shows just how much you've grown, but I hope you don't let that guilt eat you up - I don't know you obviously but it sounds like you were dealing with understanding and accepting your own autism, which can be a difficult journey when society has such damaging misconceptions and ignorance around us autistic people. You sound like a genuinely kind person and I wish you the best 💖
@arkhaic1792 9 ай бұрын
how do you get out of that state? i'm trying to become a better person but i'm scared of doing that for some reason
@JungleEd17 9 ай бұрын
Keep it up. People will soon look to you for guidance.
@jadentheenby1753 9 ай бұрын
I’m very proud of you. The world needs more people like this
@Diaryofawerewolvesbf 9 ай бұрын
We as a society (no joker reference) have become so dull and angry at everything when we see happiness in other peoples lives we want to destroy that. Normalize loving everyone and being happy guys
@Catlily5 9 ай бұрын
Only some people are that way. Find the others.
@KatyYoder-cq1kc Ай бұрын
REPORT WOKE AND WAR CRIMES: NOW on LIFE SUPPORT, please HELP. I am autistic and have had non stop harassment, chemical poisoning, rape, threats and physical and emotional abuse for over 3 years from inside the church, perverted clergy, gang stalking, rape: ASIA, RUSSIA, COMMUNIST US, NEO NAZIS, AND IRAN.. GO AWAY. Stop malicious use of AI. Restraining Order Permanently
@Emileigggggh 9 ай бұрын
I picked up the "mask or else" sentiment at a super young age for a ton of reasons and then also have "you don't look disabled/you're faking" anxiety from chronic illness issues and multiple denied accommodations as well, so the whole "damned if you do, damned if you don't" when it comes to masking is a huge struggle for me. It sucks so bad to see people doubting Chloe and mocking her for showing off happy stims. I hope she's doing well... and I hope that us sharing our stories leads to some kind of positive change.
@keyatrig 9 ай бұрын
i can’t scroll in ANY comment section on any social media without ppl being ableist about specifically autism. it just makes my blood boil as an autistic person it makes me want to quit social media it’s so unbelievably exhausting seeing so many ignorant and hateful people i hate being reminded i share a world with them. the “me when i ____” comments get to me the most. it’s completely dehumanizing in a “there’s no way someone can experience joy that intensely” way. people loveeee inserting themselves in every community they’re not in and don’t understand just for a laugh. people say they support autistic people until we display symptoms that make them uncomfortable.
@skootergirl22 8 ай бұрын
So much for diversity
@jbbizzle828 8 ай бұрын
I hear ya, man. I just don't engage the trolls. 'Cause everytime one responds, it's just feeding them attention. For the rest of my fellow autists, you don't need to justify yourself to anyone except maybe God.
@cyberblueangel 8 ай бұрын
I find so much joy and feelings of protection in smaller communities, online and in person. Our brain literally is not wired for this much information and exposure, and even LESS if we're talking about marginalized communities. My autistic friends and partners, along with my neurodivergent folks on Tumblr, always make me feel so welcomed! I recommend you to find smaller communities and thrive in them! Sending you so much love! Also, it's always better to not even read comments, tik tok for example, always show you controversial comments, recents comments and videos for a reason, because they benefit from our rage and discussions!
@Dreamweaver393 6 ай бұрын
Don't quit, That's what the allistic trash wants. They want to keep us silent, out of sight, and their perpetual punching bags. They don't want us in ''their'' spaces and they think all spaces are theirs. They want to kick us out of the internet so we don't form communities, bc if we band together, we are stronger and can fight back. Allistics are inherently bullies, and cowards, and we can´t let garbage ppl like that push us around.
@sinnamonroll2780 9 ай бұрын
This is why I feel heavy resentment seeing NT people adore Wednesday Addams and other autistic coded characters because at the end of the day only a few of them would actually love us as we are. This is also why I feel lonely as an autistic adult and wish I could be myself safely.
@vivianameganviviana3486 9 ай бұрын
I apologise for the incoming rant ramble thing but adding onto this because this got me thinking about how NT people interact with autistic coded characters, and I cannot prevent the rant since I have oh so many thoughts, but there's one specific thing about autistic coded characters and how NT people interact with them that really grinds my gears in particular and that's NT people gatekeeping what characters are and are not autistic or what characters it is ""okay"" to see as autistic vs characters that are ""harmful"" to headcanon as autistic. Like it's interesting that characters that are seen as negative, stereotypical or just plain mocking representations of autistic traits by autistic people often have no pushback from NTs when it comes to saying "this character is obviously autistic", whereas, characters that display autistic traits but are not written to directly mock or paint autism in a bad light are often adopted by NT people and any attempt to say "this character that you identify with is autistic coded" is met with instant denial, overly defensive behaviour and allegations of "pushing your disability onto characters where it doesn't need to be pushed". Like NTs can accept autism when the character is written in a way that directly others autistic people or represents them in ways that mock the actual disorder and basically belittle those with it, but the moment it's a character that they personally identify with that happens to actually portray an autistic person in a way that treats those with autism as just regular people they get up in arms about it and feel the need to deny the very notion that Wednesday as a character may very well be autistic. It's like they see autism as an insult or something inherently negative/worthy of shame so the moment their favourite character is seen as such the switch just flips and now all of a sudden they're rejecting the notion purely because the traits were named as autistic traits. I also love how NT people in fandom took "Hey, can you please be more mindful of what characters you headcanon as autistic because when people who do not have autism give us characters who are inhuman (robots, puppets, dolls, aliens, literally any creature that is humanoid but is not human, etc.) and say you only see them as autistic out of all the characters in the media they are from, it comes across as you othering us and implying that we aren't worthy of human representation." and twisted that into "Let me be a fake activist and accuse autistic people who see themselves in characters that are inhuman of being ableist rather than actually addressing the actual point that was being taught to me and looking internally at myself to see where my biases are and how I can improve to be more educated and mindful". Like they somehow fail to realise that often when NT people headcanon inhuman characters like (as a general example) Kiibo from Danaganronpa V3 as autistic their reasoning often comes down to this quirky idea of "oh well autistic people aren't like us, they're different". Their reasoning is almost always based on the idea of othering autistics and treating them like they aren't human because they act outside of the defined status quo. This isn't even addressing how a lot of NT autism headcanons tend to just read like they read a googled list of symptoms and slapped it onto a character because I guess research is underrated. However, when autistic people themselves view an inhuman character as autistic it isn't necessarily coming from a place of othering. It's usually coming from a place of identifying traits that they may personally have or they see struggles associated with autism our their experience with it within the character themselves. Even in cases where there is othering present in the reason for the headcanon I feel (at least from my experience headcanoning certain charcaters as autistic as someone with autism myself) that it's less "I see myself as not human due to my autism and thus see the character as autistic because they aren't human" and more "Since this character is not human they probably also get othered by people and likely have trouble fitting into the preconceived norm and I can relate to that since people who are not autistic treat me similarly, thus I can see them as being autistic like myself". Like they fail to actually comprehend the nuances that go into autism headcanons on inhuman characters when it comes from ND people themselves vs. when someone with no experience and no knowledge of autism does it and just seem to take it as "Inhuman autistic character bad therefore no one can do it if I can't do it" rather than as an invitation to comprehend and analyse why it's seen as insulting when it's being done the way they do it. That or they intentionally ignore it and use the ally shield to crap on autistic people while racking up brownie points from other NT "allies" who are also just tearing down autistic people rather than criticising their other NT circles. Again I'm so sorry about the rant, I just have so many thoughts pertaining to the topic and needed to splurge them somewhere.
@xoyouaremysunshinexo 8 ай бұрын
Me with Spencer Reid from criminal minds. Whenever I see people saying how much they love him I always think to myself “if y’all met someone who acted like him in real life you’d hate him.”
@AliceBunny05 7 ай бұрын
​@@xoyouaremysunshinexoI know. it's so frustrating. For some characters, yes I understand the whole point is that they're insufferable and are only likeable as fiction, but those are VERY specific characters who actually do bad things, but are likeable in fiction for their attitude or whimsy.
@Dreamweaver393 6 ай бұрын
For whatever is worth, I'm AuDHD and I feel the same exact way. Allistics will appropriate our culture for their amusement, they will buy merch based on Autistic coded characters, they will write fanfiction, and even cosplay as them. But, the moment we point out ''That´s an Autistic character!'' they will lose their minds, bc there is no way that they could ever love an Autistic character/person. And all of those traits that they love in their favorite character, and deep down they wish they had, are the same traits that when we express them, we get bullied and harassed for. Allistics are the worse.
@angelreaperx3 9 ай бұрын
I’m an autistic teenager, I have masked my entire life because of people like this. I have never had a true friendship simply because of the fact I have autism. I was bullied off public social media, bullied out of my own school and bullied to the point of moving houses when I was young. People can be so cruel and they never realise.
@squirrelsinmykoolaid 9 ай бұрын
Just commenting to say that there is hope for genuine friendship even if it may not seem like it now. Neurodivergent people tend to gravitate to each other. When I was in school I had a tight knit group of friends. I kid you not, most of us grew up and received autism diagnosis, ADHD diagnosis, or both as adults. Most of the people I ended up developing friendships with as adults I later found out they were ND too. You'll find your right people before you know it. Hang in there ❤
@nswreve 8 ай бұрын
It's honestly so lonely to be autistic, to constantly have to be explaining yourself to others, to have to restrain your true self just to avoid NT's cruelty being shoved to our faces. I hope you'll soon find a safe space in which you can live freely, and in which you'll only be surrounded by humane people. A space that truly deserves you. My teenage years and overall school years were the most difficult and lonely for me. It was until uni that things started to become somewhat brighter, and as the other commenter said, I realized that most people I became close with are neurodivergent themselves.
@Kakohoguya5768 8 ай бұрын
They do. They absolutely do they just think it’s okay to do it to certain people. I’m autistic too but almost thirty. Girl don’t waste a second of your life trying to justify their behaviour by they don’t realise stuff. It’s good that you left.
@bobbfourtytwo9724 8 ай бұрын
Try to find other autistic ppl autistic friendships are great
@KomaedasOneTrueHope 7 ай бұрын
Befriended other Autistic individuals and ADHDers☺️
@abbymclendon2385 9 ай бұрын
Im an autistic 12 year old and I love Chloe :( so sad to see this when she’s such an inspiration to young autistics like me
@Funeral_Mannequin 9 ай бұрын
Fr, I thought everyone liked Chloe.
@hanniballecter1960 8 ай бұрын
Chloe is lovely, I'm glad she's inspiring younger generarions. People are just mean, the internet really gives ppl too much bravery to say stupid stuff they would otherwise never say in real life. Chloe will be ok, and the future will be better :)
@turntablez504 9 ай бұрын
"Peer undiagnosis" is such a concise way of putting it, I'm gonna use that!
@paranormeow 9 ай бұрын
it disgusts me how people think autism is destigmatized now. it’s only destigmatized when it’s cute and not uncomfortable for a neurotypical . as a “scary” autistic who has self harming stims that developed after teachers put a stop to my healthier stims, “disturbing” interests (like horror media, diseases, etc) that aren’t as fun to hear about as bluey or sanrio or whatever, and in general acts “uncanny” (lack of fine motor control, lack of control over facial expressions, difficulty in expressing emotions, low empathy) I have seen “cute” autistics be treated somewhat nicely (if not infantilized) while I’ve been called school shooter, serial killer, and an all manner of ableist words like “schizo” “sociopath” etc. this hurts “cute” autistics too, because the moment you act like anything more than a quiet, docile, adorable toddler you’ll be treated just the same. We are either babies or serial killers I guess.
@scopppia 8 ай бұрын
This!!! I’ve been treated as both by different people and god it’s infuriating. Either people randomly touch me and my hair and call me ”cute” or people give me weird stares and tell me that I’m doing a “creepy expression" and that I’m "freaking them out"(and that’s due to the lack of control I have over my expressions and overall emotions) like I’m just standing there, I don’t get it. It’s frustrating and I really hope one day neurotypicals will acknowledge the fact we’re not either just “cute weird” or “creepy weird”
@chocochakachan 8 ай бұрын
For anyone wondering "omg how can one be so cruel to someone autistic" lemme tell you sth: I'm a 23 y/o autistic woman. I used to be very active on social media, but got bullied for my art, my hyperfixation and, most of all, my heavy reactions, which I can't control myself. I kept trying to explain that I have trouble with all of this bc of my autism. And ppl kept shouting death threads at me, telling me I use my autism as an excuse. Society only sees the "cutesy" fake image of autism, but not the negative sides. Long story short: I have a trauma bc of that crap and I'm in therapy. Also I shut down most of my social media... I hope Chloe is doing alright. We autistic people are getting so much hate from others, it's really not fair tbh.
@astro_penguin_ 8 ай бұрын
I hope you're doing ok. ❤
@doid4354 8 ай бұрын
I’ve been wanting to post my art, so I can sell what I make someday. I am genuinely terrified of people being cruel and ruining my love for creating so Im just not going to
@iheartspirits 8 ай бұрын
​@@doid4354there will always be people to support you. Especially if your art is something you and others have a specific interest in. I'd love ur art
@doid4354 8 ай бұрын
@@iheartspirits you’re sweet, thank you
@elliebettridge3772 9 ай бұрын
I've noticed a lot of the time online people are bullied for showing true joy. I can't help but wonder if it's jealous people who don't know how to feel or express this level of happiness? I'm not honestly sure what goes through the head of someone who attacks someone for being too happy. I do know that being apathetic and disinterested and cynical always seemed to appear cooler and more desirable, but I find these kinds of people very fake.
@promisemochi 9 ай бұрын
i think they genuinely don't feel joy (editing to add: i don't want to say they don't feel joy, but rather it's probably a case of them not letting themselves feel joy) so they don't understand it. it's sad really at the end of the day. i saw a comment on a youtube video about how women seem more immature now. the OG comment said that for a lot of us we were forced to grow up fast and be "young ladies" and "little adults" from the time we were very small children if not even younger. so now as adults we're embracing more childlike things. one comment in response to that was arguing that it was weird to like things like princess movies or bubble baths or getting little treats as an adult. everyone else was like "babe...are you sure YOU'RE okay?" i genuinely think they don't allow themsleves to feel this great sense of joy and then when they see someone that is, they think it has to be fake. it's actually very sad.
@RaptorSeer 9 ай бұрын
Yes, I agree they are jealous. At least that's what I tell myself. It's like any spontaneous show of positive emotion over the simple things in life is immoral or something, rather than the enlightened state that it is. Let them keep their bored and boring affect to themselves.
@Catlily5 9 ай бұрын
I don't feel a lot of joy. But I don't want people to be sad like me
@unngjerde5064 9 ай бұрын
Kind of an unpopuler opinion: yes, bulies are sad with their life but the main reason they're mean is that they just never learned to empethise with others. Which is kinda ironic cuz these people think people with asd don't understand empethy.
@MarquisLeary34 9 ай бұрын
That's life, cupcake. I ain' tallowed to be happy, so you won't be either.
@pigeonsata173 9 ай бұрын
I will never understand how some people are so comfortable with making fun of things they know absolutely nothing about. ={{
@innocentnemesis3519 9 ай бұрын
You kind of answered your own question. For neurotypicals, not being a part of or accepted by the group is a social death sentence. They can’t imagine anyone who organically doesn’t conform to that fear - hence the forced compliance of bullying.
@promisemochi 9 ай бұрын
@@innocentnemesis3519 this!! they also think that neurodivergent folks are doing something "wrong" and need to be "punished" for it. it could stem from they themselves thinking "i'd never be allowed to act like that" so they take it upon themselves to "punish" by trying to make the ones they're bullying comply and fit in like they themselves feel forced to do. they are so terrified of stepping out of some line/boundary that they, parents, teachers, etc. have set for them that when they see someone who is stepping out of that, they can't comprehend it. not justifying at all, but i think this is where a lot of it comes from. a lot of the online hate comments i've seen are from a lot of people, specifically men, of my parents' generation. my dad grew up being physically punished in school for very minor things. take that generation and show them someone who steps out of that line, and is seemingly "allowed" to and they can't understand it.
@JamEngulfer 9 ай бұрын
@@innocentnemesis3519 That’s not exclusive to neurotypical people. It’s just that neurodivergent people tend to draw the lines of acceptability differently.
@cosmo588 8 ай бұрын
⁠@@innocentnemesis3519you say that as if you yourself aren’t a homosapian. I’m sure, given the right circumstances, you’d have to draw the line at what you want to put up with. Autistic people shouldn’t be made to feel different by others, but some people are ignorant and lack depth, there will always be people who are cruel. Trying to divide us more and argue Autistic people are immune to normal human behaviour is just dumb.
@MaryKDayPetrano 9 ай бұрын
You can't go out in public anywhere as an Autistic person without being bullied, or worse. I've been chased and pursued a couple times by groups of 8-10 Neurotypicals just simply for walking by them and being perceived by them as Autistic.I can't completely mask being Autistic. There's something about the way I move, the way I am, the way I look, and certainly the way I use language, that give me away to Neurotypicals as Autistic. It's very scary, and then other wonder why we don't want to be anywhere near Neurotypicals. It's not safe !
@MaryKDayPetrano 9 ай бұрын
@@Call-Me-I You actually speak for so many Autistic people, you have no idea. The Neurotypical population, the overwhelming number of Neurotypical people, are totally unuawre and oblivious to this reality.
@skootergirl22 8 ай бұрын
So much for diversity
@RoosaM88 8 ай бұрын
@@skootergirl22It’s all virtue signaling from their part to appear to be a good person. The reality is the exact opposite. They don’t want any diversity. They want everyone to be the same, and exactly like they are.
@neyou6940 8 ай бұрын
​@@skootergirl22You seems to be one of those far right manchildren
@thechumbucket8986 8 ай бұрын
it's not like this everywhere. I hope one day you are able to move to a community where the people are kinder to people who aren't like them.
@slasherlovingay2488 9 ай бұрын
Can't believe the people claiming autism is a "trend" are mad that autism isn't aesthetically pleasing to them
@qryptid 9 ай бұрын
Chloe Hayden's vulnerability and wiingness to share her autistic joy has opened so many doors to so many people, i can't imagine the kind of vile people who would see that joy and want to crush it. I wish Chloe the best and hope she makes whatever choice is the best for her.
@annm7619 9 ай бұрын
My parents: You used to be full of so much life and energy and confidence what happened? Me as an audihd adult: ._. well... Damn this is sad. I'm glad Chloe stood up for herself. The internet doesn't deserve her sunshine if there aren't going to be protective measures to give real consequences to people who say hateful things.
@datte-ai 9 ай бұрын
Yesss, couldn't be truer.
@KatyYoder-cq1kc Ай бұрын
REPORT WOKE AND WAR CRIMES: NOW on LIFE SUPPORT, please HELP. I am autistic and have had non stop harassment, chemical poisoning, rape, threats and physical and emotional abuse for over 3 years from inside the church, perverted clergy, gang stalking, rape: ASIA, RUSSIA, COMMUNIST US, NEO NAZIS, AND IRAN.. GO AWAY. Stop malicious use of AI. Restraining Order Permanently
@babygirl_lunaa9096 9 ай бұрын
I feel like (most) neurotypical people don't actually understand what it feels like to hold back stimming. I feel my emotions very strongly in my arms. If I get really excited, I feel this energy in my arms. Same if I get angry. The type of stim tends to mirror the type of energy I feel. When I'm alone I will flap my arms around and bounce to to dissipate the excitement or slam my fist into my bed or a pillow when I'm angry, but I don't usually even flap my arms in public, even if it's super uncomfortable to keep my arms still as though I was physically holding them down. I even feel weird about doing it around my partner, even if they're super supportive I almost feel embarrassed to do it.
@ScarryGargoyle 9 ай бұрын
I feel almost the same way, and what you said also resonated with my experience. This is all just so new, and it’s weird being autistic, and for the first time our lives there’s so much spotlige on us. I feel weird stimming near my partner because I don’t want to some how do to much, and it seems as if I’m doing to much. Even tho I feel completely safe with him, there’s still that feeling of not being able to be my self.
@promisemochi 9 ай бұрын
this exactly!! i didn't let myself stim for the longest time. i actually had to watch videos on stimming to see how other people were doing it because i was so...locked in a way. i remember going to the grocery store and being so short with my family, everything ticked me off. now i know i was overstimulated. but now that i let myself tap my fingers on the cart handle to the music or do a little dance/move my head to the music that's playing...i am so much less irritable and shopping is much easier on me.
@yourlocalraven489 9 ай бұрын
Neurotypicals are just stupid. This is why they don’t understand.
@beans1557 9 ай бұрын
They don’t!! They seem to think it’s something we do just to have fun or just to express out loud in the most obnoxious way possible! If you try to bring up that it acts as a means of self regulation they would lose their shit.
@promisemochi 9 ай бұрын
@@beans1557 my dad would always act like my cousin was just "misbehaving" when he'd stim. as a kid, my whole family would make fun of me because whenever we'd go to a restaurant i'd always have to "go check out the bathroom." in hindsight, i just wanted to get up and move around and having the excuse of going to the bathroom was acceptable, somewhat. when my cousin would stim in his way (flapping) it was seen as misbehavior.
@HarryPotter-kb7we 8 ай бұрын
Everyone has a social deficit in a world where bullying is normallized.
@SteppefordWife 9 ай бұрын
Even when masking, some NTs seem to still pick out my autistic traits, leading them to treat me exactly as I was throughout school. The other night a group of 5 boys threw glass bottles at me and called me a "c*nt" and a "b*tch" and kept yelling "YOU! HEY YOU! OI!". I get this sort of reaction semi-regularly even as an adult out of school now. All for what? Because my vibes were off? I really think NTs should be penalised more harshly for this behaviour, especially at a younger age. Otherwise we just enforce that it's ok to not treat autists with the humanity they take for granted. A girl literally attempted to drown me, then sat on my chest and sprayed sunscreen in my eyes as I was trying to sleep later during a scout camp - for the crime of being assigned to her friend because (as an extremely socially isolated and bullied autistic girl) no one wanted to pair with me by choice. It is never ok. Children KNOW what they are doing and will do whatever sadistic thing they please if it makes them feel good and they can play into the assumed innocence NT kids are granted by NT adults. The fact that NTs think it's ok to treat us like this really makes me consider doing the necessary training and licensing to get a decent self defense weapon to use against them the next time someone tries to kill me for stimming in public.
@skootergirl22 8 ай бұрын
Would thry do the same to a wheelchair person or someone with a different skin colour?
@margodphd 8 ай бұрын
​@@skootergirl22 Some of those people absolutely would if they only could get away with it ...
@manboy4720 8 ай бұрын
@@skootergirl22 i guess autistic people are one of the few protected groups left that is still socially acceptable to bully, harass and demean, it seems. so much for enlightened modern society.
@candy-ninja 7 ай бұрын
@@skootergirl22 Likely. Do not underestimate the depravity of these people
@Skiamakhos 9 ай бұрын
That's rotten. I love Chloe, she's so nice!
@KatyYoder-cq1kc Ай бұрын
They are rotten.
@MagiciteHeart 9 ай бұрын
The problem with these people, and the world at large, is that we live in an extremely oppressive and controlling society that tortures people into conformity from a young age. They see someone like Chloe just existing and being uninhibited and openly expressing joy, and deep down they remember when they were a child and were punished for being happy, and they are just so bitter and jealous. They're saying, "How dare you get to do what I wasn't allowed to" and instead of realizing the whole system is fucked up, they choose to cope by giving her the abuse they think she needs to be "normal" like they were forced to. It's so disgusting. I truly despise people who respond to pain by inflicting pain on others instead of fixing the source of the pain. They're the ones who deserve to be shamed off the internet, not poor Chloe. We truly live in hell world.
@promisemochi 9 ай бұрын
this exactly!! i remember a lot of the comments on her short video on sensory rooms, a lot of the awful comments were from adult men within my dads age bracket. an age bracket that was physically, violently punished by parents and teachers for stepping one toe out of line. so they see someone like choloe and it just makes something in them think they have to punish it out of her too. i had one man argue with me on one of her videos that the world shouldn't be a better place for future generations, and how suffering and pain and misery should be the norm. like sir?? you are not a well-adjusted person if you truly think that.
@blueamenaa749 9 ай бұрын
I agree.❤
@djcoolbeat6934 9 ай бұрын
I don't think it's socialization for some people but actually biological. Since they constantly say humans innately want to 'fit in' to a norm and agree amongst each - which always made me suspicious.
@dinosaurs_rule 9 ай бұрын
I love Chloe Hayden - she's helped me so much in coming to terms with myself. This is heartbreaking. Some people absolutely suck
@Raven-Nephilim 9 ай бұрын
My son is autistic and I see this every day. It’s completely normal for me and when I saw Chloe’s video it genuinely made me smile because this is my boy enjoying himself. The comments though are unsurprising. I let my boy stim in public all the time and the stares we get make me chuckle inside. I’ve worked with autistic people most of my adult life and they are all so amazing to be around. Bless Chloe for showing the world that being autistic is fine.
@KatyYoder-cq1kc Ай бұрын
REPORT WOKE AND WAR CRIMES: NOW on LIFE SUPPORT, please HELP. I am autistic and have had non stop harassment, chemical poisoning, rape, threats and physical and emotional abuse for over 3 years from inside the church, perverted clergy, gang stalking, rape: ASIA, RUSSIA, COMMUNIST US, NEO NAZIS, AND IRAN.. GO AWAY. Stop malicious use of AI. Restraining Order Permanently
@glampixie 9 ай бұрын
I’ve left social media almost entirely because of Ableism, Transmisia, Queermisia, and Colonialism. The hate multiply marginalized people receive online is often equal to the hate and discrimination we face in “the real world”. It starts to feel like there is no place for us to exist at all.
@cathuff5802 9 ай бұрын
I'm (suspected) undiagnosed autistic and was shamed out of stimming. I just recently started to allowing myself to flap my hands and first time I did it I cried because it was the first time my brain was silent in years!
@LilChuunosuke 9 ай бұрын
I've only known I was autistic for around a year and I've been around just long enough to see the amount of hate towards us online SKYROCKET. You used to have to scroll quite a ways down on reels & tiktoks to see hate. Now you have to do the same to find a single comment doesn't call the poster a faker, self-diagnosed, literal slurs, attention seeking, emotional, entitled, lazy, etc. As a queer autistic, the amount of unbridled hatred towards the most important parts of who I am makes me so sad. I don't understand the appeal of acting like pathetic schoolyard bullies like these people do.
@意地悪ちゃん 8 ай бұрын
this happened with DID in 2020 like a year after i got diagnosed. this shit is so frustrating
@michaelhaardt5988 9 ай бұрын
Most people still believe reality is shaped by what they understand. The double empathy problem can be explained well by constructivism and this is a prime example of it. That would make for a great video, but it may be one that about nobody would watch, I am afraid, because most people are not keen to accept their mental limits and try to deal with them.
@wiolettakot9265 9 ай бұрын
I would watch! Sounds very interesting!
@Ayverie4 9 ай бұрын
Those people are idiots. Not sorry to say so. Self-centered AND willfully ignorant, what a winning combination. 🙄 I guess "most people" are idiots then. Explains a lot.
@alpacafish1269 9 ай бұрын
Oh I would DEFINITELY watch a video like that!! I think dissecting the whole "double empathy" problem and why it doesn't actually work, would be quite interesting.
@Catlily5 9 ай бұрын
I have watched at least one video about the double empathy problem.
@otaku-chan4888 9 ай бұрын
Please please make this video! I have a high-needs autistic brother and I dont know much about other sorts of autistic folk. More videos that could reach an audience like me who are NT but searching for more information would be great!
@LabraDoodleDraws 8 ай бұрын
This is so cruel. People always say “oh it’s so sad they killed themselves, they deserved to be able to be themselves ❤️❤️❤️” when they are the cause of that depression that brought them there. It’s true, you can’t exist as a neurodivergent person without being bullied. Either you act how they think you should, you’re weird and they don’t want to be around you. If you don’t seem nerotypical they think you’re faking and lying. You can’t win.
@thebuilder5271 8 ай бұрын
Those probably aren’t the same people though. I see people make fun of autistics that kill themselves (well, if they’re queer at least). OR they’re fucking stupid and think they’re being some sort of warrior of justice to bully people they believe are “faking”
@mial3033 7 ай бұрын
I honestly think people don't actually care about social issues...they want brownie points. If they truly cared, they would stand up for neurodivergent people
@JothanGurr 8 ай бұрын
This is why representation matters! If more people get to see neuro divergent behaviour then it can be normalised.
@yoosha9153 9 ай бұрын
You aint gotta be autistic to be that stoked seeing whales
@Acorn905 9 ай бұрын
True, anybody can be happy and yet it's wrong when she is it's wrong? It's so rude man i wish she's okay and she won't be to hurt by this :( ♡♡♡
@wandaruth3833 9 ай бұрын
People like you are the problem.
@yuenmienyu 8 ай бұрын
exactly, whales are a miracle to witness. they're surfacing - if that's how you refer to whales swimming out of water - is absolutely amazing to see and some people pay lots of money to go on tours simple to witness a whale surfacing. the people judging chloe must be sad asf.
@manboy4720 8 ай бұрын
i wish i could be that excited about anything. watching her literally jump for joy is heart-warming.
@coda3223 9 ай бұрын
One of my earliest fears was being afraid of being institutionalized if I didn't mask well enough because of Beauty and the Beast.
@coffeegonewrong 9 ай бұрын
So I wasn’t the only one afraid of doing something weird and being chased by an angry mob but t never understanding why?
@coda3223 9 ай бұрын
@@coffeegonewrong I mean, I was more scared of being locked up and tortured by the creepy and corrupt "doctor", but being chased by an angry mob didn't look fun either.
@Catlily5 9 ай бұрын
Beauty and the Beast was a horrible movie. I hated that Beauty was supposed to tame a beast. What a horrible message for a young girl. Sick.
@coda3223 9 ай бұрын
@@Catlily5 That's not the message I got at all, lol. I got a message that even if society rejects you or tries to lock you up, it's better to be your weirdo self because eventually the right people will be able to appreciate you, but also: be careful, society sucks.
@Catlily5 9 ай бұрын
@@coda3223 I have been locked up. It wasn't as bad as living at home. People actually treated me better in the hospital. Still, I wouldn't advise it. I honestly don't remember that part of the movie. It might have gone over my head. I was about 7 when I saw it.
@ilovekittens9987 9 ай бұрын
I love Chloe so much and this is just heartbreaking. It’s not just her tik tok, her instagram comments are also full of nasty ableist people. It’s heartbreaking that an Autistic person being happy would ever receive this amount of hate and ignorance.
@shovel4040 9 ай бұрын
Welp, there goes my faith in humanity. I really hoped we were past this kind of cruelty. I'm frankly disgusted.
@AliceBunny05 7 ай бұрын
it wasn't long ago autistic people were shipped off and brutally tortured in mental hospital facilities. it's been a remarkably short period of time, and interacting with people both online and in person is a constant reminder of it
@antispeedrun 9 ай бұрын
"If self-diagnosis is not valid, then your peer un-diagnosis is certainly not valid" is SUCH a good piece of language
@Skybee717 9 ай бұрын
This is so unfortunate 😭 I think she's great and is showing how autism can be for many people. WHY IS IT SO WRONG FOR AUTISTIC PEOPLE TO BE HAPPY?! I hope she's doing okay...
@MarquisLeary34 9 ай бұрын
It's what you do to others around you, especially the frivilous lawsuits that do it.
@Torika2724 9 ай бұрын
I loved seeing her on KZbin having fun just… existing without masking so much. I was devastated when I realized that’s who you were talking about. This is why so many of us barely know what it’s like to be ourselves. This is why so many of us waste energy trying to guess what everyone is thinking. This is why the neurotypical world has been able to keep its eyes shut for so long despite the screams of anguish happening because of its neglect.
@dabordietrying 9 ай бұрын
this comment sums everything up so well
@coda3223 9 ай бұрын
The super fucked up thing is that the internet kinda used to be ours. It used to be where autistic people could finally find each other and be ourselves together.
@DinosaurNick 9 ай бұрын
I'm neurodivergent and also stim. This kind of thinking is so harmful. People when you stim: You're trying to get attention. People when you mask: You don't look .
@R3dAlex19 6 ай бұрын
This is so real
@Vernrot Ай бұрын
Yep exactly
@jimstanley7786 9 ай бұрын
I can't stand bullies. They are so tough behind the sanctuary of their keyboards. I'd like to see how tough they are face to face.
@kathrinkaefer 9 ай бұрын
It's very difficult to be autistic online. People get really upset and aggressive towards me in any community I participate in (including autistic ones) and I don't really know why. I'm too sensitive and take it to heart and end up having to take long breaks.
@xoyouaremysunshinexo 8 ай бұрын
Same, I think it’s the way that I comment? Maybe I’m commenting too much or sharing too much? Or maybe the way I’m writing my sentences comes off condescending or harsh? I remember being in a live for someone I used to follow and somebody going “ughhh the [my pfp] girl again 🙄” after I commented on a new day and people laughed. It was supposed to be this inclusive community where people interacted with the creator and shared, but in that moment I felt so much shame and embarrassment. Like even in an anonymous profile online people point me out and think I’m annoying….
@bethanythatsme 9 ай бұрын
This both saddens & emboldens me. As a middle aged, late diagnosed person, I'm determined to make sure that younger neurodivergent people don't struggle in the same ways if at all possible. Thank you for this channel and thank you to anyone out there bravely being themselves.
@bigbadror1705 9 ай бұрын
I have met Chloe in person and she is such a kind, loving person. The world is an awful place to anyone who is visibly Autistic.
@MollyWinter 9 ай бұрын
I just got diagnosed at the age of 36, and last year I finally accepted myself as transgender as well. I've been through some hard times and feel strong enough to represent myself authentically in spite of the negativity. The world must see autistic joy and trans joy and learn to accept it.
@amesblitz339 9 ай бұрын
Very happy for you that you are living as your authentic self! 😁
@Sillymodezeenith 9 ай бұрын
I’m SO happy for you!! Goodluck on your journey, I hope everything works out smoothly. I’m trans and autistic too and there’s genuinely no purer experience than trans and autistic joy, even in the most subtle ways, it feels like everything finally makes sense. Like a really built up plot twist. Wishing you the best 🫶
@lizlanman47 9 ай бұрын
It's okay to be a gender bender! You don't have to do any medical transition! You don't need to try to fit your body into traditional social sex roles! Traditional sex roles are bs. Good luck to you!
@megsley 9 ай бұрын
trans joy is not a real thing. and you'll never be a real woman. sorry!
@felixt808 8 ай бұрын
@HalfElfHalfling 4 ай бұрын
As a late diagnosis with autism and ADHD the "there were consequences for looking autistic" is so real. I masked so so hard and then had autistic meltdowns, panic attack and flashbacks (cus unchecked trauma) nightly. I got my ADHD diagnosis when I was 16/17 ish, and got alongside it a recommendation to get tested for autism given the symptoms and family history of it, that sent me on a research hole and suddenly so so many things made so much sense, while on the waiting list to get diagnosed people took my official request from my ADHD diagnosis as enough proof in some places and I was suddenly able to get help and learn to not suppress it. I slowly unlearnt masking and when I got the official diagnosis the mask broke entirely and I've been unable to remake it. At first this was terrifying, but I slowly realised how freeing it was too, the biggest scary thing is my lack of ability to be independent but I never had that anyway because of a long list of other medical issues so needing someone with me when I leave the house wasn't a new thing, plus I always had the autism, I always had that breakdown trying to leave alone then crying into my pillow after failing. But now I'm much more kind about it and take tiny steps, and if I fall I remind myself that I am in fact *very much* disabled and that I wouldn't speak so someone else with a disability like this, let alone a non disabled person. Anyway, sorry for the chaos rant if u read this, and I hope someone can relate and this helps them feel like they belong
@cannedseagullz 8 ай бұрын
That video was on my fyp a few months back. I read the comments, and just saw tons of hate. Things like ‘(tags someone) this is you lmao’ or ‘embarrassing’, it was so awful.
@cannedseagullz 8 ай бұрын
And also, I’m pretty sure I was the one who made the ‘I cant exist without getting made fun of’ comment :(
@BurtonsChuckCharles 9 ай бұрын
I don't understand how someone can look at this and not just feel happy for her, she's experiencing such joy and it's beautiful.
@XChaka 9 ай бұрын
WE all should try to create a campaign to educate people all over the world about autism. We must try gathering all autistics around the world and each and everyone sharing their stories about how hard it is for us to mask, to meet the requirements to be regarded as “normal” or how this affects us mentally.
@Catlily5 9 ай бұрын
This is happening on the internet. Too bad the haters are here too. We just can't allow them to stay unchallenged on our spaces.
@platypus0123 9 ай бұрын
Thats why we have to spread more awareness ​n not be afraid to inform people about.once that's established then there's no excuse for people to be ableist
@SciFiCreeps 8 ай бұрын
Sometimes I'm scared I'll never find a partner who loves me because of my autism and being trans. All I see online is transphobia and comments saying autistic people shouldnt exist.
@iheartspirits 8 ай бұрын
I feel like that sometimes as well and the best solution is to find a partner who is also trans and or autistic (:
@latifx3944 2 ай бұрын
You absolutely can! Ive been married for 10 years. I also know other autistic individuals in relationships. Granted, they aren't trans, but Im a firm believer that there is at least one person out there for everyone. Finding them is the hard part.
@laurahoman7083 9 ай бұрын
I considered starting a KZbin channel about being an autistic artist. This is exactly why I decided it was a hard NO. I am so grateful for autistic people who are brave enough to have a social media presence and make me feel like I'm not alone. What you do is so valuable.
@awkwardpotato8016 9 ай бұрын
The correct response to autistic joy should be joy. I have a friend who always gets this really silly smile whenever they see me do any of my happy stims. At first I reacted to this by freezing up and suppressing the stims, cause past experiences convinced me they were mocking or laughing at me. Once they realized that, they told me that they just get really happy when I stim like that. That they love seeing me not onky happy, but comfortable enough to express that happiness in the ways that feel natural to me. Why should anyones happiness ever make them targets of ridicule and bullying?
@pattyofurniture 9 ай бұрын
I'm in my fifties and have been obliviously stimming in public for my entire life. Strangers have referred to me as "the girl who dances in the rain" because I took my kids out puddle jumping.
@pardalote 9 ай бұрын
Oh! We did the puddle jumping too! So awesome to have a puddle jumping buddy 😊
@blackqweenmars 9 ай бұрын
It’s nice to see that you’re not ashamed to be yourself even as a middle-aged adult. I hope to be the same in a few decades when I’m also in my 50s.
@pattyofurniture 9 ай бұрын
@@blackqweenmars I hope you don't have to wait that long. You get one ride on this rock, you should enjoy it as best you can.
@dabordietrying 9 ай бұрын
i just dont understand why anybody would want to pretend to be autistic? and i know for certain that the people making those kinds of comments aren't even autistic themselves, like why are you trying to gatekeep a community you dont even belong to??? i bet most of these people are children but i feel like that makes it worse. children are usually curious and understanding. tiktok and other social media's have made empathy seem like a nerdy or weak thing and i hate it so so much. why are people allowing their children to be on tiktok all day
@Cassmo46 8 ай бұрын
I don’t think those people are children
@goosewithagibus 9 ай бұрын
She's so wholesome tho 😢 NT's make it hard to not become rather misanthropic.
@p0lit3cat 8 ай бұрын
I just don’t understand why people just hate us
@nannywhumpers5702 9 ай бұрын
I broke down in tears watching her reaction to the whales. I related so hard. I'm so sorry anyone reacted to that video with anything but joy. I think, as a person in her 50's, that you can mask so hard, you can not realize you are autistic. Until the point you can't hide stimming anymore due to stress in your life. Until you have a breakdown that looks like autistic shutdown after you do some research. Then you mention it to your mate and he's like, yeah, no kidding. You mention it to your friend, who is also like, dang, yeah, that fits.
@twotruckslyrics 9 ай бұрын
i relate so hard it hurts 😰 only realized any signs when i switched to online school and was at home more!!
@MaryKDayPetrano 9 ай бұрын
I had a Neurotypical Florida lawyer, David Ristoff, Esq., who refused to represent me until I "stopped behaving like that" (stimming in his law office).
@S3lkie-Gutz 9 ай бұрын
As someone who wants to get into law when I graduate I am so sorry, that goes against the ADA and he should've gotten in trouble because of that. What a sorry excuse of a lawyer
@JH-lz4dh 9 ай бұрын
WOW that's awful
@kenmacallister 9 ай бұрын
This doesn’t surprise me at all. We still live in a primitive tribalistic society. We burn those who are different on a stake. I don’t share anything about myself with anyone ever. I ALWAYS mask, even in private. I was horribly treated as a child and then treated far worse as a teen for not being able to fit in. I am deeply traumatized by my interactions with neurotypical people, and I don’t trust ANYONE EVER. Significant numbers of people are absolutely horrible- and some will pretend to be your friend only to stab you in the back and twist the knife- and I can’t tell who the good ones are, so I have found that for my sanity and survival I just can’t open up with anyone. It’s not worth it. On KZbin comment threads, I’m relatively anonymous, so I feel OK posting my real thoughts here- but I still wouldn’t ever be myself around anyone. I am nothing but my mask. Everything I do is carefully choreographed to appear as normal as possible. Don’t trust neurotypicals unless you want to suffer. They lie constantly and mask as well. I’m not sure anyone is who they appear to be, and I’ve given up on caring who is real and who is fake. It’s easier to just see everyone as a deceptive psychopath just waiting for an opportunity to hurt me. That’s my view of society now, and it keeps me from being attacked.
@xSwordLilyx 9 ай бұрын
Not trusting anyone is my worst coping mechanism. I have overcome some of it by confronting some of the people closest to me about being supportive and neurodivergence, I have also been fired for being disabled, but my boss didn't let me exist so it's fine. It was so nice to feel more like myself.
@leaha.6255 9 ай бұрын
I hate to say it but I find this viewpoint pretty relatable. Neurotypicals are so bizarre to me and act in such incredibly inappropriate and cruel ways. I have a circle of friends who are mostly neurodivergent with a few NTs who just happen to be kind and weird and appreciate my weirdness. But mostly I avoid neurotypical society like the plague.
@NaarChi 9 ай бұрын
I wish this wasn't the case but it's true for a lot of autistic individuals. I don't have other neurodivergent people in my life and no matter how much a person will claim to care about me there will always be an underlying feeling of distrust and anxiety.
@CeruleanStar 9 ай бұрын
Some of my greatest friends are neurotypical people who are just genuinely good people. They don't force me or expect me to be who I'm not. I also have a lot of people close to me who are neurodivergent and very supportive. I hate to say it, but your way of going about it sounds like a harmful coping mechanism routed in trauma. Living in untreated ptsd doesn't typically lead to a happy life. It's a very fearful existence. I'm talking from experience here. There are genuinely good people out there. I'm sorry you haven't found them yet, but I sincerely hope you do and find the support and peace you need.
@Madchris8828 9 ай бұрын
​@@CeruleanStarwell stated. Couldn't say it better myself.
@ST4RSH4PED 9 ай бұрын
i was diagnosed at 16, and one of the biggest things that made me think that i was autistic is when my friend said ‘a lot of people think you’re weird’ i had no idea that my peers thought i was strange or weird, thinking i was doing a very good job at being a regular person. i do have some very good freinds but i do feel like there is a barrier between us, something stopping them from fully understanding or liking me. i just feel like they laugh at me behind my back for behaviours that are ‘weird’ or ‘cringe’ because people unbeknownst to me, have done it un the past.
@CancerianTarot 8 ай бұрын
How can people feel remotely triggered by someone expressing joy and happiness? That's one of purposes of life, experience such wonderful moments. People who are unsettled by that give me the creeps, talk about fun police.
@OctEddie 9 ай бұрын
I’ve been seeing, or at least it feels like that, bullying and negativity has increased sharply across social media in the last month. Facebook is way, way worse. I can’t go a single day without finding comment sections FILLED with bullying and toxicity. It’s fucked up.
@lesleyflores1582 9 ай бұрын
I've noticed this as well on Instagram and KZbin shorts. I like to look at comment sections, but I'm having to avoid them a lot more now.
@lesleyflores1582 9 ай бұрын
People will lose their mind watching kindergarten kids make music during a rainy recess day... 😓
@OctEddie 9 ай бұрын
@@lesleyflores1582 I'm not surprised. There's a woman I follow on Facebook who is a foster mom and runs a group home. The amount of bullies and hate in her comments because she doesn't cook "Internet Perfect Mom" style is...disturbing.
@S3lkie-Gutz 9 ай бұрын
Oh definitely, neonazis and bigots have also gotten bolder(thanks daddy musk eyeroll). Existing on the internet as a racialized queer physically disabled neurodivergent person has gotten really scary, I'm scared of death threats in dms and being called racial slurs against inuit and first Nations(like esk*mo or inj*n) people because I'm proud of that part of my identity and am excited to share aspects of Inuit culture with people. Oh, I forgot about being targeted for being a self identified Jewish person supporting Palestinians and refusing to be scapegoated by Zionists. Antivaxxers and covid conspiracy theorists have said to my face long covid isn't real I must have gotten 'the jab'(I didn't, awaiting the results of my allergy panel and my doctor was concerned about me being more susceptible to rare adverse reactions) and openly admitted to me that they don't care if people with autoimmune disorders or immunodeficiency die from them spreading covid they don't want to wear their damn mask. Don't even get me started on being aroace and genderfluid. I just wanna exist man I'm so tired of having to fight for my right to just exist.
@InAHollowTree 9 ай бұрын
There have also been some popular videos recently with the theme of basically “self diagnosed people aren’t legit, they’re just influenced by a ‘trend’”. So now, some people feel they have the green light to try to call out anyone who doesn’t fit their ida of what autism supposedly looks like. 😡
@tabbykat8564 9 ай бұрын
this really changed my perspective. i'm ashamed to say that i was one of those people who made fun of her in the comment section of her tiktok. my brother and father are both on the spectrum and i suspect i might be myself. seeing someone express themselves so freely triggered this anger that i now think stems from jealousy. thank you for sharing this video, i feel awful and am going to delete my comment.
@NoSubtext 9 ай бұрын
So awesome of you to share your growth! I realized how ableist I was (lots of internalized ableism as well) prior to accepting my autism diagnosis at 37. It's so freeing. Wishing you a smooth deconstruction + unmasking ❤️
@RoosaM88 8 ай бұрын
It’s so amazing that you came to this realization, and stepped up to be a better person. You’re showing great example to so many people. Mad respect to you, and all the best. You can be very proud of yourself. ❤
@anahitaazadeh3449 8 ай бұрын
jealousy is a disease, get well soon
@tabbykat8564 8 ай бұрын
@@anahitaazadeh3449 did you not read my comment LOL i literally admitted to being jealous and said that i am improving myself....? i can't even comprehend your level of stupidity like i genuinely am at a loss
@tabbykat8564 8 ай бұрын
@@NoSubtext thank you so much
@evanfinnian 9 ай бұрын
I absolutely loved that video it made me cry tears of happiness because that’s how I act when I’m happy and unmasked! It makes me so sad and angry that people could be so cruel to such a pure expression of joy
@naomiseadragon2676 9 ай бұрын
As an autistic person myself, I'm not really offended by the comments on the video that say "Me when I pass math" or "Me when mom says yes to Chinese." I think these are comments that are relating to the joys that we all experience in life, just like the whale watching that Chloe was experiencing in her TikTok. I can see how people might be offended cause of the idea of making a meme of it meaning to belittle this behavior, but I think comments like those were made in good faith and not to degrade people with autism. That being said, a lot of those other comments were hurtful and people need to be more accepting of neurodivergent behaviors in our society. As long as people aren't hurting themselves or others, who cares?
@batmanchica 8 ай бұрын
I came to the comments to see if anyone else had this thought. I wasn't sure if I was missing a nuance, or just think differently about my own expression. I also had to really think about the "...beautiful" comment because I love using ellipses, and I often do so for emphasis and was worrying how my responses might be taken for sarcasm. =-o
@Satan-ub7we 9 ай бұрын
It’s always be your self until your self if something different then other people.
@motleycritique8128 9 ай бұрын
You can really see the joy she has at seeing those whales. She looks so darn happy.
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