I always thought the Episode Commercial speaker was OEM'd by Atlas
@CristianOrtiztechmaster9268 күн бұрын
Who knows but I can see the speaker grill itself being OEM'd by Atlas.
@aerhardt8 күн бұрын
6:50 A restaurant near me had those all throughout the building. Unfortunately, they just demolished that building a few weeks ago. They were hooked up to a really terrible amplifier so they sounded awful. 13:04 I’ve been to a bowling alley from the 60’s that has those in the ceiling. Of course, they have a more modern sound system now but they still have some of the audio coming through these old speakers just to add volume and fill in the gaps. They honestly don’t sound half bad and can be extremely loud.
@CristianOrtiztechmaster9268 күн бұрын
That's cool that you spotted the old Lowell speaker grill at the bowling alley and they are still in use. As far as the MG speaker there are soo many different company's that use the same plastic grill with their own speaker drivers. The plastic grill was originally made by Lowell back then. I could only imagine the horrible sound produced by that amplifier but now its put out of it's misery.
@neohistoryfan10146 күн бұрын
@@CristianOrtiztechmaster926 I have seen square versions of those plastic grilles at many old schools in Akron my former high school has these in the cafeteria; I've also seen these at an elementary school in a small town west of Akron, and some at Kent State University