Thank you for the great interview and your excellent input! Thank you for coming to Hiroshima. My father had trained to fight with enemy with bamboo spear when he was an elementary school students and my mother experienced the evacuation from Korea. Soon after that the war ended. He had chased by machine gun fire from airplanes and had to run away and my mother said her family shared rotten potatoes with each other every day. I was told from a young age that not a grain of rice should be left behind since there are many people who cannot afford to eat in the world so we should really appreciate for food and farmers, when I was kid. Every year, my family went to visit the cenotaph where the Fukuoka air raid took place on the tragic day. The number of people who experienced the war has decreased over the years. I hope that we can create a peace where our loved ones can be happy and normal, not to hate anyone or to justify our own country. And that no one has the right to take that peace away from us, and that peace cannot be achieved without effort. I believe that Japan has made efforts to make people learn this at school, at home, and from the war memorials. I hope that Japan will continue to be a country that continues to deliver the message of peace. 広島に来てくれてありがとうございます。 父は学徒出陣を経験し竹槍の訓練を受けました。母は朝鮮引き上げを経験しました。父は飛行機の機銃に追われて走って逃げたそうです。母は腐った芋を家族で分け合って食べる毎日だったそうです。世界にはご飯を食べられない人もいるのだからお米を一粒も残してはならないと小さな頃から言われて育ちました。 福岡空襲のあった慰霊碑に毎年、その日にお参りに家族で行きました。戦争経験者は何年減っています。誰かを恨むためではなく、自国の正当性を主張するためではなく大切な人が普通に幸せになれる平和を作れます様に。そして誰にもその平和を奪う権利はないし努力なしに平和は実現しないのだと。学校でも家庭でも、戦争慰霊碑からも学ばせようと日本は努力してきたのだと思っています。これからも平和のメッセージを配信し続ける国であって欲しいです。 素晴らしいインタビューを素晴らしいご意見をありがとうございました!