Interview with the Vampire Potential Race Problem

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5 күн бұрын

So Interview with the Vampire is coming back for a Season 3, but no more interview. Instead it’s focusing on The Vampire Lestat. Could this present a potential problem? This is a video I made two weeks ago and reposting here. Let me know what you all think.

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@sbsitter 4 күн бұрын
The head writer has said that Louis will be prominent in Season 3. Anne Rice once said that she should have written Louis more into the narrative and the writers seem to recognize his importance.
@donny1960 11 сағат бұрын
Louis was always prominent in the second book. A lot of the book is Lestat's past. Of course, Louis was not in that part. But the climax of the book is when they reunite. The narration by Lestat when he sees Louis approaching is the best declaration of love I have seen in a book. So, the writers do not need inspiration from Anne. They have her exact words to work with. The last episode will give a precursor to Louis importance to Lestat.
@patriciablopez 4 күн бұрын
The writers said that Louis will be prominent on S3
@shadowseer07 4 күн бұрын
Jacob and Sam are co-leads, the show runner has said he wanted to make a show about a romance. Iwtv was in two parts, and that part of the story is done. In the season 3 announcement Louis is listed as a major player. I don’t think we have ANYTHING to worry about. There’s no part of vc where these characters are replaced, QotD is about ALL the characters in third person pov.
@AB-fx7tg 4 күн бұрын
I think the foundation of this show is built on Jacob and Sam's chemistry (like you said), so what would make the show work in the long run is if Louis and Lestat stay the main leads of this show, like they've been since season 1.
@haylie5828 4 күн бұрын
yeah the writers already edited the source material to make it so Lestat/Sam was more in season 2 than he actually was in the books BECAUSE of how compelling Sam & Jacob’s chemistry is on & off screen!! so i have hope!! it’s just a matter of execution now 🧐
@Nova-wi2bv 4 күн бұрын
Relax. They’re not going to “replace” Louis. Just like they found a way to use Lestat more in season 2 (even though he was barely in the second half of the book) they will find a way to make Louis more prominent when adapting the second book. They’ve been doing a pretty good job so far, I’m sure that won’t change when do season 3.
@801baby 4 күн бұрын
The showrunner already said Jacob Anderson will be prominent. He said Jacob is the kind of actor who you will want to write 8+ seasons for. He said that Loustat are the heart of the series. No one’s getting replaced. Louis is the most important character to Lestat, so you know Louis would never and could never be sidelined. This show does not do book to screen 100% whatsoever. This show and the people behind it have always been conscious of race and they value the character of Louis UNLIKE Anne Rice. He’s in good hands!
@BradLad56 4 күн бұрын
Could never be sidelined? It happened in the books.......
@801baby 4 күн бұрын
@@BradLad56 Did you not see what the person in charge of the show has said since the beginning of the show? He has stated that LOUIS and Lestat are the center of the show. That the show is being built around THEM. It doesn’t matter what happens in the books in regard to a lot of things. Was Louis black in the books? No. Louis and Lestat’s relationship in the book was subtextual, yet in the show their queerness and romance of their relationship is loud and proud (as it should be). Was Claudia black? No. Was she 14? No. Was Armand a grown POC turned into a vampire? No, he was a Russian redheaded teenager. Did Louis “kill” Lestat in the books? No, that was Claudia. And let’s not get started on the major changes done to Daniel’s character in the show. Stop acting like it’s so impossible for Louis to continue to be a major character in the story going forward when the SHOW took his character to a whole new level of complexities that he DID NOT HAVE in the books!
@BradLad56 4 күн бұрын
@@801baby why should it? What's so important about making it loud and proud?
@801baby 4 күн бұрын
@@BradLad56 is that your response to me telling you why you shouldn’t worry about Louis being sidelined? Seriously? Everything went right over your head. Let’s go with your version then. Because Louis was sidelined in the books, he will be in the show. Yup. The show is 100% loyal to the books in every single way. Zero changes! Fuck what the showrunner said about writing for Jacob Anderson! 💀
@BradLad56 4 күн бұрын
@@801baby also why can't the characters be represented as they are in the books? If they wanted to add 'diversity' (not that the story needed it), they could have just created new characters instead of lazily race swapping book characters to tick that box. It really pisses me off that every group seems to be able to have homogeneous stories but when it comes to cacausian characters, it's oh there needs to be more black people or Asian people. Why is it so wrong for there to be just white characters in a story now? Actually no, there's nothing with it, it's just prats like you who think there is..
@tnays17 4 күн бұрын
For the love of all that is The Vampire Lestat please let Amc get a budget so season 3 can have 15 episodes and not 10
@niyah7139 3 күн бұрын
I don't understand this talking point Lestat was also the main character in season 1. But when it came to season 2 he was barely there so I don't understand what's your point 🤔🤔
@mieroth 3 күн бұрын
Yes Lestat had significantly less screen-time in season 2, just as Louis will have in season 3 since a portion of that will be spent on Lestat's backstory (where Armand plays a major role). But their relationship is the core of the story and they are co-leads, so once we move back into the present storyline then both Louis and Lestat are going to be featured prominently, it'd be quite easy for them to adapt the books in such a way as to make that possible by giving Louis the role some other people have in the books. And the show-runners have been clear that Louis is going to remain a lead moving forward. He simply won't be as present in season 3 as we dive into Lestat's backstory more, but that's to be expected. We'll see Louis in present-day even in season 3 though where he'll play a prominent role!
@niyah7139 3 күн бұрын
@@mieroth well that decision makes the most sense like they're co-leads but they should be able to carry a season on their own. Season 2 was amazing and Louis carried it.
@makeminemonsters 4 күн бұрын
I know a lot of the fandom discourse around Louis in the later books is that he fades into the background, but I'm tentatively hopeful for S3 (and S4 if we get it) keeping him centered in the story. My take on the canon is that while Louis doesn't have a lot of page-time in The Vampire Lestat, Queen of the Damned, or Tale of the Body Thief, his part of the books is still really *important.* You can't tell the story properly without him. And Rollin has said he doesn't want to lose Jacob as part of the cast, so I think/hope that while Louis might not be able to feature in a lot of the flashback material in S2 that deals with Lestat's life pre-Louis and post-Paris, he'll still be a weekly, important presence in the modern day "Great Conversion" storyline. I think the creative team would be making a HUGE mistake if they sidelined Louis and Armand; S2, E5 is (in my opinion) the best episode of this season and Lestat is barely in it, Jacob and Assad are amazing, amazing actors.
@HLeeTV1 3 күн бұрын
There's no potential problem because the next season will pull from the vampire Lestat book where Lestat forms a rock band and they could make band members people of color, also they could also go into Queen of the Damned and introduce Enkil and Akasha who were both ppl of color from Kemet which became Egypt
@petboy5839 3 күн бұрын
@@HLeeTV1 Stop saying people of color. White is a color. Or if you want to get technical both white and black are shades. People of color sounds racist
@BusketRVA Күн бұрын
After watching that AMAZING season finale I feel confident that Jacob Anderson will definitely be back in season 3 (or season 1 if they call it The Vampire Lestat) Now he won't be the main focus as this will be from Lestats POV with quite a few episodes devoted to Lestats origins and Nicky and Gabrielle and Magnus and all that. But I can see them doing the present day story with Lestat doing his band to help protect Louis and maybe Louis going on tour with him....regardless I know he will be in there and Im damn excited😊
@PerfectlyImperfect93 3 күн бұрын
They’re gonna promote the hell out of s3 watch. Didn’t happen with the 3 POC leads this season though. Gonna piss me off so bad.
@gpmack48 3 күн бұрын
There are a lot of other characters in the books who are POC. Armand IS a main character as he appears in most of the books. You say Lestat is the protagonist in ALL of the books but that is not entirely true. David Talbot takes over and writes several of the books, Pandora, Armand, Merrick & Vittorio (an Italian vampire from Florence Italy ) all have their own books. Quinn Blackwood is the protagonist in Blackwood Farm. Lestat is in that book, but it features Quinn, and other vampires, including a black vampire named Arion from Pompeiian times. Pandora is Greek, the red haired twins are Persian, Akasha & Enkil are from Kemet (ancient Egypt), so they ain’t white either. The Vampire Chronicles features an ensemble cast of varied characters (and varied racial backgrounds) from different points throughout history.
@juanita-dark 4 күн бұрын
My problem is that they only seem to be getting ready to adequately promote the show leading up to TVL. Suddenly AMC can put the show on Netflix ahead of the season airing. And start getting interviews into mainstream publications. For the last two seasons they've aired the show after the Emmys deadline meaning the actors can't be considered for that years Emmy awards. I'm waiting to see if they do the same when TVL airs. If they suddenly move the airing dates so they're eligible for nomination the jig wil l be up and it will be giving racebait and switch. The cast and crew for S1 and 2 did stellar work and more than deserve award consideration. I will be waiting. I'm also concerned about Akasha's casting and story treatment, so that's another thing I'm waiting on.
@haylie5828 4 күн бұрын
@lkeke35 4 күн бұрын
I'm not having this worry. Only people who didnt read the books are worried about this. There are plenty of characters who were or can be changed to PoC. Now for sure Lestat is French and his background is mostly white, but remember, there are a bunch of people he has met in his existence that do not have to be European at all, like his maker And remember that vampirism started in ancient Egypt, so the Mother and the Father are going to be PoC of some kind. And they have already introduced Raglan James from the Talamasca who plays a huge part in The Tale of the Body Thief, which means that if Raglan exists, then David, the head of the Talamasca also exists, and David can be any race! I personally hope they add more Asians and at least some Latinos to the show. Bring in everybody. Vampirism is global in the books!
@Hellsing7747 3 күн бұрын
Latino,African,Native and so forth and so on, as you said "vampirism is global"
@noa_is_unavailable 4 күн бұрын
i saw a hollywood reporter interview with sam that implied that claudia could be haunting a guilt and shame-ridden lestat in a similar way that louis hallucinated lestat. but it also depends where the timeline is for season three, as they could have the vampire lestat and queen of the damned storylines happening in an interview for lestat.
@lkeke35 4 күн бұрын
Yes, if we're getting Lestat's backstory, then they would definitely bring in some lements of his maker and the Queen of the Damned storyline.
@petboy5839 4 күн бұрын
Hopefully it's not a way to permanently bring Claudia back. They already did the ghost thing with Lestat already. I know in the books she came back briefly. I would hate to see another vampire diaries in the making where no one stays properly dead
@Leomerya12 4 күн бұрын
You're freaking out prematurely. I think the show wanted to make a great show. Period. The fact that Jacob is transcendent wasn't something they were thinking about as they wrote the script. The fact that Sam and Asaad are absolute monsters of their craft wasn't something the writers/creators banked on either. They got lucky with the cast; what they do with that luck, we'll see, but I HIGHLY doubt you'd discard these people for unknown variables. When Rice wrote the books, she could leave Louis out; he was limited in the scope of her own imagination. If she saw him now as she wrote the books, he'd be MUCH more prevalent.
@donny1960 Күн бұрын
The first two seasons was based on the first book. Louis was the main character. Lestat was not in most of the book. He was not written into the Paris part at all. So, Louis was front and center in the book. Much more than Lestat. You seem confused or misinformed on the book. The whole book was a narration by Louis.
@Justahobby09 4 күн бұрын
SPOILER but NOT if you watched/read Queen of the Damned: I could see that definitely being a problem of Louie becoming a background character optically. However, if we are going to switch to Lestat that means we are going to get Akasha. I hope with Aaliyah setting the precedent of a black woman playing her that it will either be repeated OR a noticeable brown woman plays her. Also there are some other character that I can think of in that section of the story that can be swapped to black/brown characters as well since the story is in Iraq/Egypt.
@lkeke35 4 күн бұрын
This! Vampirism started in Egypt, so Akasha and Enkil are probably going to be PoC. Hopefully, we will get to meet the head of the Talamasca (David) since we already met one of the main characters from The Body Thief, (Raglan James.) and David can be any race but will make sense for him to be Black (or mixed race) since he has a Southern background like Louis! If we get into Lestat's backstory, there's nothing to say that Marius has to be white simply because he is an Ancient Roman. But I'm not especially worried about the showrunners or the show becoming too white. They have shown excellent abilities at choosing actors for this show ,and they know their strong point is having PoC on the show. He's worried because he has not read any of the books.
@haylie5828 4 күн бұрын
as we get more into there’s hope with the characters of Jesse & Maheret & Mekare as they are both of general Palestinian decent!! so there will be more PoC sprinkled in throughout but yeah it won’t hit the same without Louis as the main lead (though as people are saying the writers will for sure be editing to make him more involved) and without Claudia as well 😞 (though she MIGHT 👀 come back as a ghost/dream claudia to haunt lestat!!!!)
@psychedelicpegasus7587 4 күн бұрын
​@@lkeke35 David Talbot is an elderly English gentleman. Why do you think he has a Southern background? I've searched online and I can't remember this detail from the books.
@petboy5839 4 күн бұрын
It's not Rolin Jones fault. Anne Rice did ditch Louis for Lestat. I don't know if I'll be watching but Louis will play a major role in the series
@donny1960 Күн бұрын
She did not "ditch" Louis. But she put focus on Lestat from 2nd book on. But Louis was always there. He and Lestat's relationship was always part of the subtext. And sometimes was a major plot point in the later books.
@bluboy4ver2 4 күн бұрын
Louis is present for a vast majority of what happens in TVC with the exception of events that happened prior to him meeting Lestat or prior to even Lestat being made. Based on the description for season 3 they will tell everything contrasting with the present and past again. We might be seeing Lestat switch to narrator but I don’t think that will necessarily sideline Louis from being a co lead with him.
@brenellhornsby6566 4 күн бұрын
I really appreciate your perspective because this production has really brought people into the mix in ways they are unaware of. I have noted closeted and youthful WS, WS-in-the-making, hopeful liberals, and black folk who are downright ignorant of the shared history, chiming in with no idea they have been identifying themselves in a very precise manner. The only thing we can all hope for is that, at this late date in human evolution, we can all be honest enough about our own intentions and mindsets to allow for significant growth because without that, many are going to be left behind and the consequences will NOT be pretty.
@lordfarquaad8267 4 күн бұрын
They’re going to change it, I’m sure. They can always have Lestat & Louis reunite. Sam Reid may have a primary focus for a bit, but there are so many other characters we need to encounter- Marius, Pandora, Maharet, Akasha obvs (rip Aaliyah). And it’s way different already. In the books Armand turns Daniel & we know that’s not happening. Let’s see what they do.
@BoyTheBlack 4 күн бұрын
but, so many of us who hadn't read the books simply don't care..i for one only watched because of Jacob Anderson being like the only black vampire who is the star of the show...i am just not into all this vampire lore...if his character is gone, which is the focus of the current show, i simply will not be watching, period...i am not an Anne Rice fan...I have listened to many podcasts about the books, and the shyt is absolutely ridiculous...much like the Mayfair Witches and it was so stupid with nothing but incest, yuck...and sucking and drinking breast milk, yuck...(and, i did listen to all 3 novels because it was free)...and i didn't even watch not one episode cause i knew i wouldn't like it based on what i know about the novels, and guess what, i was right, it's trash...
@yvettelang1961 3 күн бұрын
​@@BoyTheBlackso all you watch are shows with a black main character?
@BoyTheBlack 3 күн бұрын
@yvettelang1961 yes!...and do you have with that?...
@donny1960 Күн бұрын
People who have not read the books should be careful what they say. Louis and Lestat are together in the second book. They reunite after the history of a young Lestat is told. Louis and Lestat are forever connected. Most of the later books have both Louis and Lestat in them.
@shadowseer07 4 күн бұрын
The problem was ever seeing the story as all about Louis, when it was never that. If anything the show is setting it as being about Louis, Armand, and Lestat, and how Claudia was the catalyst for all three of them going forward.
@seanjames1600 4 күн бұрын
how is that?...
@yvettelang1961 3 күн бұрын
​@@seanjames1600 No one wanted her around. Armand and Lestat didn't like that Claudia was important to him. They wanted Louis all to themselves.
@sakurapablo671 20 сағат бұрын
No offense, reason why I love Jacob within this show with Sam Reid, is how the actors and actresses have very good chemistry to make the show work. Which is one of the reason why it makes the show works, cause if you have people, who plays the leads that work well with one another, then you got something working. If you don’t, then it’s like the movie version with Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt that everything falls apart. And it’s hard to have people to work well within the show, without one of them being sh**y for the rest of the show. But all in all, this show works, for some odd reason and I’ve just finished reading the main book already, and they are following the first book, not in word for word, which there are good changes, but there are some lines and words that IS pulled from the book, and the changes to make the setting feel real within the early 1910 setting. Since the story does take place in late 1700’s/early 1800’s Louisiana within the book, the changes has to be done to set it almost to our modern times. But this is just from what I remember from bit of the books, since I’m reading the second one and read the first and third book of the vampire chronicles. Don’t ask me why I’m not reading it in order, I like going out of sync with most of the books, since I got into it late in life and before Anne Rice passing with the last book that is co-written with her son.
@ajwalker4416 4 күн бұрын
I don't have any horse in this race but good to see you speaking up about it.
@elleinthea1678 Күн бұрын
I think you really like Louis… understandable but there are so many other characters in the world that we will get to know. I love the way this is going and how they are adapting this story. Looking forward to falling in love with other characters and actors
@timrush9779 3 күн бұрын
They're going to have to integrate Louis because he's the star. Its like True Blood - Vampire Bill is really only in the first one or two books, and really became a side character or disappeared completely. They will fix this.
@chakryand 3 күн бұрын
Even if Louis isn’t prominent in S3 they would likely make other characters diverse.
@dominiquedevereux7205 3 күн бұрын
I ain't worried. For (1.) Louis done pissed me off so much with his lies for the 1st two seasons that I don't wanna look at his "can't live without a man or take accountability a$$" for a good season til I simmer down. ESPECIALLY seeing Claudia perish in Episode 7 because of ALL his 🐃💩 for 15 episodes? Naw. He can take an extended 7/8 episode hiatus for season 3 for all I care 😑💅🏾. (2.) Whether Louis is black, white, or whatever other race they had decided to cast him as, if they're at least loosely sticking to the plot of the books 📚, he wouldn't be present in season 3 regardless cuz his character isn't in the book "The Vampire Lestat 📖." That has nothing to do with r@ce. If he ain't in that story, then he just ain't in that story 🤷🏾‍♂️. Everytime a black character is omitted, it can't always be chalked up to "white-washing," if they were originally part of the storyline. I mean, as much as we love Claudia, if she don't make anymore appearances in any of the following seasons except as a brief 2 minute cameo as a ghost, then we can't get mad cuz that's the only time she came back in ANY form in the books. So, if Louis doesn't show up again til QOTD, then that's how it's supposed to be. Yes --- the writers can take liberties & write him an any season they want to suit their purposes, but if they don't insert him other than where the books dictate, I'm fine with that. Sam Reid can carry any season with any co-stars he's put with, so as long as HE'S in every season --- given he's THE main protagonists of the VC 📚 as a WHOLE --- I'll be happy.
@seanjames1600 2 күн бұрын
well let me guess, you just wish you could have been alexis, but you settled for dominque?...
@dominiquedevereux7205 2 күн бұрын
@@seanjames1600 🤣 --- Uh, NO 🤨☝🏾! Unlike Alexis 👩‍🦱, I don't take pride in serving my guest "burnt" champagne 🍾🥂 . Nor would I take pleasure in letting my ex-husband & his new wife know that I am still hung up over him, even if that's how I did feel. I would do like Dominique 💃🏾 & make HIM pine over me & regret his decision to try to replace me --- which is IMPOSSIBLE!
@seanjames1600 2 күн бұрын
@@dominiquedevereux7205 that went over your
@dominiquedevereux7205 2 күн бұрын
@@seanjames1600 No. I knew what you were getting at. I just CHOSE 2 spin it in another direction.
@pamelaboily4753 3 күн бұрын
I have faith in the show writers to include Louis and Armand in season 3 and so should you! Please put trust in Rolin Jones because he’s doing a stand up job and there’s a part of this fandom that are nothing but hate because of the poc characters and the gay inclusion try to be that positive fan i know you are
@monikalacko4464 4 күн бұрын
not a problem - first of all: if the changed Louis and Armand races, they can do it with other future vampires. second of all - 3 season will be a mix of vampire lestat and queen of the damned, so Louis, Armand and Daniel should still be there :D
@AB-fx7tg 4 күн бұрын
How do we know that season 3 will be a mixture of QOTD and TVL? Was that said in the statement? I’m just asking because I didn’t see that. I do remember that back in season 1 press, Rolin said he plotted the show out to be: Season 1: IWTV Season 2: part 2 Season 3: TVL Season 4: QOTD Season 5: part 2 Season 6: tale of the body thief But he could have changed his mind.
@monikalacko4464 4 күн бұрын
@@AB-fx7tg yeah but season 2 is a mix of IWTV and VL (lestat theater origin) with a little Vampire Arman book sprinkles. Lestat is going on tour so it has to be QOTD, at least the early part. plus looking at new characted additions in season 3 it also hints a mix of VL and QOTD. Plus Louis is said to be present thought the season 3 and the only thing that was left for his character to to do that is not repetition of season 1-2- is reconcile with lestat (which is QOTD). i recon we will get the lestat wolfkiller pre-paris years and Marius story arc from VL. I recon this Season 3 will end with vampires having red-haired twins visions, Akashas awakening and beginning f vampire genocide (just the start of QOTD).
@whatadollslife Күн бұрын
Armand is in most of the other books very strongly ...we also have the Black Mother/Goddess beautiful Akasha Queen of the Damned and her king who is Black .....some of the Talamasca actors can be changed for Black actors and they are very important ........Louis will still be a part of the story some of Lestat's future and Lestat interacts with humans more ..................... the sexy actor Tongayi Chirisa is in the Witches /Talamasca crossover already
@mcgregor8854 4 күн бұрын
You still have Queen Akasha coming up om the Vampire Lestat, Aaliyah played that role and she might be the main character in the new season.
@cherrellcampbell-street9500 3 күн бұрын
It is important to actually READ the books. Anne's books were not about race relations. The writers of the series have taken a lot of creative liberties, with the blessing of the Rice family. For example, in the book Lestat and Louie were not lovers in the way that is being portrayed. Ofcourse there are Nuances that suggested a more amorous relationship but Lestat would do anything to get what he wanted. He made his own mother a vampire. Lestat chose Louie because he wanted Louie's money and mansion. Claudia was made at five years old, not fourteen and it was Lestat's idea to do so, not Louie's. The series is more about navigating the "dark gift" and all that it brings to the lives of those given it. As a black woman, I love the diversity of the television series and hope it will continue but it is a VERY lose interpretation of the books, so I don't think there is anything to fear in regards to losing a fan base, especially if you don't expect it to follow the books.
@donny1960 Күн бұрын
Well, you obviously did NOT read the second book. All the things you listed as the motivation of Lestat in the first book were undone by Anne in the second. There is a whole chapter where Lestat explains how Louis, "misinterprets" all his actions. Anne wrote a "reset" for Lestat. Anne on many occasions said the Lestat and Louis were a same sex couple. They were lovers according to Anne. I think she would know. Also, Anne pitched this show to AMC. She was very involved at the beginning. Had an outline for the whole series. She first signed a contract with Paramount. But they wanted changes she would not agree too. So brought it to AMC. So, this story is Anne's. She liked to shake things up. Like changing Lestat to the "good guy". She was able to have more freedom to tell her story as she wanted.
@michaellamarsimeon9373 12 сағат бұрын
Actually it’s not. This isn’t the books. It’s a show and an adaptation that has taken extreme liberties with the source material. The books and the show are nothing a like. Same skeleton but completely different organs.
@donny1960 11 сағат бұрын
@@michaellamarsimeon9373 Not true at all. The themes are exactly the same. There is a time shift and a racial angle. But the story is exactly the same.
@michaellamarsimeon9373 11 сағат бұрын
@@donny1960 But because there are differences, Daniel is older is another example, it’s still different from the books. People don’t HAVE to read the book to enjoy the show. And if by your statement they are exactly the same, then a person doesn’t have to read the books if they’re the same. Let ppl enjoy the show and if they want to eventually read the books they can or if they don’t they don’t have to do that either.
@donny1960 10 сағат бұрын
@@michaellamarsimeon9373 It is obvious that there were some changes. I noted two. If you are not going to read my comment. Do not reply. Also, this is not a debate about reading the books. I never said anyone should read the books or not. All I said was that the series is way closer to the book than, "Is completely different". Aspects of the storytelling are different. The story is the same.
@Homoesper 23 сағат бұрын
I'm sure Rolin Jones has thought it out. He'll likely race swap more major characters and keep the show's progressive vibe.
@Watchoutforwerewolves 4 күн бұрын
This was exactly my thinking
@user-cv3ke7so8e 2 күн бұрын
I bet season three will be "more popular" and promote more, seeing how the main character will be a terrible version of my Lestat, who is white. I hope we see more of Louis and Armand, though (but then again, I won't watch it because I dislike this version of Lestat). They were the reasons I watched season two.
@angelaholmes8888 4 күн бұрын
Actually Louis is the main character in two books in the series interview with the vampire and merrick book 7 in the series lestat is in 10 books
@lilian7579 3 күн бұрын
I dont care what they do. keep jacob anderson on my screen, I love everybody else but louis is my mc my baby idc
@Hellsing7747 3 күн бұрын
I 100% agree with you.
@jacobneale5844 4 күн бұрын
@yvettelang1961 3 күн бұрын
You have no idea what you are talking, not having read the books. Color has little to do with the story, unless people like you make it a problem.
@BradLad56 4 күн бұрын
Oh please, sometimes actors get replaced as main characters. It doesn't matter what their skin colour is.
@seanjames1600 4 күн бұрын
hmmm, you don't understand what it feels like to be "never seen" ....
@shippendales8543 4 күн бұрын
He isnt even getting replaced from the statements of the showrunner Lois will remain important
@BradLad56 4 күн бұрын
@@seanjames1600 Nobody has to see you if they don't want to. Nobody has an obligation to you or anyone else just because you want to be seen you raving narcissist. Oh btw, I'm disabled and I don't see a whole lot of disabled characters but I don't give a crap about that because I've never needed fiction to validate my existence, unlike you you insecure little man.
@yvettelang1961 3 күн бұрын
​@@seanjames1600 Black people are seen just not taken seriously. And what does it matter it is a great story.
@seanjames1600 2 күн бұрын
@@yvettelang1961 did you just say black people are not taken seriously?...
@sammom8599 3 күн бұрын
Are you kidding me with this concern? You need to read the books also.
@OAlexable 3 күн бұрын
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