Thank you for the information. The biggest question I have is that after purchase will I be able to stay in the apartment or any other real estate purchase for an extended time or is the time limited to three months? I'm not enamored with apartment living. A smallish two bedroom house will be to my liking.
@johnmarshall39934 жыл бұрын
My wife and I would like visit for a couple of weeks first to check out the area, recommendations for a resort or B& B to stay. Next if we like it, are there short term rentals available for 3-6 months ? please advise - Thank you
@terryparish7133 Жыл бұрын
Coming soon would like more information I do have what's app
@deanplaia91664 жыл бұрын
Liz Laroquette: If you have any 3 beds or 2 beds, w a POOL, Send the postpandemics price, AND the previous appraised price. If any are for rent, I might rent it for MORE THAN ONE YEAR...
@BigJProductions5 жыл бұрын
No sales BS. Is there really "alot" of young families there? I will be royally pissed off if I get there and find nothing but coffin-dodgers.
@LivinMT4 жыл бұрын
go there and rent for 6 months before you buy anything. There is some charm but there are many buts...