in defense of wearing hats

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Mina Le

Mina Le

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@mfuentes4961 9 ай бұрын
Personally, I love hats and how they can compliment and complete a look. But I really can’t stand that my curly hair gets mess up and flattened when wearing hats.
@evaphillips2102 9 ай бұрын
@lilyhazel32 9 ай бұрын
omg yes i said this on her instagram poll last week!!
@DanielaMartinez-wt6ir 9 ай бұрын
Sameeeee I might use one when having a bad hair day or a no wash hair day hahaha
@emby3146 9 ай бұрын
If your hair type allows, you can use a satin scarf under the hat to protect your hair (at least for bigger hats)
@shaylevene6754 9 ай бұрын
I feel for you on this, like if I wear a hat, then I need to keep it on for the rest of the day or else my curls are flattened and frizzed up
@jessicamattes4208 9 ай бұрын
On the note of being "trained" to not wear hats, I think a big thing for anyone who went to public school, at least in the US, is the fact that so many school dress codes banned them. I never think about wearing hats because it was drilled into my head for 12 years of my life that I can't wear hats. Usually the only times I wear hats are during colder weather, and I even had a school administrator yell at me for that in high school, so I just don't wear hats
@s-wo8781 6 ай бұрын
That is true. They did get on you for wearing them in school. I remember my principal pulled mine's off in the middle of an assembly. It was so embarrassing.
@msk-qp6fn 5 ай бұрын
Mine kinda enforced it when we were playing outdoors in the sun, which I hated because hats made me hotter not cooler as they all kept telling
@thomastucker7317 5 ай бұрын
In Australia in most public primary schools it's compulsory to wear a hat outside during the hotter half of the year
@CherriesJubilee 9 ай бұрын
I am an unapologetic glam-ma who rarely leaves the house without a hat. Why? Because our culture is so focused on youth that when a woman turns 50, it seems we become invisible. A hat makes me very visible. I am NOT talking about the despicable baseball cap, but a proper straw or felt hat. As to the question of taking off your hat indoors, this was not really a thing for women until the fashion for huge-brimmed hats was the rage in the early 20th century. The complaints came from how they blocked views in theaters and how women were using their hatpins to defend themselves from "mashers" usually on public transport. This became so much a problem that the length of a woman's hatpin became the subject of the law in NYC. The tradition for a man to remove his hat when entering a building has a military pedigree. Even in the US military today, where hats and caps are a required part of daily uniforms, a soldier of ANY rank must remove his "cover" when entering a building. The EXCEPTION is when he, or she is armed. You will notice that the Marines who guard the Whitehouse always wear their caps (and gloves) when on duty and their weapons are clearly visible either on their shoulder or gunbelt. In previous times, at least in America in the 19th century, it was vulgar to enter a person's home without doffing your weapons at the door (if you were carrying), thus, removing your hat (or not) when entering a building signaled whether your intentions were peaceful...or not. There was a reason why many saloons and even towns, here in the West required people to "check their weapons" to enter or buy a drink. Even to this day, in some parts of the country, schools require that everyone remove a hat in the classroom, especially if it is a baseball cap of a particular color as these hats were worn as gang allegiance identification for several decades. so there you go, a little bit of American hat culture...revealed.
@imbluedubbadee 9 ай бұрын
I unironically love walls-of-text comments when they're genuinely educational or based
@moistsquish 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the history lesson ❤ I always wondered why we were supposed to take of out hats
@Honeyin2013 9 ай бұрын
I remember my school also wouldn’t let us wear hats. Even if I wanted to the idea of taking it off for most of the day felt useless
@Annnie763 9 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this. Fascinating read!
@ah5721 9 ай бұрын
thank you !
@NE-BO 9 ай бұрын
One area for women's hats I feel you missed is the Sunday hat, one that women would wear specifically to go to church in. In the 1930's-50's in the Midwest women were very much pushed into the idea to not go out without a hat on in public and would often leave the hat on in church to protect their modesty.
@superamy213 8 ай бұрын
Church hats are still worn in Black Southern Baptist Churches
@Zack-bl2gg 8 ай бұрын
Yea the hat thing came from the Catholic veil idea. Most Catholics don’t wear them at church anymore, besides Latin mass or more traditional services.
@jackieknits61 8 ай бұрын
When I was a child, my mom would have to get herself and her 5 daughters outfitted in hats and gloves before heading off to mass. Which explains why she was very big on lace doilies and buying white gloves by the dozen. Yes, we were catholic.
@rachaelbean1439 8 ай бұрын
It is because Paul said for women to cover their hair in church so they don't tempt men with lust.
@Zack-bl2gg 8 ай бұрын
@@rachaelbean1439 lol when did he say that? It’s more the same reason that Jews wear yarmulke on their head, just for honor.
@MissMisnomer_ 9 ай бұрын
Literally every time I wear a hat I get compliments, and if you wear a hat to a FORMAL event, everyone loses their damn minds /pos. People are so not used to seeing them that if you put the time and thought into curating an outfit that makes use of a stellar hat people go bananas for it. Bring hats back!
@elizabethrose6914 9 ай бұрын
same I get so many compliments on my hats
@rosewillow5757 9 ай бұрын
Yes I wear hats almost daily!
@starry_skies 9 ай бұрын
omg this makes me want to wear a birdcage hat to a wedding or something
@lillianbowen7408 9 ай бұрын
It was good enough for the Queen it's good enough for me.
@Mitchellfw 9 ай бұрын
As a man who is a fairly regular fedora wearer, I myself found it's usually what's worn with the hat and the quality of it can really change the impression it gives. I lean very heavily towards a vintage-inspired look for my every day wardrobe (think 1950's sitcom dad) and being groomed, shaven, and in my mid-thirties I think it takes on a different look. I often wear them paired with a suit, sports jacket, or wool overcoat and I get lots of compliments on my hat and outfit. Now, that also can give people the impression that I'm a sexist, homophobic, extreme right-wing conservative due to my old-fashioned look (which really amuses my husband) but for the most part it's a positive approval of the aesthetic. I think most of the negative "neckbeard scumbag" idea comes from when it's a cheap stingy-brimmed polyester, wool, or paper hat the someone bought at a mall kiosk paired with a t-shirt and black jeans or a badly fitting black polyester suit. I know it sounds snobby but there is a marked difference between a well-made furfelt hat and a machine-sewn plastic material. It's also a fairly semi-formal hat so not wearing it with at least a dress-shirt and pants it creates a really strange and unflattering contrast, like a silk cloche hat with a hoodie or flip-flops and a cocktail dress. Swell video by the way, I really enjoyed it. 👍
@eyesofthecervino3366 9 ай бұрын
This makes sense. A trained/training swordsman can handle and use a katana without getting accused of neckbeard behavior, too. Maybe it's a type of ultra-superficial main character syndrome people are reacting to -- someone slapping on some tokens of what they see as cool and then acting like they're some unstoppable badass "the devil shivers at the anger of a quiet man" type when they pitch entitled tantrums, instead of working on themselves and developing their own genuinely cool and deep personalities, style, and hobbies.
@arcadiaberger9204 9 ай бұрын
Paper fedora . . . ? ((o)) ((o))
@elinor2667 9 ай бұрын
The only cool fedora wearer *would* be in the Mina Le comment section 😌
@metallsnubben 9 ай бұрын
Oh yeah I think the _context_ is what makes it. Like pairing a baseball cap with a tuxedo would also feel strange
@arcadiaberger9204 9 ай бұрын
@@metallsnubben Corporate executives wear a hard hat with their business suit when they visit a work site, and people are accustomed to the sight. When a blue-collar union gets representation on a corporate board, the union rep often wears jeans and a flannel shirt with a billed cap to board meetings as a signifier of *_BEING_* a representative of the workers.
@coletteporee 9 ай бұрын
i love that we’re starting to collectively dress up again
@WholeHeartily 9 ай бұрын
History repeats itself. We do that when the economy declines 😅
@janew5550 9 ай бұрын
I was a victim of the idea of "training your hair" for most of my life. Then a derm told me that just doesn't work that way, some people just have different hair/scalp and need to to treat it differently.
@CoquetteRat420 9 ай бұрын
what happens is that i think some people accidentally make their hair overproduce the oil(like me) by constant washing and drying when its not needed, if your hair doesn't get oily from washing everyday, then clearly your hair needs it and washing it everyday is fine i think people forget hair care has to be personalized, and they forget that not everyone has been doing it wrong, we were just taught wrong for out hair type, and then some people just start campaigning out of rage because our hair looked awful for decades lmao
@P0nyl0ve 9 ай бұрын
I mean for me it did work, back when I washed my hair every day it got greasy after a day, then by circumstances I couldn't wash it for 3 weeks and it was fine afterwards, but anyway I think it works differently for everyone
@Target.practice2002 9 ай бұрын
As someone raised by a hair stylist, no you can not train your hair. If its in your genetics for you not to produce a lot of oil but you already wash it everyday then yes you can "untrain" your hair by washing it less. Washing too often will cause your scalp to over produce oil because your hair NEEDS the oil so washing less will over time lessen the oil produced. That ONLY applies if you ALREADY wash too often, with our beautiful teacher here she has stated she has tried doing so and it doesnt not work so it is most likely just in her genetics for her.
@bedtimeat8 9 ай бұрын
As someone with dandruff I get unreasonably angry when people start trying to convince me to "train" my hair. By day 4 I will be scratching my head so much I will bleed and I won't be able to sleep from the constant itch. Haircare like skincare needs to be tailored to the individual.
@seroquelchamber 9 ай бұрын
ok troll @ville__
@allana1997 9 ай бұрын
I untrained my hair from producing grease by taking lowkey an excessive amount of accurate to get rid of my acne but it dries every oil gland out including hair and mine never got oily again but otherwise i don’t know how you could do it
@notaspeck6104 9 ай бұрын
@ville__ ok incel
@NotreDameBellRinger 9 ай бұрын
@@notaspeck6104 🤣🤣🤣
@prismaticqueenx 9 ай бұрын
On the beret part, I would like to add that Rembrandt was the first to make berets and "artist" look. He painted self-portraits in berets and wore them as work attire. This was because berets were vintage clothing, the fashion of a century before his time, and Rembrandt wanted to position himself along the greatest painters from the past century - think da Vinci, Raphael, Caravaggio, who only wore berets because they were fashion. Rembrandt was the one to link artist = beret. When artists like Monet and Picasso wore berets, they were trying to achieve Rembrandt's look.
@paaailla9472 9 ай бұрын
Not even gonna lie, I often sit through period dramas that I don't like as long as they've got the men's wigs & tricorne hats down
@71lizgoeshardt 9 ай бұрын
I do love a good tricorne.
@oruga9737 9 ай бұрын
ross poldark .
@NotreDameBellRinger 9 ай бұрын
😂 saaaaaameeeee
@lucasessman1910 9 ай бұрын
@ville__what the fuck are you even talking about bruh
@karrde5566 4 ай бұрын
Brothers!!/Sisters!! :D
@malashebad6181 9 ай бұрын
I honestly think this is a non-Black folks problem in the U.S. and more specifically it's a classed non-Black problem. I grew up working class and I am Black. I've never known a time in my life when there were not multiple styles of hat per gender which are appropriate and highly fashionable. So for me this is fascinating to learn about as the critique of hats is not something I've ever felt affected by.
@DarylMathison 9 ай бұрын
As a white guy that wears hats, I can affirm my best complements about my hats came from black people.
@WholeHeartily 9 ай бұрын
My mom has THE BEST hat collection. My dads not bad either!
@chadrific 9 ай бұрын
You know I wanted to disagree because I didn’t grow up with church hats and the like but I did grow up in the 90s and I do remember my parents and other family members wearing hats but in that very cool 90s style. My parents now collect vintage hats so it’s still part of the culture
@s-wo8781 6 ай бұрын
I only really recall snapbacks, fitteds, and beanies. I can't think of really how often I see women wear hats. Yeah church hats are a thing in our community but I've been out of the church scene for so long that I don't know if it's still a thing.
@debcarroll8192 9 ай бұрын
I especially love wide- brimmed straw hats to protect my skin in summer, but I wear many styles of hats, especially vintage ones, at every opportunity. People often tell me, "I wish I could wear hats." It's funny to me that some people think they don't look good in a hat. I think there is a hat style for anyone who wants to wear one.
@innocentnemesis3519 9 ай бұрын
Exactly! Hats are as universal as lipstick, even though we’re told we need to look a certain way! If you think you don’t have “lipstick lips” or that you can’t wear a hat, you are *objectively* wrong 😤
@maleahlock 9 ай бұрын
​@@innocentnemesis3519❤ I am one of those people who does not have lipstick lips, despite my best attempts. Put anything on my lips other than plain cocao butter and I get a reaction.
@bumpgrrl 9 ай бұрын
me too! to all of that! I think some people also don't realize the power of a tilt. a lot of people just plop it straight on their head and go "Nope!" I *adore* "playing hats" :D
@emilyrln 9 ай бұрын
Yes! My summer hat is my own personal sunshade!
@Xypriis 9 ай бұрын
This was so interesting! I used to be called "the girl in the hats" by people who didn't know me, and I had quite a modest collection (all cheap. Just varying in style from page boys to fedoras to beanies to 5950s and beyond) I have unfortunately moved away from hats in the past decade (I'm in my late 30s) and I barely own any at all! I always romanticize the idea of building a new collection, maybe I'll be "the woman in the hats" for my 40s!
@wlk3607 9 ай бұрын
you should build a new collection!
@Xypriis 9 ай бұрын
I jus might! Thanks
@StevieZala 9 ай бұрын
I am also called 'Hat lady' colloquially, in the area where I live. Glad I'm in good company. 😊
@xo_oblivion 9 ай бұрын
i am 100% a beret girly; even when i started wearing a hijab, the beret is still going on too
@Miss_Kisa94 9 ай бұрын
I love when I see hijab girls getting clever with their fashion. You should also swing by the thrift store and check out their brooches. You can pin them to your hijab or your hat and they look so fancy.
@kyliedroid 9 ай бұрын
I looove love love seeing people wear things over their hijabs.
@WholeHeartily 9 ай бұрын
That’s cool
@aightbet9810 9 ай бұрын
and that’s v cute and cunty /pos
@elven_grandma3138 Ай бұрын
That sounds like a super cute look :)
@juju_boxx 9 ай бұрын
I was told by my mother that I *have a head for hats* and I'm not sure if this was a compliment or not? But I am never seen without a beret, straw boater or wide brim, or fascinator. I actually wear hats and head scarves to hide my hair when dirty, and always look more put together for it. Lovely video as always! Let's bring back hats
@yourfuturewaifu9061 9 ай бұрын
Def a compliment. Hats are cool, I can't pull it off.
@Oo1strawberry1oO 9 ай бұрын
It's a compliment!
@c12486 9 ай бұрын
Darling you have a face made for radio!
@eyesofthecervino3366 9 ай бұрын
It's a compliment. I'll never forget the time a friend of mine tried to get me into hats by having me try on their hat collection. Every single hat: "Well let's try this one -- hmmmmmm. . . . Well let's try this one --" I can get away with floppy hats, but that's about it.
@chadrific 9 ай бұрын
It’s a big compliment!!
@arabellacaramella6583 9 ай бұрын
I've said it once and I'll say it again, hats are the forgotten accessory that deserve to have a comeback!!
@yasouijasi 9 ай бұрын
I feel like we need to give an honorable mention to Lady Gaga for bringing hats into the mainstream during her peak. When I was growing up, her looks were absolutely everything, and I definitely have her to thank for developing a love for fabulous hats/headpieces.
@naminova 8 ай бұрын
Learning that Fedoras started out as a Feminist symbol, when they're now perceived as a Misogynist symbol is *fascinating*
@emmarkoff 9 ай бұрын
Hats definitely need to make a comeback and I really enjoyed seeing your collection! I'm not a hat expert, but I just wanted to clear up what I think is an error. In “The Cowboy Hat” chapter, you mention that Stetson was likely influenced “by the Spanish origin brimmed hats … like the sombrero.” The word “sombrero” might be in Spanish, but its origins are in Mexico, not Spain. The photograph you used at 18:46 is an example of Mexican Indigenous resistance fighters in their sombreros. And definitely can’t leave out the Soldaderas, who also sported iconic sombreros! 🔥💕
@greywisteria8201 9 ай бұрын
The earliness is MANIC. I love being a beautiful dove 🤚
@lord_of_crabs 9 ай бұрын
the hat. in theory? love it. makes outfits infinitely more interesting, looks dashing, is a statement of identity, can hide flat hair, amazing. in practice? can't wear it inside because apparently it's "rude", can't wear it outside because the wind blows it off, can't take it on and off because i'd have to carry it awkwardly in my hands and it makes my hair all flat.
@raequincy8180 9 ай бұрын
The way hats have risen and died is such an interesting concept. When I was young, I hated wearing hats; they felt overbearing, I didn't like hat hair, and I associated them (regardless of style) with my balding dad who wore a baseball cap every single day. Now, hats are actually a requirement of my work uniform, so I'm significantly more comfortable wearing hats, and I almost wish I could wear hats even more than I do. They keep my head comfortable (whether it's a beanie keeping my head warm or my sunhat giving me some shade), and they just complete every outfit. I think that cumbersomeness is a big factor of why people don't like hats anymore. When I'm driving in warmer weather and am on the way to a picnic or such, I have to take off my sunhat because the back of it collides with my seat (I'm a little short in my seat).
@ah5721 9 ай бұрын
Im tall and my wide brimmed hat gets crushed in the car too .. its irritating because I have to switch to a straw fedora style
@Unreversall 9 ай бұрын
I've always been told that, in France, men take off their hats inside because in Church the hat was a "barrier" between them and God. The same way monks shave their heads and priests never have any kind of hat, men were expected to "reveal themselves" in the eyes of God by removing their hats. Women, on the other hand, were encouraged to hide and be humble in front of God. Which is why they could wear hats in Churchs and why nones wear veils.
@lillianbowen7408 9 ай бұрын
Enlightening , thank you.
@darrenepp63 9 ай бұрын
Hats are God's kryptonite.
@Niobesnuppa 8 ай бұрын
Wait, is that why medieval monks had those silly hairstyles? That's fascinating!
@emilyann2581 6 ай бұрын
I'd like to second this but my midwest grandma told me this. except the priest bit
@youkokun 2 күн бұрын
In Traditional Latin Mass the priest wears a biretta as he processes to the altar and removes it there to symbolize the division between the profane and sacred spaces. He may put it on only during the homily to again signify that the homily is profane in that it is aimed at benefitting only us, while the Mass is sacred worship. He also removes it briefly when he says the name of Jesus during the homily, to honor Him. Now I'm curious about religious headgear in Judaism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism, and others if anyone could oblige 😊
@undercovertopz 9 ай бұрын
I've found that the "dont wash ur hair everyday" only works for finer hair and also curly hair. Every Asian I've talked to with thick black straight hair has always said it doesn't work for their hair either. same with me.
@waggermama 9 ай бұрын
As someone with baby fine, pale “mousey” hair, oil also shows up really fast. I have to bleach my hair to get away with more than a day or so of not washing it. It’s interesting to know it’s a bother for Asian hair too.
@thungocnguyen3050 9 ай бұрын
Actually it might just be the hair type. I’m an Asian who has baby fine hair and the oil works FAST the day after washing lmao, best I can do is every other day.
@rae6390 9 ай бұрын
I have fine, curly hair and it did work for me to wash less often and "train" my hair. But it took FOREVER - way too long to be practical for most people! It only happened for me because I got long covid so bad that I'm physically incapable of showering more than once a week. And even then it took MONTHS
@waggermama 9 ай бұрын
@@rae6390 I’m sorry you’ve had to go through that, I’ve experience of post viral fatigue and it utterly sucks. I hope you have pulled/pull through it ❤️
@TheGeekyRedMage 9 ай бұрын
Not entirely sure about finer hair, at least as a whole, since I also have issues with oil building up fast and I have pretty thin and fine hair. So like Mina Le, I have to wash it every other day at most. Honestly, hair is just weird and there's probably numerous factors that leads to the way a person's hair act the way it does, so I'm admittedly skeptical on "training your hair" being as fool proof as people make it out to be. But I'm also don't know much about the subject either.
@Youknowwhoyounopoo 9 ай бұрын
My 14 year old never leaves the house without a hat and a full on suit, no matter where he goes. No one made him do it; he just decided this is the look he wants to project. He gets so much respect from people, besides multiple job offers (until they realize he is not of age to work yet lol). But I took a page from his book and started wearing hats myself. Immediately, I felt the difference on how people treat me. They take me much more seriously.
@MissKit091 9 ай бұрын
I wore a baby pink beret that looked like it was just a bouquet of roses on my head in Paris & London (ellenithelabel, the everlasting roses gumdrop hat, everyone here is welcome 😂) and when I tell you that it was mainly guys fangirling over it 🥹 very wholesome and basically I’m in my hat era 💅🏾
@astroblast2325 9 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this comment I have been going through Elleni the Label's website and everything is to DIE for. So many new reasons to save money now, lol. Glad to hear you had a great trip!
@MissKit091 9 ай бұрын
@@astroblast2325 Yass, I don’t gatekeep! It’s so hard to explain irl though to people who ask where I get my accessories (including my hats!). I hope you can get what you want ✨
@agentcallisto 8 ай бұрын
Omg these hats!! I’m in love! Thanks for sharing that brand; I’m going to ask for a gumdrop hat from my husband for Mother’s Day.
@MissKit091 8 ай бұрын
@@agentcallisto yay! I hope you get what you want
@agentcallisto 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@MissKit091I ordered one!!!! So excited for it to arrive! Thanks again for sharing your exquisite taste *blows kiss*
@carysfisher8489 9 ай бұрын
Beret enthusiast here! I had the same issues with berets for the longest time and now they are basically the only type of hat I sport. My tips: 1. Find a well worn one. They are usually more voluminous once they’ve been “broken in”. It’s easiest to find them at thrift stores and antique malls - sometimes vintage stores, but I find they tend to carry ones that are in “better shape” and are over priced. 2. Once you’ve obtained a well worn beret spend some time in front of the mirror messing around with it until you find a shape you like. It definitely takes some practice, and you’ll probably want to put it on in front of a mirror before you go out the first few times, but eventually muscle memory takes over and you can just throw it on, shape it and go.
@bebeface9822 9 ай бұрын
As a lady with an an extensive hat collection, I love how classy they are and how much they elevate ALL my outfits. Ladies and men’s hats looked so elegant in bygone eras so I like bringing hats back in style. I am a vintage style enthusiast and lover of 1940s/1950s style, hats are not a lifestyle, they are a way of life ❤
@crossmyheart929 9 ай бұрын
Girls wearing bows in their hair is the trend of the moment, would love a video on this and the history of bows!🎀
@katchatt9827 9 ай бұрын
All Mina's Hats! 0:00 Bicorn 6:50 Regency Bonnet 9:14 b̶e̶r̶e̶t̶ Paper Boy Hat 17:50 Cowboy Hat 23:50 f̶e̶d̶o̶r̶a̶ Pillbox Hat 31:56 Baseball Cap 37:50 1920's Knit Hat (ft. Bicorn) I do indeed have a fedora. I have it as a gag for my friends when they look in my closet haha.
@bumpgrrl 9 ай бұрын
i think *technically* there is a slight difference between a Baker Boy and a paperboy? I've got an old vintage knitting/crochet pamphlet with both styles, which literally my only reference though 😂
@carolinepruden3389 9 ай бұрын
Was it a pillbox during the fedora segment? I thought she was wearing one of those sailor hats? Also, what other hats do you own aside from your fedora? I have a brown wool derby hat I'm quite proud of :)
@emilyrln 9 ай бұрын
@@carolinepruden3389it looked like a sailor hat to me, too. I'm not sure if she ever tilted her head so we could see the top to identity it.
@katchatt9827 7 ай бұрын
@bumpgrrl omg it was a like. I Google the hat type and it gave me both paper and baker so I just did both
@katchatt9827 7 ай бұрын
@@carolinepruden3389 I have a bunch of random ones.. I don't even wear them, they're just fun to have
@tatahdiaz 9 ай бұрын
My skin is intolerant to the sun, so I wear hats with UV protection everyday. It's very funny how everybody just compliments me and I've also heard the "I wish I could wear hats like you". Even though it's out of necessity I get to have lots of fun mixing and matching my hats with my outfits. And now I know that my favorite one is the Fedora (sorry Mina), it has a wide enough brim, but it's not so bulky.
@13realmusic 9 ай бұрын
Maybe it’s just me, but I associated the fedora with Michael Jackson especially with his iconic Smooth Criminal video where he invented like 3 new dance moves. So I’ve loved the fedora specifically because of him.
@helgacucumber3871 9 ай бұрын
I have started wearing headscarves and I hope more people get on board! They could be a gateway drug to hats. You can style them so many ways. They can be really elaborate and crown-like or they can also be simple and utilitarian. They can be less of a bold statement than a hat. It's a way to look and feel "done" without having to style (or even wash) your hair. Some people feel like it gives them psychological protection. They're also more compatible with cars since you can do a lower wrap or use a different style of shaper if you're going to be in a car. If you've been thinking about doing it but you're afraid it's appropriative, most wrap styles are free game! There are a some styles and fabrics that are only for people in that culture but it's easy to avoid that. They're so strongly associated with piety but there are also head wrappers who like the compression, who experience hair loss, or who just like the style. There are ways to make them look casual and less like statement pieces, too. The more people doing it, the less controversial it will become. If you're on the fence, this is your sign to go buy yourself a gripper velvet headband, a volumizing scrunchie, and a good beginner scarf.
@Chotibunder77 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for your encouragement! I’ve been looking to buy a scarf to wear in my hair but I’m sure what to look for, like how big should it be, and should it be silky? I’m afraid that if it’s too silky it’ll slide off too easily.
@lillianbowen7408 9 ай бұрын
I wear a neck scarf as part of my inform at work. I learned to tie the scarf a dozen different ways by watching KZbinrs . Now the ladies at work ask me how did you do that, can you show me how/ 😉
@rebeccasponderings8459 6 ай бұрын
The simple bandana tied at the top like Rosie the Riveter is a fun, easy way to keep hair off the neck in summer. They are also great for keeping dust and cleaning products out of hair when cleaning house.
@태이씨 9 ай бұрын
I absolutely love berets and caps - especially the good tweed ones. Those types just don't get blown off by the wind. Let's make headwear trendy again! Great video, Mina!
@katiefoster2169 9 ай бұрын
My mom is a Milliner, and makes all sorts of hats. Felt, straw, and sinamay hats. She uses vintage hat blocks for a lot of them as well. There’s so much history in the craft, it’s so cool.
@FrederickGautier 9 ай бұрын
Here for Mina rocking multiple hats. Stay for the in-depth well cited research on a subject I’m curious about.
@lanternheart 9 ай бұрын
Hats are a tough one! I originally got mine (a sort of Indiana Jones number in brown leather) as a costume piece for an Indy Halloween costume, but ended up really finding it handy in a pinch for gross weather where I just don't want to wear a hood. It funnily enough almost always gets compliments, and as a shorter guy, makes me feel a bit more seen in a way I enjoy!
@anastasiab1066 9 ай бұрын
I used to wear hats as a kid but our school dress code said you couldn't wear them, so I just never got the chance to! Maybe now that I'm graduated I can start wearing hats again!
@diemdia 9 ай бұрын
Ooh this is a good point too - I wonder how many people never think to even consider wearing hats because they’re usually against school dress codes when we’re kids. Kind of out of sight, out of mind from an early age
@saraa3418 9 ай бұрын
Learning to knit and making my own hats was what made me learn to love them. I always thought I had an unusually large head, but knitting patterns come in sizes and I soon learned that while I can wear a 21" hat I prefer a 23 or 24" hat to accommodate my hair. Then I started looking into ready made hats and learned that they are typically 19 or 20" and which is why I can't wear most store bought hats. I am looking for a good sun hat for the summer, I got winter covered.
@MsQ275 9 ай бұрын
i love this! i have a ever growing collection of high end Western hats.... it all started when i started tretinoin and need the sun pro. but now i just don't feel fully dressed without a hat. thanks for making this ❤
@MsQ275 9 ай бұрын
and omg the time that TSA took my hat BY THE BRIM like heathen!! i have never been closer to losing it in an airport
@spinningmouse5705 9 ай бұрын
I wonder if the guy who experimented with wearing a fedora for a week would have had better results if he wore it with slightly "nicer" clothes. I've wondered too if part of the bad reputation in recent years comes from a lot of men wearing them with t-shirts and jeans, if it sort of lowered it's status when we traditionally imagined them worn with suits of some sort
@gabrielalvinvaughan 9 ай бұрын
After watching this video and a couple time-period films, I was inspired to wear my pillbox hat out today running errands. I kept the outfit casual so that it wouldn’t look like a costume. It did take a minute to get over the fear of drawing attention to myself.
@audreyst.palmer7402 9 ай бұрын
I had severe alopecia for a long time and wore hats every day in high school, as I lived in Canada I could get away with it but it only took a couple days going into the summer before someone noticed! Thankfully I have had a recovery, but I still rarely wear hats unless I have to. Thank you for the video! I love learning more through your excellent channel, and you have inspired me to wear a hat tomorrow! Thanks Mina
@Cantseemuch 9 ай бұрын
Sometimes hats even were created for certain hairstyles like the beehive, which I find very cool. Also maybe women could keep their hats on as a. They were hard to take of with the pins and combs and such and/or b. Christianity has a history of head coverings for (married) women so a woman’s hat may have been considered as virtuous.
@capucnechaussonpassion14 9 ай бұрын
Women are supposed to cover their heads in the church so their heads aren't in contact with god cause they're considered impure 🙄 one of the ways to spot the catholic extremists churches is to see if women wear some kind of veil/hat. And if they do the mass in latin hahaha. Anyways another sad sexist religious delirium.
@anska7475 9 ай бұрын
I love hats. Some are like hugs for the head and others parasols you don't have to carry, but putting my hair up and pinning flowers and foliage into it is also lovely.
@artemis_liz7096 9 ай бұрын
One of the best KZbinrs on this platform I’m so serious
@embroideredragdoll 9 ай бұрын
I wear my little Edwardian costume hats on occasion. Yes they’re ridiculous looking but I honestly prefer them over most modern styled hats. They make me feel so ladylike too, wide brimmed hats are special.
@kayleigh9059 9 ай бұрын
would LOVE a part 2 to this video for even more hats types! I personally love hats and wish they were more “socially acceptable” for lack of a better term, especially the older styles
@madcaptainsundy 9 ай бұрын
I've gotten to wear a hat when acting in a play twice now, and the hat gave so much clarity to the characters for me (one was a grey bakersboy hat and one was a straw hat with a bow around the brim). The instant I put it on, it was so much easier to get into the character's headspace, and now I'm really tempted to wear hats in my everyday life. It just adds a little more individual touch to a person's appearance. :)
@themiserychick9219 9 ай бұрын
hatters gonna hat
@margshuntley5651 9 ай бұрын
In any Canadian high school you will find a significant subculture of hockey boys refusing to take off their baseball caps and constantly being sent to the office over it (since most high schools have it in a dress code stating that no hats can be worn indoors). I think this example shows both the team element of the baseball cap, and the rebellious youth aspect of it by wearing it when not allowed---it's also usually worn backwards to make the signature hockey boy "flow" hairstyle which is essentially just long hair slicked back under a cap.
@emmawelch 9 ай бұрын
Minaaaa I'm like a minute into the vid, but have to agree with you on the greasy hair situation! I would LOVE to train my hair to not be washed as often, but my hair is thick but FINE and gets greasy within like 12 hrs. The catch is that it gets SO irritated and itchy because of the grease (always been that way) that if I don't shower every day I scratch my scalp bloody T^T Anyway, a relief to hear that not everyone has figured out the magic secret (and most people I see not shower as often have very thick/curly hair, too, which is different than us)
@MsKateC2K 9 ай бұрын
Me too I have the same hair type (straight thick Asian hair) and my scalp oils itself 🫠 I have to wash my hair daily to feel comfortable
@ah5721 9 ай бұрын
try a scalp oil and removing SLS-sodium laurel sulphates and SCS- sodium coco sulphate from your wash day . it stopped my scalp from over producing because the sulphates were drying my scalp out so it freaked out and got itchy and uber oily
@archygrey9093 9 ай бұрын
I'm a guy with short hair but figured out only shampooing it every fortnight made it far less oily in the long run
@miamezo2633 9 ай бұрын
As a hat lover and someone who looks damn good in a cowboy hat...I love this video. Thank you mina
@with_love...kate. 9 ай бұрын
Hat sales after this video 📈📈📈
@lydianoack4552 9 ай бұрын
For anyone who needs to know (i.e. any Goths who might have found their way here), with stiff, thick yarn and a too small hook you can crochet your own top hats. Taking mine for a walk now 👋 Furthermore, you really can't do your brain a bigger favour than a straw hat in summer. Further edit, I got sort of lucky hat-wise. We had a teacher from the UK who had collected quite a few devices of millinery over the years and did voluntary millinery courses with us. Two good lessons: A hat made to measure is an awesome thing to have and millinery would make a brilliant hobby if it was a bit less expensive.
@anjacoetzee9327 9 ай бұрын
I love hats and yes when wearing them they do draw the attention of others, but honestly wearing a hat to complete my outfit really gives me such a confidence boost! I especially love berets (I own 3 😂) and any hat that has faux fur!
@Lilfathimaaaa 9 ай бұрын
Me too ❤
@KatwinKennedy 9 ай бұрын
As someone who wears hats almost every day, this was a super interesting video! Granted I pick hats to go with my outfits and that will provide sun protection and I live in Australia and at all times the sun is trying to murder us all.
@gleann_cuilinn 9 ай бұрын
I think hats are essential. They complete your outfit, are a means of self expression, and they offer so much utility. I wear a wide-brimmed straw hat almost every day in Spring and Summer to keep the sun off my face, and in Fall and Winter I wear a felt or crochet hat to keep my head warm.
@loreleidellavedova 9 ай бұрын
Love the idea of bringing back hats and I'm very excited about all the accessories that are coming back or becoming more acceptable! ps thank u for including fred astaire and vintage movie clips, good hat inspo for sure
@samyukthapadmanabhan4116 9 ай бұрын
Hey Mina! I just wanted to tell you that you are an inspiration and I LOVE and appreciate all the work you put into your videos.
@studious_nonchalance 9 ай бұрын
I have been a hat girlie since childhood, but my passion for them really kicked off in the 90s...and yes, the beret was and is my favorite for day to day wear. I have a number of hand crocheted tams (mostly self made), and Basque berets. My favorite is an Elosogui 14 inch black beret, which really has a dramatic presence! I've had it around 10 years and it's still in great shape!
@rachelweisz861 9 ай бұрын
Absolutely loved this video!!! I love hats and they have always suited my face and head shape but as someone with ASD I get self conscious wearing them nowadays because not many people wear them. I do enjoy wearing fashion that suits my personality and have been feeling more comfortable sharing that side of me but I’ve been nervous about wearing hats interestingly enough.
@kaiseayaandruis1597 9 ай бұрын
same, I'm pale as a sheet and I have a summer hat I bought especially so I stop burning the skin on my head, but I always feel so out of place wearing it bc nobody else does. All fashion points aside, we all could use the protetion from the sun, it's wild that people will put kids in hats but then stop as they get older, as if sun damage was a kid only problem that teens and adults are immune to.
@LeandroCapstick 9 ай бұрын
In the north of England (and Ireland too if I'm not mistaken) it's still fairly common for men of all classes to wear either a Flatcap or a Newsboy Cap. It's quite nice, there are still many brands that manufacture and source materials from within the UK at an affordable price (30-60£). This year I've started wearing a flatcap regularly and honestly I haven't looked back since. It keeps my head warm in the colder months, protects me surprisingly well from the rain, and keeps my hair nice and tidy, unlike a beanie.
@artemis_liz7096 9 ай бұрын
It’s super freaky. When I get my hair washed at the salon is stays non greasy for like a week… maybe it’s because they always clean their hair brushes and tools?
@jinxcrafter 9 ай бұрын
A hair care/style channel I occasionally watch has a video on this, where he described a client who couldn't figure out why her hair got greasy so quickly when she tried to replicate a style at home between appointments while following his instructions. She bought a new hairbrush and all of a sudden the problem was solved.
@jinxcrafter 9 ай бұрын
*separating this into 2 replies because YT lost everything the first time before I could post. I have always used hot water and Dawn dishsoap or a cheap clarifying shampoo (or a little of both), sometimes with a splash of white vinegar. When I don't have time for that, I just bring the brush into the shower with me and any excess shampoo on my hands, I apply to the bristles as a stop-gap measure.
@mayasixtus1573 9 ай бұрын
It's raining in my area of the world today and I had a bunch of errands to to run...and I wear glasses. Glasses on the rain are frustrating, but I've got a fantastic wool hat with a brim. The brim is large enough that it fully covers my glasses from the rain. I also feel like Gandalf the Grey when I wear it. Hats are great❤
@tobeornottobe9689 9 ай бұрын
I'm glad you chose to talk about this. I enjoy wearing barrets (French hats) and i always get complements and looks from the public, i like that sort of attention
@itselote 9 ай бұрын
oh mina, you’ve once again sparked my inspiration as you often do with your videos, it seems i have a new life mission of finding a perfect hat for my person
@rybazimna 9 ай бұрын
Mina, I literally never comment on KZbin, but I just want to say that the second I saw you today I thought man, her hair looks SO GOOD, so make of that what you will! Also kudos to the whole 'training your hair not to get greasy' rant, so true
@ngantran3843 9 ай бұрын
I love berets. I wear them so much that now everybody instantly recognize me as the beret girl. I love it whenever my friends ask me if they could try on my hat, because the way their eyes light up upon seeing a "different" version of themselves always make me smile!
@gracievictoria_ 9 ай бұрын
Yesss! I've been hoping for a hat video! I put a beret on this morning and then got so excited when I saw your upload just now! 👒 Ah manifest the hats! All the hats!
@Ghostfrogdraws 9 ай бұрын
Honestly I love the way hats and other accessories pull and outfit together PLUS hats have so much practicality to them as well. My only problem is I usually have to leave my head free and hair down cause of chronic headaches 😞
@EliseFreshwaterBlizzard 9 ай бұрын
Mina! Thank you for making this video. I've been wearing a lot of fascinators lately, and I've falled in love with them. They really do complete the look and add so much character in my wardrobe.
@akiyamada2306 9 ай бұрын
I love wearing hats that cover my ears...makes me feel safe.
@constitutionalcarrot3720 9 ай бұрын
My friend had a wedding on her corn field in Indiana where the only garment requirement was to wear a hat. I normally wear my long, thick Asian hair up in a bun, therefore making it near impossible to wear a hat. Then I completely forgot about the theme but it was fine and the party was great. This brings up all my youthful awkwardness again, so thanks!
@cleoclaus69 9 ай бұрын
When I was younger, I wore hats most of the time. I was a young person of the eighties and nineties, so my two go to styles were the fedora and the beret. I think I still have one of my berets from back then. Now that my hair is natural, it was less hat friendly. Now that it is longer, I have begun to rediscover headwear as self expression again. Thank you for this video.
@loumarz1580 9 ай бұрын
I have actually started collecting hats since September. My thoughts were that I wanted to start accessorizing my outfits from top to bottom.
@LarrietDarling 9 ай бұрын
I LOVE hats!!! And headscarves! I think they're such a fun accessory that can really complete an outfit. One thing I've found that's helpful with keeping the hats on my head securely is clips and pins. you know the little ribbon that runs around the inside of the hat? I sew little, like, extension clips into them and then clip those onto my hair. That way my hats stay even when it's particularly windy. And then I'll use bobby pins to secure scarves where I want them!
@roxanaschimbatoru5253 9 ай бұрын
I love this channel and Mina sm , always makes my day 🥹💗
@waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9739 9 ай бұрын
I love hats but I've always been almost... embarrassed to wear them? I think it definitely has to do something with the fact how our modern society hates people actually taking up space or being "too extra". A few years ago, I bought a wide brimmed straw hat and I loved it so much I wore it throughout the summer. I got a lot of compliments from my friends, but I also saw and heard random people on the street literally complain and gossip about me. "Ow you hit me with your freaking hat! Watch it!" - said by a person who literally couldn't bother taking up the free path on the sidewalk. "Can you please take your hat off, it's blocking the view for other customers?" - said by a Starbucks employee, even though I'm sure the customers could just go slightly around me. "That person looks like a farmer!" "Why get all dressed up just to be out in the city?" So weird how hats are apparently so controversial for so many people. I felt like I was "too much" eventually and stopped wearing my favorite hat. Really hope to gain back the confidence to start wearing it again!
@edbar4097 9 ай бұрын
Love your videos (especially the historical ones) and I have a video request. WOMEN HORSE-RIDERS FASHION: THE MASCULINE, THE FEMININE AND THE REALLY UNSAFE. I am currently writing a thesis on Victorian masculinity and horse-riding (in literature, not fashion), and I came across an article titled “Elegant Amazons: Victorian Riding Habits and the Fashionable Horsewoman.” And they said something that should have been obvious to me but I had never considered it. Women at the time rode side-saddle because their skirts (and good ol fashioned propriety) did not allow them to sit astride like a normal person. Apparently this was dangerous, not only because this position is not so stable (see what I did there?) but because the skirt could get caught in the saddle or the horse's legs, and the woman could get dragged behind a running steed. Consequently, Victorian riding garments for women became of of the most complex forms of attire to sew and wear. There is also a disscussion of the subversiveness of these clothes, which meshed masculine elements into the dress. Super interesting Now I know that bikes gave rise to bloomers' fashion and generally opened the way for respectable women to wear pants, but this article made me really intrigued about the wole issue and I would love a video, because this is super interesting but really outside the scope of my own research. Here is a citation for the article I mentioned: David, Alison Matthews. “Elegant Amazons: Victorian Riding Habits and the Fashionable Horsewoman.” Victorian Literature and Culture, vol. 30, no. 1, 2002, pp. 179-210.
@abbytaegusuga 9 ай бұрын
Omg I love this video!! One thing about me is I’m GONNA wear a hat!!! 👏🏽👏🏽 I love what you said about “if you wear a hat you are agreeing to draw attention to yourself” because it’s so true. Even as a shy person I am aware my hats will draw attention but they just make a whole outfit look better! I think bucket hats are my favorite to wear because they’re so casual but can be so stylish as well. Now they even have cute fuzzy ones. I recently bought a giant pink fuzzy bucket hat which I looove.
@epistemologiclly 9 ай бұрын
MINA ‼️I totes agree on the hair thing at the beginning, I swear hair training is so a myth for most people. Nice to see someone who agrees with me about it 😆
@emmaburke6912 9 ай бұрын
i went from daily wash to every 2-3 days but can’t get further than that 😭
@bigbucketlist 9 ай бұрын
Yep and yep! I struggled with that shit for almost 30 years, believing that it applied to everyone. It doesn't! My body produces very large amounts of both oil and skin cells, and my hair gets greasy in a couple of hours. Only two things have helped: one is only treating my scalp with super moisturizing products instead of drying ones, and actually using glossy fragrant oils in my hair and pulling it up in a neat bun. Does it make my hair less greasy? Absolutely not. But it does look put together and stylish.
@ygwsgirl5611 9 ай бұрын
Mina i fucking loved this. Can we please have a part 2, I wanna learn more about bucket hats and fascinators
@NovaStella_ 9 ай бұрын
I always thought that the only hat available to us were baseball caps and beanies and cowboy hats. And growing up on an Indian reservation, I wasn’t prepared to take on the image of a cowboy or anything that wild, haha. As I grew older and went through my emo phase, I realized that close fitting hats like the slouched beanies and backwards baseball caps weren’t for me, since I have broad shoulders and seeing how the cap pushed down the shape of my head gave me body image insecurities But I think now I would be able to branch out more into wearing hats, maybe even wide-brimmed felt hats, especially now in modern indigenous fashion they allow you to bead the brim of hats for more personalization :D
@veronicapicking9815 9 ай бұрын
It was so enjoyable to hear someone deep dive into something I care about but have know one to talk about with! I rarely go without a hat and I like to mix it up. People definitely take notice! I have inadvertently passed this habit on to my kindergartener and it is second nature to grab a hat before leaving the house.
@fairyofshamsoob12 9 ай бұрын
hi mina! you might not see this, but I just had to tell you how much I LOVE your videos! you inspire me so much and are the perfect embodiment of the kind of person I want to be when I'm older. I want to study sociology or psychology in college with the hope of becoming as knowledgeable and well spoken as you are! sending love from Canada
@aprilnoriega7345 9 ай бұрын
I love wearing hats and have actually started rewearing them. I'm not sure why I had stopped- will def think through that. You custom made hat was my favorite on you. It definitely showcased your unique sense of style!
@MalTheeArtist 9 ай бұрын
Hey Mina, loved the video! I don’t know if you take video requests but could you do a style/ costume design analysis on movies set in the 1920s. The 1920s is my favorite era of fashion. Movies like Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, Passing, Gatsby, The Color Purple, Babylon Berlin are some examples of what I would like to see from you, no pressure though.
@mariajesusespinozalazo6645 9 ай бұрын
it seems that rice hats have become popular here in santiago de chile, there's people selling them on every metro station and i thought, who tf would wear that? well, ten steps further i saw a group of tourist each with respective hat. anyway i love my beret and black straw hat, i just wish veils and parasoles came back into fashion
@bumpgrrl 9 ай бұрын
I think i squeaked with joy when you used my favourite hat-related clip ("people are not wearing enough hats") 😂
@loudthattrack8974 9 ай бұрын
mina le, the only youtuber i watch that can wear a tricorn and not look like they are cosplaying
@shaygreene9046 9 ай бұрын
I wear hats all of the time and I have a ton of modern and vintage ones. My go-to hat of choice though is a beret. I have one in just about every colour and it's so easy to wear when you don't feel like doing anything to your hair. I love the work you put into this ❤🙌
@bobby2bend 9 ай бұрын
Screw it, gonna sit down and watch a 45 minute video about hats Edit: Cars are a big reason why hats aren't worn as much anymore huh, once again cars ruin everything
@TheVasyaCube 9 ай бұрын
I hate cars
@TheKrusso 9 ай бұрын
This is such an underrated video-- another well-researched, interesting piece of work!
@evilandproud 9 ай бұрын
I love hats. I am a hat person 100% and i am a bit conceited about it too. I will wear hats until the day I die, and i will probably be cremated wearing one. They're like a delicious cake topper that is just as beautiful as it is tasty. ❤
@inescruz686 9 ай бұрын
Hi, Mina! One thing that helped me a lot with my oily scalp was washing it twice when I do wash it (lather, rinse, repeat). I can't explain why it works but it did help me a ton, and if you haven't it's worth a try
@lillianlillian 9 ай бұрын
I never used to be a hat girl, but ever since I learned to crochet, I wear hats all the time bc I can make them super cute lolol
@evadowling9701 9 ай бұрын
You chill me out, your vibes are great and your videos are amazing thank you so much for your hard work girl ♥️
@Roll587 9 ай бұрын
I wear a hat every day because the sun is the enemy of good skin.
@MsQ275 9 ай бұрын
why do we wear impractical shoes?
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