纠正一点,魁北克在1991年的时候也加拿大联邦政府签了一个协议:“Canada-Québec Accord relating to Immigration and Temporary Admission of Aliens”,该协定规定魁北克可以独立选择自己的技术移民,然后联邦政府会把魁北克的移民计划放入年度总移民计划里面。换言之,其实不是联邦政府给了魁北克比其他省多得多的配额,而是联邦根本没有权力决定魁省的技术移民人数。
@smliu8622 күн бұрын
魁北克确实是有独立选择移民的权利。根据the Canada-Quebec Accord, Quebec has full responsibility for the selection of immigrants destined to Quebec, with the exception of the family class and protected persons. Quebec also tables its immigration plan at the National Assembly of Quebec on or before November 1 each year. 不过,EE中的法语邀请是魁省之外的,完全受联邦管理的。根本没有必要单独搞的,应该是英语法语平等地位。纯粹是自由党打着政治正确的旗号,招收非洲低端移民,将来作为自由党的选票。
In Canada Focus不全是CEC。IRCC是这么解释的:“Primarily admissions from the Canadian Experience Class and other regional immigration pathways but may also come from Federal Skilled Workers and Federal Skilled Trades.”不但有CEC,还有PNP和FSW、FST,全都包了。我认为这是IRCC在为以后的政策实施保留空间,其他项目砍了那么多,IRCC肯定会从这8万In Canada Focus里去匀的。
la francphone plus facile que l`anglphone, qui donne plus facile de manniere que vous ayez besoin d`immigrater au Canada, allez-y! apprendez vous la francais! allez-y!