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Why Blender is Seen as an Amateur Software

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@Sebastian-lp7lw Жыл бұрын
From someone who finished their degree in animation last year, You’re totally right about how they teach the industry standard, Mine was Maya. Switched over to blender immediately after finishing my degree.
@tadies Жыл бұрын
Yo I got a question is it easier to learn other 3d softwares if I know(as in understand) blender?
@brunocastro4558 Жыл бұрын
@@tadies Tad, as a decade user of Blender that began in 3DMax, I think I can say that there is no such a huge difference between the learning curve for Blender and the 'industry standard' softwares. And I say more: Blender offers a huge amount of classes growing every single day, from beginner to pro, simply by watching KZbin, so, learning it is just a time/dedication process. Go on.
@blenderblender792 Жыл бұрын
@@tadies Blender to do animation is clunkier than other 3D animation software, you need to take a few extra steps to make animation or save animation, it's not intuitive at all. I made notes to keep nearby as every feature is scattered and hidden in the software.
@tadies Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the reply guys
@iTa66 Жыл бұрын
​@@tadies as a hobbyist, coming from 3ds max since I got my first pirated version, blender's UI is awful. Everything takes some extra steps to be done, even the most basic stuff like weight painting (need to switch between pose mode and weight paint mode constantly), backface culling selection (need to change to x-ray mode), the right click menu is the most useless menu ever made unless you customise it, changing the origin of an object is like, wtf were you thinking dude, I need to first set my 3d cursor somewhere, then you need to set the origin to where the cursor is (and don't forget the shortcut because otherwise you don't know where tf is the fricking menu), etc. It is a great piece of software but damn, I would fire the entire UI/UX team if they were working for me
@fkdump Жыл бұрын
Blender is a jack of all trades, but not every project needs to reach Hollywood film quality. For most of the cases blender is actually a great choice.
@migovas1483 Жыл бұрын
That's the thing, many people still THNK they need to Drive a 18 Wheels to go buy milk on the supermarket 2 km away, sometimes is too much,.. or too clumsy to deliver a result that would be faster and less expensive user certain software.
@migovas1483 Жыл бұрын
@Broski Snowski You have not see anything yet, the new Gen Z armed with GPT will show you the worst in this century ...🤣
@kaijuultimax9407 Жыл бұрын
@@migovas1483 Gen Z hates AI. It's the millennial techbros that are in love with GPT, Stable Diffusion and all that other crap.
@migovas1483 Жыл бұрын
@@kaijuultimax9407 Don't know, the Gen is Kinda scared of all the changes, they grew up on the commodity of the digital world, disregarding most of the traditional parts, so they lack some practical skills, is understandable if all they know is tech is suddenly taken from their hands...
@dixidum2380 Жыл бұрын
​@@migovas1483 If all tech vanished, USA definitely not the Superpower anymore 😅
@kingofdogs2012 Жыл бұрын
I was taught primarily 3dsmax and a little bit of maya when i was studying. My lecturer told me not to use blender its not industry standard. I'm currently teaching myself blender and i find it easier to learn and less complicated. Switched cause its free , is all in one and has loads of tutorials online.
@MirceaPrunaru Жыл бұрын
I find it anoying cuz it keeps crashing on me when I am doing important work. If Autodesk fixes the problem with the imported normals that brake when you try to edit a mesh in 3ds max 2024 , I will put pause to learning blender eventhough is usefull cuz I can render nice projects just in the viewport..
@ninjaugal3832 Жыл бұрын
it is "industry standard" because blender join late. Most of current studio use Max and Maya, and took time to "learn" new software and test it. need more studio to use Blender as their main software for modelling, animate, and video editing.
@Wesmoen Жыл бұрын
Blender has a industry standard mode. That mode overlaps more with Maya in hotkeys and layout. Coming from Maya to blender it was nice to have this subtle transition.
@luciox2919 Жыл бұрын
blender is more educative than the others coz its open source
@joeyghostx Жыл бұрын
Same here. Continuing practice with 3DS Max is a cost lost for no reason. The fact that the individual has to pay to practice with the program for 30 days and then pay a huge monthly fee without things like "production charges" like Unity really makes it a niche in itself. Blender can still be used in 3DS Max with little to no issues, and this removes the entire "Amateur" notion
@ezonecreative Жыл бұрын
We never saw Blender as an Amatuer Software, we love the software 🧡
@Cyber_Kriss Жыл бұрын
Not "we" the hobbyists, but seen like that by the so-called "professionals" (who likes to spend stupid amount of money just to virtue signaling).
@iks1536 Жыл бұрын
​@@Cyber_Kriss You know nothing about professionals and their needs hence your stupid comment. Try to open 300mil poly scene in Blender and try to work with it, lets see how it goes. XSI Softimage could deal with 1 billion poły scenes 20 years ago. Not to mention that retarded UI up until 2.8 revamp. Maya in terms od animation tools is still years ahead. NURBS modeling is basicaly nonexistant in Blender, Modo is unbeatable in subD modeling. Texturing in Blender Has been psim in the ass for years. So... Now You know.
@michaelmano7261 Жыл бұрын
@@Cyber_Kriss when you can claim it on tax, do it.
@momonoski4398 Жыл бұрын
My brother who uses 3dmax for an irl job he sees that blender is for kids
@Outmind01 Жыл бұрын
@@momonoski4398 Ask him when the last time he took a proper look at Blender was.
@sirflimflam Жыл бұрын
The funny part is I remember blender in the mid-late 2000s. It was a pretty awful experience. I only recently came back to Blender as of a few years ago and it is nothing like I remembered. Things work, they work well compared to contemporary alternatives, and I'm honestly blown away with how forward thinking some of their decisions have been. But especially a lot older people still harbor those old feelings of a snobby "not the standard way, our way" that Blender often would champion around. I think with how assessable and easy blender is to learn now, it's going to naturally become more and more prominent as people who grew up using blender will champion it further as they get into the workforce.
@justalonelypoteto Жыл бұрын
with things like GIMP I can understand why you wouldn't want it in a professional environment, the UI is honestly trash, it's missing a lot of standard features unless you make them yourself, etc. but even there there's affinity, €180 for lifetime access and tbh it feels better than what I've seen from PS (don't own that one for obvious reasons), and blender does look (and probably also function) on par with competitors, it just can't lobby the shit out of colleges so they teach it more
@brianh9358 Жыл бұрын
Opensource software is always going to be considered amateur, primarily because it doesn't have any economic barriers to use. Anybody can download it and learn how to use it. Commercial software isn't ever going to be affordable to the average person. Unless you want to pirate a copy of Maya, it is unlikely you will own a copy or be able to learn it on your own outside of the industry (unless you learn it at college). So, there is an elitist mindset at play in how the industry perceives Blender.
@wirago3246 Жыл бұрын
^ exactly this! You pay for it, it is expensive and therefore it must be better! IT MUST BE! RIGHT?!
@IamSH1VA Жыл бұрын
Open-source softwares are considered as amateur 🤔?
@caissa6187 Жыл бұрын
I think that mindset is yourself. Maya is $1750/year (one option) that could be accomplished by saving up. Learning on your own is quite possible, although, I will admit if you have a technical background it def helps understand the software. Also, plenty of things that are open source and respected.
@ArtwithAmarBrisco Жыл бұрын
That depends because in software development aton of open source options are used. I believe it is all perspective and where you are coming from. Because I remember when Maya and Max was not considered the industry standard back in the early 90s. Which blender was a paid software back in the 90s. But they shut that down and TOM said he would be releasing it as a free tool. Maybe if they had pursued that route there would be a different convo right now. But as one who use Alias Wavefront, Ray Dream, SoftImage, Max, Maya, Lightwave, Cinema 4D and others. They all had their strengths but when I started using blender back in 2008. It could do all the stuff the others were doing and the stuff people where doing in the program back then even was equal to what the pros were doing. It is never the tool is it always the person using the tool. An industry standard pencil versus and regular pencil will still allow you to draw. It all depends on the skill of the artist or artists that will determine the outcome.
@Cola-42 Жыл бұрын
​@@IamSH1VA Yes, Github is for amateurs and noobs.😛
@herbderbler1585 Жыл бұрын
A moment of silence for the billions of cubes that have been sacrificed for the creation of great art.
@boo2465 Жыл бұрын
I am so confused right now. I am a VFX student and I know Maya and Nuke decent level, now can I learn Blender or improve my Maya and Nuke skills? My friends are switching to blender, is this good?
@hanheecho6437 Жыл бұрын
@richphinami3047 Жыл бұрын
Blender is getting getting better
@overdev1993 Жыл бұрын
look into Blender and see if it's worth it
@JaredTheStrange Жыл бұрын
I think Blender is great these days and will definitely get there. Studios are often using a combination of software and will have no issues with adding Blender to their toolkit because it's free, but in the same way, if you're a studio employing 5 permanent Maya artists who can download Blender and start using it for bits and pieces at work alongside their Maya skills... where does that leave 'Blender artists' who were only trained up on Blender? They'll have to be REALLY good as the industry is already very competitive. There are also issues like, if you're a freelance Maya/Max artist you can justify charging more for your time because you need to factor in the cost of the software. People using free software don't have this immediate justification. Studios will absolutely pay different artists at different rates of pay depending on their skills and the software they bring to the table. Something else that worries me (FYI I worked in CGI/VFX for over 10 years at various studios) is the overwhelming trend of Blender KZbin videos shilling products at the same time. I'm not having a go at this channel at all, but OMG the number of Blender tutorials where the teacher is like "to make the forest I used Forest Pack and then did all my UVs using Super UV Whizz.." and it goes on and on. Like, are we hiring an artist who can actually create work or are they just learning how to buy their results?
@ThePizza28 Жыл бұрын
Another in a long series of interesting questions video that actually are surface level, non-sourced out of a hat "blender is better please love it" essays. You spend the whole time opposing people who use blender versus people who have anything to say about it, without any kind of source too instead of providing serious information. "They say it's a jack of all trades master of none, which is not true by the way : Its probably best..." as if it was console war back in the 90s. People don't care about softwares, artists from all studios hop from DCC to DCC all the time, from Maya to Houdini or Houdini to Katana, doesn't matter. Blender is used by some non-mainline artists at ILM and other top studios and guess what, absolutely no one cares, because it's just a software like any other and they can use whatever they want. If it was as good and perfect as you said, it'd just be used more, and despite what you say with misleading footage (sorry guys, previz animation isn't the same as ILM's final breakdown) it isn't yet. Lots of artists from all over the world use both Blender and other softwares, and the absurd fanatism plays a big role in the bad / amateur image Blender gets, so you're actually not helping.
@XavierLignieres Жыл бұрын
One thing very few videos on this subject ever mention is that most big VFX studios use customized software to suit their specific needs with many in house plugins and add-ons that are often proprietary and can NOT be learnt outside of the company. A lot of companies now require experience in A 3D modelling package without further elaborating on which ones or with a few listed and Blender is there more and more often. The truth is that once you have learnt the fundamentals of 3D Modelling transferring from one tool to another is not that hard. It is like a Builder learning to build a house using specific tools at school and then getting a job and learning to use different tools to essentially do the same thing , Once you know the general process the tools are just a detail you learn to work with.
@klokke1541 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for pointing this out. I have a very generalist approach to Blender and try to figure out most aspects of it - therefore I have feared interviews and applications. This gives me comfort that the learning actually starts once you get the job, while keeping some of your own experience.
@TheLizardKing752 Жыл бұрын
A while ago I was looking into the water tools used for Avatar 2 just out of curiosity. It's all in-house from Weta.
@brandonwalker5970 Жыл бұрын
It's not about the software is better. It's about finding something you feel comfortable and confident using..that works for you and your workflow
@ZenOfKursat 2 ай бұрын
Nah. Blender is the winner at the end. Others old technology. You-all were not born when I animated in maya. Maya not developing more than 15 years. All same. Performance is bad comparing to blender. You are learning maya as industry standards in schools because your teacher is an oldmen
@heckensteiner4713 Жыл бұрын
I come from working in Maya VFX. When I left VFX and became director of a small animation studio, I decided to switch Blender because of all the beautiful work I was seeing done with it and also all of the amazing community plugins. It was a total pain to learn, but now that I know it, I don't see myself ever going back to Maya. There are still a lot of quirks and stability issues that need to be worked out for it to truly be taken seriously by the industry, but that day will come eventually.
@MichaelFlynn0 Жыл бұрын
It was a total pain to learn .... my experience as well....diabolical interface and lack of standard tools.
@no-one3795 Жыл бұрын
It will take time. But I'm sure that Blender could be just as big as those industry standards softwares. Also, I love how your video is getting better. Keep up the good work 👍
@bubblesbutternuts694 Жыл бұрын
it will they have been fighting the last couple of years to improve good progress
@overdev1993 Жыл бұрын
we have waited long enough
@sun_beams Жыл бұрын
I mean I doubt it. One of the things not mentioned in this video is that one of blender's biggest strengths as a software is the addition of community made plugins. This is a huge red flag for studios though, because if a developer decides to no longer support that plugin that is an integral part of your pipe, then the studio is now SoL. I'm sure there will be studios that pop up using it, and it can be integrated into pipelines for things like modeling and animation, but I seriously doubt it's going to overtake anything as the main professional software. If I had to point out one software that will come out on top as the main professional DCC, it's going to be Houdini. Animate, model, etc in whatever software you want, but everything will be cached and compiled and lit/rendered in Houdini for professional settings. This is coming from someone who loves Houdini and also works in high end visual effects.
@bubblesbutternuts694 Жыл бұрын
@@sun_beams true to a point but blender does implement some of the plugins as part of the main software at times and lets be real even so called industry standard software have the same issuees fussion for example has plenty of plugins substance painter unreal engine unity engine has loads of must use plugins if the dev gives up and the main software does not implement it as devs ourselves we move on to another addon that can replicate what we using
@cloud-forge Жыл бұрын
3 years I use Blender regularly and I always learn news things that this software can do. Blender is amazing.
@Cyber_Kriss Жыл бұрын
For amateurs or not, who cares ? I like using Blender because it's relaxing and fun... I don't plan to be a professional nor to sell anything I create with it. Just. Pure. Fun.
@ascendedsavage7040 Жыл бұрын
@overdev1993 Жыл бұрын
Professionals care
@Dhruv1223 Жыл бұрын
To everyone who says that blender is the jack of all trades master of none. it doesnt matter if the software is a master of one, if the artist is a master of none. I have worked in the industry for 20 years, and in my years I have used 3ds max, maya, softimage, cinema 4d. And while I agree zbrush is better for sculpting, as far as modeling goes, I really dont see a benefit of 3ds max or maya over blender. i honestly find drivers easier and more intuitive in blender than maya, and while 3ds max is easier for pinpoint accuracy in architectural modeling, once you get used to blender works very well. Not to mention if you ever need more functionality you can get an addon, something that is not easily achievable in max or maya. One major example, I used to use Railclone and Forest in 3ds max, geonodes in blender does everything, that those 2 softwares do for 460 euros, for free. I have seen horrible results from max, and have seen beautiful results from blender.
@f4ust85 Жыл бұрын
The industry itself defines industry standards and very often it doesnt have much to do with the power of the actual package. What is mory ironic though are all those people who look down on things like Blender, are skeptical if it can do the job and demand "high end industry standards" while the work they do is hardly cutting edge: its really not a question what SW package or renderer you use when you do beer cans, archviz or simple anime characters. 99 % of people really dont need to be picky and will never reach half the capacity Blender offers.
@SimplCup Жыл бұрын
Yeah for sure. And even if we cosider the things that are really hard to make, Blender is still capable of doing that things. I saw many different Blender animations that were made by one persons or a small group, and i should say they look incredibly good and some animations are even better than some huge corporation animations.
@bubblesbutternuts694 Жыл бұрын
i have been using blender for a while and if i end up making it with my future projects im sticking with blender, it has so much versatility because of it being open source there are limitations like any software out there, but hey thats why we have set software for each job, but honestly blender is good for for beginners and pro and you dont have to pay a stupid amount of money or percentage of the money you make from your project either
@antwango Жыл бұрын
how demanding is blender spec wise... i want to learn blender..... i have 3dmax modelling experience, autocad exp, sketchup exp, vectoworks exp..... i have an LG gram laptop..... not a games laptop, nor a graphics card.... it does ok with photoshop? how easy/hard or quick is it to model just a figure no detail..... a few boxes and then make them move??? erm is UE5 a similar type of program? i see all the above programs as the same 3d modelling programs..... why was UE5 omitted? is it not a 3d modelling program? or unity? can a person from scratch with no idea of blender but most recently used sketchup.... and previous exp of 3dmax exp and 3d modelling in general in other software model a few boxes and get them to move in under a week?? and would that kill a laptop??
@bubblesbutternuts694 Жыл бұрын
@@antwango for basic shapes honestly no time at all, and that does not take much to run at all, learning blender on the other hand honestly lit depends like anything it is up to your ability to learn and what sources there is out there that teach you and sadly alot of the tutorials out there are lacking in a large way and thats not just for blender, could you learn blender for making basic shapes in a week yes you could learn that in ten minutes, yes you can use unreal and unity to model things but primarily they are game engines designed for launching the game and running it and the workflow for creating detailed objects in unity and unreal is not good but for box modeling unreal and unity is good, and box modeling is kinda just for setting up scenes to see if they look right with basic shapes scailing giving you a rough idea if and what you are creating roughly looks right, now the final part to go back onto it how demanding is blender well its free so try it what is the worst thing that will happen it will crash ? well you did not have to pay a licence for it so if you cant run it no harm done
@petermendez5063 Жыл бұрын
@@antwango @
@robertYoutub Жыл бұрын
I think it was never the money. 3d software was always expensive, still I remember buying 3dsmax 2, as it was the best on Windows and I got jobs at the same time. At some point it was Maya, XSI then Modo did all I wanted and now Blender. Its always changing and for me 2.9 was the game changer. But who knows how development continues. Never get stuck in a software to long.
@TheLizardKing752 Жыл бұрын
I really miss XSI.
@saltedmaple Жыл бұрын
I just continued my 3D career in Blender. I started on Sketchup > AutoCAD > MAYA, because all of that was under my degree. I stopped, then after 7 years of no 3D work/hands-on I jumped into Blender, hard start but after 2 months of continuous tutorial, I can say that there is no such thing as industry standard. Most company just use MAYA other than Blender because it's the software that they used since then and can't easily switch because of the time needed to adjust to other software, others just follow and call it "STANDARD". I can say that even is you use MAYA or any other Industry "STANDARD". It will all depend on the user skills. High skilled Blender User > Average Industry "Standard" Software User
@kruth6663 Жыл бұрын
I like the way blender is. Not everyone in the art community needs professional softs. In fact, only a very small group of people need it. To me, being able to start up in 10 seconds and start making art right away at any time matters so much more than to make film level accurate physics simulations. Even if I worked in the industry professionally, I'd still need a software like blender.
@ahettinger525 Жыл бұрын
While I used to have problems with blender crashing, I haven't in quite some time. I think one of the things that I saw when comparing blender and everything else was the controls used to be a bit different. When they did the interface rework it became a lot more inline with what people expect now, I think. The reality is, it's good software.
@creeper7ech520 Жыл бұрын
same here, the only times blender has ever crashed for me are when I'm running it on my crappy underpowered laptop which literally does not have the specs to do any of the complicated stuff.
@anujomjude6323 Жыл бұрын
I'm a Maya artist and instructor , but blender and other 3D softwares are good as well for me it bulges down to creativity
@hirkdeknirk1 Жыл бұрын
Blender got high-end features very quickly, but it was never finished "down there". Compared to MAX, many things are so cumbersome that I would never use it for professional jobs.
@ColinFox Жыл бұрын
Such as...?
@hirkdeknirk1 Жыл бұрын
@@ColinFox Clone on axis for example (MAX: Shift+drag, Unreal: Alt+drag, Blender: Deselect, select fresh, shift+D, RMB, G, X) You do that a few times and then you have tendonitis.
@StudioBlumish Жыл бұрын
Does shift+d, x not work?
@villepakarinen Жыл бұрын
Funny how this couldn't be more opposite to my experiences. To me, blender is designed with efficiency in mind from ground up, while max and Maya are behemoths of cluttered UIs and counterintuitive ways of doing simple things
@niedzisiaj6645 Жыл бұрын
​@@hirkdeknirk1 skill issue
@stevenpike7857 9 ай бұрын
It's seen as amateur, because amateurs use it. That doesn't mean it can't produce professional work. If professionals used it and got over the stigma, then it would be fine. I also get the complaint, "There more high quality work posted on art sites that used Maya, Zbrush et al, and cartoonish stuff that uses Blender." Well yea, to use a metaphor: if all the pro's were using crayons and amateurs used oil paint, you would see stunning artwork in crayon and amateur work in oil paint. That doesn't mean oil paint sucks. If more pros used oil paints, then there would be more professional quality oil paints. It's just your basic snobbery. Like with wine: there's no difference between a 50 dollar bottle of wine and a 10,000 dollar one as far as quality - it's been proven in blind taste tests. It's merely the perception it costs more that makes the person think it's "better." If Blender charged 2 grand a year to use it, then suddenly it's a great quality program and pros would take it seriously. It's basic human psychology.
@xanzuls Жыл бұрын
The two biggest ones you've left out were Real by fake and Makuta. Makuta used Blender for 700 VFX shots for the movie RRR which won the Oscars for best original song. They also used 3DS max for the FX but for rendering those shots, they used cycles port for 3DS max over used Arnold or Vray. The examples shown in this video like Barnstorm and Tangent studios are very very outdated by now and there are so many VFX studios in EU, Asia using Blender in the VFX, Gamedev pipeline.
@Fighter05 Жыл бұрын
I am in my mid 30s and have pretty much grown up along side the entire modern 3d industry. Back in the 90s, Maya was supported by Disney and Silicon Graphics and it was the leading 3d software because those two industry giants were backing it. The lead Maya and Max had made them one of the only options available. Blender was nowhere close. And it would be like that for well over a decade. If you were a 3d artist and wanted a job, you were going to use that software. However, as the industry started to grow and the popularity of industries like gaming exploded with things like Twitch. With Autodesk software being as expensive as it is, all these people jumped into Blender. This caused a huge explosion of tutorials popping up everywhere, money and support to flow into the Blender Foundation to hire more and more software engineers. An entire generation of people now have learned on Blender. So right now, Blender and Maya are both industry standard. Because you are cutting off a huge part of your hiring pool of young people if you do not use Blender or allow Blender at a studio. Go on TikTok and look up Blender videos, then look up Maya videos. There are orders of magnitude more Blender content then Maya content. I give it like 5ish years and most studios will be using Blender because of this. One because most of the more junior people will be mid or seniors by then. People like myself will be almost 40 and already can use both software packages. And then there is the question of price. Licenses for teams of artists is very expensive and studios will cut that cost since Blender is free and fine for 90% of work. Maya will probably still be purchased for people like Animators who have a very unique workflow and skillset. And the Unreal pipeline will let them animate in Maya while seeing effects live in Unreal 5 for virtual production situations etc.
@engelbrecht777 Жыл бұрын
Blender is already industry standard as i see more and more job openings for Blender users in game development, arcviz and medical field.
@Patxi__ Жыл бұрын
Maybe for production is still not as strong as others. But for concept art, blender is a standard software used by so much pros in their workflow.
@PedroScherz Жыл бұрын
Davinci doesn't let you export vertical 4k videos for free - Blender saved my neck once by allowing me to do that and much more easily
@TheBratscin1 Жыл бұрын
It's a software for ametuars largely due to the community. They'd be taken a lot more seriously if their solution to every problem wasn't using a 3rd party plugin. Like bruh just learn how to animate, just learn retopology, just learn how to uv unwrap, just learn how to model. Instead they try to take short cuts, trying to make scripts or getting AI to do things. Thats what makes the community look bad. There's hardly any fundamentalist. The few who are good, are just refuges from other 3D packages trying to make a quick buck off blender enthusiasts. It also leads to content fatigue where you just see the same type of renders created over and over again, the ones with amazing set pieces and a guy standing still, not talking or moving, because blender people never learn how to do the actual animation part of the animation software. You never see anything actually impressive from blender people, it's the same videos. And again it's not because blender is bad, but because frankly the community is.
@MrAlziepen Жыл бұрын
I'm currently teaching blender for concept art, the industry will always require more specialized tools for more refined work later on in the pipeline but for initial concepting blender is a good asset for concept artists.
@FC3Concepts 11 ай бұрын
Most software crashes are due to lack of memory, lack of skill of the user. It makes sense people thing Blender crashes more, because if more hobbiests are using it, most likely they will be using lower end hardware, and don't have experience managing complex scenes. Where as if you get a MAYA install, most likely it's on enterprise workstations, with IT support, rendering farms, compartmentalized departments only taking a chunk of the assembly. I do CGI for a living, but I love it so much, I do it as a hobby. When I use Blender at work or at home, it's just as stable as any other software. Because I am used to running large scenes, and I have access to higher end hardware with more memory - Blender runs just fine.
@HapZungLam Жыл бұрын
I like software like Blender which suddenly come into the industry to force industry standard software like Maya and Max to wake up. Since they haven't been adding new remarkable features for over 10 years.
@darknebula455 Жыл бұрын
I have a low end Laptop with Mx350 Graphic card. I used to make arts in c4d Octane render ( dont ask how i got those 1000 $ soft). C4d always seemed to me more easy than blender. However a few months back i gave a serious shot to blender . Now i cant look back. The modeling is so much fast. I also dont have the headache of All render engines & all. Cycles is all i need. For my low end laptop Blender performs really well compared to other heavy soft. ( i do 3d Illustrations & Minimal interiors). Yes sometimes blender crushes on high poly count but it performs ovarall well & feels so lightweight. Blender truely changed my Artist life. Its a lifesaver for People like me who doesn’t have a high end system but still want to learn 3d art. I am grateful to whole Blender Developers. By enagaging in Blender community t feels like i am part of the development.
@MarcinP2 Жыл бұрын
Blender is not the best for modelling and sculpting. It has the best sculpting/painting of general purpose 3D software but Zbrush and Painter beat it at specific roles. For polygonal modelling I would have to give it another try but last I tested it was a very tutorial heavy experience, not very intuitive. I think it needs an industry standard, polished interface. I expect an industry standard software to work well on default UI.
@onurnidayi Жыл бұрын
I used to use Cinema 4D, now sticking to Blender and loving it !
@erwinmeisel2545 Жыл бұрын
This year I switched from teaching C4d to teaching basics in Blender at my school. The apprentices love it because they can install Blender on their computers at home too.
@MakotoFiraga Жыл бұрын
Blender is all in one package software, surely is not the best. But in the end the user is what make this software powerful. Like how one use the limit of the tools to utilized it
@BrandanLee Жыл бұрын
The reason I hate using Blender and won't unless I'm forced to do so, is because I open the new scene, immediately and reflexively look to edit poly on the default cube and enable graphite modeling tools -- find they don't exist, then throw the software in the trash. And don't get me started on the default camera. Every time I use Blender on a job, it's because their artists need it for something specific, like a bespoke plugin their solution uses, or they don't want or know how to use Max or Maya. So I typically just work on my own home station remote to model, then do whatever is required in Blender to dovetail into their weird pipeline. I don't hate Blender itself. It's a great company and awesome software -- I just personally hate using it, and typically have to spend several days setting up defaults and installing plugins to get comfortable. Just like Max, 90% of the UI I don't even know what it does or what it's use for, and in 15 years have only tried them out of curiosity. There are tools for architects, engineers, scientists, all next to the art tools. Blender is more art centric and maybe that's kinda the problem?
@BlenderBob Жыл бұрын
Great video! Thanks! There are a few things I disagree with but overall loved it. :-)
@guyjeffries7168 Жыл бұрын
The driver to use legacy software like 3dsmax for games is that its fast, decades of muscle memory and familarity makes for fast work. Trouble is autodesk likes to forcably bind keys that make the workflow fast to their sparse new features. Oddly they don't allow some keys to be remapped so if your workflow speed requires these keys, well... May as well try Blender, because your workflow is already interupted. What is especially fun is the ticking clock of their flex credits slipping away as you try to get the interface you spent money to use the way you actually like to use it, you know, rather than working to earn the money to pay for said credits. Add this to the many useless lagacy "features" that still haven't been fixed since the early 2000's and it starts to look even uglier. A special shout out to new bugs like drop menu's appearing on random screens or not at all and it becomes apparent it isn't so much Blender being attractively free, it's just autodesk has made your familiar software unfamiliar but sadly not better.
@BusinessWolf1 Жыл бұрын
"piracy is not a pricong problem, but a service problem" - gabe newell
@filanfyretracker 9 ай бұрын
wait they bill you to use it as well after you buy it? Just curious what flex credits are because it sounds like Autodesk has basically looked to online gaming and gone "season passes for productivity software, yes please"
@pawnix4122 Жыл бұрын
I highly dislike the "industry standard" debate surrounding any software, especially Blender. If someone says "Blender is not industry standard" they can mean a multitude of things. When someone says this, they almost always, without fail, mean "Blender is not used solely to complete a big project" which is true in a lot of scenarios. But the same thing can be said for Maya. Maya isn't solely used for Games. Neither is 3ds Max, Blender, Houdini, ember gen, or [insert any software in existence here]. No one software is used throughout a game, movie or advert. You use modelling software, then you need to simulate stuff, then you need to do X, Y and Z and only then is it ready for rendering and compositing and editing in other softwares. Industry standard simply means that a software is used in the industry. More and more Ubisoft employees are using Blender. Avalaunch Studios allows employees to use Blender if they wish. The same deal goes for R*. If you have ever played any modern video games? Blender helped make them. I work in the games industry and I use Blender. I can't speak a lot about the VFX side of the coin with Blender as it doesn't concern my profession, but from the games side, know that it is industry standard. To conclude. A software that is used in the industry at some point in the pipeline makes it industry standard.
@SUVO_RAW Жыл бұрын
Blender can do anything, it’s just an artist not a software
@Zocress Жыл бұрын
As someone who actually works in the industry and is part of deciding which softwares we use in our studio. This glances over a lot of the reasons why we don't use blender. And it's not because the schools aren't teaching it. We actually have to deny some applicants, because all they know is blender. I think blender is an amazing project and it's definitely bringing a lot more young blood to our industry. But the truth is zBrush is better at sculpting. Substance Painter and Mari is better at texturing. Maya is better at rigging and animation. Houdini is better at simulation and procedural workflows. Nuke, Fusion and After Effects are better at compositing and Harmony and TVPaint is better at 2D animation. Blender is good at almost everything, but the best at nothing. Blender is a jack of all trades, master of none. Pretending it isn't, is simply cope and that doesn't help anyone. Blender only wins on price. So while Blender is just fine and usable, it still needs to improve and mature as a 3D package. If we see solid improvement on rigging and animation and they do a solid integration of USD and MaterialX. Blender could very well beat out Maya within the next 10 years.
@sebastianosewolf2367 Жыл бұрын
and its not really true that Blender has no professional Support. It's a way different but tbh Blender has a TON of Support by professionals, who work with it in Studios. The Forum, the Support for LTS, YT, and a lot of other sites offers Help for almost every kind of Problem
@TheNerd Жыл бұрын
To be honest Davinci is LIGHTYEARS ahead of Blender in terms of editing and compositing. In any decently siced project, it takes AGEEEES for Blender to composite, what other software packages do in seconds (if that). On top of this Davinci supports all sorts of color spaces / formats that blender simply does not. You need to color grade a HDR 10 or Dolby Vision clip? Good Luck with that.... I'm editing videos for over a decade now and as much as I do love Blender, editing and compositing is an impossible task in Blender. Outside of (some stuff) that you can only do in Blender because it has 3D information that Davinci does not, I avoid this part of the software at *_ANY_* cost. Also: Any Physics based Simulation in Blender is just a joke. Unreal Engine does simulations with a couple clicks in seconds what can take hours and hours and hours in Blender to "figure out the right settings to make it look good" and Unreal Engine just does it. Example: Cloth Simulation. Unreal Engine automatically creates a physics assets version of your clothes and bases that on your weight painting. you don't even need to click an extra button....
@dineshdiabolic5451 Жыл бұрын
Resolve can composite faster but that's all it can do. It can't model, texture, unwrap, rig, weight paint, sculpt etc. Video editing and 3d animation aren't the same thing. Blenders compositor isn't meant for video editing but is just there for you to be able to combine render passes. About unreal engine, it is a game development tool so everything has to work at 60fps. It's physics is just approximation and Isn't accurate.
@overdev1993 Жыл бұрын
to be fair this part is not the focus of Blender at all
@LineOfThy Жыл бұрын
the thing is, unreal is a game engine. Their mantra is all about sacrificing accuracy to hit that 60 fps bottom line.
@Eddy_Del_Lobo Жыл бұрын
I'm a graphics artist and use Maya religiously but I'm not adverse to blender! I think the general consenus is whatever gets the job done well HOWEVER! big game studios tend to have multiple departments that specialise in different parts of the workflow and since blender is essentially the whole pipeline from start to finish it fly's in the face of an established routine well treaded by the industry
@ashishhembrom3905 Жыл бұрын
Blender is no longer a amateur software though. It now has a official paid studio production suite and is regularly used in production.
@Dominicn123 8 ай бұрын
That can be said for most 3d software lol, the reason blender is considered amateur software by professionals all comes down to what it doesn't have, not what it has. While things like documentation is getting there, blender doesn't provide an entire support division to aid your studio with many troubleshooting workflows when there are issues arising, blender's only a team of a dozen or two devs. right now, many many like a LOT of companies in both AA and AAA have established pipelines/workflows that have been built up over decades within maya, the consistency is what keeps companies with maya, blender, changes quite often, and a lot of thiings that are changes can cause a lot of frustration and issues for people to find workarounds/solutions to their established pipelines, that's a big no-no. the reliability maya provides is thanks to a foundation that is build on top of, rather than around, that allows for many complex /technical projects to be achieved in the most direct and straight forward manner possible. many programmers absolutely love maya as it allows. Maya is taught throughout colleges and private businesses for a reason, many that don't understand Maya haven't used it and therefor don't really understand the reason they're slow to make additions, whereas blender seems to have frequent updates multiple times a year compared to Maya's annual update.
@arsenart648 Жыл бұрын
i used maya too but for modeling using blender with hops+ boxcutter + meshmachine+machine tools is extremely faster.
@brunocastro4558 Жыл бұрын
And you just had to spend a little amount of money, paying it directly to the add-on's developers, to keep using it in a software that is free. This is justice in action. This is the future.
@basspig Жыл бұрын
I've been using Maya for over 20 years I got pretty proficient in it with formal training. Unfortunately there seems to be no formal training for blender I've been using it for about 3 years but have not been able to do anything major with it because I keep running into roadblocks that I can't figure out. The program is nothing if not unintuitive.
@ProjectAtlasmodling Жыл бұрын
Is it a road block or are you just not looking in the right places. It may be true that blender doesn't have many schools teaching it but there is more than enough formal training if you actually go out and look. The best formal training is in paid resources on places like flipped normals market place. And if your stumped on something often times it just takes asking to find someone to help you
@BusinessWolf1 Жыл бұрын
there is a tutorial for anything and everything, you just have to search enough. your standard for intuitive is 20 years of experience
@basspig Жыл бұрын
@@BusinessWolf1 there are, but they don't help with specific problems I run into along the way. I've gotten "80%" there on several projects, but my model isn't precisely the same as the one in the tutorial, so when a procedure fails to yield results, I hit a road block. I've left comments and questions on dozens of tutorials, that never got answered.
@MrMargaretScratcher Жыл бұрын
Have you tried the blenderartists forums?
@overdev1993 Жыл бұрын
@@basspig then ask in Blender community forums or discord servers where people with experience are for those specific issues you will not get answers in the comment sections of youtube tutorials.
@justinchannel128 Жыл бұрын
my college teachers encouraged us to use blender, especially if you are no longer in a position to use/pay for a maya license (while there were some slight adjustments, the principles are pretty much the same)
@Biru_to Жыл бұрын
Blender is seen as amateur software, because for most of the existence of Blender it was primarily used by amateurs. Arguably, its largest user base continues to be amateurs. And to some degree, Blender still isn't capable to fully replace Maya, Max, Zbrush, Houdini, and actually it might never be able to. Nevertheless it has become a great piece of software, that's free and open source. And it continues to become better and better.
@Distop-IA Жыл бұрын
No offense but polygons, vdb's and abc's and usd's are universal. I work in the industry and I have used blender in conjunction with Houdini in almost every production I have worked on.
@nightwalkerj 11 ай бұрын
A few big companies and lots of indie companies use Blender (myself included). With all the new updates and features coming out, its only a matter of time before the big "Industry Standard" software argument starts to become irrelevant.
@rogercotton5134 Жыл бұрын
It's not just about actual or perceived production-level capability. Maya costs $1700 per year. Blender is free. So, for indies, Blender works just fine. Even some studios use Blender.
@ktvx.94 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, when Blender first came out it had a lot of catching up to do. It's not just been considered a beginner's tool for 20 years for no reason. But I think that as time goes on and generations that started fresh with Blender reach higher positions in the industry and replace their seniors who didn't, on top of Blender's genuine innovation, it will become industry standard. It's just a matter of patience.
@travisbuschette8609 Жыл бұрын
I was lucky enough to have an animation professor who constantly told us that "No software is an industry standard. The industry can only be built on standards." He railed against Autodesk products for being gatekeepers with their high cost. So I urge everyone to remove "industry standard" from their vocabulary when talking about this stuff.
@Argonwolfproject Жыл бұрын
Because it's free. There, saved y'all eleven and a half minutes. Anything that's free (especially if it's noob-friendly) will be looked down on by certain professionals who easily feel threatened by casual encroachments into their "domain". Accessibility dilutes their importance, which they take very personally.
@robertrussell9015 Жыл бұрын
In addition to all the points already made, this is a straight up economics question. Being 'king of the hill' is a very difficult place to be - Autodesk have to permanently stay the cost of the software ahead of the competition. It is very difficult to be innovative and take risks if you are being 'chased' and only have to falter once. Also, yes there is a big user base for Autodesk products at the moment, but if you neglect the low end, eventually there are so many talented staff members coming through that do great work on other / cheaper solutions it just becomes to painful to maintain a particular pipeline. The industry is littered with once great king of the hill products. At the end of the day this is money in, results out - Autodesk will have to work very hard to stay in the middle of that competing against any cheaper product, let alone a great free one.
@OnePatrix Жыл бұрын
Blender can do really stunning renders and results could be compared with other software. Personally, I think that the problem is Mentality and thats why they refuse to give Blender a chance, but it is only my personal opinion
@no_player_commentary Жыл бұрын
It's just the same dumb ideas people had about apple products over literally anything else. Just more elitism
@iks1536 Жыл бұрын
​@@no_player_commentary extremely dumb comment. And I'm not surprised.
@no_player_commentary Жыл бұрын
@@iks1536 Right, right. Very insightful & useful contribution. And *I am* surprised, well done 🌟. Proud of you! That star is for you.
@flonkplonk1649 Жыл бұрын
@@iks1536 that's exactly your comment 😆
@EBDeveloper Жыл бұрын
Start acting more mature and some of us veterans might want to stop and talk to you all and drop some wisdom.. but as for right now acting like fanbois makes everyone's stomach turn. It's nothing about eliteism.. it's about being professional.
@spaideman7850 Жыл бұрын
the power of Blender is because its Free, just like Microsoft initially, when everybody got used to Blender, it will be the industry standard.
@ArtwithAmarBrisco Жыл бұрын
I don't understand the title when Blender has been around since the 90s, available for free in 2000 or 2001 and used by pros for more than 15 years. Max and Maya was not industry standard in the early 90s it was Alias Wavefront. Max and Maya became popular in the 2000s. I think people that think that Blender is an amateur software along with the the plugins created by the community. It make it a standard that should be taught in schools. Blender does offer pro support for certain projects and I believe the LTS versions was there answer to that. But there have been many pros that use the software. In reference the crashing, well Maya and Max crashes as well. Blender just got a shout out at the Oscar when the Everything Everywhere All At Once.
@bubblesbutternuts694 Жыл бұрын
there are some features in these industry standard software that just work better and faster, i use multiple different types of software rather than just blender because each software has a limitation on some level as for blender it has a long way to go to catch up but in the last couple of years blender has been fighting its way through to catch up
@xalener Жыл бұрын
@@bubblesbutternuts694 It ain''t a one way street. For the handfull of features blender lacks out the box, you don't have to clear an object's history every step
@bubblesbutternuts694 Жыл бұрын
@@xalener huh i just said each software has pros and cons either way one is not the best at everything hence why most of us use multiple types of software to finish our product, i never insisted that blender was bad or good at everything so i dont know what you mean by it iant a one way street
@theman3282 Жыл бұрын
@@xalener huh that object history is there for a reasons...i wish blender have it.
@xalener Жыл бұрын
@@theman3282 yeah yeah yeah fuck that shit Every software behaves differently. People preferred softimage over maya. People prefer max over maya. Just because one program is the one everyone uses doesn't mean it's the best, it just means it's the oldest. There was no competition for software back when poweranimator was on the scene, so poweranimator won all the bids; all the companies built themselves around poweranimator. Now it's Maya. It's that simple.
@traditur_ Жыл бұрын
Well. I think a good way to look at blender is that it’s not the best software, but it’s the best software for most people.
@FiEctro Жыл бұрын
Blender is very poor for 3d animation. Those tools have been used in Maya for years, in Blender is still only a dream. Usual skeletal animation without complex rigs and modifiers already works very slowly there, despite the fact that, for example, in Unity it flies. There are no adequate tools for working with onion skinning in 3D, as well as adequate caching of animations, and very crooked work with proxy models, of course, a lot can be done with plugins, but they can also have errors. So in the area of ​​animation, compared to Maya, Blender sucks, despite the fact that many things in the field of skinning and rigging are much more convenient for me in Blender.
@arthurpizza Жыл бұрын
Didn't RRR use Blender for their effect shots? That was a major motion picture that won awards and everything.
@Paltheus Жыл бұрын
If they can streamline the workflow more effectively according to specific functions (Architects, 2D animation, VFX, 3D visualization, sculpting etc.) it'll blow everything right out of the water. Right now everything is in front of you like a box of entangled strings that you need to unravel before you can make any sense of it. Most people have no idea of the scope of useful Add-ons, to say the least. The learning curve is too steep.
@Omnivoid22 Жыл бұрын
i dont understand . If the software has PROVEN itself time and time again. Why are we still having this discussion and WHO TF IS SAYING ITS FOR AMATUERS
@just_archan 6 ай бұрын
first: I saw in many interviews from game developers and vfx creators that while they don't use Blender as PRIMARY software, they use it a lot. second: argument "jack of all trades, master of none" is kinda true (I agree that hardtopo in blender is really good, at least as good as other primary modelling softwares), main power of blender is just in that. Zbrush IS better than blender in sculpting, is less laggy etc. but in blender you can not only switch between modules at your wish, you can mix techniques. you can sculpt in zBrush scifi character, in helmet in clothes, than export it to another software to retopo, and then to another to rig. it's annoyting when you need to make some adjustments last moment, when already model was further in the pipeline. In blender, you not only you have access to all those functions in same time, just by switching tabs, you can build ALREADY proper model without thinking about retopology, by sculpting proper topology, and dynamic topology using ie for baking high quality normal map. for clothes instead sculpting them, you can just wrap them using phisics, same with hairs. helmet you can sculpt, or use hardtopo to create i in fraction of time. for textures... substance painter is superior, at least for now. But there IS possibility to paint in blender. even using this for "sketching" and then sending to substance is helpfull. blender integration is often not highlighted enough. but It is very strong point for blender.
@olddogscanlearnnewtricks6079 Жыл бұрын
I missed a Houdini and Autodesk Flame mentions on this video. Maybe an idea for the next one. Nice video btw , tks for doing it !
@__desculpa Жыл бұрын
as someone who's looking for a 3D job atm, I'm seeing plenty of listings that are friendly to blender users, but it's still necessary to know adobe in addition to it as a lot of companies rely on it for post
@Ghostalking Жыл бұрын
People tend to forget the end of the saying: “A jack of all trade is a master of none, but often better than a master of one.” Adaptability and variety is key and those who can only do one think are more likely to die off when things inevitably change
@semaph0re Жыл бұрын
Blender's UI is still a bit questionable. The 2.8 facelift made it good but it is still not "great". Blender still has very bizarre keymaps that are "non-standard". It is very opinionated about that. For example, flying around the 3D space is near impossible without a tutorial. Unreal Engine, or Godot do not suffer from this, as you can navigate around in 3D just fine (without needing a PhD). I think the Blender foundation needs to follow some beginners very closely in what they do, how they use the program, and observe what obstacles they are hitting. So instead of enforcing their workflow, they need to understand it is about the user and the user experience. Not about what some FOSS basement neckbeard thinks is correct (and the same goes for proprietary software, where you are not at the mercy of some company executive making the calls).
@Biru_to Жыл бұрын
Blender is opinionated in its design, to the point it is limiting users. They have unconventional key maps, workflows, made up their own illogical names (armatures, to name one I hate), etc. I wish it wasn't such a try hard to be unique and special. At least it's open source, and we can force out these meaningless differences.
@jujuboohoo Жыл бұрын
What Ton said was some thing along the line of if you give Blender to the team at Pixar.... Get it? Ton also said making Blender the industry standard isn't his priority. Personally, I'm very happy with Blender because I don't have to steal it to learn it.
@SkyLiink Жыл бұрын
7:08 random video of Ableton? I might not be completetly in the animation "loop", since i do music fulltime, but always loved animation i love seeing how it's made, but can anyone tell me the correlation? Do you guys use music programs alot when animating?
@TheLizardKing752 Жыл бұрын
It's kind of ironic that there's a sponsored ad for a paid 3rd party Blender addon during the video. Honestly, one of my biggest problems with Blender is that much of it's functionality comes through 3rd party addons instead of being built-in. It's a blessing and a curse. Even some of the built-in tools are a bit obscure so you get a 3rd party plugin as a wrapper around them.
@Ciprian-Amarandei Жыл бұрын
Blender was seen as amateur software 10 years ago. Now, most 3ds max users want to learn Blender
@IsUserADuck Жыл бұрын
Blender is great but to claim it’s better for sculpting than other software is just not true. It’s not as powerful as zbrush yet. It’s improving very fast and 3.5 has made another huge step, but it just isn’t there yet. Same goes for baking. If you have a complex model with multiple parts and no fancy paid addon, good luck baking all maps one by one. As a hobbyist I don’t have so much time to waste, so I imagine professionals are not fans of this either.
@ubaidsamad4526 Жыл бұрын
If I remember correctly studio orange, the studio that made the new trigun anime, uses exclusively blender and they're making amazing shows other than trigun
@leonchang1083 Жыл бұрын
it is not until diving really deep in blender do i find out that cycles has no plans to implement deep exr...
@ddjgaray Жыл бұрын
Anime productions use it officially.. Grease pencil is amazing for 3d-2d integrations
@ProjectAtlasmodling Жыл бұрын
Grease pencil is a tool anime and other 2.5d productions have been asking for years
@garymcderp1146 Жыл бұрын
Amateur my ass. The haters are just mad the software is free and creators do incredible things with it every day.
@gameexe6337 Жыл бұрын
i have been using blender for over 10 years and all i can say is belnder is a jack of all trades and a master of none, and that it why its seen as something for amateurs, it branches out into so many different directions, but only a step or two and than you need to wait 5 years for the next big release for them to go a few more steps in some of them. it halfasses everything it tries to do and its still to this day lacking some of the most basic common sense features and functionality that most other software out there could do just fine for 2 decades now. Also no it is not best for modeling, modeling in blender feels like eating with chopsticks, sure you can get really good at eating with chopsticks, but at the end of the day, a fork is a fork, one thing i do agree it does good is rigging.
@rocketwastaken Жыл бұрын
I think part of it has to do with the fact that blender is free and sometimes people see free as low quality
@user-mu8ok5xf8d Жыл бұрын
As someone who has been using and learning maya for years I am actually upset that I didn’t learn blender as it seams just better then many of the other programs while doing what most of them do combined
@saulsantos4132 Жыл бұрын
Except texturing and uv mapping.
@Biru_to Жыл бұрын
If Blender seems better than Maya to you, you probably don't need the expert tools Maya offers over Blender. For rigging and animation, there's a reason Maya is the standard. Blender definitely still lacks in those areas compared to Maya.
@jjm2980 Жыл бұрын
@@Biru_to I got to say I dont really like how maya seems to miss a lot of necessary features. I havent found a good way to rig tank tracks in a easy way as it is possible in blender, as far as I am concerned there is also no fast way to zeroing controllers for rigs without using scripts. If I am correct maya also has no option to repath alembic, wich has given me a whole lot of trouble in one of my Projects, and there is no non distructive beveling, wich makes Beveling in maya a chore for me at least. Even if those features are out there, the problem I have with maya is, that information on how to find and use these features is eigther hard to find or non existend. From an outsiders Perspective Blender seems to have way more tools, workarounds and options than maya offers, and that is because there is a lot information to those tools, not because there are more tools and features in the programm itself. I might be wrong of course but this is how it feels to me.
@Biru_to Жыл бұрын
@@jjm2980 I use 3ds max professionally, and create in-house tools using maxscript, and I'm in the process of switching to python for creating in-house 3ds max tools. When I got access to ChatGPT I asked it to make a very simple maxscript, and it failed. I've used Max for over a decade at this point, and I wish it had such a big and open community of people creating tutorials, tools, etc as blender has when I started learning Max (when I was in high school) and Maya (when I went to university). Every so often I read and see videos about how Max is dead (or Maya for that matter) or how Blender has an amazing new unheard of feature, but it's because almost no one knows the extreme amount of detailed and specialized tools there are already in Max/Maya/etc. And/but when Blender gets a new feature, 'everyone' knows about it. The fact Max has had boolean operations since Max 6 (maybe even earlier somewhere in the early 2000s) still amazes people. Oh well, enough undirected ranting for now 😉
@jjm2980 Жыл бұрын
@@Biru_to I feel you. Most of the time when I need something specific and search online for it I get all the Blender Tutorials and tipps, but hardlyanything to nothing on maya. Having a popular open source programm encourages people to talk about it. Especially on social media, doing tutorials will get attention bc people who use blender dont learn it in a school but online with the help of strangers-. There is just way more exchange in Blenders community than in any other Programm.
@daniellord-vera6987 Жыл бұрын
crazy enough blender is getting better and is already better than some pro softwares that are already out there its on the same level as Z brush and is getting to be better than Maya the reason why some industries say Maya or z brush is standard is due to them not wanting to switch over to new advancements and that schools only teach the same softwares and that they already have a library of effects but its mediocre blender is actually going above and beyond what's out there for free as well and I do believe blender will become the new industry standard.
@DaemonPredator Жыл бұрын
Blender is far from being in Zbrush's league, it's just copied some badly implemented features, it's slow, clunky and can't handle millions of polygons like Zbrush. ZB sculpting capabilities are huge compared with Blender. It can't either compete with Maya on rigging and animation, viewport speed, customize workflow... Blender UI/UX/keymap is a nightmare and dumb, is lacking of very simple things like edit symmetry, a proper and easy shortcut editor, it lacks of pie menu editor. A lot of shortcuts overlaps if you use addons (Blender is useless without them), the N panel gets crowded very easily, it's hard to jump to tabs and find what you need... And much more other annoying things like that makes use industry standard software use a breeze, time is money. For now Blender is good companion but incapable to replace nothing.
@daniellord-vera6987 Жыл бұрын
@@DaemonPredator id very much disagree from what I’ve seen and sorry to say but it can handle as much polygons as Z brush I stopped using z brush after using it for 3 years paying 500$ is crazy for something that’s like blender, blender has more to grow and a lot of space to be better which is on target
@DaemonPredator Жыл бұрын
@@daniellord-vera6987 I can handle much more polygons in Zbrush on a 10 years old machine than Blender in a new one. Literally, Zbrush is 50x to 100x faster.
@palpytine Жыл бұрын
There's a few places Blender suffers compared to the competition. Modelling with NURBs, lofts, and constraints is a big one for product and more technical work. For FX and simulation work geometry nodes needs to mature a bit more and all the physics sim functionality needs to be folded into geonodes. It could also stand to incorporate several ideas from the sverchok plugin. Sculpting has in many ways caught up with zbrush and is looking strong. Shading is decent, though working with PBR textures continues to be cumbersome, and there are many ideas from the substance workflow that would be welcomed. For larger scale projects it needs better asset library management and support for different types of workflow spread out across larger teams. None of this is insurmountable though, it's all under active development, and a fair amount is handled by plugins.
@clausbohm9807 11 ай бұрын
Please stop saying Autodesk costs 1700/yr ... the indie versions cost now 305/yr (up from 290.00/yr) in most countries for anyone making less then 100K/yr with the software. Also blender is not really free when you have to buy multible addons just to have it compete with Maya, etc ... I have spend nearly 1K on addons already. You do have a very strong point in using the source code of Blender to make it better by the big studios ... in that case they have no real excuse not to switch over if they wanted to since they are already writting their own priority software. Aside from what blender cultists say, it is still a immature program (just trying doing an intense water simulation even with paid plugins) for big projects but I beleive it is written to actually one day be better then what the canned software the big studios currently use like maya and houdini (other then their own piority stuff). If Blender wants to excel one thing they can concentrate on is trying to get the sofware to access better all the cores that our current cpus have for things like simulations and character animations.
@crabbypaddy5549 Жыл бұрын
Blender is the best and If it's considered Amateur then I'm Proud to be an Amateur.
@sethdaigle2284 Жыл бұрын
Maya CANNOT compete with blender's modeling tools. Blender's UX design is leagues above anything autodesk has produced.
@MegaMGstudios Жыл бұрын
I've seen that a lot of open source/free software are seen as amateur.
@ive3336 Жыл бұрын
Industry standard is so misleading. It should be known that most companies have been using other software's for longer so have a better understanding and have it systematically ingrained in their workflow. Obviously most students who study in the field practice with the software's used within the industry to help them transition into the workplace HOWEVER this doesn't mean the software's are any better than Blender. Big studios don't want to have to reinvest a TON of time training staff and changing their process when they have one that works already. As a Blender user myself I can already see aspects of the industry adjusting to Blenders capabilities through the development of Blender based studios so for all the Blender users out there your time is coming! And the community is inspiring!
@ProjectAtlasmodling Жыл бұрын
It's more of as of right now large old studios need a clear benefit to switch but that doesn't mean there not using it. It's cheaper to experiment with a software that isn't up to spec now but maybe in the next few years than it is to drop Maya or max out of nowhere and place blender in. You make and test a pipeline before you replace your existing one
@TheSensationalMr.Science Жыл бұрын
what add-ons are shown at 10:00 - 10:14? cause I saw that there were pre-made textures, facial animations, and physics based effects in there. are they baked-in add-ons? Hope you have a great day & Safe Travels!
@yumenokoyume Жыл бұрын
I'm a Max user who jumped into Blender. The switch wasn't easy because there is a lot of features in Max that I couldn't find an alternative in Blender. All I can say is that if you could create something big on a tool for amateur's, well you're build different.
@seongholee1648 Жыл бұрын
It's changing. Learning different software is like a must, so don't bother to setup a stupid line and stick to it. Be flexible!
@colourwavestudios 29 күн бұрын
Blender is the Reaper of the audio mixing community. They are just tools. The artist is all that really matters.
@graphguy Жыл бұрын
Why? Because it is. That should be a badge of achievement, not a knock.
@RoySATX Жыл бұрын
Let's be honest here, even if Blender had better and more features, greater stability, and was capable of producing comparable results in less time it would still be considered amatuer by the most of the film industry. Game developers may be somewhat more willing to accept an open platform, but as with everything else "Hollywood" is about elitism. It's the ""we are better than you" attitude, to feel superior they must create a barrier to keep the commoners away from themselves. Money is one way they create that shield, only those who can afford the cost of entry can gain access. The best clubs, the exclusive parties, the A-list locations, money is the great barrier that shields them from the riff-raff and maintains their sense of superiority. No movie star would walk into a local pub, and if they did they wouldn't want it known to the public. No, that would make them normal, average, a regular person. They instead seek exclusivity fitting their perceived status and can and will pay to maintain distance from those below them. It's elitism, all other things being equal, they want it known you aren't allowed.
@ENTERtheCREATOR Жыл бұрын
Blender isn’t amateur. It’s amateur-accessible. That means studios can’t sell the vfx that they spent billions on as “one of a kind” or “exclusive”.
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