Instagram's Psychosis Crisis

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Royal Young

Royal Young

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@GregorFancy 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for talking of me my fans tell me of this you are right I have the greatest fans in the world I have never had been diagnosed of anything my mother was a psychologist counselor being spychic runs in the family she didn’t believe in me even though she never said it but I could tell but she never called me crazy
@RoyalYoung8 10 күн бұрын
Oh dude nice to see you here! Yeah don't worry, I wasn't trying to imply you were mentally ill, you seem to be doing just fine and not like the rest of the people in the video, I just wanted to talk about you because I've been following you for a while and wanted an excuse to talk about you in some way since you kinda fit the vibe of the video (in a good way though of course). That's awesome that you have such a supportive fanbase. Any update on the swollen lady? Edit: this is the real gregor fancy btw to anyone reading, he followed me on insta too
@sweetlevi4061 28 күн бұрын
The comments you saw get a lot worse actually. When people actually get medicated and start recovering theyll get comments like "the blue things in your wrists are wires cut them out". People online genuinely seek out scizophrenic people and try to make them worse
@G36C-556 27 күн бұрын
A little silly
@sweetlevi4061 27 күн бұрын
@@G36C-556 if you're deeply unwell and someone purposely makes you worse or tries to get you to literally kill yourself that's not silly. That's horrifying.
@babifawn2 27 күн бұрын
my dad has it ts sounds scary
@RoyalYoung8 27 күн бұрын
Seriously, I hate how people do this without thinking much about it. Like, my grandpa had schizophrenia and thought the TV was talking to him specifically, so comments are going to be no different and it pisses me off that people don't consider the implications of their words Edit: nah apparently some people genuinely do this on purpose according to some other comments. No idea how it gets to that point but WOW.
@sweetlevi4061 27 күн бұрын
@@G36C-556 is it silly or is telling someone who you know hasn't got a full grasp on reality dangerous things just goating them into hurting themselves?
@doodleghost6225 27 күн бұрын
I had a pretty bad psychosis episode a few years back that I'm now being followed by a professional about. When I was out of the worst of it, I'd posted in an online space asking for advice about how to reach out to a doctor for help. Half of all the comments were people actively feeding into the delusions I'd mentioned and trying to force me to relapse - it almost worked, too. The shit you say online matters. Those people could genuinely have ended up killing me if I had slipped just a little more than I did.
@RoyalYoung8 27 күн бұрын
That's actually insane, I genuinely can't imagine what goes through someone's head to make them want to do that. Like what do they even gain??? Hope you're doing better now.
@obokengm788 24 күн бұрын
I remember my family started practicing southern african traditional healing because my aunt was allegedly bewitching us, she wasn't a good person so I could understand how they got there. And I have nothing against the practice, but there's a healthy was to approach it. After 2 years I had significantly lost grip with reality while living alone and I was broke so barely eating. I had a horrible episode where my delusions reached its peak and I called my family and asked if I was crazy and they said I was just having an awakening, I almost drop out of school because of it. Luckily my bf at the time helped me realise that I was taking things to far and brought me back. But today my mom and aunt are deep into mlms and my cousin is a flat earther who doesn't believe HIV is an STD, and she's a mother
@highbread817 23 күн бұрын
​@obokengm788 the irony of the people most skeptical of western medicine being gullible enough to fall for old scams never ceases to amaze me. It's common with a lot of the anti medicine types here in the Southern USA too
@Quaxo21 20 күн бұрын
Sorry to hear about that
@user-vv5hp1xl8w 28 күн бұрын
this seems like something a fed would post
@thecreature615 28 күн бұрын
@orangeanon7600 26 күн бұрын
@drezzydrez 25 күн бұрын
@papascronch 24 күн бұрын
​@@thecreature615 I like how Google actually tried to translate this one
@consumptionof 23 күн бұрын
I have schizophrenia. The best way I can describe it is, it's like some external force has kidnapped your psyche without you even knowing it. You start believing things that are nonsensical or only have the barest logical threads, often you'll start hallucinating in ways that support your delusions, and it can feel like anyone who isn't onboard with your failing mind's haywire processes is working against you in some way. I wouldn't wish this on anyone, not even the people who apparently think it's funny to trigger us into psychosis. The guy at the start - he has his own internal logic to what he's saying and it seems obvious to him because it's as basic to his beliefs as gravity and air are to us. It takes a lot of courage to open up about an illness like this because lots of people look at us like we're going to go do unspeakable things at random because Satan told us to in the form of a Facebook message from a family member. Whether people think the whole thing is a joke or they think we're actually dangerous varies, but nobody has any sympathy for us except each other and those precious in our lives who have seen in our eyes that what we're going through is some of the most potent mental agony you can conceive of. Remember: there's no shame in getting help. There is shame in feeding or triggering delusions. Some people simply disgust me.
@RoyalYoung8 23 күн бұрын
I've never understood why the people you mentioned even feel the need to leave such comments. Like what do they get from harassing people going through psychosis? Do they think it just doesn't have an effect? Does anonymity shield them from the consequences of their actions? Is it for likes? I really don't get why people leave that those sorts of comments and their motivation, maybe some people are much more malicious than I give them credit for though.
@dakotagiant6308 26 күн бұрын
My best friend is within the top 2% of schizophrenic patients and she has pretty severe hallucinations and delusions. Her meds help, but she still has her bad days. She doesn't post her delusions on social media though. I think a lot of these videos are just feeding into itself and the trend of "oh its cool to have a mental health disorder haha I'm so quirky". I genuinely hope these people get better.
@Quaxo21 20 күн бұрын
I’m sorry to hear that, I’m glad she’s getting help
@dakotagiant6308 26 күн бұрын
The super shitty thing is that people will actually makes these connections in their head and it will make absolute perfect sense, and no matter how you try to explain it to them they won't believe you. It's sad, I hope that if people are genuinely struggling they're able to get some help.
@randomperson16955 28 күн бұрын
i saw a post that somehow tied the word 'salad' to the illuminati. i think it was satirical but that's exactly what this guy is doing
@TordBot69 26 күн бұрын
yeah i was part of the illuminati once we had salad parties on wednesdays
@Petrichors_MuddyRainboots 6 күн бұрын
I’ve seen that one. It’s saved on my phone somewhere because it makes me chuckle.
@Ccaraaa 28 күн бұрын
The demons told me about this video
@RoxyTBDW 28 күн бұрын
Bruh it shows you with two pfps for me 😭 My phone is so-
@pup_master66 28 күн бұрын
@@RoxyTBDW *The demons did it*
@ZZZ90_ 28 күн бұрын
Germany are you okay pookie bear.. 🥺
@w4danohara.thenagitolover 28 күн бұрын
the demons told me to reply to this comment
@C8t8l8na 28 күн бұрын
The demons are in ur walls
@galatea742 26 күн бұрын
I have schizophrenia and honestly watching this made my heart sink. I’m doing really well now though and work as a research psychologist specialising in schizophrenia. I just wanted to comment on a few points, from my personal and professional perspective (apologies in advance for the ensuing essay!) Firstly, I think a lot of posts like these are trolling which makes things so much worse for individuals actually experiencing psychosis. Even in the population of individuals experiencing psychosis, a lot is drug induced rather than caused by organic conditions such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Something people often overlook is that schizophrenia is an illness that can occur in episodes and can drastically vary in severity over time within one individual. Unfortunately this can mean that an individual in an episode of acute psychosis could post content like this but then ‘come down’ so to speak, entirely mentally distanced from this delusion. Of course the internet is forever though and many people that I have worked with are devastated by the digital trail they have left, showing them at their absolute worst, which can cause issues with employment, friendship, court cases (discrediting their witness statements) or even child custody cases years down the line. What’s worse is that bad intentioned individuals do interact with these posts and purposely try to trigger further delusion or coax them into acts of self-h*rm or su*cide. This occurs in day to day life too, entirely unprovoked. It’s not uncommon for someone to try and convince a schizophrenic individual of some conspiracy or that something in front of them isn’t real, just because they know the individual has schizophrenia, even if they appear entirely asymptomatic. I don’t know what people get out of this but it is a large reason why most people are private about their diagnosis. So many people are incredibly ignorant on the subject and to some extent I understand, I’m not expecting everyone to be experts but a lot of people seem to be wilfully ignorant. From your video I can tell that you aren’t very well informed on the topic or at least have only a surface level understanding but that is totally understandable and you are not at fault for that. One example would be the language you use throughout the video, which I know is common colloquially, so again, not on you, however it would be great if you could pay a little more attention to that if you pursue this topic further in the future. I think a lot of people forget that people with schizophrenia are, for the most part, exactly like everyone else and it’s unlikely that you’d even notice us. I find it’s always the case that people’s point of reference is a grandparent, Aunt, neighbour etc who has it and you always see things in a secondary light, however I can assure you that this is life for many of us and we’re watching videos like this, hearing and taking part in discussions, just like everyone else. Although I personally found this video really uncomfortable, I’ve watched some of your other content and really like your format, so am subscribing! Apologies for the long comment, as a research scientist I’ve unfortunately got into the habit!
@RoyalYoung8 26 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot for this comment, this was very informative and it's nice to have someone educated on this saying something. Quick question for future reference, which language/things in the video do you take issue with and why? I did a very poor job of researching the correct language before making this video. Like, I know enough to know that these posts being promoted on the internet is an issue but tbh I don't think I handled it with enough tact with my wording (e.g. the name "schizogram" which is wayyy too close to "schizo"). Just curious so I can be more careful in the future, and honestly at some point I might private this video cuz tbh I'm less and less of a fan of it as time goes on lol, like ik my points about it being an issue are right but the way I worded it was kinda callous at points. Edit: Also, what about the video made you uncomfortable? The subject matter? My handling of it? Was anything disrespectful?
@Quaxo21 20 күн бұрын
I’m glad you’re getting help
@Banebelladonna 19 күн бұрын
I'm so sorry you I've had to deal with navigating ignorance of society on this subject. This is exactly what I was afraid of. I just wanted to let you know that you did a great job expressing yourself and I hope that you know other people are there who are willing to be an ally not to mention to take a step back and understand what it's like to be in your shoes. Unfortunately this type of content perpetuates the issue and we run around in this gigantic circle of never-ending self-centered behavior that does no good for people who are suffering. Not saying that you are but to those out there who might not have the resources to have proper treatment they still get shunned from society and they cannot get the proper care that they need. Anyway I just wanted to let you know that you are awesome and I'm very sorry.
@RoyalYoung8 27 күн бұрын
Hey y'all, I decided to change the title and thumbnail because to be honest, I feel like the term "schizogram" can be a little insensitive. Terms like "schizoposting" and "schizo" are generally considered to be offensive to people suffering from schizophrenia (as "schizoposting" generally adds to the stigma because it's used often inaccurately and on people purposefully making fun of the disorder, and "schizo" itself is degrading as you're referring to someone as the disorder they suffer from and is often used to be demeaning on purpose). I figured "schizogram" would be fine because it's just a portmanteau of "schizophrenia" and "Instagram," and would actually be accurate in this case as we are looking at posts that may very likely be real cases (and pretty much any genre/community on Tiktok and Instagram are named similar portmanteaus), but the more I think about it I realize that it's way too similar to the other terms I mentioned and purposefully avoided using, so it's probably better to just change it. Sorry for not realizing this earlier. Unfortunately I can't edit the video itself and I don't think it's worth taking down (because for one, the content itself isn't demeaning as far as I'm aware, and for two, Instagram needs to be called out for this sort of thing, I just used a what could be considered an insensitive term) but I hope this explanation shows you how I was thinking and why I didn't think it'd be a big deal (This isn't done out of pressure by anyone, it's just in retrospect I feel like advertising this video as "schizogram" is a little weird, especially since the point of this video isn't to make fun of people dealing with it, and instead point out how stupid it is that Instagram promotes this stuff, so using a term that could be seen as insensitive is counter to that goal). I'll be more careful with my language in the future, and please let me know if there's anything that y'all take issue with! EDIT: I should clarify I didn't invent this term, it's just the common vernacular on Instagram to refer to these posts, basically I just used it without stopping to think critically about the implications, which I'll be sure to do better on in the future (I should've just called it something different, or mentioned the name and then explained why I won't use it. Good to know for the future at least).
@LittleIcarus 27 күн бұрын
I appreciate that 🙏
@RoyalYoung8 27 күн бұрын
@kaiserfranzjoseph9311 I cared enough to, no one told me to do this lol
@GentleShivers 27 күн бұрын
hell yeah, good choice
@Whit3rabbitgaming 27 күн бұрын
@kaiserfranzjoseph9311 It's really not oversensitive if it's a term against a group of people
@RoyalYoung8 27 күн бұрын
@GentleShivers tbf a better choice would've been to not use that name in the first place, but this is the next best thing lol
@nickytikkitavi5678 24 күн бұрын
This reminds me of all those “ gang stalking” TikToks that would. I would show up on my Fyp back in quarantine. People would see an airplane fly by and accuse it of being a gang stalker.
@Banebelladonna 19 күн бұрын
Clearly those people are not well you should maybe try to learn how to empathize with them or keep scrolling because nothing you say or do is going to prevent them to come out of their state of mind. There is a lot of great tools on the internet to teach you about what this is and where it comes from you know how to have compassion etc
@nickytikkitavi5678 18 күн бұрын
@@Banebelladonna you should try to maybe piss off
@pnkwat3r189 26 күн бұрын
My aunt actually has schizophrenia, i found out about this a couple of months ago. It's so crazy to find out someone so close to you has this mental disability. And if it goes untreated it can get worse
@KCTH4TB1TCH 28 күн бұрын
You fr the most underrated KZbinr I know rn
@juanvaldez5422 25 күн бұрын
It’s called “Loose Association” in psychiatric terms . It’s a hallmark of psychosis/ schizophrenia
@zuza904 28 күн бұрын
Hello there (Pretend I said something funny amd clever)
@RoyalYoung8 28 күн бұрын
@ZzzZz-sg3tt 28 күн бұрын
I can't stop laughing my feeble grandmother saw this and she began laughing till she had a heart attack because of how funny this is you've killed my grandma and you're gonna kill me oh my god I can't stop laughing help me
@worm-29 28 күн бұрын
haha xd lol!!!!!! this was so funny i fell off the treadmill and broke my neck im currently on the ground unable to move and dying while typing this out
@wafflemation6887 28 күн бұрын
i'm under your skin 🤣🤣
@BringMeTheChildren 28 күн бұрын
@BozoMakesMusic 21 күн бұрын
I remember earlier this year before I was prescribed antipsychotics, I genuinely thought that demons were coming from a different dimension to terrorize me all day and night. I almost ripped the walls of my room down with a crowbar to get demons out of my wall because people on the internet were messing with me, telling me that "I'm in your walls" and scaring the shit out of me. I remember once I started adding random numbers together, thinking that they made since, and thought that it was the time I had left before the demons were going to kill me. I waited a few days, until it was time, and at 11pm, I was standing at my door with a crowbar in my hands, ready to kill something that wasnt even there, my mom stopped me and told me that there was nothing there, and if she wasn't there to help me through this, I probably wouldn't be alive right now.
@RoyalYoung8 21 күн бұрын
@BozoMakesMusic that's even worse than I even imagined tbh, I knew these comments are harmful and could lead to that but never heard a firsthand account, I hope you're doing better nowadays and thanks for sharing this.
@BozoMakesMusic 21 күн бұрын
@@RoyalYoung8 thank you, and I am doing much better now.
@Lololelechoa 24 күн бұрын
Actually went through a pretty bad psychotic episode that lasted a few months, during it I posted on instagram about how i knew that people were trying to destroy me through psychic warfare, it went viral as most of my friends thought it was a meme, and I saw that as confirmation of my beliefs. Cant even imagine what would have happened had people actually fed the delusions
@ContinuedOak 27 күн бұрын
What I love is when people use birthdays as proof of evil like shak being born on 06/06/1966 like Yeha so was 323,545 people that day, the day you are born doesn’t prove anything Sorry not sorry astrology lovers, but the day/month you were born has no evidence of making who you are
@RoyalYoung8 27 күн бұрын
No, obviously all 323,545 people born that day are evil, including Shaq
@Mothyone 23 күн бұрын
​@RoyalYoung8 this is hilarious for real it seems a large part have chosen to live in abstraction regardless of how everything turns out it's going to be interesting
@atlas.was.there._. 28 күн бұрын
Felt the aura 10 videos away 🗣️⁉️
@Keiran07 23 күн бұрын
Dude im glad i came to this channel in its early years. I can already tell this kid could go far in his channel if he has the right motivation and work ethic to make it big. Already loving your videos keep it up! (I dont usually take time to say things like this.)
@rottenfruitXD 28 күн бұрын
freakbob (who lives in my walls btw :3) told me about this video, hello
@Sealinaroom1540 24 күн бұрын
Same, but hes in my floor tho
@karstb8830 27 күн бұрын
The Swollen Woman is my next Analogue Horror monster.
@CarMen-wc4ly 26 күн бұрын
I’d read/watch it. I wouldn’t sleep for a week after, though.
@PHENA-211 28 күн бұрын
New genre: Schizocore
@s.s.r.s2641 26 күн бұрын
@Wigwamwham 24 күн бұрын
The defining characteristic would be unintelligible voices in the background of the music that are blended in so well it compels you to go look out your windows for people outside and lyrics that break the 4th wall and speak directly to the listener as if it were a message for them.
@mr.knight9628 27 күн бұрын
Royal has 6 letters and young has 6 letters, add them both you get 12, that is the age of person he loves, did you notice the young at the end, YEP. He likes kid, let that sink in.
@kaiyayayaa 26 күн бұрын
Shut up 👅
@mckenna_L_ 28 күн бұрын
Immediately pushing my work aside to watch this 😂
@kiahkiahkiahkiahkiah 24 күн бұрын
my dad is one of these types of posters and as funny as i think his posts can be sometimes i really wish people would stop feeding his delusions because he suffers from bipolar disorder and drug induced psychosis and people feeding into it worsens his condition
@kiahkiahkiahkiahkiah 24 күн бұрын
if a person is posting an absurd amount back to back as in a post every few minutes over the course of days DO NOT interact, that is a sign of mania
@agptaylor3201 27 күн бұрын
your 100% gonna blow up soon man, your content is really solid
@adonysus 28 күн бұрын
not to numbers post on main but you have 6.66k subs so… the demons must have told you to make this video
@Coyoteonthemoon 28 күн бұрын
"THANK YOU YUNG" we chant in unison
@cutiepatootie-qx9vj 28 күн бұрын
Im at 0:01 how the vid?
@Dhnswh 28 күн бұрын
@ambi_cc8464 26 күн бұрын
I’m at 17:07 how the vid?
@sirbuttfuq977 25 күн бұрын
It sucks Im watching an ad before the vid started
@wren000 24 күн бұрын
@yeoldegunporn 22 күн бұрын
I like how having grown up extreme conservative Christian I can’t tell the difference between this and my parents during childhood.
@yeoldegunporn 22 күн бұрын
Omg having finished this reminds me why I don’t talk to my mom. The lady who emails herself is exactly what trying to reason with her was like.
@cowboyprobably 28 күн бұрын
You talk like there’s multiple people inside you and they all really need to poo like you talk over yourself somehow and it makes you sound like you really have to poo
@RoyalYoung8 28 күн бұрын
Fascinating analysis
@cowboyprobably 28 күн бұрын
@@RoyalYoung8 I’m kind of a professional
@austin-aka-8106 20 күн бұрын
I used to do that number thing when I was in elementary and middle school, but not for conspiracy’s but to just find a way to link stuff or just for fun
@luminolmortis5927 23 күн бұрын
i've definitely seen other youtubers mention this algorithm trend in passing and on my reels i often get them! i come across people who seem to use social media in the strangest ways and (in the nicest way possible) definitely seem to be going through some mental issues. i feel like maybe the fact that people who are manic, have disorganized thoughts, or are just old and don't know how to use instagram and maybe have mental health issues on top of that tend to post an abnormally large amount compared to others especially on reels. i feel like the algorithm catches the huge post volume from these people, then pushes it to people with weird reel feeds, then trolls end up feeding the interaction in the comments. i think it's horrible that there are overwhelmingly cruel communities in the comment sections of accounts belonging to people who seem mentally ill and just documenting their lives, not even replying to commenters :/
@RoyalYoung8 23 күн бұрын
@luminolmortis5927 best summation I've seen so far actually, better worded than mine. It seems like it knows who the "trolls" are and which posts are "trollable" feeds it to them specifically. Great points, I'll be sure to go in more depth if I ever discuss a similar issue again
@votricvetmic4515 27 күн бұрын
Schizophrenia? You mean hanging with the boys? 😊 (i am alone. The voices are all i have left)
@Chasca2 13 күн бұрын
Underrated channel, was surprised to see you had 9k subs
@colestorch 28 күн бұрын
Watch out for the Number Cartel, you just made a powerful enemy
@Musikenna 24 күн бұрын
i love your channel please don't message minors
@Hiidontknowwutimdoing 26 күн бұрын
The only helpful thing about these posts is they are great for making an accurate schizophrenic character.
@Marsdrawsss 28 күн бұрын
Yo Royal Young uploaded!
@RoyalYoung8 28 күн бұрын
@bear9295 28 күн бұрын
@drakothedragon 28 күн бұрын
@KnightoftheSorryFace 25 күн бұрын
Judging by the posts you showed mentioning it, I think Gregor Fancy's "dark zone" may be his way of referring to bad thoughts he gets.
@RoyalYoung8 25 күн бұрын
That seems to be the case. Hope he's doing alright, but hey he's a famous psychic now he's got like 10k and an honestly quite supportive community unlike some of the other people we covered, even if it's layered in irony.
@KnightoftheSorryFace 25 күн бұрын
@RoyalYoung8 oh that's nice to hear, glad at least some people can be kind
@TheWaffleRadio 4 күн бұрын
The lamp post guy is communicating super clearly. He said it in the first image. Admit you love your cousin, or the lamp post thing. He didn't want to admit he loves his cousin, hence the lamp post thing. What he's saying is that he loves his cousin, simple as
@andrealira1771 19 күн бұрын
I like how you talk and how you go about things. so happy to have found a new channel :)
@Slushea 5 күн бұрын
I'm glad you are actually making it clear these should be taken a bit more seriously.
@_surreal99 20 күн бұрын
My cousin is unfortunately affected by this kind of Mental illness. It's damn near impossible as a lay person to get through to the person, piercing the thick wall of delusional thinking. Tragic Stuff. It also affects their Memory where they'll recall a completely false Memory and spiral further down from looping the weirdly remembered event. In their brief moments of clarity, they're visibly ashamed and appear haggard, it's like the delusional thinking drains them.
@RoyalYoung8 20 күн бұрын
It's such a terrible disorder, I wish the best for your cousin. I wonder if we will ever find a cure. My grandpa suffered from it too and it was a ton of stress for both him and my family, it's wild that this even exists in the first place.
@SillyKittyCat1 25 күн бұрын
Yooo I just found your channel *checks watch* like an hour ago! I was so surprised to see you only have 7k subs because you deserve way more. Already love it bro
@Skibidicum66 28 күн бұрын
You somewhat look like rodrick heffley from wimpy kid
@RoyalYoung8 28 күн бұрын
I've been told this like every video lol, is that a good thing?
@colestorch 28 күн бұрын
@sentientessay 25 күн бұрын
@Your.Favourite_Grace 28 күн бұрын
Young are you royal? My demons asked for answers
@RoyalYoung8 28 күн бұрын
@iloveapplejuiice 21 күн бұрын
So thankful that when I was in psychosis I believed the demons following me everywhere would make whatever I say I’m afraid of become reality and I couldn’t tell anyone I thought demons were trying to kill me so I was never tempted to post anything like this online and have weirdos intentionally further my delusions 😅 that is true insane behavior
@victoriafreeman5446 28 күн бұрын
just finished the video freakbob told me to tell you he loved it
@Gec3V 26 күн бұрын
youre super underrated dude these videos are great!
@ArtCorvid 27 күн бұрын
The number guy would shit himself if he saw the microphone i bought from aliexpress. It literally has "SF-666" written on it
@Xtroid 28 күн бұрын
Found this through the dark web
@Banebelladonna 19 күн бұрын
Your use of terms like "schizogram" or equating spiritual practices with mental illness is not just misguided-it's deeply problematic, especially for a highly stigmatized condition like schizophrenia. It's important to recognize that casually diagnosing someone or making light of mental illness, particularly in an online context where misinformation spreads rapidly, contributes to harmful stereotypes and the further marginalization of those who already struggle to have their needs met. As someone who has worked closely with individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, I can tell you that their reality is often dismissed, even by those who are trained to support them. This dismissal can be incredibly damaging, leading to a lack of proper care and understanding. When their experiences are invalidated or mocked, it only reinforces the barriers they face in accessing the help they need.
@RoyalYoung8 19 күн бұрын
You're a "psychic"... that works with schizophrenia patients?
@Banebelladonna 19 күн бұрын
@@RoyalYoung8 no actually I worked in public safety I had to do wellness checks a long with working at a program which was a shelter and if you made it through the program you would have gotten housing Etc I did all the intake Etc you do know people can have more than one job and this could be considered a hobby. So much for critical thinking though right
@Banebelladonna 19 күн бұрын
@@RoyalYoung8 if you would like me to send you a photo as proof to verify this I can do that for you too buddy. But yes it's the 21st century and rent is not cheap in San diego. Therefore people have a tendency to have 9 to 5 jobs and they might just do things on the side too. None the less they were treated like crap and the last place I was at the owners of the building would not listen to the schizophrenic patients so they would confide in the and I was one of the only people that would listen to them. It was a lot to take in but luckily I had taken psychology in college so I knew enough about things like active listening Etc not to mention having that little thing called compassion. I'm sure you're familiar with the term.
@RoyalYoung8 19 күн бұрын
​@@Banebelladonna fair, was just curious, felt like I had to ask. Your criticism makes sense though, most likely if I do a video on a similar subject in the future I'll spend much more time talking about the issue at hand, I talked about it a bit with the "why the hell is insta promoting this" but it wasn't enough in retrospect so the video could be considered derisive as I didn't really add much substance beyond that. Appreciate the feedback
@RoyalYoung8 19 күн бұрын
​@@BanebelladonnaI don't need photo proof lmao
@CastorRae 7 күн бұрын
I'm schizoaffective and honestly conspiracy theory posts are like.. a trigger for me. What sounds insane to the common person just makes sense and sets off my paranoid thinking.
@niccolobardini8905 25 күн бұрын
Bryant to # is 80. Bryant is 1 word. 80 + 1 = 81. 81 is a multiple of 3. What else is a multiple of 3? Yep, 2001, the year when the towers fe--
@ablobfish5104 25 күн бұрын
bros aura gives off big youtuber energy
@AlbatroScarlet 27 күн бұрын
I remember just joking around and tying the most random things to the illuminati when i was younger (" *word* has 10 letters, what else has 10 letters? That's right, illuminati") but at least those things made some sense, whereas these... Don't even go anywhere lol but maybe it is just me overwhelmed by the numbers :pp
@julianaoliveira763 5 күн бұрын
these people be making those batshit insane conspiracies when the government already get away with doing actually bad things
@SourStove 28 күн бұрын
the hat man told me to like the video
@RafaelSValerio 22 күн бұрын
@Wallnuts 19 күн бұрын
The ones that bother me are those who say they’re spreading the fake information “for entertainment purposes only” when they know damn well they’re feeding into other people’s mental illnesses
@lurkingninja8 25 күн бұрын
i thought i was gonna find out about myself here and i instead found out there are much much crazier people
@little_greenbean Күн бұрын
I use to engage in the insane number stuff (jumping to insane conclusions/ confirmation bias), tranvestigstion, playing with ideas of non human entities controlling the world possibly somehow?? The realistic mask conspiracy stuff. And I had this OCD obsession with counting the numbers of backplates and noticing the “pattern” of them being multiples of 6/9’s very often. To be fair. I don’t give any of this stuff my time anymore at all, and don’t believe in a majority of it. I was really deep in a far right rabbit hole and I was DEEPLY repressing my own trans identity at this time. Does that genuinely make me schizophrenic?? I feel like the amount of stress, repression, and the fact my brain had already been wired for paranoia due to trauma and social anxiety disorder just set me up for all this. It didn’t help I had ignorant family growing up and wasn’t properly educated on the complexities of the world (politics, evolution, philosophy, etc). I now direct my curiosity towards politics, science, real history, and discourse. If I endukge in fantasy, I indulge in real fantasy (books, anime/ manga, video games, TV, musis, etc). I don’t think I’m schizophrenic, as I don’t believe in the super natural. One of the craziest conspiracy theories I genuinely believe would probably be GNM. But that’s more an alternative view of science, less than some conspiracy in of itself. Even that I engage with less. Anyways I think you are doing good with these videos. Criticizing people who don’t realize they are crazy without over doing it. I genuinely think someone deep in the hole could see this video and maybe it could wake them up.
@little_greenbean Күн бұрын
One of the most brutal conspiracy theories I’ve seen are the targeted individuals. I mean of course people throughout history have been targeted for who they are, and gang stalking can be real with a bad ex or run in with a gang perhaps. But typically these are normal everyday people with extreme mental illness, who perceive “stalking” through the form of confirmation bias. It’s really uncomfortable to watch those type of things cause a lot of the times (especially the documentaries from bigger companies) make these people seem fairly normal and such. You can find KZbin channels of intelligent individuals otherwise ruined by paranoia complexes that the government is “testing” on their brains with technology and such. Can we prove the CIA dosen’t have complex algorithms and technology to do these things (unfortunately we can’t). We also know from past psyop’s and declassified documents that they do insane shit. It’s unlikely any of that has stopped. But looking at those TI videos and the comments. You can just see how riddled it is with genuine schizophrenics. It’s very sad. On the off chance there are maybe 0.02% out there actually suffering from some experiment on the public, or gang stalking from a former employer, ex, gang, etc. They won’t be taken seriously. It’s just horrible for everyone involved which is why mental health is so important. My dad has very bad paranoia complexes about “them” before he completely lost it. Although he lived a very traumatic life and had a horrible diet which didn’t help with his situation. I’m sure a ketogenic diet or at the very least something along the lines of health combined with addressing his trauma could have added an extra 10-15 years onto his sanity. Perhaps even delayed onset of symptoms till death.
@little_greenbean Күн бұрын
A lot of the times these things come as very incoherent and non sensical. Why would government need to harass you specifically? Why do they need to stalk you in real life when you carry a mobile phone around you with you almost everywhere? When you have basically a constant connection to the internet and a device full of data’s which is constantly being exploited anyways. For the voices in their heads. How do they actually know they aren’t crazy? The fact they don’t seek out help and assume so strongly it’s “them” is proof of the psychosis. Then again. If you or me genuinely believed the government was in our minds… we probably wouldn’t want to be diagnosed with schizophrenia either, because then we’d be falling for “their” plan. It’s a very sad reality for these poor souls. The mental health system is so broken 😢
@OneHellOfASandwich 22 күн бұрын
I kept getting recommended a guys channel who would “document” the “gang stalking” he was experiencing. Regular helicopters fly over, they’re watching him. He sees the most popular passenger car (Toyota Corolla, RED) and thinks it’s the same one every time (it could be the same one, possibly his NEIGHBOR?). I kept commenting “your family is worried about you. You should go to that place they told you about” and I shit you not he stopped uploading for a few months. Then I got a new vid from him where he said “they tried to tell me I shouldn’t worry about these things. I went to the hospital but they were there too. I’m in real danger” so I assume he DID try to get help but he didn’t try hard enough. It was crazy. Poor guy. Did all you can do as a person on the outside looking in.
@PH0ITOO 26 күн бұрын
Shaq is part of an underground society though. He confirmed it lmao 😭
@ConanDLibrarian 9 күн бұрын
I am also a non-ironic follower of Gregor, I think his messages are interesting and I appreciate his care for others. I dont believe in psychics but thats okay, hes cool
@prettyrabbitz 23 күн бұрын
I’ve received a prophetic vision to comment on this video Blessed be upon you
@Qu1rk3 28 күн бұрын
this dude is way too underrated
@pleuriglosse8198 19 күн бұрын
So surprised you only have 9k subs!!
@RoyalYoung8 18 күн бұрын
I'm surprised I have 9k subs at all ngl
@sentientessay 25 күн бұрын
Bro I thought u had atleast 150k subs (please don’t text a minor or make a “gen alpha is doomed” vid) I subbed
@DevWasHere 28 күн бұрын
Best commentary KZbinr!! (Please reply I need acknowledgment)
@RoyalYoung8 28 күн бұрын
@@DevWasHere hi
@indigohammer5732 20 күн бұрын
Oh Gawd! The whole Numerology stuff is insanity.
@bonnie9855 23 күн бұрын
Lowkey worried I'll find myself on one of these one day
@RoyalYoung8 23 күн бұрын
​@bonnie9855 highly unlikely. Why
@user-vf9tl2wy6o 28 күн бұрын
the voices told me to like and subscribe 😮
@flaka3325 15 күн бұрын
I watched this phenomenon happening lately on my Instagram too 😅 I get like advertised accounts or posts and it’s just full blown schizo posting, weird to see that it’s really a trend 😂
@Koikocolaa 28 күн бұрын
@extracrispycoop2552 22 күн бұрын
“Numberdamus” like Nostradamus
@eggiesoverspinachovertoast8624 28 күн бұрын
In the royal. straight up, "younging it". and by it, well. Lets justr say. My videos. this vid was aweosem keep making cool stuff [thumbs up]
@JamesMarshall-jv9yl 22 күн бұрын
I think stuff like this is part of a calculated effort to discredit truth/conspiracy posts. So that whenever people see then they immediately think “crazy”.
@jayboyvr1164 28 күн бұрын
Anyone else hear this voice in their head? *THE VOICES SAY LETS GO*
@XDYFYBLYN 28 күн бұрын
I zorked!
@RoyalYoung8 28 күн бұрын
In the club straight up "zorkin" it
@itarulol1164 27 күн бұрын
@@RoyalYoung8and by it. heh . Let’s jusr say. my zork
@frigginbirds 26 күн бұрын
The first guy is godawful at explaining, but I think he's saying that 81 is 9 squared
@The_Levitators 12 күн бұрын
I love your videos please don’t hate minorities 🙏🙏
@lokiloverasf 10 күн бұрын
i love gregor
@Quaxo21 20 күн бұрын
Why when I stab myself does it hurt? Does the CIA not want me to stab myself?
@jerryfunklebottom 25 күн бұрын
as a georgian, can confirm gregor fancy is a gigachad and he is the pride of our nation (i think his georgian.. i think?)
@thecreature615 28 күн бұрын
does it freak
@RoyalYoung8 28 күн бұрын
@@thecreature615 yeah
@thecreature615 28 күн бұрын
i am not real
@kissen1_ 25 күн бұрын
cool and good
@AppIesauces 28 күн бұрын
Schitzogram is awesome at math though
@bernardogomesdemelo6217 25 күн бұрын
them people said lebron james hairline
@Shmityorshen 25 күн бұрын
I know it's not good to entertain this, but the irony of the light falling over after all those posts about the CIA controlling lights to monitor us lol
@thegoblinspeaks 21 күн бұрын
if ur obsessed w numbers u officially lost it thats the facts
@KnightoftheSorryFace 25 күн бұрын
I believe apophenia is a symptom of schizophrenia, which is likely the cause of numberdamus's stuff and I *think* may be the cause of beliefs that some others have such as that they're being gang-stalked (one thing I believe that's common is the belief that red cars are used by gang-stalkers to fuck with them, which seems to me like it's likely related to that apophenia) **But do NOT just take my word for it, I've not really done any research on this and am just sorta writing off my head, and I am not in the slightest involved in psychiatry.** **Please correct me if you, unlike me, actually know what you're talking about and I'm wrong**
@christineschutz1551 28 күн бұрын
Congrats on everything! Ur channel is really funny And congrats on school n football n stuff. Stay safe :)
@1_ktjt_1 26 күн бұрын
Best vid for eating food fr
@eve_squared 26 күн бұрын
I open the comments "Get this person a firearm immediately"
@K.Esmerelda-zy7cf 21 күн бұрын
This video was sponsored by The Satellite Man.
@RoyalYoung8 21 күн бұрын
@@K.Esmerelda-zy7cf Tony Chase reference?
@K.Esmerelda-zy7cf 21 күн бұрын
@@RoyalYoung8 Yeah bro!
@Mothyone 23 күн бұрын
Reality out here looking like a van gogh
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